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Star*Finder is a module which adapts the Star*Drive setting from [[Alternity]] to work for [[Starfinder]].  The various stellar nations are represented as character themes.   
Star*Finder is a module which adapts the [[Star*Drive]] setting from [[Alternity]] to work for [[Starfinder]].  In order to achieve this, the Sol System has become the Gol System, the third planet of which is [[Golarion]].   

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[[Image:Alternity_Stellar_Ring.jpeg|right|200px|thumb|The Stellar Ring]]
[[Image:Alternity_Stellar_Ring.jpeg|right|200px|thumb|The Stellar Ring]]

It is the summer of a era.  Five hundred years have passed since the Fraal revealed themselves to the denizens of Golarion, bringing about the discovery of drift travel through their combined knowledge.  Waves of colonization soon followed, the myriad peoples of Golarion charging forth into the void in search of new worlds, new life, and new opportunities.  As the boundaries of known space expanded the central power of Golarion waned, and it was not long before the growing settlements aspired to control their own destinies, free from taxation and oversight.
It is the summer of a era.  Five hundred years have passed since the Fraal revealed themselves to the denizens of Golarion, bringing about the discovery of drift travel through their combined knowledge.  Waves of colonization soon followed, the myriad peoples of Golarion charging forth into the void in search of new worlds, new life, and new opportunities.  As the boundaries of known space expanded the central power of Golarion waned, and it was not long before the growing settlements aspired to control their own destinies, free from taxation and oversight.

The First Galactic War was a brief affair which pitted the combined forces of the colonies against the fledgling Golarian defense forces, and the outcome was never in doubt.  The so-called and much reviled "Golarian Empire" existed mostly in the minds of the colonial secessionists; there was little popular support for war in the core worlds.  The peace treaty recognized the sovereignty of roughly two dozen stellar nations and established the Union of Gol as the stellar nation of the core worlds.   
The First Galactic War was a brief affair which pitted the combined forces of the colonies against the fledgling Golarian defense forces, and the outcome was never in doubt.  The so-called and much reviled "Golarian Empire" existed mostly in the minds of the colonial secessionists; there was little popular support for war in the core worlds.  The peace treaty recognized the sovereignty of roughly two dozen stellar nations and established the Union of Gol as the stellar nation of the core worlds.   

For a time there was peace.  The stellar nations grew, encountering dozens of races and sending expeditions to the nearby globular clusters such as Far Reach, Orion Frontier, and the Verge.  But peace feeds complacency and complacency invites predation.   
For a time there was peace.  The stellar nations grew, encountering dozens of races and sending expeditions to the nearby globular clusters such as Far Reach, Orion Frontier, and the Verge.  But peace feeds complacency and complacency invites catastropheA series of bloody mutant riots on Tau Ceti spiraled into accusations, standoffs, and war as defense treaties were invoked and nations picked sides.

The Second Galactic War was a ruthless and tortuously protracted affair which lasted nearly a century.  Hundreds of worlds and trillions of lives would be lost before the combatants would exhaust their will to fight.  More than twenty nations went into the war and only a dozen survived it, largely due to the great alliances.
The Second Galactic War was a ruthless and tortuously protracted conflict which lasted nearly a century.  Hundreds of worlds and trillions of lives would be lost before the combatants would exhaust their will to fight.  More than twenty nations went into the war and only a dozen survived it, largely due to the great alliances.

Most historians pin blame for the war on the belligerence of the '''Expansion Pentad''', led by the Thuldan Empire and VoidCorp.  The Thuldans made no effort to conceal their aspirations of human dominance over all of space, and their alliance with VoidCorp amounted to an agreement to divide the universe between themselves and then fight each other last.   
Most historians pin blame for the war on the belligerence of the '''Expansion Pentad''', led by the Thuldan Empire and VoidCorp.  The Thuldans made no effort to conceal their aspirations of human dominance over all of space, and their alliance with VoidCorp amounted to an agreement to divide known space between themselves and then fight each other last.   

Opposing them was the '''FreeSpace Alliance''', anchored by the twin states of the Orion League and the Orlamu Theocracy.  While not as powerful as the combined Pentad forces, they were more than a match for either the Thuldans or VoidCorp alone, and they had the advantage of not sharing a border with either.
Opposing them was the '''FreeSpace Alliance''', anchored by the twin states of the Orion League and the Orlamu Theocracy.  While not as powerful as the combined Pentad forces, they were more than a match for either the Thuldans or VoidCorp alone, and they had the advantage of not sharing a border with either.

Caught between them were the nations of the '''Profit Confederation''', a motley assortment led by the Rigunmor Star Consortium.  The Profit nations would see much of the worst fighting; the Thuldan navy would ultimately be crushed in StarMech space at the Battle of Songham, while the savagery of the Austrin-Nariac front is without match in history.   
Caught between them were the nations of the '''Profit Confederation''', a motley assortment led by the Rigunmor Star Consortium.  The Profit nations would see much of the worst fighting; the Thuldan navy would ultimately be crushed in StarMech space by a combined Profit-FreeSpace force at the Battle of Songham, while the savagery of the Austrin-Nariac front is without match in history.   

The conclusion of the war saw the establishment of a new entity, the '''Galactic Concord'''.  Created as a neutral party to govern the border regions of the most contested areas and prevent another war, Concord is half stellar nation and half peacekeeping force.  As part of its mandate, the Concord was accepted by all nations as the supreme authority for mediating disputes over territory in the frontier regionsTo give it the power to carry out its mission, each nation ceded a portion of their navy to Concord, and recruited billions of colonists to repopulate its territory.  While initially their were concerns about divided loyalties, today an entire generation thinks of themselves as citizens of the Concord and it has rapidly become a force to match any other nation in the stellar ring.   
For much of the war a "gentlemen's agreement" existed between the Profit Confederation and the FreeSpace Alliance to defeat the PentadHowever, there was mistrust and resentment to go around; anytime the Pentad threat was checked the two would engage in petty bickering over territory.   

The most contentious aspect of the Concord are the Administrators.  A select cadre of expert negotiators and spies, the Administrators are tasked with policing the Concord treatyTheir remit extends to investigate and report on anything that could lead to another galactic war, whether it be border disputes, arms smuggling, espionage, ancient precursor sites, or external nations and species.  The popular image of an Administrator is that of a wizened Solarian commanding a peacekeeping force, although in truth most Administrators are intelligence operatives or diplomats.  Outside of the Concord they're generally regarded as an unwelcome nuisance; every nation works around the margins of the Concord treaty to advance their agendas but none are willing to defy the treaty openly and risk war.
The conclusion of the war saw the establishment of a new entity, the '''Galactic Concord'''Created as a neutral party to govern the border regions of the most contested areas and prevent another war, Concord is half stellar nation and half peacekeeping force.

