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'''Vampire Broods''' is a homebrewed [[Necromunda]] gang that takes a new spin on everyone's favorite bloodsuckers for [[Warhammer 40k]], pulling from a lot of the background information scattered throughout the fluffIt obviously needs a lot of cleaning up, but overall the concept was to make a more direct parallel with the [[Vampire Counts]] fluff-wise and crunch-wise; powerful undead monsters served by cannon fodder hordes.
'''Vampire Broods''' is a homebrewed [[Necromunda]] gang that takes a new spin on [[vampires]] for [[Warhammer 40k]].  This ignores the warp-spawned Vampyres in favor of a xenos concept mixed with the blood-drinking Necromunda mutantsOverall the concept was to make a more direct parallel with the [[Vampire Counts]] fluff-wise and crunch-wise; powerful undead monsters served by cannon fodder minions.

==The Vampire==
==The Vampire==

Since before the dawn of the Imperium have the hungry dead dwelt in the shadows of the galaxy, preying upon Mankind and spawning horrors beyond numberFrom cathedrals of power to gore-spattered lairs they have supped from humanity's veins for eons, and though they wear the guise of Man they are no longer men but [[Xenos|alien]] abominations, raised from the deceased in utter blasphemy.  Some rule from within the Imperium hidden behind layers of conspiracies, while others claim shadowed realms where they rule openly in a reign of terror.
Since before the dawn of the [[Imperium]] have the hungry dead dwelt in the shadows of the galaxy.  Lurking in cathedrals of power to gore-spattered lairs they have preyed upon Mankind for eons, spawning horrors beyond number and ruling from the darkness.  Though they wear the guise of Man they are no longer humans but shapeshifting [[Xenos|alien]] abominations, raised from the deceased in utter blasphemy.

The [[Vampire]] is an horrid creature born of mad human science in the distant past.  They are undead, the xenoblood flowing through them animating their necrotic flesh.  Despite the fact each Vampire was raised to unlife from a previously human existence, retaining their personalities and minds, the process remakes their very genetic structure and mutilates their soul until they are transformed into something obscene, as far removed from humanity as any Ork or TyranidThough they are gifted with unholy powers and immortality, they shackle their mind to an alien hunger for blood in order to sustain their unliving flesh.  This sanguine sustenance is the very crux of their existence, and though they can learn to control this vile thirst ultimately it enslaves them.
The Vampire is a horrid nocturnal creature born of mad science in the distant past.  They are undead, the xeno-blood flowing through them animating their necrotic flesh.  Despite the fact each Vampire was raised to unlife from a previously human existence, retaining their personality and mind, the process remakes their very genetic structure and mutilates their soul until they are transformed into something obscene.  Vampires are gifted with unholy powers but shackle to an alien hunger for blood in order to sustain their unliving flesh.  This sanguine sustenance is the very crux of their existence, and though they can learn to control this vile thirst ultimately it enslaves them.  However, if fed fresh blood regularly a Vampire can survive indefinitely, granting them an odious form of immortality.

To the careful observer their pallid visage betray their undead nature; predatory eyes, retracing fangs, pale skin, and no body heat.  Even so many are described as eerily beautiful, possessed of a dark majesty and cold power that can enthrall and terrify at the same time.  Yet this is but a mask, a human skin they wear over the alien darkness of their soul, and many Vampires bear predatory mutations or unnatural rot that is reflective of the beast they truly are.  Some have even thrown off the guise of Man entirely, embracing their true nature, fully transforming into monstrous chiropteran beasts; stooped with matted fur, a tattered wingspan, and a maw dripping with crimson ichor.  If it can be said that Vampires have a true form, this would be it.
To the unwary observer the Vampire appears human, perhaps even beautiful, albeit pallid and eerie.  Yet this is but a mask, a human skin they wear over the darkness of their alien soul, and many Vampires bear predatory mutations that reflect the beasts they truly are: unnatural rot, large claws, distorted bat-like visage, boney spurs, vestigial wings, and more.  Some have even thrown off the guise of Man entirely, willingly or unwillingly succumbing to the ravages of their blood, fully transforming into monstrous chiropteran beasts: massive, stooped and rotting with calcific protrusions, tattered membranous wings, and a savage fang-filled maw dripping crimson.  If it can be said that Vampires have a true form, this would be it.

Drawn to the promise of immortality and power many have fallen sway to the Vampire, only to be used as pawns in their ambition... if not simply used as food.  And yet some show true promise, or their Vampire patron has singled them out, and may be transformed into a new Vampire if deemed worthy of the Curse.  And so have the Vampire propagated and festered in the shadows, slowly building their power.  At long last, [[Age of the Dark Imperium|as the Imperium cracks at the seams and all reality begins the plunge into darkness]] the Vampires are poised to to take it all and rule in a kingdom of blood and eternal night.
Drawn to their lies of immortality and power many have fallen sway to the Vampire, only to be used as pawns in their ambition... if not simply used as food.  And yet some show true promise, or their Vampire patron has singled them out, and may be transformed into a new Vampire if deemed worthy.  And so have the Vampire propagated and festered in the shadows of countless worlds.

===A History Written in Blood===
===A History Written in Blood===

When the galaxy was shrouded in the darkness of the [[Age of Strife|Old Night]] the first Vampires crept from the shadows.  As with many things the difference between history and myth is greatly muddled in the Vampire’s origins.  However, in the countless legends held upon rotting scrolls or within crumbling dataslates there is one far more common than any other.
When the galaxy was shrouded in the darkness of the [[Age of Strife|Old Night]] the first Vampires crept from the darkness.  As with many things the difference between history and myth is greatly muddled in the Vampire’s origins.  However, in the legends held upon rotting scrolls and crumbling dataslates there is one myth more common than any other.

Long ago a forsaken group of human scientists and occultists sought a means of eternal life.  Though such a quest is as old as humanity itself this cabal believed they could make it a reality, utilizing blasphemous technologies and forbidden gene-splicing.  However, despite their greatest efforts the secrets of eternity eluded them.  Meanwhile, the last of a dreadful and monstrous xenos race wandered amidst the ruins of a civilization she had singlehandedly consumedIn her wake she left naught but death, and she was known as the Dark Mother.  The Dark Mother was an undead beast, her alien biology unliving yet undying, and she had sown terror and death across the stars for countless millennia.  But she was the last of her kind, her people exterminated by the Warriors of Light, and though the Warriors of Light in turn went extinct long ago they had cursed her with eternal isolation in the galaxy.
Long ago a cabal of humans known as the Immortal Ones sought a means of eternal life.  In their quest they committed untold atrocities, descending further into desperation and madness, yet the secrets of eternity eluded them.  Until one day, upon a rotting world beneath a sunless sky, they found a nightmarish xeno-monster of immense powerThis creature, who referred to herself as the Dark Mother, was an undead horror, her alien “biology” unliving yet undying.  She had been alone for millennia, her people exterminated by the Lightbearers, cursing her with eternal isolation.

It is unknown whether the human cabal found the Dark Mother or the Dark Mother found the human cabal, but somehow the two evils met upon a rotting world beneath a sunless sky.  There the two struck a dark pact; in exchange for her undying blood the humans agreed they would become her children and slaves forever more, and together they would come to rule the galaxy.  Through arcane ritual and bloody sacrifice the secrets of deathlessness were unlocked from the blood of the Dark Mother, and the humans took her Curse willingly into their flesh and souls.  They became the first Vampires, and with their Dark Mother carved an empire for themselves from the anarchy of the Age of Strife.  Within their Realm of Night they enslaved humans to feast upon like cattle while driving them to construct unholy monuments to their insidious glory.  In time they learned how to pass the Curse onto new host through the freshly dead, and so propagated the first Bloodlines of the Vampire.  For millennia the Vampires and the Dark Mother gorged themselves upon the blood of man, their dark domain ruling many stars and sowing untold misery for mankind.
And so the two evils struck an unholy pact: in exchange for Dark Mother’s undying blood, the so-called Ichor, the Immortal Ones agreed they would become her children and slaves forever more, and together they would come to rule the stars.  Through arcane science and bloody sacrifice the secrets of deathlessness were unlocked from the Ichor of the Dark Mother, and the they willingly took the curse into their flesh and souls.  The Immortal Ones became the first Vampires, and with their Dark Mother carved an empire from the anarchy of the Age of Strife.  Within their Realm of Night they enslaved humans to feast upon like cattle while driving them to construct unholy monuments to their insidious glory.  In time they learned how to pass the Ichor onto new host through the freshly dead, and so propagated the first Bloodlines of the Vampire.  For millennia the Vampires and the Dark Mother gorged themselves upon the blood of Man, their dark domain ruling many stars and sowing untold misery for Mankind.

But at last did dawn arrive and light broke over these benighted worlds, for the [[God-Emperor of Mankind]] at the head of his Great Crusade saw this wretched domain and deemed it beyond redemption.  The battle between the Emperor and the Dark Mother was apocalyptic, but ultimately the Emperor proved mightier, casting down this evil domain and putting it all to the torch.  Yet some Vampires escaped the righteous onslaught and fled into the void, hiding among the shadows of many worlds.  Slowly, silently, they wormed their way into the new Imperium that mankind had built, becoming a dark cancer in its very heart.
But at last did salvation break over these benighted worlds, for the [[God-Emperor of Mankind]] at the head of his [[Great Crusade]] saw this wretched domain and deemed it beyond redemption.  The war between the Emperor and the Dark Mother was apocalyptic, but ultimately the Emperor proved mightier, casting down this evil domain and putting it all to the torch.  Yet some Vampires escaped the righteous onslaught and fled into the void, hiding among the shadows of many worlds.  Slowly, silently, they wormed their way into the new Imperium that mankind had built, becoming a dark cancer in its very heart.

===Genesis of Unlife===
===Genesis of Unlife===

Vampires are parasitic undead beings whose feeding and reproductive cycles are debase blasphemies.  While the true origin of the xenos abomination might never be known they are completely predatory to humanity yet inseparably tied to their host species.  Scholars almost universally agree they are a bio-engineered race whose origin likely falls within human hands long ago in a godless time, making them but another horror unleashed by reckless ancestors.  What spurred the creation of such monsters is much debated, but generally accepted that the Vampire is either the dark fruit of an attempt at immortality or the abject failure of this endeavor, perhaps both.
Vampires are parasitic undead beings whose feeding and reproductive cycles are debase blasphemies.  While the true origin of the abominations might never be known it is certain they are completely predatory to humanity, yet inseparably tied to their host species.  Scholars almost universally agree they are a bio-engineered race whose origin lies long ago during a godless time, making them yet another horror unleashed by reckless ancestors.  What spurred the creation of such monsters is much debated, but it is generally accepted that the Vampire is either the dark fruit of an attempt at immortality or the abject failure of this endeavor, perhaps both.

Despite human origin and appearance the Vampire is truly alien.  For one they rely exclusively on necrogenesis to defile the dead and raise more of their kind, somehow using their xenoblood as a catalyst to reanimate corpses.  The “parent” Vampire who gives the blood is called the progenitor, while the raised “offspring” is called the progeny; for indeed, they are now truly bound by blood.  The new Vampire retains the mind and soul they had in life, albeit now chained to a terrible hunger.  Agonizingly the xenoblood will rewrite the sacred human genome and rend it into something alien, and by the time this long metamorphosis is over nothing human remains, their very physiology twisted until they are a new species altogether.
Despite human origin and appearance the Vampire is truly alien.  For one they rely exclusively on necrogenous to defile the dead and raise more of their kind, using their Ichor as a catalyst to reanimate corpses.  The “parent” Vampire who gives the blood is called the Progenitor, while the raised “offspring” is called a Progeny; for indeed they are now related by blood.  This process, called Ascension, is arduous and draining for both the Progenitor and Progeny, requiring extremely large quantities of blood over a long and painful ceremony.  However, if successful, the Progeny rises as one of the undead, retaining the mind and soul they had in life but now chained to inhuman instincts.

The creation of a Vampire is a mystery to Imperial xenobiologists.  Vampirism is inherent to their xenoblood, but moreover it seems that it requires some direct force of will on the part of the progenitor to successfully create progeny, tied to some metaphysical property that cannot be identified.  This theory is reinforced by [[Psyker|psykers]] who have studied the xenoblood, citing a dark resonance that is deeper than mere geno-corruptionBy all accounts this creation process, sometimes called the Red Ritual or Crimson Ceremony, is an arduous and utterly draining process for both the progenitor and their progeny, requiring extremely large quantities of blood over a long painful processEven well-fed it might be some time before a Vampire can feel “vigor” enough in their blood to repeat the process, as such Vampires are exceedingly particular when choosing progeny and never make the decision lightly.
Vampirism is inherent to the Ichor, the invasive genetic material rewriting the DNA of the host, slowly merging their genome with a xeno-beast until nothing human remains.  Indeed, the Ichor even contains a psychic resonance, believed to be soul-shards of the Dark Mother herself, that warps the spirit and awakens latent [[Psyker|psychic abilities]].  But this process takes time, and when first spawned a Vampire is little more than a reanimated cadaver taking their first bumbling steps as a true predator of the nightAssuming the fledgling Vampire survives through the slow metamorphosis, consuming enough blood and retaining their sanity in the face of alien instincts, the Ichor coursing through their veins will metamorphose their necrotic bodies more and more, transforming them until not a trace of humanity is left in their tattered alien soulIchor is unstable, however, and many Vampires suffer from bestial mutations, the weak-willed even completely devolving into feral monsters as their alien hungers override any vestiges of the human psyche.

