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==Special Rules related to Malal==
==Special Rules related to Malal==
*Daemon of Malal: Grants the Daemon, Hatred (Chaos Daemons), and Preferred Enemy (Everything!) special rules. In addition, units that are composed entirely of models with this special rule are treated as having Frag Grenades. Daemon Princes and Soul Grinders may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 15 pts. Chaos Furies may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 2 pts. Spined Chaos Beasts may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 5 pts.
*Daemon of Malal: Grants the Daemon, Hatred (Daemon), and Preferred Enemy (Everything!) special rules. In addition, units that are composed entirely of models with this special rule are treated as having Frag Grenades. Daemon Princes and Soul Grinders may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 15 pts. Chaos Furies may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 2 pts. Spined Chaos Beasts may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 5 pts.
*Nemesis of the Dark Gods: Daemons of Malal roll on the same Warp Storm table as seen in Codex: Chaos Daemons. Rolls that results in a Dark God making an attack treat units with the Daemon of Malal special rule as their rival god. Add the Herald of Malal to the list of heralds that may be summoned with the Daemonic Possession result and Hook Horrors to the list of units that may be summoned through the Summoned from the Warp result.
*Nemesis of the Dark Gods: Daemons of Malal roll on the same Warp Storm table as seen in Codex: Chaos Daemons. Rolls that results in a Dark God making an attack treat units with the Daemon of Malal special rule as their rival god. Add the Herald of Malal to the list of heralds that may be summoned with the Daemonic Possession result and Hook Horrors to the list of units that may be summoned through the Summoned from the Warp result.

Revision as of 16:21, 6 March 2016

A 40k fandex created by /tg/ in attempts to provide some rules for Malal's lore, what little there is. This is an expansion to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, Codex: Chaos Daemons and Imperial Armor Volume XIII.

Mortals Dedicated to Malal

  • Mark of Malal: Grants all shooting and melee attacks the Rending special rule. In addition, a Psyker with the Mark of Malal must generate at least one of his powers from the Discipline of Malal. A Chaos Lord with the Mark of Malal allows Null Knights to be taken as troop choices. Refer to the chart below for costs:
    • HQ choices: 15 points
    • Chaos Space Marines, Havocs, Chaos Bikers and Chosen: 3 pts/model
    • Chaos Cultists: 2 pts/model
    • Possessed Marines, Obliterators, Warp Talons: 4 pts/model
    • Chaos Terminators and Mutilators: 5 pts/model
    • Chaos Spawn: 6 pts/model
  • Icon of Anarchy: Grants all shooting and melee attacks the Shred special rule. May only be taken by a model with the Mark of Malal. Refer to the chart below for costs:
    • Chaos Space Marines, Raptors and Havocs: 30 points
    • Chosen, Possessed Marines and Chaos Bikers: 35 points
    • Chaos Terminators: 40 points
  • Dedication to Malal: Grants all shooting and melee attacks the Rending, Shred and Sunder special rules. Refer to the chart below for costs:
    • Contemptor Dreadnoughts and Ferrum Infernus Dreadnoughts: 20 points
    • Decimator Daemon Engines: 25 points
  • Daemon Titan/Knight of Malal: A model with this special rule gains the Daemon and Hatred (Daemons) special rules. In addition, the Titan/Knight’s shooting, stomp and melee attacks have the Rending and Shred special rules, Stomp attacks may re-roll the result on the table against vehicles and Destroyer weapons may re-roll the result on the Destroyer Weapon Attack Table. A Daemon Titan/Knight of Malal counts as being a Daemon aligned with Malal. Refer to the chart below for costs:
    • Chaos Knights: 75 points
    • Warhound Titans: 100 points
    • Reaver Battle Titans: 200 points.
  • Covenant of Malal: Any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule has the Prefered Enemy (Everything!) special rule.
  • Dedicated to Malal: A unit of Ogryn Brutes dedicated to Malal gain the Shred special rule for Melee and Hammer of Wrath Attacks. A unit of Ogryn Brutes may take the Dedicated to Malal special rule for 35 pts.
  • Parasite Ticks: Parasite Ticks are added to the list of Chaos Rewards that a model can take. They cost 35 points and may only be taken by a model with a Mark of Malal. See the Daemonic Gifts section for its effects.

