Epic Destiny: Difference between revisions

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Added the epic destinies from Martial Power 2.
Added Epic Destinies froM Dragon #388.
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*Shiradi Champion (any nonevil alignment)
*Shiradi Champion (any nonevil alignment)
*Storm Sovereign[Dr372:43]
*Storm Sovereign[Dr372:43]
*Thief of Legend (trained in Stealth, Thievery)
*Twilight Tribune
*Twilight Tribune
*Unyielding Sentinel (any defender class)
*Wild Hunter
*Wild Hunter
*Winter Sovereign (fey origin)[Dr372:44]
*Winter Sovereign (fey origin)[Dr372:44]
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Finally, at level 30, you gain the '''Primordial Ascendance''' feature; when you score a critical hit or reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hitpoints, each ally within 5 squares gains +10 temporary hit points and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Finally, at level 30, you gain the '''Primordial Ascendance''' feature; when you score a critical hit or reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hitpoints, each ally within 5 squares gains +10 temporary hit points and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

===Lord of Chaos===
===Thief of Legend===
Stories abound of [[rogue]]s who could achieve impossible feats of thievery. Tales are told of thieves who could steal the crowns from the heads of kings and queens without their royal victims noticing, move so stealthily that death itself couldn't notice them, and outwit gods - thieves who could steal laughter, memories, the color of a painting! You are one of these impossible rogues. You are a '''Thief of Legend''' - and you will prove it, or die trying.
This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to ''Any character Trained in Stealth and Thievery''.
At 21st level, you gain the '''Uncanny Prowess''' feature, which grants you +2 Dexterity and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.
At 24th level, you gain the ''Steal Back The Soul''' feature; when you die, after 1 hour, your body and possessions vanish. 24 hours after this, you reappear alive and at full hitpoints at a safe place of your choosing,
that is familiar to you, and that is on the same plane where you died. In addition, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or fewer, you can steal something intangible from that creature, such as the color of the creature’s eyes or its memories of its kingdom. The mechanical effects of this theft, if any, are left to the Dungeon Master.

===Lord of Chaos===
At 26th level, you gain the '''Impossible Theft''' Daily Utility power. When you touch an unattended object or vehicle, you can teleport it to a safe location of your determination (which must A: be a place that you have been, B: be on the same plane, and C: cannot result in harm to any creature or the target) as a standard action.
Finally, at 30th level, you gain the '''Undetectable Thief''' feature, which grants you a passive Stealth score equal to 10 + your Stealth modifier. Any creature that has a passive Perception lower than your passive Stealth score, or that has an active Perception check result that does not equal or surpass your passive Stealth score, cannot see you unless you choose to let that creature see you.
====Unyielding Sentinel====
Every [[adventurer]] has some role to play in conflict. Yours is to hold the line. You will die before you let them get past. In fact, you probably have died before retreating, maybe more than once. It doesn't matter. Your duty, your destiny, is to plant yourself on that spot when your allies need you and hold the line. You are the unflinching shield of those in your charge, and your resilience can never be doubted. In the greatest conflict of the quest, you shall be the rock of the eternal shore, and your enemies will crash against you and be broken. If this requires you to break as well, then what of it? Live or die, your story will be told forever, for none will forget that you held the line.
This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to ''Any Class with the Defender role ([[Fighter]], [[Paladin]], [[Swordmage]], [[Warden]], [[Battlemind]])''.
At 21st level, you gain the '''Stalwart Guard''' feature, which grants you +2 Constitution and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.
At 24th level, you gain the ''Unbreakable''' feature, which lets you roll twice when you make saving throws (including death saving throws) and pick the result to use.
At 26th level, you gain the '''Undying Vanguard''' Daily Utility power. As a minor action, you can enter the Undying Vanguard Stance. Until the stance ends, you cannot be subjected to forced movement unless you choose, you do not grant combat advantage, you automatically reduce all ongoing damage to 0, and you are immune to the auras of your enemies if you choose to be.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the '''Vigor of Battle''' feature, which lets you regain hit points as if you'd spent a healing surge by dropping a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points. You only gain this healing once per round, even if you kill multiple enemies in that round.

