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Badasious is a radical Inquisitor who is known for his being a "Badass" in pretty much anything he attempts.
[[Image:Inquisitor_Badasious(Medium_Size).PNG|400px|thumb|right|Inquisitor Badasious, pulling off his best Big Boss impression.(WIP)]]
Badasious is a Puritan Inquisitor who is known for his being a "Badass" in pretty much anything he attempts.

Badasious is the only one in the Inquisitorial forces that can command the [[Angry Marines]] on what to attack. He proved his Badassiousness, and works out the tactical deployment of the Angry Marines, because they're too angry to do it themselves. When he’s not organising the angry marines or being a general badass he acts as a sort of leader for the [[Codex - Officio Iratus|Officio Iratus]], the very angry (and somewhat rogue) part of the inquisition and ministorium.

Inquisitor Badasious is known to have a hallway that takes 10 minutes to jog down (so somewhere around 2 miles long), lined top to floor with the skulls of his enemies.

Things Inquisitor Badasious has been known to do:

== Things Inquisitor Badasious has been known to do: ==

He would put a Space Marine to shame. (and at one point beat one to death with his boot)

There used to be female space marines. Badasious fucked them to extintion.
*He can put a Space Marine to shame. (and at one point beat one to death with his boot, this actually happened.)

Leman Russ once got into a fight with an Imperator class Titan and punched it in the face, shattering it into a million pieces.
*There used to be female space marines. Badasious fucked them to extinction. (HERESY!) (BADASSERY!)
Badasious once got into a fight with Leman Russ and punched him in the face, shattering HIM into a million pieces.

Inquisitor Badasious can impregnate human females just by glaring from across the street. Eldar women, too.
*Badasious once got into a fight with an Imperator-class Titan and punched it in the face, shattering it into a million pieces.

Badasious is so badass, that he can satisfy a Sister of Rage.
*Badasious once got into a fight with a Leman Russ Battle Tank and punched it in the front armour, shattering it into a million pieces.

Badasious once had a sidekick. His name was God-Emperor of Mankind.
*Badasious once got into a fight with a [[Baneblade]] and punched it in the front armour, shattering it into a million Leman Russes. This ability has caused the AdMech to lose a lot of bussiness.

