Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Orruk Warclans: Difference between revisions

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still seems to be available to buy. if this changes will update
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*'''[ Rogue Idol]:''' (420pts) Your resin FW beast. Now with  {{AOSKeyword|Orruk}}, {{AOSKeyword|Ironjawz}}, {{AOSKeyword|Bonesplitterz}} and {{AOSKeyword|Greenskinz}} keywords so that you can field him as you see fit. A Fighting monster and a minor buffer to any Orruk or army. In addition to its combat powers, it also adds one to Orruk and Grot casting rolls and Bravery. Make sure that your units don't get too close to it as rocks will fall off it and harm units. Also good to note, it can be buffed from both factions spells. So Bonesplitterz can send out a Rogue Idol with a 2+ save!
*'''[ Rogue Idol]:''' (420pts) Your resin FW beast. Now with  {{AOSKeyword|Orruk}}, {{AOSKeyword|Ironjawz}}, {{AOSKeyword|Bonesplitterz}} and {{AOSKeyword|Greenskinz}} keywords so that you can field him as you see fit. A Fighting monster and a minor buffer to any Orruk or army. In addition to its combat powers, it also adds one to Orruk and Grot casting rolls and Bravery. Make sure that your units don't get too close to it as rocks will fall off it and harm units. Also good to note, it can be buffed from both factions spells. So Bonesplitterz can send out a Rogue Idol with a 2+ save!
*Sadly no longer on sale. Expect him to trundle down to Legends in the next GHB.


Revision as of 20:02, 16 April 2021

Grand Alliance Destruction

Orruk Warclans


General Tactics

The Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz are getting together for a big Waaaaaagh soup party.

Why Play Orruk Warclans

Combines the old Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz factions together under one battletome.


  • Play as Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz or mix the two as the Great Waaagh!
  • Orruk Warclans are a very fast army: it's not hard to run across the table and start clapping cheeks on turn 1.
  • Simple to learn but awesome anyway: Orruks don't have too much in the way of complicated strategies or weird synergies, just slap a command ability or two around and go to town with great base stats.
  • The All-In faction: Orruks hate holding back and playing safe, and all their abilities are designed to help them push forward and be as aggressive as possible. You'll rarely have a situation that can't be solved by just drowning it in angry green morons.
  • Even with all the nerfs, Bonesplitterz still has fantastic shooting. Dropping 20 Arrowboyz in your list for the easy 60 shots doesn't break the bank and can hold down objectives great.
  • Penalties to Hit aren't shit to Ironjawz, who mostly hit on 3's as it is. With how easy it is to get to a 2+ to hit you'll be unconcerned about what is normally a pretty crippling debuff.
  • Decent ways to generate extra command points to use all those tasty, tasty command abilities.
  • Tough as old boots. Your enemies will struggle to take your tough orruks off the board, even Bonesplitterz have plenty of ways to avoid death.
  • Both halves specialize in fighting different things: Ironjawz love fighting elites, and Bonesplitterz are the game's best monster hunters, with a side talent for chopping up hordes.
  • Everything in your arsenal is ready to be anvil, hammer, Can opener or whatever the hell you want. Almost everything hits equally hard.


  • DATZ A LOT OF GREEN PAINTS YA GOT DERE BOSS (though made a lot easier with Ork Flesh and other green contrast paints)
  • No Greenskinz specific Warclan rules. You can use them in The big Waagh! faction, as all they need is to be is Orruks , but you don't get any special synergies and they are in danger of vanishing from the next GHB or GHB FAQ. Until then they are perfectly valid to use.
  • Your units don't tend to have much rend. -1 is about as good as it gets unless the unit costs 400+.
  • If you are playing Ironjawz you are likely to have a low model count. It's an elite army and you are prone to being outnumbered, making it hard to secure objectives.
  • If you are playing Bonesplitterz a lot of your synergies and abilities are based around the opponent having Monsters. If you're fighting an army that isn't bringing any (such as many variants of Cities of Sigmar, Kharadron Overlords, Daughters of Khaine, any chaos faction that didn't bring their Greater Daemons or Daemon Princes, and so on) you'll feel like you're only using 70% of your kit, and you're entirely correct about that.
  • If you're playing Great Waaagh, the two halves of the army don't really play too nice. Ironjawz abilities can't go on Bonesplitterz units, and vice versa. Not to mention, your allegiance has absolutely no effect whatsoever until you start getting some Waaagh points.
  • Not having dedicated hammer and anvil can make this faction challenging for experienced players, as not even your cavalry hits harder than your normal dudes, its just faster and hurts a little on the charge.
  • LOTSA DICEZ! Playing as a bonesplitzer only army means that you have something on the line of 3 attacks for model in hordes units, with always the possibility to generate some more. Expect to play with almost the double amount of dices than your adversary.


Faction rules and abilities: Battletome Orruk Warclans

Latest Matched play points: Battletome Orruk Warclans

Core rules: here

Matched play rules, battleplans and expansions: General's Handbook 2022-23 Season 2, plus the battleplans from the Core Book.

Supplement all the above with any Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.

Ironjawz Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

Eager for Battle
Add 1 to the charge rolls for friendly Ironjawz units.
Mad as Hell
At the end of any phase, if any wounds or mortal wounds have been inflicted in that phase on an Ironjawz unit that is more than 9" from any enemy units, that Ironjawz unit can move D6". This can be used in conjunction with the shaman's Green Puke spell to damage your own units in your hero phase and get a "free" D6" of movement.
Smashing and Bashing
If an Ironjawz unit completely destroys an enemy unit in the combat phase then choose another Ironjawz unit that has not fought yet in this combat phase can pile in and attack instead of waiting till later in the phase. This adds a lot of finesse to an Ironjawz army as the order of activation of each unit becomes extremely important.
Mighty Destroyers
For 1 command point, pick a friendly Ironjawz unit wholly within 12" of your hero, or 18" if the unit is your general. If there are no enemy models within 12" then you can move. If they are between 3" and 12" away from any enemies then you can make a charge. If they are within 3" then you can immediately fight. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.
Ironjawz Waaagh!
You can use this command ability once per battle at the start of your combat phase if your army has a Megaboss general Count up all the units that are wholly within 18" of your general and roll a die. On an 11 or lower, all friendly Ironjawz units wholly within the same range of the general get +1 to their attacks, if the roll is 12 or more then add +2 to their attacks instead.

