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:If the Weirdnob Shaman of this battalion is wholly within 18" of 2 or more units from this battalion, it can use it's Brutal Power ability to attempt to cast Green Puke twice, in addition to other spells it can cast.
:If the Weirdnob Shaman of this battalion is wholly within 18" of 2 or more units from this battalion, it can use it's Brutal Power ability to attempt to cast Green Puke twice, in addition to other spells it can cast.

===Bonesplitters Battalions===
===={{color|#009933|Bonesplitterz Battalions}}====

;Brutal Rukk: ''1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Boarboyz.
'''{{color|#009933|Brutal Rukk}}'''
''(140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Boarboyz.''
:Battalion units that are wholly within 12" of the Big Boss at the start of the charge phase can run and charge.
:Battalion units that are wholly within 12" of the Big Boss at the start of the charge phase can run and charge.

;Kop Rukk: ''2-5 Wardokks, 2-5 Savage Orruk Morboyz.
'''{{color|#009933|Kop Rukk}}'''
''(140pts) 2-5 Wardokks, 2-5 Savage Orruk Morboyz''
:A Wardokk that is wholly within 2+ units with 10+ models from this battalion can attempt to cast the Fists of Gork spell from the Wurrgog Prophet warscroll in addition to any other spells it can cast.
:A Wardokk that is wholly within 2+ units with 10+ models from this battalion can attempt to cast the Fists of Gork spell from the Wurrgog Prophet warscroll in addition to any other spells it can cast.

;Kunnin' Rukk: ''1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrowboys.
'''{{color|#009933|Kunnin' Rukk}}'''
''(140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrowboys''
:In your hero phase, pick 1 unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss. That unit can make a normal move or shoot, units in this battallion cannot have more then 20 models.
:In your hero phase, pick 1 unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss. That unit can make a normal move or shoot, units in this battallion cannot have more then 20 models.

;Snaga Rukk: ''1 Maniak Weirdnob, 2-5 Savage Boarboy Maniaks.
'''{{color|#009933|Snaga Rukk}}'''
''(120pts) 1 Maniak Weirdnob, 2-5 Savage Boarboy Maniaks''
:You can re-roll charge rolls for units wholly within 12" of the Maniak Weirdnob.
:You can re-roll charge rolls for units wholly within 12" of the Maniak Weirdnob.

;Teef Rukk: ''1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Big Stabbas.
'''{{color|#009933|Teef Rukk}}'''
''(140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Big Stabbas.
:+1 to the attacks made by units that are wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss.
:+1 to the attacks made by units that are wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss.

Revision as of 16:05, 10 October 2019

Grand Alliance Destruction

Orruk Warclans


General Tactics

The Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz are getting together for a big Waaaaaagh soup party.

Why Play Orruk Warclans

Combines the old Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz factions together under one battletome.


  • Play as Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz or mix the two as the Great Waaagh!


  • DATZ, A LOT OF GREEN PAINTS YA, GOT DERE BOSS (though made a lot easier with Ork Flesh and other green contrast paints)
  • No Greenskinz specific Warclan rules. You can use them in The big Waagh! faction, as all they need is to be is Orruks , but you don't get any special synergies and they are in danger of vanishing from the next GHB or GHB FAQ. Until then they are perfectly valid to use.


Ironjawz Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

Eager for Battle
Add 1 to the charge rolls for friendly Ironjawz units.
Mad as Hell
At the end of any phase, if any wounds or mortal wounds have been inflicted in that phase on an Ironjawz unit that is more than 9" from any enemy units, that Ironjawz unit can move D6".
Smashing and Bashing
If an Ironjawz unit completely destroys an enemy unit in the combat phase then choose another Ironjawz unit that has not fought yet in this combat phase can pile in and attack instead of waiting till later in the phase.
Mighty Destroyers
For 1 command point, pick a friendly Ironjawz unit wholly within 12" of your hero, or 18" if the unit is your general. If there are no enemy models within 12" then you can move. If they are within 12" then you can make a charge. IF they are within 3" then you can immediately swing in melee. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.
Ironjawz Waaaagh!
You can use this command ability once per battle at the start of your combat phase if your army has a Megaboss ' general Count up all the units that are wholly within 18" of your general and roll a die. On an 11 or lower, all friendly Ironjawz units wholly within range of the general get +1 to their attacks, if the roll is 12 or more then add +2 to their attacks instead.