Badasious once tricked a "planet full of assholes" into getting themselves exterminatus'd.
*Inquisitor Badasious can impregnate human females just by glaring from across the street. [[Eldar]] women, too. In fact he has so many Half-Eldar kids that every few minutes he's psychically contacted by large numbers of Eldar females who tell him to take care of his kids only for Badasious to make them pregnant all over again.
*Trivia:90% of all Eldar babies born by the 42nd Millennium are related to Badasious. (HERESY!)
*Badasious is so badass, that he can satisfy a [[Sisters of Battle|Sister of Rage]].
*Badasious once had a sidekick. His name was [[God-Emperor of Mankind]].(EXTRA HERESY!)
*Badasious once tricked a "planet full of assholes" into getting themselves Exterminatus'd. (Actually happened)
*[[Kharn]] wants to be Badasious when he grows up.
*Badasious once looted Ghazghkull's main space hulk, then he peed on his rug.
*Badasious was once cloned while visiting Krieg in an effort to replicate his badassness. His three clone sons now battle over who received his dominant genes (METAL GEAR AWESOME HERESEY!!! TRANC DARTS FOR EVERYONE!!!)
*Inquisitor Badasious requires no Geller field to travel the Warp. He just sits in a glass dome at the top of the ship and stares down the daemons until they piss themselves and slink away.
*Inquisitor Badasious once punched a daemon so hard, it created the Eye of Terror. (Named after him of course)
*Eldar Banshees hone their minds and bodies preparing for Badasious.
*Creed learned everything he knows about strategy from watching Badasious play chess once.
*Slaanesh was once straight, but when he saw Badasious, he went bi (definite heresey, slaanesh is an equal opportunity genital devouer).
*Inquisitor Badasious once ate a smurf village. When he crapped them out, they were eight feet tall and clad in power armor. They are known now as Ultramarines.
*Badasious once got into an arm-wrestling competition with [[Abaddon]]. Abaddon had his arms before that.
*Badasious is so damn badass, this page does not do him justice.
*[[Matt Ward]] wishes his Ultramarines were half as badass as him.
*Badasious once listened to Tzeentch for two hours, and Tzeentch's head exploded.
*Badasious was about to lose a game of rock paper scissors to a daemon prince but pulled of Exterminatus with his fingers and literally mind fucked the daemon prince.
*Sly Marbo sometimes wishes he was Badasious, but then he remembers that he’s sly marbo and therefore superior, badasious thinks the same but opposite thing.
*Badasious used to go to Yarricks, creeds, sly marbos (and now fuklaws) weekly poker night, but was banned after always playing royal flushes, even when he only had one card in hand.
*Badasious can get guys pregnant by just glaring at them.
*Badasious never executes fleeing guardsmen, the guardsmans comrades simply beat the him to death out of fear of what Badasious might do if he has the kill the retreating guardsman himself.
*Badasious once thought about becoming a commissar, the imperial guard rejected his application on the grounds that badasious simply applying for the job resulted in hundreds of guardsmen preemptively committing suicide out of sheer terror.
*As badasious doesn’t need the astranomicon to navigate he simply uses its light to tune his tv.
*If badasious ever turned to chaos chaos would automatically lose as badasious executed all the heretic guardsmen and space marines out of simple muscle memory.
*Slaanesh is too scared to sleep with badasious, which just makes him/her/it/they want to do it just to see what would happened.
**Last time it happened it created the Big Bang, although both sly Marbo and badasious claim to have done this so we can only assume that it was actually a team effort.
*Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so, unless your badasious in which case time and lunch is a steak sandwich with a side order and chips with spicy sauce.
*Badasious once got into a fight with Leman Russ and punched him in the face, shattering HIM into a million wolf-pieces. (HERESY!)
==The Skulls of his enemies==
Like Sly Marbo, being a badass doesn’t stop you from having enemies, a lot of enemies, such humans on current day earth would have at least tens of thousands of enemies, multiply that out to a galactic scale and the list become very, very long indeed. This doesn’t bother badassious as there’s plenty of room for more skulls in his hallway of skulls, the man collects so many skulls in fact that he is the main reason my beserkers of khorne are still in business, as badasious effectively pushes up the value of an individual skull by removing them from the galaxy and into his collection, making the skulls still left uncollected more valuable. In fact, if a bezerker were to ever get hold of badasious’ skull collection he would immediately devalue the skull and leave every single worshipper of khorne unemployed, instead relying on collecting blood for the blood god, which as everyone knows is no way to earn a living, blood being an infinite resource.
Cranial based economics to one side however, badasious has a lot of skulls, most of whom are nameless foes but their of skulls in his collection which once belonged to mighty enemies, such as:
*The head of the original swarmlord (still with papa smurf chunks in its teeth).
*The head of ward (although that head has been in the possession of most of the factions in the 40k universe)
*The head of every squat (you don’t really think it was the tyranids who killed them did you? How do you think GW retcons stuff?).
*The head of every person executed by guillotine during the French revolution, although they died long before Badasious was born they were enemies of the establishment, and therefore HERETICS! He also finds their period wigs amusing, it's the simple things in life which keep him going.