==Content from Starfinder==
==Content from Starfinder==

Golarion is the third planet in the Gol system and the homeworld of Humans and all human adjacent species (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Haflings, Half Elves, and Drow); these races are collectively known as Golarians.  Since first contact with the Fraal, they have expanded into space as one, founding nations and discovering new races.  The Lashunta and Ysoki homeworlds fall in the Far Reach.  The Vesk claim several systems in the Orion Frontier, as do the Kasanthas.  The Swarm reside somewhere beyond Hammer's Star; free Shirrens are found mostly in the Verge.  Half-Orcs are found in the Thuldan Empire, the product of radical genetic experimentation after a chance encounter with a nomadic Orc/Goblin warband beyond their space.  Other homeworlds of various races can be found throughout and beyond known space.  The Azlanti Star Empire is rumored to be in the unexplored territory somewhere beyond the boundaries of VoidCorp.
Golarion is the third planet in the Gol system and the homeworld of Humans and all human adjacent species (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Haflings, Half Elves, and Drow); these races are collectively known as Golarians.  All other Starfinder races are assumed to be distributed throughout or beyond the territory of the stellar nations, with several specific cases:

Standing in for the Pact Worlds' politically weak Stewards are the much stronger Concord Administrators.
* Orcs and goblins are menaces from beyond known space.  Half-orcs are a Thuldan creation from genetic experimentation.
* Shirrens are mostly found in the Verge, as the Swarm lurks somewhere beyond Hammer's Star (replacing the Klicks of Star*Drive).

Several orders of Star Knights exist.  The Hellknights are the warrior elite of the Hatire Community, while the Knights of Golarion are an extra-national humanitarian force based largely in the Union of Gol.

Attitudes towards mindwalking vary greatly by discipline.  Technomancers are widely accepted and have a mercenary reputation.  Mystics are respected in some nations but deeply distrusted in others.  Solarians are rare but universally regarded with awe; most individuals who show the potential to manifest a solar revelation are often recruited into civil service and academy trained.  Some of the most high profile Concord Administrators are Solarians, as were many heroes of the Second Galactic War.  Witchwarpers are exceptionally rare, the stuff of battlefield horror stories of squads of men mangled and burned by a shadowy figure's mere glance.
The Stewards of the Pact Worlds are replaced by the Concord Administrators who are functionally very similar but have far more power (at least in frontier territories)

The role of the gods is dramatically reduced compared to the Pact Worlds setting.  While they are still known and worshiped, they are much more removed from the world that is.
The Android Abolitionist Front exists and is focused on activities against VoidCorp, the Starmech Collective, and the Rigunmor Consortium.  The only nation that welcomes them is Insight.   
The Free Captains are unchanged, operating mostly in the frontier regions.
The Starfinder Society exists, alongside other similar exploration groups such as the Verge Confederation.
The Augmented exist in form but not name; in this setting they have a whole stellar nation, the Nariac Domain. 
The Star Knight orders of the Hellknights and the Knights of Golarion do not exist as such.  The closest analog to both organizations are the Concord Marines, who have the dual mandate of protecting and aiding those in the in the frontier and border regions, and ruthlessly enforcing the peace between the stellar nations. 
The Xenowardens have changed radically, becoming the Hatire Community.  In this setting, the Xenowardens settled on a planet and then discovered an ancient faith that agreed with their own beliefs.
===Magic Use===
Attitudes towards mindwalking vary greatly by discipline.  Technomancers are widely accepted and have a mercenary reputation.  Mystics are respected in some nations but deeply distrusted in others.  Solarians are rare but universally regarded with awe; individuals who show the potential to manifest a solar revelation are often recruited into civil service and academy trained.  Some of the most high profile Concord Administrators are Solarians, as were many heroes of the Second Galactic War.  Witchwarpers are exceptionally rare, the stuff of battlefield horror stories of squads of men mangled and burned by a shadowy figure's mere glance.
The faiths of old Golarion do not hold the same sway in the Star*Finder setting.  While they still do have their followers, they don't have the significance of the Insightful, the Orlamists, and the Hatire.  These new and actively proselytizing faiths are backed by the might of their respective nation-states.

==New Races from Star*Drive==
==New Races from Star*Drive==
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Fraal are Medium Humanoids with the Fraal subtype.
'''Ability Adjustments''':  +4 Wis, -2 Str; 3 HP
'''Racial Trait''': Fraal gain ''Telepathic Message'' as an at-will supernatural ability. 
'''Racial Trait''': Fraal mystics double each value of their class's spells-per-day-per-level table.
Aleerians are Medium humanoids with the Aleerian subtype.
'''Ability Adjustments:''' +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis, 4 HP
'''Racial Trait:''' For effects targeting creatures by type, Aleerians count as either humanoids or constructs (whichever effect is better).
'''Racial Trait:''' Aleerian technomancers double each value of their class's spells-per-day-per-level table

Sesheyans are Small Humanoids with the Sesheyan subtype.
'''Ability Adjustments''':  +2 Dex, +1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Cha; 3 HP
'''Racial Trait''': A Sesheyan gains an extraordinary flight speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability.  Until a Sesheyan is 5th level, he must end his movement on the ground at the end of each turn or fall.

T'sa are Small Humanoids with the T'sa subtype.
'''Ability Adjustments''':  +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis; 3 HP
'''Racial Trait''': T'sa are fast for their size and have a base speed of 40 feet.

Weren are Large Humanoids with the Gnoll subtype.
'''Ability Adjustments''':  +4 Str, -2 Int; 5 HP
'''Racial Trait''': Weren can only use weapons with the analog rule.
'''Racial Trait''': Weren receive a +4 bonus to Stealth checks in dim light or darker conditions.

==Stellar Nation==
==The Stellar Nations==

Listed below are the thirteen stellar nations founded by the Golarians.  While each nation typically has one or several predominate races that originate from Golarion, it's important to note that even the smallest stellar nations measure their population in the hundreds of billions.  Individuals of every encountered species can be found in nearly every nation, as all but the most xenophobic nations are aggressively promoting themselves to immigrants (to varying degrees of success).   
Listed below are the thirteen stellar nations founded by the Golarians.  While each nation typically has one or several predominate races that originate from Golarion, it's important to note that even the smallest stellar nations measure their population in the hundreds of billions.  Individuals of every encountered species can be found in nearly every nation, as all but the most xenophobic nations are aggressively promoting themselves to immigrants (to varying degrees of success).   

'''Ability Adjustments and Racial Traits''': Humans in Star*Finder do not receive their normal Starfinder "+2 to any 1 ability" adjustmentThey also do not receive the "bonus feat" trait.  Instead, they receive an adjustment and trait based on their nationality.  However, all humans in Star*Finder continue to benefit from the Skilled trait.  
'''Ability Adjustments and Racial Traits''': Humans in Star*Finder do not receive the normal human racial traits and ability adjustmentsA human character must select a stellar nation as their ancestry and take the traits and adjustments of that nation.

===Austrin-Ontis Unlimited===
===Austrin-Ontis Unlimited===
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For a human and dwarven society, Austrin-Ontis has a surprisingly large population of lowborn drow.  While drow are not normally appreciative of concepts such as "honor", the Austrin axiom that civility grows out of the credible threat of violence has its appeal.   
For a human and dwarven society, Austrin-Ontis has a surprisingly large population of lowborn drow.  While drow are not normally appreciative of concepts such as "honor", the Austrin axiom that civility grows out of the credible threat of violence has its appeal.   

'''Ability Adjustments and Racial Traits''': Humans of Austrin nationality gain +2 Dexterity and the Longarm Proficiency feat.
'''Ability Adjustments''': Austrin humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Dexterity.
'''Racial Trait''': Austrin humans may cast ''Supercharge Weapon'' once per day as an extraordinary ability.  The target weapon must be a small arm, longarm, or heavy weapon without the analog rule. An attack made when the weapon is supercharged in this way uses double the normal ammo.