Command Traits

You general gets to choose one of:

Ironclan Warlords

Megaboss only

  1. Hulking Muscle Bound: After your general made a charge move, pick an enemy unit within 1" and on a 2+ that unit takes D3 MW's.
  2. Live to fight: Re-roll wound rolls for attacks made by your general and their mount if you made a charge move.
  3. Brutish Cunning: Once per battle round, your general can use the mighty destroyers command ability without spending a command point.
  4. Ironclad: Add 1 to the save rolls for this general.
  5. Bestial Charisma: Once per battle round your general can use the Inspiring Presence without spending a command point.......
  6. Mighty Waagh!: Your Ironjawz Waagh! ability increases range from 18" to 24".

Champions of the Weird

Weirdnob Shaman only

  1. Dead Kunnin': Get D3 extra command points at the start of the first hero phase.
  2. Master of the Weird: +1 to casts and unbinds for this general.
  3. Burstin' with Power: The general knows 1 extra spell from the lore of the weird, in addition, they can cast 1 extra spell.

Artefacts Of Power

One hero , plus one per battalion, gets to pick one of:

Da Boss's Hoard

Megaboss only

  1. Armour of Gork: If you roll an unmodified 6 for your save, bounce 1 mortal wound back to attacking unit.
  2. Destroyer: Pick a melee weapon, once per battle at the start of combat phase, add +3 to the damage of that weapon.
  3. Daubing of Mork: Ignore wounds or mortal wounds on a 6.
  4. The Golden Toof: Don't take battleshock tests for units wholly within 12" of the bearer.
  5. Metalrippa's Klaw: Pick 1 of the bearers melee weapons, Change the rend to -3 before applying any other modifiers.
  6. The Boss Skewer: Add 1 to bravery for friendly units wholly within 18" of the bearer, subtract 1 from enemy units within 12".

Weird Trinkets

Weirdnob Shaman only

  1. Great Green Visions: Roll a dice at the start of your hero phase, on a 4+ get 1 CP .
  2. Amberbone Hoard: +1 save for the wearer, in addition add 1 to attacks with your melee weapons.
  3. Shamanic Skullcape: Add 1 to casting rolls, if you kill an enemy Wizard with your melee weapon, pick 1 spell from the dead guy and you can cast it for the rest of the game.

Mount Traits

Heroes mounted on Maw-Krusha's can pick a mount trait, for each warscroll battalion you have you can pick another mount trait for another Maw-Krusha. No duplicate mount traits and no more then 1 mount trait per mount. As written, it doesn't prevent Gordrakk, ie a named character, from taking the trait (a confirmation FAQ would help here).

  1. Big 'Un: +1 to the wound characteristic.
  2. Fast 'Un: +2" movement
  3. Mean 'Un': +1 to the damage of Mighty Fists and Tail attacks
  4. Heavy 'Un: +1 dice roll for the Destructive Bulk ability
  5. Loud 'Un: Once per battle at the start of the combat phase, -1 to hit on enemy models within 3"
  6. Weird 'Un: Ignore wounds from spells or endless spells on a 4+.

Warchanter Beats

Every warchanter in your army knows a warbeat, pick one from the table below, you can only use the ability once per turn.

  1. Get 'Em Beat: At the start of charge phase, roll a dice, on a 4+ pick a friendly unit wholly within 12", that unit can charge with 3D6 dice and can attempt a charge from 18".
  2. Fixin' Beat: In the hero phase, pick a friendly model within 12" and on a 4+ you heal it for D3 wounds.
  3. Killa Beat: At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 12", on a 4+ you get +1 to hit when attacking that target.