*An uncounted number of heads belonging to necron lords possessed by Trazyn the Infinite. Badasious has a small plinth half way down his corridor of skulls reserved for Trazyn's head when he finally gets hold of it.
*A head from a greater deamon from each of the [[malal|5]] chaos gods other than the head of a great unclean one because:
**1. They’re entirely capable of functioning without a head, and.
**2. They can regenerate their necks faster than badasious can hack.
== The Purging of Talis ==
Badasious has been seen with tears sneaking down the sides of his chiselled, weathered features. For a moment, he seems less like a living legend, the bogeyman in an organization of bogeymen, and more like a mortal, old beyond his features, and his expression gaunt, not edged, lined not with harshness, but weariness.
One of his Interrogators, who was attending him at the time, reported that he hear Badasious croak a phrase under his breath in awe as the tiny diamonds rolled down his cheeks.
"Such divine beauty."
Inquisitor Badasious then turned and strode quietly from the bridge of his personal battlecruiser, almost at peace, as the corrupt, traitor filled and chaos tainted planet of Talis concluded its molten florescence and subsided into glassy fragments of ash on the viewscreen behind him.
== Badasious Profile ==
===7th edition===
For those who want to field a Inquisitor that costs as much as a Land Raider, yet want a lot of fun with seeing their opponents faces when a single Inquisitor kicks load of heretical and xeno arses.
'''<big>Inquisitor Badasious (425 pts - Lord of War)</big>'''
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! LD !! Sv
| Inquisitor Badasious|| 5 || 5 || 5 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 10 || 2+/4++/3++
'''Unit Type''': '''Infantry (Character)'''
'''Unit Composition''': '''1 (Unique)'''
'''Warlord Trait''': Inquisitor Badasious can chose two Warlord Traits from Codex Inquisition. He can choose any combination from both the Inquisitorial Warlord Traits and the Ordo specific Warlord Traits. Alternatively he can choose two different Warlord Traits from the Warlord Lists shown in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook. See the '''BADASS''' SR.
'''Wargear''': War Armor of Badasious, Blade of Badasious, Hand of Badasious, Shield of Badasious, Frag and Krak Grenades.
'''Special Rules''':
* '''Independent Character'''
* '''Psyker (Mastery Level 3)'''
* '''Zealot'''
* '''Rage'''
* '''Rampage'''
* '''Counterattack'''
* '''Relentless'''
* '''Crusader'''
* '''Move Through Cover'''
* '''Feel No Pain'''
* '''It Will Not Die'''
* '''Adamantine Will'''
* '''BADASS'''
* '''Nigh-Invulnerable'''
* '''Lord of Rage'''
Psychic Powers:
Inquisitor Badasious generates powers from the '''Divination''', '''Pyromancy''', '''Biomancy''', '''Telekinesis''', '''Telepathy''' and '''Sanctic Daemonlogy''' disciplines.
Special Rules:
* '''BADASS''': Badasious is known for his incredible feats of badassery. So great are his skills, as well so long is his list of successes that even the [[Grey Knights]] would have difficulties in recreating what the Inquisitor is capable of doing. Inquisitor Badasious deals additional d3 attacks when he's engaged against enemy squads, and all his attacks deal Instant Death on a roll of 6 in Challenges. When fighting models with the Daemon and/or Monstrous/Gargantuan Creature USR, Badasious forces his quarry to re-roll once per-turn successful attacks against him. Badasious is so badass that he can choose any combination of two Warlord Traits from Codex Inquisition (both Inquisitorial Warlord traits and any of the Ordo specific ones). Alternatively he can choose two different Warlord Traits from the Warlord Lists shown in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook. If Badasious chooses the '''Will of Iron''' or the '''Purity of Mankind''' Warlord Traits, then he gains +1 to his Adamantine Will saves and A respectfully. Badasious can use '''Sanctic Daemonology''' powers normally like any Psychic Discipline presented in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook.
* '''Nigh-Invulnerable''': Badasious met all manners of terrifying, army destroying weapons that would leave nothing standing no matter how durable or powerful they are, and survived to tell the tale. Is it luck, sheer stubbornness, The Emperor's grace, or a combination of all three, Badasious doesn't try to think about it. What really matters is that the enemy failed to kill him and they will pay for failing. Badasious counts as having the '''Eternal Warrior''' USR, yet additionally when a enemy with a D Strength weapon rolls a 6 on the Destroyer Weapon Attack Table and strikes at him, Badasious suffers instead a single wound.
* '''Lord of Rage''': Badasious can be part of a [[Angry Marines]] detachment instead of an Inquisitorial one. Additionally all Angry Marines in a range of 12" of Badasious can re-roll once per turn any failed WS, BS, or Ld rolls. He takes up a HQ slot on the Force Organization Chart.
*'''War Armor of Badasious''': An armor that was specifically modified by Badasious to fit his needs. Apart of being meticulously crafted by master artificers, the armor incorporates a Rosarius that is powered by Badasious's own indomitable soul. Additionally the shield generated by the Rosarius is even harder to hit by any ranged or melee weapon. Daemons will find it more difficult to fight Badasious as his armor also weakens them greatly when in the vicinity of the Inquisitor. The War Armor of Badasious is a Artificer Armour with a built in Rosarius and grants him a 2+ Save and a 4++ Invulnerable Save. Additionally any enemy model that tries to hit Badasious with their melee or ranged weapons do so with a -1 to WS and BS. Models with the Daemon USR additionally get a -1 to their Inv Saves, S and I when in 6" of Badasious.
