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<center>'''If you scream in a Space Hulk but only the Blind Horror hears, do you make a sound?'''</center>
<center>'''If you scream in a Space Hulk but only the Blind Horror hears, do you make a sound?'''</center>

<center> The Killer of the Maze is a fan-made boardgame set in the Warhammer 40K universe which depicts the desperate attempt of an imperial group to retrieve a lost imperial beacon while hunted down by a horrifying Tyranid biomorph. </center>
<center> The Killer of the Maze is a fan-made boardgame for 2 to 7 players, set in the Warhammer 40K universe which depicts the desperate attempt of an imperial group to retrieve a lost imperial beacon while hunted down by a horrifying Tyranid biomorph. </center>

==Basic Rules==
==Basic Rules==
===The Teams===
===The Turn===
Each game turn is comprised of the following phases in this order:
:'''-Imperial Action phase:''' the imperial player takes action (new tiles are placed and removed following the rules below).
:'''-Tyranid Action phase:''' the Tyranid player takes action.
:'''-Tyranid Assault phase:''' the Tyranid player assaults.
The game proceeds until either all imperial models are dead or at least one of them moves onto the ''Shuttle'' tile while in possession of the '''Beacon'''.
====Imperial Action phase====
The Imperial Action phase is divided into two sub-phases in the following order: the Movement sub-phase and the Activity sub-phase. Each model can perform no more than two actions during the entire Imperial Action phase. You can only go onto the Activity sub-phase when all the models you wished to move have done so.
Here below are noted the different actions that can be made in each sub-phase.
*'''Movement sub-phase:''' Resolve all actions for one model before moving to the next.
::'''-Move:''' the model moves 1 tile in any of the available directions.
::'''-Advance:''' the model moves 3 tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire, or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses during the phase and it may not use this action twice a phase. In addition, a model may not change the direction of his advance unless blocked by a locked door or a tile he can't access.
::A Space Hulk is a dangerous place, always shifting and collapsing into a newer maze; because of this, every time a model moves by one tile (either by moving or advancing), new tiles must be placed. When moving a model, a player must assume that all members of the imperial team are able to see a number of tiles in every direction equal to the Sight Distance characteristic in their profile. Tiles are removed by the Tyranid player at the end of the turn; tiles must be removed when they cannot be seen by any imperial model anymore if they'd moved by 3 tiles in their direction; once removed, the tile must be put on the side (If the Blind Horror is on a tile that is discarded, it is returned to the Shadows). If a model moves onto a tile and there are fewer tiles attached to it than its Access Corriodors characteristic, add the number of tiles so that every Access Corridor is connected, drawing for each passage individually. Do not place Tiles that a model does not have line of sight to; a model does not have line of sight to a tile if it cannot see it in a straight line (ex. it is blocked by a locked door or behind a turn). If a tile cannot be placed because the Access Corridor is blocked by another tile (ex. in a sharp bent), that Access Corridor is considered closed and models cannot move through it.
::Once an imperial model takes hold of the Beacon, take all cards that were put on the side and shuffle them back into the deck. All subsequently removed tiles are again put on the side.
::In the dangerous bowels of a Space Hulk, it's entirely possible for the team of explorers to find itself separated; this happens when two or more groups of models find themselves cut away from the rest because of a cave-in or if they are beyond their Sight Distance characteristic from each other. When this happens, the imperial party is split into different parties, and the one with the least amount of members is considered '''Lost''' (if several groups have the same amount of models then all are considered '''Lost''') and the models that are part of it lose 1 morale point, 3 if they are the only model of the group. One model is no longer '''Lost''' as soon as it rejoins with the bigger party or is killed off.
*'''Activity sub-phase:''' Resolve all actions for one model before moving to the next.
::'''-Fire:''' the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror if it's visible and within the weapon's range (measured in tiles) and can fire any number of shots between the minimum and maximum number that weapon can fire and as long as it doesn't exceed the remaining number of shots). An unmodified hit roll of 6 is always successful.
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::'''Weapon List'''
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! Weapon !! Range !! To Wound !! AP !! Damage !! Minimum Number of Shots !! Maximum Number of Shots !! Shots per recharge !! Carry Restrictions !! Ammunition Used !! Notes
|'''Boltgun''' || 3 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 8 || None || Bolter Ammo || -
|'''Flamer''' || 1 || 5+ || 0 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || None || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Frag Grenade''' || 2 || 6+ || 0 || 1 || 1 || 1 || - || None || - || Make 2D6 hit rolls when using this weapon. If the '''Blind Horror''' suffers at least one wound from this weapon's attacks, it must immediately return to the Shadows (in case of an Assault move, it immediately fails). This Weapon uses an Equipment slot instead of a Weapon slot.
|'''Heavy Flamer''' || 1 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || {{W40kKeyword|Terminator}} Only || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Heavy Stubber''' || 5 || 5+ || 0 || 1 || 3 || 6 || 12 || {{W40kKeyword|Wepons Expert}} or {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} Only || Heavy Stubber Ammo || Friendly models may re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the duration of the imperial Action phase if this weapon has made at least 4 successful hits during that phase. If the bearer of this weapon also has a '''Servo Skull''', then change the Ap characteristic of this weapon from 0 to -1.
|'''Hot-shot Lasgun''' || 2 || 5+ || -2 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 6 || None || Hot-shot Ammo || -
|'''Hot-shot Volleygun''' || 3 || 5+ || -2 || 2 || 2 || 4 || 6 || None || Hot-shot Ammo || If the bearer of this weapon did not move during this Action phase, add 1 to this weapon's hit rolls (including overwatch).
|'''Shotgun''' || 3/2/1 || 6+/5+/4+ || 0 || 1/1/2 || 1 || 2 || 4 || None || Shotgun Ammo || When firing overwatch, use the distance the Blind Horror began its Assault from to determine this weapon's profile.
|'''Storm Bolter''' || 3 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 8 || {{W40kKeyword|Terminator}} Only || Bolter Ammo || When firing the maximum amount of shots possible, on a wound roll of 6, change the Damage characteristic of that shot to 2.
::'''-Break Down Door:''' this action counts as two for the purpose of the maximum number of actions doable in a turn. This action may only be performed by a {{W40kKeyword|Terminator}} if he's on a tile with a Locked Door; remove the Locked Door.
::'''-Light Vent:''' a model with a Heavy Flamer or Flamer may expend D6 shots from its weapon to light up one Vent opening on the tile it is on. An opening that has been lighted up can't be used by the Blind Horror to enter or exit the board or perform a ''Spiked Tail Attack''. A Vent remains lit up for two game turns.
::'''-Use Equipment:''' the model can use one Equipment in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
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::'''Equipment List'''
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::*'''Beacon:''' ''Throughout the entirety of the mission preparation, nobody ever explained to the team why the beacon was so important. They said it was important. Very important. They sent letters saying so, held meetings where very important people shouted at the team of its importance, an inquisitor was also spotted at one point which means it’s especially important... but never once was it explained why. This is of little importance, however, as the team will not live to tell anyone of the beacon if they do not return to their ship with it, making it more valuable to them than a planet's worth of wealth.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' None. This item takes up 2 Equipment slots.
:::'''Uses:''' Always Active
:::'''Effect:''' The bearer of this item may not Advance. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn while this item is carried by a model; on a 4+ each model in that model's party gains a Morale point.
::*'''Enhanced Cogitator Scanner:''' ''A device that connects to a space marines helmet and integrates with their visor to provide enhanced vision by forming together fragments the user may not be able to process on their own. Such devices a hugely valuable, and are used by scouts to examine enemy positions from safe locations, but require the user's full attention to use effectively.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} only
:::'''Uses:''' Unlimited
:::'''Effect:''' When activating the Enhanced Cogitator Scanner, increase the bearer's Sight Distance characteristic by 1. This effect remains active until the model turns the device off, which is done by using an Action in the Action Phase. As long as this item is active, the Space Marine suffers a penalty of 1 to its hit rolls.
::*'''Imperial Crest Pendant:''' ''The faithful require tokens to guide them, and this is such a totem. Although small and unassuming, there is a definite power in this small piece of silver jewelry for the believer to tap into.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only, may not be carried by a model which also has the '''Sacrificial Blade'''.
:::'''Uses:''' Always Active
:::'''Effect:''' Roll a D6 for each Morale Point this model would lose. On a 3+ that model does not lose that Morale Point. In addition, roll a die each time this model would suffer from an Insanity trait; on a 5+ it doesn't suffer that trait.
::*'''Medkit:''' ''A general term for the medical supplies created in the 42nd millennium. Able to treat all manner of injuries, they are vital to the survival (or at least, for prolonging the existence) of your expedition into the bowels of the Space Hulk.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' None
:::'''Uses:''' 1
:::'''Effect:''' Removes 1 wound and one Injury trait from one model on the same tile as the one using the Medkit.
::*'''Melta Charge:''' ''For as long as there has been an advanced, galaxy exploring humanity there have been melta charges. Their ability to instantly hear their surrounding area by thousands of degrees makes them indispensable to everything from cutting access tunnels in the rock, to melting the rear armor of a land raider to slag. For your party, they are the key to their escape from dangerous situations, by allowing them to plow ahead through obstacles, or attempt to blast any creature which might be attempting to follow them.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' None
:::'''Uses:''' 1
:::'''Effect:''' A Melta Charge can be placed on a Tile presenting a Locked Door. At the start of the next imperial Action phase, the Melta Charge detonates in a controlled manner, melting away the door. Remove the Locked Door.
::*'''Ration Pack:''' ''Although made of who knows what and considered to be somewhere between "tasteless" and "unpleasant" even by Space Marines, food is still food, especially when you have none of it.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' None
:::'''Uses:''' 2
:::'''Effect:''' The model that uses a Ration Pack gains 1 Morale Point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 5+ that model heals 1 wound.
::*'''Sacrificial Blade:''' ''A obsidian blade with a wickedly cruel edge. Despite the amount of blood it must have spilled it is perfectly clean as if the blade has been feasting on the flesh it desiccates. It whispers to you as you hold it. “I can give you whatever you want. Do you want power? I can give it to you. Do you want money? I can also give you that. Do you want to leave this place? That is easy. I can give you all of that, and more... for a price. Such a small, insignificant, price...''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only. It may not be carried by a model which also has the '''Imperial Crest Pendant'''.
:::'''Uses:''' Unlimited. To use this item the model must have lost a quarter of its Morale points. If it has lost three-quarters of its Morale points, it automatically uses this item during the Action phase and may not drop this item.
:::'''Effect:''' Every time the user uses this Equipment, it loses 1 Morale point, then roll a D6; on a 3+ the model gains 1 wound. If the bearer has the Psycopath Insanity trait then it may instead inflict 1 wound on another model on the same tile as his, and that model loses 2 Morale points. Then, choose one of the following options:
::::-Until your next Action phase the bearer's armor save is improved by 2.
::::-Select one of the bearer's weapons. That weapon recovers D3 shots.
::::-The next time a Tile is drawn you instead draw 3 Tiles and select one to be placed. Once done, re-shuffle the extra Tiles back in the deck.
::*'''Servo Skull''' ''The revered skulls of the Imperium's most loyal citizens harnessed with a suspension field and a cogitator to perform basic tasks. Although relatively primitive, they are incredibly useful for their sensors and ability to interface with other cogitators.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' None
:::'''Uses:''' 3
:::'''Effect:''' When activating a Servo Skull the bearer can choose one of the following effects:
::::'''-Algorithmic Area Analysis:''' The next time the bearer of the Servo Skull Scavenges, roll an additional dice and you may use that dice in place of either of the two other dice.
::::'''-Early Warning Protocol:''' The next time the model's party makes has to make an Armor save as a consequence of a Spiked Tail Attack, add 2 to the save rolls.
::::'''-Scanning Pulse:''' The next time when a blocked door that is on the same Tile of the model the Servo Skull is removed by a Melta Charge, add two new Tiles in addition to the ones that are now visible in any possible direction.
::*'''Trip Mine''' ''A simple device, nothing more than an explosive charge and a laser sensor, but very effective when dealing with a mindless monstrosity. Unfortunately, the Mine doesn't care who it is activated by, so ensure that you know where your fellow soldiers are when you use it.''
:::'''Carry restrictions:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only.
:::'''Uses:''' 1
:::'''Effect:''' When used, choose a point where two Tiles meet one of which must be the one the model using this Equipment is on; that is where the Trip Mine is placed. From the beginning of the following turn, the mine is active; imperial models can freely traverse the trip mine but the first time the Blind Horror crosses it, it explodes; all models on both tiles which are connected by the Trip Mine take D6 hits which wound on a 4+ with an AP of -2. If any model suffers any Injury, roll 2D6 and pick the highest result. A {{W40kKeyword|Demolition Expert}} may expend an action to pick up an active Trip Mine as long as it's on the same Tile as him. If any imperial model crosses the trip mine as a consequence of the Blind Horror's Assault, the trip mine explodes; resolve the explosion as normal.</div>
::'''-Reload:''' the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 Ammo held by the model and the number of shots available is re-filled but all exceeding shots are discarded (es. the Space Marine has 3 shots remaining in its Boltgun and decides to use its last magazine to recharge the weapon; the magazine is used and the Boltgun now has 8 shots ready, while the 3 that were previously equipped are lost and do not stack up with the other 8). At the beginning of the game, all weapons are considered to have the maximum number of shots possible.
::'''-Scavenge:''' the model may search a tile for an item. Roll a D66 and consult the table below. A tile can't be scavenged more than two times. A Scavenged item can be placed directly into a model's inventory (if able), or onto the tile the item was scavenged from.
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::'''Loot Table'''
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! Number !! Item !! Notes
| 11-13 || Jagged Metal || The scavenging model must immediately pass an armor save or suffer one wound.
| 14-16 || Chaos Sigil || The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
| 21-23 || Hidden Vent || This tile gains 1 Vent opening and the Blind Horror may take an additional action during the following Tyranid Action phase.
| 24-26 || Nothing || -
| 31-33 || Hotshot Magazine || -
| 34-36 || Boltgun Magazine || -
| 41-43 || Heavy Stubber Magazine || -
| 44-46 || Fuel Tank || -
| 51 || Medkit || -
| 52 || Melta Charge || -
| 53 || Ration Pack || -
| 54 || Trip Mine || -
| 55 || Frag Grenade || -
| 56 || Hotshot Lasgun || -
| 61 || Shotgun || -
| 62 || Boltgun || -
| 63 || Heavy Stubber || -
| 64 || Hotshot Volleygun || -
| 65 || Heavy Flamer || -
| 66 || Storm Bolter || -
::'''-Pick Up/Transfer Item:''' the model can pick up any number of items on the same tile he is in as long as it has space for that type of object in his inventory; if the inventory for that type of item is already full then he may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the tile. The model may also give any number of tools, weapons or weapon charges it possesses to another model on the same tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.
====Tyranid Action phase====
During the Tyranid Action phase, the Blind Horror can perform one of the following actions:
:'''-Move:''' the Blind Horror moves 1 tile in any of the available directions. The Blind Horror can't move over any imperial model but it can move out of a tile to exit the board; if it does so, it is removed from play and placed in the Shadows. If the Blind Horror moves away from the Party then it may not assault in the following Tyranid Assault phase.
:'''-Advance:''' the Blind Horror moves 3 tiles in any of the available directions; when doing so, it can move over Imperial models but it may not allocate any damage to them. In addition, it cannot assault during the following Tyranid Assault phase. It may instead move up to 5 tiles but suffers D3 wounds if it does so (this action cannot be taken if the Blind Horror has 3 or fewer wounds).
:'''-Crawl in Vent:''' the Blind Horror can exit out of the board from a tile that has a Vent opening that is not lit up; if it does so, it is removed from play and placed in the Shadows.
:'''-Come from the Shadows:''' if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, it can enter the board from an unlit Vent opening. Place it on the tile with the Vent opening.
:'''-Flee the Barrage:''' if the Blind Horror suffers 5 or more wounds during the Imperial Action phase, then it must perform this action. The Blind Horror moves three tiles towards the nearest unlit Vent opening or black end (and it can even exit the board from them if the movement allows it).
:'''-Retreat to the Nest:''' if the Blind Horror has 5 or fewer remaining wounds, then it must perform this action. The Blind Horror must move towards the nearest Vent opening or black end and use them to retreat to its Nest. When the Blind Horror is in its Nest, it regains D3 wounds at the beginning of every turn, and it may not return on the board until it has 10 or more wounds remaining.
:'''-Spiked Tail Attack:''' if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, you can select one tile with an unlit Vent opening that has at least one model on it. Each model on that tile must make an Armour Save for that model. If the save is passed, the model loses 1 Morale point; if the save is failed, the model doesn't lose a wound but instead loses 2 Morale point and until the end of the next turn suffers from the '''Hallucinations''' Insanity trait.
====Tyranid Assault phase====
During the Tyranid Assault phase, if it's present on the board, the Blind Horror can charge at the imperial models. To do so, the Blind Horror must be up to two Tiles away from the one the targets are on. When charged, a model can fire overwatch, all models on the tile can take part in the action, even those who are on a different tile but can still see the one that is being targeted. When resoling overwatch, every model can fire as if was taking a '''Fire''' Action and assume that the Blind Horror is only 1 tile away from the targeted models as far as weapon ranges are concerned. When making overwatch, a model's BS characteristic becomes 5+, unless the Blind Horror began its Assault 1 tile away from the model firing, in which case it becomes 4+ instead.
If the party manages to allocate at least four wounds on the Blind Horror, the charge fails and the creature instead retreats by three Tiles towards the nearest Vent opening or black end (and it can even exit the board from them if the movement allows it). If the charge is successful, move the Blind Horror on the Tile it charged while the Imperial player rolls armor saves for all models present on it. If the roll is passed the model escapes unharmed but loses 1 Morale point; if the roll is failed the model takes one wound and loses 2 Morale Points, but if the roll was a 1, it takes two wounds and loses 2 Morale Points and suffers an Injury. The controlling player must roll a D6 and apply to the model the result found in the table below. Once all the wounds have been resolved, move the imperial models one Tile in the opposite direction of the Blind Horror; if there is no Tile in that direction move the models one Tile past the Blind Horror, but each one of them must pass another armor save or take damage as stated above.
When a model suffers an Injury, roll D6 and consult the table below, the effect rolled then applies. Injuries can be removed by the use of a Medkit. Keep note of every Injury a model receives until it is healed unless the Injury is a "Miraculous Escape". Injuries are cumulative, and if a model double of the same Injuries, discard those and replace them with an Injury 1 higher on the Injury table (ex. a model has a Concussion, then rolls on the Injury table again and rolls for another Concussion. The model loses both instances of Concussion and is affected by Bloodloss instead.
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! Number !! Name !! Description !! Effect !! Notes
| 1 || '''Miraculous Escape''' || ''The soldier has stumbled back from being hit. Amazingly they are injured but it is nothing a medkit won’t fix, assuming they can escape the follow-up assault.'' || The affected model doesn't suffer any additional effects. || -
| 2 || '''Shock''' || ''The assault has left the Blind Horror’s target stunned as they stumble away to safety. Another soldier shouts at them to move, but their ears are still ringing and will require time to readjust.'' || The affected model loses 1 additional Morale point. || -
| 3 || '''Concussion''' || A blow to the head has rendered this trooper a blubbering mess, making them almost worthless in a firefight. || A model with this Injury has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. || -
| 4 || '''Bloodloss''' || ''A major artery has been opened up, spelling impending doom for the hapless target. They can still fight, but it is only a matter of time before they lose too much vital fluid to continue.'' || A model with this Injury can only perform one action during the Action phase and has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. || -
| 5 || '''Life-Threatening Injury''' || ''The wound will most likely be fatal, but the soldier will live, however temporarily...''  || A model with this Injury may not take any action until it is cured. At the end of each turn, this model loses 1 wound. || -
| 6 || '''Mortal Injury''' || ''The wound is deep and certainly fatal; unless treated immediately the victim will suffer a painful death.'' || The effected model is instantly slain unless a model on the same Tile is in possession of a Medkit. If so, the model may choose to expend the Medkit to cure his wounded comrade. The Medkit is lost and the model doesn't recover any wounds; then, treat this Injury as '''Bloodloss''' instead. || If the '''Medkit''' is used by a {{W40kKeyword|Medic}} they may not gain any benefits from their '''Medical Expert''' special rule.
All Imperial models have a value in their profile that depicts the strength of their will to keep on moving forward despite the dangers they face. The number of Morale Points of a model may be influenced in various ways but once a model reaches 0 it is considered '''Broken'''. All '''Broken''' models have to subtract 1 from all their hit rolls and, in addition, at the start of any turn, the Imperial player must roll a D6 for each '''Broken''' model on the board and apply the result found in the table below; any Insanity traits (regardless of how they are gained) last until the beginning of the next turn.
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! Number !! Name !! Description !! Effect
| 1 || '''Flee in Terror''' || ''The darkness seems to suck in everything around you, the walls becoming an ever enclosing cell. You frantically look around for a way ahead, scrambling away from your dismayed comrades to find a way out.'' || This model immediately moves 2 Tiles in a randomly selected direction.
| 2 || '''Delirium''' || ''You begin to feel... almost drunk. Your mind has slowed down and your movements sluggish. You try to take aim on the target, but your body fights your attempts to halt your own demise as the Thing closes in.'' || This model subtracts 1 from his hit rolls.
| 3 || '''Psychopath''' || ''”Worthless, the lot of them!” You think as you look spitefully into the backs of your party members. “They’re only holding me back, using my bullets, my medicines, I would have found the beacon ages ago if it wasn’t for their whining and ineptitude.” All of a sudden you see the tip of a tentacle begin to sliver it’s way out of a vent, easing its way towards one of your unsuspecting comrades. The sight brings a smile to your face. Finally, those fools shall get what they deserve.'' || This model may not use the ''Transfer Item'' action, use a Medkit on another model, or fire overwatch against the Blind Horror if it is assaulting a model on a different tile.
| 4 || '''Schizophrenia''' || ''“Kill him!” Whispers one of the voices. “No,” interjects another “run while you still have a chance.” The voices in your head are ever-present, refusing to shut up and refusing to be coherent. In such a battlefield of the mind, can your psyche save you on the literal battlefield of the Hulk?'' || Immediately roll for two more Insanities from this table; apply both the result to this model instead. If one Insanity is selected both times, do not roll again and only apply that Insanity to the model. If another Schizophrenia is rolled, ignore it.
| 5 || '''Hallucinations''' || ''It’s everywhere, the Horror’s eyeless maw gazes back at you from every vent, every corridor, every door crack. There must be hundreds of them, not one, and they’re all after you. You raise your weapon and start firing at everything you can, unaware that there is nothing there, other than your party members, to receive your rounds. ''|| Every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to another random model on the same tile or to one on a tile that is between this model and the target.
| 6 || '''Suicidal''' || ''All is lost. There is no point in going on. All that is left now is to accept death by the quickest means possible.'' || Every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to itself.
For an Imperial soldier, death is a lurking menace, always present, and always ready to introduce itself in every horrifying manner possible. When an Imperial model is slain all models in its group lose 1 Morale point and roll for an Insanity trait if they have 2 or fewer remaining Morale points. The items belonging to the model are then placed on the tile where it was slain and may be picked up by other models on the tile. If the tile where these items were placed would be discarded then those items are discarded as well. If the Beacon is dropped this way and discarded by the tile it was on being discarded then all models in the Hulk lose 1 Morale point and ''The Beacon'' tile is re-shuffled back into the Deck.
'''The Hulk got Them:''' if an imperial model finds itself in a situation in which he has no way to progress (all access corridors circle around and the is no way for them to be swapped), that model is considered slain. Remove him and all the tiles that can't be seen by other models
Even in a world where the odds are stacked against the Imperial explorers, where every door is a threat and every vent holds the promise of slow death, there is still a chance of defeating the Beast. If the party kills the Blind Horror then all models on the battlefield regain 5 previously lost Morale points. Then, leave the Blind Horror on the tile it was slain on; once the Tile has been discarded roll a D6 on the start of each turn; on a 6 the Blind Horror has healed enough to give chase once more. Return the Blind Horror to the Tyranid player's control with 10 remaining wounds. From that point onward, roll a die at the start of each Tyranid Action phase, on a 6+ the Blind Horror may take one additional action; add 1 to the result of the roll for each time the model has been killed and brought back in the game.
==The Teams==
One of the players controls the Imperial group while the other controls the Blind Horror.
One of the players controls the Imperial group while the other controls the Blind Horror.

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:'''Ballistic Skill/BS:''' The roll required on a D6 for a model to hit with its ranged weapons.
:'''Ballistic Skill/BS:''' The roll required on a D6 for a model to hit with its ranged weapons.

:'''Wounds/W:''' The number of Flesh Wounds a model may take before being Slain.
:'''Wounds/W:''' The number of wounds a model may take before being Slain.

:'''Morale Points:''' The total number of Morake Points the model has.
:'''Morale Points:''' The total number of Morale Points the model has.

:'''Armour Save/Sv:''' The roll requires on a D6 to ignore enemy damage.
:'''Armour Save/Sv:''' The roll required on a D6 to ignore enemy damage.

:'''Min Sight:''' The distance a model can see new Tiles from.
:'''Sight Distance:''' The maximum distance a model can be from a visible Tile before it is discarded.

:'''Max Sight:''' The maximum distance a model can be from a visible Tile before it is discarded.
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The imperial team is made up of the following models:
The imperial team is made up of the following models:
4 Militarum Tempestus Scions (Leader, Medic, Weapon Expert, Demolition Expert); 1 Space Marine; 1 Terminator.
4 Militarum Tempestus Scions (Leader, Medic, Weapon Expert, Demolition Expert); 1 Space Marine; 1 Terminator.