===Borealis Republic===
===Borealis Republic===
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The Borealis colony began as a monarchy built upon widespread use of cloning to create a serf underclass.  However, a revolution led to the abdication of the king and the elevation of everyone to peerage, resulting in a meritocracy where social standing is based on academic achievement.  The conclusion of the revolution coincided with the end of the First Galactic War, and in the following years the Republic attracted significant numbers of bleachling gnome immigrants, drawn by the growth in academics in the new nation.   
The Borealis colony began as a monarchy built upon widespread use of cloning to create a serf underclass.  However, a revolution led to the abdication of the king and the elevation of everyone to peerage, resulting in a meritocracy where social standing is based on academic achievement.  The conclusion of the revolution coincided with the end of the First Galactic War, and in the following years the Republic attracted significant numbers of bleachling gnome immigrants, drawn by the growth in academics in the new nation.   

Daily life in the Republic is dominated by the interactions of the philosophical collegesPart political party and part caste, every adult claims membership in one.  Colleges rise and fall over time, with typically a dozen commanding enough popular support to be significantThe rising upstart is the College of Justice Ethics, drawing support among the military and in remote settlements. Justice Ethics advocates a simple view of society where the survival of the community takes precedence over other concerns.
The Republic continues to practice the widespread use cloning and it is today the only nation to do soThe majority of Borealian humans are cloned from one of a few hundred source strains, with new strains being introduced roughly once or twice a decade.  While natural procreation isn't restricted or even taboo, most clones regard it as somewhat uncouthThis is not helped by the fact that many female strains from the monarchy were extensively genetically engineered to weed out disagreeable traits, a point which still casts a shadow over relationships in the Republic even as the abdication fades into history.

During the Second Galactic War, the Republic suffered significant losses at the hands of the HatireAfter the war, the Hatire would cede most of the former Borealis territory for the creation of Concord Sagittarius.   
Daily life in the Republic is dominated by the interactions of the philosophical collegesPart political party and part informal caste, every adult claims membership in one.  Colleges rise and fall over time, with typically a dozen commanding enough popular support to be significant.  The rising upstart is the College of Justice Ethics, drawing support among the military and in remote settlements. Justice Ethics advocates a simple view of society where the survival of the community takes precedence over other concerns.   

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'''Ability Adjustments''': Borelian humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
'''Racial Trait''': Borelian humans have a higher maximum level for IntelligenceFor any level, their maximum intelligence for that level is increased by 2.
| +1 Int
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Same as Scholar)
|'''I Think I'm a Clone Now'''
| The DC of checks to recognize you is increased by 5.   
|'''Esteemed Associate'''
| You are familiar with the labyrinthine bureaucracy of educational and research institutions.  The DC of Bluff and Diplomacy checks with intellectual or scholarly characters is reduced by 5.
|'''Master Academic'''
| Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Life Science or Physical Science, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

===Hatire Community===
===Hatire Community===

Predominant Species: Overwhelmingly Elf and Halfling; cybernetic species virtually absent
Predominant Species: Elf and Halfling with Human minority; cybernetic species virtually absent

The Hatire Community began as a colony of halflings and elves desiring to escape the march of science that had overtaken Golarion.  Seeking a simpler way of life more in touch with their heritage and free from the taint of technology, they dove deep into the depths and found a new world to call home.  Haven, as they would name it, became the prime destination for elves and halflings expatriating from Gol, and is now the largest concentration of them to be found in space.   
The Hatire Community began as a colony of halflings and elves desiring to escape the march of science that had overtaken Golarion.  Seeking a simpler way of life more in touch with their heritage and free from the taint of technology, they dove deep into the depths and found a new world to call home.  Haven, as they would name it, became the prime destination for elves and halflings expatriating from Gol, and is now the largest concentration of them to be found in space.   
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However, hard circumstances required compromises.  The outbreak of the Second Galactic War necessitated the creation of a modern elite fighting force.  And worse, no defense could be expected to hold back the might of the Thuldan Empire.  With no alternative, the Hatire were quick to become a client state of the Thuldans.
However, hard circumstances required compromises.  The outbreak of the Second Galactic War necessitated the creation of a modern elite fighting force.  And worse, no defense could be expected to hold back the might of the Thuldan Empire.  With no alternative, the Hatire were quick to become a client state of the Thuldans.

The Hatire Hellknights embody the community's conflict over these compromises.  The Hellknights with their daemonic visage are a force that fights for a community where they will never be regarded as heroes.  They are terrible figures that exist for grim necessity.
'''Ability Adjustments''': Hatire humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Wisdom.

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'''Racial Trait''': Hatire humans may cast ''Divine Aspect'' once per day as a supernatural ability, using their character level as their caster level.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
| +1 Wis
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Same as Priest)
| You may use the Antagonize feat with the Mysticism skill.
|'''Faith Provides'''
| You may spend a resolve point to reduce the DC of ANY skill check by 5.  Including a check performed by a different character.
|'''Master Evangelist'''  
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Mysticism, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

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Insight was born in the waning days of the second galactic war, when a division of Voidcorp went rogue and declared independence, taking with them most of their parent nation's computing talent.  While a very small nation with a weak military, Insight's expertise in digital attack is unparalleled.   
Insight was born in the waning days of the second galactic war, when a division of Voidcorp went rogue and declared independence, taking with them most of their parent nation's computing talent.  While a very small nation with a weak military, Insight's expertise in digital attack is unparalleled.   

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'''Ability Adjustments''': Inseer humans gain +1 Dexterity and +1 Intelligence.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
| +1 Int
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Similar to Grifter but with computers instead of culture)
| You have an accelerated datajack implant. 
|'''Troll Extraordinaire'''
| You may use your Computer skill to bully as if it was intimidate.  In order to use this you must have access to the public network to uncover dirt on target. 
|'''Master Hacker'''
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Computers, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

'''Racial Trait''': Inseer humans may cast ''Delay Countermeasures'' once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.
===Nariac Domain===

Predominant Species: Human and Dwarf, most citizens have augmentations
Predominant Species: Human and Dwarf, most citizens have augmentations

The Nariacs began as a colony founded on a marginally habitable planet during the same wave of colonization that created Austrin-Ontis.  With little margin for waste or error they were forced by circumstances to create a collectivist technocracy and a spartan lifestyle with no tolerance for dissent or corruption.  To make the most of their scarce manpower they embraced cybernetic augmentation, while those able to manifest powers were inducted into civil service or placed under observation if they refused.   
The Nariac Domain began as a colony founded on a marginally habitable planet.  With little reserve for waste or error they were forced by circumstances to create a collectivist technocracy and a spartan lifestyle with no tolerance for dissent or corruption.  To make the most of their scarce manpower they embraced cybernetic augmentation, while those able to manifest powers were inducted into civil service or placed under observation if they refused.   

During the Second Galactic War, the Nariacs became a client state of Voidcorp and faced off against their Austrin neighbors.  The Austrin-Nariac front was by far the most brutal theater of the conflict, made all the more tragic by their shared heritage and in some cases lineage.  While the Austrins remain bitterly angry with the Nariacs over the war, the Nariacs themselves reserve their wrath for Voidcorp.
During the Second Galactic War, the Domain became a client state of Voidcorp and faced off against their Austrin neighbors.  The Austrin-Nariac front was by far the most brutal theater of the conflict.  While the Austrins remain bitterly angry with the Nariacs over the war, the Nariacs themselves reserve their wrath for Voidcorp.

