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===Disciples of Change===
===Disciples of Change===
The Guardians are incredibly hardy, with a lot of units packing Regeneration on top of their saves. However, this drives up the costs of all your units considerably and making your generic units like them is going to seriously limit what you can field. This is especially worrisome as prime brothers already have steep prices when compared to their normal brothers. However, you also get another perk: The Sisters, whom can all block psychic powers despite not casting at all. The sisters are weaker than any of your units, which limits their viability.
The Disciples of Change give you quite a few venues to getting psychic casting done. They also have the means of giving a lot of their units stealth, though it can become very costly depending on the loadout. Stacked with their spells, this gives you some widespread ways to protect your forces from whatever can try to hit them.  

====Psychic Spells====
*'''Anti-Psychic:''' Your sisters can all buy the option to block psychic powers despite not casting. It's a very advisable buy if you want to take down a psychic-heavy army.
*'''Breath of Change (4+):''' Friendly unit within 12" can now charge 3", giving you the means to control the flow of battle a bit.
*'''Inferno (4+):''' Enemy unit within 12" takes 2 AP 2 hits.  Somewhat equivalent to havoc blast, though it hits the entire unit.
*'''Cursed Mutations (5+):''' Enemy unit within 18" takes -1 to hit, which can help since you have more squishy models.
*'''Fire Storm (5+):''' Enemy unit within 12" must take a dangerous terrain test.
*'''Blessed Mutation (6+):''' Friendly units within 12" gain a Regeneration save that passes on a 4+, a great save.
*'''Bolt of Change (6+):''' Enemy unit within 12" take an AP 4 hit with Deadly 3. Rest assured that whoever you target, they will DIE.

*'''Custodian Captain:''' A very durable hero on par with the grave captain with a dual-purpose spear-rifle that's more effective than a mere CCW and pistol. If that's not your style you can instead grab a sword-rifle for shorter-range shooting but Rending melee, an axe-rifle for poisoned melee attacks or an energy lance for pure melee with Impact 1. You can also grab a shield for extra defense, a jetbike for mobility and another source of Impact or Destroyer armor for extra tanky. Be wary that this all comes at the cost of being able to actually synergize with your other forces, so you need to make sure they won't be relying on anything while in the thick of battle.
*'''Lord of Change:''' The Lord of Change isn't much different from the basic champion. What he gets, however, is the Blessing of Change, which gives his unit a protective aura. All enemies now take -1 to shoot them, giving you an easier time with combat.
*'''Great Sister:''' A flimsier hero, but more than capable of synergizing where the Custodian Captain cannot. However, she also has to dedicate between melee with her energy sword (which makes Furious a desirable buy) or shooting with either flamethrower of prosecution rifle with a CCW (thus making Relentless a good pick). In either case, you can instead grab Scout for advance movement instead of Relentless or Furious. On top of that, you can also buy for a unit bonus of +1 to either melee attacks or shooting attacks...or buy both at the appropriate price.
*'''Sorcerer of Change:''' This psychic isn't very different from his base counterpart aside from Stealth...except he can take a mount, gaining Fast, Strider and Impact (1).
*'''Birdman Sorcerer:''' Treat the birdmen as slightly stronger cultists. They're still much weaker than the brothers and this is the case with the sorcerer as well. His melee prospects are practically pointless with only a hexed staff, but he can become a stronger psychic for cheaper than any other. Keep him safe.

Revision as of 18:14, 9 July 2020

Why play Havocs Brothers?

The Havoc Brothers are the dark mirror to the Battle Brothers. You get most of the same tricks as they do, but you get some better focus on melee.


  • The majority of your army is with great defense
  • A high amount of customization when including the specialized Disciplines.
  • Your entire army is Fearless.


  • Your forces are expensive.
  • Your troops lack Tough, so heavy weapons can very easily wipe out a unit of Brothers.
  • You only have one Psychic model. Some forces add more, but you'll be paying a pretty penny for that.
  • You lack the variety of weapons the base Brothers do.