Command Traits

Your general gets to choose one of:

Ironjawz Warlords

Megaboss only

  1. Hulking Muscle-bound Brute: After your general made a charge move, pick an enemy unit within 1" and on a 2+ that unit takes D3 MW's.
  2. Live to fight: Re-roll wound rolls for attacks made by your general and their mount if you made a charge move.
  3. Brutish Cunning: Once per battle round, your general can use the mighty destroyers command ability without spending a command point.
  4. Ironclad: Add 1 to the save rolls for this general.
  5. Bestial Charisma: Once per battle round your general can use the Inspiring Presence without spending a command point.......
  6. Mighty Waaagh!: Your Ironjawz Waaagh! ability increases range from 18" to 24".

Champions of the Weird

Weirdnob Shaman only

  1. Dead Kunnin': Get D3 extra command points at the start of the first battle round.
  2. Master of the Weird: +1 to casts, unbinds and dispels for this general.
  3. Burstin' with Power: The general knows 1 extra spell from the Lore of the Weird, in addition, they can cast 1 extra spell.

Artefacts Of Power

One hero , plus one per battalion, gets to pick one of:

Da Boss's Hoard

Megaboss only

  1. Armour of Gork: If you roll an unmodified 6 for your save, bounce 1 mortal wound back to attacking unit.
  2. Destroyer: Pick a melee weapon, once per battle at the start of combat phase, add +3 to the damage of that weapon.
  3. Daubing of Mork: Ignore wounds or mortal wounds on a 6.
  4. The Golden Toof: Don't take battleshock tests for units wholly within 12" of the bearer.
  5. Metalrippa's Klaw: Pick 1 of the bearers melee weapons, Change the rend to -3 before applying any other modifiers.
  6. The Boss Skewer: Add 1 to bravery for friendly units wholly within 18" of the bearer, subtract 1 from enemy units within 12".

Weird Trinkets

Weirdnob Shaman only

  1. Great Green Visions: Roll a dice at the start of your hero phase, on a 4+ get 1 CP .
  2. Amberbone Hoard: +1 save for the wearer, in addition add 1 to attacks with your melee weapons.
  3. Shamanic Skullcape: Add 1 to casting rolls, if you kill an enemy Wizard with your melee weapon, pick 1 spell from the dead guy and you can cast it for the rest of the game.

Mount Traits

Heroes mounted on Maw-Krusha's can pick a mount trait, for each warscroll battalion you have you can pick another mount trait for another Maw-Krusha. No duplicate mount traits and no more then 1 mount trait per mount. As written, it doesn't prevent Gordrakk, ie a named character, from taking the trait (a confirmation FAQ would help here).

  1. Big 'Un: +1 to the wound characteristic.
  2. Fast 'Un: +2" movement
  3. Mean 'Un': +1 to the damage of Mighty Fists and Tail attacks
  4. Heavy 'Un: +1 dice roll for the Destructive Bulk ability
  5. Loud 'Un: Once per battle at the start of the combat phase, -1 to hit on enemy models within 3"
  6. Weird 'Un: Whenever you are affected by a spell or endless spell, you can ignore it on a 4+.

Warchanter Beats

Every warchanter in your army knows a warbeat, pick one from the table below, you can only use the ability once per turn.

  1. Get 'Em Beat: At the start of charge phase, roll a dice, on a 4+ pick a friendly unit wholly within 12", that unit can charge with 3D6 dice and can attempt a charge from 18".
  2. Fixin' Beat: In the hero phase, pick a friendly model within 12" and on a 4+ you heal it for D3 wounds.
  3. Killa Beat: At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 12", on a 4+ you get +1 to hit when attacking that target.

Spell Lore

Each wizard can pick one spell from:

Lore of the Weird

  1. Brain Bursta: On a 5+, pick 1 visible enemy unit within 16" and roll 2D6, if you roll over the bravery of that enemy unit it suffers D6 MW's, if not then just D3 MW's
  2. Mighty 'Eadbutt: On a 5+, pick 1 enemy hero within 16" and visible, it suffers D3 MW's, if it's a Wizard then it suffers D6 MW's instead. This has the advantage of always doing D6 on Wizards compared to Brain Bursta, but not much else.
  3. Da Blazin' Eyes: On a 6+, pick a point within 4D6" and visible and draw a line, roll a dice for each enemy model it passes over and on a 4+ it suffers 1 MW.
  4. Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork: On a 7+, pick a friendly ironjawz unit wholly within 24" and more than 3" from enemy units, pick it up and set it up more then 9" away from enemy models, it can't move in the movement phase.
  5. Bash 'Em Lads: On a 8+, add 1 to wound rolls for friendly ironjawz units wholly within 16" of the caster.
  6. Wrath of Gork: On a 8+, pick 1 enemy unit within 16" and visible, roll 2 dice for each friendly ironjawz unit with 2+ models wholly within 16", for each 2+ you roll inflict 1 MW to the chosen enemy unit.


Like most recent battletomes, when you pick the Ironjawz allegiance you may say they are from a certain clan and get their bonuses. If you choose to use one of these clans then you cannot pick a generic Command trait, and your first artefact has to be the one provided by the clan. If your General is named, then you lose the Command Trait.

  • Do note that you can "evade" the Trait or Item tax by simply having a different General than the specified one. EG if the Trait specifically refers to a Megaboss, you can have a Weirdnob Shaman and he can choose whatever Trait he wants.

Ironsunz The posterboy choice. It provides good bonuses everywhere save when it comes to the Command trait, but there are ways to dance around it if you're willing to pay the price. Also has access to exclusive White Dwarf battalions.