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For a variety of reasons, the Nariacs have a dim view of magic users, particularly Mystics. Their nation has always had a disproportionately low number of magically gifted individuals, making it harder to get the few they do have to accept the collectivist lifestyle of the Domain.   
|'''Theme Bonus'''
| +1 Str
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| Reduce the DC of Survival checks by 5. Survival becomes a class skill for you, though if its a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 Bonus to Survival checks. In addition you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Strength at character creation.
|'''Flesh is Weak'''
| You gain one cybernetic augmentation.
|'''Ignorance is Strength'''
| You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects.   
|'''Master Laborer'''
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Profession, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

'''Ability Adjustments''': Nariac humans gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Strength.
'''Racial Trait''': Nariac humans gain one free augmentation of level 3 or less.
===Orion League===

Predominant Species: Elf and Fraal; overall the most diverse nation by far.
Predominant Species: Elf and Fraal; overall the most diverse nation by far.

The Orion League formed out of an alliance of several smaller colonies seeking to protect their trading fleets from harassment.  The resulting nation is a prosperous and cosmopolitan society that is unusually accepting of new members as long as they subscribe to its core beliefs of liberalism and autonomy.
The Orion League formed out of an alliance of several smaller colonies seeking to protect their trading fleets from harassment.  The resulting nation is a prosperous and cosmopolitan society that is unusually accepting of new members as long as they subscribe to its core beliefs of liberalism and autonomy.  Because of their openness, Orions boast the highest percentage of non-humans among their numbers, and in particular the most Fraal. 
The Orion League was instrumental in negotiating the Concord Treaty, and are by far the most consistent supporter of Concord.  Their idealism frequently puts them at odds with not only the members of the Expansion Pentad, but also the more mercantilistic states of the Profit Confederation
'''Ability Adjustments''': Orion humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Wisdom.

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'''Racial Trait''': Orion humans may cast ''Comprehend Customs'' once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
| +1 Cha
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
|Reduce the DC of all Culture checks by 5. Culture becomes a class skill for you, though if its a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 Bonus to Culture checks. In addition you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.
|'''Well Traveled'''
|You can use your Culture skill to make Gather Information checks in place of Diplomacy.
| When encountering a creature with a base Attitude of Unfriendly or Indifferent, their base attitude towards you is instead Indifferent or Friendly respectively. 
|'''Master Socialite'''
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Culture or Diplomacy, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

===Orlamu Theocracy===

Predominant Species: Human majority, significant Weren and Driftborn Gnome minority
Predominant Species: Human majority, significant Weren and Driftborn Gnome minority

Founded by the first human test pilot to enter the Drift, the Orlamu are a technocratic theocracy which reveres Triune and Drift travel.  More than any other stellar nation, they invest enormous effort into studying the Drift, and produce the best Drift engines money can buy.
Founded by the first human test pilot to enter the Drift, the Orlamu are a liberal theocracy which reveres Triune and Drift travel.  More than any other stellar nation, they invest enormous effort into studying the Drift, and produce the best Drift engines money can buy.
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The Theocracy's crowning achievement to date is the ''Lighthouse of Faith'', the largest drift-capable vessel ever constructed.  Badly damaged in the Second War, the Lighthouse was refitted and gifted to the Concord as a mobile space station, now serving as the headquarters of Concord activity in the Verge region.
|'''Theme Bonus'''
| +1 Wis
Although a small minority, Weren form the fastest growing share of the Orlamu populationTheir zeal and martial prowess serve them well both in the Orlamu military and in the priesthood.   
'''Ability Adjustments''': Orlamu humans gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Wisdom.
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| Reduce the DC of Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about the drift, triune, and space phenomena by 5. Mysticism becomes a class skill for you, though if its a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 Bonus to Mysticism checksIn addition you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Wisdom at character creation.   
'''Racial Trait''': Orlamu humans may cast ''Pinpoint Navigation'' once per day as a supernatural ability, using their character level as their caster level.
|'''Plot your course, Mister Blair'''
| You may navigate a starship out of combat using your Mysticism skill.
|'''Litany of Percussive Maintenance'''
| You may make Engineering skill checks on starship power and propulsion systems using your Mysticism skill.
|'''Master Starfarer'''  
|Such is the power of your spiritual connection to the Drift, once per day after entering the Drift you regain two Resolve Points.

===Rigunmor Star Consortium===

Predominant Species: Human and Mechalus   
Predominant Species: Human and Mechalus   

Ayn Rand in space.  For a Rigunmor, wealth is everything.  There is no vice in the pursuit of money for money is simply an expression of man's productivity and ingenuity.  Let the richest lead, for they have proven their worth.
Wealth is everything.  There is no vice in the pursuit of money for money is simply an expression of man's productivity and ingenuity.  Let the richest lead, for they have proven their worth
True everywhere, says the Rigunmor Star Consortium; and the results are hard to argue with.  While the Consortium is neither the largest stellar nation, nor the most powerful, it is by far the richest.  The Consortium is exactly that, a consortium.  Composed of and controlled by the largest business interests in its territory.  Constantly jockeying for wealth and power, it would seem inevitable that the Consortium would be short lived and succumb to outside interference.  But they are united with one common ideology. and that is the rejection of any ideology above the pursuit of wealth. 
Contributing to their fortunes is their discovery and subsequent deal with the Mechalus.  The undisputed masters of cyberorganic technology, the Mechalus were to thank for protecting the Consortium from electronic attack during the Second War.  While few Mechalus share the acquisitive nature of the Rigunmor society, their home planet Aleer grows rich leasing their expertise to the Consortium.
The flagship of the Consortium is the fortress ship ''Oneagle'', which simultaneously serves as the seat of government.  

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'''Ability Adjustments''': Rigunmor humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Dexterity.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
| +1 Cha
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Same as Noble Scion)
|'''Nothing Ventured'''
| You're the proud owner of a medium starship. 
|'''Nothing Gained'''
| Within reason, money has ceased to be an object for you.  Your wealth has transcended into ''[[Rogue Trader]]'' "profit factor" territory, where the ability to obtain things is driven by skill checks rather than penny pinching.  You can't afford a moon... but that asteroid mining venture is paying back nicely.
|'''Master Negotiator'''
| You are a master of the deal.  Up to twice per day, if you pass a Diplomacy or Bluff check to negotiate a business transaction, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

===Starmech Collective===
'''Racial Trait''': Rigunmor humans may cast ''Charm Person'' once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.
===StarMech Collective===

Predominant Species: Overwhelming SRO majority, Human and Feychild Gnome minority
Predominant Species: Overwhelming SRO majority, Human and Feychild Gnome minority

Equal parts famous and infamous, the engineers of the Starmech Collective are some of the most talented starship designers alive, while simultaneously known throughout space as the galaxy's foremost hedonists.  The collective owes its existence to a diplomatic coup during the negotiation of the treaty that concluded the first galactic war, by means of the most debauched party ever held at a peace summit.  When sun arose the next morning, the Starmechs had secured enough support to ensure themselves control over a sparsely populated region of space.
Equal parts famous and infamous, the engineers of the StarMech Collective are some of the most talented starship designers alive, while simultaneously known throughout space as the galaxy's foremost hedonists.  The collective owes its existence to a diplomatic coup during the negotiation of the treaty that concluded the first galactic war, by means of the most debauched party ever held at a peace summit.  When sun arose the next morning, the StarMechs had secured enough support to ensure themselves control over a sparsely populated region of space by literally drinking the delegates under the table.

