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Tyranids have access to "Flame Sprayer" biomorph, which is essentially a Flamer. Available to Hormagaunts and Warriors.
Genestealers, Raveners, and Lictors have "Hot Body" which adds additional armor piercing and an extra point of armor.
They also have "Magma Claws", which increases armor piercing and damage the more rounds they are in combat with a unit or squad.
Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants both have access to "Magma Blast" that has a large blast template and does an additional round of damage to anything in the area at the end of the next turn. They also have access to the "Flame Belcher" biomorph, which has similar stats to a dual-linked Flamer.

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Revision as of 22:04, 27 May 2011

((Currently under development. Don't hurt me. This page is open to editing.))

/tg/ got tired of homebrew spess mareen chapters one day, so they decided to give the beloved Tyranids some upgrades.

Essentially lava-loving, geolithic Tyranids that deep-strike via meteors, hibernate under the planet's surface, and emerge as massive, ash-spewing, magma-gushing towers of flesh and organic crystal.

Tyranid Evolutionary Motivation: Fire hurts. Let's make it stop doing that.


Physical Description: Identical to other Tyranid sub-species in biology, with the addition of various pores that secrete an obsidian-like substance over their bodies. The substance has been known to withstand melta bombs and flamer damage. Venom glands that are either normally dormant or inactive in some of the larger sub-species have been adapted to release a dual-chemcial reaction, known to react with hydrogen and oxygen in the air with pyroclasmic effects.

Hive Fleet Invasion normally starts by an inconspicous meteor shower, with monstrous creatures landing far from civilization and burrowing deep beneath the planets crust, positioning themselves near volcanic or caustic vents.


Tyranids have access to "Flame Sprayer" biomorph, which is essentially a Flamer. Available to Hormagaunts and Warriors.

Genestealers, Raveners, and Lictors have "Hot Body" which adds additional armor piercing and an extra point of armor. They also have "Magma Claws", which increases armor piercing and damage the more rounds they are in combat with a unit or squad.

Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants both have access to "Magma Blast" that has a large blast template and does an additional round of damage to anything in the area at the end of the next turn. They also have access to the "Flame Belcher" biomorph, which has similar stats to a dual-linked Flamer.

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