Trait - Ironsunz Kunnin'
-1 to hit rolls for enemy attacks in the first battle round.
Command Ability - Alright - Get 'Em!
Use it at the end of the enemy charge phase, pick 1 friendly unit that is between 3-12" of an enemy unit and wholly within 18" of a friendly hero, that unit can charge.
Command Trait - Right Fist of Dakkbad - Megaboss
get +1 CP at the start of the battle.
  • A bit odd as this is completely inferior to Dead Kunnin, so unless you want to have General CA range on the Megaboss, it's more useful to make a Weridnob Shaman the General, but keep in mind a Megaboss general is needed for the IJ Waaagh.
Artefact - Sunblessed Armour - Megaboss
Attacks that target the bearer have their rend reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Bloodtoofs They wear red armor, so you should know by now what their playstyle is about.

Trait - Hunt and Crush
+1 run and charge, which stacks with the Ironjawz Allegiance ability.
Command Ability - Breakthrough Da Line
At the end of the combat phase, pick a friendly unit that's already fought wholly within 24": of a hero, that unit can make a normal move but can't retreat or run.
Command Trait - Get Da Realmgate
Add 2 to the dice result when you use the Ironjawz Waagh! allegiance ability if there's a baleful realmgate on the table. (Due to the matched play terrain rules, you can always choose to put a realmgate on the table)
Artefact - Quickduff Amulet - Megaboss
Once per battle, cast Great Green Hand of Gork for free and cannot be unbound.

Da Choppas Da weird 'uns. Their bonuses, though gimmicky, are solid. The Warchanter's reliability and Shaman's Megaboss keyword allow for listbuilding tweaks.

Trait - Vandal Hordes
Re-roll charges if the unit is within 12" of a terrain feature that's partially or wholly within enemy territory.
Command Ability - Rabble Rouser
Pick a warchanter, that warchanter can pick 3 Brutes or Ardboyz to benefit from its Violent Fury ability.
Command Trait - Checked Out
+2 bravery for units wholly within 18" of the general.
Artefact - Megaskull Staff - Weirdnob Shaman
Hero gets the Megaboss keyword for when you use the Ironjawz Waagh! ability.

Bonesplitterz Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

Tireless Trackers: After armies are set up, but before the first battle round begins, half the Bonesplitterz units in a Bonesplitterz army (rounding up) can move up to 5". If both players can move units before the first battle round begins, they must roll-off, and the winner chooses who moves their units first.

Warpaint: Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a model with this battletrait. On a 6, that wound or mortal wound is negated.

Monster Hunters: If a friendly Bonesplitterz unit is within 3" of an enemy Monster when it is chosen to fight before it piles in, you can pick one of the following abilities to apply to it until the end of that phase:

  • Wild Abandon: That unit can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
  • Stab! Stab! Stab!: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit that target a Monster .
  • Berserk Strength: If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made by that unit that targets a Monster is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.

Spirit of the Beast: Do not take battleshock tests for a Bonesplitterz unit if any enemy Monsters were slain by wounds inflicted by that unit in the same turn.

Bonesplitterz Waagh!: You can use this command ability once per battle at the start of your combat phase if your general is still alive. Count up all the units that are wholly within 18" of your general and roll a die. On an 11 or lower all friendly Bonesplitterz units wholly within this range of the general get +1 to their attacks, if the roll is 12 or more then add +2 to their attacks instead.

Command Traits

Your general gets to choose one of:

Herald of the Great Green God

Wurrgog Prophet or Savage Big Boss only

  1. Killa Instinkt: Attacks with an unmodified 6 wound roll do 1 MW in addition to normal damage.
  2. Waaagh!-monger: If your general is alive, roll a dice at the start of the hero phase, on a 4+ you get 1 CP.
  3. Great Hunter: When using the Tireless Trackers trait, move up to 8" instead of 5.
  4. Power of the Beast: +2 wounds for the general.
  5. Voice of da Gods: +2 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18"
  6. Monster Killa: If the general has fought for the first time in the combat phase and is within 3" of an enemy Monster, it can attack for a second time. -Clarification needed, immediately or again later?

Shamanistic Quirks

Bonesplitterz Wizards only

  1. Dead Kunnin': At the start of the game, get D3 CP's.
  2. Master of the Weird: +1 to casting, unbinding and dispelling.
  3. Fuelled by the Spirits: Pick 1 extra spell from the spell lore and this wizard can cast 1 additional spell."

Artefacts Of Power

One hero , plus one per battalion, gets to pick one of:

Boss Bones and Other Gubbins

Bonesplitterz hero only

  1. Dokk Juice: Heal D6 wounds in your hero phase once per battle.
  2. Savage Trophy:+1 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18".
  3. Lucky Bone: Once per phase, re-roll a hit, wound or save roll for the bearer.
  4. Glowin' Tattooz: Hero gets a 4+ save instead of a 6+ tattoo save.
  5. Greatdrake Toof: Pick a melee weapon, unmodded 6's to wound do double damage.
  6. Weepwood Big Shiv: Pick a melee weapon, give it +1 attack.

Reservoirs of Waaagh! Energy

Bonesplitterz wizard only

  1. Big Wurrgog Mask: Pick an enemy unit within 12" in the hero phase and roll up to 3 dice, each 2+ inflicts D3 MW's on the unit, each 1 means you take D3 MW's.
  2. Mork's Boney Bitz: +1 to casting, or +2 if there are 2 or more enemy monsters within 24".
  3. Mystic Waagh! Paint: At the start of your hero phase roll a dice on the spell lore table, this wizard can attempt to cast it for free, if it already knows the spell rolled it gets to attempt to cast the same spell twice.

Spell Lore

Each wizard can pick one spell from:

Lore of the Savage Beast

  1. Squiggly Curse: On a 6+ pick an enemy hero within 3" of the caster and it suffers D3 MW's, if you rolled a double to cast it suffers D6 MW's. If the enemy hero died from this spell you get +1 to cast for the rest of the game.
  2. Breath of Gorkamorka: On a 6+ pick 1 friendly BONESPLITTERZ unit wholly within 24", that unit gets double movement and fly, if you rolled a double to cast it gets triple the movement and fly!
  3. Brutal Beast Spirits: On a 6+ pick 1 friendly BONESPLITTERZ unit wholly within 24", that unit gets +1 to run, charge and hit rolls, if you rolled a double you can choose 2 units to benefit from this spell.
  4. Bone Krusha: On a 6+ pick 1 enemy unit within 24", it suffers D6 MW's if it's within 6", D3 MW's if within 12" and 1 MW if above 12".
  5. Kunnin' Beast Spirits:On a 6+ pick 1 friendly BONESPLITTERZ unit wholly within 24", it gets +1 to save until your next hero phase.
  6. Gorkamorka's War Cry: On a 7+ pick 1 enemy unit within 18", it suffers D3 MW's and fights at the end of the combat phase.


