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'''Historical People Shrouded in Myth''' | '''Historical People Shrouded in Myth''' | ||
*Emperor Jimmu: [[God-Emperor of Mankind|THE GOD EMPEROR OF JAPAN]] as well as the first Emperor. The descendants of Goddess Amaterasu and the leader of Yamato clan. Most of his records were old and depict him as a warrior hero god character accompanied by a three legged crow and wielding a long bow. He died at the age of 126 and has little to no worshipers in modern day other than having at least a shrine and grave. | |||
*Abe no Seimei: A court magician who lived between 921 and 1005. Fiction tends to make him an actual wizard. | *Abe no Seimei: A court magician who lived between 921 and 1005. Fiction tends to make him an actual wizard. | ||
*Himiko: Queen of Japan around 200 AD. Chinese records make it clear she existed but very little is known about her. | *Himiko: Queen of Japan around 200 AD. Chinese records make it clear she existed but very little is known about her. |
Revision as of 02:29, 14 February 2019
In the old days, before science existed, people sought explanations for why the world exists as it does. Humans being humans, their first explanations revolved around ascribing human-like characteristics to natural phenomena, which in turn became the first gods worshiped by humankind.
From there, stories spread about the nature of the gods. In time people began telling other stories that sought to explain such things as the origins of humankind, what happens after death, or the exploits of ancient heroes. Many other mythical creatures are thought to have started the same way- for example, stories of giants being inspired from the fossilized bones of mammoths. As these stories passed down from generation to generation as either legends or religion, it gave birth to the fantasy genre we all knew and love.
In a sense, mythology is a blend of history and fantasy, with elements of what might have really happened wrapped up in cultural beliefs and shaped by the worldview of its originating society. Even in the present day, more than a few such myths are still prevalent despite their no longer being openly supernatural (e.g. George Washington and the cherry tree).
Older myths often contain bizarre and fucked up shit like incest and rape because people in ye olden times were fucking deranged and kinky as all hell, and as far as they were concerned, nothing was off limits. Of course with different cultures from country to country, mythology can be quite different and they all had their own angels and demons/spirits/energies based on how their own cultures perceive them.
Connection with Fantasy Genre
As you can see, many an author took interest at the old legend and decided to include its elements in their own stories. Notably, Tolkien took many elements from the Norse and Germanic Mythologies and popularized the concept of fantasy races like Dwarfs and Elves.
There's a god for every aspect of ordinary life, like smithing, governing and war. The most important gods/goddess you need to know are Jupiter/Zeus, the guy with the lightning power who is the king of the gods; Juno/Hera, wife of Zeus and goddess of marriage, childbirth, and women; Minerva/Athena, goddess of wisdom and war born from Jupiter having a massive headache fully grown up and armed; Dis Pater/Pluto/Hades, Jupiter's eldest brother and the god of most of the Greco-Roman afterlife; Neptune/Poseidon, Jupiter's other brother and the god of the seas; Apollo, god of the sun, music, and archery; Diana/Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt; Ceres/Demeter, goddess of the harvest; Mercury/Hermes, messenger of the gods; Venus/Aphrodite, goddess of sex and love; Mars/Ares, god of war; Vulcan/Hephasteus, god of the forge; Vesta/Hestia, goddess of the hearth; Bacchus/Dionysus, god of wine and drunken revelry.
According to Greek myth, the first beings to come into existence were Gaia (the Earth) and Uranus (the sky). They had three sets of children: the Cyclopses, the Hecatonchires (giants with a hundred hands), and the Titans. Uranus imprisoned the first two in Tartarus, the deepest part of the underworld. This upset Gaia and she called upon the Titans to castrate their father with a flint scythe she had made. Cronus, the youngest of their number agreed and duly carried it out, becoming the new king of the world. However, Uranus warned him that Cronus would himself be overthrown by his children.
Cronus sought to avoid this, so he ate each one of them as a new one is born from his wife Rhea, but Rhea hid Zeus and fooled Cronus into eating a rock. Zeus then grows up and tricks his father into drinking wine mixed with mustard which makes him puke, saving all his brothers and sisters inside his father's belly (and who were somehow undigested), thus igniting a war that leads to the overthrow of the Titans. This event is known as The Titanomachy (Battle of the Titans). After all the Titans had been imprisoned in Tartarus and the Cyclopses and Hecatonchires freed, Zeus formed a government with the rest of his gods while living a comfy hedonist life where he raped many mortal girls and had many bastard sons for the lulz.
Roman myth can't agree on anything, because, unlike Grecian legends, it isn't racist and isolationist as fuck and takes from all Indo-European religions it encountered. This also means that it deviates from the "twelve important gods" rule that the Greeks had, and every area and time period had its own important gods. Imagine it as something akin to ancient Hinduism, minus all the mysticism (at least until all the Egyptian-esque mystery cults started popping up at the dawn of the Empire) and with the occasional emperor being declared a god after his death.
The stuff introduced in Greek myth is pretty widespread. Some of it so widely used people forget it came from the Greeks in the first place.
Interestingly, Eldar and Elves of the Warhammer worlds took a lot of elements from Indo-European myth, the prime examples of the west being Greco-Roman mythology.
Most notable heroes with lots of media adaptions:Zeus (in his more positive depictions) Hercules/Heracles, Theseus, Perseus, Daedalus, the leaders of both sides of the Trojan War (Achilles, Hector, Paris etc.).