Special Rules related to Malal

  • Daemon of Malal: Grants the Daemon, Hatred (Daemon), and Preferred Enemy (Everything!) special rules. In addition, units that are composed entirely of models with this special rule are treated as having Frag Grenades. Daemon Princes and Soul Grinders may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 15 pts. Chaos Furies may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 2 pts. Spined Chaos Beasts may take the Daemon of Malal special rule for 5 pts.
  • Nemesis of the Dark Gods: Daemons of Malal roll on the same Warp Storm table as seen in Codex: Chaos Daemons. Rolls that results in a Dark God making an attack treat units with the Daemon of Malal special rule as their rival god. Add the Herald of Malal to the list of heralds that may be summoned with the Daemonic Possession result and Hook Horrors to the list of units that may be summoned through the Summoned from the Warp result.

Malefic Discipline

  • Summoning: Add 10 Hook Horrors of Malal and 3 Beasts of Malal to the list of units that may be summoned with this spell.
  • Sacrifice: Add 1 Herald of Malal to the list of models that may be summoned with this spell.
  • Incursion: Add 3 Parasite Riders to the list of units that may be summoned with this spell.
  • Possession: Add 1 Guardian of Contradictions to the list of models that may be summoned with this spell.

Discipline of Malal/Anarchy discipline

  • It Should Not Be (Primaris Power): Warp Charge 1. The Psyker stills the Warp around his opponents, creating a horrible feeling of emptiness in those affected. It Should Not Be is a Malediction that targets an enemy unit within 12". That unit must take a morale check or Daemonic Instability test (note that Daemons from the Codex: Khorne Daemonkin must still take a Daemonic Instability test despite not having that rule). If the affected unit is a vehicle then it suffers a Crew Shaken result that cannot be ignored.
  • 1-2 Spite: Warp Charge 1. The psyker fills his followers with the will to harm others beyond the point where there is anything to gain from doing so. Spite is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 24". Whenever that unit suffers casualties, the unit that caused the casualties suffers a single hit for each wound inflicted. These hits are resolved at the same strength value as the affected units toughness and the same AP as the affected units armor save. When in close combat these hits are resolved after the Initiative 1 step and count towards combat resolution.
  • 3-4 Juxtaposition: Warp Charge 1. The psyker releases a contrasting blast of energy that somehow shrouds allies in darkness and blinds enemies with light. Juxtaposition is a Nova power with a range of 6". Any friendly unit hit by Juxtaposition has the Shrouded special rule until the controlling players next game turn. Any enemy unit hit by Juxtaposition must take a blind test.
  • 5-6 Vortex of Annihilation: Warp Charge 2. A tiny warp breach is created that is so chaotic that not even daemons will dare use if for the risk of getting ripped into nothingness by its entropy. Vortex of Annihilation is a Witchfire power with the following profile: R36", S* AP* Assault 1, Massive Blast. A model hit by this must pass a Strength test (models without a strength value automatically pass) or be removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed.

Daemonic Gifts

Daemons of Malal rolls on the same tables as seen in Codex: Chaos Daemons. They also have their own gifts of Malal.

Lesser Reward: 0. Parascythe: Melee weapon, enemies struck with this weapon must take armor and invulnerable saves at a -2 penalty (which means that 5+ saves of either type have no effect). This accumulates with other penalties to their saves.

Greater Rewards: 0. Sickle of Ruin : AP4 melee. In each Assault Phase, roll a d3 and select one of the following effects for the rest of the assault phase:

  • Increase the Strength and Attack values of the wielder by the result (To a maximum of 10).
  • Reduce enemies Weapon Skill and Initiative in base contact by the result (To a minimum of 1). This penalty can only be applied to a model once per turn.

Instruments of Chaos: If, when you roll on the Warp Storm table, you roll a result where a dark god makes an attack on the battlefield, you may re-roll a single dice to determine if a unit is hit or not for each friendly Daemon of Malal model with an Instrument of Chaos currently on the table. Otherwise, the rules are the same as in Codex: Chaos Daemons.

Icons of Chaos: The rules can be found in Codex: Chaos Daemons. A unit may upgrade their Icon into the following:

  • Banner of Destruction: A Banner of Destruction is an Icon of Chaos. Once per game, the Icon bearer may activate the Icon's ability. In the Shooting Phase, the Icon bearer may make a shooting attack with the following profile: Range: 24' Assault 2d6 S:4 AP:4 Pinning, Ignores Cover.

Parasite Tick: The model receives +1 Strength, +1 Wounds, +1 attacks and its unit type becomes cavalry.

The Portalglyph: Add Hook Horrors to the list of models that may be summoned with The Portalglyph.