Spell Lore

Each wizard can pick one spell from:

Lore of the Weird

  1. Brain Burst: On a 5+, pick 1 enemy unit within 16" and visible and roll 2D6, if you roll over the bravery of that enemy unit it suffers D6 MW's, if not then just D3 MW's
  2. Mighty 'Eadbutt: On a 5+, pick 1 enemy hero within 16" and visible, it suffers D3 MW's if it's a hero, if it's a Wizard then it suffers D6 MW's instead.
  3. Blazin' Eyes: On a 6+, pick a point within 4D6" and visible and draw a line, roll a dice for each enemy model it passes over and on a 4+ it suffers 1 MW.
  4. Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork: On a 7+, pick a friendly unit wholly within 24" and more than 3" from enemy units, pick it up and set it up more then 9" away from enemy models, it can't move in the movement phase.
  5. Bash 'Em Lads: On a 8+, add 1 to wound rolls for friendly units wholly within 16" of the caster.
  6. Wrath of Gork: On a 8+, pick 1 enemy model within 16" and visible, roll 2 dice for each friendly ironjawz unit with 2+ models wholly within 16", for each 2+ you roll inflict 1 MW to the chosen enemy unit.


Like most recent battletomes, when you pick the Ironjawz allegiance you may say they are from a certain clan and get their bonuses. If you choose to use one of these clans then you cannot pick a generic Command trait, and your first artefact has to be the one provided by the clan. If your General is named, then you loose the Command Trait.


Trait - Ironsunz Kunnin'
-1 to hit rolls for enemy attacks in the first battle round.
Command Ability - Alright - Get 'Em!
Use it at the end of the enemy charge phase, pick 1 friendly unit that is between 3-12" of an enemy unit and wholly within 18" of a friendly hero, that unit can charge.
Command Trait - Right Fist of Dakkbad - Megaboss
get +1 CP at the start of the battle round.
Artefact - Sunblessed Armoud - Megaboss
Attacks that target the bearer have their rend reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.


Trait - Hunt and Crush
+1 run and charge, which stacks with the Ironjawz Allegiance ability.
Command Ability - Breakthrough da line
At the end of the combat phase, pick a friendly unit that's already fought wholly within 24": of a hero, that unit can make a normal move but can't retreat or run.
Command Trait - Get Da Realmgate
Add 2 to the dice result when you use the Ironjawz Waagh! allegiance ability if there's a baleful realmgate on the table. (Due to the matched play terrain rules, you can always choose to put a realmgate on the table)
Artefact - Quickduff Amulet - Megaboss
Once per battle, cast Great Green Hand of Gork for free and cannot be unbound.

Da Choppas

Trait - Vandal Hordes
Re-roll charges if the unit is within 12" of a terrain feature that's partially or wholly within enemy territory.
Command Ability - Rabble Rouser
Pick a warchanter, that warchanter can pick 3 Brutes or Ardboyz to benefit from its Violent Fury ability.
Command Trait - Checked Out
+2 bravery for units wholly within 18" of the general.
Artefact - Megaskull Staff - Weirdnob Shaman
Hero gets the Megaboss keyword for when you use the Ironjawz Waagh! ability.

Bonesplitterz Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

Tireless Trackers: After armies are set up, but before the first battle round begins, half the Bonesplitterz units in a Bonesplitterz army (rounding up) can move up to 5". If both players can move units before the first battle round begins, they must roll-off, and the winner chooses who moves their units first.

Warpaint: Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a model with this battletrait. On a 6, that wound or mortal wound is negated.

Monster Hunters: If a friendly Bonesplitterz unit is within 3" of an enemy Monster when it is chosen to fight before it piles in, you can pick one of the following abilities to apply to it until the end of that phase:

  • Wild Abandon: That unit can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
  • Stab! Stab! Stab!: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit that target a Monster .
  • Berserk Strength: If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made by that unit that targets a Monster is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.

Spirit of the Beast: Do not take battleshock tests for a Bonesplitterz unit if any enemy {{AOSKeyword|Monsters} were slain by wounds inflicted by that unit in the same turn.