*'''Blade of Badasious''': An ancient relic blade of unknown origin, this weapon served Badasious faithfully for many years and cut down many enemies of The Emperor with a terrifying force, mocking their defenses and resilience. Although it's two-handed, only Badasious is physically strong enough to wield it in one hand with ease. The Blade of Badasious is a Relic Blade with the following profile:
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
| Blade of Badasious || - || 3+ || 2 || Melee, Master Crafted, Rending, Armourbane, Fleshbane
*'''Hand of Badasious''': Inquisitor Badasious's personal bolt pistol that served him well since he became an Acolyte. It's actually hard to call it a bolt pistol, as it is too big to be qualified as one. Over the time since his career as an Acolyte, Badasious's pistol underwent a series of modifications and upgrades in order to match up with the hazards its owner needed to deal with. The Hand of Badasious is a Bolt Pistol with the following profile:
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
| Hand of Badasious || 36 || 6 || 3 || Pistol, Master Crafted, Shred, Force, Psy-shock
Once per turn it may be swapped with the '''Shield of Badasious'''. Badasious loses then his ranged attack unless he swaps back. Once swapped, Badasious cannot swap back until the next turn.
*'''Shield of Badasious''': Inquisitor Badasious's personal Storm Shield. Although it is smaller than the more usual Storm Shields, yet still larger than the Combat Shields used by Space Marines, the shield is made out of lighter and more durable materials and incorporates a small yet powerful energy generator. Due to it's size and weight, Badasious can quickly stun his enemies in combat with a precise concussive hit, or put it on his back and draw his bolt pistol. The Shield of Badasious is a Storm Shield that makes Badasious's melee attacks gain the '''Concussive''' USR. Stacks with '''War Armor of Badasious'''.
Once per turn it may be swapped with the '''Hand of Badasious'''. Badasious loses then his 3++ Inv Save and his attacks lose the '''Concussive''' USR unless he swaps back. Once swapped, Badasious cannot swap back until the next turn.
===8th edition===
Inquisitor Badasious is a single model armed with the Blade of Badasious, the Hand of Badasious, the Shield of Badasious, and Frag and Krak Grenades
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! LD !! Sv !! Points cost
| Inquisitor Badasious || 7” || 2+ || 2+ || 5 || 5 || 7 || 4 || 10 || 2+ || 250
{| class=wikitable cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=centre
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| '''Blade of Badasious''' || Melee || Melee || +2 || -4 || 3 || This weapon always wounds its target on a 3+ or better. Units damaged by this weapon subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic until the next turn.
| '''Hand of Badasious''' || 36" || Pistol 3 || 6 || -3 || D2 || This weapon always wounds its target on a 4+ or better. Units damaged by this weapon subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic until the next turn.
*'''You there! I'll be having your head next!''': Badasious is very particular about the heads he takes, and is capable of picking out a single person from a crowd as his target from a mile away.
**This model may assign damage to individual models in a target unit instead of your opponent assigning damage. In addition, this model may target '''CHARACTER'''s even if they're not the closest unit.
*'''BADASS''': Badasious is known for his incredible feats of badassery. So great are his skills, as well so long is his list of successes that even the [[Grey Knights]] would have difficulties in recreating what the Inquisitor is capable of doing.
**This model may choose a warlord trait (if he is your warlord) from the angry marines codex or the Officio Iratus codex. In addition, this model re-rolls all failed hit and wound rolls, and wound rolls of 6+ against '''CHARACTER'''s deal an additional D3 mortal wounds. As a small addition, this model may use all its grenades in the shooting and overwatch phases along with its other ranged weapons.
*'''Nigh-Invulnerable''': Badasious has faced all manners of terrifying, army destroying weapons that would leave nothing standing no matter how durable or powerful they are, and survived to tell the tale. Is it luck, sheer stubbornness, The Emperor's grace, or a combination of all three, Badasious doesn't try to think about it. What really matters is that the enemy failed to kill him and they will pay for failing.
**This model may only be wounded on a 3+ or worse, has a 4++ invulnerability save, ignores damage on a 5+ and all damage dealt to him is halved (rounding up).
*'''Shield of Badasious''': Sometimes Badasious’ raw badassnous is not enough to protect himself. In those situations he calmly puts his pistol away, and pulls out his shield and a thermos of tea, because it’s going to take a god emperor knows amount of firepower to shift him now.
**At the beginning of your turn you may choose for this model to put away its pistol, and instead wield its shield. If so this model may not fire its pistol until your next turn when you must decide again whether or not to use the pistol or shield, but this model increases its invulnerability save to a 3++ and all models targeting this model must subtract one from their hit rolls. In addition, units which successfully charge this model or are successfully charged by this model suffer one mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Officio Iratus
Keywords: Infantry, Charecter, Inquisitor Badasious