In order to support their lifestyle with a comparatively small population, the Starmechs rely heavily on robots.  Wile free androids do exist, the overwhelming majority of synthetics are lawfully indentured, having been built specifically to serve (with most working in the Collective's vast starship yards)However, all synthetics do enjoy some legal protections and overall while the Starmech view on machine rights is far from egalitarian, it tries to stop short of being brutally tyrannical.   
In order to support their libertine lifestyle with a comparatively small population, the StarMechs rely heavily on robots.  While free androids do exist, the overwhelming majority of synthetics in the collective are lawfully indentured SROs, having been built specifically to work.  Most serve in the Collective's vast starship yards, and no expense is spared to keep them operating at their peakOverall while the StarMech view on synthetics is far from egalitarian, they do not view them as expendable but rather as a prized asset.   

{| class="wikitable"
'''Ability Adjustments''': StarMech humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Intelligence.
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
| +1 Con
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Same as Sensate)
|'''Pure Inebriation'''
| +1 to all saves against poison, or +2 if the save is for a drug.
|'''Called Starmechs for a Reason'''
| You gain +5 on all engineering tests and your failed engineering tests never result in damage to the object.
|'''Master Mechanic'''
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on an skill check for Engineering, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

'''Racial Trait''': StarMech humans may cast ''Patch Tech'' once per day as an extraordinary ability using their character level as their caster level.
===Thuldan Empire===

Predominant Species: Overwhelming Human majority; widespread use of genetic manipulation including Half-Elf and Half-Orc minorities
Predominant Species: Overwhelming Human majority; widespread use of genetic manipulation including Half-Elf and Half-Orc minorities

{| class="wikitable"
The Thuldan Empire was the creation of mogul Gregor Kent, to realize his vision of a manifest destiny for Golarians in the stars.  However what they consider patriotic zeal is regarded by most other nations as brazen imperialism.  The Thuldans make no effort to conceal or moderate their desire to unite space under one rule, and most historians blame them for instigating the Tau Ceti riots which initiated the Second Galactic War. 
|'''Theme Bonus'''
Despite their belligerent tendencies, the Thuldan Empire is by far the most tolerant nation with regards to human mutants and half-human hybrids.  Half-elves and half-orcs face no discrimination in the empire, and there are no taboos about biotech.  Imperial geneticists are the undisputed masters of biological manipulation, and this is reflected in the strong, healthy Thuldan populace. 
| +1 Str
Thuldan society is direct and unsophisticated.  Their education is militarized, and their culture favors contests of physical prowess over more enlightening forms of entertainment.  Many Thuldans are irreligious, although roughly a quarter follow the Hatire faith and their numbers continue to grow.  Hatire missionaries have carefully preached an interpretation of their faith that emphasizes the virtues of effort and rejecting decadence, while minimizing any criticisms of genetic manipulation. 
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
'''Ability Adjustments''': Thuldan humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Strength.
'''Racial Trait''': Thuldan humans gain one free biotech of level 3 or less.
|'''Master Athlete'''  
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on a skill check for Athletics, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

===Union of Gol===
===Union of Gol===
Line 336: Line 248:
Over the centuries billions have emigrated from the Union, but billions more from newly discovered races have immigrated for the opportunities to be found there.  Only the Orion League can boast a diaspora to match the Union.   
Over the centuries billions have emigrated from the Union, but billions more from newly discovered races have immigrated for the opportunities to be found there.  Only the Orion League can boast a diaspora to match the Union.   

{| class="wikitable"
'''Ability Adjustments''': Union humans gain +1 to any 2 different abilities
|'''Theme Bonus'''  
'''Racial Trait''': Union humans gain the skill focus feat.
| +1 Con
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
Predominant Species: Human and Drow, significant Sesheyan minority
|Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about species in known space by 5Culture becomes a class skill for you, though if its a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 Bonus to Culture checksIn addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation.
Step up or be stepped on.  So goes the saying in VoidCorp.  Universally reviled even by its supposed allies, no nation more perfectly embodies the extremes of unbridled socio-economic DarwinismFounded as the space development division of a large Golarian multinational, VoidCorp severed its ties to its parent in the first war and never looked back.
|'''Pollution Tolerance'''
Life in VoidCorp is ruthless and competitive.  Citizens of VoidCorp are employees of VoidCorp, and are organized into a social rank system that denotes job role, achievement, and thus, seniority, reduced to a two letter code AA to ZZ (CEO)Employees of M rank and higher are typically managers and experts, while the Z rank consists of the executive leadership. Employees of lower rank jockey for favor and promotion, while those above have no regard for those below.
| +2 to all saves against toxic atmospheres
Cruel and exploitative though it may be, it works, and it works well.  VoidCorp is not the strongest nation in terms of wealth, military strength, economic output, or technological prowess, but there is no single nation that outperforms them across all these metrics.
|'''Inured to Noise'''
| The DC of your perception checks to detect others does not increase due to urban terrain.
|'''Master Socialite'''
|Twice per day after you Take 20 on an skill check for Culture, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

===Void Corp===
'''Ability Adjustments''': VoidCorp humans gain +1 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom.

Predominant Species: Predominately Drow, significant Sesheyan minority
'''Racial Trait''': VoidCorp humans gain an additional skill rank at the 1st level and every level thereafter.

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===Galactic Concord===
|'''Theme Bonus'''
| +1 Dex
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
|'''Master Executive'''
|Twice per day after you use the Veiled Threat feat, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

Predominant Species: Human and T'sa plurality, although no species exceeds 10% of population.
Predominant Species: Human and T'sa plurality, although no species exceeds 10% of population.

{| class="wikitable"
The Galactic Concord was established by treaty at the conclusion of the second war.  It consists of three regions (Concord Prime, Concord Taurus, Concord Sagittarius) which encompassed the bulk of the contested battlegrounds of the war.  Blasted by decades of fighting, these regions would require complete recolonization to become economically useful.  Concord serves a dual purpose of acting as a neutral stellar nation and peacekeeping force, while directing the reconstruction efforts.  To achieve this goal, each nation was obliged to tithe a portion of their naval forces to Concord, immediately making Concord one of the most militarily powerful stellar nations, while billions of colonists were recruited from all nations to resettle Concord space.  Many of those recruited were anti-war dissidents in their former nations, or refugees from nations which were destroyed entirely such as the Dreth Commonwealth or the Leodal States.  What unites them is the hard work they see ahead; more than any other nation, the people of the Concord have a shared sense of purpose and duty, to rebuild and preserve the peace.  
|'''Theme Bonus'''
In addition Concord encompasses the T'sa cluster.  Since first contact the T'sa have steadfastly refused to align themselves with any power or recognize any claims of sovereignty over their space.  By remaining neutral and building an intimidating defensive force they were able to hold their own in the second war even while colonizing the rest of the nearby systems in their dense, compact cluster. T'sa territory has grown to encompass almost thirty systems, and is essentially a self-governing island within the larger Concord.  Relations between the T'sa and Concord are cool but not confrontational, and many individual T'sa have accepted Concord's offer of dual citizenship. 
| +1 to Any
As part of its duties, Concord was accepted as a neutral mediator to settle territorial disputes in the frontier regions.  The agency tasked with this duty came to known as the Administrators.  Part diplomatic service, part intelligence agency, the Administrators quickly proved to be the most irksome consequence of the Concord treaty.  As the stellar nations restored contact with their furthest colonies, not all were receptive to distant rule after a century of autonomy.  The Administrators' stance of defending colonial self-determination has frequently put them at odds with every stellar nation.  The other nations all work around the margins of the treaty to advance their own agendas but none are willing to resort to military confrontation; any nation openly challenging Concord would draw retaliation from all others. 
|'''Theme Knowledge'''
| (Same as Law Officer except ability adjustment is for any.)
'''Ability Adjustments''': Concord humans gain +1 Strength and +1 Wisdom.
'''Racial Trait''': Concord humans gain the Toughness feat.
|'''Master Mediator'''  
| Achieving understanding and cooperation is your life's work.  Up to twice per day, if you succeed in raising a character's attitude towards another character, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

Latest revision as of 01:02, 25 June 2023

Star*Finder is a module which adapts the Star*Drive setting from Alternity to work for Starfinder. In order to achieve this, the Sol System has become the Gol System, the third planet of which is Golarion.