Bonesplitters Waagh!: You can use this command ability once per battle at the start of your combat phase if your general is still alive. Count up all the units that are wholly within 18" of your general and roll a die. On an 11 or lower all friendly Bonesplitterz units wholly within range of the general get +1 to their attacks, if the roll is 12 or more then add +2 to their attacks instead.

Command Traits

Your general gets to choose one of:

Herald of the Great Green God

Wurrgog Prophet or Savage Big Boss only

  1. Killa Instinkt: Attacks with an unmodified 6 wound roll do 1 MW in addition to normal damage.
  2. Waaagh!-monger: If your general is alive, roll a dice at the start of the hero phase, on a 4+ you get 1 CP.
  3. Great Hunter: When using the Tireless Trackers trait, move up to 8" instead of 5.
  4. Power of the Beast: +2 wounds for the general.
  5. Voice of da Gods: +2 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18"
  6. Monster Killa: If the general has fought for the first time in the combat phase and is within 3" of an enemy Monster, it can attack for a second time. -Clarification needed, immediately or again later?

Shamanistic Quirks

Bonesplitters Wizards only

  1. Dead Kunnin': At the start of the game, get D3 CP's.
  2. Master of the Weird: +1 to casting, unbinding and dispelling.
  3. Fuelled by the Spirits: Pick 1 extra spell from the spell lore and this wizard can cast 1 additional spell."

Artefacts Of Power

One hero , plus one per battalion, gets to pick one of:

Boss Bones and Other Gubbins

Bonesplitterz hero only

  1. Dokk Juice: Heal D6 wounds in your hero phase once per battle.
  2. Savage Trophy:+1 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18".
  3. Lucky Bone: Once per phase, re-roll a hit, wound or save roll for the bearer.
  4. Glowin' Tattooz: Hero gets a 4+ save instead of a 6+ tattoo save.
  5. Greatdrake Toof: Pick a melee weapon, unmodded 6's to wound do double damage.
  6. Weepwood Big Shiv: Pick a melee weapon, give it +1 attack.

Reservoirs of Waaagh! Energy

Bonesplitterz wizard only

  1. Big Wurrgog Mask: Pick an enemy unit within 12" in the hero phase and roll up to 3 dice, each 2+ inflicts D3 MW's on the unit, on a 1 you take D3 MW's.
  2. Mork's Boney Bitz: +1 to casting, or +2 when there is 2 or more enemy monsters within 24".
  3. Mystic Waagh! Paint: At the start of your hero phase roll a dice on the spell lore table, this wizard can attempt to cast it for free, if it already knows the spell rolled it gets 1 additional spell cast.

Spell Lore

Each wizard can pick one spell from:

Lore of the Savage Beast

  1. Squiggly Curse: On a 6+ pick an enemy hero within 3" of the caster and it suffers D3 MW's, if you rolled a double to cast it suffers D6 MW's. If the enemy hero died from this spell you get +1 to cast for the rest of the game.
  2. Breath of Gorkamorka: On a 6+ pick 1 friendly unit within 24", that unit gets double movement and fly, if you rolled a double to cast it gets triple the movement and fly!
  3. Brutal Beast Spirits: On a 6+ pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 24", that unit gets +1 to run, charge and hit rolls, if you rolled a double you can choose 2 units to benefit from this spell.
  4. Bone Krusha: On a 6+ pick 1 enemy unit within 24", it suffers D6 MW's if it's within 6", D3 MW's if within 12" and 1 MW if above 12".
  5. Kunnin' Beast Spirits:On a 6+ pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 24", it gets +1 to save until your next hero phase.
  6. Gorkamorka's War Cry: On a 7+ pick 1 enemy unit within 18", it suffers D3 MW's and fights at the end of the combat phase.


Just like all the latest battletomes, when you pick the Bonesplitters faction you may say that they hail from a certain clan. If you do so you may not pick a generic Bonesplitters command trait and your first artefact must be the one provided by the clan.