When first spawned a Vampire is little more than a reanimated cadaver taking their first bumbling steps as a true predator of the night.  But, assuming the fledgling Vampire survives through the slow metamorphosis, consuming enough blood and retaining their sanity in the face of alien instincts and bestial mutations, then they can attain monstrous power.  A Vampire who seeks to spawn another Vampire had best be sure he is able to control his new progeny through superior strength, charisma, indoctrination, or other method lest he fall victim to the hungry fangs of a usurper.  For older Vampires this poses little challenge as no fledgling progeny could hope to overpower them, but as the centuries pass and their progeny grow in strength they can indeed become a rival.  A cunning Vampire knows just when to send his progeny elsewhere to start their own scheming and broods, propagating their vile race across the stars.
===Unholy Metamorphosis===

==Hierarchy of the Damned==
Vampire hierarchy is based on the "Purity of Ichor", in other words how much they have metamorphosed from mere reanimated corpses into true xeno-monsters, as the greater the transformation the greater the Vampire's raw power and potential.  As a Vampire transforms they pass through several stages of unlife, a slow process achieved over the course of long decades.  An ambitious or crazed Vampire might seek a more rapid road to evolution, but such dark paths of wanton blood glutting and cannibalism more often than not results in failure as they spirals into insanity and loses themselves to their bestial nature.

Vampires order themselves within a hierarchy determined by the purity of their blood.  The raw power and potential abilities of a Vampire are based upon how potent their blood is, how much their bodies have metamorphosed from mere reanimated corpses into monstersAs such “purer” Vampires are inherently more powerful and so hold positions of authority, while younger and weaker ones are subservient to them.
*'''Thinblood''' is the fist stage of Vampirism, when the blood has only recently been infected with the Ichor.  The fledgling Vampire is little more than a reanimated corpse, physically much the same as before their death, and while they may still have some remnants of their humanity they are already irredeemableVicious and enslaved to a hunger they cannot control, only time will tell if they survive the trials of unlife to evolve into true monsters.

'''Elderbloods''' are a legend, a myth to describe the eldest of their kind, truly ancient Vampires that have existed in unlife for millennia without succumbing to hibernationIf the legends hold any truth then Elderbloods are unliving beings of insurmountable strength and otherworldly abilities, able to rip apart adamantium, move at supersonic speeds, and conjure up dreadful powersWith complete mastery over their flesh they are polymorphic, able to twist their bodies into any form they choose, from flawless human beauties to nightmarish monsters or even wisps of shadowThey whisper through the dark etheric echoes of all who share their blood, manipulating galaxy wide schemes from forgotten tombs.  But certainly, such primeval horrors are naught but legend….
*'''Halfblood''' is the second stage of Vampirism, when the blood has been completely replaced by the IchorAt this point the process has begun remaking the Vampire's undead flesh, granting them increased stamina, strength, and speed while slowly twisting them in body and soulSome internal organs have begun to meld or rearrange while others wither away, and it is at this stage where most vampiric mutations begin to appearA Halfblood Vampire may attempt to create Progeny but it is unlikely to succeed.

'''Purebloods''' are completely inhuman, undead whose bodies and genetics have completely transformed giving them abilities well beyond mortal kinAll Purebloods have incredible physical abilities that defy their pallid appearance, able to rip a man in half or move as fast as a bullet, as well as a host of other powers and mutations often based on their own genetic quirks and Vampiric Bloodline.
*'''Pureblood''' is the third stage of Vampirism, when the entire being has been saturated with the Ichor.  To survive to this stage the Vampire must be as cunning as they are strong-willed, a consummate predator and ruthless survivor.  Their internal physiology has completely mutated even if they still appear human, and their unliving bodies have been empowered beyond human norms, able to rip a man apart and shrug off wounds that would fell mortal creaturesAt this stage most Pureblood Vampires have also begun developing polymorphic abilities and psychic powers.  A Pureblood Vampire can reliable enact Ascension to create Progeny, although it remains a difficult and dangerous feat.

'''Halfbloods''' are not completely metamorphosed like their Pureblood masters but they are vile creatures, suffering from the physical maladies of the Curse while gifted unnatural strength, speed, and immortality through undeathThey are the favored acolytes of Pureblood progenitors, competent servants that have the potential to realize true power, but not yet powerful enough that they could seriously threaten their masters.
Legends say there are stages of Vampirism beyond even the Pureblood, nightmarish abominations of unspeakable evil.  It is said these elder-things are shapeshifters able to regenerate even from a pool of blood.  That they possess otherworldly strength capable of tearing apart plasteel, and that they can move quicker than the eye can followThat these profane creatures have great psychic power, able to whisper through the dark etheric echoes of the Ichor, manipulating their kind through planet-wide schemes from forgotten tombs.  But surely such primeval horrors are naught but legend....

'''Thinbloods''' are the newly spawned and little more than reanimated cadavers, the xenoblood coursing through their veins giving them unnatural life and some dark power but not yet thick enough to saturate their souls and remake their necrotic flesh. Should they have cunning and willpower enough to survive they may progress in the Vampiric hierarchy, however most will be destroyed, either in the flames of hunters or by the fangs of a dissatisfied master.
===Broods and Bloodlines===

There are other Vampiric creatures related to their xenoblood, devolved and mutated monstrosities that defy easy categorization or horrors spawned through dreadful powers and alchemical pits.  However most such things are serve only as guardians and warbeasts to their creators and so fall outside the Vampiric hierarchy.
While some Vampires are solitary predators most tend to cultivate Broods as a means of having loyal retainers and disposable pawns.  These Broods are centered around a Progenitor and their Progeny, but also include other horrors to enact their dark schemes.  With very little effort most Vampires can raise Ghouls: reanimated semi-sentient necrophages that are feral and ravenous but instinctively loyal to their masters.  Vampires will additionally enslave mortals into their service via their strange powers and addictive blood, Thralls to act as agents in human society and daytime guardians of their crypts.  There are other Vampiric creatures, horrors spawned through dreadful powers and alchemical Blood-Pits, but such things appear only in the most advanced stages of a Vampiric infestation and rarely among individual Broods.

===Bloodsucking Broods===
Pureblood Vampires hold tyrannical authority over their Broods, enforced by their superhuman willpower and control over the Ichor, while younger and weaker Halfbloods and Thinbloods are subservient to them... for a time.  A competent Pureblood can rule their Brood unchallenged for decades or even centuries, while an incompetent Pureblood that does not control their underlings is doomed to be devoured by the hungry fangs of a usurper.  A wise Vampire recognizes when an underling has grown strong enough and knows it is time to send their Progeny elsewhere to start plans and Broods of their own, propagating their vile race.

While some Vampires are solitary predators stalking the night alone, most tend to cultivate Broods around themselves as a means of having loyal retainers and disposable pawns.  These Broods are established by a progenitor that spawns progeny and other horrors to enact their dark schemes.  Vampires will additionally enthrall mortals into their service via their strange powers, creating maddened cannibalistic beings called Thralls, to act as agents in human society and daytime guardians of their cryptsWith very little effort most Vampires can create Spawn as well; lurching reanimated cadavers, feral and ravenous but instinctively loyal to their creators, good as fodder but little elseAs a Brood grows in numbers and power coming to dominate more and more territory, it begins to branch off into smaller Broods all bound to their ancestral progenitor, and a vile Bloodline begins to form.
If a Brood grows in numbers and influence it will begin to branch off into smaller Broods which in turn create Broods of their own, and so begets a BloodlineBloodlines can be as few as a couple generations of Broods to hundreds of infestations over entire worlds, but all share a common ancestorVampires from the same Bloodline might have radically different traits and mutations, perhaps even open hostilities between Broods, but they can all be united by the Ichor and the will of their elders.

===Voasin, the Necromundan Bloodline===
===Vampires of Necromunda===

Even deep within Segmentum Solar have vampiric infestations arisen, festering in forgotten crypts and layered behind conspiracies.  In particular the world of Necromunda with its sunless skies, warrened hives, debauched aristocracy, and teeming underworld proved an ideal breeding ground for the vile undead.  The Necromundan Bloodline of Vampires, known as the Voasin, first came to the planet thousands of years ago when they corrupted and infested a noble House.  Through their mortal pawns the Voasin ravenously consumed territory, resources, and power over the centuries in a bid to gain control of the planet, and they very nearly succeeded.  However, in 003M40 [[Inquisition|Inquisitorial]] agents discovered their true nature and the horrors hidden within their estates, and so together with bitter rival Houses they set about the systematic purging the Voasin wherever they were found.
Even deep within Segmentum Solar have vampiric infestations arisen, festering in ancient crypts and layered behind conspiracies.  In particular the world of [[Necromunda]] with its sunless skies, warrened hives, debauched aristocracy, and teeming underworld proved an ideal breeding ground for the vile undead.  The Necromundan Bloodline of Vampires, known in legend as the Voasin, came to the planet countless millennia ago and infested all levels of society.  Through their mortal pawns the Voasin ravenously consumed territory and resources in a bid to gain control of the planet.  However, in 008M39 [[Inquisition|Inquisitorial]] agents discovered their true nature, and so together with vengeful Houses and a detachment of [[Imperial Fists]] they set about the systematic purging the Voasin wherever they were found.

Though their cleansing was through, utterly destroying House Voasin, a single Vampire managed to flee into the shadowy depths of the underhive.  There, hidden in the lawless depths, this Vampire found new and fertile darkness in which to propagate and thrive.  Through the countless centuries his Broods have spawned Broods and so on over and over, but unlike the former incarnation of the Voasin Bloodline this Vampire, simply called “the Red Ancestor” by modern Necromundan Broods, seems uninterested in unifying his descendants into a coherent Bloodline.  Instead, the many Voasin Broods act largely independent of each other; a few have crept back into the upper hive, manipulating the humans through webs of lies and treachery, while most have festered in the underhive, ruling their territory as a tyrannical fiefdom.  Still others seemed to have completely devolved, revealing only in their monstrous nature in the darkest recesses of the hive.
Though their cleansing was through, almost destroying the Voasin utterly, a single Pureblood managed to flee into the shadowy depths of the underhive.  There, hidden in the lawless depths, this Vampire found new and fertile darkness in which to propagate and thrive.  Through the countless centuries its Broods have spawned Broods and so on over and over, but unlike the former incarnation of the Voasin Bloodline this Vampire, simply called “the Red Ancestor” by modern Necromundan Vampires, seems uninterested in unifying its descendants.  Instead, the many Broods act largely independent of each other: a few have crept back into the upper hive manipulating the humans through webs of lies and treachery, while most have festered in the underhive ruling their territory as a tyrannical fiefdom.  Still others seemed to have completely devolved, revealing only in their monstrous nature in the darkest recesses of the hive.

==Vampire Brood Fighters (Crunch: Work in Progress)==
As it is with most Imperial worlds the existence of Vampires is now considered a myth on Necromunda: the populace is kept ignorant and even many within the Houses now believe them to be only folk-lore.  However, House Helmawr knows the truth, and [[Palanite Enforcers|Enforcers]] are dispatched to mercilessly exterminate Vampires whenever found, if only to keep the Inquisition out of Necromundan affairs.  If ever a Brood grows too bold for the Imperial House to handle it is only a matter of time until the Inquisition and [[Deathwatch]] descends upon them with fire and fury.  Thus, the only surviving Broods upon Necromunda, at least those that survive for long, are those that have kept themselves well-hidden, ever keeping their nature from being exposed to the light.

Vampire Broods have some unique mechanics and play styles that set them apart from other gangs in NecromundaAll Vampire Broods must follow these rules:
The Obenous Clan is perhaps the most prolific gathering of Voasin Broods.  They say their Ichor is thicker than any other, claiming to be founded by the first generation of Progeny spawned by the Red Ancestor.  With tendrils wrapped infecting every House and Guild in Hive City, with mortal thralls and Vampiric agents in all levels of society, they have considerable hidden power and influence.  Their ambition is nothing short of infecting the Noble Houses of the Spire and finishing what their Voasin ancestors began, but until then they skulk in the shadowsThey send their fledglings into the underhive to form new Broods and collect territory, resources, and human cattle in a horrid parody of Clan Houses and their gangs.  However, the Obenous are at risk in recent decades, as the agents of [[House Delaque]] have come dangerously close to uncovering their secrets on multiple occasions, while [[House Escher|Escher]] alchymyst fleshteks somehow have managed to get samples of their Ichor.

-There must always be one Vampire Master.
However not all Vampires are interested in political power. The Coven Occulta, a large and secretive Brood festering deep in the underhive, is instead obsessed with the hoarding of esoteric knowledge. Lairing in a forgotten alchemical laboratory they seek knowledge as a means of power, and powerful they have become.  While their Ichor curses them with the appearance of an emaciated walking corpse with a hideous bat-like visage, it also grants them remarkable psychic powers beyond most Vampires. This power and knowledge, combined with the horrors they spawn from their Blood-Pits, leads many to believe they are working to bring about some kind of master plan known only as the Umbral Eternity.  Thus far they seem to be missing some key component, forcing the Coven Occulta to act bolder than ever by spawning new Broods to send out into the darkness to recover their unknown prize.  However, this behavior has not gone unnoticed, and the local [[House Cawdor|Cawdor]] have been whipped up into a frenzy over rumors of blood-sucking mutants.  To make matters worse, the Coven Occulta have discovered a different [[Genestealer|xeno-contamination]] infecting the human herds and have sent word to their allied Broods; a shadow war between alien powers to claim the flesh and souls of Necromunda's people seems inevitable.
-Vampire Broods do not need food or heal in the conventional sense but require the blood of the living to sate their hunger; refer to “Feeding”, “Hunting”, and “Healing” below.
-If a Vampire Master or Vampire is taken Out of Action they roll on the “Vampire Out of Action” chart below.
-In the rare event a Vampire Master is truly destroyed, the most powerful Vampire in the Brood assumes control.  However, if there are no more Vampires left then the Brood disbands as the minions scatter into the darkness.