Setting[edit | edit source]

The Stellar Ring

It is the summer of a era. Five hundred years have passed since the Fraal revealed themselves to the denizens of Golarion, bringing about the discovery of drift travel through their combined knowledge. Waves of colonization soon followed, the myriad peoples of Golarion charging forth into the void in search of new worlds, new life, and new opportunities. As the boundaries of known space expanded the central power of Golarion waned, and it was not long before the growing settlements aspired to control their own destinies, free from taxation and oversight.

The First Galactic War was a brief affair which pitted the combined forces of the colonies against the fledgling Golarian defense forces, and the outcome was never in doubt. The so-called and much reviled "Golarian Empire" existed mostly in the minds of the colonial secessionists; there was little popular support for war in the core worlds. The peace treaty recognized the sovereignty of roughly two dozen stellar nations and established the Union of Gol as the stellar nation of the core worlds.

For a time there was peace. The stellar nations grew, encountering dozens of races and sending expeditions to the nearby globular clusters such as Far Reach, Orion Frontier, and the Verge. But peace feeds complacency and complacency invites catastrophe. A series of bloody mutant riots on Tau Ceti spiraled into accusations, standoffs, and war as defense treaties were invoked and nations picked sides.

The Second Galactic War was a ruthless and tortuously protracted conflict which lasted nearly a century. Hundreds of worlds and trillions of lives would be lost before the combatants would exhaust their will to fight. More than twenty nations went into the war and only a dozen survived it, largely due to the great alliances.

Most historians pin blame for the war on the belligerence of the Expansion Pentad, led by the Thuldan Empire and VoidCorp. The Thuldans made no effort to conceal their aspirations of human dominance over all of space, and their alliance with VoidCorp amounted to an agreement to divide known space between themselves and then fight each other last.

Opposing them was the FreeSpace Alliance, anchored by the twin states of the Orion League and the Orlamu Theocracy. While not as powerful as the combined Pentad forces, they were more than a match for either the Thuldans or VoidCorp alone, and they had the advantage of not sharing a border with either.

Caught between them were the nations of the Profit Confederation, a motley assortment led by the Rigunmor Star Consortium. The Profit nations would see much of the worst fighting; the Thuldan navy would ultimately be crushed in StarMech space by a combined Profit-FreeSpace force at the Battle of Songham, while the savagery of the Austrin-Nariac front is without match in history.

For much of the war a "gentlemen's agreement" existed between the Profit Confederation and the FreeSpace Alliance to defeat the Pentad. However, there was mistrust and resentment to go around; anytime the Pentad threat was checked the two would engage in petty bickering over territory.

The conclusion of the war saw the establishment of a new entity, the Galactic Concord. Created as a neutral party to govern the border regions of the most contested areas and prevent another war, Concord is half stellar nation and half peacekeeping force.

Content from Starfinder[edit | edit source]

Golarion is the third planet in the Gol system and the homeworld of Humans and all human adjacent species (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Haflings, Half Elves, and Drow); these races are collectively known as Golarians. All other Starfinder races are assumed to be distributed throughout or beyond the territory of the stellar nations, with several specific cases:

  • Orcs and goblins are menaces from beyond known space. Half-orcs are a Thuldan creation from genetic experimentation.
  • Shirrens are mostly found in the Verge, as the Swarm lurks somewhere beyond Hammer's Star (replacing the Klicks of Star*Drive).

Organizations[edit | edit source]

The Stewards of the Pact Worlds are replaced by the Concord Administrators who are functionally very similar but have far more power (at least in frontier territories)

The Android Abolitionist Front exists and is focused on activities against VoidCorp, the Starmech Collective, and the Rigunmor Consortium. The only nation that welcomes them is Insight.

The Free Captains are unchanged, operating mostly in the frontier regions.

The Starfinder Society exists, alongside other similar exploration groups such as the Verge Confederation.

The Augmented exist in form but not name; in this setting they have a whole stellar nation, the Nariac Domain.

The Star Knight orders of the Hellknights and the Knights of Golarion do not exist as such. The closest analog to both organizations are the Concord Marines, who have the dual mandate of protecting and aiding those in the in the frontier and border regions, and ruthlessly enforcing the peace between the stellar nations.

The Xenowardens have changed radically, becoming the Hatire Community. In this setting, the Xenowardens settled on a planet and then discovered an ancient faith that agreed with their own beliefs.

Magic Use[edit | edit source]

Attitudes towards mindwalking vary greatly by discipline. Technomancers are widely accepted and have a mercenary reputation. Mystics are respected in some nations but deeply distrusted in others. Solarians are rare but universally regarded with awe; individuals who show the potential to manifest a solar revelation are often recruited into civil service and academy trained. Some of the most high profile Concord Administrators are Solarians, as were many heroes of the Second Galactic War. Witchwarpers are exceptionally rare, the stuff of battlefield horror stories of squads of men mangled and burned by a shadowy figure's mere glance.

Divinity[edit | edit source]

The faiths of old Golarion do not hold the same sway in the Star*Finder setting. While they still do have their followers, they don't have the significance of the Insightful, the Orlamists, and the Hatire. These new and actively proselytizing faiths are backed by the might of their respective nation-states.

New Races from Star*Drive[edit | edit source]

Fraal[edit | edit source]

Fraal are Medium Humanoids with the Fraal subtype.

Ability Adjustments: +4 Wis, -2 Str; 3 HP

Racial Trait: Fraal gain Telepathic Message as an at-will supernatural ability.

Racial Trait: Fraal mystics double each value of their class's spells-per-day-per-level table.

Aleerian[edit | edit source]

Aleerians are Medium humanoids with the Aleerian subtype.

Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis, 4 HP

Racial Trait: For effects targeting creatures by type, Aleerians count as either humanoids or constructs (whichever effect is better).

Racial Trait: Aleerian technomancers double each value of their class's spells-per-day-per-level table

Sesheyan[edit | edit source]

Sesheyans are Small Humanoids with the Sesheyan subtype.

Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, +1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Cha; 3 HP

Racial Trait: A Sesheyan gains an extraordinary flight speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. Until a Sesheyan is 5th level, he must end his movement on the ground at the end of each turn or fall.

T'sa[edit | edit source]

T'sa are Small Humanoids with the T'sa subtype.

Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis; 3 HP

Racial Trait: T'sa are fast for their size and have a base speed of 40 feet.

Weren[edit | edit source]

Weren are Large Humanoids with the Gnoll subtype.

Ability Adjustments: +4 Str, -2 Int; 5 HP

Racial Trait: Weren can only use weapons with the analog rule.

Racial Trait: Weren receive a +4 bonus to Stealth checks in dim light or darker conditions.

The Stellar Nations[edit | edit source]

Listed below are the thirteen stellar nations founded by the Golarians. While each nation typically has one or several predominate races that originate from Golarion, it's important to note that even the smallest stellar nations measure their population in the hundreds of billions. Individuals of every encountered species can be found in nearly every nation, as all but the most xenophobic nations are aggressively promoting themselves to immigrants (to varying degrees of success).