==Campaign-Specific Epic Destinies==
==Campaign-Specific Epic Destinies==
Line 110: Line 133:
*Archspell (any arcane class)[AP: 144]
*Archspell (any arcane class)[AP: 144]
*Avangion (any arcane class)[DSCS:98]
*Avangion (any arcane class)[DSCS:98]
*Draconic Incarnation (any arcane class)
*Dragon King (arcane defiling power)[DSCS:99]
*Dragon King (arcane defiling power)[DSCS:99]
*Elf High Mage (wizard; eladrin or elf)
*Elf High Mage (wizard; eladrin or elf)
Line 121: Line 143:
*Sage of Ages (any arcane class) [AP: 150]
*Sage of Ages (any arcane class) [AP: 150]
*Witch Queen (wizard)
*Witch Queen (wizard)
====Draconic Incarnation====
In the ancient days of the world, it was the [[dragon]]s who first pioneered and mastered the arts of [[magic]], honing their power over the arcane in an age when the [[elf]] and [[dwarf]] empires were new. But the heights they pushed magic to have been all but lost; it is unknown if the dragon magic were [[Arcane Dragon|an entirely separate breed of wyrm]] or if they were taken from the ranks of the [[Chromatic Dragon|familiar]] [[Metallic Dragon|breeds]], but they were jealous and possessive beings, who hoarded their spells and refused to teach them to younger dragons, causing the extinction of their art. A '''Draconic Incarnation''' is a mortal arcanist who has a connection to these lost dragon-magi; a reincarnation of one such creature, most likely, or perhaps guided by an ancient dragon-mage spirit through spells they have unearthed. Those who survive to master this art will be reborn, transcending their humanoid origins and being reshaped into dragons in turn.
This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to ''Any Arcane Class''.
At 21st level, you gain the '''Ancient Resurgence''' feature, which grants you +2 to either Intelligence or Charisma, +2 to one other ability score of your choice, and the ability to fluently speak, read and write draconic.
At 24th level, you gain the '''Spirit of the Dragon''' feature; Once per day when you die, the spirit of the ancient dragon within you surges forth to defend your body long enough to resurrect you from the dead. This draconic spirit is under your control and has all of the same statistics and abilities as you, except as follows: the draconic spirit is size Large, has your maximum hit points, and is both insubstantial and has phasing. The draconic spirit shares your powers and abilities (it does not have a pool of powers of its own), and it can use your magic items as though it was wielding them, including weapons and implements. At the end of the encounter, if the draconic spirit has any hit points remaining, the spirit disperses and at the end of a short rest you return to life with 1 hit point. If your body is destroyed, the draconic spirit cannot resurrect you.
At 26th level, you gain the '''Draconic Form''' Daily Utility power. This lets you polymorph yourself as a minor action, shifting into the form of a Huge dragon until the end of the encounter. In this form, your Reach increases to 3 squares, you gain a Fly speed equal to your Speed +2, and you can use Dragon Mage Breath as an at-will attack power. This is a Standard Action close blast 5 attack that targets all enemies in the area of effect, making an attack roll based on your highest ability modifier +9 vs. Reflex and doing 3d8 + your highest ability modifier Fire and Force damage on a hit.
Finally, at 30th level, you gain the '''Ancient Arcanist''' feature, which lets you take 2 level 25 (or lower, but why would you bother?) Daily Attack powers from any Arcane class and add them to your list of powers.

===Divine Epic Destinies===
===Divine Epic Destinies===

Revision as of 18:03, 28 November 2018

Epic Destinies were a game mechanic introduced into the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, replacing the concept of Epic-Level Prestige classes used in the previous edition. Whereas PrCs were optional sub-classes that you could take to make your character more powerful, Epic Destinies are effectively mandatory. You take a Paragon path at level 21, and it bolsters you from there to level 30 -- the next step along the line from the Paragon Path.

Epic Destinies follow pretty standard motifs; they generally give you new class features at levels 21, 24 and 30, and a Daily Utility Power at level 26. Some alter this model, however. Many Epic Destinies allow you to cheat death, gaining a special restorative power as their level 24 power. All epic destinies come with a flavorful "immortality" feature, describing one probable fate for you after you hit level 31 and are retired from play. Although some Epic Destinies are tied into specific classes, many instead are more generalistic in tone.