''One of the finest soldiers the imperium has to offer without the turn to augmented troops, the Storm Trooper Leader embodies everything the Imperium expects of its warriors. Drafted in to lead this top-secret mission into the Space Hulk, the Leader plans for all contingencies and pulls together the best team he can. Little do they know that this mission will be the true test of their loyalty to the imperium, and his resolve to fight for mankind.''</center>
<center>''One of the finest soldiers the imperium has to offer without turning to augmented troops, the Storm Trooper Leader embodies everything the Imperium expects of its warriors. Drafted in to lead this top-secret mission into the Space Hulk, the Leader plans for all contingencies and pulls together the best team he can. Little do they know that this mission will be the true test of their loyalty to the imperium, and his resolve to fight for mankind.''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Leader || 3+ || 4 || 10 || 4+ || 1 || 3
| Leader || 3+ || 4 || 8 || 4+ || 3

::Hot-shot Lasgun
::Hot-shot Lasgun
::2 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
::3 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
*'''Carry Capacity'''
*'''Carry Capacity'''
::Weapons: 1
::Weapons: 1
Line 49: Line 298:
::Equipment: 1
::Equipment: 1
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Inspiring Presence:''' When another {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} model on the same Tile as this model or on an adjacent one would lose a Morale Point, roll a D6; on a 5+ that Morale Point is not lost.
::'''Inspiring Presence:''' When another {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} model on the same tile as this model or on an adjacent one would lose a Morale Point, roll a D6; on a 6 that Morale Point is not lost.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Leader}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Leader}}

<center>'''Weapon Expert'''
<center>'''Weapon Expert'''</center>

<center>''Every team needs someone to carry the big guns, an individual capable of laying down a barrage of suppressing fire. Unfortunately, in the bowels of the Space Hulk, your team will need more than just bullets to survive.''</center>
''Every team needs someone to carry the big guns, an individual capable of laying down a barrage of suppressing fire. Unfortunately, in the bowels of the Space Hulk your team will need more than just bullets to survive.''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Weapon Expert || 3+ || 3 || 8 || 4+ || 1 || 3
| Weapon Expert || 3+ || 3 || 7 || 4+ || 3

::Heavy Stubber
::Heavy Stubber
::1 Heavy Stubber Magazines
::2 Heavy Stubber Magazines
*'''Carry Capacity'''
*'''Carry Capacity'''
::Weapons: 1
::Weapons: 2
::Weapon Charges: 5
::Weapon Charges: 5
::Equipment: 2
::Equipment: 2
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Quick Charge:''' This model doesn't use up an action to recharge its weapons
::'''Quick Charge:''' This model doesn't use up an action to recharge its weapons.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Weapon Expert}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Weapon Expert}}

<center>'''Demolition Expert'''
<center>'''Demolition Expert'''</center>

<center>''Explosives is a dangerous and very precise business, but at the same time requires a certain bit of insanity from those who use them. This scion has the required intelligence and skill in order to use the many explosives the Imperium has to offer and is insane enough to be willing to use them. This insanity will seem like a minor character flaw compared to the personality traits they will gain after staring into the eyeless visage of the Blind Horror.''</center>
''Explosives is a dangerous and very precise business, but at the same time requires a certain bit of insanity from those who use them. This scion has the required intelligence and skill in order to use the many explosives the Imperium has to offer and is insane enough to be willing to use them. This insanity will seem like a minor character flaw compared to the personality traits they will gain after staring into the eyeless visage of the Blind Horror.''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Demolition Expert || 3+ || 3 || 8 || 4+ || 1 || 3
| Demolition Expert || 3+ || 3 || 7 || 4+ || 3

Line 99: Line 346:
::Equipment: 4
::Equipment: 4
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Expert Bomber:''' When this model places a Melta Charge or Trip Mine, instead of waiting a turn for the Melta Charge or Trip Mine to active you may have it immediately activate when using one of the items abilities.
::'''Expert Bomber:''' When this model places a Melta Charge or Trip Mine, instead of waiting a turn for the Melta Charge or Trip Mine to active you may have it to immediately activate.
::'''Padded Armour:''' Roll a D6 when this model loses a wound from a Melta Charge or Trip Mine. On a 6 that wound is not lost.
::'''Padded Armour:''' Roll a D6 when this model loses a wound from a Trip Mine. On a 6 that wound is not lost.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Demolition Expert}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Demolition Expert}}


''A medic may not provide the same firepower as the rest of the team, but you will notice their absence when the injuries start piling up.''</center>
<center>''A medic may not provide the same firepower as the rest of the team, but you will notice their absence when the injuries start piling up.''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Medic || 3+ || 3 || 8 || 4+ || 1 || 3
| Medic || 3+ || 3 || 7 || 4+ || 3

::Hot-shot Laspistol
::Hot-shot Lasgun
::1 Hot-shot Laspistol Charges
::1 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
::2 Medkit
::2 Medkit
*'''Carry Capacity'''
*'''Carry Capacity'''
Line 125: Line 371:
::Equipment: 3
::Equipment: 3
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Medical Expert:''' When this model uses a Medkit, it removes 2 Flesh Wounds instead of 1. The Flesh Wounds can be removed from the same model or from two different ones but they still need to be on the same Tile as this model.
::'''Medical Expert:''' When this model uses a Medkit, it removes 2 wounds instead of 1. The wounds can be removed from the same model or from two different ones but they still need to be on the same tile as this model.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Medic}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Scions}}; {{W40kKeyword|Medic}}

<center>'''Tactical Marine'''
<center>'''Tactical Marine'''</center>

<center>''To a normal human, a Space Marine is a true Angel of Death, clad in divinely forged armour and wielding weapons which pulp unprotected humans a Space Marine is an excellent warrior. Unfortunately, the galaxy is full of all manners of creatures which will quite happily kill a normal Space Marine, something which the party will become all too aware of when they enter the Space Hulk.''</center>
''To a normal human, a Space Marine is a true Angel of Death, clad in divinely forged armour and wielding weapons which pulp unprotected humans a Space Marine is an excellent warrior. Unfortunately, the galaxy is full of all manners of creatures which will quite happily kill a normal Space Marine, something which the party will become all too aware of when they enter the Space Hulk.''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Tactical Marine || 3+ || 5 || 15 || 3+ || 1 || 3
| Tactical Marine || 3+ || 5 || 12 || 3+ || 3

Line 149: Line 394:
::Equipment: 2
::Equipment: 2
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''And They Shall Know No Fear:''' Each time this model would lose a Morale point, roll a die; on a 4+ that point is not lost.
::'''And They Shall Know No Fear:''' Each time this model would lose a Morale Point, roll a die; on a 5+ that point is not lost.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}; {{W40kKeyword|Tactical Marine}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}; {{W40kKeyword|Tactical Marine}}


<center>''In a Space Hulk, few things are more dangerous than a Terminator, a veteran battle brother, clad in the finest armour and carrying incredible firepower. In the cramped corridors of a Hulk, a Terminator can make entire intersections and passageways impassable for their enemies through a combination of being impossible to kill and impossible to survive against. But is a Terminator even enough to survive the creeping onslaught that is the Blind Horror?''</center>
''In a Space Hulk, few things are more dangerous than a Terminator, a veteran battle brother, clad in the finest armour and carrying incredible firepower. In the cramped corridors of a Hulk a Terminator can make entire intersections and passageways impassable for their enemies through a combination of being impossible to kill and impossible to survive against. But is a Terminator even enough to survive the creeping onslaught that is the Blind Horror?''</center>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Terminator || 3+ || 6 || 15 || 2+ || 1 || 3
| Terminator || 3+ || 6 || 12 || 3+ || 3

Line 173: Line 417:
::Equipment: 2
::Equipment: 2
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''And They Shall Know No Fear:''' Each time this model would lose a Morale point, roll a die; on a 4+ that point is not lost.
::'''And They Shall Know No Fear:''' Each time this model would lose a Morale Point, roll a die; on a 5+ that point is not lost.
::'''Crux Terminatus:''' Once per game, this model can re-roll its armour save.
::'''Crux Terminatus:''' When this model loses a wound, roll a die; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}; {{W40kKeyword|Terminator}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}; {{W40kKeyword|Terminator}}</div>

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

<center>'''Blind Horror'''
<center>'''Blind Horror'''


''Every tale needs a monster. A monster for which the brave adventurers must battle against the odds to defeat, but inevitably come out victorious. The 42nd millennium is not kind to what makes a good story. In the darkness of a galaxy torn apart by constant war, there are only losers, and the good and bad guys have more in common than they would like to admit. But even in these dark times, there are still true monsters, creatures of such bestial nature and horrifying power that even the stories dare not to speak of them.''
''Every tale needs a monster. A monster for which the brave adventurers must battle against the odds to defeat, but inevitably come out victorious. The 42nd millennium is not kind to what makes a good story. In the darkness of a galaxy torn apart by constant war, there are only losers, and the good and bad guys have more in common than they would like to admit. But even in these dark times, there are still true monsters, creatures of such bestial nature and horrifying power that even the stories dare not to speak of them.''

''The Blind Horror sits as one of the most terrifying monsters a story could portray. As although there may be creatures and people more powerful, more intelligent and fast, these are all things which you fight on the battlefield with tanks, ships and entire armies. The Blind Horror, on the other hand, will never be seen on the battlefield, you will never have the opportunity to fire a lascannon at it, or witness hordes of them charge your position, or even face one on an open field. What makes the Blind Horror so terrible and monstrous for this tale is that you may never see it for months, but it will always be there, slowly eating away at your will, and the bonds of the companions. And only when you are all alone, when your weapons lie shattered at your feet, when all of your friends have turned against you, when you have nothing left, only then will it grace you with a slow and agonising death.''</center>
''The Blind Horror sits as one of the most terrifying monsters a story could portray. As although there may be creatures and people more powerful, more intelligent and fast, these are all things which you fight on the battlefield with tanks, ships and entire armies. The Blind Horror, on the other hand, will never be seen on the battlefield, you will never have the opportunity to fire a lascannon at it, or witness hordes of them charge your position, or even face one on an open field. What makes the Blind Horror so terrible and monstrous for this tale is that you may never see it for months, but it will always be there, slowly eating away at your will, and the bonds of the companions. And only when you are all alone, when your weapons lie shattered at your feet, when all of your friends have turned against you, when you have nothing left, only then will it grace you with a slow and agonizing death.''</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:800px">
'''The Model'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"> [[File:BlindHorror.jpg|200px|-|center|-]]
:::::The slithering Blind Horror in the colours of its mother Hive Fleet, the phantom shadow of the Draugr.</div>

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
Line 199: Line 440:
| Blind Horror || - || 18 || - || 4+
| Blind Horror || - || 18 || - || 4+
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Tyranid}}, {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Tyranid}}, {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}}</div>

===Setting Up===
==Setting Up==
To start the game, place the ''Shuttle'' Tile in the middle of the table and shuffle all the other Tiles in one big pile.
To start the game, place the ''Shuttle'' Tile in the middle of the table and shuffle all the other tiles in one big pile.

The deck should include the followings: 1 ''Beacon'' Tile, 1 ''Nest'' Tile, 1 ''Massacre'' Tile, 2 ''Space Marines Armoury'' Tiles, 3 ''Ransacked Armoury'' Tiles, 1 ''Chapel'' Tile, 1 ''Chaos Shrine'' Tile, 2 ''Viewing Platform'' Tiles, 1 ''Cargo Lift'' Tile, 20 ''Corridor'' Tiles, 6 ''Corridor Vent'' Tiles, 4 ''Locked Corridor'' Tiles, 8 ''Dead End'' Tiles, 3 ''Dead End Vent'' Tiles, 15 ''Bend in the corridor'' Tiles, 5 ''Bend in the Corridor Vent'' Tiles, 12 ''Intersection'' Tiles, 4 ''Intersection Vent'' Tiles, 4 ''Locked Intersection'' Tiles, 9 ''Junction'' Tiles, 4 ''Junction Vent'' Tiles, 4 ''Locked Juntion'' Tiles, 6 ''Open Ceiling'' Tiles and 4 ''Pit'' Tiles. The ''Beacon'' Tile should be placed at the very bottom of the stack.
The deck should include the following tiles:
1 ''Beacon''; 1 ''Nest''; 1 ''Massacre''; 2 ''Space Marines Armoury''; 4 ''Ransacked Armoury''; 1 ''Chapel''; 1 ''Chaos Shrine''; 5 ''Corridor''; 4 ''Corridor Vent''; 3 ''Locked Corridor''; 3 ''Dead End''; 4 ''Dead End Vent''; 4 ''Bend in the corridor''; 4 ''Bend in the Corridor Vent''; 4 ''Intersection''; 3 ''Intersection Vent''; 2 ''Locked Intersection''; 3 ''Junction''; 3 ''Junction Vent''; 2 ''Locked Junction''; 2 ''Open Ceiling''; 2 ''Pit''.

Then, place all the members of the Imperial group on the ''Shuttle'' Tile; the Blind Horror is instead placed outside the board, near the controlling player. Before beginning the game, one of the players places two Tiles in conjunction with the ''Shuttle'' in a straight line; if the first tile placed is a Bend Tile (such as Bend in the Corridor), don't place another one next to it.
The ''Beacon'' tile should be placed at the very bottom of the deck and remain so until it is found.

===The Turn===
Then, place all the members of the Imperial group on the ''Shuttle'' tile; the Blind Horror is instead placed outside the board, near the controlling player. Before beginning the game, a ''Corridor'', ''Junction'' and ''Dead End'' tiles are placed in a line connected to the ''Shuttle'' in this precise order.
The game proceeds one turn at the time until either all Imperial Explorers are dead or at least one of them moves onto the ''Shuttle'' Tile after recovering the Beacon.

Each game turn follows the following scheme:
==Space Hulk Tiles==
The Tiles in The Killer of the Maze are square pieces which can fit onto any other Tile. Some Tiles are simply corridors, through which the party of brave/doomed explorers of the hulk must traverse. Some of them contain horrors leftover by the hulk's previous inhabitants, while a rare few contain a glimmer of hope, a feature, landmark or item which might just help them with their lives. Most, however, are just dark, endless, featureless passageways, which serve to slowly grind down the will of those who tread them.

:-The Imperial player takes actions (new Tiles are placed following the rules below).
Tiles have a number of characteristics:

:-One player removes the Tiles that cannot be seen and re-shuffles them back into the pile.
'''-Name:''' The name of the Tile, some abilities refer to the Tile's name.

:-The Tyranid player takes actions.
'''-Number of Access Corridors:''' The number of Tiles the Tile can connect to.

:-The Tyranid player assaults.
'''-Vents:''' The number of vents on a Tile. The more vents and ducts the harder it is for the Imperials to prevent a flank by the Blind Horror.

'''Placing the Tiles:'''  
'''-Effects:''' Sone Tiles produce effects to models moving onto them.

When moving a model, a player must assume that all members of the Imperial Team are able to see up to their Min Sight value. If a model moves onto a Tile and there are fewer Tiles attached in a straight line to that Tile than the models Min Sight value, then add Tiles onto that Tile until the number of connected Tiles equals the models Min Sight value.
'''-Loot:''' Sometimes a tile will automatically have a specific item.

Do not place Tiles which a model does not have line of sight to. A model does have not line of sight to a Tile if it cannot see it in a straight line (it is blocked by a bend in a corridor or a junction).
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
===Basic Tiles===
'''Removing the Tiles:'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
A Tile must be removed when it cannot be seen by any imperial model anymore, and it cannot be seen even if a model were to move beyond its Max Sight range (unless otherwise stated) away from it. Once removed, a Tile must be put back in the pile and the whole deck must be re-shuffled. If the Blind Horror is on a tile which is discarded then the Blind Horror is Returned to the Shadows.
In the dangerous bowels of a Space Hulk, it can happen, for one reason or another, for the team of explorers to find itself separated; this happens when the corridors connecting two or more parts of the group are removed due to the loss of line of sight or blocked cause of a cave-in or structural collapse. When this happens, the part of the group with the least amount of members is considered '''Lost''' (if several groups have the same amount of models then all are considered '''Lost''') and the models that are part of it lose 1 morale point, 3 if they are the only model of the group. One model is no longer '''Lost''' as soon as it rejoins with the rest of the bigger party or is killed off.
'''Imperial Actions:'''
During the Imperial Action phase, each model can perform two of the following actions in any combination:
:'''-Movement:''' All ''Movement'' actions must be taken before any other actions.
::'''-Move:''' the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.
::'''-Advance:''' the model moves 2 Tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses on a turn and it may not use this action twice a turn.
::'''-Fire:''' the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer, and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots)
::'''-Light Vent:''' a model with a Heavy Flamer or Flamer may expend one shot from its Heavy Flamer or Flamer to light up one Vent opening on the Tile it is on. An opening that has been lighted up can't be used by the Blind Horror to enter the board or perform a ''Surprise Attack''. A Vent remains lit up for two game turns.
::'''-Reload:''' the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 magazine/charge/tank held by the model and re-fill the number of shots available for the weapon.
::'''-Use Tool:''' the model can use one tool in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
::'''-Pick Up Item:''' the model can pick up 1 item on the same Tile he is in. If it’s inventory for that type of item is already full then it may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the Tile.
::'''-Transfer Item:''' the model can give a single tool, weapon or weapon charge it possesses to another model on the same Tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.
::'''-Scavenge:''' the model may search a tile for an item up to the remaining number of scavenging attempts the tile has remaining.
'''Tyranid Actions:'''
During the Tyranid part of the turn, the Blind Horror can perform one of the following actions:
:'''-Move:''' the Blind Horror moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. It can even move out of a Tile out of the board; if it does so, it is removed from play and place in the Shadows.
:'''-Advance:''' the Blind Horror moves 3 Tiles in any of the available directions, as long as the move takes it out of the line of sight of any Imperial models and it may not Perform a Blind Horror Assault at the end of the turn. It may instead move 5 tiles, but takes D3 Flesh Wound if it does so.
:'''-Crawl in Vent:''' the Blind Horror can exit out of the board from a Tile that has a Vent opening that is not lit up; if it does so, it is removed from play and placed in the Shadows.
:'''-Come from the Shadows:''' if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, it can enter the board from an unlit Vent opening or a dark end. Place it on the Tile with the Vent opening or the one that has at least one Access Corridor open.
:'''-Spike Tail Attack:''' if the Blind Horror is standing in front of a Tile where any Imperial model is placed, it can flail its toxic tail around. Randomly select one model from that Tile and roll an Armour Save for that model. If the save is failed, the model doesn't lose a wound but instead loses 1 Morale point and until the end of the next turn suffers from the '''Hallucinations''' Insanity trait.
:'''-Surprise Attack:''' if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, you can select one Tile with an unlit Vent opening that has at least one model on it. Randomly select a party member. That party member is grabbed by the Blind Horror and the rest of the team must immediately take a '''Don’t Let It Take Him''' test. To do so roll a die, adding 1 to the result for every model on the Tile other than the model which has been grabbed (add 2 if the model grabbed is a Terminator); on a 5+ the test is passed and the Blind Horror retreats back empty-handed; all models present on the Tile lose 1 Morale point. If the test is failed, remove the grabbed model from play and all models present on the Tile instead lose 2 Morale points.
:'''-Retreat to the Nest:''' if the Blind Horror has 5 or fewer remaining wounds it must move towards the nearest Vent opening or black end and use them to retreat to its Nest. When the Blind Horror is in its Nest, it regains D3 Flesh Wounds at the beginning of every turn, and it may not return on the board until it has 10 or more wounds remaining.
'''Blind Horror Assault:'''
At the end of the turn, if it's present on the board, the Blind Horror can charge at the Imperial models. To do so, the Blind Horror must be up to two Tiles away from the one the targets are one. When charged, a model can fire Overwatch, all models on the Tile can take part in the action, even those who are on a different Tile but can still see the one that is being targeted. When resoling Overwatch, every model can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots), but all shots can only hit the creature on 6s. If the party manages to allocate at least three wounds on the Blind Horror, the charge fails and the creature instead retreats by three Tiles towards the nearest Vent opening or black end (and it can even exit the board from them if the movement allows it). If the charge is successful, move the Blind Horror on the Tile it charged while the Imperial player rolls armour saves for all models present on it. If the roll is passed the model escapes unharmed but loses 1 Morale point; if the roll is failed the model takes one Flesh Wound and loses 2 Morale points, but if the roll was a 1, it takes two Flesh Wounds and loses 2 Morale points and suffers an Injury. The controlling player must roll a D6 and apply to the model the result found in the table below. Once all the wounds have been resolved, move the imperial models one Tile in the opposite direction of the Blind Horror; if there is no Tile in that direction move the models one Tile past the Blind Horror, but each one of them must pass another armour save or take damage as stated above.
When a model suffers an Injury roll D6 and consult the table below, the effect rolled then applies. Injuries can be removed by the use of a Medkit.
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Number !! Name !! Description !! Effect !! Notes
! Name !! Description !! Number of Access Corridors !! Vents !! Loot !! Notes
| '''Dead End''' || ''The party is confronted by a blank wall that looms out of the darkness before them. It doesn't matter if it's a collapsed bulkhead, the remnants of a long-forgotten room, or simply the end of a corridor, it still mocks them with a simple message; there is no way forward from here.'' || 1 || 0 || - || -
| 1 || '''Miraculous Escape''' || ''The soldier has stumbled back from being hit. Amazingly they are injured but it is nothing a medkit won’t fix, assuming they can escape the follow-up assault.'' || The effected model doesn't suffer any additional effects. || -
| '''Dead End Vent''' || ''A dark maw of a hole can be seen on the wall, floor, or ceiling of this space, its edges coated with scratch marks and blood as if something had been dragged inside. The hole is too small for the party to make progress through, but even if they could none of their number would suggest such a foolish, and terrifying idea.'' || 1 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || -
| 2 || '''Shock''' || ''The assault has left the Blind Horror’s target stunned as they stumble away to safety. Another soldier shouts at them to move, but their ears are still ringing and will require time to readjust.'' || The effected model loses 1 additional Morale point. || -
| '''Corridor''' || ''A single stretch of passageway down which the explorers must travel down. While moving down it they wonder whether or not that piece of wall is the same one they passed an hour ago, or what happened to their markers they left out to track their passage.'' || 2 || 0 || - || -
| 3 || '''Concussion''' || A blow to the head has rendered this trooper a blubbering mess, making them almost worthless in a firefight. || A model with this Injury has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. || -
| '''Corridor Vent''' || ''The party hugs the wall, their weapons trained at a vent on the opposite wall as they pass. As one, the group sighs as they are safely past, but the group's last member pauses to look back at the vent. "Was that, movement I heard?" They think as they look back at the vent. "I just imagined it." They think as they hurry to catch up with the others, while knowing, deep down, that they did not imagine the noise.'' || 2 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || -
| 4 || '''Bloodloss''' || ''A major artery has been opened up, spelling impending doom for the hapless target. They can still fight, but it is only a matter of time before they lose too much vital fluid to continue.'' || A model with this Injury can only perform one action during the Action phase and has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. || -
| '''Locked Corridor''' || ''Spacecraft often had many doors in their structure to allow sections of the ship to be sealed off, preventing the loss of vacuum. One of these said doors now blocks your progress further, leaving you with a choice, turn back, or spend precious resources to open a door which may be a trap.'' || 2 || 0 || - || Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
| 5 || '''Life-Threatening Injury''' || ''The wound will most likely be fatal, but the soldier will live, however temporarily...'' || A model with this Injury may not take any action until it is cured. At the end of each turn, this model loses 1 Flesh Wound. || -
| '''Bend in the Corridor''' || ''A corner. Such a simple thing, but it hides such potential horrors. What lies on the other side? Death? Nothing? Salvation? The...Thing?'' || 2 || 0 || - || -
| 6 || '''Mortal Injury''' || ''The wound is deep and certainly fatal; unless treated immediately the victim will suffer a painful death.'' || The effected model is instantly slain unless a model on the same Tile is in possession of a Medkit. If so, the model may choose to expend the Medkit to cure his wounded comrade. The Medkit is lost and the model doesn't recover any Flesh Wounds; then, treat this Injury as '''Bloodloss''' instead. || If the '''Medkit''' is used by a {{W40kKeyword|Medic}} they may not gain any benefits from their '''Medical Expert''' special rule.
| '''Bend in the Corridor Vent''' || ''As if a bend in the corridor wasn't bad enough, this one has a vent, adding danger that not only might there something around the corner, but also above, or below.'' || 2 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || -
All Imperial models have a value in their profile that depicts the strength of their will to keep on moving forward despite the dangers they face. The number of Morale Points of a model may be influenced in various ways but once a model reaches 0 it is considered '''Broken'''. All '''Broken''' models have to subtract 1 from all their hit rolls and their presence doesn't confer any bonus to any '''Don’t Let It Take Him''' test taken on their same Tile. In addition, at the start of any turn, the Imperial player must roll a D6 for each '''Broken''' model on the board and apply to it the result found in the table below for the rest of the turn.
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Number !! Name !! Description !! Effect !! Notes
| 1 || '''Flee in Terror''' || ''The darkness seems to suck in everything around you, the walls becoming an ever enclosing cell. You frantically look around for a way ahead, scrambling away from your dismayed comrades to find a way out.'' || This model immediately moves 2 Tiles in a randomly selected direction. || -
| '''Intersection''' || ''A crossway, a diversion of paths plunge into the darkened maws of the giant wreckage. You hope as you chose your way to not end up regretting it very soon.'' || 3 || 0 || - || -
| 2 || '''Delirium''' || ''You begin to feel... almost drunk. Your mind has slowed down and your movements sluggish. You try to take aim on target, but your body fights your attempts to halt your own demise as the Thing closes in.'' || Until the beginning of the next turn, this model subtracts 1 from his hit rolls. || -
| '''Intersection Vent''' || ''A junction, but this time a vent stares directly at you as you approach. Slime and gore mark a trail where something has crawled and scrapped its way in all possible directions.'' || 3 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || -
| 3 || '''Psychopath''' || ''”Worthless, the lot of them!” You think as you look spitefully into the backs of your party members. “They’re only holding me back, using my bullets, my medicines, I would have found the beacon ages ago if it wasn’t for their whining and ineptitude.” All of a sudden you see the tip of a tentacle begin to sliver it’s way out of a vent, easing it’s way towards one of your unsuspecting comrades. The sight, brings a smile to your face. Finally, those fools shall get what they deserve.'' || Until the beginning of the next turn this model may not use the ''Transfer Item'' action, use a Medkit on another model, or fire overwatch against the Blind Horror if it is assaulting a model on a different tile. || -
| '''Locked Intersection''' || ''A choice of two locked doors presents itself to your party, this collection of options may quite easily become a dead end, from which you may not retreat from.'' || 3 || 0 || - || Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
| 4 || '''Schizophrenia''' || ''“Kill him!” Whispers one of the voices. “No,” interjects another “run while you still have a chance.” The voices in your head are ever present, refusing to shut up and refusing to be coherent. In shut a battlefield of the mind, can your psyche save you on the literal battlefield of the Hulk?'' || Immediately roll for two more Insanities from this table; apply both the result to this model instead. If one Insanity is selected both times, do not roll again and only apply that Insanity to the model.
| '''Junction''' || ''Passageways open up in all directions all around you. Which way to go? Does it even matter? No matter which way you turn it doesn't seem to matter, and you feel dangerously exposed surrounded by this infinitude of possibilities all around you.'' || 4 || 0 || - || -
| 5 || '''Hallucinations''' || ''It’s everywhere, the Horror’s eyeless maw gazes back at you from every vent, every corridor, every door crack. There must be hundreds of them, not one, and they’re all after you. You raise your weapon and start firing at everything you can, unaware that there is nothing there, other than your party members, to receive your rounds. ''|| Until the beginning of the next turn, every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to another random model on the same Tile or to one on a Tile that is between this model and the target. || -
| '''Junction Vent''' || ''The worst possible place to be. You find yourself open on all sides and with a vent at floor level where a steady flow of water is trickling into. You turn this way and that, trying to keep all angles of approach, and somehow the vent too, in sight. You notice for the first time a scrap of bloody cloth on the vent, a chunk of flesh slowly rotting in its folds. This is not a good place to be.'' || 4 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || -
| 6 || '''Suicidal''' || ''All is lost. There is no point in going on. All that is left now is to accept death by the quickest means possible.'' || Until your next turn, every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to themselves. || -
| '''Locked Junction''' || ''In Terra’s past they had a saying. All roads lead to Rome. For you these roads are blocked by many doors, hiding many possibilities. At least the locked doors at your back ensure that nothing can come up behind you.'' || 4 || 0 || - || Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
In the bowels of a space hulk resources are scarce, but they can be found. Loot represents the random discarded items or leftovers which can be found through the corridors and rooms of the hulk. Each tile has a chance of producing something valuable for your party, and any item you find in the hulk has some value. Certain rooms will rarely give you anything of use, while the Nest Tile has the chance to produce a lot of items. However, loot requires you to scavenge with a model, which is time that they could have spent fighting back against the Thing. Some of the items are instead effects or additions to the Tile, in which case you follow the items additional notes on what to do.
A model on a Tile may use an action to Scavenge the Tile. If so roll D66, adding any modifiers from the tile, and consult the Loot table. If an item is found it appears on the Tile and it is automatically picked up (unless the models inventory is full, in which case it is placed on the Tile it was found). Any weapons that are found are fully loaded.
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Number !! Item !! Notes
| 11-16 || Nothing || -
| '''Open Ceiling''' || ''The roof above your heads disappears, revealing a chasm that stretches hundreds of meters above you into the hulk. You see where multiple ships have been crushed together over centuries, a tapestry of decay laid before you by the pitiful light of your torches. As one, you look at your party's heavy flamer. There isn’t enough flamer fuel in the galaxy to light this vent up.'' || 2 || 1 || When scavenging this tile, re-roll the '''Nothing''' result || The vent on this tile may not be lit up.
| 21-23 || Hotshot Magazine || -
| '''Pit''' || ''As the party approaches the floor of the corridor disappears ahead of them, to be replaced by pitch-black nothingness. As the party examines the missing floor they see claw marks on the ceiling and walls, where something has climbed its way over the chasm. One thing is clear, although the party may not be able to pass something else can, and is.'' || 2 || 0 || - || Imperial models may not enter this tile. The Blind Horror may move over this tile as normal and use it to enter or exit the board.
| 24-26 || Boltgun Magazine || -
| 31-33 || Heavy Stubber Magazine || -
| 34-36 || Fuel Tank || -
| 41-42 || Medkit || -
| 43 || Melta Charge || -
| 44 || Ration Pack || -
| 45 || Servo Skull || -
| 46 || Trip Mine || -
| 51 || Frag Grenade || -
| 52 || Hotshot Laspistol || -
| 53 || Hotshot Lasgun || -
| 54 || Shotgun || -
| 55 || Boltgun || -
| 56 || Heavy Stubber || -
| 61 || Hotshot Volleygun || -
| 62 || Heavy Flamer || -
| 63 || Storm Bolter || -
| 64 || Jagged Metal || The scavenging model must immediately pass an armour save or suffer one Flesh Wound.
| 65 || Chaos Sigil || The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
| 66 || Hidden Vent || This Tile gains 1 Vent opening and the Blind Horror may take an additional action during its next turn.