Special Rules

  • Chosen Veteran: You can take this on a few weapons, though it's very costly. It adds +1 to all attack rolls, making them better at fighting.
  • Mutations: When a model with this rule fights in melee, you roll one die and apply one bonus:
    • 1-2: Unit gets AP(+1)
    • 3-4: Unit gets +1 attack
    • 5-6: Enemies get -1 to hit

Psychic Spells

  • Dark Sight (4+): One enemy unit within 12" takes -1 to hit with shooting. Vital for protecting your troops from heavy weaponry of any kind.
  • Havoc Terror (4+): One enemy unit within 12" takes 2 AP 2 hits.
  • Cursed Sludge (5+): An enemy unit within 18" that attempts a charge loses 6" to their charge distance next time they charge. Note that this won't save anyone from a charge if they're too close, but it will prevent any long-range gambits.
  • Havoc Trauma (5+): One enemy model within 12" takes a single AP 3 hit. Pretty much all you can ask for when sniping a hero or heavy weapon.
  • Warp Passage (6+): One friendly unit within 12" can immediately move 6". This gives you a desperate escape button or possibly an easier charge.
  • Demon Fog (6+): Two enemy units within 6" take 8 hits each, making this hell for mobs of grunts.

Unit Analysis


  • Dark Lord: A Captain with an edgy paintjob. He's heavily customizable to fit out any mix of shooting (which you can milk out with Relentless granting extra shots) or melee, or even give them extra toughness (with the Destroyer Armor granting Tough 6) or mobility with either the bike with Fast and Impact 1 or the jetpack with flight. They can also grab either Havoc Tactics to add +3" to their unit's shooting and charging ranges or War Chant to give Furious and make charging deadlier.
  • Dark Champion: Take your Dark Lord, chop off 10 points and Relentless and you get your Champion. They can be useful in plugging up any options that your lord didn't take or dedicate them to be the choppier since they don't have Relentless to incentivize shooting.
  • Dark Engineer: Don't be fooled by the name; these guys are your medics for any tough units you drag along, including other Heroes and Destroyers. You should be wary of the limits of the Repair ability, as it only heals a single wound on a single Tough unit within 2" on a 4+.
  • Dark Psychic: A costly hero, but they also provide you with psychic casting. Alongside the other upgrade lists, you can also upgrade it to Psychic 2 for extra power.
  • Cultist Champion: Your super-cheap hero, though it's at the cost of being your worst. That Tough 3 won't account for much with a 5+ defense and 4+ quality makes him crumble quickly. However, he is valuable as one of your most varied shooters among your heroes.
  • Daemon Champion: Insanely expensive, but absolutely powerful. A 2+ on both quality and defense, 6 AP 2 attacks with the daemon sword and Fear make this hero incredibly strong, especially with Tough 6. To top it all off, you can also make them a Psychic with a rating of 1 to 3, which will ratchet up that cost even higher. This guy won't need much in the way of bodyguards, in fact they'll just be a bit of a hinderance compared to the untouchable.