Really, it's a pretty awesome concept. Want to become a fledgling god? A good-aligned lich? Somebody who travels the multiverse at will? A dragon? An immortal bastion against the forces of pure evil or the Far Realm? The genesis of an entire new planet/plane of existence/multiverse? Master of time itself? All of these and more are possible with Epic Destinies.

Generalist Epic Destinies

As their name suggests, these Epic Destinies are extremely open in origin. Many require at most belonging to a power source, but others have at most vague requirements (a feat, sufficient ability score, etc) or simply nothing more beyond being 21st level.

  • Bahamut’s Vessel (must worship Bahamut)
  • Ceaseless Guardian (any defender class)
  • Darklord [Dr372:38]
  • Deadly trickster (Dexterity 21 or Charisma 21; training in Acrobatics, Bluff, Stealth, or Thievery) [PH:174]
  • Demigod [PH:174]
  • Emergent Primordial (elemental origin, Born of the Elements feat, or any elemental power)
  • Eternal seeker [PH:175]
  • Exemplar of Evil (evil alignment)
  • Guardian of the Void
  • Harbinger of Doom [PH2:172]
  • Hordemaster [DSCS:100]
  • Indomitable champion [HotFL:245]
  • Keeper of the Everflow
  • Keybearer [Dr372:39]
  • Lord of Chaos
  • Lorekeeper (21st level, Intelligence 21 or Wisdom 21, training in two knowledge skills) [PH2:173]
  • Marshal of Letherna
  • Planeshaper [Dr372:40]
  • Prince of Hell [Dr372:40]
  • Prison of the Winds [Dr371:30]
  • Punisher of the Gods [Dr372:42]
  • Radiant One
  • Raven Knight (must worship the Raven Queen)
  • Sage of the Swan Tower (must worship Ioun) [Dr397]
  • Shiradi Champion (any nonevil alignment)
  • Storm Sovereign[Dr372:43]
  • Twilight Tribune
  • Wild Hunter
  • Winter Sovereign (fey origin)[Dr372:44]


Deadly Trickster


Eternal Seeker

Emergent Primordial

Introduced in Heroes of the Elemental Chaos, the Emergent Primordial is a character who has become spiritually meshed with a Primordial, imbuing them with the power to tap into its elemental might. Their ultimate destiny is to either merge with it, or destroy it.

Qualifying for this ED requires that the character have either the Elemental Origin, the Born of the Elements feat, or any Elemental power.

At 21st level, you gain the Primordial Rebirth feature: +2 to one ability score of your choice, Origin changes to Elemental, and you gain both Resistance 15 and +3 to damage rolls with your choice of either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder.

At 24th level, you gain the Primordial Rebirth feature... again. This is your "once per day, when you die" feature; regain HP equal to your Bloodied value, and all allies within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. Additionally, all allies within 10 squares with this Epic Destiny gain +20 temporary hit points and can shift 1 square as a free action.

At 26th level, you gain the Primordial Form feature, your daily utility power. As a minor action, you can assume the form of a Huge Elemental, in which form you gain +2 Reach, Resist 5 to all damage, and a +4 damage rolls with melee attacks and attacks that have the Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder keywords.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Primordial Ascendance feature; when you score a critical hit or reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hitpoints, each ally within 5 squares gains +10 temporary hit points and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Lord of Chaos

Thief of Legend

Stories abound of rogues who could achieve impossible feats of thievery. Tales are told of thieves who could steal the crowns from the heads of kings and queens without their royal victims noticing, move so stealthily that death itself couldn't notice them, and outwit gods - thieves who could steal laughter, memories, the color of a painting! You are one of these impossible rogues. You are a Thief of Legend - and you will prove it, or die trying.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any character Trained in Stealth and Thievery.

At 21st level, you gain the Uncanny Prowess feature, which grants you +2 Dexterity and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.

At 24th level, you gain the Steal Back The Soul' feature; when you die, after 1 hour, your body and possessions vanish. 24 hours after this, you reappear alive and at full hitpoints at a safe place of your choosing, that is familiar to you, and that is on the same plane where you died. In addition, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or fewer, you can steal something intangible from that creature, such as the color of the creature’s eyes or its memories of its kingdom. The mechanical effects of this theft, if any, are left to the Dungeon Master.