Latest revision as of 21:47, 17 June 2023

Inquisitor Badasious, pulling off his best Big Boss impression.(WIP)

Badasious is a Puritan Inquisitor who is known for his being a "Badass" in pretty much anything he attempts.

Badasious is the only one in the Inquisitorial forces that can command the Angry Marines on what to attack. He proved his Badassiousness, and works out the tactical deployment of the Angry Marines, because they're too angry to do it themselves. When he’s not organising the angry marines or being a general badass he acts as a sort of leader for the Officio Iratus, the very angry (and somewhat rogue) part of the inquisition and ministorium.

Inquisitor Badasious is known to have a hallway that takes 10 minutes to jog down (so somewhere around 2 miles long), lined top to floor with the skulls of his enemies.

Things Inquisitor Badasious has been known to do:[edit | edit source]

  • He can put a Space Marine to shame. (and at one point beat one to death with his boot, this actually happened.)
  • There used to be female space marines. Badasious fucked them to extinction. (HERESY!) (BADASSERY!)
  • Badasious once got into a fight with an Imperator-class Titan and punched it in the face, shattering it into a million pieces.
  • Badasious once got into a fight with a Leman Russ Battle Tank and punched it in the front armour, shattering it into a million pieces.
  • Badasious once got into a fight with a Baneblade and punched it in the front armour, shattering it into a million Leman Russes. This ability has caused the AdMech to lose a lot of bussiness.
  • Inquisitor Badasious can impregnate human females just by glaring from across the street. Eldar women, too. In fact he has so many Half-Eldar kids that every few minutes he's psychically contacted by large numbers of Eldar females who tell him to take care of his kids only for Badasious to make them pregnant all over again.
  • Trivia:90% of all Eldar babies born by the 42nd Millennium are related to Badasious. (HERESY!)
  • Badasious once tricked a "planet full of assholes" into getting themselves Exterminatus'd. (Actually happened)
  • Kharn wants to be Badasious when he grows up.
  • Badasious once looted Ghazghkull's main space hulk, then he peed on his rug.
  • Badasious was once cloned while visiting Krieg in an effort to replicate his badassness. His three clone sons now battle over who received his dominant genes (METAL GEAR AWESOME HERESEY!!! TRANC DARTS FOR EVERYONE!!!)
  • Inquisitor Badasious requires no Geller field to travel the Warp. He just sits in a glass dome at the top of the ship and stares down the daemons until they piss themselves and slink away.
  • Inquisitor Badasious once punched a daemon so hard, it created the Eye of Terror. (Named after him of course)
  • Eldar Banshees hone their minds and bodies preparing for Badasious.
  • Creed learned everything he knows about strategy from watching Badasious play chess once.
  • Slaanesh was once straight, but when he saw Badasious, he went bi (definite heresey, slaanesh is an equal opportunity genital devouer).
  • Inquisitor Badasious once ate a smurf village. When he crapped them out, they were eight feet tall and clad in power armor. They are known now as Ultramarines.
  • Badasious once got into an arm-wrestling competition with Abaddon. Abaddon had his arms before that.
  • Badasious is so damn badass, this page does not do him justice.
  • Matt Ward wishes his Ultramarines were half as badass as him.
  • Badasious once listened to Tzeentch for two hours, and Tzeentch's head exploded.
  • Badasious was about to lose a game of rock paper scissors to a daemon prince but pulled of Exterminatus with his fingers and literally mind fucked the daemon prince.
  • Sly Marbo sometimes wishes he was Badasious, but then he remembers that he’s sly marbo and therefore superior, badasious thinks the same but opposite thing.
  • Badasious used to go to Yarricks, creeds, sly marbos (and now fuklaws) weekly poker night, but was banned after always playing royal flushes, even when he only had one card in hand.
  • Badasious can get guys pregnant by just glaring at them.
  • Badasious never executes fleeing guardsmen, the guardsmans comrades simply beat the him to death out of fear of what Badasious might do if he has the kill the retreating guardsman himself.
  • Badasious once thought about becoming a commissar, the imperial guard rejected his application on the grounds that badasious simply applying for the job resulted in hundreds of guardsmen preemptively committing suicide out of sheer terror.
  • As badasious doesn’t need the astranomicon to navigate he simply uses its light to tune his tv.
  • If badasious ever turned to chaos chaos would automatically lose as badasious executed all the heretic guardsmen and space marines out of simple muscle memory.
  • Slaanesh is too scared to sleep with badasious, which just makes him/her/it/they want to do it just to see what would happened.
    • Last time it happened it created the Big Bang, although both sly Marbo and badasious claim to have done this so we can only assume that it was actually a team effort.
  • Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so, unless your badasious in which case time and lunch is a steak sandwich with a side order and chips with spicy sauce.
  • Badasious once got into a fight with Leman Russ and punched him in the face, shattering HIM into a million wolf-pieces. (HERESY!)

