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== What ==
== What ==

Codex Martialis, or CM for short is an alternative close combat system for d20 games (i.e. D&D). It was created by Renaissance Martial Art fans who wanted to cram their hobby into DundeonsAndDragons ''without'' turning it into something as complex as TheRiddleofSteel.
Codex Martialis, or CM for short is an alternative close combat system for d20 games (i.e. D&D). It was created by Renaissance Martial Art fans who wanted to cram their hobby into DundeonsAndDragons ''without'' turning it into something as complex as The_Riddle_of_Steel.

== How ==
== How ==

Revision as of 21:02, 24 September 2013

Codex Martialis
RPG published by
Ire Games
Rule System d20 System
Authors Jean Chandler
First Publication 2010


Codex Martialis, or CM for short is an alternative close combat system for d20 games (i.e. D&D). It was created by Renaissance Martial Art fans who wanted to cram their hobby into DundeonsAndDragons without turning it into something as complex as The_Riddle_of_Steel.


Four new 'mechanics' are introduced:

  • A martial dice-pool of 4 d20 dice (MP): You must 'spend' your pool on various action, from attack & defense to movement and attacks of opportunity. If you've assigned more than one die to a task, just roll all dice and take the highest roll. (The pool grants an easy mechanic to set a 'stance': Do you go with an all out attack, hoping to kill the enemy before he could attack you in return? Do you focus on defense, making the enemy expend his pool and make him an easier picking for your allies? Maybe you just want to hang back, and look for such attacks of opportunity).
  • Revamped to hit and damage mechanics: Armor provides damage reduction, not armor class, but its protection can be bypassed at a to hit penalty(reproducing traditional armor class values). Weapons have four new stats: Reach, speed, defense and armor penetration (AP). Shields and weapons with positive defense value give a defense bonus. Defenders can go on active defense, meaning they get to roll a d20 against the attacker, but this die comes out of their dice-pool. Otherwise fixed value of 8 (passive defense) is used. Shields provide 1 extra die for all active defense rolls. When you score a critical hit (you either roll a natural 20, or take a massive -10 penalty) your damage is multiplied as many times as how many dice you expended on the attack. (Since CM recommends using a low HP ceiling, it's possible to be killed in a hit or two, meaning all combatants must be on their toes
  • Combat is divided into three ranges: At Onset, weapon reach and therefore pole-arms dominate. Closer in, at Melee weapon speed takes over, so shorter weapons, like swords fare better. Finally at Grapple range, combatants are so close that weapons can no longer be used defensively and unless you have special training you can only use small or tiny weapons like daggers or knives.
  • Introduction of so called "Martial Feats" (MFs): Character gain an MF, every time their BAB goes up by a point, and can be taken in place of normal feats. MFs try to model real world fencing manuevers. MFs provide a bonus, but can only be used in specific situations and with specific weapons. Some MF examples:
    • Counter stroke: Prerequisites - Dodge, Weapon Focus with weapon to be used, Benefit - Gain an automatic counter attack against a your designated dodge target if they attack you. This can be very useful if you lost initiative.
    • Feit: Prerequisites - 2 ranks in either Bluff or Intimidate, Benefit - At expense of 1 or more MP, draw off one of your opponents Martial Pool, plus 1 per MP expended, which could be a Counterstroke or Meisterhau counterstroke.
    • Meisterhau: Prerequisites - Weapon Focus feat with two-handed cutting weapon, Benefit - you may attempt to make one ‘perfect’ strike, your modified Attack roll is used in place of your Defense roll against the next attack from this same opponent if that attack is made within one round.
    • Half-sword Fighting: Prerequisites - Weapon Focus with any sword or similar sized staff weapon which can cause Piercing damage, Benefit - +2 AP, you can use your weapon even at grapple range, except for chopping attacks, Restrictions - You loose your weapon's Reach bonus while halfswording, and might injure yourself on a fumble (Natural 1) unless you're wearing mail lined gloves.