  • Cultists: Absolutely trash-tier, on level with the conscripts. However, conscripts don't get to pick out a variety of guns, all for cheaper than the havoc brothers.
  • Havoc Brothers: The baseline for your force, meaning a walking tank. Your brothers have the widest selection of weapons available, spreading almost any manner of weaponry. Of note among the weapons are the cheap shred rifle, giving short-range A2 Shredding, and the autocannon, which gives long-range anti-infantry.
  • Havoc Support: These brothers lack the option for Veteran Training, but you do get Relentless (gaining an extra attack for every 6 you roll to hit while shooting) and the option to pick any heavy weapon you want.
  • Possessed Brothers: You want dedicated murderous melee prowess? You'll be looking up these guys. Possessed have Fast (with an option for flight) and more attacks in melee, but have absolutely no shooting power. Their other major feature is their mutations, which you roll up for each model whenever they fight (-1 AP, +1 attack or enemies take -1 to hit them). Though very expensive, you'll be getting your mileage out of them.
  • Mutated Possessed: Possessed except better. Though fewer, these guys now drown enemies with 8 attacks each and Tough 3 lets them tank a few blows. In exchange, however, they'll never be fly. Hope you'll get some use out of that extra 80 points.
  • Talon Raptors: If you don't want to go all-in on assault, then the raptors give you havoc brothers with jetpacks. While they can take most of the lighter weapons from the base brothers, you can also strap every one of them with energy claws if you feel so inclined.
  • Havoc Destroyers: Destroyers are your big slabs of meat with Tough 3 as well as heavy weapons platforms. Sure, you could just give them all energy claws, but they also can switch their twin assault rifles for assault rifles with a special weapon as an attachment or for a heavy flamethrower or reaper cannon for some more mob-wiping.
  • Mutated Destroyers: Take a Destroyer and make them even more uncomfortably swole. Alongside being Tough 6 now, mutated destroyers also take Slow, random mutations, and come with AP 2 claws by default. Fortunately their shooting aspects aren't totally shot as they can grab special guns with 24" A2 AP 2 Rending.
  • Havoc Bikers: Cheaper than Battle Brothers, but also in a smaller unit size. Each comes with Fast and Impact 1, so melee is a viable option. If you're going for shooty, you can give an extra attack to your assault rifles or upgrade some of them with more interesting guns.
  • Daemon Spawn: A big freaky monster for melee purposes. It's not very strong with Tough 6 but a 4+ Defense, though mutations gives it a chance to get protection. It's more focused on getting stuck in and smashing with Strider and Fear to compliment its A3 AP 1 claws.


  • Havoc APC: A nimble yet tough tank with a 2+ defense and Tough 6 to protect its cargo of 11 models. For a mere 5 points you can add Strider to it so you can cover more ground. Though it has Impact 6 (with an option to make it Impact 12 with the spiked ram) and a storm rifle, combat is not something you should be blowing this on.
  • Havoc Tank: Tough 12 and a 2+ Defense means that this thing won't be going anywhere, which it should for the price point. It comes with one autocannon, but you can give it one of a variety of heavy cannons to add to the punch. If you're looking for just extra guns, you only have heavy machine guns or laser cannons and both ramp up the cost considerably.
  • Havoc Heavy Tank: The Battle Tank now has a heavy machine gun and two laser cannons as well as a transport capacity of 11, Tough 18 and an obscene price tag. That's where the similarities end however, as this tank can't carry a heavy cannon. Indeed, its only other weapon option is getting either another twin assault rifle or an assault rifle with an add-on.
  • Infernal Brute: Big and tough, but it's not fast and lacks Impact. What it has, especially in comparison to the base brothers attack walker, is a variety of melee weapons. Indeed, alongside some of the basic guns the walker could grab (including a flamethrower or twin assault rifle on the fists), you can also grab either a hammer for Deadly 3 or a free flail for 4 AP 1 attacks. This beast will absolutely want protection on the field since it lacks any sort of delivery mechanism. However, you can be perfectly happy with giving it heavy guns and sending it off, since not many other vehicles have such a variety of guns.
  • Infernal Stalker: A big mean beast with a bit more flexibility between punching and shooting. This is especially prevalent in melee, where it has four different weapons and especially the high-AP maul-cutter and the high-quantity chainsaw-glaive. It has a short-ranged bane flamethrower (or an autocannon), which is offset by the stalker having Strider. This thing is tailor-made to mess up anything in close combat, which gives it a good advantage against anything it comes against.
  • Havoc Fiend: The mega-tank. Not only is it Tough 12 and 2+ Defense, but it also comes with Regeneration, giving you a second shot to just nope out of any damage. By default it comes with some powerful melee weapons, but you could also replace everything with ecto-cannons or forge cannons, turning it into a mid-range artillery platform.
  • Spider Walker: The spider walker, while well-rounded, lacks the punch of the other units. While it has Strider to make it more mobile, all of its weapons are AP 2. While by no means bad, do know that it is the same price as a naked havoc fiend, which can already do heavy melee carnage.
  • Crab Walker: Another walker very capable of artillery thanks to its battle cannon. On top of that, you can also buy an additional heavy ranged weapon in exchange for one of its three fists (yes, it has three. Don't ask.) and more missiles in place of its flail. Even if you keep all the melee weapons, you're taking a mobile artillery platform more than capable of defending itself and capable of tanking blows thanks to Regeneration.
  • Forge Dragon: Your lone aircraft is plenty durable thanks to regeneration, but its role is tightly constrained to two roles: burninating all the peoples with its stock flamer or dogfighting and anti-vehicle with the forge cannon.