At 26th level, you gain the Impossible Theft Daily Utility power. When you touch an unattended object or vehicle, you can teleport it to a safe location of your determination (which must A: be a place that you have been, B: be on the same plane, and C: cannot result in harm to any creature or the target) as a standard action.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Undetectable Thief feature, which grants you a passive Stealth score equal to 10 + your Stealth modifier. Any creature that has a passive Perception lower than your passive Stealth score, or that has an active Perception check result that does not equal or surpass your passive Stealth score, cannot see you unless you choose to let that creature see you.

Unyielding Sentinel

Every adventurer has some role to play in conflict. Yours is to hold the line. You will die before you let them get past. In fact, you probably have died before retreating, maybe more than once. It doesn't matter. Your duty, your destiny, is to plant yourself on that spot when your allies need you and hold the line. You are the unflinching shield of those in your charge, and your resilience can never be doubted. In the greatest conflict of the quest, you shall be the rock of the eternal shore, and your enemies will crash against you and be broken. If this requires you to break as well, then what of it? Live or die, your story will be told forever, for none will forget that you held the line.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any Class with the Defender role (Fighter, Paladin, Swordmage, Warden, Battlemind).

At 21st level, you gain the Stalwart Guard feature, which grants you +2 Constitution and +2 to one other ability score of your choice.

At 24th level, you gain the Unbreakable' feature, which lets you roll twice when you make saving throws (including death saving throws) and pick the result to use.

At 26th level, you gain the Undying Vanguard Daily Utility power. As a minor action, you can enter the Undying Vanguard Stance. Until the stance ends, you cannot be subjected to forced movement unless you choose, you do not grant combat advantage, you automatically reduce all ongoing damage to 0, and you are immune to the auras of your enemies if you choose to be.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Vigor of Battle feature, which lets you regain hit points as if you'd spent a healing surge by dropping a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points. You only gain this healing once per round, even if you kill multiple enemies in that round.

Campaign-Specific Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies were tied into the three campaign settings that D&D 4e pursued; Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Dark Sun. Obviously, they're best suited to those campaigns, and so may pose issues trying to reuse in other settings.

Forgotten Realms

  • Chosen
  • Harper of Legend (good or lawful good alignment; training in any two of Diplomacy, Insight, Nature, or Stealth; membership in the harpers)
  • Mythic Sovereign (fighter, paladin, ranger, or warlord; essentially identical to Legendary Sovereign)


  • Champion of Prophecy
  • Dispossessed Champion
  • Heir of Siberys
  • Mourning Savior
  • Reborn Champion[Dr365:70] (possibly Eberron campaign specific)

Dark Sun

  • Avangion (any arcane class)
  • Dragon King (any arcane class)
  • Hordemaster
  • Mind Lord of the Order (any psionic class that uses power points)
  • Pyreen (any primal class or primal theme)

Racial Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies, like their equivalent Paragon Paths, are only open to members of a specific race.

  • Avatar of Io (dragonborn)
  • Disincarnate (deva, memory of a thousand lifetimes power)
  • Free Soul (revenant)
  • Heir of the Empire (tiefling)
  • Raven Consort (shadar-kai, must worship the Raven Queen)
  • Redeemed Drow (drow)
  • Soul of the World (deva)

Power Source Epic Destinies

A large number of Epic Destinies are limited to one of the six available Power Sources in 4e: Martial, Arcane, Divine, Primal, Psionic and Shadow. Some of them are available to all classes within this particular power source, while some are open to only one or two classes.

Arcane Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Arcane Magic; Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Swordmage, Warlock or Wizard.

  • Arcane Sword (swordmage) [AP: 142]
  • Archlich (any arcane class) [AP: 143]
  • Archmage (wizard)[PH:173]
  • Archspell (any arcane class)[AP: 144]
  • Avangion (any arcane class)[DSCS:98]
  • Dragon King (arcane defiling power)[DSCS:99]
  • Elf High Mage (wizard; eladrin or elf)
  • Fatesinger (bard)[PH2:170]
  • Feyliege (any arcane class; must have the fey origin, be a half-elf, or be a warlock with the fey pact) [AP: 145]
  • Immanence (any arcane class) [AP: 146]
  • Lord of Fate (any arcane class, unaligned alignment) [AP: 147]
  • Magister (any arcane class)[AP: 148]
  • Parable (wizard) [AP: 149]
  • Sage of Ages (any arcane class) [AP: 150]
  • Witch Queen (wizard)