Just like all the latest battletomes, when you pick the Bonesplitterz faction you may say that they hail from a certain clan. If you do so you may not pick a generic Bonesplitterz command trait and your first artefact must be the one provided by the clan.

Bonegrinz Aggressive choice, able to force enemies to engage and stay in that fight you despite them not wanting to

Trait - Bring it On!
Enemy units within 12" of your units must attempt and finish a charge move if they are able. Enemy units within 3" of your units cannot choose to retreat.
  • getting close to range focused units (Ideally running within 6") They have to run and loses a round of shooting or risk dieing.
Command Ability - Feel da Spirit!
At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 18" of a Savage Big Boss, if that unit makes unmodified hit rolls of 6, they score 2 hits.
Command Trait - A Right Monster
-1 bravery for enemy units within 12"
Artefact - Maw-Krusha Beast Totem
In the shooting phase, the bearer can use the Innard-Bursting Bellow from the Maw-Krusha warscroll.

Icebone able to pierce armour, and synergies with boars

Trait - Freezing Strike
Unmodified wound rolls of 6 increase the rend of that attack by 1.
Command Ability - Freeze and Run
At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 friendly Icebone Boarboys unit that is within 3" of an enemy unit and wholly within 18" of a friendly hero. That friendly unit can retreat and the enemy units that were within 3" get -2 on their charge roll.
Command Trait - Pure-Bred War boar - Maniak Weirdnob only
+2" movement and +1 to hit and wound rolls for the boar's attacks.
Artefact - Kattanak Pelt
+1 bravery for friendly units wholly within 18"

Drakkfoot The clan of I don't care about you spooky ghosts and artefacts, and feel no pain? wozzat!

Trait - Strength of Purpose
Ethereal effects are ignored. Any ability that negates wounds has no effects.
Command Ability - Shout Down da Magic!
If an enemy wizard casts a spell you may pick a unit with 10+ models and wholly within 18" of a friendly Wurrgog prophet or Wardokk, that unit can attempt to unbind that spell. +1 to unbind if the unit has 20 or more models.
Command Trait - None
The general does not receive a command trait, but every Drakkfoot Wizard in your army replaces Arcane Bolt with Fireball: CV5, pick 1 visible enemy unit within 18", it suffers 1 MW if it has 1 model, D3 if it has 2-9 models of D6 if it's 10+ models.
Artefact - Burnin' Tattoo
If you make a tattoo save, pick an enemy unit within 1" and bounce 1 MW back.

Big WAAAGH Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits


Now this is where it gets funky, The big Waagh! allows you to take any Orruk unit in the army, for you keen-eyed folks this includes Greenskinz as they have this keyword as well (however, with their models disappearing from the GW site, don't expect them to be supported for long). [With the launch of GHB2020, the Greenskinz are now in legends and may not be used in Matched play]

If you choose to take the Big Waaaagh! allegiance you get access to the Waaaagh ability table as displayed below.

All these effects are cumulative and will strengthen the Waaaagh the longer a battle goes on.

You can never have more than 30 Waaaagh! points and any waagh points that go over this limit are lost.

Waagh ability table

  • 4 Points - Zog 'Em - Passive ability - At any phase in which you took damage, that orruk unit can move D6" (if outside of 9" enemy units)
  • 6 Points - Zap 'Em - Active ability - You can use the Waaaagh! Magic battle trait - Any time you cast you can use the Waaaagh! energy, lose D3 points to get +1 casting or lose D6 points for +2, only once per wizard in each phase.
  • 8 Points - Get 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to charge rolls for any orruk units.
  • 12 Points - Laugh at 'Em - Passive Ability - roll a dice when you take damage, on a 6 it's ignored.
  • 16 Points - Smash 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to hit rolls for melee attacks made by orruk units.
  • 20 Points - Bash 'Em - Passive Ability - Add 1 to wound rolls for melee attacks made by orruk units.
  • 24 Points - Waaaagh! - Active ability - General can use Da Big Waaaagh! ability at the start of combat phase - Add 1 to the attack characteristics to all Orruk units in the Waaaagh! army. - At the end of the phase roll a dice, on 1 you lose all your Waaaagh points, on a 2-5 you halve your Waaaagh points, on a 6 you keep everything.

Waagh Points table

  • D6 points if you general is alive at the start of your hero phase, 6 if your general is Gordrakk.
  • 2 points for each warchanter at the start of your hero phase.
  • 1 point for each wurrgog prophet or wardokk at the start of your hero phase.
  • 1 point in your charge phase for each orruk unit with 10 or more models that made a charge move.
  • 1 point at the start of your combat phase for each orruk hero within 3" of an enemy unit.
  • 1 point at the start of your combat phase for each orruk unit with 10 or more models within 3" of an enemy units.

Command Abilities

'Ere we go, 'Ere we go, 'Ere we go
Use this command ability at the start of your hero phase, get 1 Waagh point for every 10 Orruk models that are within 12" of a hero, or within 18" of your General or Warchanter. You cannot use this ability more than once per hero phase.
Da Big Waaagh!
Use at the start of the combat phase if you have at least 24 Waaagh! points and your general on the battlefield. add 1 to the Attacks of all your ORRUKS' melee weapons for that phase (Can only use once per phase). At the end of the phase roll 1D6 - on a 6 nothing happens, on a 2-5 lose half your Waaagh! points, on a 1 lose them all. You cannot use this ability more than once per phase.

Other Allegiance Abilities

Command Traits, Artefacts Of Power, Spell Lore, Mount Traits, and Warchanter Beats can be chosen from the Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz allegiance abilities accordingly, in addition to using any of their battalions. However, you cannot use any of the Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz Battle Traits or Clans.