Disciples of War

The Disciples of War are bluntly simple with their passions: ripping things up in close quarters. Furious is now available to the infantry (5 for most, destroyers cost 10) and Talon Raptors can even grab the extra-furious known as Frenzy.


  • Frenzy: Furious +1. Models with this rule (Talon Raptors and Frenzy Brothers) can make two extra attacks when making a charge.

Unit Analysis

  • Lord of War: Your Dark Champion-alike comes with Furious and can grab the extra-cruel heavy cleaver with Deadly 3. He lacks the Havoc Tactics or War Chant option, but gives you something well-worth the bonus: Blessing of War adds +1 to all melee attacks for the entire unit, which makes all of your choppy troops happy. Even better, this can synergize perfectly well with Havoc Tactics.

  • Berserkers: Havoc Brothers with Furious. If you feel kind, you can pick up energy swords for any of them to punch through armor. However, this comes at the cost of abandoning any pretense of shooting beyond pistols (or the odd plasma pistol).
  • Fury Brothers: When you abandon all pretense of range and just want to kill. What's troubling is that they only have CCWs and Frenzy to swing with, meaning that you'll need something to support them or else see the investment go up in smoke.
  • Slaughter Brothers: See those berserkers? They now have heavy cleavers. These guys are clearly your elites, as these things are meant to drown drown small units with Deadly.

Disciples of Change

The Disciples of Change give you quite a few venues to getting psychic casting done. They also have the means of giving a lot of their units stealth, though it can become very costly depending on the loadout. Stacked with their spells, this gives you some widespread ways to protect your forces from whatever can try to hit them.

Psychic Spells

  • Breath of Change (4+): Friendly unit within 12" can now charge 3", giving you the means to control the flow of battle a bit.
  • Inferno (4+): Enemy unit within 12" takes 2 AP 2 hits. Somewhat equivalent to havoc blast, though it hits the entire unit.
  • Cursed Mutations (5+): Enemy unit within 18" takes -1 to hit, which can help since you have more squishy models.
  • Fire Storm (5+): Enemy unit within 12" must take a dangerous terrain test.
  • Blessed Mutation (6+): Friendly units within 12" gain a Regeneration save that passes on a 4+, a great save.
  • Bolt of Change (6+): Enemy unit within 12" take an AP 4 hit with Deadly 3. Rest assured that whoever you target, they will DIE.


  • Lord of Change: The Lord of Change isn't much different from the basic champion. What he gets, however, is the Blessing of Change, which gives his unit a protective aura. All enemies now take -1 to shoot them, giving you an easier time with combat.
  • Sorcerer of Change: This psychic isn't very different from his base counterpart aside from Stealth...except he can take a mount, gaining Fast, Strider and Impact (1).
  • Birdman Sorcerer: Treat the birdmen as slightly stronger cultists. They're still much weaker than the brothers and this is the case with the sorcerer as well. His melee prospects are practically pointless with only a hexed staff, but he can become a stronger psychic for cheaper than any other. Keep him safe.

