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===[ Mission 5]===
===[ Mission 5]===
NO BODY EXPECTS THE INQISITON and that's what happens, and it turns out there are more inquisitors in the legion than just the ordo malleus agent that just showed up

===[ Mission 6]===
===[ Mission 6]===

Revision as of 18:36, 20 June 2017

Field Kit Inspection is a bout of autistic, crack-infused roleplay, that follows the near heretical misadventures of the almost always loyal, "Unknown Regiment", and its efforts to destroy Mankind's enemies in the grim-darkness of the far future.

Each thread typically starts with Commissar Knochenmus bringing together the regiment, under the premise of something happening, before quickly divulging into utter Chaos and heresy.


Active Duty

No regiment, not matter how loyal, or astounding, can get anywhere without men and women to grease the wheels, and fill the body bags. This section describes those who have yet to meet their obligations, and die for the Emperor.

  • Commissar Arthur Knochenmus The new Commissar in town. Knochenmus was assigned to the regiment, shortly after its creation, and mere hours after its commanding Officer, Colonel Erigs, died in an unfortunate suicidal accident. He is considered (mostly by himself) to be a tactical genius of incredible proportions, and sees loyalty and purity in even the most heretical of men. Often leadingg to confusion from the actual loyalists in the regiment.
  • 1st Lieutenant Mattias Wyvern CO of second platoon, for the regiment's fourth company. Matthias has served with the regiment since day one, when he was accidentally (much to his dismay) shipped to the regiment, with no way of returning to his own regiment, and refusal of any requests to send him back. So far, he's trying to remain optimistic in a bad situation. But between the constant fuck ups, the numerous xeno and heretic infiltrators, and the Quarter master constantly sneaking into his room to use his shower, it's starting to get bit difficult.
  • 3rd company captain "MUR" the world eater the captain of the unknown legion he has only recently joined this suicide mission, surprisingly of his own volition. after following the commissar [puny man] into battle with a few knife ears he was gifted "Axei" and "Mel" two demon possessed weapons containing two demons of tzeech, by magos gelt [Cog man]
  • Magos Gelt The totally non heretek from the Cyclothrathe daemon forge world. Has been exposing Mur to as much tzeentchian stuff as he can get his hands on as part of a science experiment. Has a seemingly endless supply of Tachyon arrows. Was once an interrogator under Inquisitor Quixos. Still has the =][= symbol even if its no longer valid, because no one ever checks.
  • Corporal van Kleez Vox operator for the Commissar's unit, Kleez was assigned to the regiment after being 'promoted' from his posting on Savlar. He's long since stopped trying to understand what various heretical, chaotic and/or xenos bullshit is going on within the unit, and spends a large proportion of his time off his tits on whatever substances happen to be to hand.
  • Grod 'Eadstompa A guardsman who looks suspiciously like an Ork and nearly destroyed the unit after unleashing a horde of Daemons by hitting a Chaos Artifact with a hammer.

Mission Log

Mission 1

The regiment receives its first shipment of recruits and is sent to investigate and ork incursion near a local hive.

Mission 2

After the discovery of looted Eldar tech from the orks, the regiment (after some deliberation and many conflicting orders) strikes an Eldar encampment to great effect, before being unexpectedly picked up by a shuttle for redeployment. The new recruits get stranger.

Mission 3

The regiment is shocked by reports of a traitor in their midst. Much infighting ensues between the various traitors and heretics within the regiment. The investigation is inconclusive.

Mission 4

Mission 5

NO BODY EXPECTS THE INQISITON and that's what happens, and it turns out there are more inquisitors in the legion than just the ordo malleus agent that just showed up

Mission 6

the unknown legion arrives on a deserted penal mining world to investigate where everyone had gone. turns out there were dark elder and some pest the magos had to fix, boy did he look sour when he came out of the sewers. But anywho the lieutenant called in the location of some dark elder raiders and the legion went on the attack. the fighting was fierce and many were knocked to the ground exacting a heavy toll on the enemy. but as the battle closed the [dice] gods decided to have a laugh at the world eater MUR and he was captured. who knows what will happen next.