A starting Vampire Brood gang is made up of the following fighters:
Other Vampires are not so subtle, such as the Stygian Broods of Hive Mortis.  Ever since the disastrous plague that brought the entire hive to its knees the Stygians have exploded in number, revealing in the darkened corridors and feasting upon the accumulated dead.  They keep up no pretense of being human, devolving into raging humanoids that embrace their vampiric mutations.  The Enforcers and militias suppress these "mutants" to the Mortis underhive, but they have an unlikely ally in this struggle: [[House Goliath]] gladly hunts the Stygians as good sport.  However, as many have learned too late, despite their appearance the Stygians are not mere beasts and are more than capable of planning and tactics.  Indeed, some in the hive whisper that this will be their final doom: either an unending horde of "mutants" from below or, if not stopped, cleansing fire from above.
==Vampire Gang Rules==
===Gang Composition===
A Vampire Brood must follow these rules when it is founded and when new fighters are added to the gang:
*There must be one Leader (Vampire Pureblood) chosen when the gang is first founded.
*The total number of Vampire Thinbloods in the gang must always be equal to, or higher than, the total number of other fighters (Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods) in the gang, not counting Hangers-On or Ghouls.
*The gang may include 2 Ghouls per Pureblood and 1 Ghoul per Halfblood in the gang.
*A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons.  Weapons marked with an asterisk (*) take up the space of two weapons.
*Any fighter may take Wargear.
*Weapon accessories marked with a dagger (†) may not be combined together on the same weapon.  If one such accessory is purchased for a weapon, another may not be added.
During a campaign, all gangs continue to follow the mentioned rules as new fighters are added to the gang.  Additionally, the following rules apply:
*A gang founded for a campagin can contain no more than two Vampire Halfbloods.  Additional Vampire Halfbloods may be added to the gang during the course of the campaign.
*During the course of a campaign, any fresh recruits added to the gang may be equipped with items currently held in the gang's Stash, rather than purchasing new equipment.
During the course of the campaign, gangs may gain new equipment, either by purchasing it from the Trading Post or as a result of Territory Boons.  These items are added to the gang's Stash and may be distributed among fighters during any post-battle sequence:
*A fighter cannot be given a new weapon of a type not allowed by their entry within their gang list.

{| class=wikitable
*Vampire Thinbloods cannot be given a new weapon if it would take them above the limit of three weapons carried.
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Vampire Master:''' || 1 || ### || 5 || 3+ || 3+ || 5 || 5 || 2 || 2+ || 3 || 3+ || 4+ || 5+ || 5+

'''Equipment List''': A Vampire Master starts equipped with flak armour, sword, and autopistol.  They can be equipped with Pistols, Close Combat Weapons, Vampire Weapons, Vampire Gear, Grenades, and Wargear.
*A Vampire Pureblood or Vampire Halfblood can be given more than three weapons as they can have multiple Fighter Cards, each representing a different "set" of equipment, as described on page 59 of Gang War Four.

'''Skills''': Vampire Masters start with 1 Skill and 2 Vampire Abilities (see chart)Additional Vampire abilities may be purchased in the same way as though they were a Secondary Skill set.
*A fighter may discard any Wargear carried when given new WargearDiscarded Wargear is placed in the gang's Stash.

The progenitor of the Brood and most powerful Vampire within its ranks.  Possessed of unholy power and sinister abilities they are consummate predators who rule their Broods with a tyrannical iron fist.  While only a pale shadow compared to the dreadful elders of their kind, their unliving physiology granting them the strength to rip a man to ribbons and shrug off wounds no mortal creature could bare, while their lineage grants them access to obscene artifacts and wicked weaponry.
===Vampire Broods in Campaigns===

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In a Dominion Campaign, Vampire Brood gangs are treated just like any other.  They begin the campaign with a Settlement Territory which they cannot lose, representing their base of operations.  They can take control of unoccupied Territories during the Occupation phase and they can seize control of Territories from other gangs during the Takeover phase.  Settlement Territories do not generate Juves; instead, if one of the D6 rolls is a 6, they generate a single free Vampire Thinblood.  If both of the D6 roll a 6, this becomes a two free Vampire Thinbloods.
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Vampires:''' || 0-3 || ### || 5 || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3+ || 2 || 4+ || 5+ || 6+ || 5+

'''Equipment List''': A Vampire starts equipped with flak armour.  They can be equipped with Pistols, Close Combat Weapons, Vampire Weapons, Vampire Gear, Grenades, and Wargear.
Despite their secret agenda, a Vampire Brood gang is seen as just another gang by most of the locals.  They claim Territory Boons just like any other gang, but are treated as a Delaque gang for the purposes of Enhanced Boons.

'''Skills''': Vampires start with 1 Skill and 1 Vampire Ability (see chart).  Additional Vampire abilities may be purchased in the same way as though they were a Secondary Skill set.
====Gaining Experience====

The vile progeny of the Brood’s Master and his most trusted lieutenantsWhile weaker and less experienced than their Master each of them are still horrid undead beings of terrible power, more than a match for any underhive gang scumAs they walk this dark path the xenoblood coursing through their veins will metamorphose their necrotic bodies further, growing their unholy power until nothing human remains.
Vampire Brood fighters gain Experience in the same way as fighters in a normal House gangThe Pureblood and any Halfbloods can have their XP spent on Advancements in the same way as a Leader or ChampionThinbloods advance in the same way as Gangers, and can become Specialists if a 2 or 12 is rolled for their Advancement.

{| class=wikitable
Ghouls cannot gain Experience or Advancements in any way.
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Thralls:''' || 0+ || ### || 5 || 5+ || 5+ || 3 || 3 || 1 || 5+ || 1 || 8+ || 7+ || 7+ || 8+

'''Equipment List''': A Thrall starts with no equipment.  They can be equipped with Basic Weapons, Close Combat Weapons, Grenades, Pistols, and Wargear.
====Captured Fighters====

'''Skills''': TBD
If any member of a Vampire Brood gang is captured, the normal rules are followed.  However, due to their alien nature, they are worth more when sold to the Guilders; the gang that is selling them receives their full value in credits, instead of half their value.

Humans enslaved through the mind-shattering powers of the Vampires, theses mortals are naught but pawns in the endless shadow games of the Vampire.  Although driven insane by the experience and possessed of a dark cannibalistic appetite, their fanatically loyalty makes them excellent retainers and bodyguards for the Brood.  The worthy might even one day become “Chosen”, those selected to be transformed one night, but most will never be more than minions for their cruel masters.
====Post-Battle Actions====

{| class=wikitable
Each Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfblood in the gang can make one post-battle action in the same way as a Leader or Champion, respectively.  Vampire Broods cannot make the Medical Escort action, the docs being unable to work upon their unliving alien physiology, but instead Vampire Broods may make a Feeding action to consume Captives to heal (see Feeding).  They can still make the Sell to the Guilders action if they so choose.
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Spawn:''' || 0+ || ### || 4 || 6+ || -- || 2 || 3 || 1 || 7+ || 1 || -- || -- || -- || --

'''Equipment List''': Spawn start with no equipment nor can they be equipped with any.
====Hangers-On, Hired Guns, and Dramatis Personae====

'''Skills''': Spawn are Fearless and the can Wall Crawl (Vampire Ability) but can never learn any more Skills.
Vampire Brood gangs may hire Dramatis Personae and Hive Scum in the same way as other gangs.

While performing the Transformation of a mortal into a Vampire is exhausting and can even be fraught with danger, simply dripping a few drops of Vampiric blood down the gullet of a corpse brings it lurching to unlife.  Such creatures are pitiful and animalistic, devoid of higher reasoning and enslaved to their ravenous hunger, controlled by the will of their Vampiric maker.  These so-called Vampire Spawn are useful for little but excel at violence, making them expendable fodder, shocktroops, and crypt guardians for the Brood.
Additionally, Vampire Brood gangs may hire Hangers-on, but they use the following table:

{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
! Reputation || Maximum Hangers-On
| Less than 5 || 1
| 5 to 9 || 2
| 10 to 14 || 3
| 15 to 19 || 4
| 20 to 24 || 5
| '''Familiar:''' || -- || -- ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || -- || -- || -- || --
| Each additional 5 || +1

'''Equipment List''': Familiars start with no equipment nor can they be equipped with any.
====Loss of a Leader====
If a gang’s Pureblood is killed or is retired, a new Pureblood must be nominated from among the gang’s Halfbloods.  If the gang has no Halfbloods, the new Leader must be a Thinblood, Specialist or otherwise.
In either case, an eligible fighter with the best Leadership must be selected as the new Leader.  If more than one eligible fighter is drawn for best Leadership, use Advancements as a tie -breaker; if there is still a tie, the controlling player can decide.

'''Skills''': Membranous Wings (Vampire Ability).
When a fighter is promoted in this way, their Type is changed to Pureblood, and from now on they count as a Pureblood for determining which equipment and skill sets they can access.  Their characteristics do not change.

Familiars can only be recruited via the Vampire Ability.

Vampires crave the blood of the living to sustain their unliving bodies.  The consumption of blood, and blood-rich tissues such as hearts, livers, and cranial matter is digested into the xeno-blood Ichor that flows through necrotic flesh.  Their inhuman metabolism is able to process this Ichor into "necrosynthesis", an impossible contradiction that even the cleverest of docs fail to understand, which can reshape their forms and heal wounds.

'''Vampire Ranks:''' Pureblood, Halfblood, Thinblood
The Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods can make the following post-battle action (see page 56 of Gang War Four) but the Brood benefits from the effect.  This action can only be made once per post-battle sequence.

'''Thrall Ranks:''' Chosen, Henchman, Minion, Thrall
Firstly, a Captive is required.  If the gang is holding a Captive that, if held by another gang would be eligible to be sold to the Guilders (see page 56 of Gang War Four) the Captive may be sacrificed for the Feeding.  Alternatively, if no Captive is available, the Brood can select a Hanger-On to consume.

Once the sacrifice is selected they are devoured by some members of the Brood like sludge-piranha upon raw meat.  Roll 2d6 and apply the following modifiers:
*+1 if the sacrifice has a Strength of 4 or more.
*+1 if the sacrifice has a Toughness of 4 or more.
*-1 if the sacrifice has any Lasting Wounds.
*-1 if the sacrifice has any Flesh Wounds.

===Post-Battle Actions===
The result is the number of Vampire Brood fighters in the gang that can benefit from Feeding upon the victim.  Each fighter Feeds upon the victim can select 1 of the following options:
*Roll on the Medical Escort chart as if the fighter was taken to a Doc but with no Credit cost.
*Remove a Lasting Injury from the fighter.
*Immediately exit recovery; the fighter is available for the next battle.
*Gain +1 Wound for the next battle.

Each Vampire Master and Vampire in the gang can make one post-battle action in the same way as a Leader or Champion, respectively.  It is assumed they send one of their Thralls, Dregs, or Envoys to perform the work on their behalf, as Vampires do not wish to draw unwanted attention with their undead nature.  Vampire Broods cannot make the Sell to the Guilders action, lest they risk revealing themselves.
==Vampire Brood Fighters==

A starting Vampire Brood gang is made up of the following fighters:

'''Feeding''': Vampire Broods do not need to eat in the conventional sense but must sate their thirst for blood to sustain themselves.  To represent this they cannot be fed like normal gangs, but rather must consume living humans for nourishment.  How much each type of creature within the Broods needs per round is listed below:
===Vampire Pureblood===

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
{| class=wikitable
! colspan="2" |Vampire Feeding Table
! || Credits || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
! Vampire Master
| 3 Blood Points
! Vampire
| '''Vampire Pureblood''' || ### || 5 || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 4 || 2 || 3+ || 2 || 4+ || 4+ || 5+ || 5+
| 2 Blood Points
'''Equipment List''': The Vampire Pureblood starts with no equipment. They have no weapon restrictions and may select from Vampiric Equipment.
'''Skills''': The Vampire Pureblood start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.
'''Special Rule - Vampirism''': Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar.  Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.
===Vampire Halfbloods===
{| class=wikitable
! || Credits || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
! Thrall
| '''Vampire Halfbloods''' || ### || 5 || 3+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 3+ || 2 || 5+ || 5+ || 6+ || 5+
| 1 Blood Point
! Spawn
| N/A, it is assumed they sate their weak flesh on the blood of rodents

When a creature within the Brood cannot or will not consume their required number of points per After Action then they begin to weaken as their xenos-instincts begin to take hold.  Unlike starvation in humans this has an entirely difference impact on their alien physiology: -1 Strength, -1 Intelligence, and -1 Leadership for each After Action where they fail to feed; cumulatively, if a Vampire ever reaches "0" Intelligence they go Feral and attack a member of the Brood before fleeing into the darkness (see Feral below).
'''Equipment List''': Vampire Halfbloods starts with no equipment. They have no weapon restrictions and may select from Vampiric Equipment.

'''Skills''': Vampire Halfbloods start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

'''Hunting''': During the After Action any member of the Brood may go on a Hunt: they prowl the darkened underhive in search of lone scavengers, dregs, or any hapless soul caught out within the night-cycleTo determine what prey they return with roll at 1d10 and consult the chart below:
'''Special Rule - Vampirism''': Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similarVampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
===Vampire Thinbloods===
! colspan="2" |Vampire Hunting Table
{| class=wikitable
! 1
! || Credits || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| The hunter returns empty clawed without any prey to feed upon.
! 2-3
| '''Vampire Thinbloods''' || ### || 5 || 5+ || 5+ || 3 || 3 || 1 || 5+ || 1 || 8+ || 7+ || 7+ || 8+
| They manage to track down a feeble human or scavvy just barely fit to consume, providing 4pts of food.
! 4-7
| The hunter has had some luck and returns with a healthy human specimen, providing 8pts.
! 8-9
| The night favors this hunter and they manage to catch a patrol of petty gangers or group of scavengers unaware, providing 16pts of food.
! 10
| A small underhive hamlet or guilder caravan is dragged off en masse to feed the Brood, providing 24pts of food.