Draconic Incarnation

In the ancient days of the world, it was the dragons who first pioneered and mastered the arts of magic, honing their power over the arcane in an age when the elf and dwarf empires were new. But the heights they pushed magic to have been all but lost; it is unknown if the dragon magic were an entirely separate breed of wyrm or if they were taken from the ranks of the familiar breeds, but they were jealous and possessive beings, who hoarded their spells and refused to teach them to younger dragons, causing the extinction of their art. A Draconic Incarnation is a mortal arcanist who has a connection to these lost dragon-magi; a reincarnation of one such creature, most likely, or perhaps guided by an ancient dragon-mage spirit through spells they have unearthed. Those who survive to master this art will be reborn, transcending their humanoid origins and being reshaped into dragons in turn.

This epic destiny appeared in the article "Old Souls: Heroes of Legend Reborn" in Dragon #388, and is open to Any Arcane Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Ancient Resurgence feature, which grants you +2 to either Intelligence or Charisma, +2 to one other ability score of your choice, and the ability to fluently speak, read and write draconic.

At 24th level, you gain the Spirit of the Dragon feature; Once per day when you die, the spirit of the ancient dragon within you surges forth to defend your body long enough to resurrect you from the dead. This draconic spirit is under your control and has all of the same statistics and abilities as you, except as follows: the draconic spirit is size Large, has your maximum hit points, and is both insubstantial and has phasing. The draconic spirit shares your powers and abilities (it does not have a pool of powers of its own), and it can use your magic items as though it was wielding them, including weapons and implements. At the end of the encounter, if the draconic spirit has any hit points remaining, the spirit disperses and at the end of a short rest you return to life with 1 hit point. If your body is destroyed, the draconic spirit cannot resurrect you.

At 26th level, you gain the Draconic Form Daily Utility power. This lets you polymorph yourself as a minor action, shifting into the form of a Huge dragon until the end of the encounter. In this form, your Reach increases to 3 squares, you gain a Fly speed equal to your Speed +2, and you can use Dragon Mage Breath as an at-will attack power. This is a Standard Action close blast 5 attack that targets all enemies in the area of effect, making an attack roll based on your highest ability modifier +9 vs. Reflex and doing 3d8 + your highest ability modifier Fire and Force damage on a hit.

Finally, at 30th level, you gain the Ancient Arcanist feature, which lets you take 2 level 25 (or lower, but why would you bother?) Daily Attack powers from any Arcane class and add them to your list of powers.

Divine Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Divine Magic; Avenger, Cleric, Invoker, Paladin, or Runepriest.

  • Avatar of Death (Death Knell feat)[DP:145]
  • Avatar of Freedom (Path of Freedom feat)[DP:146]
  • Avatar of Hope (Hope Remains feat)[DP:147]
  • Avatar of Justice (Immediate Justice feat)[DP:148]
  • Avatar of Life (Pulse of Life feat)[DP:149]
  • Avatar of Storm (Storm Sacrifice feat)[DP:150]
  • Avatar of War (Path of War feat)[DP:151]
  • Chosen (any divine class)[DP:152]
  • Dead God Avatar (any divine class, must worship a dead deity)[Dr390:44]
  • Exalted Angel (any divine class)[DP:154]
  • Revered One (any divine class)[PH2:175]
  • Rune Maker (runepriest)[PH3:160]
  • Saint (any divine class)[DP:155]
  • Sublime Flame (any divine class, must worship the Silver Flame)

Martial Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Martial Might; Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, or Warlord.

  • Adamantine soldier (fighter or warlord)[MP:150]
  • Beastlord (ranger, Beast Mastery class feature)[MP:151]
  • Dark wanderer (ranger or rogue)[MP:152]
  • Eternal defender [MP:153]
  • Godhunter (ranger or rogue)[MP:154]
  • Legendary general (warlord)[MP:155]
  • Martial archetype (any martial class, paragon multiclassing in a martial class)[MP:156]
  • Perfect assassin (rogue)[MP:156]
  • Undying warrior (fighter)[MP:157]
  • Warmaster (warlord)[MP:158]


Across the many planes and upon the many worlds of D&D, one truth remains constant: dragons are seriously badass mothafuckers. As a Dragonheart, you admire dragons for their symbolism as power incarnate, and seek to prove yourself stronger than strong, tougher than tough - to show the whole multiverse that you have the heart of a dragon. And if you survive to level 31, then that's exactly what you do; whether you have finally stirred the long-buried blood of a draconic ancestor, or simply proven yourself so awesome that the multiverse itself bends to your wish, you forsake your former humanoid life and are reborn as a fully-grown dragon, ready to pursue the existence of a draconic warrior.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

Its 21st level feature is Dragon Spirit, which gives you +2 Constitution and means you can make an immediate save to end any charm effects or fear effects, even if they don't normally allow this. For continuous effects like auras, you get to make the save and, if successful, are immune to the effect until the end of your next turn, at which you can make the save again.

Its 24th level feature is Dragon Blood, which means you gain temporary HP equal to your Bloodied value the first time you become Bloodied in an encounter.

Its 26th level Daily Utility power is Dragon Shield, which causes you to enter the Dragon Shield Stance as an immediate reaction whenever you are Bloodied. Whilst in this stance, you gain Damage Resistance to ALL damage equal to your Constitution modifier, which increases by +5 each time that you take damage from a melee attack. It lasts until you are knocked unconscious or are no longer Bloodied.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the capstone power Dragon Soul, which increases your Healing Surge Value by 10.

Invincible Vanguard

Most young warriors believe that they are invincible - but you are dead set on proving it. Through some combination of determination, valor and sheer stupid luck, you always come out on top, and you shamelessly revel in proving yourself the greatest warrior that ever lived. Honing your skills to unimaginable peaks becomes your life's goal - and if you survive to the end of your career, then you have conquered everything that this world has to offer. How fortunate for you, then, that an entire multiverse awaits to challenge you; with that in mind, you leave this world for new realms and realities, always seeking the next battle. Such is the destiny of the Invincible Vanguard.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Invigorating Charge feature, which grants you +2 Strength and means that all basic attacks you make as part of a charge have the Invigorating keyword (once per turn, if Trained in Endurance, gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier).

At 24th level, you gain the Forever War feature, which means that once per day, when you drop to 0 hit points, you immediately regain hit points equal to your Bloodied value and can, as a free action, stand up, shift 2 squares, and make a charge attack. If this charge attack hits, gain temporary HP equal to your Bloodied value.

At 26th level, you gain the Endless Assault Daily Utility Power. As a minor action, you can enter the Endless Assault stance, which grants you a power bonus to your Speed equal to your Constitution modifier when you charge, and which causes charge attacks to deal +2[W] extra damage.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the 'Unstoppable Assault feature, which means you don't provoke opportunity attacks when charging, and can make a charge attack against a new enemy as a free action whenever you critical hit an enemy with a melee attack, bloody an enemy, or reduce an enemy to 0 HP.

Legendary Sovereign

In the realms of Dungeons & Dragons, rulers who gained their thrones at the point of a sword or with the swing of a club are legion. But some warrior-sovereigns are truly special; chosen by destiny to win admiration, glory and the ultimate power of a throne through their leadership skills and their martial prowess. These are the Legendary Sovereigns. And you are one such warrior, a hero who, whether defending an ancestral title, branching off to form a new dynasty, or emerging from humble beginnings, will go on to be respected and loved, leading your people to a golden age.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Fighters, Paladins, Rangers and Warlords.

At 21st level, you gain the Legendary Presence feature, which grants you +2 Charisma. You also gain the Great Captain feature, which lets you grant each ally within 10 squares of you the ability to make a basic attack as a free action in response to you scoring a critical hit once per encounter. Finally, you gain the Homeland feature, which, with the DM's approval, grants you a realm you are destined to rule; within this land, you have property or estates sufficient to provide for your ordinary needs, including household maintenance and a small force of loyal retainers, as well as gaining a +4 bonus to any Charisma skill checks that you make in this land.

At 24th level, you gain the This Is Not My Fate feature, which lets you automatically regain hit points equal to your Bloodied value, end any effects on you, and stand up once per day instead of having to make a death saving throw.

At 26th level, you gain the Sword of the Sovereign Daily Utility Power. When you score a critical hit or reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, as a free action, each ally in close burst 10 gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier, as well as a bonus to attack rolls with basic and at-will attacks equal to your Charisma modifier, with this attack bonus lasting until the encounter's end or your drop to 0 hit points.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Sword of Kings feature, which lets you pick one Encounter attack power with the Weapon keyword; this power is no longer expended when used unless you miss every target.

Star-Favored Champion

You are destined for greatness. It is literally written in the sky, in the form of a special star that came to life when you were born, and which moves in the heavens in response to the actions you undertake, waxing as you triumph and waning as you suffer defeat, moving into conjunction with other stars in symbolism of the trials and triumphs you are facing. Astrologers know that you are a Star Favored Champion, and that should you survive to the end of yoour long and perilous quest, you will be welcomed into the Astral Sea by the gods themselves, and your star will multiply to become its own constellation, forever reminding all mortals of your story.

This Epic Destiny appeared in Martial Power 2 and is open to Any Martial Class.

At 21st level, you gain the Favored Warrior feature, which grants you +2 Constitution and a +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. You also gain the Favored Tenacity feature, which means that whenver your first first attack roll with an encounter power misses, until the end of your turn you can make a basic attack as a minor action.

At 24th level, you gain the Resurgent Star feature, which means that you automatically get 20s on your death saving throws so long as you have at least one Healing Surge left.

At 26th level, you gain the Sign of Hope Daily Utility Power. As a minor action, you can both regain one expended martial encounter attack power and spend a healing surge.

Finally, at level 30, you gain the Sign of Challenge feature, which grants you a Martial Encounter power of the same name. As a minor action, you can target one nonminion creature in a close burst 5. Until the encounter's end, you can roll twice when rolling to attack the targeted creature, and whenever you hit it, each ally that you can see gais a +2 bonus to attack rolls against any enemy other than that target until the end of your next turn.

Primal Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Primal Magic; Druid, Seeker, Shaman, or Warden.

  • Fang of the World Serpent (any primal class)
  • Fury of the Wild (any primal class)
  • Glorious Spirit (any primal class)[PH2:171]
  • Honored Ancestor (any primal class)
  • Master Hierophant (druid)
  • Master of the Eternal Hunt (seeker)[PH3:159]
  • Mythic Spirit (any primal class)
  • Perfect Guardian (warden)
  • Primal Avatar (any primal class)[PH2:174]
  • Pyreen (any primal class or primal theme)[DSCS:102]
  • Reincarnate Champion (any primal class)
  • Sovereign Beast (druid, wild shape power)
  • World Tree Guardian (any primal class)[PrP:156]

Psionic Epic Destinies

Membership in these Epic Destinies is only open to those who follow the paths of Psionic Magic; Ardent, Battlemind, Monk, or Psion.

  • Cosmic Soul (any psionic class)
  • Demiurge (any psionic class)
  • Diamond Soul (monk)[PH3:156]
  • Eight Seal (any psionic class)
  • Godmind (any psionic class)[PH3:157]
  • Grandmaster of Flowers (monk)
  • Invincible Mind (battlemind)[PH3:158]
  • Master of Moments (any psionic class)
  • Mind Lord of the Order (any psionic class that uses power points)[DSCS:101]
  • Topaz Crusader (any psionic class, Psionic Augmentation class feature)
  • War Master (ardent)[PH3:161]

Shadow Epic Destinies

These Epic Destinies revolve around tapping into and mastering shadow magic. As this power source, alas, was utterly ruined by the shift from 4e to Essentials, there's no real class dedicated to this power source beyond the Assassin.

  • Guardian of the Void
  • Perfect Slayer (assassin)
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Classes
Player's Handbook 1 ClericFighterPaladinRangerRogueWarlockWarlordWizard
Player's Handbook 2 AvengerBarbarianBardDruidInvokerShamanSorcererWarden
Player's Handbook 3 ArdentBattlemindMonkPsionRunepriestSeeker
Heroes of X Blackguard* • Binder* • Cavalier* • Elementalist* • Hexblade* • Hunter* • Mage* • Knight* • Protector* • Scout* • Sentinel* • Skald* • Slayer* • Sha'ir* • Thief* • Vampire* • Warpriest* • Witch*
Settings Book ArtificerBladesinger* • Swordmage
Dragon Magazine Assassin
Others Paragon PathEpic Destiny
*·: Non-AEDU variant classes