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====Surtur-class Swarmlord====
====Surtur-class Swarmlord====
The gradual disappearance of the Balor-class Tyrant wasn't an act of mercy, for with every new battle, the Nidhoggr Norn Queen, the Molten Empress, tested the limits of organisms it created and gradually crafted the most fearsome of them all, a magnum opus of fire and death with which to burn the sky and shatter the ground. And so, on a remote and fortified planet of the Space Wolves, the Surtur-class Swarmlord was unleashed.
The gradual disappearance of the Balor-class Tyrant wasn't an act of mercy, for with every new battle, the Nidhoggr Norn Queen, the Molten Empress, tested the limits of organisms it created and gradually crafted the most fearsome of them all, a magnum opus of fire and death with which to burn the sky and shatter the ground. And so, on a remote and fortified planet of the Space Wolves, the Surtur-class Swarmlord was unleashed. In a matter of three days, each and every fortress on the planet fell, the newly born leader of the Swallowing Flame led charge after charge, commanding its legions of fire and ash with brutal precision. On the last day, Anthra, captain of the last surviving haven of the planet, fought the beast in direct combat; despite his agility, he was no match for the fiery mountain that opposed him, and for an hour he barely managed to hold his own, until a blow from its massive sabers cut his right arm, disarming him. But before he could be finished off, he took the Swarmlord by surprise and blasted one of its own appendages off with a shot from a melta pistol. At last, the beast had lowered its guard, but it was still learning, that wasn't but a test to understand its capabilities. It mauled the captain alive, under the watch of his brothers and under the last screams of the fallen hero, so too fell the last bastion of Charan.
Centuries later, the Surtur-class Swarmlord has only gotten more intelligent and brutal. In a macabre display of intelligence from a seemingly soulless abomination, before consuming the prey it always slices their limbs off, seemingly enjoying their struggles before engulfing them in its flames.

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====[[Magma Corer]]====
====[[Magma Corer]]====


Revision as of 15:48, 10 July 2022

The one thing worse than space locusts: flaming space locusts.

The Hive Fleet Nidhoggr is a splinter of the tyranid threat shrouded in mystery and fear. First encountered on the now-consumed world of Yggdrasill, its perpetual flame has enveloped numerous worlds in the Segmentum Obscurus with no signs of stopping. Ever-evolving to new heights of brutality and resilience, the shadow cast by these creatures shrouds the dying worlds in an ashen mist that bloats the sky and chokes the resistance as their planet burns to the ground.


Physical Description

Identical to other Tyranid sub-species in biology, except about two to ten three times as large, with the addition of various pores that secrete an obsidian-like substance over their bodies. The substance has been known to withstand melta bombs and flamer damage. Venom glands that are either normally dormant or inactive in some of the larger sub-species have been adapted to release a dual-chemical reaction, known to react with hydrogen and oxygen in the air with pyroclastic effects.

Many bioforms emit an orange heat glow off of their claws and within their jaws. The very few specimens that have been captured and dissected have had immense internal heat that does not die with the creature. They also seem to have a predilection towards eating rocks, armor and other inorganic substances.


Mycetic Spores are disused for Deepstriking. Instead, they invade the planet via meteor storms in order to remain inconspicuous, allowing the Tyranids to infest the crust of the planet with Monstrous Creatures who remain in a hibernation state until activated by the Hive Mind. The deeply seeded planet is activated, causing tectonic damage on a local, and depending on planetary faultlines, global scale. The awakened Tyranids are often likened to "Volcanoes and mountains born upon the backs of massive creatures", who proceed with incinerating the planet before consuming it completely. As other Tyranid fleets have been known to scour planets of life, the Nidhoggr Hive Tendril has been known to eradicate whole systems from existence, hence earning their title based on the ancient devourer of the World Tree.


Biomorphs peculiar to the Nidhoggr

Balor-class Hive Tyrant

A Hive Tyrant of the Hive Fleet Nidhoggr. It was the first true commander-organism of its fleet and led the fall of Yggdrasil and the first crusades through the dark cosmo. Far larger than any other organism of its type, the Tyrant incorporated many strange adaptations in its iterations, from massive magma cannons to piercing chitin spears; the one common denominator and the artificers of its dark fame were a peculiar type of monstrous bonesword and lash whip called "The Devil's Implements" that burned away the flesh of the victims and bombarded their pain receptors to the point of bursting. Little by little, this creature's appearances grew rarer, until it became something of a myth, a shadow of a demon lingering in the scorched earths of countless systems, out-shadowed only by an even darker form.

Surtur-class Swarmlord

The gradual disappearance of the Balor-class Tyrant wasn't an act of mercy, for with every new battle, the Nidhoggr Norn Queen, the Molten Empress, tested the limits of organisms it created and gradually crafted the most fearsome of them all, a magnum opus of fire and death with which to burn the sky and shatter the ground. And so, on a remote and fortified planet of the Space Wolves, the Surtur-class Swarmlord was unleashed. In a matter of three days, each and every fortress on the planet fell, the newly born leader of the Swallowing Flame led charge after charge, commanding its legions of fire and ash with brutal precision. On the last day, Anthra, captain of the last surviving haven of the planet, fought the beast in direct combat; despite his agility, he was no match for the fiery mountain that opposed him, and for an hour he barely managed to hold his own, until a blow from its massive sabers cut his right arm, disarming him. But before he could be finished off, he took the Swarmlord by surprise and blasted one of its own appendages off with a shot from a melta pistol. At last, the beast had lowered its guard, but it was still learning, that wasn't but a test to understand its capabilities. It mauled the captain alive, under the watch of his brothers and under the last screams of the fallen hero, so too fell the last bastion of Charan.

Centuries later, the Surtur-class Swarmlord has only gotten more intelligent and brutal. In a macabre display of intelligence from a seemingly soulless abomination, before consuming the prey it always slices their limbs off, seemingly enjoying their struggles before engulfing them in its flames.


A massive Trygon wreathed in flame, this particular bioform is a unique individual that consumes inorganic matter and uses it as fuel to power its rampages. First spotted at the vanguard of a Nidhoggr assault, the Linnorm burnt through and under groups of vehicles, melting their undersides and immobilizing them.

'Ignis' Pyrovore Brood

While most Hive Fleets are content with merely leaving the Pyrovore to consume at its own leisure, its fire cannon being too inefficient for combat. However, Hive Fleet Nidhoggr would begin adapting Pyrovores to become more effective after a nearly-disastrous battle against the hordes of Hive Fleet Leviathan on the volcanic wastes of Musfell. The result was the Ignis Class Pyrovore, a breed of Pyrovore that harnessed the igneous power of magma to become capable of dissolving near-anything with its magmaspurt cannon. Although the brood is still relatively new, prospects from what few combats saw these beasts used has proven to be favorable.


Called "Commander of Flame" in the Tau language, this tyranid first appeared on a heavily defended Tau world. The Tau had taken many painstaking weeks to purge the Nidhoggr forces from their planet, utilising the heavy Riptide battle suits to clear the monstrous creatures from afar. Once every tyranid bioform had been driven back and destroyed, a single carnifex-type fell from the sky and ran directly at the weakest point in the enemy defence. The creature used a grappling hook like tentacle to grab the closest Riptide and render its range advantage moot.

Suam'O shows remarkable intelligence for a carnifex, being fit for the highly autonomous hive tendril. But when a Riptide appeal, the beast reverts to a level of rage unseen in carnifexes. It is believed that the individual was built by the Hive Mind to destroy the advantage the Tau have in range. It is also believed that sheer rage gave the creature self-awareness and synapse abilities.

Magma Corer


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