Ability Adjustments and Racial Traits: Humans in Star*Finder do not receive the normal human racial traits and ability adjustments. A human character must select a stellar nation as their ancestry and take the traits and adjustments of that nation.

Austrin-Ontis Unlimited[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and Dwarf with significant Drow minority

One of several "corporate" stellar nations, Austrin-Ontis is the galaxy's leading arms manufacturer. Founded on an ethos of rugged individualism, the right to carry weaponry holds an almost spiritual significance to Austrins, as does the concept of personal honor. Subject to strict rules, dueling is a legal and accepted method of resolving disputes in Austrin territory.

For the purposes of governance, every Austrin citizen holds one voting share of stock in Austrin-Ontis Unlimited and with it the right to vote for the company's leadership. However for a stellar nation the Austrin state is very small relative to its population, and concerned principally with arms manufacturing and the military.

For a human and dwarven society, Austrin-Ontis has a surprisingly large population of lowborn drow. While drow are not normally appreciative of concepts such as "honor", the Austrin axiom that civility grows out of the credible threat of violence has its appeal.

Ability Adjustments: Austrin humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Dexterity.

Racial Trait: Austrin humans may cast Supercharge Weapon once per day as an extraordinary ability. The target weapon must be a small arm, longarm, or heavy weapon without the analog rule. An attack made when the weapon is supercharged in this way uses double the normal ammo.

Borealis Republic[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Overwhelmingly Human with extensive use of cloning, Bleachling Gnome minority

The Borealis colony began as a monarchy built upon widespread use of cloning to create a serf underclass. However, a revolution led to the abdication of the king and the elevation of everyone to peerage, resulting in a meritocracy where social standing is based on academic achievement. The conclusion of the revolution coincided with the end of the First Galactic War, and in the following years the Republic attracted significant numbers of bleachling gnome immigrants, drawn by the growth in academics in the new nation.

The Republic continues to practice the widespread use cloning and it is today the only nation to do so. The majority of Borealian humans are cloned from one of a few hundred source strains, with new strains being introduced roughly once or twice a decade. While natural procreation isn't restricted or even taboo, most clones regard it as somewhat uncouth. This is not helped by the fact that many female strains from the monarchy were extensively genetically engineered to weed out disagreeable traits, a point which still casts a shadow over relationships in the Republic even as the abdication fades into history.

Daily life in the Republic is dominated by the interactions of the philosophical colleges. Part political party and part informal caste, every adult claims membership in one. Colleges rise and fall over time, with typically a dozen commanding enough popular support to be significant. The rising upstart is the College of Justice Ethics, drawing support among the military and in remote settlements. Justice Ethics advocates a simple view of society where the survival of the community takes precedence over other concerns.

Ability Adjustments: Borelian humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence.

Racial Trait: Borelian humans have a higher maximum level for Intelligence. For any level, their maximum intelligence for that level is increased by 2.

Hatire Community[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Elf and Halfling with Human minority; cybernetic species virtually absent

The Hatire Community began as a colony of halflings and elves desiring to escape the march of science that had overtaken Golarion. Seeking a simpler way of life more in touch with their heritage and free from the taint of technology, they dove deep into the depths and found a new world to call home. Haven, as they would name it, became the prime destination for elves and halflings expatriating from Gol, and is now the largest concentration of them to be found in space.

Eventually the Hatire became aware that they were not the first beings to have called Haven home. Investigating ancient ruins, they learned of the previous inhabitants and their worship of Cosmir. The teachings they deciphered spread through the community like fire, confirming their convictions that purity of spirit and rejection of the taint of technology was right and just.

However, hard circumstances required compromises. The outbreak of the Second Galactic War necessitated the creation of a modern elite fighting force. And worse, no defense could be expected to hold back the might of the Thuldan Empire. With no alternative, the Hatire were quick to become a client state of the Thuldans.

Ability Adjustments: Hatire humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Wisdom.

Racial Trait: Hatire humans may cast Divine Aspect once per day as a supernatural ability, using their character level as their caster level.

Insight[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and Android plurality

Insight was born in the waning days of the second galactic war, when a division of Voidcorp went rogue and declared independence, taking with them most of their parent nation's computing talent. While a very small nation with a weak military, Insight's expertise in digital attack is unparalleled.

Ability Adjustments: Inseer humans gain +1 Dexterity and +1 Intelligence.

Racial Trait: Inseer humans may cast Delay Countermeasures once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.

Nariac Domain[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and Dwarf, most citizens have augmentations

The Nariac Domain began as a colony founded on a marginally habitable planet. With little reserve for waste or error they were forced by circumstances to create a collectivist technocracy and a spartan lifestyle with no tolerance for dissent or corruption. To make the most of their scarce manpower they embraced cybernetic augmentation, while those able to manifest powers were inducted into civil service or placed under observation if they refused.

During the Second Galactic War, the Domain became a client state of Voidcorp and faced off against their Austrin neighbors. The Austrin-Nariac front was by far the most brutal theater of the conflict. While the Austrins remain bitterly angry with the Nariacs over the war, the Nariacs themselves reserve their wrath for Voidcorp.

For a variety of reasons, the Nariacs have a dim view of magic users, particularly Mystics. Their nation has always had a disproportionately low number of magically gifted individuals, making it harder to get the few they do have to accept the collectivist lifestyle of the Domain.

Ability Adjustments: Nariac humans gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Strength.

Racial Trait: Nariac humans gain one free augmentation of level 3 or less.

Orion League[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Elf and Fraal; overall the most diverse nation by far.

The Orion League formed out of an alliance of several smaller colonies seeking to protect their trading fleets from harassment. The resulting nation is a prosperous and cosmopolitan society that is unusually accepting of new members as long as they subscribe to its core beliefs of liberalism and autonomy. Because of their openness, Orions boast the highest percentage of non-humans among their numbers, and in particular the most Fraal.

The Orion League was instrumental in negotiating the Concord Treaty, and are by far the most consistent supporter of Concord. Their idealism frequently puts them at odds with not only the members of the Expansion Pentad, but also the more mercantilistic states of the Profit Confederation

Ability Adjustments: Orion humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Wisdom.

Racial Trait: Orion humans may cast Comprehend Customs once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.

Orlamu Theocracy[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human majority, significant Weren and Driftborn Gnome minority

Founded by the first human test pilot to enter the Drift, the Orlamu are a liberal theocracy which reveres Triune and Drift travel. More than any other stellar nation, they invest enormous effort into studying the Drift, and produce the best Drift engines money can buy.

The Theocracy's crowning achievement to date is the Lighthouse of Faith, the largest drift-capable vessel ever constructed. Badly damaged in the Second War, the Lighthouse was refitted and gifted to the Concord as a mobile space station, now serving as the headquarters of Concord activity in the Verge region.

Although a small minority, Weren form the fastest growing share of the Orlamu population. Their zeal and martial prowess serve them well both in the Orlamu military and in the priesthood.

Ability Adjustments: Orlamu humans gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Wisdom.

Racial Trait: Orlamu humans may cast Pinpoint Navigation once per day as a supernatural ability, using their character level as their caster level.

Rigunmor Star Consortium[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and Mechalus

Wealth is everything. There is no vice in the pursuit of money for money is simply an expression of man's productivity and ingenuity. Let the richest lead, for they have proven their worth.

True everywhere, says the Rigunmor Star Consortium; and the results are hard to argue with. While the Consortium is neither the largest stellar nation, nor the most powerful, it is by far the richest. The Consortium is exactly that, a consortium. Composed of and controlled by the largest business interests in its territory. Constantly jockeying for wealth and power, it would seem inevitable that the Consortium would be short lived and succumb to outside interference. But they are united with one common ideology. and that is the rejection of any ideology above the pursuit of wealth.

Contributing to their fortunes is their discovery and subsequent deal with the Mechalus. The undisputed masters of cyberorganic technology, the Mechalus were to thank for protecting the Consortium from electronic attack during the Second War. While few Mechalus share the acquisitive nature of the Rigunmor society, their home planet Aleer grows rich leasing their expertise to the Consortium.

The flagship of the Consortium is the fortress ship Oneagle, which simultaneously serves as the seat of government.

Ability Adjustments: Rigunmor humans gain +1 Charisma and +1 Dexterity.

Racial Trait: Rigunmor humans may cast Charm Person once per day as an extraordinary ability, using their character level as their caster level.

StarMech Collective[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Overwhelming SRO majority, Human and Feychild Gnome minority

Equal parts famous and infamous, the engineers of the StarMech Collective are some of the most talented starship designers alive, while simultaneously known throughout space as the galaxy's foremost hedonists. The collective owes its existence to a diplomatic coup during the negotiation of the treaty that concluded the first galactic war, by means of the most debauched party ever held at a peace summit. When sun arose the next morning, the StarMechs had secured enough support to ensure themselves control over a sparsely populated region of space by literally drinking the delegates under the table.

In order to support their libertine lifestyle with a comparatively small population, the StarMechs rely heavily on robots. While free androids do exist, the overwhelming majority of synthetics in the collective are lawfully indentured SROs, having been built specifically to work. Most serve in the Collective's vast starship yards, and no expense is spared to keep them operating at their peak. Overall while the StarMech view on synthetics is far from egalitarian, they do not view them as expendable but rather as a prized asset.

Ability Adjustments: StarMech humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Intelligence.

Racial Trait: StarMech humans may cast Patch Tech once per day as an extraordinary ability using their character level as their caster level.

Thuldan Empire[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Overwhelming Human majority; widespread use of genetic manipulation including Half-Elf and Half-Orc minorities

The Thuldan Empire was the creation of mogul Gregor Kent, to realize his vision of a manifest destiny for Golarians in the stars. However what they consider patriotic zeal is regarded by most other nations as brazen imperialism. The Thuldans make no effort to conceal or moderate their desire to unite space under one rule, and most historians blame them for instigating the Tau Ceti riots which initiated the Second Galactic War.

Despite their belligerent tendencies, the Thuldan Empire is by far the most tolerant nation with regards to human mutants and half-human hybrids. Half-elves and half-orcs face no discrimination in the empire, and there are no taboos about biotech. Imperial geneticists are the undisputed masters of biological manipulation, and this is reflected in the strong, healthy Thuldan populace.

Thuldan society is direct and unsophisticated. Their education is militarized, and their culture favors contests of physical prowess over more enlightening forms of entertainment. Many Thuldans are irreligious, although roughly a quarter follow the Hatire faith and their numbers continue to grow. Hatire missionaries have carefully preached an interpretation of their faith that emphasizes the virtues of effort and rejecting decadence, while minimizing any criticisms of genetic manipulation.

Ability Adjustments: Thuldan humans gain +1 Constitution and +1 Strength.

Racial Trait: Thuldan humans gain one free biotech of level 3 or less.

Union of Gol[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human plurality, almost as cosmopolitian as the Orion League.

Sitting at the heart of known space, the Union of Gol was born out of the treaty that concluded the First Galactic War. The Union today is a densely populated cluster of systems featuring some of the largest cities in known space. Centuries of development have left it starved for resources but its location makes it a natural hub of commerce. The Union maintains a healthy rivalry with the Rigunmor Star Consortium as the financial capital of the stellar nations.

Over the centuries billions have emigrated from the Union, but billions more from newly discovered races have immigrated for the opportunities to be found there. Only the Orion League can boast a diaspora to match the Union.

Ability Adjustments: Union humans gain +1 to any 2 different abilities

Racial Trait: Union humans gain the skill focus feat.

VoidCorp[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and Drow, significant Sesheyan minority

Step up or be stepped on. So goes the saying in VoidCorp. Universally reviled even by its supposed allies, no nation more perfectly embodies the extremes of unbridled socio-economic Darwinism. Founded as the space development division of a large Golarian multinational, VoidCorp severed its ties to its parent in the first war and never looked back.

Life in VoidCorp is ruthless and competitive. Citizens of VoidCorp are employees of VoidCorp, and are organized into a social rank system that denotes job role, achievement, and thus, seniority, reduced to a two letter code AA to ZZ (CEO). Employees of M rank and higher are typically managers and experts, while the Z rank consists of the executive leadership. Employees of lower rank jockey for favor and promotion, while those above have no regard for those below.

Cruel and exploitative though it may be, it works, and it works well. VoidCorp is not the strongest nation in terms of wealth, military strength, economic output, or technological prowess, but there is no single nation that outperforms them across all these metrics.

Ability Adjustments: VoidCorp humans gain +1 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom.

Racial Trait: VoidCorp humans gain an additional skill rank at the 1st level and every level thereafter.

Galactic Concord[edit | edit source]

Predominant Species: Human and T'sa plurality, although no species exceeds 10% of population.

The Galactic Concord was established by treaty at the conclusion of the second war. It consists of three regions (Concord Prime, Concord Taurus, Concord Sagittarius) which encompassed the bulk of the contested battlegrounds of the war. Blasted by decades of fighting, these regions would require complete recolonization to become economically useful. Concord serves a dual purpose of acting as a neutral stellar nation and peacekeeping force, while directing the reconstruction efforts. To achieve this goal, each nation was obliged to tithe a portion of their naval forces to Concord, immediately making Concord one of the most militarily powerful stellar nations, while billions of colonists were recruited from all nations to resettle Concord space. Many of those recruited were anti-war dissidents in their former nations, or refugees from nations which were destroyed entirely such as the Dreth Commonwealth or the Leodal States. What unites them is the hard work they see ahead; more than any other nation, the people of the Concord have a shared sense of purpose and duty, to rebuild and preserve the peace.

In addition Concord encompasses the T'sa cluster. Since first contact the T'sa have steadfastly refused to align themselves with any power or recognize any claims of sovereignty over their space. By remaining neutral and building an intimidating defensive force they were able to hold their own in the second war even while colonizing the rest of the nearby systems in their dense, compact cluster. T'sa territory has grown to encompass almost thirty systems, and is essentially a self-governing island within the larger Concord. Relations between the T'sa and Concord are cool but not confrontational, and many individual T'sa have accepted Concord's offer of dual citizenship.

As part of its duties, Concord was accepted as a neutral mediator to settle territorial disputes in the frontier regions. The agency tasked with this duty came to known as the Administrators. Part diplomatic service, part intelligence agency, the Administrators quickly proved to be the most irksome consequence of the Concord treaty. As the stellar nations restored contact with their furthest colonies, not all were receptive to distant rule after a century of autonomy. The Administrators' stance of defending colonial self-determination has frequently put them at odds with every stellar nation. The other nations all work around the margins of the treaty to advance their own agendas but none are willing to resort to military confrontation; any nation openly challenging Concord would draw retaliation from all others.

Ability Adjustments: Concord humans gain +1 Strength and +1 Wisdom.

Racial Trait: Concord humans gain the Toughness feat.