Trait - Bring it On!
Enemy units within 12" of your units must attempt and finish a charge move if they are able. Enemy units within 3" of your units cannot choose to retreat.
Command Ability - Feel da Spirit!
At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 18" of a Savage Big Boss, if that unit makes unmodified hit rolls of 6, they score 2 hits.
Command Trait - A Right Monster
-1 bravery for enemy units within 12"
Artefact - Maw-Krusha Beast Totem
In the shooting phase, the bearer can use the Innard-Bursting Bellow from the Maw-Krusha warscroll.


Trait - Freezing Strike
Unmodified wound rolls of 6 increase the rend of that attack by 1.
Command Ability - Freeze and Run
At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 friendly Icebone Boarboys unit that is within 3" of an enemy unit and wholly within 18" of a friendly hero. That friendly unit can retreat and the enemy units that were within 3" get -2 on their charge roll.
Command Trait - Pure-Bred War boar - Maniak Weirdnob only
+2" movement and +1 to hit and wound rolls for the boar's attacks.
Artefact - Kattanak Pelt
+1 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18"


The clan of I don't care about you spooky ghosts and artefacts, and feel no pain? wozzat!

Trait - Strength of Purpose
Ethereal effects are ignored. Any ability that negates wounds has no effects.
Command Trait - Shout Down da Magic!
If an enemy wizard casts a spell you may pick a unit with 10+ models and wholly within 18" of a friendly Wurrgog prophet or Wardokk, that unit can attempt to unbind that spell. +1 to unbind if the unit has 20 or more models.
Command Trait - Fireball! - Wizards only
You know the Fireball spell, on a 5+ pick 1 enemy unit within 18" , it suffers 1 MW if it has 1 model, D3 if it has 2-9 models of D6 if it's 10+ models.
Artefact - Burnin' Tattoo
If you make a tattoo save, pick an enemy unit within 1" and bounce 1 MW back.

Big WAAAGH Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits


Now this is where it gets funky, The big Waagh! allows you to take any Orruk unit in the army, for you keen eyed folks this includes Greenskinz as they have this keyword as well (however, they still don't get supported rules for the current version of AoS).

If you choose to take the Big Waaaagh! allegiance you get access to the Waaaagh ability table as displayed below.

All these effects are cumulative and will strengthen the Waaaagh the longer a battle goes on.

You can never have more then 30 Waaaagh! points, and any waagh points that go over this limit are lost.

Waagh ability table

  • 4 Points - Zog 'Em - Passive ability - At any phase in which you took damage, that orruk unit can move D6" (if outside of 9" enemy units)
  • 6 Points - Zap 'Em - Active ability - You can use the Waaaagh! Magic battle trait - Any time you cast you can use the Waaaagh! energy, lose D3 points to get +1 casting or lose D6 points for +2, only once per wizard.
  • 8 Points - Get 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to charge rolls for any orruk units.
  • 12 Points - Laught at 'Em - Passive Ability - roll a dice when you take damage, on a 6 it's ignored.
  • 16 Points - Smash 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to hit rolls for melee attacks made by orruk units.
  • 20 Points - Bash 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to wound rolls for melee attacks made by orruk units.
  • 24 Points - Waaaagh! - Active ability - General can use Da Big Waaaagh! ability at start of combat phase - Add 1 to the attack characteristics to all Orruk units in the Waaaagh! army. - At the end of the phase roll a dice, on 1 you lose all your Waaaagh points, on a 2-5 you halve your Waaaagh points, on a 6 you keep everything.

Waagh Points table

  • D6 points if you general is alive at the start of your hero phase, 6 if your general is Gordrakk.
  • 2 points for each warchanter at the start of your hero phase.
  • 1 point for each wurgrogg prophet or wardokk at the start of your hero phase.
  • 1 point in your charge phase for each orruk unit with 10 or more models that made a charge move.
  • 1 point in the combat phase for each orruk hero within 3" of an enemy unit.
  • 1 point in the combat phase for each orruk unit with 10 or more models within 3" of an enemy units.