The Skulls of his enemies[edit | edit source]

Like Sly Marbo, being a badass doesn’t stop you from having enemies, a lot of enemies, such humans on current day earth would have at least tens of thousands of enemies, multiply that out to a galactic scale and the list become very, very long indeed. This doesn’t bother badassious as there’s plenty of room for more skulls in his hallway of skulls, the man collects so many skulls in fact that he is the main reason my beserkers of khorne are still in business, as badasious effectively pushes up the value of an individual skull by removing them from the galaxy and into his collection, making the skulls still left uncollected more valuable. In fact, if a bezerker were to ever get hold of badasious’ skull collection he would immediately devalue the skull and leave every single worshipper of khorne unemployed, instead relying on collecting blood for the blood god, which as everyone knows is no way to earn a living, blood being an infinite resource.

Cranial based economics to one side however, badasious has a lot of skulls, most of whom are nameless foes but their of skulls in his collection which once belonged to mighty enemies, such as:

  • The head of the original swarmlord (still with papa smurf chunks in its teeth).
  • The head of ward (although that head has been in the possession of most of the factions in the 40k universe)
  • The head of every squat (you don’t really think it was the tyranids who killed them did you? How do you think GW retcons stuff?).
  • The head of every person executed by guillotine during the French revolution, although they died long before Badasious was born they were enemies of the establishment, and therefore HERETICS! He also finds their period wigs amusing, it's the simple things in life which keep him going.
  • An uncounted number of heads belonging to necron lords possessed by Trazyn the Infinite. Badasious has a small plinth half way down his corridor of skulls reserved for Trazyn's head when he finally gets hold of it.
  • A head from a greater deamon from each of the 5 chaos gods other than the head of a great unclean one because:
    • 1. They’re entirely capable of functioning without a head, and.
    • 2. They can regenerate their necks faster than badasious can hack.

The Purging of Talis[edit | edit source]

Badasious has been seen with tears sneaking down the sides of his chiselled, weathered features. For a moment, he seems less like a living legend, the bogeyman in an organization of bogeymen, and more like a mortal, old beyond his features, and his expression gaunt, not edged, lined not with harshness, but weariness. One of his Interrogators, who was attending him at the time, reported that he hear Badasious croak a phrase under his breath in awe as the tiny diamonds rolled down his cheeks. "Such divine beauty." Inquisitor Badasious then turned and strode quietly from the bridge of his personal battlecruiser, almost at peace, as the corrupt, traitor filled and chaos tainted planet of Talis concluded its molten florescence and subsided into glassy fragments of ash on the viewscreen behind him.