  • Gordrakk, Fist of Gork: (540pts, unique): AKA The Big Green Cheek Clapper. The biggest meanest Orruk in town riding the biggest cabbage around that'll stab you, stomp you, chop you and bite you, Orky style!
    • Rather considerable price-tag both in green dough and points. It sure does want to make up for it though, being an unsurprising brute force in melee. This amazing centrepiece is a juicy pick for any Waaagh!
    • He wields his two weapons, Smasha and Kunnin': They have similar profiles (except that Smasha deals D3 damage with Rend -1 with each attack while Kunnin' deals a single damage) and different abilities. Smasha deals D3 mortal wounds against any non-Wizard HERO on a 4+ to wound, while Kunnin' does the same against any WIZARD .
    • His Maw-krusha (named Bigteef) has a shooting bellow attack and a melee tail.
    • Counts as a Behemoth and flies.
    • Deals up to 9 mortal wounds right after it charged (each one requiring a roll of 5+) and if it happens to kill the entire unit he just charged towards, he can charge again. And again. And again. Plus if there is a terrain feature nearby he can roll all the dice again, and if any is a 6 it's smashed and no longer provides cover.
    • If he kills any models in the combat phase, Smasha and Kunnin' get an extra attack and he gets an addition wound. Only once per turn, but stacks across turns and even works in your opponents turn.
    • Command ability gives +1 to hit rolls to three nearby Destruction units. Does not stack with the Megaboss versions.
  • Megaboss on Maw-krusha: (460pts) Generic Boss on Giant Cabbage
    • Slightly cheaper, slightly neutered version of Gordrakk. Still a complete beast though, and nothing stopping you taking multiple into battle.
    • Counts as a Behemoth and flies.
    • Can choose between using a Gore-hacka and a Scrap-tooth or a Choppa and a Rip-tooth Fist, which has fewer attacks and less range but when attacked back deals a mortal on a save roll of 6.
    • Maw-krusha has the same attack profile as Gordrakk, but deals fewer attacks (the bellow is D6, down from 6, and the tail deals 1 fewer).
    • Similarly to Gordrakk, can deal mortal wounds after it charges, but does not damage scenery. Also gets one less dice to roll.
    • Command ability is the similar as Gordrakk, giving +1 to hit rolls to a single nearby Ironjawz unit. Does not stack with Gordrakk's version.
    • As with Gordrakk, each turn he kills any models in melee, the rider's weapon gets an extra attack and he gets an addition wound.
  • Orruk Megaboss: (140pts) Big boss on foot
    • Like the Maw-krusha version, but without the Maw-krusha abilities (no tail attack, no charging ability, no flying, not a behemoth)
    • Forced to take the Choppa and Rip-tooth Fist as his weapon, which still deals the mortals on a save.
    • Also gets the +1 attack and +1 wound after killing.
    • Command ability is identical.
    • He's the cheapest IJ source for Waaagh CA.
    • Really only worth it at 1k points. If you play at more points, go for his cabbage riding brother.
  • Orruk Warchanter: (110pts) Orky Drummer that's missing the drum, so it just slams his sticks together!
    • This guy got a huge buff in the book: command ability gives a nearby unit +1 damage to every attack. Even better, he gives +1 damage to every melee attack to that unit as a normal ability - so no command point required! This does NOT stack with itself...
    • Remember, he also knows one of the allegiance Warchanter Beats.
    • Not too shabby in combat either: 6 attacks of damage 1 and each hit of 6 becomes two attacks.
  • Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120pts) Your Ironjawz wizard. You know him, you better love him!
    • His spell, Green Puke (CV6) draws a line 2D6 long which deals D3 mortals to each unit it touches.
    • If near other Ironjawz (unit size at least 10) he can attempt to cast Green Puke in addition to another spell, even if other a wizard has already attempted it.
    • Remember, he also knows one of the spells from the allegiance lore.
    • Interestingly has 3 base Attacks at damage D3, rend -1, making him not completely useless in melee.


Battleline in Ironjawz or Big Waaagh! army

  • Orruk Ardboys: (100pts, min 5, max 30) Only counts as Battleline when taken in a unit of 10 or more.

The Ironjawz version of ~100 points, 10 wounds infantry, but boy is that description selling them short. Two attacks (Unit boss gets +2 attacks) at 3+/3+/-1/1 is a great attack profile and they make great use of your buffs. They have a 4+ save and two out of every five models may carry a shield for a 6+ ward against wounds AND mortal wounds. One in five models can carry a battle standard and you get two choices, so at ten models you can field both. The banner gives +2 bravery and the glyph gives a -1 to bravery to any unit within 3" of your unit. Their 4" move is pretty bad, but the musician gives your boys +2" to charge rolls, which is pretty sweet.

Ardboys are the backbone of your Ironjawz army. They're a great anvil that will hold objectives without issue. And with +1 damage from the warchanter and the Megaboss' Waaagh (and optionally the +1 to hit) command ability they become crazy strong hammers as well. Several units of 10 boys will be a great front line. In the Ironjawz Allegiance they are crazy fast, with their total +3" charge range they will make the charge more often than not. A 10" charge difficult? Not for your boys. Load them up with buffs and send them in. Gives them a good chance to trigger "Smashing and Bashing" and snowball the combat phase in your favor.

In the Big Waaagh Allegiance these guys are borderline broken. At max Waaagh points and with a Warchanter to buff them they have 2+/2+/-1/2 with a 6+ ward on top of your normal saves and shield saves. Bringing 40 of these lads is a good way to lose your friends quickly.

Brutes are your Hero, elite infantry and cavalry killers. For 130 points you get 15 wounds worth of angry green muscle that gets +1 to hit if they target a unit with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more. Their weapons are 3+/3+/-1/1. With the choice of 4 attacks at 1" or 3 attacks at 2". The unit boss gets to pick between two different weapons. Three attacks at 3+/3+/-1/2 or four attacks 4+/3+/-1/2. One in five models can take a massive Gore-choppa. Which is a free 2" 4+/3+/-1/2 weapon making three attacks.