Command Abilities

'Ere we go, 'Ere we go, 'Ere we go
Use this command ability at the start of your hero phase, get 1 Waagh point for every 10 Orruk models that are within 12" of a hero, or within 18" of your General or Warchanter. You cannot use this ability more then once per hero phase.
Da Big Waaagh!
.....this needs adding.

Other Allegiance Abilities

Command Traits, Artefacts Of Power, Spell Lore, Mount Traits, and Warchanter Beats can be chosen from the Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz allegiance abilities accordingly, in addition to using any of their battalions. However, you cannot use any of the Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz Battle Traits or Clans.




  • Megaboss on Maw-krusha: (460pts) Orky Warboss riding the biggest cabbage around that'll stab you, stomp you, chop you and bite you, Orky style! Rather considerable pricetag both in green dough and points clocking in at 460. It sure does want to make up for it though, being an unsuprisingly brute Force in melee. The cabbage also has kept it's impact attacks from the previous book, while being nerfed to a 5+ rather a 4+. None the less it benefits from all of the traits and new gimicks, and strength from victory being vastly improved now, this amazing centerpiece is a juicy pick for any Waaaagh.
  • Orruk Megaboss: (150pts) Some parts worse, some parts better. Strength From Victory works on any models killed, so go crazy with him killing chaff if you need to. Lost his Klaw attacks (which was a source of -2 Rend), but it has now been changed to work as a "Reflect Shield" that dished out Mortal Wounds on a armor save of 6. His passive has been turned into his CA (and switched from rerolls to +1 to Hit), which now works on any Ironjaw at the cost of using CP. He's the cheapest IJ source for Waaagh CA. Time will tell if he's worth using (very few used him before Orruk Warklans).
  • Orruk Warchanter: (110pts) Orky Drummer that's missing the drum, so it just slams his sticks together! This guy got a huge buff in the book, while loosing it's inative +1 to hit from frenzy of violence, it's been replaced with a straight up flat +1 damage! In addition to 3 different beats each warchanta can learn. ;;
  • Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110pts) Your Ironjaw wizard. You know him, you better love him! Sadly no more Foot of Gork, but has access to 6 new spells to compensate. Interestingly has 3 Base Attacks making him not completely useless in melee. Rather than get bonus to cast/dispel with surrounding ironjaw models, he can attempt to cast Green Puke for free even if other wizards casted Green Puke.


Battleline in Ironjawz or Big Waaagh! army

  • Orruk Ardboys: (90pts, min 5, max 30) Battleline only when taken in a unit of 10 or more. Ard Boyz have changed somewhat radically. Where they were once the cheaper Ironjaw infantry, now a unit of 10 costs 180 (but they can be taken in units of 5). All 3 weapons have now been rolled into 1 buffed weapon type as now all Arboyz hit on a 3+ and have -1 Rend. Only 2 in every 5 models can have shields, but now shields are a "free" ability that doesn't limit your weapon option. The Boss has also been buffed, dishing out 2 extra attacks rather than a simple +1 to hit (also may want to give him a shield in the rare case of a normal wound that can pick a model). Arboyz now look like a pretty dangerous all rounder unit rather than chaff, but with point costs to match.
  • Orruk Brutes: (140pts, min 5, max 20) Not much has changed with the Ironjaw Posterboyz other than simplifying the Boss weapons. He no longer has the fantasy "Power Klaw" grab and lost -2 rend, now essentially trading 3+ to Hit with an extra attack for his 2 weapons options. In addition D3 damages have been turned into 2 flat damage. Where they have changed though is the cost, dropping a "Jaw" Dropping 40pts. Basically swapping Ardboy cost!