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For an Imperial soldier, death is a lurking menace, always present, and always ready to introduce itself in every horrifying manner possible. When an Imperial model is slain all models in its group lose 1 Morale point and roll for an Insanity Trait if they have 2 or less remaining Morale points. The items belonging to the model are then placed on the Tile where it was slain, and may be picked up by other models on the Tile. If the Tile where these items were placed would be discarded then those items are discarded as well.

If the Beacon is dropped this way and discarded by the Tile it was on being discarded then all models in the Hulk lose 1 Morale point and The Beacon Tile is returned to the Deck.
===Special Tiles===
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Even in a world where the odds are stacked against the Imperial explorers, where every door is a threat and every vent holds the promise of a slow death, there is still a chance of defeating the Beast. If the party kills the Blind Horror then all models on the battlefield regain 5 previously lost Morale points. You then have three options. Determine this either before the game or upon the death of the Blind Horror, by deciding among all players involved of rolling a D3:
*'''It is Finally Slain:''' The Blind Horror is truly dead, leaving the party to continue their journey to find the Beacon and return to the Shuttle. Continue the game as normal but without the Blind Horror.
*'''It is Never Over:''' The Blind Horror does not die easily, and even when it appears dead it can still regenerate horrific injuries. Once the Tile the Blind Horror was slain on has been discarded roll a D6 on the start of each turn; on a 6 the Blind Horror has healed enough to give chase once more. Return the Blind Horror to the Tyranid players control with 1 remaining wound (this means that it must Return to the Nest).
*'''You only made It Mad:''' You should have saved your bullets for yourself, because they have done little against the Blind Horror. Once the Tile the Blind Horror was slain on has been discarded roll a D6 on the start of each turn; on a 6 the Blind Horror has healed enough to give chase once more. Return the Blind Horror to the Tyranid players control with 5 remaining wounds (this means that it must Return to the Nest). In addition roll a D6 at the beginning of each of the Blind Horror’s turn after this; on a 4+ the Blind Horror may make an additional action that turn.
===Imperial Ranged Weapons===
When firing with a ranged weapon, a model may decide to fire a number of shots that range from the minimum to the maximum amount as shown in the weapon's profile. A weapon may not fire a number of shots that exceeds the remaining number of shots. When a weapon is reloaded, its number of shots remaining is re-filled but all exceeding shots are discarded (es. the Space Marine has 3 shots remaining in its Boltgun and decides to use its last magazine to recharge the weapon; the magazined is used and the Boltgun now has 8 shots ready, while the 3 that were previously equipped are lost and do not stack up with the other 8). At the beginning of the game all weapons are considered to have the maximum number of shots possible.
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|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range (Tiles) !! To Wound !! AP !! Damage !! Minimum Number of Shots !! Maximum Number of Shots !! Number of Shots per magazine/charge/tank !! Carry Restrictions !! Use Restrictions !! Ammunition Used !! Notes
! Name !! Description !! Number of Access Corridors !! Vents !! Effects !! Loot !! Notes
|'''Boltgun''' || 3 || 5+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 8 || Space Marine Only || Space Marine Only || Bolter || -
| '''Chaos Shrine''' || ''Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of have been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass, however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the room's center, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilled blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this tile it loses 1 Morale point. If an Event is drawn and at least one model in the party is on this tile and the Event is a ''Blessing'', discard it and roll again instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || 1 Sacrificial Blade || -
|'''Flamer''' || 1 || 5+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || None || None || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
| '''Chapel''' || ''As one, you feel your spirits lift at the sight of this new room. The chapel is a vast, dark stone space with a shrine at its center, lit by candles that cast a solemn glow to this cavernous room. Unlike the rest of the ship, this room looks as if it has just been cleaned, a testament to the god emperors will. Just the sight of the imperial crest on the shrine is enough to melt away some of the terror, and allows you to properly relax for the first time since arriving in the metal maze.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this tile it regains 2 Morale points. If an Event is drawn and at least one model in the party is on this tile and the Event is a ''Curse'', discard it and roll again instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || 1 Imperial Crest Pendant || -
|'''Frag Grenade''' || 2 || 5+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || - || None || None || - || Make 2D6 hit rolls when using this weapon. If the '''Blind Horror''' suffers at least one Flesh Wound from this weapon's attacks, it must immediately return to the Shadows (in case of an Assault move, it immediately fails).
| '''Massacre''' || ''Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party gets closer they start to see details. An arm is casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covering the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, for ever coming to such a place.'' || 4 || 2 || All {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} on this tile loose 1 Morale point at the sight of such a slaughter. If there is also a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} on the tile, roll a die; the Morale point is only lost on a 3+. || 1 Frag Grenade and 1 Hot-shot Volleygun || This effect activates every time a model ends the Imperial Action phase on this tile, even if it has been on this tile before.
|'''Heavy Flamer''' || 1 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || Terminator Only || Terminator Only || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
| '''Ransacked Armoury''' || ''The party enters a room which at one time had been an armory. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the center of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tell the story of the defender's gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering.'' || 1 || 0 || - || 1 Shotgun, 1 Shotgun Ammo, D6 Hot-shot Ammos and 1 Servo Skull || -
|'''Heavy Stubber''' || 5 || 5+ || 0 || 1 || 3 || 6 || 12 || Weapons Expert or Space Marine Only || Weapons Expert or Space Marine Only || Heavy Stubber || If the bearer of this weapon also has a Servo Skull then change the ap of this weapon from 0 to 1.
| '''Space Marine Armoury''' || ''There is a hush amongst the group as the space marine amongst them steps forward and places his hand on the door's DNA scanner. "Welcome, honored Battle-Brother!" says an overhead speaker as the door opens to reveal the private armory of a Space Marine. Although locked, the room's previous owner had emptied it of most of its weapons and ammunition in a final battle. But a Battle-Brother's armory is never truly empty.'' || 1 || 0 || All {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} left in the corridor outside the room when the tile is entered for the first time gain 1 previously lost Morale point at the sight of such a holy place. || Enhanced Cogitator Scanner and D6 Bolter Ammos || This room may only be opened if a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} is in the adjacent tile and it can only be entered by a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}.
|'''Hot-shot Laspistol''' || 1 || 5+ || -2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 3 || None || None || Hot-shot || -
| '''The Beacon''' || ''Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a meter tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon.'' || 4 || 0 || At the end of the Movement sub-phase a model that enters this tile must pick up the '''Beacon''', which is spawned in this room. The first time this tile is entered, each model that enters it regains 2 Morale points. || 1 Beacon || -
|'''Hot-shot Lasgun''' || 2 || 5+ || -2 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 6 || None || None || Hot-shot || -
| '''The Nest''' || ''"Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor, and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay.'' || 4 || 4 || Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points (a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} may not use his '''And They Shall Know No Fear''' special rule to prevent this). If the Blind Horror has taken any model via a Surprise Attack throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here; for every model's corpse roll an additional D6 for each {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale point. If the dead model is a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} do not roll for that corpse, the model automatically loses a Morale point instead. You may still collect the model's equipment. If the '''Blind Horror''' is gravely wounded and escapes and this tile is drawn, the '''Blind Horror''' is automatically placed in this room. || 1 Flamer || -
|'''Hot-shot Volleygun''' || 3 || 5+ || -2 || 2 || 2 || 4 || 6 || None || None || Hot-shot || If the bearer of this weapon did not move in the preceding movement phase add 1 to this weapons hit rolls.
| '''The Shuttle''' || ''The beginning. And the End. Here the party begins their journey. Anxious. Nervous. But confident, as the soldiers of the Imperium are trained to be. Here they start fresh, supplied, and their minds unwarped. Those who ever return here, return broken, their minds in tatters, their flesh abused, and their weapons broken and dry. They say that the beginning and the end of a journey don't matter and that the most important part is the journey itself. To those who start their journey here, by the end they would quite happily slit their own throats to take back the journey they embarked on.'' || 1 || 0 || The party begins its journey here. Increase the Visibility of each model on this tile by 1. || - || -
|'''Shotgun''' || 2 || 5+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 3 || None || None || Shotgun || If this weapons target is 1 tile away then it wounds on a 4+ and has a damage of 2 instead.
|'''Storm Bolter''' || 3 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 10 || Terminator Only || Terminator Only || Bolter || -

==Event Cards==
Tools are items which a model can carry but are not directly weapons. They may be used by a model as their action for the turn and produce the effect described in their description. Most items may be carried and used by any model, but some may only be carried/used/carried and used by certain models.
At the end of the Movement sub-phase of the Imperial Action phase, starting from the second turn, roll a D66 for each party on the board and apply the result below to it. (ex. in the previous turn, a cave-in has split the main party and the Terminator and Demolition Expert have become '''Lost'''. You roll once for the two models and the result is 36, while for the other group is 15. Apply the result of '''Dead Soldier''' to the Terminator's party and '''Nothing''' to the rest.)

'''Beacon:''' ''Throughout the entirety of the mission preparation, nobody ever explained to the team why the beacon was so important. They said it was important. Very important. They sent letters saying so, held meetings where very important people shouted at the team of its importance, an inquisitor was also spotted at one point which means it’s especially important... but never once was it explained why. This is of little importance however, as the team will not live to tell anyone of the beacon if they do not return to their ship with it, making it more valuable to them than a planets worth of wealth.''
There exist 4 types of event cards, each with different interactions. There are:
:Carry restrictions: None. This item takes up 2 Item slots.
:Use restrictions: None
:Uses: Unlimited
:Effect: The bearer of this item must expend 2 Actions to move 1 tile instead of 1 Action and may not Advance. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn while this item is carried by a model; on a 4+ that model gains a Morale point.

'''Enhanced Cogitator Scanner:''' ''A device which connects to a space marines helmet and integrates with their visor to provide enhanced vision by forming together fragments the user may not be able to process by their own. Such devices a hugely valuable, and are used by scouts to examine enemy positions from safe locations, but require the user's full attention to use effectively.''
'''-Neutral:''' the most common type; it has no effect.
:Carry restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} only
:Use restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} only
:Uses: Unlimited
:Effect: When activating the Enhanced Cogitator Scanner the bearer can choose one of the following effects:
::-Increase its Min Sight and Max Sight by 1 in all direction.
::-Increase its Min Sight and Max Sight by 2 in one direction (determine this at the start of each turn if already activated).
:These effects remain active until the model turns the device off, which is done by using an Action in the Action Phase. As long as this item is active, the Space Marine suffers a penalty of 1 to its hit rolls.

'''Imperial Crest Pendant:''' ''The faithful require tokens to guide them, and this is such a totem. Although small and unassuming, there is a definite power in this small piece of silver jewellery for the believer to tap into.''
'''-Setting:''' when this event is drawn, randomly select one tile a model in this party is on, but that was empty at the beginning of the turn. This event takes effect on that tile. Special tiles cannot be selected for Setting Events. If there are no tiles that can be selected, discard the Event.
:Carry restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only, may not be carried by a model which also has the Sacrificial Blade.
:Use restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only
:Uses: Unlimited
:Effect: For the rest of the turn after this item is activated roll a D6 for each Morale Point this model would lose. On a 3+ that model does not lose that Morale Point. In addition, for the rest of the turn after this item is activated this model loses any Insanity effects it has and may not gain any Insanity effects.

'''Medkit:''' ''A general term for the medical supplies created in the 42nd millennium. Able to treat all manner of injuries, they are vital to the survival (or at least, for prolonging the existence) of your expedition into the bowels of the Space Hulk.''
'''-Curse:''' Curse Events have negative effects that affect one or more models in the party.
:Carry restrictions: None
:Use restrictions: None
:Uses: 1
:Effect: Removes 1 Flesh Wound and one Injury effect from one unit on the same tile as the unit carrying the Medkit.

'''Melta Charge:''' ''For as long as their has been an advanced, galaxy exploring humanity there have been melta charges. Their ability to instantly hear their surrounding area by thousands of degrees make them indispensable to everything from cutting access tunnels in rock, to melting the rear armour of a land raider to slag. For your party, they are the key to their escape from dangerous situations, by allowing them to plow ahead through obstacles, or attempt to blast any creature which might be attempting to follow them.''
'''-Blessing:''' Blessing Events have positive effects that affect one or more models in the party.
:Carry restrictions: None
:Use restrictions: None
:Uses: 1
:Effect: A Melta Charge may be used in two ways:
::-It can be placed on the Tile the user is standing on. At the beginning of the following Action phase, the Melta Charge detonates, melting the floor to slag. Any model on the Tile suffers a single hit which wounds of a 3+, has ap-4 and deals D3 Flesh Wounds. Replace the tile with a Pit tile (with the same number of corridors and vents on it as the original tile); any Imperial unit standing on it drop into the hole, becoming '''Lost'''. Place those models to one side, then, at the start of the next movement phase, draw a separate tile and place those models on it. If the Blind Horror was on the tile it enters the Shadows instead.
::-It can be placed on a Tile presenting a Locked Door. At the start of the next Action phase, the Melta Charge detonates in a controlled manner, melting away the door. Remove the Locked Door.

'''Ration Pack:''' ''Although made of who knows what and considered to be somewhere between "tasteless" and "unpleasant" even by Space Marines, food is still food, especially when you have none of it.''
:Carry restrictions: None
:Use restrictions: None
:Uses: 2
:Effect: The model which uses a Ration Pack gains 1 Morale Point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 5+ that model heals 1 flesh wound.