Brutes excel in killing units with multiple wound models. Which sounds great in theory, but there's a couple of things you need to keep in mind when you run them. They don't have a banner or a musician, so they're stuck at 6 bravery and no bonus to movement, so their 4" move will mean they will lag behind the rest of your battleline options. So they will take a while to get into combat. And when they get there the low bravery means there's a chance they won't stick around. But when you get them in combat and they attack their intended targets first, they will absolutely destroy.

The 1" weapons are great when running MSU and the 2" weapons are great for when you want to put them behind a line of ardboys. That's a charge your opponent will regret. The boss is best equipped with the 4 attacks claw, as it performs slightly better. If you want to have your brutes running up the table to kill Heroes, consider bringing a warchanter with the Get’Em beat (3D6 charge). It only works on a 4+, but is very much worth it if it means your Brutes get to attack first. Alternatively, you can leave your brutes on your home objectives. Your opponent will most likely want to come and grab them with cavalry or fast elite units. Most of these have 4 or more wounds. Exactly the kind of units Brutes like to smash. Keep these things in mind when fielding them. They require some work and thinking but are great at what they're supposed to do.

Heavy cavalry, Ork style. For 160 points you get three piggies with 9" movement and five wounds. Oink oink, motherfucker. The riders have the same attack profile as brutes: 3+/3+/-1/1. With the choice of 4 attacks at 1" or 3 attacks at 2". The piggies get four attacks at 4+/4+/-/1. If the unit charged the same turn, the piggies and the 2" spears get +1 to hit and wound. You also roll a D6 for every enemy unit that has a pig end the charge within 1" of it. On a 4+ that unit gets a mortal wound.

Your fastest battleline unit is a very flexible anvil. They make for great screens for the Maw-krusha due to their speed. The 1" Choppas are great at dealing with enemy hordes. A MSU of the 2" Spears are a surprisingly great scalpel, good for targeting enemy 6 wound heroes and elite infantry. If you charge an enemy 6 wound support hero, they will delete it in the combat phase.

Remember these guys are battleline and you can feasibly spam these for an alpha-strike list with the gorefist battalion. You'll need plenty of command points for mighty destroyer moves though so you'll need to either look at buying some or using the Brutish Cunning warlord trait, though that means giving up the clan bonus.

Other Units

  • Ironskull's Boyz: (80pts, unique) The quartet of Ardboys from Shadespire. They’ve gained the Ironsunz keyword interestingly, so they can benefit from the buffs of that tribe. Otherwise they play like a slightly undermanned Ardboys unit. Their main gimmick is negating wounds on a 6 (5+ for the boss Ironskull), and that’s about it. Consider bringing them as bodyguards for your more important heroes. Other than that, you can just ignore ‘em.
    • The main benefit to Ironskull's Boyz is being in a unique 80pt position. If you can't get an extra 20pts for another 5 Arboyz, Ironskull's can make an excellent filler if you didn't want to take an endless spell or two(you might be better of just buying a command point and then getting a triumph)
    • Their Pair of Ardboyz Choppas has the same profile as Ardboy Choppas for normal Ardboyz but the warscroll does say that Pairs of Ardboyz Choppas get +1 to hit. So, they hit on 2+ !!!
    • With the points increase to Ardboyz, these guyz look alot more appealing as an msu objective holding unit.
  • Morgok's Krushas: (90 pts, unique). Ironjawz. At long last a unit drawn from a specialist game that doesn't suck balls. These guys are slightly souped up brutes. While regular Brutes are 28 PPM, those are at 30 PPM, so you don't pay that much of a premium. Morgok,the leader does not have access to the traditionnal brute leader weapons, but makes one extra attack with his Krushas. So instead of 3 attacks at 2W, you get 5 at 1. While you lose here, you still get the special 2W weapon for another member of the squad that normally only one of every 5 Brutes can take, despite behing only 3.
    • The special knack of this unit is that once they finish a monster for the first time in a battle, they get +1 to wound permanently(thus wounding on 2+) which seriously boosts up they attack power, and these guys have 12 attacks!
    • To help them in this endeavour, they still get the Brutes' bonus of +1 to hit against models with 4 wounds or more, meaning they can be efficient minor heroes hunter too, and by that I mean if they can make contact with any ~100 pts hero they will turn him/her into a bloody pulp. They are also good monsters FINISHERS, as they lack the number to take them down by their own.
    • They have 9HP with a 4+ save, which makes them reasonnably tanky for a unit this size, at A LOT more survivable than a lot of other overpriced specialist units with 1W per model.



  • Wurrgog Prophet: (160pts) A wizard who can cast and unbind 2 spells and is pretty good in a scrap for a caster. His scary mask means he's always got a -1 to be hit in melee, and he can generate more command points in-game. His Fists of Gork spell has a good 24" range and rolls as many dice as models in the unit, doing mortal wounds on 6's unless you cast on a 10+, in which case it does the damage on 4+!
  • Savage Big Boss: (90pts) A melee force multiplier. Decent melee fighter with an ability allowing another Boneplitterz unit nearby to fight immediately after he does. His command ability allows a friendly unit to get two hits rather than 1 on unmodified 6's in melee. This command ability no longer affects ranged attacks! Still good anyway, you just have a harder time drowning your opponent in shots.
  • Wardokk: (80pts) Cheap caster with no unique spell but the ability to do buff friendly units with his dances on a 3+. He can heal, increase save rolls or give a wizard +1 to cast/unbind/dispel. Although the buffs don't stack, you can heal a unit more than once with a couple of these guys. Never leave home without two.
  • Maniak Weirdnob: (140pts) A nutter on a piggy, another wizard with surprisingly good melee abilities (if you are lucky), a reroll to cast/unbind/dispel once a turn due to his squig and a spell that grants the same double hit shenanigans as the Big Boss's command ability. This spell works on both melee and ranged attacks, though.


All of these units can have banners and musicians that give them +2" charge and +1 Bravery

  • Savage Orruks: (Battleline, 120/300pts, min 10, max 30) At two wounds a pop minimum, there are no truly cheap units in the army, but these guys are the closest. Armed with chompas (blades) or stikkas (spears), they each get 2 attacks with the stikkas having one worse to wound roll but a greater range. With shields giving them +1 save in melee, combine with the Kunnin' Beast Spirits' spell to make them surprisingly hard to shift considering they're only armored in a loincloth. In bigger units stikkas are best, 32mm bases will make attacking in two ranks with chompas difficult.