Vessel of Xemn'yn'me'X the Void: This Legacy of ruin may be taken by a single Chaos Space Marine vehicle at a cost of +15 points or +20 points for a Super-Heavy vehicle. This vehicle has the Fear and Daemonic Possession special rules. In addition, any unit equipped with an Icon of Anarchy within 12" may re-roll any unsuccessful saves. Should a model with this legacy lose its last HP it suffers an Explodes! result on the vehicle damage table. If the model is a Super-Heavy vehicle it suffers a Titanic Explosion instead.

Daemonic Loci

  • Lesser Locus of Decimation: Grants the Crusader special rule.
  • Greater Locus of Obliteration: Adds +1 Leadership, and allows a reroll on Daemonic Instability tests once per turn. Keep the second roll even if worse.
  • Exalted Locus of Oblivion: When charging an enemy unit within 6', that unit cannot Overwatch or use Counter Attack.

Nullification Cult

Null Knights (Elites)

100 Points

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Null Knight 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Null Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Null Champion is a character)

UNIT COMPOSITION: 4 Null Knights, 1 Null Champion

WARGEAR: Power Armour, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades

SPECIAL RULES: Champions of Chaos (Champion only), Mark of Malal, Fearless


  • May include 15 additional Null Knights - 18 pts/model
  • Any Null Knight may:
    • replace his Boltgun with a:
      • CCW - free
      • Grenade Launcher - 3 pts/model
    • take a CCW - 1 pt/model
  • One Null Knight per 10 models may replace his Boltgun with a Missile Launcher (with Frag and Krak missiles) - 15 pts
    • Any Null Knight with a Missile Launcher may take Flakk Missiles - 10 pts
  • The Null Champion may take items from the Melee Weapons and/or Ranged Weapons section of the wargear list.
  • The Null Champion may take a Gift of Mutation - 10 pts
  • The Null Champion may take a Demolition Charge - 20 pts
  • The Null Champion may take Melta Bombs - 5 pts
  • One model in the unit may take a Icon of Anarchy - 25 pts
  • The unit may take the Veterans of the Long War special rule - 1 pt/model
  • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino as a Dedicated Transport.

Lesser Daemon of Malal

Hook Horrors (Troops)

90 Points

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Hook Horror 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 7 -
Reaver 4 3 4 3 1 4 3 7 -

UNIT TYPE: Infantry.


SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike


  • May include up to 10 additional Hook Horrors - 9 pts/model.
  • May upgrade one Hook Horror to a Reaver - 5 pts
  • A Reaver may take up to 20 points of Daemonic Rewards in any combination:
    • Lesser Reward - 10 pts each
    • Greater Reward - 20 pts each
  • One Hook Horror may take an Instrument of Chaos - 10 pts
  • A different Hook Horror may take an Icon of Chaos - 10 pts
    • The Icon of Chaos may be upgraded to a Banner of Destruction - 10 pts

Beast of Malal

Pandemonic Paradox of Malal (Elites)

45 Points

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Paradoxes 4 - 5 4 4 4 3 7 -



SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike, Very Bulky, Voice of Banishment.

Voice of Banishment: Enemy units that are in combat with the Paradox suffer a -3 penalty to their leadership.


  • May include up to 8 additional Paradoxes - 45 pts/model.

Steed of Malal

Parasite Riders of the Anti-God (Fast Attack)

105 Points

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Parasite Riders 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 7 -
Parasite Hunter 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 7 -

UNIT TYPE: Cavalry

UNIT COMPOSITION: 3 Parasite Riders

SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike


  • May include up to 6 additional Parasite Riders - 35 pts/model.
  • May upgrade one Parasite Rider to a Parasite Hunter - 5 pts
  • A Parasite Hunter may take up to 20 points of Daemonic Rewards in any combination:
    • Lesser Reward - 10 pts each
    • Greater Reward - 20 pts each
  • One Parasite Rider may take an Instrument of Chaos - 10 pts
  • A different Parasite Rider may take an Icon of Chaos - 10 pts
    • The Icon of Chaos may be upgraded to a Banner of Destruction - 10 pts

Greater Daemon of Malal

Guardian of Contradictions (HQ)

210 points.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardian of Contradictions 8 6 6 6 5 8 6 9 -

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character)

EQUIPMENT: Etherblade

SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Aura of Parasitism

PSYKER: A Guardian of Contradictions generates his powers from the Telekinesis, Anarchy and Daemonology (Malefic) disciplines.