'''Sacrificial Blade:''' ''A obsidian blade with a wickedly cruel edge. Despite the amount of blood it must have spilt it is perfectly clean, as if the blade has been feasting on the flesh it desiccates. It whispers to you as you hold it. “I can give you whatever you want. Do you want power? I can give it to you. Do you want money? I can also give you that. Do you want to leave this place? That is easy. I can give you all of that, and more... for a price. Such a small, insignificant, price...''
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:Carry restrictions: None, may not be carried by a model which also has the Imperial Crest Pendant.
'''Events List:'''
:Use restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} only. To use this item the user must have lost a quarter of its Morale points. If it has lost three quarters of its Morale Points, it automatically uses this item during the Action phase and may not drop this item.
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:Uses: Unlimited
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:Effect: Every time the user uses this tool, it loses 1 morale point and roll a D6; on a 3+ the model gains 1 Flesh Wound. If the bearer has the Psycopath Insanity trait then it may instead inflict 1 Flesh Wound on another model on the same tile as it, and that model loses 2 Morale points. Then, choose one of the following options:
|- valign=top
::-Until your next Action phase the bearers armour save is improved by 2.
::-Select one of the bearer's weapons. Add D3 additional charge/magazine for that weapon to the bearer's inventory.
::-The next time a Tile is drawn you instead draw 3 Tiles and select one to be placed. Once done, re-shuffle the extra Tiles back in the deck.
'''Servo Skull''' ''The revered skulls of the Imperium's most loyal citizens harnessed with a suspension field and a cogitator to perform basic tasks. Although relatively primitive, they are incredibly useful for their sensors and ability to interface with other cogitators.''
:Carry restrictions: None
:Use restrictions: None
:Uses: 3
:Effect: When activating a Servo Skull the bearer can choose one of the following effects:
::Early Warning Protocol: When the party next needs to make a ''' Don't Let It Take Him''' roll, that roll succeeds on a 4+ instead of a 5+. This only works if the bearer of the Servo Skull is on the same tile as the model which the Blind Horror is attempting to take (this still works if the Servo Skull is no longer in the beaters inventory).
::Scanning Pulse: The next time when a blocked door that is on the same Tile of the model the Servo Skull is removed by a Melta Charge, add two new Tiles in conjunction with it in any possible direction.
::Algorithmic Area Analysis: The next time the bearer of the Servo Skull Scavenges roll an additional dice and you may use that dice in place of either of the two other dice.
'''Trip Mine''' ''A simple device, nothing more than an explosive charge and a laser sensor, but very effective when dealing with a mindless monstrosity. Unfortunately, the Mine doesn't care who it is activated by, so ensure that you know where your fellow soldiers are when you use it.''
:Carry restrictions: None
:Use restrictions: {{W40kKeyword|Weapon Expert}} only
:Uses: 1
:Effect: When used, choose a point where two Tiles meet one of which must be the one the model using this tool is on; that is where the Trip Mine is placed. From the beginning of the following turn, the mine is active, the first time any model crosses it, it explodes; all models on both tiles which are connected by the Trip Mine take D6 hits which wound on a 4+ with an AP of -2. If any model suffers any Injury, roll 2D6 and pick the highest result. A {{W40kKeyword|Weapon Expert}} may expend an action to pick up an active Trip Mine as long as it's on the same Tile as him.
==Event Cards==
Once all models have taken their actions, roll a D66 for each distinct group on the board and apply the result to it. (es. at the end of the Action phase, the main party has split, the Terminator and Demolition Expert are on a different Tile from the rest of the models. You roll once for the two models and the result is 41, while for the other group is 15. Apply the result of '''Dead Soldier''' to the Terminator's team and '''Nothing''' to the rest.)
{| class=wikitable cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left"
! Number !! Name !! Type !! Description !! Effect !! Notes
! Number !! Name !! Type !! Description !! Effect !! Notes
| 11-34 || '''Nothing''' || Neutral || ''Nothing happens. As one your party relax slightly, using the moment of respite to collect their resolve to push on further.'' || Roll a D6 for each unit on the tile this card was drawn from. On a 4+ that unit gains 1 morale point. || -
| 11-36 || '''Nothing''' || Neutral || ''Nothing happens. As one your party relax slightly, using the moment of respite to collect their resolve to push on further.'' || - || -
| 35 || '''Blessed Loot''' || Blessing || ''All of a sudden, you see something shiny in the pile of trash you were sifting through, desperately searching for something which might aid your struggle. It may just be a piece of metal or shard of glass, but something deep inside yourself says that this time, you will be lucky.'' || Randomly select a model on the tile this card was drawn on. The next time that model Scavenges add 10 to the result of the roll and treat rolls of 64, 65 and 66 as Nothing. || If you are on a Tile which rerolls nothing and you roll a 64, 65 or 66 you still reroll it.
| 36 || '''Dead Soldier''' || Blessing || ''You find the body lying up against a wall, a spike hole clean through one side of its skull and out the other, a wound which you have come to see as the Blind Horror’s trademark. Although the death was unfortunate for the soldier, they died with their armour intact and their weapons unused, which is most fortunate for you as you feel the Beast looming ever large in your minds.'' || You find a  fully loaded '''Hot-shot Lasgun''' and 4 '''Hot-shot''' charges. || If you leave the Tile where this card was drawn, the card remains active until it is removed.
| 41 || '''Dead Space Marine''' || Blessing || ''The space marines in your group stand as one, heads bowed, blocking your view of a figure on the floor. As you get closer you see the impossible. A dead space marine is slumped against the wall of your corridor, his armour covered in slash marks which have cut through to the tough flesh beneath. You try to say something, but sensing your presence one of the marines turns to look at you. He says nothing, but his message is clear. Leave us be.'' || All {{W40kKeyword|Space Marines}} in the group have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. You find a fully loaded '''Bolter''' and 2 '''Bolter''' charges. || If you leave the Tile where this card was drawn, the card remains active until it is removed.
| 41 || '''Dead Soldier''' || Setting || ''A body lies up against the wall, a deep hole clean through one side to the other of its skull, a wound which you have come to see as the Blind Horror’s trademark. Although the death was unfortunate for the soldier, they died with their weapons unused, a blessing you can't just pass up.'' || You find a fully loaded '''Hot-shot Lasgun''' and 4 '''Hot-shot''' charges. || The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
| 42 || '''Dead Terminator''' || Blessing || ''It stands there against a wall, supported by its own joints, but lifeless, a once-mighty testament to the power of humanity. For the scions this is the first time they have ever seen a dead terminator, such things simply don’t happen. The area shows that this most honoured of battle brothers didn’t die without a fight. The walls are pitted with fist-sized holes where a volley of bolter shots missed their target, an acid burn on its power fist marks where it must have landed a blow into the beast. But even the efforts of the god emperors finest still wasn’t enough. A tail puncture can be seen in its right leg and deep claw marks in the biceps of both marks tell of where the Blind Horror grabbed the marine to hold it still so that it could deliver the final blow, which was to bite its head off. What must have gone through the mind of the Astartes as it heard the grind of jaws against ceramite? Alas, we will never know.'' || All {{W40kKeyword|Space Marines}} in the group have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. You find a fully loaded '''Storm Bolter''' and 4 '''Bolter''' charges. || If you leave the Tile where this card was drawn, the card remains active until it is removed.
| 42 || '''Dead Space Marine''' || Setting || ''The space marines in your group stand as one, heads bowed, blocking your view of a figure on the floor. As you get closer you see the impossible. The corpse of an Emperor's finest lies on the floor, his armor covered in slash marks that have cut through to the tough flesh beneath. One of the marines turns to look at you. He says nothing, but his message is clear. Leave us be.'' || You find a fully loaded '''Bolter''' and 2 '''Bolter''' charges. All {{W40kKeyword|Space Marines}} in the party have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. || The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
| 43 || '''Medical Supplies''' || Blessing || ''There is one advantage to the Blind Horror’s terror tactics, that been that it doesn’t leave many victims in a state where they require medical attention. As such you have found a pack of discarded medical supplies in a corridor, presumably left by some poor soul fleeing in abject terror.'' || You find D3 '''Medkit'''s. || If you leave the tile where this card was drawn then the card remains active until the entire tile is removed.
| 43 || '''Dead Terminator''' || Setting || ''It stands there against a wall, supported by its own joints, a once-mighty testament to the power of humanity. For the scions this is the first time they have ever seen a dead terminator, such things simply don’t happen. The area shows that this most honored of battle brothers didn’t die without a fight. The walls are pitted with fist-sized holes where a volley of bolter shots missed their target; an acid burn on his power fist marks where it must have landed a blow into the monster. But even the efforts of the Emperor's finest still weren’t enough. The severed head acts as a warning, everyone can fall under the attacks of the beast.'' || You find a fully loaded '''Storm Bolter''' and 4 '''Bolter''' charges. All {{W40kKeyword|Space Marines}} in the group have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. || The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
| 44 || '''"Found Them!"''' || Blessing || ''You see a light in the distance. At first, you think it’s merely a reflection, but as you get closer you realise that it’s those you lost earlier. As one you rejoice, as the nightmare of the space hulk is easier to bear as a group.'' || If your party contains any '''Lost''' units then immediately connect their tiles to that of the largest party group. That unit is no longer '''Lost''' and regains 2 Morale points. || If there are not '''Lost''' models on the board, treat this as '''Nothing''' instead. If there are two separate Lost groups then teams only select a group for this Event to effect.
| 44 || '''Medical Supplies''' || Setting || ''You have found a pack of discarded medical supplies in a corridor, presumably left by some poor soul fleeing in abject terror. At least now they will find so use.'' || You find D3 '''Medkit'''s. || The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
| 45 || '''Ration Trolley''' || Blessing || ''Not everything on board of a space hulk is scavenged by its inhabitants, they are just too vast, complicated and ever-changing. This small ration trolley is such an example. Although time has made most of the packs inedible, and even fresh it does not bear thinking about what they are made of, a full stomach can go a long way towards making the impossible possible.'' || Roll a D6 for each model on the tile on which this card was activated. On a 3+ that model gains 1 '''Ration Pack'''. Then roll another D6 for each model; on a 6 that model gains 1 '''Ration Pack'''.  || If you leave the Tile where this card was drawn, the card remains active until it is removed.
| 45 || '''Unexploded Torpedo''' || Setting || Your party has found an unexploded relic, a Torpedo dwarfing you even when seeing just the tip of it. The head has some melta charges incorporated to melt everything nearby to slag, but something prevented the deadly weapon from going critical. Luckily for you, a member of your party knows how to gain access and cannibalize some of those melta charges for your own use. || You find D2 Melta Charges. || The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
| 46 || '''Unexploded Torpedo''' || Blessing || During space battles it is not unusual for sips to attempt to escape lance and torpedo fire, never to be heard of again until their metal corpse is found in a hulk. Your party have found an unexploded relic of such a failed escape, a Torpedo. The ship to ship missile is the size of a sky scraper, dwarfing you even when you can only see and access a small section of it. The torpedo you have found has melta charges incorporated into its head to melta everything nearby to slag, but something, maybe the torpedo's transition to the warp, prevented the deadly weapon from going critical. Luckily for you, a member of your party knows how to gain access and cannibalise some of those melta charges for your own use. || Your party finds D2 Melta Charges. || If you leave the Tile where this card was drawn, the card remains active until it is removed.
| 46 || '''Cave-in''' || Setting || ''A wrenching cry of metal on metal assaults your ears as the miles-long hulk shifts around you under the strain of its own gravity. A few meters ahead of you the passageway collapses in on itself, annihilating anything below it and blocking off any chance of advancing. Your party is shaken at the sheer randomness of their lives being snuffed out, but still grateful that they might live a little longer. Regardless, the collapse makes it impossible for the party to progress.'' || Remove the Tile this card was drawn on and replace it with a cave-in tile; then randomly place all the models that were on that tile onto tiles that were originally connected to it. If the group splits into different smaller ones, then follow the normal rules for becoming '''Lost'''. || After the effect of the Event has been resolved, place and/or remove any tiles following the normal rules.
| 51 || '''Backup Generator Online''' || Blessing || ''Throughout the hulk there starts a distant clanging as if someone had just started hitting a piece of metal with a hammer. Your party halt, bringing weapons to bear on all the likely places their foe might approach in anticipation of another attack. Suddenly, the most unlikely thing happens. The corridor you are in is flooded with light as the once dim illumination strips above you start working at full power. You realise that the noise you heard must have been a generator coming online, providing blessed illumination in this dark world. When was the last time you saw a properly lit room? Hours? Days? Or has it been weeks? It doesn’t matter, for now, is the time to take advantage of the light while it still lasts.'' || For the next D3 turns, increase the Min Sight and Max Sight characteristics of all models in the Hulk by 1.|| -
| 51 || '''Ration Trolley''' || Setting || ''Not everything on board of a space hulk is scavenged by its inhabitants, they are just too vast, complicated, and ever-changing. This small ration trolley is such an example. Although time has made most of the packs inedible, and even fresh it does not bear thinking about what they are made of, a full stomach can go a long way towards making the impossible possible.'' || Roll a D6 for each model on the tile on which this card was activated; on a 3+ that model gains 1 '''Ration Pack'''. Then roll another D6 for each model; on a 6 that model gains 1 '''Ration Pack'''. || -
| 52 || '''Signpost''' || Blessing || ''Even the most familiar of space crews may forget the layout of their ships, and so ships would have markers on their walls to direct lost crew to where they needed to go. Your party has found such a marker, and although worn it gives you an idea of what lies ahead.'' || The next time a Tile is drawn, draw 3 Tiles instead and choose one to place on the board. Then, shuffle the other into the Tile deck. || If multiple Tiles need to be placed then activate this only for the first tile which needs placing.
| 52 || '''Frenzied Horror''' || Curse || ''A blood-curdling howl claws its way around the ship. As one you, your team and any other life on the Hulk clasps their hands to their ears at the noise-based assault. The tirade ends almost as quickly as it came upon you, but you are all left with a feeling of dread and horror. The Blind Horror is coming with a vengeance.'' || During the Blind Horror’s next phase, it may perform one additional action. In addition, every model in the Hulk loses 1 Morale point. || -
| 53 || '''Cursed Loot''' || Curse || ''It seems that luck is not on your side today. For the past half a day you have stripped the skin from your fingers clawing your way through pile after pile of discarded items, your leader needs a medkit and your gunner is looking at your weirdly with that knife he found earlier. Somewhere, deep in the heart of the warp, an entity laughs at your expense and bad luck.'' || Randomly select a model on the tile this card was drawn on. The next time that model Scavenges subtract 10 from the result of the roll and treat rolls of 1, 2 and 3 as 64, 65 and 66 respectively. || -
| 53 || '''Distracted''' || Curse || ''Despite all the warnings, the protestation of common sense, and ignoring of survival instincts, a member of your party has stopped to examine something and has not realized that the rest of the party have moved on without them. As the rest of the party moves on a sightless face begins to stare at the helpless individual, its maw opening wide to reveal saliva-dripping tentacles, while a spiked tail sways backward and forwards, almost lazily, over the sightless visage.'' || Randomly select a non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in the party that has moved during the Movement sub-phase. Move that model back to the tile it was on at the start of the Action phase; any Movement type Action is not refunded. Then, roll a D6; on a 4+ the '''Blind Horror''' may take an extra action during its next phase. || If no models in the party moved, discard this Event.
| 54 || '''Distracted''' || Curse || ''Despite all the warnings, the protestation of common sense and ignoring of survival instincts, a member of your party has stopped to examine something and has not realised that the rest of the party have moved on without them. As the rest of the party move on a sightless face begins to stare at the hapless individual, it’s maw opening wide to reveal saliva-dripping tentacles, while a prehensile tail sways backwards and forwards, almost lazily, over the sightless visage.'' || Randomly select a non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in your party. Move that model back to the tile it was on at the start of the Action phase (treat this as a Nothing card if said tile has been discarded or the chosen model did not move earlier in the Action phase). Any action points the model spent are not refunded. Then, roll a D6; on a 4+ the '''Blind Horror''' may take an extra action during its next phase. || -
| 54 || '''Whispers in the Dark''' || Curse || ''“What was that?!” Shouts a member of your party suddenly, their eyes flitting up and down the corridor. Confused and concerned you ask “What was what?” Even as you tighten your grip on your weapon. “I thought I heard something,” replies the first member of your party, fooling no one, but you continue on anyway because stopping is no longer an option.'' || Roll a D6 for each model in your party. On a 4+ that model loses a Morale Point. If that model is on a tile with an unlit Vent opening, do not roll a dice, the model automatically loses a Morale Point. || -
| 55 || '''Whispers in the Dark''' || Curse || ''“What was that?!” Shouts a member of your party suddenly, their eyes flitting up and down the corridor. Confused and concerned you ask “What was what?” Even as you tighten your grip on your weapon. “I thought I heard something,” replies the first member of your party, fooling no one, but you continue on anyway because stopping is no longer an option.'' || Roll a D6 for each model in your party. On a 4+ that model loses a Morale Point. If that model is on a Tile with a Vent opening do not roll a dice, the model automatically loses a Morale Point. || -
| 55 || '''Faulty Ammunition''' || Curse || ''The conditions inside the Space Hulk take their toll even on steel. Upon inspection your party finds that some of their ammunition has spoiled in the harsh environment, leaving you precious weapons down in the fight against the encroaching dark.'' || Roll a D6 for each non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in your party; on a 4+, that model loses one weapon charge in its inventory. || -
| 56 || '''Faulty Ammunition''' || Curse || ''The conditions inside the Space Hulk take their toll even on steel. Upon inspection your party finds that some of their ammunition has spoiled in the harsh environment, leaving you precious weapons down in the fight against the encroaching dark.'' || Roll a D6 for each non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in your party. On a 4+ that model loses D3 ammunitions/weapon charges in its inventory. || -
| 56 || '''Faulty Weapon''' || Curse || ''Maybe an accidental splash of water caused some electronics to corrode or an important part just gave away by chance. Regardless, your weapon is now useful only as a club, horrific news in a world where your weapon is your only defense.'' || Roll a D6 for each non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in your party. On a 6+ that unit loses 1 of its weapons. || -
| 61 || '''Faulty Weapon''' || Curse || ''Even with regular maintenance and expert attention weapons can fail. Maybe an opportune splash of water causes some electronics to corrode or an important part just gave away by chance. Regardless, your weapon is now useful only as a club, horrific news in a world where your weapon is your only defence.'' || Roll a D6 for each non-{{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} in your party. On a 6+ that unit loses 1 of its weapons. || -
| 61 || '''Narrow Corridor''' || Curse || ''A chokepoint, the perfect opportunity for the Thing to attack under minimal fire and escape with one of our own.'' || If the '''Blind Horror''' makes a ''Spiked Tail Attack'' on the tile this card was drawn on, subtract 2 from the armor saves. If the Blind Horror makes an assault unto the tile this card was drawn on, only two models may fire overwatch. || -
| 62 || '''Cave-in''' || Curse || ''A wrenching cry of metal on metal assaults your ears as the miles-long hulk shifts around you under the strain of its own gravity. A few metres ahead of you the passageway collapses in on itself, annihilating anything below it and blocking off any chance of advancing. Your party is shaken at the sheer randomness of their lives being snuffed out, but still grateful that they might live a little longer. Regardless, the collapse makes it impossible for the party to progress.'' || Remove the Tile this card was drawn on and place all the models which were on it to one side. Then, randomly place all those models onto Tiles which originally connected to the Tile which was removed. If the group splits into different smaller ones, then follow the normal rules for becoming '''Lost'''. || -
| 62 || '''Ceramite Door''' || Curse || ''Some doors on a ship are considered vital for the ships existence. They may act as a bulkhead to derp vacuum, act as a choke point to hold boarding parties at bay, or separate the rest of the ship from the reactor section. The door your party has encountered is such a door. You turn to your team's explosives expert and they shrug; you're going to need a lot of firepower to get through this door.'' || The next Locked Door Tile the party encounters counts as a Ceramite Door. Ceramite Doors require 2 uses of a Melta Charge to be removed. In addition, a model may not advance over where this door was. || -
| 63 || '''Narrow Corridor''' || Curse || ''A chokepoint, the perfect opportunity for the Thing to attack under minimal fire and escape with one of our own.'' || If the '''Blind Horror''' makes a ''Surprise Attack'' or an Assault on the tile this card was drawn on, only 2 models on the effected Tile confer a bonus to a '''Don't Let It Take Him''' test or can perform an Overwatch. || -
| 63 || '''What Happened to the Lights?''' || Curse || ''For some reason, the Hulk’s few lights have just gone out, plunging you into a darkness that is only broken by the small shafts of light from your mounted spotlights. The terminator too is uneasy, as even he could be torn open by a sudden strike from behind.'' || Until the end of the next turn, all models subtract 1 from their hit rolls and 1 from their Sight Distance characteristic. || If during a turn in which this event takes effect you roll a '''Backup Generator Online''', this effect ceases to take place.
| 64 || '''Ceramite Door''' || Curse || ''Some doors on a ship are considered vital for the ships existence. They may act as a bulkhead to derp vacuum, act as a choke point to hold boarding parties as bay, or separate the rest of the ship from the reactor section. The door your party has encountered is such a door. One of your number strikes their knuckles on the door, and instead of the thump thump a normal door would create you a greeted by the resonant boom of a door much thicker and stronger than normal. You turn to your teams explosives expert and they shrug. Your going to need a lot of firepower to get through this door.'' || The next Locked Door Tile the party encounters counts as a Ceramite Door. Ceramite Doors require 2 uses of a Melta Charge to be removed. In addition, a model may not advance over where this door was. || -
| 64 || '''"Found Them!"''' || Blessing || ''You see a light in the distance. At first, you think it’s merely a reflection, but as you get closer you realize that it’s those you lost earlier. As one you rejoice, as the nightmare of the space hulk is easier to bear as a group.'' || If your party contains any '''Lost''' parties then immediately connect their tiles to that of the largest party. Those models are no longer '''Lost''' and regain 2 Morale points each. || If there are not '''Lost''' models on the board, treat this as '''Nothing''' instead. If there are two or more separate Lost parties the imperial player randomly selects a party for this Event to affect.
| 65 || '''What Happened to the Lights?''' || Curse || ''Space Hulks are dark places, but some still functioning generators and your party’s torches provide some illumination through the gloom. But for some reason, the Hulk’s few lights have just gone out, plunging you into a darkness which is only broken by the small shafts of light from your mounted spotlights. The terminator too is uneasy, as even he could be torn open from behind by a sudden strike.'' || For the next D3 turns, all models subtract 1 from their hit rolls and 1 from their Max Sight characteristics. || -
| 65 || '''Backup Generator Online''' || Blessing || ''Throughout the hulk there starts a distant clanging; your party halts, bringing weapons to bear on all the likely places their foe might approach in anticipation of another attack. Suddenly, the corridor is flooded with light as the once dim illumination strips above you start working at full power. Now is the time to take advantage of the situation while it still lasts.'' || Until the end of the next turn, increase the Sight Distance characteristics of all models in the Hulk by 1. || If during a turn in which this event takes effect you roll a '''What Happened to the Lights?''', this effect ceases to take place.
| 66 || '''Frenzied Horror''' || Curse || ''A blood curdling howl claws it’s way around the ship. As one you, your team and any other life on the Hulk clasps their hands to their ears at the noise based assault. The tirade ends almost as quickly as it came upon you, but you are all left with a feeling of dread and horror. The Blind Horror is coming with a vengeance.'' || During the Blind Horror’s next phase, it may perform 2 actions instead of 1. In addition, every model in the Hulk loses 1 Morale point. || -
| 66 || '''Signpost''' || Blessing || ''Even the most familiar of space crews may forget the layout of their ships, and so ships would have markers on their walls to direct lost crew to where they needed to go. Your party has found such a marker, and although worn it gives you an idea of what lies ahead.'' || The next time a tile needs to be placed, draw 3 tiles and choose which one to set. The others are immediately put back in the deck and reshuffled. || If the Beacon hasn't been recovered yet, then it must still be placed at the bottom of the deck.
|} <br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
==Space Hulk Tiles==
The Tiles in The Killer of the Maze are square pieces which can fit onto any other Tile. Some Tiles are simply corridors, through which the party of brave/doomed explorers of the hulk must traverse. Some of them contain horrors leftover by the hulk's previous inhabitants, while a rare few contain a glimmer of hope, a feature, landmark or item which might just help them with their lives. Most, however, are just dark, endless, featureless passageways, which serve to slowly grind down the will of those who tread them.
Tiles have a number of characteristics:
'''-Name:''' The name of the Tile, some abilities refer to the Tile's name.
'''-Number of Access Corridors:''' The number of Tiles the Tile can connect to.
'''-Vents or Ducts:''' The number of vents or ducts on a Tile. The more vents and ducts the harder it is for the Imperials to prevent a flank by the Blind Horror.
'''-Effects:''' Sone Tiles produce effects to models moving onto them.
'''-Loot:''' Number of times the Tile can be scavenged. Sometimes a Tile will automatically have a specific item.
===Basic Tiles===
{| class=wikitable cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left"
! Name !! Description !! Number of Access Corridors !! Vents or Ducts !! Loot !! Notes
| '''Dead End''' || The party is confronted by a blank wall which looms out of the darkness before them. It doesn't matter if its a collapsed bulkhead, the remnants of a long-forgotten room, or simply the end of a corridor, it still mocks them with a simple message; there is no way forward from here. || 1 || 0 || 1 || -
| '''Dead End Vent''' || ''A dark maw of a hole can be seen on the wall, floor or ceiling of this space, its edges coated with scratch marks and blood as if something had been dragged inside. The hole is too small for the party to make progress through, but even if they could none of their number would suggest such a foolish, and terrifying idea.'' || 1 || 1 || 1 (Re-roll '''Nothing''') || -
| '''Corridor''' || ''A single stretch of passageway down which the explorers must travel down. While moving down it they wonder whether or not that piece of wall is the same one they passed an hour ago, or what happened to their markers they left out to track their passage.'' || 2 || 0 || 1 || The corridor leads in a straight line.
| '''Corridor Vent''' || ''The party hugs the wall, their weapons trained at a vent on the opposite wall as they pass. As one, the group sighs as they are safely past, but the group's last member pauses to look back at the vent. "Was that, movement I heard?" They think as they look back at the vent. "I just imagined it." They think as they hurry to catch up with the others, while knowing, deep down, that they did not imagine the noise.'' || 2 || 1 || 1 (Re-roll '''Nothing''') || The corridor leads in a straight line.
| '''Locked Corridor''' || ''Spacecraft often had many doors in their structure to allow sections of the ship to be sealed off, preventing the loss of vacuum. One of these said doors now blocks your progress further, leaving you with a choice, turn back, or spend precious resources to open a door which may be a trap.'' || 2 || 0 || 2 || The corridor leads in a straight line. One of the two Access Corridors is blocked by a Locked Door.
| '''Bend in the Corridor''' || ''A corner. Such a simple thing, but it hides such potential horrors. What lies on the other side? Death? Nothing? Salvation? The...Thing?'' || 2 || 0 || 1 || The corridor bends left, or right (flip a coin to decide). Do not place a tile on the end of this tile until at least 1 party member is on it at the end of the movement phase.
| '''Bend in the Corridor Vent''' || ''As if a bend in the corridor wasn't bad enough, this one has a vent, adding danger that not only might there something around the corner, but also above, or below.'' || 2 || 1 || 1 (Re-roll '''Nothing''') || The corridor bends left, or right (flip a coin to decide). Do not place a tile on the end of this tile until at least 1 party member is on it at the end of the movement phase.
| '''Intersection''' || - || 3 || 0 || 1 || Randomly decide the orientation of this tile.
| '''Intersection Vent''' || ''A junction, but this time a vent stares directly at you as you approach. Slime and gore mark a trail where something has crawled and scrapped its way in all possible directions.'' || 3 || 1 || 1 (Re-roll '''Nothing''') || Randomly decide the orientation of this tile.
| '''Locked Intersection''' || ''A choice of two locked doors presents itself to your party, this collection of options may quite easy become a dead end, from which you may not retreat from.'' || 3 || 0 || 2 || Randomly decide the orientation of this tile. D2 of the Access Corridors are blocked by a Locked Door.
| '''Junction''' || ''Passageways open up in all directions all around you. Which way to go? Does it even matter? No matter which way you turn it doesn't seem to matter, and you feel dangerously exposed surrounded by this infinitude of possibilities all around you.'' || 4 || 0 || 2 || -
| '''Junction Vent''' || ''The worst possible place to be. You find yourself open on all sides and with a vent at floor level where a steady flow of water is trickling into. You turn this way and that, trying to keep all angles of approach, and somehow the vent too, in sight. You notice for the first time a scrap of bloody cloth on the vent, a chunk of flesh slowly rotting in its folds. This is not a good place to be.'' || 4 || 1 || 2 (Re-roll '''Nothing''') || -
| '''Locked Junction''' || ''In Terra’s past they had a saying. All roads lead to Rome. For you these roads are blocked by many doors, hiding many possibilities. At least the locked doors at your back ensure that nothing can come up behind you.'' || 4 || 0 || 2 || D3 of the Access Corridors are blocked by a Locked Door.
| '''Open Ceiling''' || ''The roof above your heads disappears, revealing a chasm which stretches hundreds of metres above you into the hulk. You see where multiple ships have been crushed together over centuries, a tapestry of decay laid before you by the pitiful light of your torches. As one you look at your parties heavy flamer. There isn’t enough flamer fuel in the galaxy to light this vent up.'' || 2 || 1 || 2 (Re-roll '''Nothing''')  || The corridor leads in a straight line. The vent on this tile may not be lit up.
| '''Pit''' || ''As the party approaches the floor of the corridor disappears ahead of them, to be replaced by pitch-black nothingness. As the party examines the missing floor they see claw marks on the ceiling and walls, where something has climbed its way over the chasm. One thing is clear, although the party may not be able to pass something else can, and is.'' || 2 || 0 || - || The corridor leads in a straight line, but the party may not enter the corridor. When the party gets close enough that a new tile would be put onto the far end of the corridor do so as normal. The Blind Horror may move over this tile as normal, and treats it as a Dark End.
|} <br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />

===Special Tiles===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
{| class=wikitable cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left"
! Name !! Description !! Number of Access Corridors !! Vents or Ducts !! Effects !! Loot !! Notes
| '''Ransacked Armoury''' || ''The party enters a room which at one time had been an armoury. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the centre of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tells a story of the defenders gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering.'' || 1 || 0 || - || 1 Shotgun, 1 Shotgun charge and D6 Hotshot Lasgun charges || The effect of this room may only be used once by the party, and activates when at least one member of the party ends his movement on this Tile.
| '''Space Marine Armoury''' || ''There is hush amongst the group as the space marine amongst them steps forward and places his hand on the doors DNA scanner. "Welcome, honoured Battle-Brother!" says an overhead speaker as the door opens to reveal the private armoury of a Space Marine. Although locked, the room's previous owner had emptied it of most of its weapons and ammunition in a final battle. But a Battle-Brother's armoury is never truly empty.'' || 1 || 0 || All {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} left in the corridor outside the room when the {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} enter it gain 1 previously lost Morale Point at the sight of such a holy place. ||Enhanced Cogitator Scanner and D6 Bolter magazines || This room may only be opened if a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} is in the adjacent tile and the room may only be entered by a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}}. The effect of this room may only be used once by the party.
| '''Massacre''' || ''Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party get closer they start to see details. An arm casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covers the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, for ever coming to such a place.'' || 4 || 2 || All {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} on this tile loose 1 Morale Point at the sight of such a slaughter. If there is also a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} on the Tile, roll a die; the Morale Point is only lost on a 3+. || 1 Frag Grenade and 1 Hotshot Volleygun || This effect activates every time a model ends its turn on this tile, even if it has been on this tiles before.
| '''The Shuttle''' || ''The beginning. And the End. Here the party begin their journey. Anxious. Nervous. But confident, as the soldiers of the Imperium are trained to be. Here they start fresh, supplied and their minds unwarped. Those who ever return here, return broken, their minds in tatters, their flesh abused, and their weapons broken and dry. They say that the beginning and the end of a journey don't matter and that the most important part is the journey itself. To those who start their journey here, by the end they would quite happily slit their own throats to take back the journey they embarked on.'' || 1 || 0 || The party begins its journey here. Increase the Visibility of each model on this Tile by 1. || 1 Servo Skull (this is only available the second time this tile is placed down) || When this tile is removed from the board the Tiles it illuminated that the party would not normally be able to see are also removed.
| '''The Beacon''' || ''Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a metre tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon.''  || 4 || 0 || At the end of the movement phase a unit that enters this Tile must pick up the '''Beacon''', which is spawned in this room. The first time this room is entered each unit that enters it regains 2 Morale Points. || 1 Beacon || Once The Beacon item has been picked up and The Beacon Tile is discarded place the Tile to one side instead of returning it to the Deck.
| '''The Nest''' || ''"Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay.'' || 4 || 4 || Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points (a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} may not use his '''And They Shall Know No Fear''' special rule to prevent this). If the Blind Horror has taken any party members via vents throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here, for every party member's corpse roll an additional D6 for each {{W40kKeyword|Scions}} that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale Point. If the dead party member is a {{W40kKeyword|Space Marine}} do not roll for that corpse, the model automatically loses a Morale Point instead. You may still collect the fallen party member's equipment. If the '''Blind Horror''' is gravely wounded and escapes the party and this Tile is drawn, the '''Blind Horror''' is automatically placed in this room. || 1 Flamer || -
| '''Chapel''' || ''As one, you feel your spirits lift at the sight of this new room. The chapel is a vast, dark stone space with a shrine at its centre, lit by candles which cast a solemn glow to this cavernous room. Unlike the rest of the ship, this room looks as if it has just been cleaned, a testament to the god emperors will. Just the sight of the imperial crest on the shrine is enough to melt away some of the terror, and allows you to properly relax for the first time since arriving in the metal maze.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this Tile it regains 2 Morale points. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Curse or a Horror card then you may choose to discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || 1 Imperial Crest Pendant || -
| '''Chaos Shrine''' || ''Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the rooms centre, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilt blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this tile it loses 1 Morale Point. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Blessing card then you must discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || 1 Sacrificial Blade || -
| '''Viewing Platform''' || ''Your party is greeted by the sight of blackness, vast and endless. But this not the darkness of shadowy corners and dank corridors, but the darkness of space, so close, but yet so far. Out there, is freedom, if only you can reach it.'' || 1 || 0 || Once per game, a model on this Tile may elect to use their action to look out of the Viewing Platform. Roll 6D6 for each model that does so; for every roll of 6, that model regains 1 Morale point. || 1 Ration Pack || You may not use any explosive devices while on the Viewing Platform.
| '''Cargo Lift''' || ''You find yourself standing in front of a set of open pneumatic doors, which reveal a large, metal walkway. You recognise it from the star carrier you cane to this godforsaken place, a Cargo Lift. Examining its controls you see that it is running off backup power, and only has the capability to take your party down one floor, deeper into the hulk. You are all apprehensive at the prospect, but taking the lift may be better than staying with what is behind you.'' || 1 || 0 || A model on this Tile may use an Action to activate the lift, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party in the lift is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). When the effect of this tile is used and the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror slips it’s next turn. || 1 Medkit || -
|} <br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />

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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
==The Wrath of the Greater Good==
==The Wrath of the Greater Good==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The Wrath of the Greater Good tells the tale of an elite Tau Void Suit strike team sent into a Space Hulk in order to collect valuable Imperial data from a lost beacon, unaware of the Horror that lies in wait. The game intends to play out differently to a normal game of The Killer of the Maze; the Tau team is far better armed and armoured than their imperial counterparts, and have the advantages of flight and agility. However, being on a Hulk comprising of thousands of Imperial vessels there is little the Tau can use to replenish their own supplies, and this time the Blind Horror is not alone. The once lone Hunter now calls upon swarms of rippers to hem in the Tau, absorb their fire and slowly grind them down under a tide of tiny teeth and claws.
The Wrath of the Greater Good tells the tale of an elite Tau Void Suit strike team sent into a Space Hulk in order to collect valuable Imperial data from a lost beacon, unaware of the Horror that lies in wait. The game intends to play out differently to a normal game of The Killer of the Maze; the Tau team is far better armed and armoured than their imperial counterparts, and have the advantages of flight and agility. However, being on a Hulk comprising of thousands of Imperial vessels there is little the Tau can use to replenish their own supplies, and this time the Blind Horror is not alone. The once lone Hunter now calls upon swarms of rippers to hem in the Tau, absorb their fire and slowly grind them down under a tide of tiny teeth and claws.

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{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| Battlesuit Pilot || 4+ || 3 || 6 || 5+ || 2 || 4
| Battlesuit Pilot || 4+ || 3 || 6 || 5+ || 3

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{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distance
| XV46 Vanguard Void Suit || 4+ || 8 || 15 || 2+ || 2 || 4
| XV46 Vanguard Void Suit || 4+ || 8 || 15 || 2+ || 4

Line 643: Line 649:
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Automated Systems:''' This model hits on overwatch on a 5 or 6, and it may use 1 Item or Fire 1 Weapon each Action phase without using an action point.
::'''Automated Systems:''' This model hits on overwatch on a 5 or 6, and it may use 1 Item or Fire 1 Weapon each Action phase without using an action point.
::'''Electric Engagement Countermeasures:''' The first time this model is assaulted by the {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} or a {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}}, the electrical field automatically discharges. The model that charged this Suit suffers a Flesh Wound on a roll of 3+ and it can't allocate any attack onto this model. If no other model charges this Suit then follow the normal rules for disengaging.
::'''Electric Engagement Countermeasures:''' The first time this model is assaulted by the {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} or a {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}}, the electrical field automatically discharges. The model that charged this Suit suffers a wound on a roll of 3+ and it can't allocate any attack onto this model. If no other model charges this Suit then follow the normal rules for disengaging.
::'''Pilot Protection Protocols:''' When this model is slain it is replaced by a '''Battlesuit Pilot''' model instead.
::'''Pilot Protection Protocols:''' When this model is slain it is replaced by a '''Battlesuit Pilot''' model in its place.
::'''Thrusters and Large Bulk:''' Add 2 to the Don’t let it take Him roll if this model is the target of a Surprise Attack.
::'''Thrusters and Large Bulk:''' Add 2 to the Don’t let it take Him roll if this model is the target of a Surprise Attack.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|T'au}}; {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suit}}; {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|T'au}}; {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suit}}; {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}
Line 652: Line 658:
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Sight Distances
| DX-11 Exploratory Drone || 5+ || 3 || - || 4+ || 2 || 4
| DX-11 Exploratory Drone || 5+ || 3 || - || 4+ || 4

::2 Pulse Carbines
::1 Twin Linked Pulse Carbine
*'''Carry Capacity'''
*'''Carry Capacity'''
::Weapons: 2
::Weapons: 2
Line 664: Line 670:
::Equipment: 1
::Equipment: 1
*'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Drone Support:''' This model may only move, advance, fire or use an item in its Action phase. A separate friendly model may expend one of its actions to recharge this model's weapon, provided it has the right charge to do so.
::'''Drone Support:''' This model may only Fire or Use an item in its Activity Action phase. A separate friendly model may expend one of its actions to recharge this model's weapon, provided it has the right charge to do so.
::'''Enemy Spotter:''' This model can expend one Action in its Action phase to scan a Vent opening or a Tile with a dark end that is at most two Tiles away from this model. The {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} and any {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}} may not use those Tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those Tiles during the Tyranids next turn.
::'''Enemy Spotter:''' This model can expend one Action in its Action phase to scan a Vent opening or a Tile with a dark end that is at most two tiles away from this model. The {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} and any {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}} may not use those tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those tiles during the following Tyranid Action phase.
::'''Savious Protocols:''' During an assault, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} model then the Drone can intercept a hit. Allocate the first attack made against the other model unto the Drone instead (this means the Drone would suffer two attacks, the one it was directed to it and the one it intercepted). Also, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} model that is selected by the {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} for a Surprise Attack, then allocate that attack to this model instead.
::'''Savior Protocols:''' During an assault, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} model then the Drone can intercept a hit. Allocate the first attack made against the other model unto the Drone instead (this means the Drone would suffer two attacks, the one it was directed to it and the one it intercepted). Also, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} model that is selected by the {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}} for a Surprise Attack, then allocate that attack to this model instead.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|T'au}}; {{W40kKeyword|DX-11 Exploratory Drone}}; {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|T'au}}; {{W40kKeyword|DX-11 Exploratory Drone}}; {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}
*'''Abominable Intelligence Drone'''
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
| Abominable Intelligence Drone || 3+ || 5 || - || 4+ || 2 || 4
::2 Chaos Pulse Carbines
*'''Carry Capacity'''
::Weapons: 2
::Weapon Charges: -
::Equipment: 1
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Chaotic Intelligence:''' This model may fire its '''Chaos Pulse Carbines''' at enemy units which are out of sight of it, but at a minus 1 to hit. However, roll a D6 for every other model on the same time as this model at teh start of each turn; on a D6 that model loses 1 Morale point.
::'''Mind with It's Own Agenda:''' Roll a D6 every time this model takes an action; on a 6+ you must select a different action for this model to take.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|T'au}}; {{W40kKeyword|Abominable Intelligence Drone}}; {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}

Line 704: Line 689:
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Tyranid}}; {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}}
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Tyranid}}; {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}}

===Additional Rules===
===T’au Additional Rules===
In the '''Wrath of the Greater Good''' expansion, all normal rules are followed with the addition of a few more here listed:
In the '''Wrath of the Greater Good''' expansion, all normal rules are followed with the addition of a few more here listed:

Line 715: Line 700:
::'''-Move:''' the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.
::'''-Move:''' the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.
::'''-Advance:''' the model moves 2 Tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses on a turn and it may not use this action twice a turn.
::'''-Advance:''' the model moves 2 Tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses on a turn and it may not use this action twice a turn.
::'''-Fly Up or Down:''' A model on an Open Ceiling or Pit Tile may use 2 Actions to activate it’s thrusters, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party on the Pit or Open Ceiling Tike is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). Then replace the Tile the models are on with the opposite corresponding Tile (if this Action was used on a Pit Tile then it is replaced by a Pit Tile and visa versa). When this Action is used the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror skips it’s next turn. This Action may only be used once per Tile and a model may not use this Action on a Tile which was swapped because of a previous use of this ability.
::'''-Fly Up or Down:''' A model on an Open Ceiling or Pit Tile may use 2 Actions to activate it’s thrusters, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party on the Pit or Open Ceiling Tile is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). Then replace the Tile the models are on with the opposite corresponding Tile (if this Action was used on a Pit Tile then it is replaced by an Open Ceiling Tile and visa versa). When this Action is used the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror skips it’s next turn. This Action may only be used once per Tile and a model may not use this Action on a Tile which was swapped because of a previous use of this ability.
::'''-Fire:''' the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer, and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots)
::'''-Fire:''' the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer, and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots)
Line 721: Line 706:
::'''-Cut through Door:''' a {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suit}} may expend one shot from its Fusion Cutter to fuze a Locked Door on the Tile it is on. Remove the Locked Door.
::'''-Cut through Door:''' a {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suit}} may expend one shot from its Fusion Cutter to fuze a Locked Door on the Tile it is on. Remove the Locked Door.
::'''-Reload:''' the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 magazine/charge/tank held by the model and re-fill the number of shots available for the weapon.
::'''-Reload:''' the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 magazine/charge/tank held by the model and re-fill the number of shots available for the weapon.
::'''-Use Tool:''' the model can use one tool in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
::'''-Use Equipment:''' the model can use one Equipment in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
::'''-Pick Up Item:''' the model can pick up 1 item on the same Tile he is in. If it’s inventory for that type of item is already full then it may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the Tile.
::'''-Pick Up Item:''' the model can pick up 1 item on the same Tile he is in. If it’s inventory for that type of item is already full then it may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the Tile.
::'''-Transfer Item:''' the model can give a single tool, weapon or weapon charge it possesses to another model on the same Tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.
::'''-Transfer Item:''' the model can give a single Equipment, weapon or weapon charge it possesses to another model on the same Tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.
::'''-Scavenge:''' the model may search a tile for an item up to the remaining number of scavenging attempts the tile has remaining.
::'''-Scavenge:''' the model may search a tile for an item up to the remaining number of scavenging attempts the tile has remaining.
::'''-Combine:''' the model may use 1 Energy Cell and 1 Helium Cell to create 1 High Energy Cell.
::'''-Combine:''' the model may use 1 Energy Cell and 1 Helium Cell to create 1 High Energy Cell.
-{{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suits}} and {{W40kKeyword|DX-11 Exploratory Drones}} are able to see 2 Tiles that are immediately after the one they are on, instead of only 1. Tiles that obstruct line of sight like Turns or Locked Doors still do so normally.

-When a {{W40kKeyword|DX-11 Exploratory Drones}} suffers an Injury and the roll is of 4 or more, don't apply the result, the model is immediately slain instead. On the other hand, each time a {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suits}} rolls on the Injury Table, subtract 2 from the result.
-When a {{W40kKeyword|DX-11 Exploratory Drones}} suffers an Injury and the roll is of 4 or more, don't apply the result, the model is immediately slain instead. On the other hand, each time a {{W40kKeyword|XV46 Vanguard Void Suits}} rolls on the Injury Table, subtract 2 from the result.
Line 776: Line 757:
| 63 || - || -
| 63 || - || -
| 64 || Jagged Metal || The scavenging model must immediately pass an armour save or suffer one Flesh Wound.
| 64 || Jagged Metal || The scavenging model must immediately pass an armor save or suffer one wound.
| 65 || Chaos Sigil || The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
| 65 || Chaos Sigil || The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
Line 790: Line 771:
|'''Flame Projector''' || 2 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Flame Projector''' || 2 || 4+ || -1 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 10 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || Fuel Tank || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Chaos Pulse Carbine''' || 3 || 4+ || -1 || 2 || 1 || 4 || 12 || Abominable Intelligence Drone || Abominable Intelligence Drone || Energy Cell || If the target of this weapon is 1 Tile away increase the damage of this weapon to 3. In addition add D3 previously fired shots to this weapons magazine at the start of each turn.
|'''Fusion Cutter''' || 1 || 3+ || -4 || D6 || 1 || 1 || 5 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || 1 High-voltage Energy Cell || Roll 2 dice and discard the lowest when determining damage for this weapon.
|'''Fusion Cutter''' || 1 || 3+ || -4 || D6 || 1 || 1 || 5 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || 1 High-voltage Energy Cell || Roll 2 dice and discard the lowest when determining damage for this weapon.
Line 797: Line 776:
|'''High-output Burst Cannon''' || 3 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 2 || 8 || 12 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || Energy Cell || Add 1 to this weapons hit rolls if it’s target is 2 tiles away. Add 2 instead if the target is 1 tile away. Change the ap of this weapon from 0 to -1 if the user also has the Target Lock item.
|'''High-output Burst Cannon''' || 3 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 2 || 8 || 12 || None || XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only || Energy Cell || Add 1 to this weapons hit rolls if it’s target is 2 tiles away. Add 2 instead if the target is 1 tile away. Change the ap of this weapon from 0 to -1 if the user also has the Target Lock item.
|'''Markerlight Carbine''' || 3 || - || - || - || 1 || 1 || 10 || None || DX-11 Exploratory Drone || Energy Cell || Do not make a wound roll for this weapon, a model hit by this weapon gains 1 Markerlight counter. Friendly units which target a model with a Markerlight counter reroll hit rolls of 1. A model loses any Markerlight counters it has if it dies, leaves the board or breaks line of sight with any {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} models.
|'''Markerlight Carbine''' || 3 || - || - || - || 1 || 2 || 10 || None || DX-11 Exploratory Drone || Energy Cell || Do not make a wound roll for this weapon, a model hit by this weapon gains 1 Markerlight counter. Friendly units which target a model with a Markerlight counter reroll hit rolls of 1. A model loses any Markerlight counters it has if it dies, leaves the board or breaks line of sight with any {{W40kKeyword|T'au}} models. At the start of each turn, this weapon gains D2-1 previously fired shots.
|'''Pulse Carbine''' || 2 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 10 || None || None || Energy Cell || If the target of this weapon is 1 Tile away increase the damage of this weapon to 2. In addition add D2 previously fired shots to this weapons magazine at the start of each turn.
|'''Pulse Pistol''' || 1 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 10 || None || None || Energy Cell || -
|'''Twin Linked Pulse Carbine''' || 2 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 2 || 8 || 20 || None || None || Energy Cell || If the target of this weapon is 1 Tile away increase the damage of this weapon to 2. In addition add 2D2 previously fired shots to this weapons magazine at the start of each turn.
|'''Pulse Pistol''' || 1 || 4+ || 0 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 10 || None || None || Energy Cell || -

*'''Drone Controller:''' ''Blank''
*'''Drone Controller:''' ''Blank''
:Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
:Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Line 815: Line 795:
:Use Restrictions: Drone only
:Use Restrictions: Drone only
:Uses: Unlimited
:Uses: Unlimited
:The bearer add 1 to its hit rolls.
:The bearer adds 1 to its hit rolls and may perform any action during its Action phase.

*'''Nanobot Repair Gel:''' ''Blank''
*'''Nanobot Repair Gel:''' ''Blank''
Line 821: Line 801:
:Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
:Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
:Uses: 3
:Uses: 3
:When used until the start of your next Action phase every time the user would lose a Flesh Wound roll a D6; on a 5+ that Flesh Wound is not lost.
:When used until the start of your next Action phase every time the user would lose a wound roll a D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.

*'''Nutrient Sludge:''' ''Blank''
*'''Nutrient Sludge:''' ''Blank''
Line 827: Line 807:
:Use Restrictions: Battlesuit Only
:Use Restrictions: Battlesuit Only
:Uses: 3
:Uses: 3
:When used, the bearer regains 1 previously lost Morale point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 6+ the user heals 1 Flesh Wound.
:When used, the bearer regains 1 previously lost Morale point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 6+ the user heals 1 wound.

*'''Scanning AI Coordinator:''' ''Blank''
*'''Scanning AI Coordinator:''' ''Blank''
Line 834: Line 814:
:Uses: 3
:Uses: 3
:To use this item 2 other models on the same Tile as the bearer must also use an action to activate this item. All Tiles within 2 Tiles of the user are scanned, the {{W40kKeyword|BLIND HORROR}} and any {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}} may not use those Tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those Tiles.
:To use this item 2 other models on the same Tile as the bearer must also use an action to activate this item. All Tiles within 2 Tiles of the user are scanned, the {{W40kKeyword|BLIND HORROR}} and any {{W40kKeyword|Ripper Swarm}} may not use those Tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those Tiles.
*'''Shield Dome:''' ''Blank''
:Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
:Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
:Uses: Unlimited
:This item takes up 2 equipment slots. Roll a D6 at the start of each turn; on a 5+ the bearers Electric Engagement Countermeasures may be used again if it has already been used earlier in the game.

*'''Target Lock Array:''' ''Blank''
*'''Target Lock Array:''' ''Blank''
Line 848: Line 822:

===Event Cards===
===Event Cards===
===Space Hulk Tiles (Tau modified)===
===Space Hulk Tiles (T’au modified)===
The Wrath of the Greater Good uses the same Tile set as the standard game, but it is modified to take into account the different equipment which the Tau use. For example, a Tau battle suit has no use for a Bolter found in a Space Marine armoury, but their suits AI can make use of a spare marine helmet to make a Target Lock system.
The Wrath of the Greater Good uses the same Tiles set as the standard game, but they are modified to take into account the different equipment which the Tau use. For example, a Tau battlesuit has no use for a Bolter found in a Space Marine armory, but their suits AI can make use of a spare marine helmet to make a Target Lock system.

Tiles have a number of characteristics:
Tiles have a number of characteristics:
Line 864: Line 838:

====Basic Tiles====
====Basic Tiles====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:800px">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Basic Tiles'''
'''Basic Tiles'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Line 904: Line 878:

====Special Tiles====
====Special Tiles====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:800px">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Special Tiles'''
'''Special Tiles'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Line 912: Line 886:
| '''Ransacked Armoury''' || ''The party enters a room which at one time had been an armoury. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the centre of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tells a story of the defenders gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering.'' || 1 || 0 || - || D3 Energy Cells || The effect of this room may only be used once by the party, and activates when at least one member of the party ends his movement on this Tile.
| '''Ransacked Armoury''' || ''The party enters a room which at one time had been an armoury. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the centre of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tells a story of the defenders gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering.'' || 1 || 0 || - || D3 Energy Cells || The effect of this room may only be used once by the party, and activates when at least one member of the party ends his movement on this Tile.
| '''Space Marine Armoury''' || ''It takes a long time for one of your parties battle suits to interface with the crude, yet stubborn, DNA scanner on the side of the door. Around the party the drones set up an overwatch, cheeping nervously at each other at their exposed position, as even basic AI software had now learnt to fear the dark places. Their efforts are rewarded by a harsh, electronic squark as the doors controls are overridden, flooding the corridor with light. Although the Space Marines private quarters had already been emptied humans are blind to the bits of machinery which are truly useful.'' || 1 || 0 || D2 Energy Cells and 1 Fuel Tank || To enter this room a Battlesuit model must use 1 Action on an adjacent Tile to open this rooms door. The effect of this room may only be used once by the party.
| '''Space Marine Armoury''' || ''It takes a long time for one of your parties battle suits to interface with the crude, yet stubborn, DNA scanner on the side of the door. Around the party the drones set up an overwatch, cheeping nervously at each other at their exposed position, as even basic AI software had now learnt to fear the dark places. Their efforts are rewarded by a harsh, electronic squark as the doors controls are overridden, flooding the corridor with light. Although the Space Marines private quarters had already been emptied, humans are blind to the bits of machinery which are truly useful.'' || 1 || 0 || D2 Energy Cells and 1 Fuel Tank || To enter this room a Battlesuit model must use 1 Action on an adjacent Tile to open this room's door. The effect of this room may only be used once by the party.
| '''Massacre''' || ''Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party get closer they start to see details. An arm casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covers the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, for ever coming to such a place.'' || 4 || 2 || All models on this tile loose 1 Morale Point at the sight of such a slaughter. || D3 Energy Cells || This effect activates every time a model ends its turn on this tile, even if it has been on this tiles before.
| '''Massacre''' || ''Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party get closer they start to see details. An arm casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covers the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, forever coming to such a place.'' || 4 || 2 || All models on this tile lose 1 Morale Point at the sight of such a slaughter. || D3 Energy Cells || This effect activates every time a model ends its turn on this tile, even if it has been on this tile before.
| '''The Airlock''' || ''To begin with, there is silence inside the Hulk, it’s denizens having learnt a long time ago to keep their heads down. But this tranquility is broken by the sound of an airlock cycling, echoing the screech of grinding gears and tortured metal across a domain which viewed any kind of noise as a death sentence, or dinner bell. Eventually, the airlock opens, bathing the Hulk’s interior with light, outlining the silhouettes of three battle suits, their weapons laying down overlapping firing arches inside. The Tau, have arrived at the Space Hulk, stirring up a hive of teeth and claws in greeting.'' || 1 || 0 || The party begins its journey here. Increase the Line of Sight of each model of on this Tile by 1. || None || When this tile is removed from the board the Tiles it illuminated that the party would not normally be able to see are also removed.
| '''The Airlock''' || ''To begin with, there is silence inside the Hulk, it’s denizens having learnt a long time ago to keep their heads down. But this tranquillity is broken by the sound of an airlock cycling, echoing the screech of grinding gears and tortured metal across a domain which viewed any kind of noise like a death sentence, or dinner bell. Eventually, the airlock opens, bathing the Hulk’s interior with light, outlining the silhouettes of three battle suits, their weapons laying down overlapping firing arches inside. The Tau, have arrived at the Space Hulk, stirring up a hive of teeth and claws in greeting.'' || 1 || 0 || The party begins its journey here. Increase the Line of Sight of each model of on this Tile by 1. || None || When this tile is removed from the board the Tiles it illuminated that the party would not normally be able to see are also removed.
| '''The Beacon''' || ''Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a metre tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon.''  || 4 || 0 || At the end of the movement phase a unit that enters this Tile must pick up the '''Beacon''', which is spawned in this room. The first time this room is entered each unit that enters it regains 2 Morale Points. || 1 Beacon || -
| '''The Beacon''' || ''Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a metre tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon.''  || 4 || 0 || At the end of the movement phase a unit that enters this Tile must pick up the '''Beacon''', which is spawned in this room. The first time this room is entered each unit that enters it regains 2 Morale Points. || 1 Beacon || -
Line 922: Line 896:
| '''The Nest''' || ''"Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay.'' || 4 || 4 || Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points. If the Blind Horror has taken any party members via vents throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here, for every party member's corpse roll an additional D6 for each model that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale Point. You may still collect the fallen party member's equipment. If the '''Blind Horror''' is gravely wounded and escapes the party and this Tile is drawn, the '''Blind Horror''' is automatically placed in this room. || 1 Fuel Cell || -
| '''The Nest''' || ''"Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay.'' || 4 || 4 || Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points. If the Blind Horror has taken any party members via vents throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here, for every party member's corpse roll an additional D6 for each model that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale Point. You may still collect the fallen party member's equipment. If the '''Blind Horror''' is gravely wounded and escapes the party and this Tile is drawn, the '''Blind Horror''' is automatically placed in this room. || 1 Fuel Cell || -
| '''Chapel''' || ''A cavernous, dark stone room greets the party, although not being imperial citizens they do not feel the same awe as a guardsman. Despite this, the Tau party recognises the space, a Chapel to the God Emperor of mankind. Although their ideology does not recognise the Emperor as a God, they still gain some comfort from the room, especially as the Blind Horror appeared to be giving it a wide berth.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this Tile it regains 1 Morale points. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Curse or a Horror card then you may choose to discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || D3 Energy Cell || -
| '''Chapel''' || ''A cavernous, dark stone room greets the party, although not being imperial citizens they do not feel the same awe as a guardsman. Despite this, the Tau party recognises the space, a Chapel to the God-Emperor of mankind. Although their ideology does not recognise the Emperor as a God, they still gain some comfort from the room, especially as the Blind Horror appeared to be giving it a wide berth.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this Tile it regains 1 Morale points. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Curse or a Horror card then you may choose to discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. || D3 Energy Cell || -
| '''Chaos Shrine''' || ''Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the rooms centre, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilt blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this tile roll a D6; on a 4+ it loses 1 Morale Point. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Blessing card then you must discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. In addition, randomly select a '''DX-11 Exploratory Drone''' on the Tile at the end of the Movement phase; that '''DX-11 Exploratory Drone''' is replaced by a '''Abominable Intelligence Drone''' || - || -
| '''Chaos Shrine''' || ''Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the room's centre, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilt blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price.'' || 1 || 0 || The first time a model enters this tile roll a D6; on a 4+ it loses 1 Morale Point. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Blessing card then you must discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the '''Blind Horror''' attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. In addition, randomly select a '''DX-11 Exploratory Drone''' on the Tile at the end of the Movement phase; that '''DX-11 Exploratory Drone''' is replaced by a '''Abominable Intelligence Drone''' || - || -
| '''Viewing Platform''' || ''Your party is greeted by the sight of blackness, vast and endless. But this not the darkness of shadowy corners and dank corridors, but the darkness of space, so close, but yet so far. Out there, is freedom, if only you can reach it.'' || 1 || 0 || Once per game, a model on this Tile may elect to use their action to look out of the Viewing Platform. Roll 6D6 for each model that does so; for every roll of 6, that model regains 1 Morale point. || - || You may not use any explosive devices while on the Viewing Platform.
| '''Viewing Platform''' || ''Your party is greeted by the sight of blackness, vast and endless. But this not the darkness of shadowy corners and dank corridors, but the darkness of space, so close, but yet so far. Out there, is freedom, if only you can reach it.'' || 1 || 0 || Once per game, a model on this Tile may elect to use their action to look out of the Viewing Platform. Roll 6D6 for each model that does so; for every roll of 6, that model regains 1 Morale point. || - || You may not use any explosive devices while on the Viewing Platform.
Line 930: Line 904:
| '''Cargo Lift''' || ''You find yourself standing in front of a set of open pneumatic doors, which reveal a large, metal walkway. You recognise it from the star carrier you cane to this godforsaken place, a Cargo Lift. Examining its controls you see that it is running off backup power, and only has the capability to take your party down one floor, deeper into the hulk. You are all apprehensive at the prospect, but taking the lift may be better than staying with what is behind you.'' || 1 || 0 || A model on this Tile may use an Action to activate the lift, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party in the lift is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). When the effect of this tile is used and the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror slips it’s next turn. || - || -
| '''Cargo Lift''' || ''You find yourself standing in front of a set of open pneumatic doors, which reveal a large, metal walkway. You recognise it from the star carrier you cane to this godforsaken place, a Cargo Lift. Examining its controls you see that it is running off backup power, and only has the capability to take your party down one floor, deeper into the hulk. You are all apprehensive at the prospect, but taking the lift may be better than staying with what is behind you.'' || 1 || 0 || A model on this Tile may use an Action to activate the lift, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party in the lift is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). When the effect of this tile is used and the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror slips it’s next turn. || - || -
|} <br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" /></div>
|} <br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" /></div>

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
==Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh tells the tale of a splinter of Necron battle force who have awoken inside a the Space Hulk. Cut off from any connection to the rest of the galaxy in the sheer bull of the maze, their only reference point is the Beacon, which once found can be used to guide themselves to the edge of the hulk where they can call for assistance. The Blind Horror is ever present, but is wary to combat such resilient foes, so must use the necrons one weakness against them, power.
Necron units rely on Gauss Charge in order to function until they can rejoin a Necron force, a is used to perform all their actions and fire their weapons. On full charge, the lost Necron force will march in perfect lockstep, their guns pinpoint accurate and capable of downing the Horror with dedicated fire. However, as energy supply’s deplete the Necrons will become slower, less vigilant, less accurate and their weapons less potent, until they get to the point that the necron becomes dormant, upon which the Blind Horror can crush its quiet form at leisure. But the Blind Horror does have an additional advantage, the awakening of the Necrons has activated a genetic hatred for the metal race, born from the War in the Heavens. This hatred allows the Horror to hit harder in those moments where the risk is worth taking.
Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh is a more strategic game, where the Necrons must balance collecting and using energy effectively to achieve their goal, while the Blind Horror must bait the Necrons into wasting energy, without entering withering gauss fire.
===The Teams===
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Energy Points !! Sv !! Min Sight !! Max Sight
| Warrior || 3+ || 6 || 10 || 3+ || 1 || 2
::Gauss Rifle
*'''Carry Capacity'''
::Weapons: 1
::Weapon Charges: 0
::Equipment: 0
*'''Special Rules:'''
::'''Resurrection Protocol:''' Roll a D6 whenever this model would lose a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost. In addition, if this model has been slain but it’s death location has not returned to the deck or taken by the Blind Horror then roll a D6 at the start of each turn; on a 5+ return this model to the tile where it was slain with 1 wound remaining. If it does so then it loses 1 Energy Point.
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Necron}}, {{W40kKeyword|Warrior}}
'''Enraged Blind Horror'''
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! W !! Morale Points !! Sv
| Blind Horror || - || 20 || - || 4+
*'''Keywords:''' {{W40kKeyword|Tyranid}}, {{W40kKeyword|Blind Horror}}, {{W40kKeyword|Enraged}}
===Necrons additional Rules===
*'''Mechanical Advance:'''
:Necron units may only perform certain actions, and those require Gauss Energy to perform, and represents the remaining power supply a Necron has. Each action requires a given amount of energy:
:'''-Movement:''' All ''Movement'' actions must be taken before any other actions.
::'''-Move (1 Energy):''' the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.
::'''-Fire (0 Energy):''' the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots). If the Blind Horror suffers at least five wounds during the imperial Action phase, it must attempt to Return to the Shadows in its Action phase.
===Necron Loot===
====Necron Weapons====
::{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range (Tiles) !! To Wound !! AP !! Damage !! Minimum Number of Shots !! Maximum Number of Shots !! Number of Shots per magazine/charge/tank !! Carry Restrictions !! Use Restrictions !! Ammunition Used !! Notes
|'''Gauss Rifle''' || 3/2/2 || 5+ || -2 || 2/D2/1 || 1 || 4 || 8 || None || None || Gauss Energy || -
====Necron Equipments====

[[Category:Warhammer 40,000]][[Category:Awesome]][[Category:Stories]] [[Category:Board Games]]
[[Category:Warhammer 40,000]][[Category:Awesome]][[Category:Stories]] [[Category:Board Games]]

Latest revision as of 14:45, 23 June 2023

If you scream in a Space Hulk but only the Blind Horror hears, do you make a sound?
The Killer of the Maze is a fan-made boardgame for 2 to 7 players, set in the Warhammer 40K universe which depicts the desperate attempt of an imperial group to retrieve a lost imperial beacon while hunted down by a horrifying Tyranid biomorph.

Basic Rules[edit | edit source]

The Turn[edit | edit source]

Each game turn is comprised of the following phases in this order:

-Imperial Action phase: the imperial player takes action (new tiles are placed and removed following the rules below).
-Tyranid Action phase: the Tyranid player takes action.
-Tyranid Assault phase: the Tyranid player assaults.

The game proceeds until either all imperial models are dead or at least one of them moves onto the Shuttle tile while in possession of the Beacon.

Imperial Action phase[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Action phase is divided into two sub-phases in the following order: the Movement sub-phase and the Activity sub-phase. Each model can perform no more than two actions during the entire Imperial Action phase. You can only go onto the Activity sub-phase when all the models you wished to move have done so.

Here below are noted the different actions that can be made in each sub-phase.

  • Movement sub-phase: Resolve all actions for one model before moving to the next.
-Move: the model moves 1 tile in any of the available directions.
-Advance: the model moves 3 tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire, or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses during the phase and it may not use this action twice a phase. In addition, a model may not change the direction of his advance unless blocked by a locked door or a tile he can't access.
A Space Hulk is a dangerous place, always shifting and collapsing into a newer maze; because of this, every time a model moves by one tile (either by moving or advancing), new tiles must be placed. When moving a model, a player must assume that all members of the imperial team are able to see a number of tiles in every direction equal to the Sight Distance characteristic in their profile. Tiles are removed by the Tyranid player at the end of the turn; tiles must be removed when they cannot be seen by any imperial model anymore if they'd moved by 3 tiles in their direction; once removed, the tile must be put on the side (If the Blind Horror is on a tile that is discarded, it is returned to the Shadows). If a model moves onto a tile and there are fewer tiles attached to it than its Access Corriodors characteristic, add the number of tiles so that every Access Corridor is connected, drawing for each passage individually. Do not place Tiles that a model does not have line of sight to; a model does not have line of sight to a tile if it cannot see it in a straight line (ex. it is blocked by a locked door or behind a turn). If a tile cannot be placed because the Access Corridor is blocked by another tile (ex. in a sharp bent), that Access Corridor is considered closed and models cannot move through it.
Once an imperial model takes hold of the Beacon, take all cards that were put on the side and shuffle them back into the deck. All subsequently removed tiles are again put on the side.
In the dangerous bowels of a Space Hulk, it's entirely possible for the team of explorers to find itself separated; this happens when two or more groups of models find themselves cut away from the rest because of a cave-in or if they are beyond their Sight Distance characteristic from each other. When this happens, the imperial party is split into different parties, and the one with the least amount of members is considered Lost (if several groups have the same amount of models then all are considered Lost) and the models that are part of it lose 1 morale point, 3 if they are the only model of the group. One model is no longer Lost as soon as it rejoins with the bigger party or is killed off.
  • Activity sub-phase: Resolve all actions for one model before moving to the next.
-Fire: the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror if it's visible and within the weapon's range (measured in tiles) and can fire any number of shots between the minimum and maximum number that weapon can fire and as long as it doesn't exceed the remaining number of shots). An unmodified hit roll of 6 is always successful.
Weapon List
Weapon Range To Wound AP Damage Minimum Number of Shots Maximum Number of Shots Shots per recharge Carry Restrictions Ammunition Used Notes
Boltgun 3 4+ -1 1 1 4 8 None Bolter Ammo -
Flamer 1 5+ 0 1 1 6 10 None Fuel Tank This weapon automatically hits its target.
Frag Grenade 2 6+ 0 1 1 1 - None - Make 2D6 hit rolls when using this weapon. If the Blind Horror suffers at least one wound from this weapon's attacks, it must immediately return to the Shadows (in case of an Assault move, it immediately fails). This Weapon uses an Equipment slot instead of a Weapon slot.
Heavy Flamer 1 4+ -1 1 1 6 10 Terminator Only Fuel Tank This weapon automatically hits its target.
Heavy Stubber 5 5+ 0 1 3 6 12 Wepons Expert or Space Marine Only Heavy Stubber Ammo Friendly models may re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the duration of the imperial Action phase if this weapon has made at least 4 successful hits during that phase. If the bearer of this weapon also has a Servo Skull, then change the Ap characteristic of this weapon from 0 to -1.
Hot-shot Lasgun 2 5+ -2 1 1 3 6 None Hot-shot Ammo -
Hot-shot Volleygun 3 5+ -2 2 2 4 6 None Hot-shot Ammo If the bearer of this weapon did not move during this Action phase, add 1 to this weapon's hit rolls (including overwatch).
Shotgun 3/2/1 6+/5+/4+ 0 1/1/2 1 2 4 None Shotgun Ammo When firing overwatch, use the distance the Blind Horror began its Assault from to determine this weapon's profile.
Storm Bolter 3 4+ -1 1 2 6 8 Terminator Only Bolter Ammo When firing the maximum amount of shots possible, on a wound roll of 6, change the Damage characteristic of that shot to 2.
-Break Down Door: this action counts as two for the purpose of the maximum number of actions doable in a turn. This action may only be performed by a Terminator if he's on a tile with a Locked Door; remove the Locked Door.
-Light Vent: a model with a Heavy Flamer or Flamer may expend D6 shots from its weapon to light up one Vent opening on the tile it is on. An opening that has been lighted up can't be used by the Blind Horror to enter or exit the board or perform a Spiked Tail Attack. A Vent remains lit up for two game turns.
-Use Equipment: the model can use one Equipment in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
Equipment List
  • Beacon: Throughout the entirety of the mission preparation, nobody ever explained to the team why the beacon was so important. They said it was important. Very important. They sent letters saying so, held meetings where very important people shouted at the team of its importance, an inquisitor was also spotted at one point which means it’s especially important... but never once was it explained why. This is of little importance, however, as the team will not live to tell anyone of the beacon if they do not return to their ship with it, making it more valuable to them than a planet's worth of wealth.
Carry restrictions: None. This item takes up 2 Equipment slots.
Uses: Always Active
Effect: The bearer of this item may not Advance. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn while this item is carried by a model; on a 4+ each model in that model's party gains a Morale point.

  • Enhanced Cogitator Scanner: A device that connects to a space marines helmet and integrates with their visor to provide enhanced vision by forming together fragments the user may not be able to process on their own. Such devices a hugely valuable, and are used by scouts to examine enemy positions from safe locations, but require the user's full attention to use effectively.
Carry restrictions: Space Marine only
Uses: Unlimited
Effect: When activating the Enhanced Cogitator Scanner, increase the bearer's Sight Distance characteristic by 1. This effect remains active until the model turns the device off, which is done by using an Action in the Action Phase. As long as this item is active, the Space Marine suffers a penalty of 1 to its hit rolls.

  • Imperial Crest Pendant: The faithful require tokens to guide them, and this is such a totem. Although small and unassuming, there is a definite power in this small piece of silver jewelry for the believer to tap into.
Carry restrictions: Scions only, may not be carried by a model which also has the Sacrificial Blade.
Uses: Always Active
Effect: Roll a D6 for each Morale Point this model would lose. On a 3+ that model does not lose that Morale Point. In addition, roll a die each time this model would suffer from an Insanity trait; on a 5+ it doesn't suffer that trait.

  • Medkit: A general term for the medical supplies created in the 42nd millennium. Able to treat all manner of injuries, they are vital to the survival (or at least, for prolonging the existence) of your expedition into the bowels of the Space Hulk.
Carry restrictions: None
Uses: 1
Effect: Removes 1 wound and one Injury trait from one model on the same tile as the one using the Medkit.

  • Melta Charge: For as long as there has been an advanced, galaxy exploring humanity there have been melta charges. Their ability to instantly hear their surrounding area by thousands of degrees makes them indispensable to everything from cutting access tunnels in the rock, to melting the rear armor of a land raider to slag. For your party, they are the key to their escape from dangerous situations, by allowing them to plow ahead through obstacles, or attempt to blast any creature which might be attempting to follow them.
Carry restrictions: None
Uses: 1
Effect: A Melta Charge can be placed on a Tile presenting a Locked Door. At the start of the next imperial Action phase, the Melta Charge detonates in a controlled manner, melting away the door. Remove the Locked Door.

  • Ration Pack: Although made of who knows what and considered to be somewhere between "tasteless" and "unpleasant" even by Space Marines, food is still food, especially when you have none of it.
Carry restrictions: None
Uses: 2
Effect: The model that uses a Ration Pack gains 1 Morale Point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 5+ that model heals 1 wound.

  • Sacrificial Blade: A obsidian blade with a wickedly cruel edge. Despite the amount of blood it must have spilled it is perfectly clean as if the blade has been feasting on the flesh it desiccates. It whispers to you as you hold it. “I can give you whatever you want. Do you want power? I can give it to you. Do you want money? I can also give you that. Do you want to leave this place? That is easy. I can give you all of that, and more... for a price. Such a small, insignificant, price...
Carry restrictions: Scions only. It may not be carried by a model which also has the Imperial Crest Pendant.
Uses: Unlimited. To use this item the model must have lost a quarter of its Morale points. If it has lost three-quarters of its Morale points, it automatically uses this item during the Action phase and may not drop this item.
Effect: Every time the user uses this Equipment, it loses 1 Morale point, then roll a D6; on a 3+ the model gains 1 wound. If the bearer has the Psycopath Insanity trait then it may instead inflict 1 wound on another model on the same tile as his, and that model loses 2 Morale points. Then, choose one of the following options:
-Until your next Action phase the bearer's armor save is improved by 2.
-Select one of the bearer's weapons. That weapon recovers D3 shots.
-The next time a Tile is drawn you instead draw 3 Tiles and select one to be placed. Once done, re-shuffle the extra Tiles back in the deck.

  • Servo Skull The revered skulls of the Imperium's most loyal citizens harnessed with a suspension field and a cogitator to perform basic tasks. Although relatively primitive, they are incredibly useful for their sensors and ability to interface with other cogitators.
Carry restrictions: None
Uses: 3
Effect: When activating a Servo Skull the bearer can choose one of the following effects:
-Algorithmic Area Analysis: The next time the bearer of the Servo Skull Scavenges, roll an additional dice and you may use that dice in place of either of the two other dice.
-Early Warning Protocol: The next time the model's party makes has to make an Armor save as a consequence of a Spiked Tail Attack, add 2 to the save rolls.
-Scanning Pulse: The next time when a blocked door that is on the same Tile of the model the Servo Skull is removed by a Melta Charge, add two new Tiles in addition to the ones that are now visible in any possible direction.

  • Trip Mine A simple device, nothing more than an explosive charge and a laser sensor, but very effective when dealing with a mindless monstrosity. Unfortunately, the Mine doesn't care who it is activated by, so ensure that you know where your fellow soldiers are when you use it.
Carry restrictions: Scions only.
Uses: 1
Effect: When used, choose a point where two Tiles meet one of which must be the one the model using this Equipment is on; that is where the Trip Mine is placed. From the beginning of the following turn, the mine is active; imperial models can freely traverse the trip mine but the first time the Blind Horror crosses it, it explodes; all models on both tiles which are connected by the Trip Mine take D6 hits which wound on a 4+ with an AP of -2. If any model suffers any Injury, roll 2D6 and pick the highest result. A Demolition Expert may expend an action to pick up an active Trip Mine as long as it's on the same Tile as him. If any imperial model crosses the trip mine as a consequence of the Blind Horror's Assault, the trip mine explodes; resolve the explosion as normal.
-Reload: the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 Ammo held by the model and the number of shots available is re-filled but all exceeding shots are discarded (es. the Space Marine has 3 shots remaining in its Boltgun and decides to use its last magazine to recharge the weapon; the magazine is used and the Boltgun now has 8 shots ready, while the 3 that were previously equipped are lost and do not stack up with the other 8). At the beginning of the game, all weapons are considered to have the maximum number of shots possible.
-Scavenge: the model may search a tile for an item. Roll a D66 and consult the table below. A tile can't be scavenged more than two times. A Scavenged item can be placed directly into a model's inventory (if able), or onto the tile the item was scavenged from.
Loot Table
Number Item Notes
11-13 Jagged Metal The scavenging model must immediately pass an armor save or suffer one wound.
14-16 Chaos Sigil The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
21-23 Hidden Vent This tile gains 1 Vent opening and the Blind Horror may take an additional action during the following Tyranid Action phase.
24-26 Nothing -
31-33 Hotshot Magazine -
34-36 Boltgun Magazine -
41-43 Heavy Stubber Magazine -
44-46 Fuel Tank -
51 Medkit -
52 Melta Charge -
53 Ration Pack -
54 Trip Mine -
55 Frag Grenade -
56 Hotshot Lasgun -
61 Shotgun -
62 Boltgun -
63 Heavy Stubber -
64 Hotshot Volleygun -
65 Heavy Flamer -
66 Storm Bolter -
-Pick Up/Transfer Item: the model can pick up any number of items on the same tile he is in as long as it has space for that type of object in his inventory; if the inventory for that type of item is already full then he may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the tile. The model may also give any number of tools, weapons or weapon charges it possesses to another model on the same tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.

Tyranid Action phase[edit | edit source]

During the Tyranid Action phase, the Blind Horror can perform one of the following actions:

-Move: the Blind Horror moves 1 tile in any of the available directions. The Blind Horror can't move over any imperial model but it can move out of a tile to exit the board; if it does so, it is removed from play and placed in the Shadows. If the Blind Horror moves away from the Party then it may not assault in the following Tyranid Assault phase.
-Advance: the Blind Horror moves 3 tiles in any of the available directions; when doing so, it can move over Imperial models but it may not allocate any damage to them. In addition, it cannot assault during the following Tyranid Assault phase. It may instead move up to 5 tiles but suffers D3 wounds if it does so (this action cannot be taken if the Blind Horror has 3 or fewer wounds).
-Crawl in Vent: the Blind Horror can exit out of the board from a tile that has a Vent opening that is not lit up; if it does so, it is removed from play and placed in the Shadows.
-Come from the Shadows: if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, it can enter the board from an unlit Vent opening. Place it on the tile with the Vent opening.
-Flee the Barrage: if the Blind Horror suffers 5 or more wounds during the Imperial Action phase, then it must perform this action. The Blind Horror moves three tiles towards the nearest unlit Vent opening or black end (and it can even exit the board from them if the movement allows it).
-Retreat to the Nest: if the Blind Horror has 5 or fewer remaining wounds, then it must perform this action. The Blind Horror must move towards the nearest Vent opening or black end and use them to retreat to its Nest. When the Blind Horror is in its Nest, it regains D3 wounds at the beginning of every turn, and it may not return on the board until it has 10 or more wounds remaining.
-Spiked Tail Attack: if the Blind Horror is in the Shadows, you can select one tile with an unlit Vent opening that has at least one model on it. Each model on that tile must make an Armour Save for that model. If the save is passed, the model loses 1 Morale point; if the save is failed, the model doesn't lose a wound but instead loses 2 Morale point and until the end of the next turn suffers from the Hallucinations Insanity trait.

Tyranid Assault phase[edit | edit source]

During the Tyranid Assault phase, if it's present on the board, the Blind Horror can charge at the imperial models. To do so, the Blind Horror must be up to two Tiles away from the one the targets are on. When charged, a model can fire overwatch, all models on the tile can take part in the action, even those who are on a different tile but can still see the one that is being targeted. When resoling overwatch, every model can fire as if was taking a Fire Action and assume that the Blind Horror is only 1 tile away from the targeted models as far as weapon ranges are concerned. When making overwatch, a model's BS characteristic becomes 5+, unless the Blind Horror began its Assault 1 tile away from the model firing, in which case it becomes 4+ instead.

If the party manages to allocate at least four wounds on the Blind Horror, the charge fails and the creature instead retreats by three Tiles towards the nearest Vent opening or black end (and it can even exit the board from them if the movement allows it). If the charge is successful, move the Blind Horror on the Tile it charged while the Imperial player rolls armor saves for all models present on it. If the roll is passed the model escapes unharmed but loses 1 Morale point; if the roll is failed the model takes one wound and loses 2 Morale Points, but if the roll was a 1, it takes two wounds and loses 2 Morale Points and suffers an Injury. The controlling player must roll a D6 and apply to the model the result found in the table below. Once all the wounds have been resolved, move the imperial models one Tile in the opposite direction of the Blind Horror; if there is no Tile in that direction move the models one Tile past the Blind Horror, but each one of them must pass another armor save or take damage as stated above.

Injuries: When a model suffers an Injury, roll D6 and consult the table below, the effect rolled then applies. Injuries can be removed by the use of a Medkit. Keep note of every Injury a model receives until it is healed unless the Injury is a "Miraculous Escape". Injuries are cumulative, and if a model double of the same Injuries, discard those and replace them with an Injury 1 higher on the Injury table (ex. a model has a Concussion, then rolls on the Injury table again and rolls for another Concussion. The model loses both instances of Concussion and is affected by Bloodloss instead.

Number Name Description Effect Notes
1 Miraculous Escape The soldier has stumbled back from being hit. Amazingly they are injured but it is nothing a medkit won’t fix, assuming they can escape the follow-up assault. The affected model doesn't suffer any additional effects. -
2 Shock The assault has left the Blind Horror’s target stunned as they stumble away to safety. Another soldier shouts at them to move, but their ears are still ringing and will require time to readjust. The affected model loses 1 additional Morale point. -
3 Concussion A blow to the head has rendered this trooper a blubbering mess, making them almost worthless in a firefight. A model with this Injury has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. -
4 Bloodloss A major artery has been opened up, spelling impending doom for the hapless target. They can still fight, but it is only a matter of time before they lose too much vital fluid to continue. A model with this Injury can only perform one action during the Action phase and has to subtract 1 from all his hit rolls. -
5 Life-Threatening Injury The wound will most likely be fatal, but the soldier will live, however temporarily... A model with this Injury may not take any action until it is cured. At the end of each turn, this model loses 1 wound. -
6 Mortal Injury The wound is deep and certainly fatal; unless treated immediately the victim will suffer a painful death. The effected model is instantly slain unless a model on the same Tile is in possession of a Medkit. If so, the model may choose to expend the Medkit to cure his wounded comrade. The Medkit is lost and the model doesn't recover any wounds; then, treat this Injury as Bloodloss instead. If the Medkit is used by a Medic they may not gain any benefits from their Medical Expert special rule.

Morale[edit | edit source]

All Imperial models have a value in their profile that depicts the strength of their will to keep on moving forward despite the dangers they face. The number of Morale Points of a model may be influenced in various ways but once a model reaches 0 it is considered Broken. All Broken models have to subtract 1 from all their hit rolls and, in addition, at the start of any turn, the Imperial player must roll a D6 for each Broken model on the board and apply the result found in the table below; any Insanity traits (regardless of how they are gained) last until the beginning of the next turn.


Number Name Description Effect
1 Flee in Terror The darkness seems to suck in everything around you, the walls becoming an ever enclosing cell. You frantically look around for a way ahead, scrambling away from your dismayed comrades to find a way out. This model immediately moves 2 Tiles in a randomly selected direction.
2 Delirium You begin to feel... almost drunk. Your mind has slowed down and your movements sluggish. You try to take aim on the target, but your body fights your attempts to halt your own demise as the Thing closes in. This model subtracts 1 from his hit rolls.
3 Psychopath ”Worthless, the lot of them!” You think as you look spitefully into the backs of your party members. “They’re only holding me back, using my bullets, my medicines, I would have found the beacon ages ago if it wasn’t for their whining and ineptitude.” All of a sudden you see the tip of a tentacle begin to sliver it’s way out of a vent, easing its way towards one of your unsuspecting comrades. The sight brings a smile to your face. Finally, those fools shall get what they deserve. This model may not use the Transfer Item action, use a Medkit on another model, or fire overwatch against the Blind Horror if it is assaulting a model on a different tile.
4 Schizophrenia “Kill him!” Whispers one of the voices. “No,” interjects another “run while you still have a chance.” The voices in your head are ever-present, refusing to shut up and refusing to be coherent. In such a battlefield of the mind, can your psyche save you on the literal battlefield of the Hulk? Immediately roll for two more Insanities from this table; apply both the result to this model instead. If one Insanity is selected both times, do not roll again and only apply that Insanity to the model. If another Schizophrenia is rolled, ignore it.
5 Hallucinations It’s everywhere, the Horror’s eyeless maw gazes back at you from every vent, every corridor, every door crack. There must be hundreds of them, not one, and they’re all after you. You raise your weapon and start firing at everything you can, unaware that there is nothing there, other than your party members, to receive your rounds. Every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to another random model on the same tile or to one on a tile that is between this model and the target.
6 Suicidal All is lost. There is no point in going on. All that is left now is to accept death by the quickest means possible. Every time this model misses an attack, the attack is instead assigned to itself.

Death[edit | edit source]

Imperials[edit | edit source]

For an Imperial soldier, death is a lurking menace, always present, and always ready to introduce itself in every horrifying manner possible. When an Imperial model is slain all models in its group lose 1 Morale point and roll for an Insanity trait if they have 2 or fewer remaining Morale points. The items belonging to the model are then placed on the tile where it was slain and may be picked up by other models on the tile. If the tile where these items were placed would be discarded then those items are discarded as well. If the Beacon is dropped this way and discarded by the tile it was on being discarded then all models in the Hulk lose 1 Morale point and The Beacon tile is re-shuffled back into the Deck.

The Hulk got Them: if an imperial model finds itself in a situation in which he has no way to progress (all access corridors circle around and the is no way for them to be swapped), that model is considered slain. Remove him and all the tiles that can't be seen by other models

Tyranids[edit | edit source]

Even in a world where the odds are stacked against the Imperial explorers, where every door is a threat and every vent holds the promise of slow death, there is still a chance of defeating the Beast. If the party kills the Blind Horror then all models on the battlefield regain 5 previously lost Morale points. Then, leave the Blind Horror on the tile it was slain on; once the Tile has been discarded roll a D6 on the start of each turn; on a 6 the Blind Horror has healed enough to give chase once more. Return the Blind Horror to the Tyranid player's control with 10 remaining wounds. From that point onward, roll a die at the start of each Tyranid Action phase, on a 6+ the Blind Horror may take one additional action; add 1 to the result of the roll for each time the model has been killed and brought back in the game.

The Teams[edit | edit source]

One of the players controls the Imperial group while the other controls the Blind Horror.

Each model has the following characteristics:

Name: The name of the model, identifying it and determining certain interactions with items.
Ballistic Skill/BS: The roll required on a D6 for a model to hit with its ranged weapons.
Wounds/W: The number of wounds a model may take before being Slain.
Morale Points: The total number of Morale Points the model has.
Armour Save/Sv: The roll required on a D6 to ignore enemy damage.
Sight Distance: The maximum distance a model can be from a visible Tile before it is discarded.

Imperials[edit | edit source]

The imperial team is made up of the following models: 4 Militarum Tempestus Scions (Leader, Medic, Weapon Expert, Demolition Expert); 1 Space Marine; 1 Terminator.

One of the finest soldiers the imperium has to offer without turning to augmented troops, the Storm Trooper Leader embodies everything the Imperium expects of its warriors. Drafted in to lead this top-secret mission into the Space Hulk, the Leader plans for all contingencies and pulls together the best team he can. Little do they know that this mission will be the true test of their loyalty to the imperium, and his resolve to fight for mankind.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Leader 3+ 4 8 4+ 3
  • Equipment:
Hot-shot Lasgun
3 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 1
Weapon Charges: 4
Equipment: 1
  • Special Rules:
Inspiring Presence: When another Scions model on the same tile as this model or on an adjacent one would lose a Morale Point, roll a D6; on a 6 that Morale Point is not lost.
  • Keywords: Scions; Leader

Weapon Expert
Every team needs someone to carry the big guns, an individual capable of laying down a barrage of suppressing fire. Unfortunately, in the bowels of the Space Hulk, your team will need more than just bullets to survive.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Weapon Expert 3+ 3 7 4+ 3
  • Equipment:
Heavy Stubber
2 Heavy Stubber Magazines
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 2
Weapon Charges: 5
Equipment: 2
  • Special Rules:
Quick Charge: This model doesn't use up an action to recharge its weapons.
  • Keywords: Scions; Weapon Expert

Demolition Expert
Explosives is a dangerous and very precise business, but at the same time requires a certain bit of insanity from those who use them. This scion has the required intelligence and skill in order to use the many explosives the Imperium has to offer and is insane enough to be willing to use them. This insanity will seem like a minor character flaw compared to the personality traits they will gain after staring into the eyeless visage of the Blind Horror.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Demolition Expert 3+ 3 7 4+ 3
  • Equipment:
Hot-shot Lasgun
2 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
1 Melta Charge
1 Trip Mine
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 1
Weapon Charges: 3
Equipment: 4
  • Special Rules:
Expert Bomber: When this model places a Melta Charge or Trip Mine, instead of waiting a turn for the Melta Charge or Trip Mine to active you may have it to immediately activate.
Padded Armour: Roll a D6 when this model loses a wound from a Trip Mine. On a 6 that wound is not lost.
  • Keywords: Scions; Demolition Expert

A medic may not provide the same firepower as the rest of the team, but you will notice their absence when the injuries start piling up.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Medic 3+ 3 7 4+ 3
  • Equipment:
Hot-shot Lasgun
1 Hot-shot Lasgun Charges
2 Medkit
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 1
Weapon Charges: 3
Equipment: 3
  • Special Rules:
Medical Expert: When this model uses a Medkit, it removes 2 wounds instead of 1. The wounds can be removed from the same model or from two different ones but they still need to be on the same tile as this model.
  • Keywords: Scions; Medic

Tactical Marine
To a normal human, a Space Marine is a true Angel of Death, clad in divinely forged armour and wielding weapons which pulp unprotected humans a Space Marine is an excellent warrior. Unfortunately, the galaxy is full of all manners of creatures which will quite happily kill a normal Space Marine, something which the party will become all too aware of when they enter the Space Hulk.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Tactical Marine 3+ 5 12 3+ 3
  • Equipment:
2 Boltgun Magazines
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 2
Weapon Charges: 4
Equipment: 2
  • Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear: Each time this model would lose a Morale Point, roll a die; on a 5+ that point is not lost.
  • Keywords: Space Marine; Tactical Marine

In a Space Hulk, few things are more dangerous than a Terminator, a veteran battle brother, clad in the finest armour and carrying incredible firepower. In the cramped corridors of a Hulk, a Terminator can make entire intersections and passageways impassable for their enemies through a combination of being impossible to kill and impossible to survive against. But is a Terminator even enough to survive the creeping onslaught that is the Blind Horror?
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Terminator 3+ 6 12 3+ 3
  • Equipment:
Heavy Flamer
1 Fuel Tank
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 2
Weapon Charges: 4
Equipment: 2
  • Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear: Each time this model would lose a Morale Point, roll a die; on a 5+ that point is not lost.
Crux Terminatus: When this model loses a wound, roll a die; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
  • Keywords: Space Marine; Terminator

Tyranids[edit | edit source]

Blind Horror

Every tale needs a monster. A monster for which the brave adventurers must battle against the odds to defeat, but inevitably come out victorious. The 42nd millennium is not kind to what makes a good story. In the darkness of a galaxy torn apart by constant war, there are only losers, and the good and bad guys have more in common than they would like to admit. But even in these dark times, there are still true monsters, creatures of such bestial nature and horrifying power that even the stories dare not to speak of them.

The Blind Horror sits as one of the most terrifying monsters a story could portray. As although there may be creatures and people more powerful, more intelligent and fast, these are all things which you fight on the battlefield with tanks, ships and entire armies. The Blind Horror, on the other hand, will never be seen on the battlefield, you will never have the opportunity to fire a lascannon at it, or witness hordes of them charge your position, or even face one on an open field. What makes the Blind Horror so terrible and monstrous for this tale is that you may never see it for months, but it will always be there, slowly eating away at your will, and the bonds of the companions. And only when you are all alone, when your weapons lie shattered at your feet, when all of your friends have turned against you, when you have nothing left, only then will it grace you with a slow and agonizing death.
Name BS W Morale Points Sv
Blind Horror - 18 - 4+
  • Keywords: Tyranid, Blind Horror

Setting Up[edit | edit source]

To start the game, place the Shuttle Tile in the middle of the table and shuffle all the other tiles in one big pile.

The deck should include the following tiles: 1 Beacon; 1 Nest; 1 Massacre; 2 Space Marines Armoury; 4 Ransacked Armoury; 1 Chapel; 1 Chaos Shrine; 5 Corridor; 4 Corridor Vent; 3 Locked Corridor; 3 Dead End; 4 Dead End Vent; 4 Bend in the corridor; 4 Bend in the Corridor Vent; 4 Intersection; 3 Intersection Vent; 2 Locked Intersection; 3 Junction; 3 Junction Vent; 2 Locked Junction; 2 Open Ceiling; 2 Pit.

The Beacon tile should be placed at the very bottom of the deck and remain so until it is found.

Then, place all the members of the Imperial group on the Shuttle tile; the Blind Horror is instead placed outside the board, near the controlling player. Before beginning the game, a Corridor, Junction and Dead End tiles are placed in a line connected to the Shuttle in this precise order.

Space Hulk Tiles[edit | edit source]

The Tiles in The Killer of the Maze are square pieces which can fit onto any other Tile. Some Tiles are simply corridors, through which the party of brave/doomed explorers of the hulk must traverse. Some of them contain horrors leftover by the hulk's previous inhabitants, while a rare few contain a glimmer of hope, a feature, landmark or item which might just help them with their lives. Most, however, are just dark, endless, featureless passageways, which serve to slowly grind down the will of those who tread them.

Tiles have a number of characteristics:

-Name: The name of the Tile, some abilities refer to the Tile's name.

-Number of Access Corridors: The number of Tiles the Tile can connect to.

-Vents: The number of vents on a Tile. The more vents and ducts the harder it is for the Imperials to prevent a flank by the Blind Horror.

-Effects: Sone Tiles produce effects to models moving onto them.

-Loot: Sometimes a tile will automatically have a specific item.

Basic Tiles[edit | edit source]

Name Description Number of Access Corridors Vents Loot Notes
Dead End The party is confronted by a blank wall that looms out of the darkness before them. It doesn't matter if it's a collapsed bulkhead, the remnants of a long-forgotten room, or simply the end of a corridor, it still mocks them with a simple message; there is no way forward from here. 1 0 - -
Dead End Vent A dark maw of a hole can be seen on the wall, floor, or ceiling of this space, its edges coated with scratch marks and blood as if something had been dragged inside. The hole is too small for the party to make progress through, but even if they could none of their number would suggest such a foolish, and terrifying idea. 1 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result -
Corridor A single stretch of passageway down which the explorers must travel down. While moving down it they wonder whether or not that piece of wall is the same one they passed an hour ago, or what happened to their markers they left out to track their passage. 2 0 - -
Corridor Vent The party hugs the wall, their weapons trained at a vent on the opposite wall as they pass. As one, the group sighs as they are safely past, but the group's last member pauses to look back at the vent. "Was that, movement I heard?" They think as they look back at the vent. "I just imagined it." They think as they hurry to catch up with the others, while knowing, deep down, that they did not imagine the noise. 2 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result -
Locked Corridor Spacecraft often had many doors in their structure to allow sections of the ship to be sealed off, preventing the loss of vacuum. One of these said doors now blocks your progress further, leaving you with a choice, turn back, or spend precious resources to open a door which may be a trap. 2 0 - Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
Bend in the Corridor A corner. Such a simple thing, but it hides such potential horrors. What lies on the other side? Death? Nothing? Salvation? The...Thing? 2 0 - -
Bend in the Corridor Vent As if a bend in the corridor wasn't bad enough, this one has a vent, adding danger that not only might there something around the corner, but also above, or below. 2 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result -
Intersection A crossway, a diversion of paths plunge into the darkened maws of the giant wreckage. You hope as you chose your way to not end up regretting it very soon. 3 0 - -
Intersection Vent A junction, but this time a vent stares directly at you as you approach. Slime and gore mark a trail where something has crawled and scrapped its way in all possible directions. 3 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result -
Locked Intersection A choice of two locked doors presents itself to your party, this collection of options may quite easily become a dead end, from which you may not retreat from. 3 0 - Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
Junction Passageways open up in all directions all around you. Which way to go? Does it even matter? No matter which way you turn it doesn't seem to matter, and you feel dangerously exposed surrounded by this infinitude of possibilities all around you. 4 0 - -
Junction Vent The worst possible place to be. You find yourself open on all sides and with a vent at floor level where a steady flow of water is trickling into. You turn this way and that, trying to keep all angles of approach, and somehow the vent too, in sight. You notice for the first time a scrap of bloody cloth on the vent, a chunk of flesh slowly rotting in its folds. This is not a good place to be. 4 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result -
Locked Junction In Terra’s past they had a saying. All roads lead to Rome. For you these roads are blocked by many doors, hiding many possibilities. At least the locked doors at your back ensure that nothing can come up behind you. 4 0 - Randomly determine one Access Corridor to be blocked by a Locked Door.
Open Ceiling The roof above your heads disappears, revealing a chasm that stretches hundreds of meters above you into the hulk. You see where multiple ships have been crushed together over centuries, a tapestry of decay laid before you by the pitiful light of your torches. As one, you look at your party's heavy flamer. There isn’t enough flamer fuel in the galaxy to light this vent up. 2 1 When scavenging this tile, re-roll the Nothing result The vent on this tile may not be lit up.
Pit As the party approaches the floor of the corridor disappears ahead of them, to be replaced by pitch-black nothingness. As the party examines the missing floor they see claw marks on the ceiling and walls, where something has climbed its way over the chasm. One thing is clear, although the party may not be able to pass something else can, and is. 2 0 - Imperial models may not enter this tile. The Blind Horror may move over this tile as normal and use it to enter or exit the board.

Special Tiles[edit | edit source]

Name Description Number of Access Corridors Vents Effects Loot Notes
Chaos Shrine Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of have been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass, however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the room's center, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilled blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price. 1 0 The first time a model enters this tile it loses 1 Morale point. If an Event is drawn and at least one model in the party is on this tile and the Event is a Blessing, discard it and roll again instead. The first time the Blind Horror attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. 1 Sacrificial Blade -
Chapel As one, you feel your spirits lift at the sight of this new room. The chapel is a vast, dark stone space with a shrine at its center, lit by candles that cast a solemn glow to this cavernous room. Unlike the rest of the ship, this room looks as if it has just been cleaned, a testament to the god emperors will. Just the sight of the imperial crest on the shrine is enough to melt away some of the terror, and allows you to properly relax for the first time since arriving in the metal maze. 1 0 The first time a model enters this tile it regains 2 Morale points. If an Event is drawn and at least one model in the party is on this tile and the Event is a Curse, discard it and roll again instead. The first time the Blind Horror attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. 1 Imperial Crest Pendant -
Massacre Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party gets closer they start to see details. An arm is casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covering the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, for ever coming to such a place. 4 2 All Scions on this tile loose 1 Morale point at the sight of such a slaughter. If there is also a Space Marine on the tile, roll a die; the Morale point is only lost on a 3+. 1 Frag Grenade and 1 Hot-shot Volleygun This effect activates every time a model ends the Imperial Action phase on this tile, even if it has been on this tile before.
Ransacked Armoury The party enters a room which at one time had been an armory. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the center of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tell the story of the defender's gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering. 1 0 - 1 Shotgun, 1 Shotgun Ammo, D6 Hot-shot Ammos and 1 Servo Skull -
Space Marine Armoury There is a hush amongst the group as the space marine amongst them steps forward and places his hand on the door's DNA scanner. "Welcome, honored Battle-Brother!" says an overhead speaker as the door opens to reveal the private armory of a Space Marine. Although locked, the room's previous owner had emptied it of most of its weapons and ammunition in a final battle. But a Battle-Brother's armory is never truly empty. 1 0 All Scions left in the corridor outside the room when the tile is entered for the first time gain 1 previously lost Morale point at the sight of such a holy place. Enhanced Cogitator Scanner and D6 Bolter Ammos This room may only be opened if a Space Marine is in the adjacent tile and it can only be entered by a Space Marine.
The Beacon Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a meter tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon. 4 0 At the end of the Movement sub-phase a model that enters this tile must pick up the Beacon, which is spawned in this room. The first time this tile is entered, each model that enters it regains 2 Morale points. 1 Beacon -
The Nest "Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor, and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay. 4 4 Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points (a Space Marine may not use his And They Shall Know No Fear special rule to prevent this). If the Blind Horror has taken any model via a Surprise Attack throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here; for every model's corpse roll an additional D6 for each Scions that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale point. If the dead model is a Space Marine do not roll for that corpse, the model automatically loses a Morale point instead. You may still collect the model's equipment. If the Blind Horror is gravely wounded and escapes and this tile is drawn, the Blind Horror is automatically placed in this room. 1 Flamer -
The Shuttle The beginning. And the End. Here the party begins their journey. Anxious. Nervous. But confident, as the soldiers of the Imperium are trained to be. Here they start fresh, supplied, and their minds unwarped. Those who ever return here, return broken, their minds in tatters, their flesh abused, and their weapons broken and dry. They say that the beginning and the end of a journey don't matter and that the most important part is the journey itself. To those who start their journey here, by the end they would quite happily slit their own throats to take back the journey they embarked on. 1 0 The party begins its journey here. Increase the Visibility of each model on this tile by 1. - -

Event Cards[edit | edit source]

At the end of the Movement sub-phase of the Imperial Action phase, starting from the second turn, roll a D66 for each party on the board and apply the result below to it. (ex. in the previous turn, a cave-in has split the main party and the Terminator and Demolition Expert have become Lost. You roll once for the two models and the result is 36, while for the other group is 15. Apply the result of Dead Soldier to the Terminator's party and Nothing to the rest.)

There exist 4 types of event cards, each with different interactions. There are:

-Neutral: the most common type; it has no effect.

-Setting: when this event is drawn, randomly select one tile a model in this party is on, but that was empty at the beginning of the turn. This event takes effect on that tile. Special tiles cannot be selected for Setting Events. If there are no tiles that can be selected, discard the Event.

-Curse: Curse Events have negative effects that affect one or more models in the party.

-Blessing: Blessing Events have positive effects that affect one or more models in the party.

Events List:

Number Name Type Description Effect Notes
11-36 Nothing Neutral Nothing happens. As one your party relax slightly, using the moment of respite to collect their resolve to push on further. - -
41 Dead Soldier Setting A body lies up against the wall, a deep hole clean through one side to the other of its skull, a wound which you have come to see as the Blind Horror’s trademark. Although the death was unfortunate for the soldier, they died with their weapons unused, a blessing you can't just pass up. You find a fully loaded Hot-shot Lasgun and 4 Hot-shot charges. The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
42 Dead Space Marine Setting The space marines in your group stand as one, heads bowed, blocking your view of a figure on the floor. As you get closer you see the impossible. The corpse of an Emperor's finest lies on the floor, his armor covered in slash marks that have cut through to the tough flesh beneath. One of the marines turns to look at you. He says nothing, but his message is clear. Leave us be. You find a fully loaded Bolter and 2 Bolter charges. All Space Marines in the party have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
43 Dead Terminator Setting It stands there against a wall, supported by its own joints, a once-mighty testament to the power of humanity. For the scions this is the first time they have ever seen a dead terminator, such things simply don’t happen. The area shows that this most honored of battle brothers didn’t die without a fight. The walls are pitted with fist-sized holes where a volley of bolter shots missed their target; an acid burn on his power fist marks where it must have landed a blow into the monster. But even the efforts of the Emperor's finest still weren’t enough. The severed head acts as a warning, everyone can fall under the attacks of the beast. You find a fully loaded Storm Bolter and 4 Bolter charges. All Space Marines in the group have to spend their next action mourning their lost battle brother. The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
44 Medical Supplies Setting You have found a pack of discarded medical supplies in a corridor, presumably left by some poor soul fleeing in abject terror. At least now they will find so use. You find D3 Medkits. The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
45 Unexploded Torpedo Setting Your party has found an unexploded relic, a Torpedo dwarfing you even when seeing just the tip of it. The head has some melta charges incorporated to melt everything nearby to slag, but something prevented the deadly weapon from going critical. Luckily for you, a member of your party knows how to gain access and cannibalize some of those melta charges for your own use. You find D2 Melta Charges. The objects found remain on the tile until it is discarded.
46 Cave-in Setting A wrenching cry of metal on metal assaults your ears as the miles-long hulk shifts around you under the strain of its own gravity. A few meters ahead of you the passageway collapses in on itself, annihilating anything below it and blocking off any chance of advancing. Your party is shaken at the sheer randomness of their lives being snuffed out, but still grateful that they might live a little longer. Regardless, the collapse makes it impossible for the party to progress. Remove the Tile this card was drawn on and replace it with a cave-in tile; then randomly place all the models that were on that tile onto tiles that were originally connected to it. If the group splits into different smaller ones, then follow the normal rules for becoming Lost. After the effect of the Event has been resolved, place and/or remove any tiles following the normal rules.
51 Ration Trolley Setting Not everything on board of a space hulk is scavenged by its inhabitants, they are just too vast, complicated, and ever-changing. This small ration trolley is such an example. Although time has made most of the packs inedible, and even fresh it does not bear thinking about what they are made of, a full stomach can go a long way towards making the impossible possible. Roll a D6 for each model on the tile on which this card was activated; on a 3+ that model gains 1 Ration Pack. Then roll another D6 for each model; on a 6 that model gains 1 Ration Pack. -
52 Frenzied Horror Curse A blood-curdling howl claws its way around the ship. As one you, your team and any other life on the Hulk clasps their hands to their ears at the noise-based assault. The tirade ends almost as quickly as it came upon you, but you are all left with a feeling of dread and horror. The Blind Horror is coming with a vengeance. During the Blind Horror’s next phase, it may perform one additional action. In addition, every model in the Hulk loses 1 Morale point. -
53 Distracted Curse Despite all the warnings, the protestation of common sense, and ignoring of survival instincts, a member of your party has stopped to examine something and has not realized that the rest of the party have moved on without them. As the rest of the party moves on a sightless face begins to stare at the helpless individual, its maw opening wide to reveal saliva-dripping tentacles, while a spiked tail sways backward and forwards, almost lazily, over the sightless visage. Randomly select a non-Space Marine in the party that has moved during the Movement sub-phase. Move that model back to the tile it was on at the start of the Action phase; any Movement type Action is not refunded. Then, roll a D6; on a 4+ the Blind Horror may take an extra action during its next phase. If no models in the party moved, discard this Event.
54 Whispers in the Dark Curse “What was that?!” Shouts a member of your party suddenly, their eyes flitting up and down the corridor. Confused and concerned you ask “What was what?” Even as you tighten your grip on your weapon. “I thought I heard something,” replies the first member of your party, fooling no one, but you continue on anyway because stopping is no longer an option. Roll a D6 for each model in your party. On a 4+ that model loses a Morale Point. If that model is on a tile with an unlit Vent opening, do not roll a dice, the model automatically loses a Morale Point. -
55 Faulty Ammunition Curse The conditions inside the Space Hulk take their toll even on steel. Upon inspection your party finds that some of their ammunition has spoiled in the harsh environment, leaving you precious weapons down in the fight against the encroaching dark. Roll a D6 for each non-Space Marine in your party; on a 4+, that model loses one weapon charge in its inventory. -
56 Faulty Weapon Curse Maybe an accidental splash of water caused some electronics to corrode or an important part just gave away by chance. Regardless, your weapon is now useful only as a club, horrific news in a world where your weapon is your only defense. Roll a D6 for each non-Space Marine in your party. On a 6+ that unit loses 1 of its weapons. -
61 Narrow Corridor Curse A chokepoint, the perfect opportunity for the Thing to attack under minimal fire and escape with one of our own. If the Blind Horror makes a Spiked Tail Attack on the tile this card was drawn on, subtract 2 from the armor saves. If the Blind Horror makes an assault unto the tile this card was drawn on, only two models may fire overwatch. -
62 Ceramite Door Curse Some doors on a ship are considered vital for the ships existence. They may act as a bulkhead to derp vacuum, act as a choke point to hold boarding parties at bay, or separate the rest of the ship from the reactor section. The door your party has encountered is such a door. You turn to your team's explosives expert and they shrug; you're going to need a lot of firepower to get through this door. The next Locked Door Tile the party encounters counts as a Ceramite Door. Ceramite Doors require 2 uses of a Melta Charge to be removed. In addition, a model may not advance over where this door was. -
63 What Happened to the Lights? Curse For some reason, the Hulk’s few lights have just gone out, plunging you into a darkness that is only broken by the small shafts of light from your mounted spotlights. The terminator too is uneasy, as even he could be torn open by a sudden strike from behind. Until the end of the next turn, all models subtract 1 from their hit rolls and 1 from their Sight Distance characteristic. If during a turn in which this event takes effect you roll a Backup Generator Online, this effect ceases to take place.
64 "Found Them!" Blessing You see a light in the distance. At first, you think it’s merely a reflection, but as you get closer you realize that it’s those you lost earlier. As one you rejoice, as the nightmare of the space hulk is easier to bear as a group. If your party contains any Lost parties then immediately connect their tiles to that of the largest party. Those models are no longer Lost and regain 2 Morale points each. If there are not Lost models on the board, treat this as Nothing instead. If there are two or more separate Lost parties the imperial player randomly selects a party for this Event to affect.
65 Backup Generator Online Blessing Throughout the hulk there starts a distant clanging; your party halts, bringing weapons to bear on all the likely places their foe might approach in anticipation of another attack. Suddenly, the corridor is flooded with light as the once dim illumination strips above you start working at full power. Now is the time to take advantage of the situation while it still lasts. Until the end of the next turn, increase the Sight Distance characteristics of all models in the Hulk by 1. If during a turn in which this event takes effect you roll a What Happened to the Lights?, this effect ceases to take place.
66 Signpost Blessing Even the most familiar of space crews may forget the layout of their ships, and so ships would have markers on their walls to direct lost crew to where they needed to go. Your party has found such a marker, and although worn it gives you an idea of what lies ahead. The next time a tile needs to be placed, draw 3 tiles and choose which one to set. The others are immediately put back in the deck and reshuffled. If the Beacon hasn't been recovered yet, then it must still be placed at the bottom of the deck.

Expansions[edit | edit source]

The Wrath of the Greater Good[edit | edit source]

The Wrath of the Greater Good tells the tale of an elite Tau Void Suit strike team sent into a Space Hulk in order to collect valuable Imperial data from a lost beacon, unaware of the Horror that lies in wait. The game intends to play out differently to a normal game of The Killer of the Maze; the Tau team is far better armed and armoured than their imperial counterparts, and have the advantages of flight and agility. However, being on a Hulk comprising of thousands of Imperial vessels there is little the Tau can use to replenish their own supplies, and this time the Blind Horror is not alone. The once lone Hunter now calls upon swarms of rippers to hem in the Tau, absorb their fire and slowly grind them down under a tide of tiny teeth and claws.

The Wrath of the Greater Good Is a game of speed and firepower, the Tau way of war on small scale, but is it enough to match up to one of the Galaxy’s most terrifying monsters?

The Teams[edit | edit source]

One of the players controls the T'au group while the other controls the Blind Horror and the swarm of Rippers.

T'au[edit | edit source]

The T'au team is made up of the following models: 3 XV46 Vanguard Void Suits; 3 DX-11 Exploratory Drones

  • Battlesuit Pilot
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
Battlesuit Pilot 4+ 3 6 5+ 3
  • Equipment:
1 Pulse Pistol
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 2
Weapon Charges: 2
Equipment: 1
  • Special Rules:
  • Keywords: T'au; Battlesuit Pilot

  • XV46 Vanguard Void Suit
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distance
XV46 Vanguard Void Suit 4+ 8 15 2+ 4
  • Equipment:
1 Flame Projector
1 Fusion Cutter
1 High-output Burst Cannon
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: -
Weapon Charges: 4
Equipment: 2
  • Special Rules:
Automated Systems: This model hits on overwatch on a 5 or 6, and it may use 1 Item or Fire 1 Weapon each Action phase without using an action point.
Electric Engagement Countermeasures: The first time this model is assaulted by the Blind Horror or a Ripper Swarm, the electrical field automatically discharges. The model that charged this Suit suffers a wound on a roll of 3+ and it can't allocate any attack onto this model. If no other model charges this Suit then follow the normal rules for disengaging.
Pilot Protection Protocols: When this model is slain it is replaced by a Battlesuit Pilot model in its place.
Thrusters and Large Bulk: Add 2 to the Don’t let it take Him roll if this model is the target of a Surprise Attack.
  • Keywords: T'au; XV46 Vanguard Void Suit; Fly

  • DX-11 Exploratory Drone
Name BS W Morale Points Sv Sight Distances
DX-11 Exploratory Drone 5+ 3 - 4+ 4
  • Equipment:
1 Twin Linked Pulse Carbine
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 2
Weapon Charges: -
Equipment: 1
  • Special Rules:
Drone Support: This model may only Fire or Use an item in its Activity Action phase. A separate friendly model may expend one of its actions to recharge this model's weapon, provided it has the right charge to do so.
Enemy Spotter: This model can expend one Action in its Action phase to scan a Vent opening or a Tile with a dark end that is at most two tiles away from this model. The Blind Horror and any Ripper Swarm may not use those tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those tiles during the following Tyranid Action phase.
Savior Protocols: During an assault, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly T'au model then the Drone can intercept a hit. Allocate the first attack made against the other model unto the Drone instead (this means the Drone would suffer two attacks, the one it was directed to it and the one it intercepted). Also, if this model is on a Tile on which it's present another friendly T'au model that is selected by the Blind Horror for a Surprise Attack, then allocate that attack to this model instead.
  • Keywords: T'au; DX-11 Exploratory Drone; Fly

Tyranids[edit | edit source]

  • Ripper Swarm
Name BS W Morale Points Sv
Ripper Swarm - 6 - 6+
  • Special Rules:
Hungering Swarm: Every time this model makes a succesfull assault, T'au models suffer D3 hits instead of 1.
Synaptic Hive-Mind: When this model is on the same Tile of the Blind Horror or up to two Tiles away, double the number of hits it makes in the Assault phase.
Tiny Size: This model is always wounded on a roll of 2+, regardless of the weapon used. In addition, double the number of hits this unit suffers from weapons that automatically hit the target.
  • Keywords: Tyranid; Ripper Swarm

T’au Additional Rules[edit | edit source]

In the Wrath of the Greater Good expansion, all normal rules are followed with the addition of a few more here listed:

-Models that can Fly can pass over a Pit Tile as if it was a normal Tile.

-During the T'au Action phase, each model can perform two of the following actions in any combination:

-Movement: All Movement actions must be taken before any other actions.
-Move: the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.
-Advance: the model moves 2 Tiles in any of the available directions, but may not perform a Move, Fire or Light Vent action. For a model to use this action it must be the first action it uses on a turn and it may not use this action twice a turn.
-Fly Up or Down: A model on an Open Ceiling or Pit Tile may use 2 Actions to activate it’s thrusters, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party on the Pit or Open Ceiling Tile is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). Then replace the Tile the models are on with the opposite corresponding Tile (if this Action was used on a Pit Tile then it is replaced by an Open Ceiling Tile and visa versa). When this Action is used the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror skips it’s next turn. This Action may only be used once per Tile and a model may not use this Action on a Tile which was swapped because of a previous use of this ability.
-Fire: the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer, and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots)
-Light Vent: a XV46 Vanguard Void Suit may expend one shot from its Flame Projector to light up one Vent opening on the Tile it is on. An opening that has been lighted up can't be used by the Blind Horror or Ripper Swarm to enter the board or perform a Surprise Attack. A Vent remains lit up for two game turns.
-Cut through Door: a XV46 Vanguard Void Suit may expend one shot from its Fusion Cutter to fuze a Locked Door on the Tile it is on. Remove the Locked Door.
-Reload: the model can recharge one of its weapons; when doing so, discard 1 magazine/charge/tank held by the model and re-fill the number of shots available for the weapon.
-Use Equipment: the model can use one Equipment in its possession (es. Medkit, Melta Charge, etc.).
-Pick Up Item: the model can pick up 1 item on the same Tile he is in. If it’s inventory for that type of item is already full then it may instead swap an item in its inventory for an item on the Tile.
-Transfer Item: the model can give a single Equipment, weapon or weapon charge it possesses to another model on the same Tile, as long as the receiving model is allowed/has space to carry such item.
-Scavenge: the model may search a tile for an item up to the remaining number of scavenging attempts the tile has remaining.
-Combine: the model may use 1 Energy Cell and 1 Helium Cell to create 1 High Energy Cell.

-When a DX-11 Exploratory Drones suffers an Injury and the roll is of 4 or more, don't apply the result, the model is immediately slain instead. On the other hand, each time a XV46 Vanguard Void Suits rolls on the Injury Table, subtract 2 from the result.

T’au Loot[edit | edit source]

Number Item Notes
11-16 Nothing -
21-23 - -
24-26 - -
31-33 - -
34-36 - -
41-42 - -
43 - -
44 - -
45 - -
46 - -
51 - -
52 - -
53 - -
54 - -
55 - -
56 - -
61 - -
62 - -
63 - -
64 Jagged Metal The scavenging model must immediately pass an armor save or suffer one wound.
65 Chaos Sigil The scavenging model immediately rolls on the Insanity table.
66 Hidden Vent This Tile gains 1 Vent opening and the Blind Horror may take an additional action during its next turn.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

T'au Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon Range (Tiles) To Wound AP Damage Minimum Number of Shots Maximum Number of Shots Number of Shots per magazine/charge/tank Carry Restrictions Use Restrictions Ammunition Used Notes
Flame Projector 2 4+ -1 1 1 6 10 None XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only Fuel Tank This weapon automatically hits its target.
Fusion Cutter 1 3+ -4 D6 1 1 5 None XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only 1 High-voltage Energy Cell Roll 2 dice and discard the lowest when determining damage for this weapon.
High-output Burst Cannon 3 4+ 0 1 2 8 12 None XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only Energy Cell Add 1 to this weapons hit rolls if it’s target is 2 tiles away. Add 2 instead if the target is 1 tile away. Change the ap of this weapon from 0 to -1 if the user also has the Target Lock item.
Markerlight Carbine 3 - - - 1 2 10 None DX-11 Exploratory Drone Energy Cell Do not make a wound roll for this weapon, a model hit by this weapon gains 1 Markerlight counter. Friendly units which target a model with a Markerlight counter reroll hit rolls of 1. A model loses any Markerlight counters it has if it dies, leaves the board or breaks line of sight with any T'au models. At the start of each turn, this weapon gains D2-1 previously fired shots.
Pulse Pistol 1 4+ 0 1 1 2 10 None None Energy Cell -
Twin Linked Pulse Carbine 2 4+ 0 1 2 8 20 None None Energy Cell If the target of this weapon is 1 Tile away increase the damage of this weapon to 2. In addition add 2D2 previously fired shots to this weapons magazine at the start of each turn.

Equipments[edit | edit source]

  • Drone Controller: Blank
Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Uses: Unlimited
When activated all DX-11 Exploratory Drones on the same Tile or on a Tile adjacent to the user's add 1 to their hit rolls and weapon range until the end of the turn.
  • Enhanced AI Module: Blank
Carry Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Drone only
Uses: Unlimited
The bearer adds 1 to its hit rolls and may perform any action during its Action phase.
  • Nanobot Repair Gel: Blank
Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Uses: 3
When used until the start of your next Action phase every time the user would lose a wound roll a D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
  • Nutrient Sludge: Blank
Carry Restrictions: Battlesuit Only
Use Restrictions: Battlesuit Only
Uses: 3
When used, the bearer regains 1 previously lost Morale point. In addition, roll a D6; on a 6+ the user heals 1 wound.
  • Scanning AI Coordinator: Blank
Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Uses: 3
To use this item 2 other models on the same Tile as the bearer must also use an action to activate this item. All Tiles within 2 Tiles of the user are scanned, the BLIND HORROR and any Ripper Swarm may not use those Tiles to enter the board and may not perform any action related to those Tiles.
  • Target Lock Array: Blank
Carry Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Use Restrictions: XV46 Vanguard Void Suit Only
Uses: Unlimited
The bearer of this item may Shoot after Advancing in the Action phase.

Event Cards[edit | edit source]

Space Hulk Tiles (T’au modified)[edit | edit source]

The Wrath of the Greater Good uses the same Tiles set as the standard game, but they are modified to take into account the different equipment which the Tau use. For example, a Tau battlesuit has no use for a Bolter found in a Space Marine armory, but their suits AI can make use of a spare marine helmet to make a Target Lock system.

Tiles have a number of characteristics:

-Name: The name of the Tile, some abilities refer to the Tile's name.

-Number of Access Corridors: The number of Tiles the Tile can connect to.

-Vents or Ducts: The number of vents or ducts on a Tile. The more vents and ducts the harder it is for the Imperials to prevent a flank by the Blind Horror.

-Effects: Sone Tiles produce effects to models moving onto them.

-Loot: Number of times the Tile can be scavenged. Sometimes a Tile will automatically have a specific item.

Basic Tiles[edit | edit source]

Basic Tiles

Name Description Number of Access Corridors Vents or Ducts Loot Notes
Dead End The party is confronted by a blank wall which looms out of the darkness before them. It doesn't matter if its a collapsed bulkhead, the remnants of a long-forgotten room, or simply the end of a corridor, it still mocks them with a simple message; there is no way forward from here. 1 0 1 -
Dead End Vent A dark maw of a hole can be seen on the wall, floor or ceiling of this space, its edges coated with scratch marks and blood as if something had been dragged inside. The hole is too small for the party to make progress through, but even if they could none of their number would suggest such a foolish, and terrifying idea. 1 1 1 (Re-roll Nothing) -
Corridor A single stretch of passageway down which the explorers must travel down. While moving down it they wonder whether or not that piece of wall is the same one they passed an hour ago, or what happened to their markers they left out to track their passage. 2 0 1 The corridor leads in a straight line.
Corridor Vent The party hugs the wall, their weapons trained at a vent on the opposite wall as they pass. As one, the group sighs as they are safely past, but the group's last member pauses to look back at the vent. "Was that, movement I heard?" They think as they look back at the vent. "I just imagined it." They think as they hurry to catch up with the others, while knowing, deep down, that they did not imagine the noise. 2 1 1 (Re-roll Nothing) The corridor leads in a straight line.
Locked Corridor Spacecraft often had many doors in their structure to allow sections of the ship to be sealed off, preventing the loss of vacuum. One of these said doors now blocks your progress further, leaving you with a choice, turn back, or spend precious resources to open a door which may be a trap. 2 0 2 The corridor leads in a straight line. One of the two Access Corridors is blocked by a Locked Door.
Bend in the Corridor A corner. Such a simple thing, but it hides such potential horrors. What lies on the other side? Death? Nothing? Salvation? The...Thing? 2 0 1 The corridor bends left, or right (flip a coin to decide). Do not place a tile on the end of this tile until at least 1 party member is on it at the end of the movement phase.
Bend in the Corridor Vent As if a bend in the corridor wasn't bad enough, this one has a vent, adding danger that not only might there something around the corner, but also above, or below. 2 1 1 (Re-roll Nothing) The corridor bends left, or right (flip a coin to decide). Do not place a tile on the end of this tile until at least 1 party member is on it at the end of the movement phase.
Intersection - 3 0 1 Randomly decide the orientation of this tile.
Intersection Vent A junction, but this time a vent stares directly at you as you approach. Slime and gore mark a trail where something has crawled and scrapped its way in all possible directions. 3 1 1 (Re-roll Nothing) Randomly decide the orientation of this tile.
Locked Intersection A choice of two locked doors presents itself to your party, this collection of options may quite easy become a dead end, from which you may not retreat from. 3 0 2 Randomly decide the orientation of this tile. D2 of the Access Corridors are blocked by a Locked Door.
Junction Passageways open up in all directions all around you. Which way to go? Does it even matter? No matter which way you turn it doesn't seem to matter, and you feel dangerously exposed surrounded by this infinitude of possibilities all around you. 4 0 2 -
Junction Vent The worst possible place to be. You find yourself open on all sides and with a vent at floor level where a steady flow of water is trickling into. You turn this way and that, trying to keep all angles of approach, and somehow the vent too, in sight. You notice for the first time a scrap of bloody cloth on the vent, a chunk of flesh slowly rotting in its folds. This is not a good place to be. 4 1 2 (Re-roll Nothing) -
Locked Junction In Terra’s past they had a saying. All roads lead to Rome. For you these roads are blocked by many doors, hiding many possibilities. At least the locked doors at your back ensure that nothing can come up behind you. 4 0 2 D3 of the Access Corridors are blocked by a Locked Door.
Open Ceiling The roof above your heads disappears, revealing a chasm which stretches hundreds of metres above you into the hulk. You see where multiple ships have been crushed together over centuries, a tapestry of decay laid before you by the pitiful light of your torches. As one you look at your parties heavy flamer. There isn’t enough flamer fuel in the galaxy to light this vent up. 2 1 2 (Re-roll Nothing) The corridor leads in a straight line. The vent on this tile may not be lit up.
Pit As the party approaches the floor of the corridor disappears ahead of them, to be replaced by pitch-black nothingness. As the party examines the missing floor they see claw marks on the ceiling and walls, where something has climbed its way over the chasm. One thing is clear, although the party may not be able to pass something else can, and is. 2 0 - The corridor leads in a straight line, but the party may not enter the corridor. When the party gets close enough that a new tile would be put onto the far end of the corridor do so as normal. The Blind Horror may move over this tile as normal, and treats it as a Dark End.

Special Tiles[edit | edit source]

Special Tiles

Name Description Number of Access Corridors Vents or Ducts Effects Loot Notes
Ransacked Armoury The party enters a room which at one time had been an armoury. Weapon racks line the walls on one side while personal lockers cover the over. The room has been cleared of everything useful and a set of large items has been erected in the centre of the room facing the door as a barricade and firing position. The smears of blood and empty shell casings tells a story of the defenders gruesome failure. Still, there may be something of use in this place of death. Something which may, at least, prolong their suffering. 1 0 - D3 Energy Cells The effect of this room may only be used once by the party, and activates when at least one member of the party ends his movement on this Tile.
Space Marine Armoury It takes a long time for one of your parties battle suits to interface with the crude, yet stubborn, DNA scanner on the side of the door. Around the party the drones set up an overwatch, cheeping nervously at each other at their exposed position, as even basic AI software had now learnt to fear the dark places. Their efforts are rewarded by a harsh, electronic squark as the doors controls are overridden, flooding the corridor with light. Although the Space Marines private quarters had already been emptied, humans are blind to the bits of machinery which are truly useful. 1 0 D2 Energy Cells and 1 Fuel Tank To enter this room a Battlesuit model must use 1 Action on an adjacent Tile to open this room's door. The effect of this room may only be used once by the party.
Massacre Red. That is all the party can see at a distance, a dull, shiny red which hides detail by uniformity. As the party get closer they start to see details. An arm casually discarded onto the chest of one man who is missing his entire face. The legs and chest of one person leaning up against a wall, as if the owner had left it there to go and do something more important. A body with an inch wide hole which the party can see goes through the front, and out the back of the skull as if a large spike has been driven through it. Everywhere at the intersection, there are bodies and blood covers the walls in an uneven pattern of arterial spray. As one, the parties eyes trace upwards, to see a body hanging from a hole in the seeing, dripping a slow drip of almost coagulated blood. Suddenly, the body falls from the hole to hit the floor, with a horrifying squelching crack of breaking bones and bruising flesh, as in the background, something crawls, and slivers away overhead. As one, the group marvels at their stupidity, forever coming to such a place. 4 2 All models on this tile lose 1 Morale Point at the sight of such a slaughter. D3 Energy Cells This effect activates every time a model ends its turn on this tile, even if it has been on this tile before.
The Airlock To begin with, there is silence inside the Hulk, it’s denizens having learnt a long time ago to keep their heads down. But this tranquillity is broken by the sound of an airlock cycling, echoing the screech of grinding gears and tortured metal across a domain which viewed any kind of noise like a death sentence, or dinner bell. Eventually, the airlock opens, bathing the Hulk’s interior with light, outlining the silhouettes of three battle suits, their weapons laying down overlapping firing arches inside. The Tau, have arrived at the Space Hulk, stirring up a hive of teeth and claws in greeting. 1 0 The party begins its journey here. Increase the Line of Sight of each model of on this Tile by 1. None When this tile is removed from the board the Tiles it illuminated that the party would not normally be able to see are also removed.
The Beacon Finally, you have found it. The reason for your suffering, the reason why you didn’t just stay on the shuttle. You gaze upon the metal object, around a metre tall, an antenna sticking out of its top while a cogitator interface gave off a green light on its front. You feel... let down. This lump of metal, which your leaders have sent you into hell to find, does not look like it is worth all you have been through. As one, you consider just leaving this worthless lump of electronics to rust, and simply try and find your way back to the shuttle. As one again, however, you discard the idea. The only way you are getting back to your lives alive is with this beacon. 4 0 At the end of the movement phase a unit that enters this Tile must pick up the Beacon, which is spawned in this room. The first time this room is entered each unit that enters it regains 2 Morale Points. 1 Beacon -
The Nest "Ow, God Emperor, please have mercy on us..." In front of the party, lies the Horror's nest, in all of its gruesome, alien, and horrifying glory. Programmed by the Hive Mind to cause terror, the Beast returns here to feed, rest, and examine its prey. Arterial sprays can be seen layering the walls in a tapestry of gruesome dismemberment, indicating that not all of those brought here by the Blind Horror end so mercifully dead. Trails of gore line the walls, floor and ceiling, indicating where the creature has dragged its filthy and grotesque form from its nest, dislodging defiled remains in a haphazard fashion around the entrances. But the worst can be seen lined up in a horrifying line against one of the corners of the room. Displayed to all who enter, in an instinctual terror tactic the Blind Horror has shown itself to be more than a master of, the corpses of those the creature has taken can be seen hanged up, some missing limbs, others the heads and torsos, claw marks indicating where the creature chomped its way through flesh and bone. Surely, in the entirety of the Imperium, the Galaxy, and even reality itself, there could not exist a more horrifying place to be, and an even more terrifying, and deadly, place to stay. 4 4 Any model that enters this tile loses 2 Morale points. If the Blind Horror has taken any party members via vents throughout the game then their corpses shall end up here, for every party member's corpse roll an additional D6 for each model that enters the room; on a 4+ that model loses an additional Morale Point. You may still collect the fallen party member's equipment. If the Blind Horror is gravely wounded and escapes the party and this Tile is drawn, the Blind Horror is automatically placed in this room. 1 Fuel Cell -
Chapel A cavernous, dark stone room greets the party, although not being imperial citizens they do not feel the same awe as a guardsman. Despite this, the Tau party recognises the space, a Chapel to the God-Emperor of mankind. Although their ideology does not recognise the Emperor as a God, they still gain some comfort from the room, especially as the Blind Horror appeared to be giving it a wide berth. 1 0 The first time a model enters this Tile it regains 1 Morale points. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Curse or a Horror card then you may choose to discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the Blind Horror attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. D3 Energy Cell -
Chaos Shrine Although pitch black and shrouded in fog, your party is inexplicably able to see every detail. The room is full of corpses, laid out in protestation towards a central table, where a blasphemous icon to the dark gods sits, mocking your faith in the God-Emperor. As you examine the corpses of those in the room you find that they show not a single sign of been harmed by the Thing which hunts you. Instead, each shows a large slash across their throats, while a jagged, bloody blade sits in the cold hands of each cultist present. Instead of pooling on mass however, the blood has inexplicably flowed towards to hideous display at the room's centre, as if the icon on the table had been drinking in all the spilt blood. As one, you feel something whisper in the back of your mind, a whisper of promises power, wealth, and immortality. The price? By the time you are done here, you will pay any price. 1 0 The first time a model enters this tile roll a D6; on a 4+ it loses 1 Morale Point. If a party draws an event card in this room and the card is a Blessing card then you must discard that card and draw a new card instead. The first time the Blind Horror attempts to enter this room during the game it instead Returns to the Shadows. In addition, randomly select a DX-11 Exploratory Drone on the Tile at the end of the Movement phase; that DX-11 Exploratory Drone is replaced by a Abominable Intelligence Drone - -
Viewing Platform Your party is greeted by the sight of blackness, vast and endless. But this not the darkness of shadowy corners and dank corridors, but the darkness of space, so close, but yet so far. Out there, is freedom, if only you can reach it. 1 0 Once per game, a model on this Tile may elect to use their action to look out of the Viewing Platform. Roll 6D6 for each model that does so; for every roll of 6, that model regains 1 Morale point. - You may not use any explosive devices while on the Viewing Platform.
Cargo Lift You find yourself standing in front of a set of open pneumatic doors, which reveal a large, metal walkway. You recognise it from the star carrier you cane to this godforsaken place, a Cargo Lift. Examining its controls you see that it is running off backup power, and only has the capability to take your party down one floor, deeper into the hulk. You are all apprehensive at the prospect, but taking the lift may be better than staying with what is behind you. 1 0 A model on this Tile may use an Action to activate the lift, but only if all other models are on the same Tile (unless the other models are considered Lost). If so, remove all Tiles except for this one; the party in the lift is now on a new floor and continues as normal (adding new tiles as normal). When the effect of this tile is used and the Blind Horror is returned to the Shadows the Blind Horror slips it’s next turn. - -

Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh[edit | edit source]

Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh tells the tale of a splinter of Necron battle force who have awoken inside a the Space Hulk. Cut off from any connection to the rest of the galaxy in the sheer bull of the maze, their only reference point is the Beacon, which once found can be used to guide themselves to the edge of the hulk where they can call for assistance. The Blind Horror is ever present, but is wary to combat such resilient foes, so must use the necrons one weakness against them, power.

Necron units rely on Gauss Charge in order to function until they can rejoin a Necron force, a is used to perform all their actions and fire their weapons. On full charge, the lost Necron force will march in perfect lockstep, their guns pinpoint accurate and capable of downing the Horror with dedicated fire. However, as energy supply’s deplete the Necrons will become slower, less vigilant, less accurate and their weapons less potent, until they get to the point that the necron becomes dormant, upon which the Blind Horror can crush its quiet form at leisure. But the Blind Horror does have an additional advantage, the awakening of the Necrons has activated a genetic hatred for the metal race, born from the War in the Heavens. This hatred allows the Horror to hit harder in those moments where the risk is worth taking.

Living Metal against Chitinous Flesh is a more strategic game, where the Necrons must balance collecting and using energy effectively to achieve their goal, while the Blind Horror must bait the Necrons into wasting energy, without entering withering gauss fire.

The Teams[edit | edit source]

Necrons[edit | edit source]


Name BS W Energy Points Sv Min Sight Max Sight
Warrior 3+ 6 10 3+ 1 2
  • Equipment:
Gauss Rifle
  • Carry Capacity
Weapons: 1
Weapon Charges: 0
Equipment: 0
  • Special Rules:
Resurrection Protocol: Roll a D6 whenever this model would lose a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost. In addition, if this model has been slain but it’s death location has not returned to the deck or taken by the Blind Horror then roll a D6 at the start of each turn; on a 5+ return this model to the tile where it was slain with 1 wound remaining. If it does so then it loses 1 Energy Point.
  • Keywords: Necron, Warrior

Tyranids[edit | edit source]

Enraged Blind Horror

Name BS W Morale Points Sv
Blind Horror - 20 - 4+
  • Keywords: Tyranid, Blind Horror, Enraged

Necrons additional Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Mechanical Advance:
Necron units may only perform certain actions, and those require Gauss Energy to perform, and represents the remaining power supply a Necron has. Each action requires a given amount of energy:
-Movement: All Movement actions must be taken before any other actions.
-Move (1 Energy): the model moves 1 Tile in any of the available directions. A model may take this action twice in a row.

-Fire (0 Energy): the model can fire one of its weapons at the Blind Horror that must be on a Tile that is visible to the firer and can fire any number of shots (as long as it doesn't exceed the number of ammo the weapon can fire at once or the remaining number of shots). If the Blind Horror suffers at least five wounds during the imperial Action phase, it must attempt to Return to the Shadows in its Action phase.

Necron Loot[edit | edit source]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Necron Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon Range (Tiles) To Wound AP Damage Minimum Number of Shots Maximum Number of Shots Number of Shots per magazine/charge/tank Carry Restrictions Use Restrictions Ammunition Used Notes
Gauss Rifle 3/2/2 5+ -2 2/D2/1 1 4 8 None None Gauss Energy -

Necron Equipments[edit | edit source]