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Races: Taking care of some image issues.
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'''Elvaans''' (FF11) look like your classic [[elf]], but are proud, disciplined, hardy warriors who have no talent for magic and instead devote themselves to proving their skill with the art of the sword.
'''Elvaans''' (FF11) look like your classic [[elf]], but are proud, disciplined, hardy warriors who have no talent for magic and instead devote themselves to proving their skill with the art of the sword.


'''Galka''' are hulking, seemingly all-male [[ogre]]-like creatures in FF11. Apparently asexual, they constantly live in a cycle of reincarnation. Your guess as to how this makes since is as good as ours.
'''Galka''' are hulking, seemingly all-male [[ogre]]-like creatures in FF11. Apparently asexual, they constantly live in a cycle of reincarnation. Your guess as to how this makes since is as good as ours.


'''Genomes''' (FF9) are a race of artificial life-forms that resemble humans with monkey-like tails, which were created to exist as back-up bodies for an invading alien race.
'''Genomes''' (FF9) are a race of artificial life-forms that resemble humans with monkey-like tails, which were created to exist as back-up bodies for an invading alien race.


'''Mithra''' (FF11) are infamous for being the [[catgirl]] race. There apparently are males, but due to their scarcity, they are kept strictly segregated in the Mithra lands, looking after the children. Like cats, they are playful, curious, and prone to mischief. They are best at being thieves, rangers, ninja, and mages with their high dexterity and agility.
'''Mithra''' (FF11) are infamous for being the [[catgirl]] race. There apparently are males, but due to their scarcity, they are kept strictly segregated in the Mithra lands, looking after the children. Like cats, they are playful, curious, and prone to mischief. They are best at being thieves, rangers, ninja, and mages with their high dexterity and agility.
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'''Qu''' (FF9) are a bizarre race of androgynous, long-tongued humanoids which dwell in swamps. Known for their obsession with gourmet cooking and their love of frog-meat in particular.
'''Qu''' (FF9) are a bizarre race of androgynous, long-tongued humanoids which dwell in swamps. Known for their obsession with gourmet cooking and their love of frog-meat in particular.


'''TaruTaru''' (FF11) are basically the [[gnome]]s of Final Fantasy, although they look more like the titular Chipmunks and Chippettes from the 80s cartoon "Alvin and the Chipmunks". Dedicated and hard-working, they use their skill in magic to make up for their lack of physical prowess.
'''TaruTaru''' (FF11) are basically the [[gnome]]s of Final Fantasy, although they look more like the titular Chipmunks and Chippettes from the 80s cartoon "Alvin and the Chipmunks". Dedicated and hard-working, they use their skill in magic to make up for their lack of physical prowess.


===Ivalice Races===
===Ivalice Races===

Revision as of 10:37, 20 February 2021

This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Final Fantasy is a long, LONG running series of fantasy-themed video-games created by Square Enix. First released for the Nintendo, the original Final Fantasy was the company's last hurrah, as they were teetering on the brink of bankruptcy; the name was an ironic dig at this. Then, to everybody's surprise, it caught on, and the videogaming world would never be the same. The games didn't have a decent plot until FFV, as before that game the stories were paper thin(FFI,FFIII), a D&D style adventure(FFII), or cheesy melodrama(FFIV).

/tg/ Relevance

As perhaps the most iconic fantasy gaming series on /v/, Final Fantasy inspires more than its share of gamers to try and convert the games to the tabletop gaming experience. As such, threads about converting races, classes, jobs, spells and other such things from the games sporadically appear on /tg/.

The original game, Final Fantasy 1, is particularly beloved for its efforts at replicating the Old School Roleplaying feel, and is practically a Dungeons & Dragons game in everything but name - it even steals many classic D&D monsters and throws them at the party. Beware though, as unlike later games(FFIII,V,FFT) that use a class system, the remakes railroad you into having a Fighter/Knight and at least one healer.

An article in Dragon Magazine #323 saw the adaptation of the Chocobo running bird to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition. The most blatant thing to /tg/ however is the card game.