Badasious Profile[edit | edit source]

7th edition[edit | edit source]

For those who want to field a Inquisitor that costs as much as a Land Raider, yet want a lot of fun with seeing their opponents faces when a single Inquisitor kicks load of heretical and xeno arses.

Inquisitor Badasious (425 pts - Lord of War)

Name WS BS S T W I A LD Sv
Inquisitor Badasious 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 10 2+/4++/3++

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Warlord Trait: Inquisitor Badasious can chose two Warlord Traits from Codex Inquisition. He can choose any combination from both the Inquisitorial Warlord Traits and the Ordo specific Warlord Traits. Alternatively he can choose two different Warlord Traits from the Warlord Lists shown in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook. See the BADASS SR.

Wargear: War Armor of Badasious, Blade of Badasious, Hand of Badasious, Shield of Badasious, Frag and Krak Grenades.

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 3)
  • Zealot
  • Rage
  • Rampage
  • Counterattack
  • Relentless
  • Crusader
  • Move Through Cover
  • Feel No Pain
  • It Will Not Die
  • Adamantine Will
  • Nigh-Invulnerable
  • Lord of Rage

Psychic Powers: Inquisitor Badasious generates powers from the Divination, Pyromancy, Biomancy, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Sanctic Daemonlogy disciplines.

Special Rules:

  • BADASS: Badasious is known for his incredible feats of badassery. So great are his skills, as well so long is his list of successes that even the Grey Knights would have difficulties in recreating what the Inquisitor is capable of doing. Inquisitor Badasious deals additional d3 attacks when he's engaged against enemy squads, and all his attacks deal Instant Death on a roll of 6 in Challenges. When fighting models with the Daemon and/or Monstrous/Gargantuan Creature USR, Badasious forces his quarry to re-roll once per-turn successful attacks against him. Badasious is so badass that he can choose any combination of two Warlord Traits from Codex Inquisition (both Inquisitorial Warlord traits and any of the Ordo specific ones). Alternatively he can choose two different Warlord Traits from the Warlord Lists shown in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook. If Badasious chooses the Will of Iron or the Purity of Mankind Warlord Traits, then he gains +1 to his Adamantine Will saves and A respectfully. Badasious can use Sanctic Daemonology powers normally like any Psychic Discipline presented in the Warhammer 40000 Rulebook.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Badasious met all manners of terrifying, army destroying weapons that would leave nothing standing no matter how durable or powerful they are, and survived to tell the tale. Is it luck, sheer stubbornness, The Emperor's grace, or a combination of all three, Badasious doesn't try to think about it. What really matters is that the enemy failed to kill him and they will pay for failing. Badasious counts as having the Eternal Warrior USR, yet additionally when a enemy with a D Strength weapon rolls a 6 on the Destroyer Weapon Attack Table and strikes at him, Badasious suffers instead a single wound.
  • Lord of Rage: Badasious can be part of a Angry Marines detachment instead of an Inquisitorial one. Additionally all Angry Marines in a range of 12" of Badasious can re-roll once per turn any failed WS, BS, or Ld rolls. He takes up a HQ slot on the Force Organization Chart.


  • War Armor of Badasious: An armor that was specifically modified by Badasious to fit his needs. Apart of being meticulously crafted by master artificers, the armor incorporates a Rosarius that is powered by Badasious's own indomitable soul. Additionally the shield generated by the Rosarius is even harder to hit by any ranged or melee weapon. Daemons will find it more difficult to fight Badasious as his armor also weakens them greatly when in the vicinity of the Inquisitor. The War Armor of Badasious is a Artificer Armour with a built in Rosarius and grants him a 2+ Save and a 4++ Invulnerable Save. Additionally any enemy model that tries to hit Badasious with their melee or ranged weapons do so with a -1 to WS and BS. Models with the Daemon USR additionally get a -1 to their Inv Saves, S and I when in 6" of Badasious.
  • Blade of Badasious: An ancient relic blade of unknown origin, this weapon served Badasious faithfully for many years and cut down many enemies of The Emperor with a terrifying force, mocking their defenses and resilience. Although it's two-handed, only Badasious is physically strong enough to wield it in one hand with ease. The Blade of Badasious is a Relic Blade with the following profile:
Name Range S AP Type
Blade of Badasious - 3+ 2 Melee, Master Crafted, Rending, Armourbane, Fleshbane
  • Hand of Badasious: Inquisitor Badasious's personal bolt pistol that served him well since he became an Acolyte. It's actually hard to call it a bolt pistol, as it is too big to be qualified as one. Over the time since his career as an Acolyte, Badasious's pistol underwent a series of modifications and upgrades in order to match up with the hazards its owner needed to deal with. The Hand of Badasious is a Bolt Pistol with the following profile:
Name Range S AP Type
Hand of Badasious 36 6 3 Pistol, Master Crafted, Shred, Force, Psy-shock