  • Custodian Brothers: Incredibly expensive, but very durable. The unit also has the option of spear-rifles, sword-rifles or axe-rifles like the Captain, and can grab shields for protection and a battle standard for Fear on top of your really strong weapons. You'll be wanting that protection badly, since you cannot afford to lose any models.
  • Custodian Destroyers: Custodians in destroyer armor make them obscenely expensive, but Tough 3 and Regeneration is a hard combination to deny. While you're limited to only spears and axes and lack shields, you can grab wrist-mounted grenade launchers to mitigate mobs and you can equip a standard of your own. You absolutely want to make use of Ambush so you can get right into the mix with your fabulous weapons.
  • Custodian Jetbikers: These bikes have strider, and are therefore better. However, you're trapped with only energy lances unless you pony up for assault rifle arrays (which can become fusion missiles for even more points). You'll be wanting to make use of the combined impact values if you decide to spring for bone stock.
  • Vigilant Sisters: All come armed with energy swords, and therefore are Furious. Don't let them get hit, toss them into an APC.
  • Prosecution Sisters: Sisters with Prosecution rifles and Relentless. Don't keep on the front lines, especially without cover.
  • Hunter Sisters: These sisters have flamethrowers and Scouts, so you want them to make sure their flamethrowers hit the enemy at the worst possible time.

  • Custodian Walker: A Tough 12 walker with heavy minigun and fist, putting it on par with your light walker. Sadly, the only thing you can do is make that minigun into a heavy fusion rifle, which makes buying this suspect when you can just take a light walker for cheaper or slap your anti-armor on tanks.

Disciples of Plague

The Dark Brothers don't specialize in any particular form of combat, but instead focus on holding on no matter the odds. They will not break as easily.

Special Rules

  • Dark Assault: This adds onto Ambush by making you able to deploy them on any round you wish, adding to your strategic game of dropping in troops. However, this is only available to base captain, jetpack and suppression squads, limiting its value.
  • Grim: This unit isn't only Fearless, it's so fearless that if it fails a morale check you can roll another d6 to make it pass instead on a 4+. Unlike the prior rule, this is more widely available to your forces.


  • Interrogator: Make an Champion and replace their option for Battle Rites or War Chant with Grim. This is essentially what they're good for.

  • Dark Destroyers: Quite expensive compared to the base destroyers, but you get both Grim and Dark Assault, allowing them to pop in wherever and whenever you want. They also have access to plasma cannons, giving them an answer to any Brother-tier squads out there. This lets them specialize for whatever you need, whereas the aggros are locked in their loadouts.
  • Destroyer Knights: These Destroyers have shields and wicked maces with rending, meaning that they need an avenue of delivery. If you feel keen on charging, you'll be wanting to take a heavy flail for Impact 3.
  • Black Bikers: See those bikes? They're now Grim. They also have the option for twin plasma carbines or grenade launchers, both quite handy though you can't grab the other guns. In exchange, you also get to buy some stronger melee weapons.

  • Shroud Speeder: A speeder traded off a weapon for Grim and Stealth. You also can swap that heavy machine gun for a minigun if you so please. The lone upgrade here is the Dark Shroud, which gives two friendly units within 6" Stealth when they're shot next, and considering how your men are made for hanging on rather than killing, you want that protection.
  • Vengeance Speeder: This speeder has a plasma cannon and Grim, making it better for artillery made for countering armor. Oh, and you still have either the heavy machine gun or minigun for more massed enemies.
  • Dark Gunship: Superheavy weapons ship over here. Its two exclusive weapons are both blasts with AP1, ideal for chunking lower-tier mobs with disdain. If you feel like ruining someone's day even further, may I introduce you to the twin assault rifle array, dishing out 12 hits on top of everything else.
  • Angel Jet: A dogfighter with some light weaponry. Without upgrades, it only has AP 1 for all its guns, though you could also buy a twin laser cannon so it can punch more heavily-armored foes.