Of course there are homebrews. Some notable homebrews are:

  • Final Fantasy RPG: A surprisingly detailed and almost wholly original system created by a group called the Returners. Built to be essentially a translation of the Final Fantasy games directly onto tabletop, it can appear esoteric and bizarre on first glance, but it's actually much simpler in practice as it just involves a lot of math. It lacks a monster manual, which was going to be rectified by the Returners, until they lost the ability to host their forums.
  • Seed RPG: A spiritual successor to Final Fantasy RPG created by a new team known as the Seed Team (how creative), with its major plus side being how modular it actually is. From skills systems to growth systems to even inventory, almost everything can be customized about this system for a GM and campaign's individual needs. It's primarily meant for IRC chatrooms.
  • Final Fantasy d6: More closely related to Exalted than to Dungeons and Dragons, this system, started by Scott Tengelin, only requires 2d6 (mostly). Very obviously a labor of love from the introduction post to the amount of detail and care put into the system. Classes start with an "innate" ability and can choose from multiple abilities as they level up, meaning two Red Mages (or insert other class here) aren't inherently going to be the same, due to them choosing different abilities.
  • Final Fantasy d20: A homebrew system collected from other sources by Viladin in 2006, this is a rather comprehensive homebrew adding new classes, spells, feats and items into the Pathfinder system to replicate the Final Fantasy experience. Though the system has a heavy emphasis toward representing Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy d20 (or ffd20 for short) does make an attempt at replicating classes in their basic, popular states, while using Pathfinder classes as a chassis. Spellcasters even use MP rather than Vancian Casting... kind of. MP is balanced very similar to Vancian Casting, except there is much less MP to the point that a Black Mage has less MP than a wizard's equivalence in spell slots. Though the common argument is that a Black Mage becomes more capable of using more spells than said wizard (albeit, a Wizard at that point will have pearls of power), they will lose access to all spells by spending all their MP on level 9 spells rather than just the level nine spells, to say nothing about the relative weakness of level 9 spells in FFd20 versus Pathfinder casters (most level 9 spells being raw damage rather than narratively powerful spells like Wish). There is another argument that the MP is more flexible. You may sacrifice three 3rd level spells to cast a 9th, for example. That being said, due to this system being fan made and with an overly active creator, it is very prone to intensive changes and modifications over time; with classes sometimes getting overhauled mechanics overnight.On the flip-side, with the active creator and members it is simple to get an answer to a question or a fix to an issue with the content on their site; though occasionally the fix can be seen as a monkey's paw. In addition, there's a number of archetypes that are expressly not Final Fantasy related, but this is less of an issue. If there's any particular flaw, it is that although the system primarily averts the usual issue of Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards, it does so by making casters quite a means inferior and unable to truly match up in combat versus their martial brethren who gain immense numbers of dice, rather than making martial fighters more interesting in combat and able to compete with mages in these encounters or limiting casters in a way that also could thematically fit Final Fantasy but keep them viable. They're also then stripped of their "toolkit" spells, and are often forced into a blasting role or otherwise mostly rely on their class features over their spells. When the original mechanics are actually found, however, they are quite literally amazing features to behold with an immense (albeit untapped) potential seen in the combo-system used by the Monk class; granting the usually maligned concept a unique identity besides "flurry of blows until the enemy dies". It's entertaining and quite detailed, but it is definitely worth a warning before going into it. It's also one of the most popular Pathfinder homebrews out there, with a thriving community and a few living worlds dedicated to its gameplay.
  • Final Fantasy x DnD 5e: Created by Silent Soren/Sorenson Asgard, this is a much more "minor" incarnation of FFd20; focusing on Final Fantasy XIV and mainly making races, new classes and archetypes designed to work alongside 5e's own. Unlike FFd20, it chooses not to rework the wheel and instead uses the standard spell casting system of 5e; though there are a handful of new spells such as Flare and Holy. For those who want a more "grounded" experience, this isn't a bad option, though players will have to scour for actual FF-themed monsters to use with the system. There are other attempts at making FF classes and mechanics in DnD 5e, but this might be the closest one to a "full" set.
  • PathFinal Fantasy A new Final Fantasy system designed for Pathfinder; created by previous members of the FFd20 community who opted to create an alternative as a result of disagreements between themselves and Viladin. The system at core utilizes a modified form of Psionics as the core of its casting and makes an attempt to make casters and martials feel "equivalent" without compromising on setting or Final Fantasy feel. In addition, its creators are less of a singular individual but rather a council of differently minded individuals with a common goal of "making as close a Final Fantasy tabletop as possible". By comparison to the more popular and older FFd20, the system lacks content on account of it being very fresh and new, and its balance is potentially very wonky on account of its newer release. The nature of the creators being a "council" rather than a singular, autocratic visionary can also lead to some very jarring differences in classes; as each creator has their own unique visions (the Warrior and Red Mage feels different to Thief, which feels different to Black Mage, White Mage, Bard and Ranger, which feels different to Knight, Paladin and Dark Knight which feels different to Monk) which can lead to some classes being overtuned (an argument levied toward Red Mage) or undertuned (levied toward the White and Black Mages and Bard). This system needs some additional time and effort to stew and truly come into its own, so an accurate assessment is difficult; as with nearly all newborn systems.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game