Once per turn it may be swapped with the Shield of Badasious. Badasious loses then his ranged attack unless he swaps back. Once swapped, Badasious cannot swap back until the next turn.

  • Shield of Badasious: Inquisitor Badasious's personal Storm Shield. Although it is smaller than the more usual Storm Shields, yet still larger than the Combat Shields used by Space Marines, the shield is made out of lighter and more durable materials and incorporates a small yet powerful energy generator. Due to it's size and weight, Badasious can quickly stun his enemies in combat with a precise concussive hit, or put it on his back and draw his bolt pistol. The Shield of Badasious is a Storm Shield that makes Badasious's melee attacks gain the Concussive USR. Stacks with War Armor of Badasious.

Once per turn it may be swapped with the Hand of Badasious. Badasious loses then his 3++ Inv Save and his attacks lose the Concussive USR unless he swaps back. Once swapped, Badasious cannot swap back until the next turn.

8th edition[edit | edit source]

Inquisitor Badasious is a single model armed with the Blade of Badasious, the Hand of Badasious, the Shield of Badasious, and Frag and Krak Grenades

Name M WS BS S T W A LD Sv Points cost
Inquisitor Badasious 7” 2+ 2+ 5 5 7 4 10 2+ 250
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Blade of Badasious Melee Melee +2 -4 3 This weapon always wounds its target on a 3+ or better. Units damaged by this weapon subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic until the next turn.
Hand of Badasious 36" Pistol 3 6 -3 D2 This weapon always wounds its target on a 4+ or better. Units damaged by this weapon subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic until the next turn.


  • You there! I'll be having your head next!: Badasious is very particular about the heads he takes, and is capable of picking out a single person from a crowd as his target from a mile away.
    • This model may assign damage to individual models in a target unit instead of your opponent assigning damage. In addition, this model may target CHARACTERs even if they're not the closest unit.
  • BADASS: Badasious is known for his incredible feats of badassery. So great are his skills, as well so long is his list of successes that even the Grey Knights would have difficulties in recreating what the Inquisitor is capable of doing.
    • This model may choose a warlord trait (if he is your warlord) from the angry marines codex or the Officio Iratus codex. In addition, this model re-rolls all failed hit and wound rolls, and wound rolls of 6+ against CHARACTERs deal an additional D3 mortal wounds. As a small addition, this model may use all its grenades in the shooting and overwatch phases along with its other ranged weapons.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Badasious has faced all manners of terrifying, army destroying weapons that would leave nothing standing no matter how durable or powerful they are, and survived to tell the tale. Is it luck, sheer stubbornness, The Emperor's grace, or a combination of all three, Badasious doesn't try to think about it. What really matters is that the enemy failed to kill him and they will pay for failing.
    • This model may only be wounded on a 3+ or worse, has a 4++ invulnerability save, ignores damage on a 5+ and all damage dealt to him is halved (rounding up).
  • Shield of Badasious: Sometimes Badasious’ raw badassnous is not enough to protect himself. In those situations he calmly puts his pistol away, and pulls out his shield and a thermos of tea, because it’s going to take a god emperor knows amount of firepower to shift him now.
    • At the beginning of your turn you may choose for this model to put away its pistol, and instead wield its shield. If so this model may not fire its pistol until your next turn when you must decide again whether or not to use the pistol or shield, but this model increases its invulnerability save to a 3++ and all models targeting this model must subtract one from their hit rolls. In addition, units which successfully charge this model or are successfully charged by this model suffer one mortal wound.

Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Officio Iratus

Keywords: Infantry, Charecter, Inquisitor Badasious