Furthermore, Broods may consume captured enemy gangers, often setting up elaborate and terrifying feasts before symbolically tearing into their enemyIf the enemy gang fails to rescue their comrade they can be devoured by the Brood for the S x T x W worth of points.
'''Equipment List''': Vampire Thinbloods starts with no equipment.  They can be armed with Basic Weapons, Close Combat Weapons and PistolsWhen the gang is created, one Vampire Thinblood can be armed with a Special Weapon.  During a campaign, additional Vampire Thinbloods can also take Special Weapons as they are added.
'''Special Rule - Vampirism''': Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar.  Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

The prey of the Hunt or captured enemies may be kept for a later date, stored within the Brood's horrific dungeon-larders for later consumption.  Keep track of how many points of food your Brood has access to when determining when you need to Hunt again.
(Remember, each Vessel Hanger-On provides +3pts per After Action.  Wretches and Envoys "tribute" their masters with some blood as well, giving them +1pt per After Action)

{| class=wikitable
! || Credits || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Ghouls''' || ### || 5 || 5+ || -- || 2 || 3 || 1 || 6+ || 1 || -- || -- || -- || --

'''Healing''': The unliving bodies of Vampires and their ilk do not heal as mortal creatures do, and even underhive rogue docs would be unable to treat their alien physiology. To represent this Vampire Broods uses excess or "leftover" points from Feeding/Hunting to heal:
'''Equipment List''': Ghouls starts with no equipment. Ghouls can be equipped with Close Combat weapons but no other equipment.

'''Special Rule - Undead''': Ghouls are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar.

'''Special Rule - Mindless Beast''': The only actions a Ghoul can make are Move, Charge, Fight, and Coup de Grace.  It can use Close Combat weapons but no other equipment.  Any Cool or Willpower checks made for a Ghoul automatically pass, but any Leadership or Intelligence checks automatically fail.

'''Vampire Out-of-Action Chart''': As undead xenoforms Vampires are notoriously difficult to kill permanently.  Anytime a Vampire Master or Vampire Thrall goes out of action roll of the following chart to determine the effect:
'''Special Rule - Spawning''': So long as the maximum number of Ghouls is not reached the Pureblood and any Halfblood can take a Post-Battle Action to raise a Ghoul at no Credit cost.

While performing the Ascension of a mortal into a Vampire is exhausting and fraught with danger, simply dripping a few drops of Vampiric blood down the gullet of a corpse brings it lurching to unlife.  Such creatures are pitiful and feral, devoid of higher reasoning and enslaved to their ravenous hunger, controlled only by the will of their Vampiric masters.  Although capable of basic tool use these Ghouls are good for little else besides shocktroops and fodder for the Broods.

===Feral Vampires===

'''Feral''': If a Vampire gives into their hunger and loses all sense of self and higher reasoning (by losing all their Intelligence or Willpower) they devolve into a beast that immediately attacks another of the Brood; resolve the combat, and if not destroyed the Feral flees into the darkness of the underhive.  Given time they will continue to feed and mutate, and if they survive long enough will metamorphose into a new monstrous form.  Most Vampire Broods will view such beings not only as errant blood, but threats to their very survival; such unrestrained creatures draw unwanted attention to Vampiric infestations....
If any Vampire ever gives into their hunger or loses all sense of self and higher reasoning (i.e. by losing all their Willpower or Intelligence) they devolve into a beast that immediately attacks another of the Brood; resolve the combat, and if not destroyed the Feral flees into the darkness of the underhive.  Given time they will continue to feed and mutate, and if they survive long enough will metamorphose into a new monstrous form.  Most Vampire Broods will view such beings not only as errant blood but threats to their very survival, for such unrestrained creatures draw unwanted attention to Vampiric infestations....

===Skill Access===
==Skill Access==

Vampire Brood figthers have access to the following Skills:
Vampire Brood figthers have access to the following Skills:

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|+ Vampire Skills
Vampire Brood Skills !! Agility !! Brawn !! Combat !! Cunning !! Ferocity !! Leadership !! Shooting !! Savant !! Vampiric Powers
!! Agility !! Brawn !! Combat !! Cunning !! Ferocity !! Leadership !! Shooting !! Savant
| '''Vampire Pureblood''' ||  || Secondary ||  || Secondary || Primary || Primary ||  ||  || Primary
| '''Vampire Master''' || Secondary ||   || Secondary || Primary || Primary || Primary ||  ||   
| '''Vampire Halfblood''' ||   || Primary || Secondary ||   || Primary || Secondary ||  ||  || Secondary
| '''Vampire''' || Secondary ||  || Secondary || Primary || Primary || Secondary ||  ||  
| '''Specialist - Vampire Thinblood''' || Secondary || Primary ||  ||   || Primary ||   || Secondary ||  ||

===Vampire Abilities===
===Vampiric Powers===

Given their blasphemous genetic legacy all Vampires have access to the following abilities which can be purchased like a secondary skill.
Vampire Purebloods and Halfbloods, the Ichor having saturated their flesh and largely remade their very beings, can manifest the sinister mutations and haunting powers of their blasphemous genetic legacy.  A Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods have access to the Vampiric Powers list below as one of their Primary and Secondary skill sets, respectively.

*'''Dark Majesty:''' Expand the Ld bonus radius to your troops
*'''Dark Majesty''': The Vampire commands through the dark resonance shared in the Ichor of the Brood.  Whenever a Nerve or Willpower test is made for another fighter from the gang who is within 6” of the Vampire, use the Vampire’s characteristic value.

*'''Hypnotic Gaze:''' Opposed Ld; if successful paralyze an enemy in place
*'''Hypnotic Gaze''': Through their unholy gaze the Vampire can dominate the minds of weaker-willed beings.  Select an enemy fighter that is both within 6” and line of sight of the Vampire, and that has not been activated this turn.  Roll a Willpower check to perform this action: if successful that fighter may only perform a single Move (Simple) action when activated this round.

*'''Terror:''' Enemies must roll Ld to engage in melee or they lose their charge
*'''Unguis Blades''': At a whim the Vampire can grow or retract razor-sharp claws, forearm blades, and/or a fang-filled maw.  The Vampire effectively gains two Swords and has Dual Weapon dice in close combat.  These do not count against the Wargear carry limit.

*'''Preysense:''' Can see and smell blood with unnerving precision including piercing hidden enemies and/or bonues to hitting behind cover
*'''Mortis Hide''': The Vampire shapes their polymorphic flesh, hardening it into a leathery-chitinous hide that doesn't inhibit their movement.  This grants a passive +1 to all Armour rolls.

*'''Shadow Shroud:''' Basically invisibility
*'''Flying Horror''': At will the Vampire can morph or retract a large set of tattered membranous wings from their forearms, granting them to ability to fly around quickly and ascend levels.  The Vampire can move in a 6" radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.

*'''Tenebrous:''' The undead body becomes slightly incorporeal like a shadowy mist; cannot be hit by any weapon except flame, plasma, etc.
*'''Ghoul King''': The Vampire's Ichor is dark and potent, able to call forth more minions to serve.  They allow the Brood to have +1 Ghoul beyond the normal limit, and can create two Ghoul via the Spawning Special Rule.

*'''Unholy Strength:''' Reroll CQC damage
==Vampiric Equipment==

*'''Unholy Stamina:''' Necrotic, leathery flesh that is even more difficult to damage (armour)
As parasites leeching upon the masses of Mankind, the technology utilized by the Vampires and their minions is often of similar to Imperial designs or simply stolen technology.  However, as part of their monstrous legacy, the Vampires have access to unique technologies all their own, exotic remnants from their long-lost Realm of Night: alien devices and blasphemous weaponry developed by inhuman beings bent on conquest of the stars.

*'''Unholy Speed:''' Can double movement for charge

*'''Lashing Tongue:''' Ranged attack, little damage but can pull enemies closer and pin them
{| class=wikitable
! Basic Weapons|| Credits
| Autogun || 15 Credits
| Crossbow || 10 Credits
| Howl Rifle || 15 Credits
| Lasgun || 15 Credits
| Needle Rifle || 40 Credits
| Saw-off Shotgun || 10 Credits

*'''Rending Claws:''' Counts as having two Osseous Swords
{| class=wikitable
! Close Combat Weapons|| Credits
| Blunt Weapon || 10 Credits
| Fighting Knife || 10 Credits
| Knife || 5 Credits
| Power Knife || 25 Credits
| Power Maul || 50 Credits
| Power Sword || 50 Credits
| Shockbaton || 25 Credits
| Stiletto Knife || 25 Credits
| Stiletto Sword || 30 Credits
| Sword|| 25 Credits

*'''Wall Crawl:''' Can scale vertical surfaces without penalty
{| class=wikitable
! Pistols || Credits
| Autopistol || 10 Credits
| Hand Bow || 5 Credits
| Laspistol || 10 Credits
| Needle Pistol || 15 Credits
| Shriek Pistol || 10 Credits

*'''Membranous Wings:''' Can grow a set of wings to move around quickly
{| class=wikitable
! Special Weapons || Credits
| Sniper Rifle (Needler) || 60 Credits
| Sniper Rifle (Stub) || 60 Credits
| Web Gun || 125 Credits

*'''Spawner:''' Bring +1 Vampire Spawn with you for each match
{| class=wikitable
! Heavy Weapons || Credits
| Heavy Stubber || 135 Credits

*'''Chiropteran Swarm:''' The Vampire can spawn small xenobats directly from their own flesh, and much like an unliving hive these creatures swarm over their target attempting to rip them apart with dagger-like claws and needle-like teeth.  They then return to their host-master, bring with their any sanguine sustenance they gathered from their prey before dissolving back into the undead body.

*'''Familiar:''' Semi-sentient vermin gestated within an blood-cyst created from a Vampire’s own flesh and utterly slaved to its undead master.  In appearance they resemble lamprey-like xenobats the size of a small dog, although in truth their form is largely dependent on the whims of their Vampire master.  They are slavishly loyal to their master and share a psychic bond with their creator.
{| class=wikitable
! Grenades || Credits
| Choke Gas Grenades || 40 Credits
| Frag Grenades || 30 Credits
| Necrosis Grenades || 80 Credits
| Smoke Bombs || 15 Credits

===Vampire Hanger-On===
{| class=wikitable
! Armour || Credits
| Flak Armour || 10 Credits
| Mesh Armour || 15 Credits

Given the unique needs of a Brood they do not have the same Hangers-On as a typical gang, nor would they let any but those enslaved to them within their lair.  Vampires do not have access to any of the Hangers-On in the core rulebooks but instead can recruit/select from the following:
{| class=wikitable
! Personal Equipment || Credits
| Chemmesh Caul || 30 Credits
| Infra-sight || 40 Credits
| Ichor Goblet || 10 Credits
| Mono-sight || 35 Credits
| Photo-goggles || 35 Credits

*'''Vessels:''' Humans cattle chained within the dungeons, kept just enough alive to keep them producing blood. They are used as nothing more than disposable sources of blood by their undead lords, easing their hunt to satiate their hunger.  ''+2pts or +3pts of blood/food per After-Action''
{| class=wikitable
! Exotic Beasts || Credits
| Vampiric Familiar || 35 Credits
| Xeropterans || 80 Credits

*'''Dregs:''' Petty mutants with hunchbacks, walleyes, and withered limbs that would not survive on their own are often recruited by Vampires as feverishly loyal slaves. They perform all menial tasks for their masters, such kidnaping and graverobbing for fresh bodies, or scavenging to feed to Brood’s mortal servants. Although they are poor fighters should the need arise they will defend the lair with their lives.  ''TBD''
===Vampire Brood Equipment===

*'''Envoys:''' Humans scoundrels enthralled to the Vampire’s whims, used not as pawns in their battles but as agents in mortal society. They are sent forth to scout and trade during the day on their master’s behalf, often chosen for being charismatic to better fulfill their purpose.  ''Allows Trade with the Guilders and provides bonus to TBD?''
====Sonic Weapons====

===Vampire Weapons and Gear===
Despite being less universal than other common weaponry Vampire Broods often prefer to arm themselves with [[Sonic Weaponry|sonic weapons]].  Such weapons often render victims unconscious or paralyzed yet still alive, perfect for harvesting warm blood from fallen foes.  This dirge of sounds is the reason many enemies of the Vampire speak of the wailing moans and howling screams of the dead as they fight their unliving enemy.

As parasites leeching upon the masses of Mankind, the technology utilized by the Vampires and their minions is often of similar design to Imperial equivalents or simply stolen.  However, as part of their monstrous legacy, the Vampires have access to unique technologies all their own, exotic remnants from their long-lost Realm of Night.  This technology has no relation to the sacred STC templates, alien devices and blasphemous weaponry developed by inhuman beings bent on conquest of the stars.
{| class=wikitable
! || Short Rng || Long Rng || Short Acc || Long Acc || Str || AP || Dmg || Ammo || Traits
| '''Shriek Pistol''' || 8" || 12" || +1 || -- || 3 || -- || 1 || 3+ || Pistol, Knockout, Noisy

{| class=wikitable
! || Short Rng || Long Rng || Short Acc || Long Acc || Str || AP || Dmg || Ammo || Traits
| '''Howl Rifle''' || 18" || 24" || +1 || -- || 3 || -- || 1 || 2+ || Knockout, Noisy

'''Osseous Weaponry:''' Unlike most tools used by sentient species the bizarre Osseous weaponry of the Vampires is not crafted in the traditional sense, instead being formed from within the Vampire's own polymorphic flesh by calcific growths.  While Vampires use this ability to rapidly grow claws or fanged maws, with some considerable time and effort Purebloods can refine this ability to produce mono-molecular edged blades with serrated teeth absorb blood from their targets.  Some even whisper of legendary Osseous weapons grown by ancient Vampires infused with a fraction of their dark essence, giving the blade a shadowy aura and deadly power.
====Chemmesh Caul====

''Melee weapons that allow Vampires to heal/regain Toughness when they wound an enemy''
A fibre-weave undersuit of unknown chemical composition.  If a fighter with a Chemmesh Caul is hit by a weapon with the Radiation or Toxin traits, their Toughness is increased by 3 for the purposes of rolls to determine whether they are affected.  They also gain a +1 to Critical Injury dice rolls.