Released in early 2011 in Japan it released in late 2016 in the US. Since it had an iconic franchise behind it and this was around when Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh went full retarded in their own ways, it actually has a decent marketshare in the west. All decks are exactly 50 cards and duplicate cards are limited to three however all character cards you control must be uniquely named. Multiple cards with different effects can have the same name but can't co-exist on the field though, having separate ID codes, count separately for deck limits.


The Final Fantasy series is quite complicated to get into for one major reason: it's not a continuous series, but rather a shared title. Different games take place in their own worlds, and whilst some games share a common universe (the world of Ivalice is particularly fleshed out), the connections between are... rocky at best. At the very least there are hints of a shared Multiverse with the mention of the Interdimensional Rift/The Void. Something that was created for Final Fantasy V. More or less the Final Fantasy equivalent of the Warp. Though much of this was added in via remakes and retcons.


This page is needs images. Help plz.

There are a wide variety of races in Final Fantasy, and many of them only appear in one game. A large varities are just different tribes of humans, such as the Al Bhed (green-eyed humans with a racial proclivity for machina). The more unusual species tend to capture the imagination more.

Moogles are cutesy little humanoids who commonly feature in the games as companions to the player characters or NPCs. They've also been called Mogs and Moglis. Their depictions defer depending on the game but most follow the same design of pudgy white fluffballs with catlike ears, a red nose, comically small wings and a red "pom-pom", that hangs on top of their heads from an antenna. Can be considered the series mascot along with Chocobos.

Burmecians, who only appeared in FF9, are a race of ratfolk (arguably kangaroo rat-influenced). Their society is based on togetherness, family, and close community, and they are known to be quite religious, with practices focused on worshipping through dance.

Elvaans (FF11) look like your classic elf, but are proud, disciplined, hardy warriors who have no talent for magic and instead devote themselves to proving their skill with the art of the sword.


Galka are hulking, seemingly all-male ogre-like creatures in FF11. Apparently asexual, they constantly live in a cycle of reincarnation. Your guess as to how this makes since is as good as ours.

Genomes (FF9) are a race of artificial life-forms that resemble humans with monkey-like tails, which were created to exist as back-up bodies for an invading alien race.

Mithra (FF11) are infamous for being the catgirl race. There apparently are males, but due to their scarcity, they are kept strictly segregated in the Mithra lands, looking after the children. Like cats, they are playful, curious, and prone to mischief. They are best at being thieves, rangers, ninja, and mages with their high dexterity and agility.

Qu (FF9) are a bizarre race of androgynous, long-tongued humanoids which dwell in swamps. Known for their obsession with gourmet cooking and their love of frog-meat in particular.

TaruTaru (FF11) are basically the gnomes of Final Fantasy, although they look more like the titular Chipmunks and Chippettes from the 80s cartoon "Alvin and the Chipmunks". Dedicated and hard-working, they use their skill in magic to make up for their lack of physical prowess.

Ivalice Races

Ivalice has made the most appearances of any one Final Fantasy setting, with two being tactical RPGs full of generic soldiers, and thus has the largest array of potentially playable races to show up so far.

Aegyls are a primitive race of winged humanoids, in a state of cultural and spiritual decline. Only appeared in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and only on their own flying continent. Because of lore reasons their souls were enslaved to their god and said god was draining them to keep his godhood resulting in the aegyl becoming mostly emotionless sentinels.

Bangaas are a powerful race of hulking lizardfolk, distinguished by their two pairs of long, droopy, bunny-like ears. They are note for their strength and agility (Officially. Gameplay wise they are fairly slow.), favoring classes that require high physical power. In earlier incarnations (FFTA/FFXII) they were the 'orc' archetype with penchants towards unsavoury and criminal activities but later on (FFTA2) that archetype was taken over by the Seeq and now they fill the 'honourable warrior race' archetype.

Garifs are a primitive race of ogre-like humanoids, characterized by their thick fur coats and their cultural doctrine of wearing masks throughout their life. They have a distinctly desert nomad feel and maintain an surprisingly intelligent culture but they do fuck all in any of the games aside from exposition.

Gria are an all-female race of humanoid dragons, with the classic "dragongirl" appearance of a dainty tail, horns and dragon wings on an otherwise human body. Despite their girlish looks, Gria are formidably strong due to their homeland being a volcanic island hellhole. They also make use of geomancers to survive in unfavourable terrain both at home and afar. Due to their natural wings they have the ability to fly everywhere but are gimped in terms of job selection.

Humes are Humans. Well balanced and have access to a variety of jobs. What did you expect? Tends to render Bangaas and Nu Mou pointless in their respective areas simply by virtue of having wider options for support abilities and able to cheese the fuck out of their Speed stat through clever class management, resulting in extremely high initiative second only to the Viera. They pay for it by being statistically worse in many areas compared to the more specialised races.

Moogles are as mentioned above. A distinct contrast from their depiction in most other Final Fantasy titles, the Moogles in Ivalice have a clearly defined, independent civilization and homeland while also being the most capable Moogles in any FF title. Think Dwarfs but with a lot more charm and a hell of a lot more scientific progress (they built the first airships of the setting, after all). While speedy they tend to focus on gimmicks mechanically, which barring a couple of absurd builds hampers their general use. Oddly enough they are the only other race barring Humes and select Bangaa to wield firearms widely and efficiently.

Nu Mou are the wise race of Ivalice, resembling a strangely cute mix of lizardfolk and long-eared, hunch-backed dog- or rabbitfolk. They are known for their proficiency with magic and scholarly attitude, leaning more towards the science side of magic. They populate most of the learning centres of Ivalice and almost comically resemble university professors, aside from the fact they can very casually cast extremely advanced magic in battle. They are the premier spellcasting race in Ivalice but suffer terribly in every other role.

Seeqs are the new orcs of Ivalice, appearing as large, bulky pig-men (with a hint of shark). Barbarous and cowardly, they often tend to be bandits though later interpretations make them out to be more inclined towards the outdoors and nature than merely being the criminal race. Their idiosyncratic culture often puts them at odds with the legalistic civilizations in Ivalice. They are playable in one game and very physically focused outside of one surprisingly broken setup that can boost and reverse the effects of items for massive damage.

Viera are perhaps the most famous of Ivalice's races, being a species of practically all-female amazon rabbitfolk-elves of legendary beauty and with a preference for skimpy clothes. Quick, agile, great with bows, long-lived and equally proficient with both magic and martial combat, only female Viera ever appear, as their menfolk are both rare and extremely territorial, hiding even from their women until it's breeding season. Their depiction is the most erratic of Ivalice's races but tend to follow a synthesis of Wood Elf and Amazon elements. Despite their attractive image they are surprisingly stoic and deadpan.

Eorzea Races

Eorzea is the setting of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Some are variations of the same races from FFXI or other games, and typically come in two ethnicities, which basically amounts to variations in skin and hair colors. Unlike FFXI, races are largely cosmetic, so you can cast spells as a hulking Roegadyn or trade blows with a giant as a tiny Lalafell wielding an axe for little to no mechanical disadvantage.

Au Ra(Pronounced "OW-Rah") are human-like beings with dragon-like horns, tail, and scales over their body. Males are significantly taller than females. They generally come from the Far East, with most in Eorzea being refugees from Imperial conquest. They come in Raen(white scales) and Xaela(black scales). Both are pretty enough to count as Monstergirls.