AURA OF PARASITISM: If a friendly unit with the Daemon of Malal special rule within 6" causes a wound on their controlling player's turn roll a D6 at the end of the turn, on a 4+ the Guardian of Contradictions gains a wound, to a maximum of 10. Only one D6 may be rolled per a unit per a turn.

LORD OF ANARCHY: If your army includes a Guardian of Contradictions, Daemon Princes from this codex with the Daemon of Malal upgrade are Heavy Support choices rather than HQ choices.


  • May take up to 50 points of Daemonic Rewards, in any combination:
    • Lesser Rewards - 10 pts
    • Greater Rewards - 20 pts
    • Exalted Rewards - 30 pts
  • May be upgraded to a:
    • Psyker (Mastery Level 2) - 25 pts
    • Psyker (Mastery Level 3) - 50 pts

Herald of Malal

45 points (Herald)

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Herald of Malal 6 5 4 4 2 6 4 8 -

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike, Independent Character

PSYKER: A Herald of Malal that is a Psyker generates powers from the Telekinesis, Anarchy and Daemonology (Malefic) disciplines.


  • May take up to 30 points of Daemonic Rewards, in any combination:
    • Lesser Rewards - 10 pts
    • Greater Rewards - 20 pts
    • Exalted Rewards - 30 pts
  • May be upgraded to a:
    • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) - 25 pts
    • Psyker (Mastery Level 2) - 50 pts
  • May take one of the following:
    • Lesser Locus of Decimation - 10 pts
    • Greater Locus of Obliteration - 20 pts
    • Exalted Locus of Oblivion - 25 pts
  • May take a Parasite Tick - 45 pts


100 points (Herald)

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Solipsism 6 5 4 4 2 6 5 9 -

Unit Composition: Solipsism
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Daemonic Rewards: Etherblade, Greater Locus of Obliteration (already represented in profile)
Special Rules: Daemon of Malal, Daemonic Instability, Deep Strike, Independent Character
  • Nothing Besides The Self: All things are the same, all things are the self, when the Self is removed all things must be removed. Any enemy unit locked in combat with Solipsism or his unit gains the Daemonic Instability special rule or loses that special rule if they already have it.
  • The Self Is All: What benefits the self benefits all, what harms the self harms all. All models with the Daemon of Malal Special Rule (including Solipsism) within 6" may, at the beginning of the Assault phase, either increase their Strength and Attacks by 1, or decrease the WS and Initiative of any enemy models in base contact by 1 (this penalty can only be applied once per turn). This ability stacks with the effects of a Sickle of Ruin.
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of Reality: If the self cannot realize the existence of the non-self, the non-self cannot exist. If a model cannot draw Line of Sight to Solipsism then any attacks made by it cannot harm him (for example, if a blast weapon scatters outside of the model's line of sight onto Solipsism then Solipsism is treated as not having been hit). If Solipsism is in a unit this special rule does not affect the ability for enemy units to harm his unit.
Options: May take a Parasite Tick - 45 pts

Changes to/New Formations

Daemonic Incursion

Command (0-3)

  • Daemon Lord: Add the Guardian of Contradictions to the list of units that may be taken as part of this.

Core (1+)

  • Paradox Vanguard: A Herald of Malal or Solipsism and 11 units of Hook Horrors. All units in this formation gain Hatred and any enemy units engaged in assault take a -2 penalty to all their Fear tests. Any friendly Daemon units within 12" benefit from the Herald's Loci.

Auxiliary (1+):

  • Unholy Hive: Herald of Malal on a Parasite Tick and 11 units of Parasite Riders or Beasts of Malal in any combination. Any units without some for of dedication to Malal within 6" of unit from this formation count as going through Difficult and Dangerous terrain when moving. In addition, Hammer of Wrath Attacks made by units in this formation gain the Rending special rule.

Devastation of Existence (Apocalypse)

Formation Type: Battle Formation

  • 1 Herald of Malal or Solipsism
  • 11 units of Hook Horrors or Parasite Riders in any combination

Formation Restrictions: None
Special Rules:

  • Parasitic Devastation: Whenever a unit from this formation is targeted by a Dark God via the Warp Storm table, you may re-direct the attack against an enemy unit of your choice on the battlefield.
  • Masters of Entropy: Reavers and Parasite Riders from this formation grant the bonuses from Lesser and Greater Rewards (except for weapons) to their entire unit.