Other Units

  • Orruk Gore-gruntas: (160pts, min 3, max 12) They're your angry Brutes on Pigs. You charge stuff to kill things and are faster than the rest of the battleline. Rather than the janky rule of having to have at least 8" charge to deal D3 wounds with the pigs, now you dish out mortal wounds like khorne juggernauts (no matter the distance) and the spears+pigs gain bonus to hits and wounds on charge. To compensate the gore hacka buff, pig iron choppas gain 1 more attack. Overall a lot more solid ruleset.
  • Ironskull's Boyz: (80pts, unique) The quartet of Ardboys from Shadespire. They’ve gained the Ironsunz keyword interestingly, so they can benefit from the buffs of that tribe. Otherwise they play like a slightly undermanned Ardboys unit. Their main gimmick is negating wounds on a 6 (5+ for the boss Ironskull), and that’s about it. Consider bringing them as bodyguards for your more important heroes. Other than that, you can just ignore ‘em.




Unconditional Battleline

Battleline in Bonesplitterz army

Battleline in Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh! army

Other Units


Greenskinz are allowed in a Big Waagh faction as the keyword requirement for these units is orruk , which all greenskinz posess. However, given the models are no longer available on the GW website, expect points for these to vanish in either the next GHB FAQ or GHB 2020. Note that the FW Rogue Idol is not allowed as it's not got the orruk keyword.


  • Orruk Warboss on Wyvern: The big thing of the army. Can choose between rerolling every failed save with his shield or get a second Choppa, which means 2 extra attacks. While every attack on this thing has Rend -1, the Wyvern ones are the real deal, each of them dealing 2-3 damages per hit (and the Barbed, Venomous Tail ones also deal a mortal wound on a 4+ if the attacks didn't kill the target. Its command ability, obviously, is the Waaagh!, giving an extra attack to every orruk within 12", which is, well, unbelievably awesome: its got lots of range, it doubles the power of your basic units, and works with every Orruk, including Ironjawz and Bonesplitters! This is what makes Greenskinz armies tick.
  • Orruk Warboss: The part where he can choose between the shield and the second Choppa is the same as above, same for the uber-powerful command ability. What changes is that he can now get the Massive Choppa (3 attacks with a 4+/3+/-2/D3 profile) or hold the Great Waaagh! Banner (not that great as a melee weapon, but allows every orruk within 16" to reroll every 1 to wound and gives him the TOTEM keyword). He can also get the War Boar, which means two more attacks and 4 extra inches of movement.
  • Orruk Great Shaman: As expected for a wizard, he isn't that good in melee, but magic is what makes the difference. He gets +1 to casting if there are at least 20 orruk models within 8", and his exclusive spell targets up to 3 units and deals up to D3 mortal wounds to each of them.


  • Orruks: Many weapon options. Can choose between Choppa or Pigstikka Spear plus Shield, two Choppas or Orruk Bow and Cutta. The double Choppa allows them to reroll every 1 to hit, but the shield makes them reroll every failed save. The difference between a Choppa and a Pigstikka Spear is that the first gets a Rend -1 while the second a 2" range. The Orruk Bow gets a +1 to hit if the unit didn't move. About the other things: the Waaagh! Drummer gives +2 to every charge roll, while the Standard Bearer can choose between the Orruk Banner (+2 Bravery in close combat) or the Skull Icon (can get back escaping models on a 6+). As the final tidbit, everyone gets an extra attack as long as the unit has 20+ models. Actually, they're pretty good as far as Battle Units go, with the equivalent of 4+ Save (with shields) in the combat phase, either lots of attacks or Rend ones, the option of going for ranged attacks for bows, good Bravery in close combat, and the brutal buffs of a nearby Warboss. Their only problem is reaching melee before being wiped out by ranged attacks, so support them with fast units to take care of enemy shooters, and they won't disappoint you.
  • Orruk Boarboys: Can choose between the Choppa and the Pigstikka Spear as above. Glyph Bearer it's the same as the Orruk Banner from above. You can reroll failed wound rolls with the Boar attacks in the turn you charged.
  • Orruk Boar Chariot: It's like two Boarboys with Pigstikka Spears and no shields in a single profile with 6 wounds, a 4+ save and Bravery 6. But also deals D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ to the unit it just charged.


Ironjawz Battalions

Ardfist (120pts) 1 Orruk Warchanter, 3-5 Orruk Ardboyz units

The Warchanter of this battalion learns the Drawn to the Waaagh! command ability, use this command ability when a unit from this battalion is destroyed. Roll a dice, on a 4+ a new Orruk Ardboyz unit with 10 models appears, set it up wholly within 6" of the table edge and more then 9" from enemy units.

Brutefist (120pts) 3-5 Orruk Brutes units

1 Orruk Brute boss has 5 wounds instead of 3.
Whenever a model from this battalion makes a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of that model and roll a dice, on a 4+ it takes 1 MW. Roll a dice for each model in the unit that finishes a charge move.

Gorefist (130pts) 3-5 Orruk Gore-Gruntas

1 Gore-Grunta boss has 7 wounds instead of 5.
In your first hero phase, each unit wholly within 18" of the battalion boss can make a normal move but cannot run.

Ironfist (160pts) 3-5 Orruk Brutes, Orruk Gore-Gruntas or Orruk Ardboyz

1 Brute Boss or Gore-Grunta boss gets +2 to it's wounds.
Once in each of your hero phases you can use the Mighty Destroyers command ability from the Ironjawz Allegiance for free, using the battalion boss as if it were a Megaboss.

Weirdfist (140pts) 1 Orruk Weirdnob Shaman, 3-5 Orruk Brutes or Orruk Ardboyz

If the Weirdnob Shaman of this battalion is wholly within 18" of 2 or more units from this battalion, it can use it's Brutal Power ability to attempt to cast Green Puke twice, in addition to other spells it can cast.

Bonesplitterz Battalions

Brutal Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Boarboyz.

Battalion units that are wholly within 12" of the Big Boss at the start of the charge phase can run and charge.

Kop Rukk (140pts) 2-5 Wardokks, 2-5 Savage Orruk Morboyz

A Wardokk that is wholly within 2+ units with 10+ models from this battalion can attempt to cast the Fists of Gork spell from the Wurrgog Prophet warscroll in addition to any other spells it can cast.

Kunnin' Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrowboys

In your hero phase, pick 1 unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss. That unit can make a normal move or shoot, units in this battallion cannot have more then 20 models.

Snaga Rukk (120pts) 1 Maniak Weirdnob, 2-5 Savage Boarboy Maniaks

You can re-roll charge rolls for units wholly within 12" of the Maniak Weirdnob.

Teef Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Big Stabbas.

+1 to the attacks made by units that are wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss.

Super Battalion

1 Orruk Megaboss, 1 Orruk Warchanter, 1 Orruk Weirdnob Shaman, 3-5 Brutefist, Gorefist, Ardfist, Weirdfist or Ironfist warscroll battalions.
Once per battle if your general is alive, another Orruk hero from this battalion can use the Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability. This does not stop you from using the regular Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability but you may not use the command ability more then once in the same combat phase.
Big Rukk
1 Wurrgog Prophet, 3-5 Brutal Rukk, Kop Rukk, Kunnin' RUkk, Snaga Rukk or Teef Rukk warscroll battalions.
You can re-roll the dice to determine if your shrug wounds with your warpaint ability.


Allied Armies

  • Gloomspite Gitz: Your only allied option.
    • Stabbas or Shootas are an obvious pick to get some horde battleline onto the table, allowing you to fit 60 of the little guys into your 400 point limit. Sadly you won't have a loonshrine, so no regeneration, which is going to make them a little expensive. Gordrakk's Voice of Gork stacks nicely on them too. If you take a full set of 60 they are just slightly too expensive to fit in a Loonboss which would have made the grots deal mortals on wound rolls of 6, or Sneaky Snufflers to increase the number of attacks the grots give.
    • Fungoid Cave Shaman: You want more CPs? Take two of these.
    • Squigs might be worth a look if you don't mind their randomness.

Mercenary Companies

  • Blacksmoke Battery:
  • Greyfyrd:
  • Grugg Brothers:
  • Gutstuffers:
  • Nimyard’s Rough-Riders:
  • Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose:
  • Rampagers:
  • Skroug’s Menagerie:
  • Sons of the Lichemaster:
  • Tenebrous Court:

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics