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She's so adorable, she'll cahptoor your heart!

Cultist-chan is a young female member of a chaos cult who usually talks with a speech impediment. She is well known for her role in HS40K. Her original creator named her Cultist while most of /tg/ calls her Cultist-chan.

Absolutely. Godsdamned. Adorable.

Recently another drawfag made a less adorable version of her.

No exceptions. Not even in cultist-chans case.

Board Origins

Back when a particular drawfag was first taking requests, one anon, under the impression that he only did Warhammer 40k artwork attempted to trick him into drawing Vampire: The Masquerade artwork by requesting a “cute female cultist feeding waffles to a 3 headed chaos spawn”. The anon figured this would be close enough to his image he had in mind of a female tzemetze feeding waffles to a vozdt. The Vampire loving anon was satisfied and a handful more found themselves enamored with the purple haired, jaggedy toothed gobshite, in spite of (or perhaps because of) her hideous speech impediment which mimicked the worthless cultist units from Dawn of Bald, an idea stolen from “Da Real World 40k”.

According to a recent post in a /tg/ thread, her created said: "After the first one which was just the request, I did another scribble of a 40k slumber party. And one anon asked why the "cute cultist" wasn't at it. SO I drew the one with her at the telephone by way of explanation. This seemed to get her the sympathy vote, demand went up and soon Liebowitz was writing HS40K. He at one stage, refused to write the next chapter until I made art to go with it, and then a cycle began."


As an adult, Cultist-chan stands at just shy of 5’4”. She appears undernourished and clad in rags, based on color correspondence, seem to be hand me downs from her Sororita associate. She is believed to smell strange, but not actually bad, but that’s probably based purely on the how pious whoever can smell her is; to those pure of faith, she smells of filth and decay, to those devoted to chaos, she smells good, to those unsure of where they stand, she smells mostly of bacon. She has an excess of teeth, a majority of which are sharp and irregular in length but otherwise in good condition, as cultist dislikes sweet food.

She has cheesey lectoos of each god’s symbol on her. When asked why she got 4 cheesey tattoos instead of 1 chaos undivided mark, she explained that she didn’t pick them, and that she has always had them. She also has other basic, tattoos across her body.

Cultist-chan has 2 piercings on her shoulder blades that she hooks a large chaos wheel to, both as a sign of devotion and (speculatively) as a weapon, she has been seen wielding it as such in some pictures but is probably too weak to throw it any distance.


Cultist-chan is tunnel visioned in her devotion to the dark gods and considers her position to be her name. She sees herself as one of many, hence often saying “we” instead of “I”. Any name she ever had has been lost over a century ago.

In-Game Stats

Cultist Cost: 35 points WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: 6+/6+

Kay-oss Cost: 50 points WS: 3 BS: 0 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 3 A: D6+2 Ld: 10 Sv: -

Unit type: - Infantry

Number/Squad: - 1

Wargear: Laspistol, Septis Spike (Poisoned CCW & Chaos Icon)

Cultist may take her pet Chaos Spawn, Kay-oss, for an additional 50 points.

Cultist Special Rules: Special Character, Independent Character, FHOR KHAOOOOOS!: Cultist is always fearless. Hwee Kaptoored Eet Fhor Kay-oss!: Any unit Cultist joins counts as a scoring unit. Insignificant: Cultist takes up no room in transports, or on the FoC. Stubborn.

Kay-oss Special Rules: Feel No Pain, Devotion: When Cultist is slain, Kay-oss gains the Fearless and Mindless special rules. Detonation: When killed in close combat, Kay-oss immediately inflicts 1D6+2 Strength 6 hits on his opponenet. Look Out, Mistress!: Any wounds inflicted against Cultist may always be shifted to Kay-oss.

Cultist and Kay-oss may be included in any Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Daemon, or Traitor Guard army.

Dranon's delight

"Maybe some pain in your ass stop you being one in mine."

Even more recently, a writefag or perhaps a series of writefags have been writing FATAL style, loli fapfiction for trolls. In them a loli Cultist-chan is usually placed in situations in which she is critically failing her anal circumference rolls. The story was spawned in thread where fatguys speculated cultist's and Dranons's relationship. Some writefag(s) read the topic and figured that it would make "great" fapfict. Writefag made topic. Some fatguys fapped, some raged and some raged AND fapped. Some requested MOAR, and (sadly) got more.

See Also


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