Disciples of Lust

While the Guardian Brothers have to rely on auxilia sisters to block off spells, the Knight Brothers can pull it off themselves without such an absurd price hike, while your exclusive choices also come with storm rifles. This also comes with the perk of being able cast by themselves, which gives you some well-needed support on casting.

Special Rules

  • Aegis: Your entire army can block powers as if they were psychic. In the case of Psychics, they instead get a +1 to block. This is available to all your infantry choices.

Psychic Spells

  • Ward (4+): Enemy unit within 12" suffers -1 to hit with melee on their next turn. Important since you're only protected by a mere 2+ save for the most part.
  • Cleanse (4+): Enemy unit within 12" takes 2 AP 2 hits. Somewhat equivalent to psychic blast, though it hits the entire unit.
  • Warp (5+): Enemy unit within 12" takes -1 to defense, which you'll want if you're struggling to turn the tide.
  • Doom (5+): Enemy model within 12" takes an AP 3 hit, making this a prime sniping spell.
  • Strike (6+): Friendly unit within 12" can immediately shoot.
  • Purge (6+): Two enemy units within 6" take 2 AP 1 hits each, making it comparable to Lightning Cloud.


  • Knight Champion: A very costly hero, but you get quite a bit. Alongside Aegis and Psychic 1, you also get Combat Master, which gives you one of four different styles each round you're in melee (+1 to hit, AP +1, Rending or Impact 1). This champion is a through and through beatstick with psychic powers. If you want support, pick the generic heroes.

  • Knight Brothers: Each of these boys has a storm rifle, an energy sword and Aegis, which is plenty worth the price hike. They have a very unique selection of weapons. Their guns are now an incinerator (a flamer with AP 1), a psychic silencer (a minigun-lite with 6 shots) or the psychic cannon (AP 2 and rending). In melee, they can swap their energy sword for an energy staff (less attacks but it's poisoned), the halberd (less attacks but AP 2), twin energy falchions (Rending) and daemon hammer (2 attacks, but now AP 4 and Deadly 3). You can also grant them Impact 1, Ambush or Teleport (so you can jump 6" anywhere without regard for terrain and isn't the same as ambush for some reason). Oh, and these guys can be psychic too, so joy.
  • Purgation Brothers: Knights with Relentless. They now have free reign of the special weapons but can't specialize in melee. They can also be psychic too.
  • Knight Destroyers: Destroyers are already dangerous, so you know for sure that stacking all the benefits of Knights makes them deadlier as well as obscenely more expensive. Their weapon choices mirror the base knights, but they can also grab a standard (for Fear) and Regeneration as well as the ability to give everyone Impact 3.

  • Knight Walker: This walker lacks its guns. However, it is Tough 18 and psychic, making it a tank in both a physical and mental sense. You can grant heavy guns that won't replace your fists and then take either an energy great sword or daemon hammer for extra punch. You can also grant it Teleport to surprise enemies or Regeneration if you want to drive it deep into battle.

Army Building

Starter Armies

General Advice


Grimdark Future Tactics Articles
General: General Tactics
Alien Hives: Alien Hives - Soul-Snatcher Cults
Aliens: Dwarf Guilds - Eternal Dynasty - Jackals - Orc Marauders
Robot Legions - Saurian Starhost - TAO Coalition
Battle Brothers: Battle Brothers - Custodian Brothers - Prime Brothers
Elves: Dark Elf Raiders - Elven Jesters - High Elf Fleets
Havoc: Havoc Brothers - Machine Cult Defilers - Wormhole Daemons
Humans: Battle Sisters - Feudal Guard - Gangs of Hive City
Human Defense Force - Human Inquisition - Infected Colonies
Machine Cult - Titan Lords - Rebel Guerillas
Ratmen: Ratmen Clans - Vile Rattus Cult