Battleline in Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh! army

  • Savage Orruk Arrowboys: (120pts, min 10, max 30) Lots of inaccurate shots at 18" range. A bit pricey for the damage they'll inflict, even with 3 shots each while at 15+ models, although they aren't completely useless in a close-up fight. Their bows get a point of Rend against Monsters . Not as devastating with Kunnin' Rukk as they use to be, but will still lay wast with sheer volume of arrows.
  • Savage Boarboys: (130pts, min 5, max 20) Basically the Savage Orruk onna pig. Extra wound, extra attack with their melee weapons but both the stikkas and the boars get + 1 to hit and wound on the charge.

Battleline in Bonesplitterz army

  • Savage Boarboy Maniaks: (140pts, min 5, max 20) Maniaks lose the shield save and stikka option, but their chompas get another attack (so they're twice as damaging unbuffed as a Savage Orruk on foot). If there's 5 or more of them they get another attack with their chompas too. They're also a little braver than the non-maniak boarboys.
  • Savage Orruk Morboys: (120pts, min 10, max 30) In a similar vein to the Maniaks, Morboys are Savage Orruks with one extra attack, no shield, and a bit more bravery. They do also get a permanent +1 to hit if any enemy Monsters have been killed, however.

Other Units

  • Savage Big Stabbas: (100pts, min 2, max 8) A couple of Orruks lugging around a massive spear, each big stabba hits as hard as some melee heroes, do extra damage against monsters and can run and charge too. If they're killed in the melee, they may also do D3 mortal wounds to an enemy unit within 3" - so expect them to get shot down early.


Greenskinz are allowed in a Big Waagh faction as the keyword requirement for these units is orruk , which all greenskinz possess. However, they are no longer on sale and have been relegated to Legends as of GHB2020. Feel free to use them if your opponent allows and you really want an uphill challenge. Tactics can be found in the Legends section.


  • Rogue Idol: (420pts) Your resin FW beast. Now with Orruk , Ironjawz , Bonesplitterz and Greenskinz keywords so that you can field him as you see fit. A Fighting monster and a minor buffer to any Orruk or army. In addition to its combat powers, it also adds one to Orruk and Grot casting rolls and Bravery. Make sure that your units don't get too close to it as rocks will fall off it and harm units. Also good to note, it can be buffed from both factions spells. So Bonesplitterz can send out a Rogue Idol with a 2+ save!


Ironjawz Battalions

Ardfist (120pts) 1 Orruk Warchanter, 3-5 Orruk Ardboyz

The Warchanter of this battalion learns the Drawn to the Waaagh! command ability, use this command ability when a unit from this battalion is destroyed. Roll a dice, on a 4+ a new identical Orruk Ardboyz unit appears, set it up wholly within 6" of the table edge and more then 9" from enemy units. Amusingly, this new unit is added to the battalion, so its destruction can trigger another roll, and on and on.

Brutefist (120pts) 3-5 Orruk Brutes

1 Orruk Brute boss has 5 wounds instead of 3.
Whenever a model from this battalion makes a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of that model and roll a dice, on a 4+ it takes 1 MW.

Gorefist (130pts) 3-5 Orruk Gore-Gruntas

1 Gore-Grunta boss has 7 wounds instead of 5.
In your first hero phase, each unit wholly within 18" of the battalion boss can make a normal move but cannot run.

Ironfist (160pts) 3-5 Orruk Brutes, Orruk Gore-Gruntas or Orruk Ardboyz

1 Brute Boss or Gore-Grunta boss gets +2 to its wounds.
Once in each of your hero phases you can use the Mighty Destroyers command ability from the Ironjawz Allegiance for free, using the battalion boss as if it were a Megaboss.

Weirdfist (140pts) 1 Orruk Weirdnob Shaman, 3-5 Orruk Brutes or Orruk Ardboyz

If the Weirdnob Shaman of this battalion is wholly within 18" of 2 or more units from this battalion, it can use it's Brutal Power ability to attempt to cast Green Puke twice, in addition to other spells it can cast.

Brawl (Superbattalion) (140pts) 1 Orruk Megaboss, 1 Orruk Warchanter, 1 Orruk Weirdnob Shaman, 3-5 Brutefist, Gorefist, Ardfist, Weirdfist or Ironfist warscroll battalions

Once per battle if your general is alive, another Orruk hero from this battalion can use the Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability. This does not stop you from using the regular Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability but you may not use the command ability more than once in the same combat phase.
Here's a fun thought - an Ironfist costs 160 points apiece, and you need at least a squad of Brutes to make it useful, but can otherwise fill it with Ardboyz. Two min units of Ardboyz and a min unit of Brutes is 320 points, plus the 160 points of the battalion makes 480. Three of these would be 1440 points, plus 110 apiece for Warchanter and Weirdnob, 150 for the Megaboss and 140 for the Brawl itself - 1950 points in total, just enough for an extra command point if you so desire (or swap out one or two of the Brute squads for a min squad of Gore-Gruntas). So, at 1950-2000 points, you can have a Superbattalion.

Ironsunz Battalions

To take the ones below, you need to be part of the Ironsunz Warclan. You can only at most take one Da Bossfist and one Moggorz's Rekrootin' Krew in an army.

Da Bossfist (220pts) 1 Megaboss on Mawkrusha (Dakkbad Grotkicker), 0-2 Megaboss on Mawkrusha, 2-3 Megabosses on foot, 2-3 Orruk Brutes

Dakkbad must be the general and have the Right Fist of Dakkbad Command Trait. In addition, at the start of each hero phase, if Dakkbad is on the field, roll a d6. On a 4+, get a CP. Also, all units in this battalion gain +1 to the attack characteristic for all their melee weapons, including mounts.

Moggorz's Rekrootin' Krew (150pts) 1 Orruk Megaboss (Moggorz), 1 Orruk Brutes (Da Rekrootin' Krew), 1-5 Orruk Brutes or Orruk Ardboyz (Aspirants)

Aspirants don't benefit from Ironsunz Kunnin'. Instead, they ignore Battleshock while wholly within 18" of either Moggorz or Da Rekrootin' Krew.