Elezen are The game's version of the Elvaan, a.k.a. the Elves of the game. Elezen are tall, slender, and long-limbed, with the requisite ears and really good hearing. They are one of the few native races to Ezorea, with the Wildwood Elezen(Wood Elves) who live in the forests of the Black Shroud and respect the power of the Elementals living there, and the Duskwight Elezen(i.e. Drow), who lived underground and have a not-too-unwarranted criminal reputation.

Hrothgar are huge Cat-furries, one of the largest races in the game. So far, only male Hrothgar have been seen, but females are known to exist.

Hyur are Humans(again). 'Nuff said.

Lalafell are the next version of the Tarutaru: Tiny and extremely cute(even the ones with facial hair are adorable). More like Halflings than Gnomes, Lalafell don't have any particular bend towards the mystic arts. The game actually makes a decent point to not play kid gloves with the Lalafell in spite(if not because) of their cuteness: You can find some real bastards among them.

Miqo'te are the resident Cat-person race, like the Mithra(who are said to be their ancestors). Like the Mithra, they were originally a female-only race in the game, but apparently their males aren't as rare, and the A Realm Reborn relaunch allowed players to choose Male Miqo'te.

Roegadyn Started off effectively being their versions of the Galka, but female Roegadyn NPCs were seen around the game. Like the Miqo'te, they got the option of playing females in the relaunch. Roegadyn are extremely tall, with even short females often being taller than the males of other races. Males are wide-bodied and muscular, rivalling Hrothgar in overall size.

Viera are pretty much the same as before. Bunny-girl fanservice that kicks ass.


Final Fantasy(I) started you with four faceless adventurers that could each be one of six classes. Most subsequent games would use defined characters, but often with abilities similar to the classes defined in the first and third games. Many spinoffs and the MMO games used classes as well. These classes have become rather iconic to the series, and even have signature looks and abilities.

One thing some games (especially the third, fifth, Tactics, and the MMOs) had was what is called the Job System: a single character could have many classes, and can switch from one or the other between battles, or sometimes even use the abilities of one class while being another. Some of the most common examples include:

Fighter is usually one of the first classes a character can use at the start of the game. Nothing much to it but high physical stats, so it hits hard and takes hard hits. Usually used as a stepping stone to more speciallized martial classes like Knight, Warrior, or the like. Sometimes takes features from Berserker in MMOs when it's called "Warrior".

Black Mage is the basic Sorcerer (with the aesthetic of the Wizard) who casts the spells that make the peoples fall down. They are specced almost entirely to inflict damage. One of the more iconic looks for the series, the classic Black Mage wears a dark blue robe with a yellow cone-shaped hat with a wide brim. Typically, only a pair of yellow eyes can be seen of their faces beneath the hat.

The White Mage conversely is the Cleric. Thus they heal damage, add protection, and smite with holy energy when needed. They are typically seen as wearing white hooded robes trimmed with red triangles. There is a very good chance that a "generic" White Mage(and many characters for that matter) will be female.

Red Mages are essentially Bards who know how to keep it in their pants. They can cast both Black and White magic (though not as many as the dedicated mages), and can fight decently once their MP runs out. Many games have given them the ability to Doublecast or Dualcast, which allows them to cast a spell twice in one turn. As the series progressed, this is often the class that gets messed around with for the purposes of granting it an identity. FFV introduced Dualcast, FFXI attempted to play up a Gish with spell-infused weapon attacks but failed and created something more enfeebling instead, FF Dimensions gave it a very Magus-like Magic Blade ability, FFXIV decided to somewhat abandon the "jack of all trades" aspect in favor of creating a strange hybrid melee-caster that can cast from afar to build up mana and then unleash it with weapon strikes, while the Final Fantasy-adjacent series Bravely Default plays up the Red Mage's potential for "action economy fuckery" by granting bonus Brave (Action) Points.

By that token, Bards lose access to magic (most of the time) due to Red Mage's existence and instead focus on songs and performance, becoming a support-based powerhouse who can kill enemies with songs, empower their allies and whatever the developers decide to stick onto them. Infamous for being spoony.

Whether called Mystic Knights, Spellblades, Spellfencers, or Rune Fencers, this is a class built on having consistent spell damage every time they attack with a weapon. Often a key ingredient in breaking games.

Thieves(some prefer to be called "Treasure Hunters") are literally just Rogues. At first they only allowed the ability to run away without fail, but later gained their iconic Steal and Mug abilities that they became known for. Far more focused on sneaking rather than actually sneak attacking, though MMO entries attempt to rectify this. Often(but not always), the Thief is used as a stepping stone to...

Ninjas are Ninjas. They're sometimes known for having Black Magic(or similar attack arts of their own), but other times, they're where most of the sneak attack goes. They often gain the ability to throw things for massive damage, usually shuriken or all those old swords cluttering up your inventory.

Monks still do their unarmed(well, punching) attacks but are more often than not extremely powerful for what they can do. Sometimes they have unique combo mechanics and ki-abilities(like suplexing a whole-ass train). To make up for a lack of armor, Monks often get a crapton of health.

Paladins are as you expect them. White Magic-empowered knights that can heal allies and smite foes. However, they have an extremely defensive focus, being able to take hits for allies.

Dark Knights are the closest thing to Blackguard that FF gets, but they're not quite close. Rather than being divine gishes, they tend to be HP-shaving masochists that use their own health as fuel for their combat prowess. Very glass cannony as a result, but a good White Mage in the party can keep their HP topped up and the attacks flowing.

Chemists are potion makers. Capable of creating either standard items or stranger concoctions, they pretty much are an alternative means of healing versus White Mages.

Beastmasters are Druids without the ability to cast spells, but they still get to have their "one with nature" shtick.

Berserkers are unstoppably angry humanoid bulldozers who can't be calmed down by anything. Unlike the Barbarian, Berserkers usually can't turn their rage off, but thankfully won't usually attack their allies.

Geomancers are weird, and have the ability to use spell like abilities based on their surroundings. Sometimes they get spells that they can use all the time, but it's not that common.

Time Mages are the Wizard to the Black Mage's Sorcerer, as they break the world around them. Gaining access to strange enfeebling and enhancing spells often related to time and space, Time Mages are either entirely useless for relying on status effects or overpowered for having some of the best buffs.

Blue Mages can cast some of the spell-like abilities used by monsters and other enemies. This can range from unique spells and physical attacks, to launching missiles and spitting fish at your opponent. The problem is that to learn an ability, they usually have to experience it first-hand(i.e. have the enemy use it on them) first, although there was that one weird woman who could consume the enemy and learn it that way(never seemed to gain an ounce, though). The only thing consistent about the Blue Mage is that they get enemy abilities, really.

Dragoons, also known as Dragon Knights or Lancers are a specialized fighting class typically equipped with a spear/lance and armor that makes them look like a dragon. Their signature ability is to jump really high and come down right on your head. Other abilities are less consistent across games, but include breath attacks, stealing Health from the enemy, or having a wyvern fight by your side.

Summoners call on the power of God-like beings to fight in battle. In practice, they're usually Black Mages who drop much bigger numbers of damage after a short(or not) cutscene. The beings they summon have become recurring icons in and of themselves(and have helped reinforce the idea of Bahamut being a Dragon). This is also very likely to be a class that will be fucked around with, as summons and their mechanics often change from game to game.

Dancers are a combination of Bard and a lightly armored offensive class (sometimes Thief, sometimes Monk, sometimes a wholly original discipline) that still support, but while looking fly as hell with their dances. When Bard and Dancer are together in a game, Bard often buffs allies while Dancer debuffs enemies.

Of course there's Rangers, but they work a little differently than their DnD/Pathfinder counterparts. They're almost entirely focused on using their ranged weapon with occasional nature-based help. Sometimes, there isn't a de-facto "ranger" and instead, the game features an archer or gunner.

Samurai are the other iconic weeb job who, while other classes fight in their battles, they train with the sword. Their actual class identity varies as they sometimes throw money at their foes, sometimes do weird iaijutsu attacks or having a counter mechanic (as the Swordmaster in Bravely Default).