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====Command Traits====
====Command Traits====

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Legions of Nagash changes up the way death plays by removing magical summoning and banner regen for skellies and replaces then with hero based regen and grave sites. They also add several new allegiance abilities

Why play Legions of Nagash?


SKELETONS! Hordes and hordes of skeletons endlessly marching out of the grave, also zombie and ghosts and all the creepy goodness!
A solid range of plastic miniatures and plenty of possibilities for conversion (looking at you triumvirate of Ynnead/vampires!)
More bodies with better durability for the cost than most and the ability to bring models back, when the stars line up you can end the game with net zero lost models.
You’ve got 4 legions to choose from as well as Death and Soulblight factions so you can test out a lot of stuff and play with lots of variations on a theme.
Did you play Orks in 40k? Would you like to throw a bucketful of dice? Get a unit of 40 skeletons into combat and buff them properly they’ll be getting 5 attacks each and possibly piling in and attacking twice with Vanhels Danse Macabre. In a perfect storm that’s 400 attacks 3+/4+!!!!
Is a summonable unit dead? Did you just kill an enemy unit within 6" of a gravesite? Start rolling your d6 because on a 4+, congrats! You get that unit back!!


Zero...ranged...units... (traditionally speaking). Not a single usable one, handful of short range shooting attacks but other than that all melee... can’t even ally in Tomb Kings archers!

  • Ghosts and dragons, bout it really.
    • Prince Vhordrai is just a named VLoZD, just with a ranged ability with an 8" range, rather than a 9" range and a less assassin-y spell. That said, the Terrorghiest still has the best range out of all the variations in this box.
  • One thing to note about our unconventional ranged weapons is that they all contest a leadership score; Usually 2d6 vs their bravery. With good positioning of our new banners and the Overwhelming Dread spell our limited shooting can deal a fair amount of mortal wounds. Our shooting is extremely short ranged but they can put on some serious damage.

Rend -1 is effectively rend -2 for your hurts...a lot.
Quite a few slow units, necromancer at 4” and can’t take a mount anymore...
How many skeletons do you want to paint? Whatever that number is you’ll need to paint more than that.
The removal of magical summoning also means you can't bring in new units, only bring back the ones that are completely destroyed if they have the summonable keyword, and you still have to pay points to bring them back.

Allegiance Abilities

A bit of a long one as there are 4 allegiances for the Legions of Nagash themed around Nagash and his three top generals as well as Soulblight and Generic Death. The four themed legions all get the Gravesite mechanic, at least 1 extra spell from the Lores of the Dead and access Deathless Minions.

Gravesite : Each of the four main allegiances gets access to the gravesite mechanic. After sides are chosen place two gravesites wholly within your territory and two anywhere else on the board. Importantly these are only points on the battlefield, whatever you choose to represent them does not exist for the purpose of line of sight or cover or scenery. Gravesites can heal a SUMMONABLE unit within 9” by d3 wounds or models up to the total wound count. Note, you cannot bring back models with missing wounds, nor can you both heal a model and bring back models with the same roll. So to bring back a spirit host you’d have to roll a 5 or 6, if you had a unit of black knights with models slain and a model missing a wound and you rolled a 5 or 6 you could only heal the remaining wound, not heal and bring back a model despite having rolled high enough to do so.

The second gravesite ability is placing SUMMONABLE units into the “grave” instead of deploying them. At the end of movement a DEATH HERO can pull a unit out of the grave fully within 9” of the gravesite and outside of 9” of any enemy models. This is a nice way of getting around skeletons massively low movement speed if you can. They are vulnerable to area denial though so be careful.

Lastly are abilities that interact with regenerating units. The general of the four main legions gets an additional command trait that allows him to pull a destroyed unit out of the grave and place it within 9” of the gravesite and outside 9” of any enemy units. Sounds awesome, but remember you have to reserve points for this in matched play.

Final note is the Legion of Sacrament ability. If the last model in a unit getting destroyed is within 6” of a gravesite roll a dice, on a 4+ a destroyed SUMMONABLE it can be brought back within 9” of the gravesite and outside 9” of any enemy models. Again requires reserve points and is very situational.

Grand Host of Nagash

Can include any units in the battletome, if it includes Nagash he must be the though you didn’t want his amazing command ability?!

Gravesites of course. all DEATH WIZARDS know an additional spell from one of the Lores of the Dead, if Nagash is included he knows three additional spells, which is good since he can cast 8 at full health!

Deathless Minions: 6+ ignore wounds for your units within 6” of a hero, handy and ubiquitous throughout the legions.

Chosen Guardians: Morghast units get +1 attack! Very scary given their damage output.

Legions Innumerable: roll a die for each unit 5+ heals d3 wounds or returns single wound models. Note: it specifically leaves out the ability to bing back other models. Handy to have, remember this all happens in your hero phase so choose the order in which you heal things carefully. Out of range of a gravesite by an inch? Heal with legions or a Deathly Invocation and place the models close enough to use that gravesite!

Legion of Sacrament

This is Arkhan's legion, if he is included in this army he MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortrach units he has to be one of them.

The Master's Teachings: So whenever a SUMMONABLE unit is destroyed within 6" of a gravesite, On a 4+ you can set it up again at full strength. This costs reserve points so take that as you will.

The Black Disciples: Add 1 to all casting rolls for friendly LEGION OF SACRAMENT WIZARDS. This ability is great because our magic is powerful now, so this helps our spell go off easier. This also gives Arkhan a +3 casting modifier when he is at full wounds. Give him soul harvest, and chances are, he'll never die. Don't quote this on that,

Artifacts of Sacrament

  1. Spiritcage:
  2. Shroud of Darkness:
  3. Asylumaticae:
  4. Wristbands of Black Gold: These are... WOW! This throwback from Warhammer Fantasy returns with a vengeance. Roll a dice for every wound or mortal wound allocated to the wearer as a result of shooting. On a 4+ the wound is ignored. Essentially an unmodifiable +4 save against all shooting. Are pesky Kurnoth Hunters sniping your best units? Has the mass barrages of those godless Kharadron got you down? If you're versing a shooty army, TAKE IT. Slap this on a VLOZD and, between this and magic support from the rest of the army, you can almost guarantee your VLOZD will reach enemy lines and make those shooty units PAY. If you want some lulz, you could equip a female character on foot with these and re-enact the No man's land scene from the latest Wonder Woman movie.
  5. Azyrbane Standard: A nod to how Arkhan freed Mannfred from the wall of Faith in The End Times. Subtract 1 from the casting rolls of enemy wizards within '6' of the bearer. If they're also Order Wizards, they also have to re-roll successful casting attempts. Though it has a limited range this is a welcome addition. Best used on a character dedicated to a support role or Wizard hunting, and especially against certain Order armies (such as Sylvaneth from the Gnarlroot Wargrove). Though keep in mind some Wizards are also monsters and thus could just lay the smackdown in combat (again, such as Sylvaneth wizards Drycha, Alarielle and Treelord Ancients).
  6. Black Gem:

Command Traits

Legion of Blood

This is Neferata's legion, if she is included in this army she MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units she has to be one of them.

Artifacts of Blood

Command Traits

Legion of Night

This is Mannfred's legion, if he is included in this army he MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units he has to be one of them.

Artifacts of Night

Command Traits