Dakkbad's Brawl (120pts) 1 Orruk Warchanter, 1 Orruk Weirdnob Shaman, 1 Da Bossfist battalion, 1 Moggorz's Rekrootin' Krew battalion, 1-3 Brutefist, Gorefist, Ardfist, Weirdfist or Ironfist warscroll battalions

Once per battle if your Dakkbad is alive, another Orruk hero from this battalion can use the Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability. This does not stop Dakkbad from using the regular Ironjawz Waaagh! command ability but you may not use the command ability more than once in the same combat phase.

Bonesplitterz Battalions

Brutal Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Boarboyz.

Battalion units that are wholly within 12" of the Big Boss at the start of the charge phase can run and charge.

Kop Rukk (140pts) 2-5 Wardokks, 2-5 Savage Orruk Morboyz

One of the Wardokks that is wholly within 18" of 2+ units with 10+ models from this battalion can attempt to cast the Fists of Gork spell from the Wurrgog Prophet warscroll in addition to any other spells it can cast.

Kunnin' Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrowboys

In your hero phase, pick 1 unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss. That unit can make a normal move or shoot, units in this battalion cannot have more then 20 models.

Snaga Rukk (120pts) 1 Maniak Weirdnob, 2-5 Savage Boarboy Maniaks

You can re-roll charge rolls for units wholly within 12" of the Maniak Weirdnob.

Teef Rukk (140pts) 1 Savage Big Boss, 2-5 Savage Big Stabbas.

+1 to the attacks made by units that are wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss.

Big Rukk (Superbattalion) (80pts) 1 Wurrgog Prophet, 3-5 Brutal Rukk, Kop Rukk, Kunnin' RUkk, Snaga Rukk or Teef Rukk warscroll battalions.

You can re-roll the dice to determine if you negate wounds with your warpaint ability.


Gordrak and Warchanters

Take Big Waagh allegiance. Field Gordrak and two to three Warchanters. You will now get a guaranteed 10-12 Waaagh points per turn. Fill the rest up as you see fit with Ardboys/Gruntas/Brutes. Enjoy you 2+/2+ on all units, with the additional damage from Warchanter (and for instance healing beats on Gordrak). Waaagh every 2 turns at the very least, while if you get a double turn, you hardly even have repercussions from yelling your favorite word, even when you lose every waaagh point. 3 Warchanters even without Gordrakk garantie 6 points a turn, plus d6 (about 3) gets you around 9 points per turn, so Big waaagh with warchanters, ardboyz, Brutes and Moarboys will wash over your enemy like a green tide should.

Big Waaagh with Gordrak and just 2 warchanters is also great. If you field units of 10 or more models (10-20 ardboy blocks for battleline is what I've had great success with) you'll start with 10 per turn and get enough extra Waaagh points from charging and being in combat that you're fully amped for a Big Waaagh on turn 2, and if you let your opponent go first in round 1, you might even be taking a double turn when you unleash the Big Waaagh (and if not you might be heading into a double turn after your Big Waaagh, either way consider letting your opponent go first in round 1)

Fun with Megabosses and Brutes

You gotta try Da Boss Fist battalion. Brutes and megabosses on foot are less efficient than ardboys, but giving them all an extra atk all the time really helps! Ironsuns isn't too much of a downside either since the battalion gives you kind of a second command trait (4+ gain CP in your herophase). You don't really miss the free mighty destroyers from ironfist or brutish cunning since you have a "free waaagh" all the time, and some extra CP generation to do mighty destroyers anyway.

And speaking of Ironsuns: Have you ever wanted your mawkrusha to fight 3 times by the end of your first turn? Well you can! My opponent went first, hit some brutes with mortal wounds so I got to move that squad forward d6". My opponent then flew some plague drones over and charged my forward brutes. I used the ironsuns command ability to charge my mawkrusha in to the plague drones. We fought in my opponents turn, and all my stuff was -1 to hit because of the ironsuns trait. Things went poorly for my opponent, and then it was my turn. Mighty destroyers on mawkrusha, fight and kill the last plague drones in my hero phase. Move, charge, fight with mawkrusha for the 3rd time that game, in my first combat phase, still -1 to hit.

Allied Armies

Ironjawz armies can have Bonesplitterz as allies, whilst Bonesplitterz can have Ironjawz as allies. Enough said.

  • Gloomspite Gitz: Reunite the old Orcs and Goblins faction by bringing some grots and troggoths.
    • Stabbas or Shootas are an obvious pick to get some hordes onto the table, allowing you to fit 60 of the little guys into your 400 point limit. Sadly you won't have a loonshrine, so no regeneration, which is going to make them a little expensive. Gordrakk's Voice of Gork stacks nicely on them too. If you take a full set of 60 they are just slightly too expensive to fit in a Loonboss which would have made the grots deal mortals on wound rolls of 6, or Sneaky Snufflers to increase the number of attacks the grots give.
    • Fungoid Cave Shaman: You want more CPs? Take two of these.
    • Squigs might be worth a look if you don't mind their randomness.
    • Bring back the good ole Giant with the Aleguzzler Gargant. A bit on the frail side but a decent monster for any list.
  • Sons of Behemat: Thanks to their mercenary mechanic, you can recruit one of four named Mega-Gargants with unique abilities.
    • Bundo Whalebiter: A Kraken-eater mercenary. You can choose at the start of the Combat phase for him to fight at the end of the phase, in exchange for re-rolling failed hit rolls.
    • One-Eyed Grunnok: A Warstomper mercenary. Reroll jump attacks of 1, plus enemies within 6" get -1 to hit if the giant used his jump attacks earlier in the combat phase.
    • Big Drogg Fort-Kicka: A Gatebreaker mercenary. He has a breath attack that attacks one unit within 3" at the end of the combat phase; roll a dice for each model in the unit and deal 1MW on a 6+.
    • Brawlsmasha: A Bonegrinder mercenary from Forgeworld. Gives friendly Orruk wholly within 12" +1 Bravery. The Bravery buff is not enough to justify its high pts value and lackluster attack profile.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics