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== Warhammer Army Project ==
== Warhammer Army Project ==

Warhammer Army Project is a project by Mathias Eliasson who creates Homebrew army books for the factions of Warhammer that never got them, as well as updating the 7th and 8th edition armybooks now that WHFB has been destroyed by GW (6th Edition for Bretonnia...showing us what faction GW considers to be the red headed stepchild of Fantasy). They are awesome books with pictures and fluff and you should totally make tacticas for them.  
The '''Warhammer Army Project''' is a project by Mathias Eliasson who creates [[homebrew]] army books for the factions of [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle|Warhammer Fantasy]] that never got them, as well as updating the 7th and 8th edition army books now that [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle|WHFB]] has been destroyed by [[Games Workshop]] (6th Edition for Bretonnia...showing us what faction GW considers to be the red-headed stepchild of Fantasy). They are awesome books with pictures and fluff, and you should totally make tactica's for them, placing your own inputs as to how shit works.  

Go on; do it.
====Current Armybooks ====
Each of these were previously availible in 8th Edition (for those factions that never got an 8th Edition Armybook) as well as the author's fanmade 9th Edition. Support for 8th edition was discontinued and the books ceased to be hosted on the blog in late 2021. The individual Tactica's vary on which Edition they focus on but if you want to add sections to them dealing with the homebrewed 8E, please feel free to do so.
'''[[Warhammer_Army_Project/9th edition|Core Rules]]''' (Ver 2.0) - Includes all equipment, magic, and any noticeable changes from 8E
*[[Albion]] (Ver. 1.21): Fantasy highlanders ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Albion |Tactica]])
*[[Amazon|Amazons]] (Ver 1.11): Fantasy amazonians with rare tech ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Amazons|Tactica]])
*[[Araby]] (Ver. 1.22): Fantasy Middle-Easterners ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Araby|Tactica]])
*[[Beastmen]] (Ver. 1.33) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Beastmen|Tactica]])
*[[Bretonnia]] (Ver. 1.22) ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Bretonnia|Tactica]])
*[[Cathay]] (Ver 1.12): Fantasy China ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Cathay | Tactica]])
*[[Chaos Dwarfs]] (Ver. 1.21): Dwarfs with Chaos influence and Greenskin slaves ([[Warhammer Army Project/Chaos Dwarfs|Tactica]])
*[[Middenlanders|Cult of Ulric]](Ver 1.0): The Empire, but with more wolf and melee ([[Warhammer Army Project/Cult of Ulric|Tactica]])
*[[Daemons of Chaos]] (Ver 1.23) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Daemons of Chaos|Tactica]])
*[[Druchii|Dark Elves]] (Ver. 1.32) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Dark Elves|Tactica]])
*[[Dogs of War]] (Ver. 1.13): Fantasy Italian mercenaries ([[Warhammer Army Project/Dogs Of War|Tactica]])
*[[Dwarfs]] (Ver. 1.21) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Dwarf|Tactica]])
*[[Estalia]](Ver 1.0): Fantasy Spain with a dose of the Inquisition ([[Warhammer Army Project/Estalia|Tactica]])
*[[The Empire (Warhammer Fantasy)|Empire]] (Ver. 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Empire|Tactica]])
** Knightly Orders (Ver. 1.11) (Opens a massive list of variations for the Knightly Orders, though not all are core)
** [[Steam Tank]]s (Ver. 1.1) (Adds several variations of the Steam Tank)
*[[Fimir]] (Coming eventually...)
*[[Gnoblar|Gnoblar Horde]] (Coming eventually...)
*[[Halfling]]s (Ver 1.0): The Empire, but with all hobbits. ([[Warhammer Army Project/Halflings|Tactica]])
*[[Asur|High Elves]] (Ver 1.21): ([[Warhammer Army Project/High Elves|Tactica]])
*[[Hobgoblin]]s (Ver 1.0): Fantasy Mongolians but as goblins ([[Warhammer Army Project/Hobgoblin|Tactica]])
*[[Kingdoms of Ind]] (Ver 1.0): Fantasy India with living gods ([[Warhammer Army Project/Kingdoms of Ind|Tactica]])
*[[Kislev]] (Ver 1.0): Fantasy Russia ([[Warhammer Army Project/Kislev|Tactica]])
*[[Lizardmen]] (Ver 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Lizardmen |Tactica]])
*[[Nippon]] (Ver 1.0): Fantasy Japan ([[Warhammer Army Project/Nippon|Tactica]])
*[[Warriors of Chaos|Norse]] (Ver 1.0): Barbarians that exchange Chaos for traditional Norse Mythology ([[Warhammer Army Project/Norse|Tactica]])
*[[Ogre Kingdoms]] (Ver 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Ogre Kingdom|Tactica]])
*[[Orcs & Goblins]] (Ver. 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Orcs & Goblins|Tactica]])
*[[Regiments of Renown]] (Ver 1.12): Various mercenaries for hire to multiple factions (Ver. 1.12) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Regiments of Renown|Tactica]])
*[[Sartosa|Pirates of Sartosa]] (Ver 1.0): A band of pirates ([[Warhammer Army Project/Pirates of Sartosa|Tactica]])
*[[Tomb Kings]] (Ver 1.21) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Tomb Kings|Tactica]])
*[[Skaven]] (Ver 1.5) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Skaven|Tactica]])
*[[Vampire Coast]] (Ver 1.2) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast|Tactica]])
*[[Vampire Counts]] (Ver 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Vampire Counts|Tactica]])
*[[Warriors of Chaos]] (Ver 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warriors of Chaos|Tactica]])
*[[Asrai|Wood Elves]] (Ver 1.3) ([[Warhammer Army Project/Wood Elves|Tactica]])
===Good Bad and the Ugly ===

Do it you fucking nerds, it's not like you have anything better to do, plus the army books are cool as shit
====The Creator====
* This project is run by a tyrant with a few advisor and the occasional referendum.
* This man has openly admitted on podcast to not playing his game due to warhammer in his city being dead from Age of Sigmar. This does impact playtesting.
* The creator uses GW cannon, supplemented by historical accuracy, as the ultimate arbiter in deciding what should be included. This can lead to factions that are lore accurate but have (alleged) internal balace issues and unit bloat. Every additional unit may divide the fanbase.
* He uses WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) as logic for equipment options, toughness etc. [[What| for a game without any official models]].
* Really hates factions having access to rule book lores, with most restricted to a few (Empire, High Elves, and Lizardmen).
* Has been known to borrow material from other tg publications (e.g. L5R).

====Current Armybooks ====
====The Game====
* Major rules updates are now limited to annually after feedback for rolling updates was that they undermined rukes fluency.
* Shooting is stronger than its ever been with no penalty for long range, a bonus for short range and nearly every basic archer having multiple shots.
* The [[cannon]] sniping issue has just moved to stone-throwers and is arguably worse, due to their effectiveness against a wider variety of targets, indirect fire, +1S and safer misfires.
* Cavalry is significantly more powerful than 8th.
* Magic lores were previously minorly changed so each has a less situational lore attribute and weaken some of the 6th spells. Now almost every spell from every lore has been changed in some manner.
* Lots of hard to remember and mostly pointless rule complications that pop up from someone saying something stupid on discord with no playtesting. Like everyone getting their own fly rule, or the charge rules changing every decimal edition change.
* Combined profiles for characters on monsters has had a ripple effect through the whole edition. Impacting rules from regeneration, force organization, magic items etc. Which, often hurts the balance for units that aren't Dreadlords on Dragons.
==== The Updated Armies ====
* Was borderline [[cheese|op]] with the Lance Formation making Knights Errant hit harder than Dragon Princes, however, the update to Lance Formation removed Devastating Charge from them and made them relevant but no longer endowed with insane numbers of attacks. The Lore of the Lady is made to protect their knights and help out in duels, working as a support lore. Unfortunately, you can bring the guns they had in pre-5th Edition without giving up any of the Blessing. All in all, Bretonnia after its rework is a relevant faction again without being over the top
** They also have cheap but low Leadership Men-at-Arms. Bowmen can come out on top point for point with Elf archers so long as they can manage to fire first (otherwise, they'll generally panic and flee), and Men at Arms can make cost effective, if not particularly threatening, chaff.
=====[[Wood Elves]]=====
* Got arbitrarily shafted (an army he admitted to never playing) with most of the 8th edition book being ignored with odd justification such as:
** "Asrai spears removed (why would their spears be armour piercing, when other elven spears are not?)"
*** [[fail|What makes this one even worse is High Elves got to steal the armour piercing on bows...]]
** "Arrow of Kurnous removed (abstract rule with no purpose, that also makes no sense. They suddenly forget to pick out characters after this first shot?)"
** "War Hawks are no longer Armour Piercing or have the KB rule (makes no sense since eagles or griffons don't have these rules),"
* Are somehow less knowledgeable in magic than Humans. With the eight lores being more or less split between them and Dark Elves on based on arbitrary [[alignment]].
=====[[Skaven| Skaven]]=====
* Asinine addition of Clan distrust to discourage unit variety.
* A nerfing of Slaves and Clanrats in an edition where massed infantry already got gutted.
* Increased price of Clanrats and Stormvermin.
* All your cool rare monsters are worse, which may have been needed for the Hell Pit Abomination but was harder on the Doomwheel, for example. Thankfully, your magic has types now so no more using everything without line of site and in combat, and going magic heavy is better than ever for the rats.
* Having half their engineering runes unable to be used on cannons and organ guns for 'balance', while half the magic items in the game are broken on a lord riding a monster anyhow. If they're gonna restrict dwarfs most of the regen/ward/healing items should not be taken on dragon mounted characters.

Each of these are available in 8th Edition as well as his 9th Edition. The individual Tactica's vary on which Edition they focus on but if you want to add sections to them dealing with the other edition go ahead.
==== The New Armies ====
*Very formulaic.
**Shrine/Chariot derivative of War Alter/Cauldron of Blood.
**Hero level warrior priest with bound spells
**Special choice with stubborn and good armor and/or bodyguard rule.
**A female special choice with a niche.
**A unique lore with an attribute that plays into an army special rule.
**Weird restrictions on battle magic lores, of course usually based on alignment.

*[[Albion]] ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Warhammer_Army_Project:_Albion |Tactica]])
== External Links ==
*[[Amazons]] ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Warhammer_Army_Project:_Amazons |Tactica]])
*[[Araby]] ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Warhammer_Army_Project:_Araby|Tactica]])
*[[Beastmen]]([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Beastmen|Tactica]])
*[[Brettonia]] ([[Bretonnia:_Warhammer_Army_Project,_8th_Edition_Tactica | Tactica]])
*[[Cathay]] ([[Warhammer_Army_Project/Warhammer_Army_Project:_Cathay | Tactica]])
*[[Chaos Dwarfs]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Chaos Dwarfs|Tactica]])
*[[Cult of Ulric]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Cult of Ulric|Tactica]])
*[[Daemons of Chaos]]
*[[Druchii|Dark Elves]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Dark Elves|Tactica]])
*[[Dogs of War]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Dogs Of War| Tactica]])
*[[Dwarfs]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Dwarf|Tactica]])
*[[Estalia]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Estalia|Tactica]])
*[[The Empire (Warhammer Fantasy)|Empire]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Empire|Tactica]])
*[[Gnoblar|Gnoblar Horde]]
*[[Halfling]]s ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Halflings|Tactica]])
*[[Asur|High Elves]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: High Elves|Tactica]])
*[[Hobgoblin]]s ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Hobgoblin|Tactica]])
*[[Kingdoms of Ind]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Kingdoms of Ind|Tactica]])
*[[Kislev]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Kislev|Tactica]])
*[[Lizardmen]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Lizardmen |Tactica]])
*[[Nippon]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Nippon|Tactica]])
*[[Warriors of Chaos|Norse]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Norse|Tactica]])
*[[Ogre Kingdoms]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Ogre Kingdom|Tactica]])
*[[Orcs & Goblins]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Orcs & Goblins|Tactica]])
*[[Sartosa|Pirates of Sartosa]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Pirates of Sartosa|Tactica]])
*[[Tomb Kings]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Tomb Kings|Tactica]])
*[[Skaven]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Skaven|Tactica]])
*[[Vampire Counts]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Vampire Counts|Tactica]])
*[[Warriors of Chaos]]
*[[Asrai|Wood Elves]] ([[Warhammer Army Project/Warhammer Army Project: Wood Elves|Tactica]])
===== External Links =====
[http://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot.com The Project's website]
[http://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot.com The Project's website]

{{Warhammer Army Project}}
[[Category:Warhammer Fantasy]]
[[Category:Warhammer Fantasy]]
[[Category:Warhammer Homebrew]]
[[Category:Warhammer Homebrew]]
[[Category:Warhammer Army Project]]
[[Category:Warhammer Army Project]]

Latest revision as of 03:19, 24 June 2023

Warhammer Army Project[edit | edit source]

This article related to Warhammer Fantasy Battle is a stub. You can help 1d4chan by expanding it.

The Warhammer Army Project is a project by Mathias Eliasson who creates homebrew army books for the factions of Warhammer Fantasy that never got them, as well as updating the 7th and 8th edition army books now that WHFB has been destroyed by Games Workshop (6th Edition for Bretonnia...showing us what faction GW considers to be the red-headed stepchild of Fantasy). They are awesome books with pictures and fluff, and you should totally make tactica's for them, placing your own inputs as to how shit works.

Current Armybooks[edit | edit source]

Each of these were previously availible in 8th Edition (for those factions that never got an 8th Edition Armybook) as well as the author's fanmade 9th Edition. Support for 8th edition was discontinued and the books ceased to be hosted on the blog in late 2021. The individual Tactica's vary on which Edition they focus on but if you want to add sections to them dealing with the homebrewed 8E, please feel free to do so.

Core Rules (Ver 2.0) - Includes all equipment, magic, and any noticeable changes from 8E

Good Bad and the Ugly[edit | edit source]

The Creator[edit | edit source]

  • This project is run by a tyrant with a few advisor and the occasional referendum.
  • This man has openly admitted on podcast to not playing his game due to warhammer in his city being dead from Age of Sigmar. This does impact playtesting.
  • The creator uses GW cannon, supplemented by historical accuracy, as the ultimate arbiter in deciding what should be included. This can lead to factions that are lore accurate but have (alleged) internal balace issues and unit bloat. Every additional unit may divide the fanbase.
  • He uses WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) as logic for equipment options, toughness etc. for a game without any official models.
  • Really hates factions having access to rule book lores, with most restricted to a few (Empire, High Elves, and Lizardmen).
  • Has been known to borrow material from other tg publications (e.g. L5R).

The Game[edit | edit source]

  • Major rules updates are now limited to annually after feedback for rolling updates was that they undermined rukes fluency.
  • Shooting is stronger than its ever been with no penalty for long range, a bonus for short range and nearly every basic archer having multiple shots.
  • The cannon sniping issue has just moved to stone-throwers and is arguably worse, due to their effectiveness against a wider variety of targets, indirect fire, +1S and safer misfires.
  • Cavalry is significantly more powerful than 8th.
  • Magic lores were previously minorly changed so each has a less situational lore attribute and weaken some of the 6th spells. Now almost every spell from every lore has been changed in some manner.
  • Lots of hard to remember and mostly pointless rule complications that pop up from someone saying something stupid on discord with no playtesting. Like everyone getting their own fly rule, or the charge rules changing every decimal edition change.
  • Combined profiles for characters on monsters has had a ripple effect through the whole edition. Impacting rules from regeneration, force organization, magic items etc. Which, often hurts the balance for units that aren't Dreadlords on Dragons.

The Updated Armies[edit | edit source]

Bretonnia[edit | edit source]
  • Was borderline op with the Lance Formation making Knights Errant hit harder than Dragon Princes, however, the update to Lance Formation removed Devastating Charge from them and made them relevant but no longer endowed with insane numbers of attacks. The Lore of the Lady is made to protect their knights and help out in duels, working as a support lore. Unfortunately, you can bring the guns they had in pre-5th Edition without giving up any of the Blessing. All in all, Bretonnia after its rework is a relevant faction again without being over the top
    • They also have cheap but low Leadership Men-at-Arms. Bowmen can come out on top point for point with Elf archers so long as they can manage to fire first (otherwise, they'll generally panic and flee), and Men at Arms can make cost effective, if not particularly threatening, chaff.
Wood Elves[edit | edit source]
  • Got arbitrarily shafted (an army he admitted to never playing) with most of the 8th edition book being ignored with odd justification such as:
    • "Asrai spears removed (why would their spears be armour piercing, when other elven spears are not?)"
    • "Arrow of Kurnous removed (abstract rule with no purpose, that also makes no sense. They suddenly forget to pick out characters after this first shot?)"
    • "War Hawks are no longer Armour Piercing or have the KB rule (makes no sense since eagles or griffons don't have these rules),"
  • Are somehow less knowledgeable in magic than Humans. With the eight lores being more or less split between them and Dark Elves on based on arbitrary alignment.
Skaven[edit | edit source]
  • Asinine addition of Clan distrust to discourage unit variety.
  • A nerfing of Slaves and Clanrats in an edition where massed infantry already got gutted.
  • Increased price of Clanrats and Stormvermin.
  • All your cool rare monsters are worse, which may have been needed for the Hell Pit Abomination but was harder on the Doomwheel, for example. Thankfully, your magic has types now so no more using everything without line of site and in combat, and going magic heavy is better than ever for the rats.
Dwarfs[edit | edit source]
  • Having half their engineering runes unable to be used on cannons and organ guns for 'balance', while half the magic items in the game are broken on a lord riding a monster anyhow. If they're gonna restrict dwarfs most of the regen/ward/healing items should not be taken on dragon mounted characters.

The New Armies[edit | edit source]

  • Very formulaic.
    • Shrine/Chariot derivative of War Alter/Cauldron of Blood.
    • Hero level warrior priest with bound spells
    • Special choice with stubborn and good armor and/or bodyguard rule.
    • A female special choice with a niche.
    • A unique lore with an attribute that plays into an army special rule.
    • Weird restrictions on battle magic lores, of course usually based on alignment.

External Links[edit | edit source]

The Project's website

Warhammer Army Project Tactics Articles
General Tactics
Forces of Order
Forces of Destruction