*'''Osseous Dagger''' (###creds):
====Necrosis Grenades====

*'''Osseous Sword''' (###creds):
{| class=wikitable
! || Short Rng || Long Rng || Short Acc || Long Acc || Str || AP || Dmg || Ammo || Traits
| '''Necrosis Grenades''' || -- || SX3 || -- || -- || 0 || -- || 0 || 4+ || Blast(3"), Gas, Necrosis
*'''Necrosis''': The gas within is aerosolized with samples of blood and other unidentified xeno-toxins.  Targets within Blast radius that have the "Vampirism" Special Rule can be (healing? TBD)

====Ichor Goblet====

'''[[Sonic Weaponry]]:''' While an Imperial technology sonic weapons are rare and little utilized, largely being overshadowed by las-weapons for general utility and maintainabilityBut Vampires disdain light and fire, including las and plasma weapons, and as such prefer to arm their slaves with sonic weapons.  This choice also serves another secondary function for the Broods; sonic weaponry often doesn't kill a target outright, rendering them unconscious or even brain-dead yet still living, perfect for harvesting the still warm blood of their fallen enemies after a battleThis dirge of sounds is the reason many enemies of the Vampire speak of the wailing moans and howling screams of the dead as they fight their unliving enemy.
A small cylinder containing a sample from a Blood-Pit: a viscous mixture of blood, Ichor, and necrotic chemicalsWhen an Active or Pinned fighter with the "Vampirism" Special Rule and Ichor Goblet is activated, they may choose to delete Ichor Goblet from their fighter card immediately and take the following action:
*'''Drink Ichor Goblet (Double)''': The fighter may immediately discard a Flesh Wound from their fighter card and if they are Pinned they may make a free Stand Up actionThey also gain +1 to Strength and Toughness for the next activation.

''TBD; similar to webbers?  Provides bonus to capturing enemies?''
====Vampiric Familiar====

*'''Shrieking Pistol''' (###creds):
Semi-sentient vermin gestated from an blood-cyst grown from a Vampire’s own flesh, they resemble lamprey-like bats the size of a small dog.  They are slavishly loyal to their undead master and share a psychic bond with their creator.

*'''Howler Rifle''' (###creds):
{| class=wikitable
! || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Vampiric Familiar''' || 5 || 4+ || -- || 2 || 2 || 1 || 2+ || 1 || 7+ || 7+ || 6+ || 7+

*'''Seismic Cannon''' (###creds):
A Vampiric Familiar carries no weapons and will always make unarmed attacks.

'''Special Rule - Omen of Fortune''': Whilst the Familiar is within 3" of its owner, that fighter may avoid one successful hit per turn by making a successful Willpower check.  Make the check immediately after a successful roll to hit has been made against the fighter.  If the check is failed, the attack hits as normal. If the check is passed, the attack counts as having missed and the dice roll is discarded.  Templates and Blast markers are placed as normal for the purposes of determining hits against other models, but the Familiar’s owner is assumed to have somehow dodged clear.

'''Umber Weaponry:''' Strange weapons from the long-dead Realm of Night, [[Necron Staff Weapons#Abyssal Staff|said to have been based on another even older xenotechnology]], these weapons contain a dark onyx core pulsing with shadowy energiesThey spew a gout of ebon mist as lightless as the depths of the void that swirls forth like a living shadow, swallowing its target like a black flameIts damage is as much psychological as it is physical, sapping their willpower even as necrosis sets in upon their flesh; even those who survive the attack might well be reduced to a catatonic state, perfect for the Brood to drain their still living blood.
'''Special Rule - Precognition''': The gift of foresight possessed by the Familiar enables it to dodge and evade all but the most unexpected of attacks.  This tremendous precognition grants the Familiar a 3+ save roll, which cannot be modified by Armour Piercing.  Additionally, a Familiar may avoid being caught by a Blast marker or Flame templateIf a Familiar is caught under a Blast marker or Flame template, the attacker should roll a D6On a 4-6, the Familiar is hit by the attack.  On a 1-3, the Familiar is able to dodge clear of the area of the attack.  Leave the model where it is and assume that it has scuttled around to avoid the attack and returned to where it was.

''TBD; damages Willpower and Intelligence as well as Toughness and Wounds?''
'''Special Rule - Flying''': The Familiar has the ability to fly around and ascend levels. The Familiar can move in a radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.

*'''Umberpistol''' (###creds):  
'''Skill Access''': A Vampiric Familiar has access to the following skill sets:

*'''Umbergun''' (###creds):
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
!  !! Agility !! Brawn !! Combat !! Cunning !! Ferocity !! Leadership !! Shooting !! Savant
| '''Vampiric Familiar''' || Secondary ||  ||  || Primary ||  ||  ||  ||


'''Artifacts:''' The underhive, and indeed much of Necromunda, is scattered with relics from the dark reign of the Voasin that have managed to work their way into black markets and traded between Vampire BroodsSuch artifacts that from their ancient Bloodline are prized above all, and many Broods will go to any length to procure one, if only to keep it out of ignorant mortal hands.
Brood lairs will often have at least one Blood-Pit from which they can spawn all manner of unliving horrors: gholams and chimerics mixed with the alien genetics of the Vampire.  Perhaps one of the most common and easily created are the Xeropterans, creatures that appear to be mutated dire batsAlthough mere beasts they instinctively obey the Brood that gave them unlife, crawling about their catacombs looking for bloody scraps or intruders to feed upon.  When summoned to battle by their masters they fly overhead, using their superior senses to detect foes and descend upon them in a blood-mad fury.

*'''Fangs of the Fallen''' (###creds): The literal fangs taken from a destroyed Brood and fashioned into a complex chainsword; effectively it is a Osseous chainsword
{| class=wikitable
! || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Xeropterans''' || 7 || 4+ || -- || 3 || 3 || 1 || 3+ || 1 || -- || -- || -- || --

*'''Dark Talon''' (###creds): Legend holds this Osseous blade pulsing with shadowy energies was formed from shards of an Elderblood's claw, perhaps even the Ancestor itself, but whatever the case it is sinister and powerful. Effectively it is an Osseous Power Sword
Xeropterans carry no weapons and will always make unarmed attacks.

*'''Bloodshard Needles''' (###creds): Crystallized Vampire blood, special ammo for needle weapons
'''Special Rule - Beast''': xxx

*'''Blackhaze Grenade''' (###creds): Same technology as Umber weapons, damages the mind as much as the body
'''Special Rule - Preysense''': Xeropterans  counts as having a Bio-scanner.

*'''Necrosis Grenade''' (###creds): Rots living targets, heals undead targets
'''Special Rule - Flying''': Xeropterans have the ability to fly around and ascend levels. Xeropterans can move in a radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.

*'''Amulet of Shadows''' (###creds): Similar to the Tenebrous Vampire Ability; if they already have the ability it increases its potency
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
!  !! Agility !! Brawn !! Combat !! Cunning !! Ferocity !! Leadership !! Shooting !! Savant
| '''Xeropterans''' || Secondary ||  ||  || Primary ||  ||  ||  ||

*'''Deathless Shroud''' (###creds): Secreting necrotic toxins that actually fortify a Vampire's constitution; increases their rolls on the Out of Action chart.
==Vampire Hunters==

*'''Elderblood Heart''' (###creds): Supposedly the preserved sanguis-sac of an Elderblood, suspended in a cylinder of viscous red ichor. Gives a temporary but massive boost to M, S, T, I, and A.
To the Imperium the Vampire represents a particularly insidious threat and unforgivable sin.  They are the worst of traitors for having forsaken their very humanity and souls, turning their back upon the God-Emperor in exchange for immortality and power.  There is no Vampire worthy of redemption for to have fallen so far there is nothing left that can be saved, only destroyed before they bring yet more suffering and ruin in their predations.  In the hidden fortresses across the galaxy Inquisitors have arrayed many weapons capable of destroying a Vampire as well as vast libraries detailing them. They know their foe and countless Vampires have burned in the holy fires of the Inquisition.

*'''Vile Goblet''' (###creds): Small semi-sentient sack with a peering eye and lapping proboscis-like tongue, it consumes errant blood that can later be drunk by its master during combat to restore damage.
*'''Stellus Bolts''': Promethium harvested from the corona of a star, alchymically modified, and blessed by priests, this substance eats away at unholy flesh in a ravenous fury.  Bolt shells tipped with this phosphor-like explosive ensures even powerful foes suffer horrendous damage that few can ever fully heal from.

*'''Varg (Pet)''' (###creds): Otherwise known as “darkhounds” these large wolf-like beasts are an aberrant horror that shares the blood of the Vampire, guard dogs and trackers.
*'''Condemnor Stakes''': Blessed silver stakes engraved with sigils of disruption, primarily used as ammo for Condemnor Bolters, these can also be used as potent, if unwieldly, melee weapons.  Vampires can be gravely harmed by Condemnor stakes, the psy-resonance of their Ichor reacting violently to such weaponry as it boils away their unclean blood.  This causes catastrophic damage if the Vampire is struck in the sanguis-sac (stomach-heart dual organ); weaker Vampires might be reduced to ash while even powerful Vampires will be crippled.

==Ordo Vampiricus, the Vampire Hunters==
*'''Hardlight Dagger''': Incredibly rare devices that emit hyper-compacted photons formed into a small blade of pure light, they sear through any physical barrier and burn away corruption with their touch.  A rare xenotech weapon, said to be the last remnants of the so-called Lightbearers, these weapons are as irreplaceable as they are deadly.

To the Ordo Xenos the Vampire represents a particularly horrible threat and unforgivable sinThey are the worst of traitors much like Daemon Princes are to the Ordo Malleus, for both have forsaken their very humanity and souls, turning their back upon the God-Emperor and the Imperium in exchange for immortality and power.  There is no Vampire worthy of redemption for to have fallen so far there is nothing left that can be saved, only destroyed before they bring yet more suffering and ruin in their predations.  In the hidden fortresses across the galaxy Inquisitors have arrayed many weapons capable of destroying a Vampire as well as vast libraries detailing them.  They know their foe and many Vampires have burned in the holy fires of the Inquisition.
*'''Astran Grenades''': Photo-cells bathed in the holy psychic light of the Astronomican itselfFor all intents and purposes they act as flash grenades, but against the alien and warp-tainted they burn their flesh as surely as plasma conflagration.

So grave is the threat posed by these Xenos Horrificus that a special Ordo was even developed from within the Inquisition to hunt them down and exterminate them all; the aptly named Ordo VampiricusSaid to have been founded by the legendary Inquisitor Helsing who, after defeating the greatest Vampiric threat to the Imperium ever known, knelt before the Golden Throne and swore before the Emperor Himself he would destroy each and every one of the undead beastsIt seems he and his scions were blessed in this effort, for they possess armouries uniquely stocked to destroy the undead.
*'''Other Equipment''': Although not necessarily any more effective than against living targets, Flamer and Plasma weapons are also favored by those who fight against Vampires as the nocturnal undead have an instinctive disdain for fire and lightLikewise, they seem to be vulnerable to holy symbols and blessed weapons, although this might be more due to the inherent power of faith of the individual than a specific weakness of the Vampire itselfFinally, some rare herbs are said to be repulsive and even poisonous to the undead, but this is unconfirmed and may be mere legend.

*'''Stellus Flamer''' (###creds): Promethium harvested from the corona of a star, alchemically modified, and blessed by priests that eats away at undead flesh in a way that makes it difficult for Vampires to regenerate.  This phosphor-like weapons burns away their bodies to ash, and even well-fed the Vampire will find it difficult to heal from such horrendous damage.
==Special Characters==

*'''Stellus Bolts''' (###creds): Bolt shells infused with the same phosphor-like substance, and with equally terrible results in a more concentrated delivery.
===The Red Ancestor===

*'''Bloodbane Blade''' (###creds): Power swords forged from alloys that react violently with Vampiric blood, boiling it away and weakening a Vampire with each successive strike.  Indeed, Vampires truly fear such a weapon, for it reminds them of that which they often forget: that without the strength of their xenoblood they are little more than walking alien cadavers.
{| class=wikitable
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''The Red Ancestor''' || N/A || N/A || 8 || 2+ || 3+ || 7 || 7 || 5 || 2+ || 5 || 2+ || 2+ || 3+ || 3+

*'''Bloodbane Stakes''' (###creds): Staked comprised of the same alloy, launched from Condemnor Boltgun
'''Equipment List''': The Red Ancestor carries no arms or armour for it needs none.  Instead, when battle is joined it uses its polymorphic abilities to grow the Ancestor's Claws (dual-wield Power Claws) and the Ancestor's Flesh (Carapace Armour).

*'''Hardlight Dagger''' (###creds): Incredibly rare devices that emit hyper-compacted photons formed into a small blade of pure light, they sear through any physical barrier and burn away corruption with their touchTheir origin is unknown as no STC record exists for these arcane weapons, leading many Magi to suspect that they are either archeotechnology or perhaps some forgotten xeno-weaponry; whatever the case, these much-coveted weapons are as irreplaceable as they are deadly.
'''Skills''': The Red Ancestor has all Vampiric PowersIt also has (x,y,z) Skills.

*'''Sol Grenade''' (###creds): Photo-cells that absorbed the Holy Light of SolFor all intents and purposes they act as flash grenades, but against the undead they burn their flesh as surely as plasma.
'''Special Rule - Vampirism''': Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similarVampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

==Special Characters==
'''Special Rule - Blood Ritual''': The Red Ancestor can only be summoned through a bloody sacrifice.  The ritual is mechanically the same as Feeding, except no fighter can benefit from the action.  If successful the Red Ancestor hears echoes through the Ichor, drawn to the Brood that dared summon it.  It will remain so long as 1 Captive is sacrificed to it per Feeding rules in each post-battle sequence.

===The Red Ancestor===
An ancient evil that has haunted the darkness of Necromunda for many centuries, this is the unholy source of all the Broods currently infesting the planet.  Mysterious and powerful, the Red Ancestor seemingly cares little for the squabbles and machinations of its descendants.  Yet some whisper this is but a ploy, and it to this day pulls at a web of intrigue that spans the planet, manipulating events to bring about the return of the Voasin Bloodline.  Legend says that if it is presented a large enough blood sacrifice it can be summoned by its children to aid them for a time.

(Bounty Hunter; can only be hired by Vampire Broods)
===Brock Ericsson===

An ancient evil that has haunted the darkness of Necromunda for many centuries, this is the unholy source of all the Broods currently infesting the planet.  Mysterious and powerful, the Red Ancestor seemingly cares little for the squabbles and machinations of his descendants.  Yet some whisper this is but a ploy, and he to this day pulls at a web of intrigue that spans the planet, manipulating events to bring about his ascendancy.
{| class=wikitable
Legend says that if he is presented a large enough blood sacrifice he can be summoned by his children to aid them for a time.  In silence he will lead them to their goal, compelling them through their xenoblood along to act under his implacable will.  Although he carries no arms or armour he needs none, for the Red Ancestor possesses powers undreamed of by his distant Broods.
! || Recruit || Creds || M || WS || BS || S || T || W || I || A || Ld || Cl || Wil || Int
| '''Brock Ericsson''' || N/A || ## || 6 || 3+ || 3+ || 5 || 5 || 4 || 3+ || 3 || 4+ || 2+ || 3+ || 6+

(Can only be hired with an insane amount of blood points; has Ancestor's Claws (high damage power sword equivalent) and Ancestor's Flesh (always active Tenebrous ability) in addition to high statline and extending his Ld over the entire Brood)
'''Equipment List''': Power Sword, Condemnor Bolter with Stellus Bolts, Condemnor Stakes, Astran Grenades, Respirator, Photo-goggles, Armoured Body Glove, Reinforced Flak Armour, and Rosarius.

===Brock Erikson===
'''Skills''': (Add various appropriate Brawl, Combat, etc. Skills)

(Bounty Hunter; cannot be hired by Vampire Broods)
'''Special Rules''': TBD - Essentially a Bounty Hunter exclusively against Vampire Broods.

A peerless warrior of incredible power and unmatched martial skill, Brock Erikson is hellbent on the complete destruction of all Vampires in the galaxy.  He is unequaled as a swordsmen and a flawless marksman, preferring the use of blessed throwing knives and his Condemnor Boltgun loaded with bloodbane stakesGiven that his operations have spanned centuries and his physical abilities rival Astartes there is no doubt he has undergone extensive geno-mods and bio-grafting.
A peerless warrior of incredible power and unmatched martial skill, Brock Ericsson is hellbent on the complete destruction of all Vampires in the galaxy.  He is an unequaled as a swordsmen and a flawless marksman that can go toe-to-toe with the most powerful of VampiresSome say this is because he himself is infected with Vampirism, yet somehow through serums and sheer force of will has never given into the Ichor, retaining his humanity and soul against the darkness.  However, he will not work for just any job, and will only contract his services to those that fight against the undead.
In truth he is a rogue Dhampir, that impossible combination of a living human with Vampiric blood in their veins.  His Vampiric-enhanced body grants him great power, and while it is unknown exactly what past tragedy drives him with such fervor against the Vampires, he is a one-man crusade against them all.

Latest revision as of 15:56, 23 June 2023

Vampire Broods is a homebrewed Necromunda gang that takes a new spin on vampires for Warhammer 40k. This ignores the warp-spawned Vampyres in favor of a xenos concept mixed with the blood-drinking Necromunda mutants. Overall the concept was to make a more direct parallel with the Vampire Counts fluff-wise and crunch-wise; powerful undead monsters served by cannon fodder minions.

The Vampire[edit | edit source]

Since before the dawn of the Imperium have the hungry dead dwelt in the shadows of the galaxy. Lurking in cathedrals of power to gore-spattered lairs they have preyed upon Mankind for eons, spawning horrors beyond number and ruling from the darkness. Though they wear the guise of Man they are no longer humans but shapeshifting alien abominations, raised from the deceased in utter blasphemy.

The Vampire is a horrid nocturnal creature born of mad science in the distant past. They are undead, the xeno-blood flowing through them animating their necrotic flesh. Despite the fact each Vampire was raised to unlife from a previously human existence, retaining their personality and mind, the process remakes their very genetic structure and mutilates their soul until they are transformed into something obscene. Vampires are gifted with unholy powers but shackle to an alien hunger for blood in order to sustain their unliving flesh. This sanguine sustenance is the very crux of their existence, and though they can learn to control this vile thirst ultimately it enslaves them. However, if fed fresh blood regularly a Vampire can survive indefinitely, granting them an odious form of immortality.

To the unwary observer the Vampire appears human, perhaps even beautiful, albeit pallid and eerie. Yet this is but a mask, a human skin they wear over the darkness of their alien soul, and many Vampires bear predatory mutations that reflect the beasts they truly are: unnatural rot, large claws, distorted bat-like visage, boney spurs, vestigial wings, and more. Some have even thrown off the guise of Man entirely, willingly or unwillingly succumbing to the ravages of their blood, fully transforming into monstrous chiropteran beasts: massive, stooped and rotting with calcific protrusions, tattered membranous wings, and a savage fang-filled maw dripping crimson. If it can be said that Vampires have a true form, this would be it.

Drawn to their lies of immortality and power many have fallen sway to the Vampire, only to be used as pawns in their ambition... if not simply used as food. And yet some show true promise, or their Vampire patron has singled them out, and may be transformed into a new Vampire if deemed worthy. And so have the Vampire propagated and festered in the shadows of countless worlds.

A History Written in Blood[edit | edit source]

When the galaxy was shrouded in the darkness of the Old Night the first Vampires crept from the darkness. As with many things the difference between history and myth is greatly muddled in the Vampire’s origins. However, in the legends held upon rotting scrolls and crumbling dataslates there is one myth more common than any other.

Long ago a cabal of humans known as the Immortal Ones sought a means of eternal life. In their quest they committed untold atrocities, descending further into desperation and madness, yet the secrets of eternity eluded them. Until one day, upon a rotting world beneath a sunless sky, they found a nightmarish xeno-monster of immense power. This creature, who referred to herself as the Dark Mother, was an undead horror, her alien “biology” unliving yet undying. She had been alone for millennia, her people exterminated by the Lightbearers, cursing her with eternal isolation.

And so the two evils struck an unholy pact: in exchange for Dark Mother’s undying blood, the so-called Ichor, the Immortal Ones agreed they would become her children and slaves forever more, and together they would come to rule the stars. Through arcane science and bloody sacrifice the secrets of deathlessness were unlocked from the Ichor of the Dark Mother, and the they willingly took the curse into their flesh and souls. The Immortal Ones became the first Vampires, and with their Dark Mother carved an empire from the anarchy of the Age of Strife. Within their Realm of Night they enslaved humans to feast upon like cattle while driving them to construct unholy monuments to their insidious glory. In time they learned how to pass the Ichor onto new host through the freshly dead, and so propagated the first Bloodlines of the Vampire. For millennia the Vampires and the Dark Mother gorged themselves upon the blood of Man, their dark domain ruling many stars and sowing untold misery for Mankind.

But at last did salvation break over these benighted worlds, for the God-Emperor of Mankind at the head of his Great Crusade saw this wretched domain and deemed it beyond redemption. The war between the Emperor and the Dark Mother was apocalyptic, but ultimately the Emperor proved mightier, casting down this evil domain and putting it all to the torch. Yet some Vampires escaped the righteous onslaught and fled into the void, hiding among the shadows of many worlds. Slowly, silently, they wormed their way into the new Imperium that mankind had built, becoming a dark cancer in its very heart.

Genesis of Unlife[edit | edit source]

Vampires are parasitic undead beings whose feeding and reproductive cycles are debase blasphemies. While the true origin of the abominations might never be known it is certain they are completely predatory to humanity, yet inseparably tied to their host species. Scholars almost universally agree they are a bio-engineered race whose origin lies long ago during a godless time, making them yet another horror unleashed by reckless ancestors. What spurred the creation of such monsters is much debated, but it is generally accepted that the Vampire is either the dark fruit of an attempt at immortality or the abject failure of this endeavor, perhaps both.

Despite human origin and appearance the Vampire is truly alien. For one they rely exclusively on necrogenous to defile the dead and raise more of their kind, using their Ichor as a catalyst to reanimate corpses. The “parent” Vampire who gives the blood is called the Progenitor, while the raised “offspring” is called a Progeny; for indeed they are now related by blood. This process, called Ascension, is arduous and draining for both the Progenitor and Progeny, requiring extremely large quantities of blood over a long and painful ceremony. However, if successful, the Progeny rises as one of the undead, retaining the mind and soul they had in life but now chained to inhuman instincts.

Vampirism is inherent to the Ichor, the invasive genetic material rewriting the DNA of the host, slowly merging their genome with a xeno-beast until nothing human remains. Indeed, the Ichor even contains a psychic resonance, believed to be soul-shards of the Dark Mother herself, that warps the spirit and awakens latent psychic abilities. But this process takes time, and when first spawned a Vampire is little more than a reanimated cadaver taking their first bumbling steps as a true predator of the night. Assuming the fledgling Vampire survives through the slow metamorphosis, consuming enough blood and retaining their sanity in the face of alien instincts, the Ichor coursing through their veins will metamorphose their necrotic bodies more and more, transforming them until not a trace of humanity is left in their tattered alien soul. Ichor is unstable, however, and many Vampires suffer from bestial mutations, the weak-willed even completely devolving into feral monsters as their alien hungers override any vestiges of the human psyche.

Unholy Metamorphosis[edit | edit source]

Vampire hierarchy is based on the "Purity of Ichor", in other words how much they have metamorphosed from mere reanimated corpses into true xeno-monsters, as the greater the transformation the greater the Vampire's raw power and potential. As a Vampire transforms they pass through several stages of unlife, a slow process achieved over the course of long decades. An ambitious or crazed Vampire might seek a more rapid road to evolution, but such dark paths of wanton blood glutting and cannibalism more often than not results in failure as they spirals into insanity and loses themselves to their bestial nature.

  • Thinblood is the fist stage of Vampirism, when the blood has only recently been infected with the Ichor. The fledgling Vampire is little more than a reanimated corpse, physically much the same as before their death, and while they may still have some remnants of their humanity they are already irredeemable. Vicious and enslaved to a hunger they cannot control, only time will tell if they survive the trials of unlife to evolve into true monsters.
  • Halfblood is the second stage of Vampirism, when the blood has been completely replaced by the Ichor. At this point the process has begun remaking the Vampire's undead flesh, granting them increased stamina, strength, and speed while slowly twisting them in body and soul. Some internal organs have begun to meld or rearrange while others wither away, and it is at this stage where most vampiric mutations begin to appear. A Halfblood Vampire may attempt to create Progeny but it is unlikely to succeed.
  • Pureblood is the third stage of Vampirism, when the entire being has been saturated with the Ichor. To survive to this stage the Vampire must be as cunning as they are strong-willed, a consummate predator and ruthless survivor. Their internal physiology has completely mutated even if they still appear human, and their unliving bodies have been empowered beyond human norms, able to rip a man apart and shrug off wounds that would fell mortal creatures. At this stage most Pureblood Vampires have also begun developing polymorphic abilities and psychic powers. A Pureblood Vampire can reliable enact Ascension to create Progeny, although it remains a difficult and dangerous feat.

Legends say there are stages of Vampirism beyond even the Pureblood, nightmarish abominations of unspeakable evil. It is said these elder-things are shapeshifters able to regenerate even from a pool of blood. That they possess otherworldly strength capable of tearing apart plasteel, and that they can move quicker than the eye can follow. That these profane creatures have great psychic power, able to whisper through the dark etheric echoes of the Ichor, manipulating their kind through planet-wide schemes from forgotten tombs. But surely such primeval horrors are naught but legend....

Broods and Bloodlines[edit | edit source]

While some Vampires are solitary predators most tend to cultivate Broods as a means of having loyal retainers and disposable pawns. These Broods are centered around a Progenitor and their Progeny, but also include other horrors to enact their dark schemes. With very little effort most Vampires can raise Ghouls: reanimated semi-sentient necrophages that are feral and ravenous but instinctively loyal to their masters. Vampires will additionally enslave mortals into their service via their strange powers and addictive blood, Thralls to act as agents in human society and daytime guardians of their crypts. There are other Vampiric creatures, horrors spawned through dreadful powers and alchemical Blood-Pits, but such things appear only in the most advanced stages of a Vampiric infestation and rarely among individual Broods.

Pureblood Vampires hold tyrannical authority over their Broods, enforced by their superhuman willpower and control over the Ichor, while younger and weaker Halfbloods and Thinbloods are subservient to them... for a time. A competent Pureblood can rule their Brood unchallenged for decades or even centuries, while an incompetent Pureblood that does not control their underlings is doomed to be devoured by the hungry fangs of a usurper. A wise Vampire recognizes when an underling has grown strong enough and knows it is time to send their Progeny elsewhere to start plans and Broods of their own, propagating their vile race.

If a Brood grows in numbers and influence it will begin to branch off into smaller Broods which in turn create Broods of their own, and so begets a Bloodline. Bloodlines can be as few as a couple generations of Broods to hundreds of infestations over entire worlds, but all share a common ancestor. Vampires from the same Bloodline might have radically different traits and mutations, perhaps even open hostilities between Broods, but they can all be united by the Ichor and the will of their elders.

Vampires of Necromunda[edit | edit source]

Even deep within Segmentum Solar have vampiric infestations arisen, festering in ancient crypts and layered behind conspiracies. In particular the world of Necromunda with its sunless skies, warrened hives, debauched aristocracy, and teeming underworld proved an ideal breeding ground for the vile undead. The Necromundan Bloodline of Vampires, known in legend as the Voasin, came to the planet countless millennia ago and infested all levels of society. Through their mortal pawns the Voasin ravenously consumed territory and resources in a bid to gain control of the planet. However, in 008M39 Inquisitorial agents discovered their true nature, and so together with vengeful Houses and a detachment of Imperial Fists they set about the systematic purging the Voasin wherever they were found.

Though their cleansing was through, almost destroying the Voasin utterly, a single Pureblood managed to flee into the shadowy depths of the underhive. There, hidden in the lawless depths, this Vampire found new and fertile darkness in which to propagate and thrive. Through the countless centuries its Broods have spawned Broods and so on over and over, but unlike the former incarnation of the Voasin Bloodline this Vampire, simply called “the Red Ancestor” by modern Necromundan Vampires, seems uninterested in unifying its descendants. Instead, the many Broods act largely independent of each other: a few have crept back into the upper hive manipulating the humans through webs of lies and treachery, while most have festered in the underhive ruling their territory as a tyrannical fiefdom. Still others seemed to have completely devolved, revealing only in their monstrous nature in the darkest recesses of the hive.

As it is with most Imperial worlds the existence of Vampires is now considered a myth on Necromunda: the populace is kept ignorant and even many within the Houses now believe them to be only folk-lore. However, House Helmawr knows the truth, and Enforcers are dispatched to mercilessly exterminate Vampires whenever found, if only to keep the Inquisition out of Necromundan affairs. If ever a Brood grows too bold for the Imperial House to handle it is only a matter of time until the Inquisition and Deathwatch descends upon them with fire and fury. Thus, the only surviving Broods upon Necromunda, at least those that survive for long, are those that have kept themselves well-hidden, ever keeping their nature from being exposed to the light.

The Obenous Clan is perhaps the most prolific gathering of Voasin Broods. They say their Ichor is thicker than any other, claiming to be founded by the first generation of Progeny spawned by the Red Ancestor. With tendrils wrapped infecting every House and Guild in Hive City, with mortal thralls and Vampiric agents in all levels of society, they have considerable hidden power and influence. Their ambition is nothing short of infecting the Noble Houses of the Spire and finishing what their Voasin ancestors began, but until then they skulk in the shadows. They send their fledglings into the underhive to form new Broods and collect territory, resources, and human cattle in a horrid parody of Clan Houses and their gangs. However, the Obenous are at risk in recent decades, as the agents of House Delaque have come dangerously close to uncovering their secrets on multiple occasions, while Escher alchymyst fleshteks somehow have managed to get samples of their Ichor.

However not all Vampires are interested in political power. The Coven Occulta, a large and secretive Brood festering deep in the underhive, is instead obsessed with the hoarding of esoteric knowledge. Lairing in a forgotten alchemical laboratory they seek knowledge as a means of power, and powerful they have become. While their Ichor curses them with the appearance of an emaciated walking corpse with a hideous bat-like visage, it also grants them remarkable psychic powers beyond most Vampires. This power and knowledge, combined with the horrors they spawn from their Blood-Pits, leads many to believe they are working to bring about some kind of master plan known only as the Umbral Eternity. Thus far they seem to be missing some key component, forcing the Coven Occulta to act bolder than ever by spawning new Broods to send out into the darkness to recover their unknown prize. However, this behavior has not gone unnoticed, and the local Cawdor have been whipped up into a frenzy over rumors of blood-sucking mutants. To make matters worse, the Coven Occulta have discovered a different xeno-contamination infecting the human herds and have sent word to their allied Broods; a shadow war between alien powers to claim the flesh and souls of Necromunda's people seems inevitable.

Other Vampires are not so subtle, such as the Stygian Broods of Hive Mortis. Ever since the disastrous plague that brought the entire hive to its knees the Stygians have exploded in number, revealing in the darkened corridors and feasting upon the accumulated dead. They keep up no pretense of being human, devolving into raging humanoids that embrace their vampiric mutations. The Enforcers and militias suppress these "mutants" to the Mortis underhive, but they have an unlikely ally in this struggle: House Goliath gladly hunts the Stygians as good sport. However, as many have learned too late, despite their appearance the Stygians are not mere beasts and are more than capable of planning and tactics. Indeed, some in the hive whisper that this will be their final doom: either an unending horde of "mutants" from below or, if not stopped, cleansing fire from above.

Vampire Gang Rules[edit | edit source]

Gang Composition[edit | edit source]

A Vampire Brood must follow these rules when it is founded and when new fighters are added to the gang:

  • There must be one Leader (Vampire Pureblood) chosen when the gang is first founded.
  • The total number of Vampire Thinbloods in the gang must always be equal to, or higher than, the total number of other fighters (Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods) in the gang, not counting Hangers-On or Ghouls.
  • The gang may include 2 Ghouls per Pureblood and 1 Ghoul per Halfblood in the gang.
  • A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons. Weapons marked with an asterisk (*) take up the space of two weapons.
  • Any fighter may take Wargear.
  • Weapon accessories marked with a dagger (†) may not be combined together on the same weapon. If one such accessory is purchased for a weapon, another may not be added.

During a campaign, all gangs continue to follow the mentioned rules as new fighters are added to the gang. Additionally, the following rules apply:

  • A gang founded for a campagin can contain no more than two Vampire Halfbloods. Additional Vampire Halfbloods may be added to the gang during the course of the campaign.
  • During the course of a campaign, any fresh recruits added to the gang may be equipped with items currently held in the gang's Stash, rather than purchasing new equipment.

During the course of the campaign, gangs may gain new equipment, either by purchasing it from the Trading Post or as a result of Territory Boons. These items are added to the gang's Stash and may be distributed among fighters during any post-battle sequence:

  • A fighter cannot be given a new weapon of a type not allowed by their entry within their gang list.
  • Vampire Thinbloods cannot be given a new weapon if it would take them above the limit of three weapons carried.
  • A Vampire Pureblood or Vampire Halfblood can be given more than three weapons as they can have multiple Fighter Cards, each representing a different "set" of equipment, as described on page 59 of Gang War Four.
  • A fighter may discard any Wargear carried when given new Wargear. Discarded Wargear is placed in the gang's Stash.

Vampire Broods in Campaigns[edit | edit source]

In a Dominion Campaign, Vampire Brood gangs are treated just like any other. They begin the campaign with a Settlement Territory which they cannot lose, representing their base of operations. They can take control of unoccupied Territories during the Occupation phase and they can seize control of Territories from other gangs during the Takeover phase. Settlement Territories do not generate Juves; instead, if one of the D6 rolls is a 6, they generate a single free Vampire Thinblood. If both of the D6 roll a 6, this becomes a two free Vampire Thinbloods.

Despite their secret agenda, a Vampire Brood gang is seen as just another gang by most of the locals. They claim Territory Boons just like any other gang, but are treated as a Delaque gang for the purposes of Enhanced Boons.

Gaining Experience[edit | edit source]

Vampire Brood fighters gain Experience in the same way as fighters in a normal House gang. The Pureblood and any Halfbloods can have their XP spent on Advancements in the same way as a Leader or Champion. Thinbloods advance in the same way as Gangers, and can become Specialists if a 2 or 12 is rolled for their Advancement.

Ghouls cannot gain Experience or Advancements in any way.

Captured Fighters[edit | edit source]

If any member of a Vampire Brood gang is captured, the normal rules are followed. However, due to their alien nature, they are worth more when sold to the Guilders; the gang that is selling them receives their full value in credits, instead of half their value.

Post-Battle Actions[edit | edit source]

Each Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfblood in the gang can make one post-battle action in the same way as a Leader or Champion, respectively. Vampire Broods cannot make the Medical Escort action, the docs being unable to work upon their unliving alien physiology, but instead Vampire Broods may make a Feeding action to consume Captives to heal (see Feeding). They can still make the Sell to the Guilders action if they so choose.

Hangers-On, Hired Guns, and Dramatis Personae[edit | edit source]

Vampire Brood gangs may hire Dramatis Personae and Hive Scum in the same way as other gangs.

Additionally, Vampire Brood gangs may hire Hangers-on, but they use the following table:

Reputation Maximum Hangers-On
Less than 5 1
5 to 9 2
10 to 14 3
15 to 19 4
20 to 24 5
Each additional 5 +1

Loss of a Leader[edit | edit source]

If a gang’s Pureblood is killed or is retired, a new Pureblood must be nominated from among the gang’s Halfbloods. If the gang has no Halfbloods, the new Leader must be a Thinblood, Specialist or otherwise.

In either case, an eligible fighter with the best Leadership must be selected as the new Leader. If more than one eligible fighter is drawn for best Leadership, use Advancements as a tie -breaker; if there is still a tie, the controlling player can decide.

When a fighter is promoted in this way, their Type is changed to Pureblood, and from now on they count as a Pureblood for determining which equipment and skill sets they can access. Their characteristics do not change.

Feeding[edit | edit source]

Vampires crave the blood of the living to sustain their unliving bodies. The consumption of blood, and blood-rich tissues such as hearts, livers, and cranial matter is digested into the xeno-blood Ichor that flows through necrotic flesh. Their inhuman metabolism is able to process this Ichor into "necrosynthesis", an impossible contradiction that even the cleverest of docs fail to understand, which can reshape their forms and heal wounds.

The Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods can make the following post-battle action (see page 56 of Gang War Four) but the Brood benefits from the effect. This action can only be made once per post-battle sequence.

Firstly, a Captive is required. If the gang is holding a Captive that, if held by another gang would be eligible to be sold to the Guilders (see page 56 of Gang War Four) the Captive may be sacrificed for the Feeding. Alternatively, if no Captive is available, the Brood can select a Hanger-On to consume.

Once the sacrifice is selected they are devoured by some members of the Brood like sludge-piranha upon raw meat. Roll 2d6 and apply the following modifiers:

  • +1 if the sacrifice has a Strength of 4 or more.
  • +1 if the sacrifice has a Toughness of 4 or more.
  • -1 if the sacrifice has any Lasting Wounds.
  • -1 if the sacrifice has any Flesh Wounds.

The result is the number of Vampire Brood fighters in the gang that can benefit from Feeding upon the victim. Each fighter Feeds upon the victim can select 1 of the following options:

  • Roll on the Medical Escort chart as if the fighter was taken to a Doc but with no Credit cost.
  • Remove a Lasting Injury from the fighter.
  • Immediately exit recovery; the fighter is available for the next battle.
  • Gain +1 Wound for the next battle.

Vampire Brood Fighters[edit | edit source]

A starting Vampire Brood gang is made up of the following fighters:

Vampire Pureblood[edit | edit source]

Credits M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Vampire Pureblood ### 5 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3+ 2 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+

Equipment List: The Vampire Pureblood starts with no equipment. They have no weapon restrictions and may select from Vampiric Equipment.

Skills: The Vampire Pureblood start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

Special Rule - Vampirism: Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar. Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

Vampire Halfbloods[edit | edit source]

Credits M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Vampire Halfbloods ### 5 3+ 3+ 3 4 1 3+ 2 5+ 5+ 6+ 5+

Equipment List: Vampire Halfbloods starts with no equipment. They have no weapon restrictions and may select from Vampiric Equipment.

Skills: Vampire Halfbloods start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

Special Rule - Vampirism: Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar. Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

Vampire Thinbloods[edit | edit source]

Credits M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Vampire Thinbloods ### 5 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 5+ 1 8+ 7+ 7+ 8+

Equipment List: Vampire Thinbloods starts with no equipment. They can be armed with Basic Weapons, Close Combat Weapons and Pistols. When the gang is created, one Vampire Thinblood can be armed with a Special Weapon. During a campaign, additional Vampire Thinbloods can also take Special Weapons as they are added.

Special Rule - Vampirism: Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar. Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

Ghouls[edit | edit source]

Credits M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Ghouls ### 5 5+ -- 2 3 1 6+ 1 -- -- -- --

Equipment List: Ghouls starts with no equipment. Ghouls can be equipped with Close Combat weapons but no other equipment.

Special Rule - Undead: Ghouls are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar.

Special Rule - Mindless Beast: The only actions a Ghoul can make are Move, Charge, Fight, and Coup de Grace. It can use Close Combat weapons but no other equipment. Any Cool or Willpower checks made for a Ghoul automatically pass, but any Leadership or Intelligence checks automatically fail.

Special Rule - Spawning: So long as the maximum number of Ghouls is not reached the Pureblood and any Halfblood can take a Post-Battle Action to raise a Ghoul at no Credit cost.

While performing the Ascension of a mortal into a Vampire is exhausting and fraught with danger, simply dripping a few drops of Vampiric blood down the gullet of a corpse brings it lurching to unlife. Such creatures are pitiful and feral, devoid of higher reasoning and enslaved to their ravenous hunger, controlled only by the will of their Vampiric masters. Although capable of basic tool use these Ghouls are good for little else besides shocktroops and fodder for the Broods.

Feral Vampires[edit | edit source]

If any Vampire ever gives into their hunger or loses all sense of self and higher reasoning (i.e. by losing all their Willpower or Intelligence) they devolve into a beast that immediately attacks another of the Brood; resolve the combat, and if not destroyed the Feral flees into the darkness of the underhive. Given time they will continue to feed and mutate, and if they survive long enough will metamorphose into a new monstrous form. Most Vampire Broods will view such beings not only as errant blood but threats to their very survival, for such unrestrained creatures draw unwanted attention to Vampiric infestations....

Skill Access[edit | edit source]

Vampire Brood figthers have access to the following Skills:

Vampire Brood Skills Agility Brawn Combat Cunning Ferocity Leadership Shooting Savant Vampiric Powers
Vampire Pureblood Secondary Secondary Primary Primary Primary
Vampire Halfblood Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Secondary
Specialist - Vampire Thinblood Secondary Primary Primary Secondary

Vampiric Powers[edit | edit source]

Vampire Purebloods and Halfbloods, the Ichor having saturated their flesh and largely remade their very beings, can manifest the sinister mutations and haunting powers of their blasphemous genetic legacy. A Vampire Pureblood and Vampire Halfbloods have access to the Vampiric Powers list below as one of their Primary and Secondary skill sets, respectively.

  • Dark Majesty: The Vampire commands through the dark resonance shared in the Ichor of the Brood. Whenever a Nerve or Willpower test is made for another fighter from the gang who is within 6” of the Vampire, use the Vampire’s characteristic value.
  • Hypnotic Gaze: Through their unholy gaze the Vampire can dominate the minds of weaker-willed beings. Select an enemy fighter that is both within 6” and line of sight of the Vampire, and that has not been activated this turn. Roll a Willpower check to perform this action: if successful that fighter may only perform a single Move (Simple) action when activated this round.
  • Unguis Blades: At a whim the Vampire can grow or retract razor-sharp claws, forearm blades, and/or a fang-filled maw. The Vampire effectively gains two Swords and has Dual Weapon dice in close combat. These do not count against the Wargear carry limit.
  • Mortis Hide: The Vampire shapes their polymorphic flesh, hardening it into a leathery-chitinous hide that doesn't inhibit their movement. This grants a passive +1 to all Armour rolls.
  • Flying Horror: At will the Vampire can morph or retract a large set of tattered membranous wings from their forearms, granting them to ability to fly around quickly and ascend levels. The Vampire can move in a 6" radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.
  • Ghoul King: The Vampire's Ichor is dark and potent, able to call forth more minions to serve. They allow the Brood to have +1 Ghoul beyond the normal limit, and can create two Ghoul via the Spawning Special Rule.

Vampiric Equipment[edit | edit source]

As parasites leeching upon the masses of Mankind, the technology utilized by the Vampires and their minions is often of similar to Imperial designs or simply stolen technology. However, as part of their monstrous legacy, the Vampires have access to unique technologies all their own, exotic remnants from their long-lost Realm of Night: alien devices and blasphemous weaponry developed by inhuman beings bent on conquest of the stars.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Basic Weapons Credits
Autogun 15 Credits
Crossbow 10 Credits
Howl Rifle 15 Credits
Lasgun 15 Credits
Needle Rifle 40 Credits
Saw-off Shotgun 10 Credits
Close Combat Weapons Credits
Blunt Weapon 10 Credits
Fighting Knife 10 Credits
Knife 5 Credits
Power Knife 25 Credits
Power Maul 50 Credits
Power Sword 50 Credits
Shockbaton 25 Credits
Stiletto Knife 25 Credits
Stiletto Sword 30 Credits
Sword 25 Credits
Pistols Credits
Autopistol 10 Credits
Hand Bow 5 Credits
Laspistol 10 Credits
Needle Pistol 15 Credits
Shriek Pistol 10 Credits
Special Weapons Credits
Sniper Rifle (Needler) 60 Credits
Sniper Rifle (Stub) 60 Credits
Web Gun 125 Credits
Heavy Weapons Credits
Heavy Stubber 135 Credits

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Grenades Credits
Choke Gas Grenades 40 Credits
Frag Grenades 30 Credits
Necrosis Grenades 80 Credits
Smoke Bombs 15 Credits
Armour Credits
Flak Armour 10 Credits
Mesh Armour 15 Credits
Personal Equipment Credits
Chemmesh Caul 30 Credits
Infra-sight 40 Credits
Ichor Goblet 10 Credits
Mono-sight 35 Credits
Photo-goggles 35 Credits
Exotic Beasts Credits
Vampiric Familiar 35 Credits
Xeropterans 80 Credits

Vampire Brood Equipment[edit | edit source]

Sonic Weapons[edit | edit source]

Despite being less universal than other common weaponry Vampire Broods often prefer to arm themselves with sonic weapons. Such weapons often render victims unconscious or paralyzed yet still alive, perfect for harvesting warm blood from fallen foes. This dirge of sounds is the reason many enemies of the Vampire speak of the wailing moans and howling screams of the dead as they fight their unliving enemy.

Short Rng Long Rng Short Acc Long Acc Str AP Dmg Ammo Traits
Shriek Pistol 8" 12" +1 -- 3 -- 1 3+ Pistol, Knockout, Noisy
Short Rng Long Rng Short Acc Long Acc Str AP Dmg Ammo Traits
Howl Rifle 18" 24" +1 -- 3 -- 1 2+ Knockout, Noisy

Chemmesh Caul[edit | edit source]

A fibre-weave undersuit of unknown chemical composition. If a fighter with a Chemmesh Caul is hit by a weapon with the Radiation or Toxin traits, their Toughness is increased by 3 for the purposes of rolls to determine whether they are affected. They also gain a +1 to Critical Injury dice rolls.

Necrosis Grenades[edit | edit source]

Short Rng Long Rng Short Acc Long Acc Str AP Dmg Ammo Traits
Necrosis Grenades -- SX3 -- -- 0 -- 0 4+ Blast(3"), Gas, Necrosis
  • Necrosis: The gas within is aerosolized with samples of blood and other unidentified xeno-toxins. Targets within Blast radius that have the "Vampirism" Special Rule can be (healing? TBD)

Ichor Goblet[edit | edit source]

A small cylinder containing a sample from a Blood-Pit: a viscous mixture of blood, Ichor, and necrotic chemicals. When an Active or Pinned fighter with the "Vampirism" Special Rule and Ichor Goblet is activated, they may choose to delete Ichor Goblet from their fighter card immediately and take the following action:

  • Drink Ichor Goblet (Double): The fighter may immediately discard a Flesh Wound from their fighter card and if they are Pinned they may make a free Stand Up action. They also gain +1 to Strength and Toughness for the next activation.

Vampiric Familiar[edit | edit source]

Semi-sentient vermin gestated from an blood-cyst grown from a Vampire’s own flesh, they resemble lamprey-like bats the size of a small dog. They are slavishly loyal to their undead master and share a psychic bond with their creator.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Vampiric Familiar 5 4+ -- 2 2 1 2+ 1 7+ 7+ 6+ 7+

A Vampiric Familiar carries no weapons and will always make unarmed attacks.

Special Rule - Omen of Fortune: Whilst the Familiar is within 3" of its owner, that fighter may avoid one successful hit per turn by making a successful Willpower check. Make the check immediately after a successful roll to hit has been made against the fighter. If the check is failed, the attack hits as normal. If the check is passed, the attack counts as having missed and the dice roll is discarded. Templates and Blast markers are placed as normal for the purposes of determining hits against other models, but the Familiar’s owner is assumed to have somehow dodged clear.

Special Rule - Precognition: The gift of foresight possessed by the Familiar enables it to dodge and evade all but the most unexpected of attacks. This tremendous precognition grants the Familiar a 3+ save roll, which cannot be modified by Armour Piercing. Additionally, a Familiar may avoid being caught by a Blast marker or Flame template. If a Familiar is caught under a Blast marker or Flame template, the attacker should roll a D6. On a 4-6, the Familiar is hit by the attack. On a 1-3, the Familiar is able to dodge clear of the area of the attack. Leave the model where it is and assume that it has scuttled around to avoid the attack and returned to where it was.

Special Rule - Flying: The Familiar has the ability to fly around and ascend levels. The Familiar can move in a radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.

Skill Access: A Vampiric Familiar has access to the following skill sets:

Agility Brawn Combat Cunning Ferocity Leadership Shooting Savant
Vampiric Familiar Secondary Primary

Xeropterans[edit | edit source]

Brood lairs will often have at least one Blood-Pit from which they can spawn all manner of unliving horrors: gholams and chimerics mixed with the alien genetics of the Vampire. Perhaps one of the most common and easily created are the Xeropterans, creatures that appear to be mutated dire bats. Although mere beasts they instinctively obey the Brood that gave them unlife, crawling about their catacombs looking for bloody scraps or intruders to feed upon. When summoned to battle by their masters they fly overhead, using their superior senses to detect foes and descend upon them in a blood-mad fury.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Xeropterans 7 4+ -- 3 3 1 3+ 1 -- -- -- --

Xeropterans carry no weapons and will always make unarmed attacks.

Special Rule - Beast: xxx

Special Rule - Preysense: Xeropterans counts as having a Bio-scanner.

Special Rule - Flying: Xeropterans have the ability to fly around and ascend levels. Xeropterans can move in a radius in any direction, including vertically onto a platform, completely unaffected by difficult terrain.

Agility Brawn Combat Cunning Ferocity Leadership Shooting Savant
Xeropterans Secondary Primary

Vampire Hunters[edit | edit source]

To the Imperium the Vampire represents a particularly insidious threat and unforgivable sin. They are the worst of traitors for having forsaken their very humanity and souls, turning their back upon the God-Emperor in exchange for immortality and power. There is no Vampire worthy of redemption for to have fallen so far there is nothing left that can be saved, only destroyed before they bring yet more suffering and ruin in their predations. In the hidden fortresses across the galaxy Inquisitors have arrayed many weapons capable of destroying a Vampire as well as vast libraries detailing them. They know their foe and countless Vampires have burned in the holy fires of the Inquisition.

  • Stellus Bolts: Promethium harvested from the corona of a star, alchymically modified, and blessed by priests, this substance eats away at unholy flesh in a ravenous fury. Bolt shells tipped with this phosphor-like explosive ensures even powerful foes suffer horrendous damage that few can ever fully heal from.
  • Condemnor Stakes: Blessed silver stakes engraved with sigils of disruption, primarily used as ammo for Condemnor Bolters, these can also be used as potent, if unwieldly, melee weapons. Vampires can be gravely harmed by Condemnor stakes, the psy-resonance of their Ichor reacting violently to such weaponry as it boils away their unclean blood. This causes catastrophic damage if the Vampire is struck in the sanguis-sac (stomach-heart dual organ); weaker Vampires might be reduced to ash while even powerful Vampires will be crippled.
  • Hardlight Dagger: Incredibly rare devices that emit hyper-compacted photons formed into a small blade of pure light, they sear through any physical barrier and burn away corruption with their touch. A rare xenotech weapon, said to be the last remnants of the so-called Lightbearers, these weapons are as irreplaceable as they are deadly.
  • Astran Grenades: Photo-cells bathed in the holy psychic light of the Astronomican itself. For all intents and purposes they act as flash grenades, but against the alien and warp-tainted they burn their flesh as surely as plasma conflagration.
  • Other Equipment: Although not necessarily any more effective than against living targets, Flamer and Plasma weapons are also favored by those who fight against Vampires as the nocturnal undead have an instinctive disdain for fire and light. Likewise, they seem to be vulnerable to holy symbols and blessed weapons, although this might be more due to the inherent power of faith of the individual than a specific weakness of the Vampire itself. Finally, some rare herbs are said to be repulsive and even poisonous to the undead, but this is unconfirmed and may be mere legend.

Special Characters[edit | edit source]

The Red Ancestor[edit | edit source]

Recruit Creds M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
The Red Ancestor N/A N/A 8 2+ 3+ 7 7 5 2+ 5 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+

Equipment List: The Red Ancestor carries no arms or armour for it needs none. Instead, when battle is joined it uses its polymorphic abilities to grow the Ancestor's Claws (dual-wield Power Claws) and the Ancestor's Flesh (Carapace Armour).

Skills: The Red Ancestor has all Vampiric Powers. It also has (x,y,z) Skills.

Special Rule - Vampirism: Vampires are immune to damage from weapons with the Gas trait and they cannot be detected via Bioscanners or similar. Vampires also gain +1 when rolling on Critical Injury or Lasting Injury.

Special Rule - Blood Ritual: The Red Ancestor can only be summoned through a bloody sacrifice. The ritual is mechanically the same as Feeding, except no fighter can benefit from the action. If successful the Red Ancestor hears echoes through the Ichor, drawn to the Brood that dared summon it. It will remain so long as 1 Captive is sacrificed to it per Feeding rules in each post-battle sequence.

An ancient evil that has haunted the darkness of Necromunda for many centuries, this is the unholy source of all the Broods currently infesting the planet. Mysterious and powerful, the Red Ancestor seemingly cares little for the squabbles and machinations of its descendants. Yet some whisper this is but a ploy, and it to this day pulls at a web of intrigue that spans the planet, manipulating events to bring about the return of the Voasin Bloodline. Legend says that if it is presented a large enough blood sacrifice it can be summoned by its children to aid them for a time.

Brock Ericsson[edit | edit source]

Recruit Creds M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
Brock Ericsson N/A ## 6 3+ 3+ 5 5 4 3+ 3 4+ 2+ 3+ 6+

Equipment List: Power Sword, Condemnor Bolter with Stellus Bolts, Condemnor Stakes, Astran Grenades, Respirator, Photo-goggles, Armoured Body Glove, Reinforced Flak Armour, and Rosarius.

Skills: (Add various appropriate Brawl, Combat, etc. Skills)

Special Rules: TBD - Essentially a Bounty Hunter exclusively against Vampire Broods.

A peerless warrior of incredible power and unmatched martial skill, Brock Ericsson is hellbent on the complete destruction of all Vampires in the galaxy. He is an unequaled as a swordsmen and a flawless marksman that can go toe-to-toe with the most powerful of Vampires. Some say this is because he himself is infected with Vampirism, yet somehow through serums and sheer force of will has never given into the Ichor, retaining his humanity and soul against the darkness. However, he will not work for just any job, and will only contract his services to those that fight against the undead.