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==Why Play Clan Verminus==
==Why Play Clan Verminus==

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*No real wizards outside of Verminlord.
*No real wizards outside of Verminlord.
*Other Skaven players hate that you took their clanrats.
*Other Skaven players hate that you took their clanrats.
*Expensive ($) to start.


Revision as of 17:17, 21 September 2018

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Why Play Clan Verminus


  • Lots of Rats. A LOT OF RATS.
  • Rats with good armor.
  • Don't have to resort to mutation or breeding to be awesome.
  • Rats riding bigger rats.
  • Access to Verminus tagged Verminlord.
  • Rats!!!!!!


  • Lack any real shooting.
  • Lack any big-baddy outside of Verminlord.
  • No real wizards outside of Verminlord.
  • Other Skaven players hate that you took their clanrats.


The common keywords of these warscrolls are: CHAOS, SKAVEN and VERMINUS.

Named Heroes

  • Skritch Spiteclaw: (1 per army) A Warlord with a halberd that does d3 damage instead of 1 with no other weapon options. Keeps Strike and Scurry Away but loses Flurry of Rusted Steel and Clanshield. Gets a special move to revive d3 slain models from his 4 man swarm (eh). Has the Gnash-gnaw on their Bones! ability like normal. Nothing really special here.


  • Verminlord Warbringer: The close combat monster among the Verminlords, the Warbringer swings two very strong weapons and can reroll To Hit when he charges. He can also cast a spell a turn, with his unique spell basically giving the Blood Warriors' No Respite rule to a Skaven unit (can pile in and attack if killed in melee). His command ability is also pretty great but really grows with the game size as his Command targets all Verminus around him. The Warlord's Command is a stronger buff, but only targets one unit, so it's quality versus quantity here.
  • Skaven Warlord: Your standard hero with 5 wounds, a 4+ save (3+ against damage 1 attacks) and 3 weapon options, either a warp-forged blade that gives him 3 3+/3+/-2/D3 attacks, a halberd and a barbed blade which gives him 3 3+/3+/-1/1 attacks and 5 3+/4+/-/1 attacks, or two barbed blades which gives him the latter profile and re-rolls of 1 to hit. Don't even bother with the twin blades and take the halberd its the most reliable. Not that you actually want this guy in close combat as his true worth is his command ability which lets you pick a VERMINUS unit within 13" and give it an extra attack with each of its melee weapons. This is an amazing command ability for your rat horde as it gives your clanrats 100% increased damage output and your stormvermin 50% increased damage output.
    • The sword should be considered when you know you will be fighting someone where the rend makes it worthwhile. The weapon loadouts are close against a 4+ with the sword pulling ahead against a 3+.
  • Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror: A Warlord riding a giant rat and getting +3", +3 wounds, and d3 wound regen. Loses access to the halbert & blades as well as the shield for improved armor save. Also loses Strike and Scurry Away (which is reasonable given the giant rat). The rat itself is no slouch with two weapons putting out a total of 9 well hitting and wounding attacks. At a steep price and low(ish) wound count for a 200+ model, you will have to use him strategically.


Clanrats: (Battleline) 1 1" 4+/4+/-/1 or 2" 5+/4+/-/1 attack each a measly 6+ save (5+ against damage 1) and bravery 4, at 20+ models they get +1 to wound and at 30 a +1 to their hit rolls, and don't forget units get +1 to their bravery as standard for every 10 models in the unit.

  • Units of 20: You won't be having that +1 to wound bonus for very long if you're facing an army with any ranged at all so don't count on it. Take hand weapons on them and run them out ahead of your other stuff and send them on suicide missions into enemy territory. They're generally not big enough to be seen as threatening and can easily survive a turn of close combat with small Liberator-profile units. use their +2" to run and retreat and their ability to charge after retreating to infiltrate enemy lines and maybe get some charges on backline enemy heroes or squishy ranged units. But be smart with them or they will die for nothing.
  • Units of 40: Massive Regiment discount + strength in numbers bonuses = 5 point models with 1" 3+/3+/-/1 attacks or 2" 4+/3+/-/1 attacks. That's pretty nasty. Double the amount of attacks 10 liberators get for the same price. Boosting a unit of 40 clanrats with a warlord makes them much killer than anyone expects.
  • Do remember that when performing a retreat move, you can still use your full movement and Clanrats gain an extra 2" and can still charge on the same turn. if your rats are in a bad or inconsequential matchup, you can always retreat away to find a different opponent or grab an objective.

Stormvermin: (Battleline with VERMINUS allegiance) Stormvermin are your elite infantry and they're a lot better than you might expect. For over double the cost of a clanrat they get +1 save (with the same shields so 4+ vs Damage 1), +1 bravery and trade their spears and blades for halberds with which they make 2 2" 4+/3+/-1/1 attacks each. In addition, they have a rule which gives them +1 to their hit rolls if they target a unit with fewer models which makes them ideal for killing enemy elite infantry and monsters.

  • Units of 40: Get a 60 point discount for taking squads of 40! SO! TAKE! SQUADS! OF! 40! They'll outnumber almost everything from the get-go. Congratulations, you have a unit of 40 sudo-Swordmasters with 2" range for the price of 25 Swordmasters.

Spiteclaw's Swarm: (1 per army) Consists of four different rats each with a different weapon. All of the weapons range between 1-2 attakcs with 4+/4+/-/1 stats so they aren't putting out much damage. They have a 5+ to save against the first wound/mortal wound they get per phase, they have the clanshield rule, and they do not suffer from lost model for battleshock tests (4 bravery so you are still suffering). They aren't terrible for 30 points, but they also aren't fulfilling battleline or doing much either.



Army Building

Two previous boxed games can still be found online which have some good potential, but now adays they are expensive.

Often our units are OOS on GW and webstore exclusives, so you'll have to hunt them overtime.

Keep your fingers crossed for a battletome which adds a few units and gives us a start collecting. Everything is plastic already so it should be easy.

Allied Armies


Where you are going to go for your wizards and primary mortal wound generators. First in-line for allies for Verminus and where you would most commonly fill from.

Grey Seer: A wizard with a pretty good unique spell (pick a unit within 26" roll a dice for each model in it, on a 6 the unit suffers a mortal wound) and a command ability that means for any SKAVEN that flee within 26" roll a dice on a 4+ it doesn't flee. Pretty good if you have no battleshock bolstering in your army anyway.

Lord Skreech Verminking: He has The Dreaded Thirteenth Spell which turns your opponent's units into Verminus units. Now with free summoning this unit is much more attractive. The spell puts out a statically solid amount of mortal wounds and helps to generate some distractions as you move up the field. Expensive but only 20 points more than our Verminlord Warbringer with maybe more utility.

Screaming Bell: A behemoth with random effects based on a 2d6 roll, one gives all skaven models within 13" an extra attack but you need to roll a 10 or 11 to get it. It's also a wizard with a unique spell that hurts slower units (COUGH PALADINS COUGH) more. It moves 3" more for every Skaven within an inch at the start of the movement phase so its designed to work with your big clanrat units. A solid pick through the command ability to give +1 bravery and move to everything that can see the screaming bell doesn't seem as impressive as some of the others offered to Verminus and Masterclan.

Thanquol and Boneripper: A monstrous unit with a price tag to match. Cast and dispel two spells, has a better Arcane Bolt, and can cast spells of similar wizards within 13". Mount is pushing out a lot of mortal wounds in shooting which is where you are going to want to keep him. Melee is not bad, but not the primary use (too risky). Heals 1 wound every turn and can give a 6+++ to all skaven units within 13".

Clan Skyre

You are pulling from this Clan if you want a solid wounds generation unit (Warlock), or a shooting based utility battleline(Stormfiends)/weapons team with some access to heavy weaponry. Also has the Warp-Grinder team which allows you to grab one unit and have it deepstrike on a 3+. Probably second in-line for a favorable ally pick with Verminus.

Clan Eshin

These can be great allies to hide powerful heroes inside your Skaven blobs. You won't be taking th em for their other/battleline though. Third in line for Verminus allies.

Clan Moulder

Also generally uninspiring as allies. Skaven Wolf Rats can have some use being very fast, and Rat Swarms can have use camping an objective as they spawn 1 every turn (so by 3-4 nobody is removing them if they haven't been addressed). Adding less real utility compared to other clans, so fourth in-line for Verminus allies.

Clan Pestilens

Not a whole lot here that is interesting for a Verminus player. You are going to lack the synergy of a pure Pestilens force and access to Daemons. The Plague Monks do decent damage you could look there? Last in line for Verminus allies, plus they started two civil wars and smell bad!

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