Most notable villains in media adaptions: Zeus (in his more negative depictions), Hades (only a villain in media adaptions; the original Hades was considered highly honorable if rather dour), Hera (but only in works involving Zeus' bastards), the Titans, Ares, various offspring of Echidna.
Artifacts that tend to show up in media adaptions: Pandora's box, Daedalus's inventions (especially the wings of Icarus), the sun chariot, the Nemean Lion skin, ambrosia, all sorts of stuff used by the gods (Zeus's thunderbolts, Hades's helmet of invisibility, Neptune's trident, Hermes's winged sandals, Athena's shield -- sometimes with Medusa's head on it...).
Like the Greeks, there's a god for every aspect and their most hated enemies are tower tall humanoid creature who the gods/goddess also related to, but were called Giants instead of Titans. The Norse mythos contains a lot more references to snow, winter and wolves than the Greek one. This is somewhat unsurprising.
Basically, in the early world's life cycle, there were these Frost Giants who were sweats born from the armpit of Ymir, the first of giants. There was also a giant cow, Audhumla, the udder of which Ymir frequented. Then that giant cow accidentally created a god by just licking a salty rock, Buri, who then "begat a son" - fuck knows how. This son, Bor, had a wife Bestla who gave birth to Odin and his brothers. Odin does not like giants since they come out of Ymir's stinking armpits like rats and they eat a lot so he and his brothers Vili and Ve killed Ymir. Ymir was so fuckhuge that his blood caused a massive flood that killed other Frost Giants. Odin then used Ymir's body to forge a new world. The death of Ymir also brought forth many life forms without Odin's touch like the Dwarves, who were basically Ymir's corpse maggots. Then like the Greek gods, Odin formed a government with gods/goddess of each daily life aspect. And then Ragnorok will come.
Notable Characters:
- Thor - God of Thunder, Storms and Oak Trees. Most prominent of all Norse mythology in pop culture due to the Marvel hero sharing the same name and a family of similarly Norse-inspired folks (Loki, Odin and Hela).
- Loki - A shape shifting God with no real purpose who likes to dick about with his fellow deities. Also having his own Marvel adaptation, Loki is frequently shown as a villain.
- The Valkyries - Adaptions only, they're forces of nature at best in the original myth.
- Fafnir - Son of Hreidmar who after being cursed by Andvari's gold, becomes a fuckhuge dragon yo.
- Sigurd - Also known as Siegfried, this top bloke single-handedly slew Fafnir
and was later murdered - Grendel - technically from Beowulf, this guy is the son of Cain and is "harrowed" by the sounds of singing from the King Hrothgar's mead-hall Heorot. One day he snaps and attacks the hall, continuing to attack it every night for twelve years. Did we mention he consumes the men he kills?
Notable Artifacts:
- Mjölnir - Thor's Hammer.
- Lævateinn - A really powerful twig.
- Gram - Sigurd's Sword, used to kill Fafnir.
- Gungnir - Odin's Spear.
- Megingjörð - Belt of
Giant's StrengthPower.
While there many mythologies that have different telling of the dwarf race, we will be talking about the Norse version.
After Odin murderfucked Ymir and killed a bunch of giants through blood flooding (see above) maggots came out and were festering on Ymir's flesh. Yes. These corpse maggots are the will be precursor of the dwarfs. So god found these maggots and turned them into the dwarf we all knew and love. They have the talent of mead brewing, metal smithing and making magical artifact. Many of iconic weapon like Thor's hammer are crafted by the dwarfs. But most importantly of the dwarfs creation is perhaps Odin's spear, why? BECAUSE IT IS NAMED "GUNGNIR"!! that's like the name of the warhammer dwarf god "Grungni", only with the letter "r" in the wrong place.
Anyway, other things about dwarfs is that they can turned to stone if they exposed to the sun for too long (wtf were they vampires too?). They are sometimes refer to as "black elf" since they were corpse maggot and they were described as being dead or resembling human corpses.
There are also four known dwarfs in the mythologies: Austri, Vestri, Norðri, and Suðri (which means “East,” “West,” “North,” and “South”) and they got the crappy job of holding the corner of the sky (aka the Atlas treatment) just because they have super strength.
In Norse myth, they were demi-god like beings whose sole purpose is to be more beautiful and superior-than-you. They are described as "more beautiful than the sun" with their demi-god status apparently linked to the gods of Vanir and Aesir. Their lord is a Vanir god called Freyr, who rules the elves’ homeland, Alfheim. They commonly cause humans to suffer illness but have the power to cure any illness only if sacrifices are offered to them, what a bunch of dicks. It is also possible for humans to become elves upon death. Elf and human can also interbreed; the mix of human and elf is described as having the look of a human but possess extraordinary intuitive and magical powers.
Abrahamic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
The one everyone most familiar with in the western countries since you can learn them in church. Or synagogue, or mosque, you get the idea.
Much of the Abrahamic mythology is drawn from the old Hebrew bible though has been expanded considerably by Prose and Poetry over the centuries meaning that there is a wealth of third-party, non-canon material out there for DMs to use in their campaign settings. Christian mythology is one of the many mythologies that were derived from Jewish mythology, the same goes for Islamic mythology and many others from Middle Eastern countries. Hence, they are collectively referred to as "Abrahamic" after the Biblical patriarch.
So in Abrahamic mythology there's only one god, or at least only one true god: YHVH, which most people would just refer to him as GOD since his name is too sacred to speak of and because he is the only god that exists. In fact, we don't even know how its pronounced, the two most common anglicizations being Yahweh and Jehovah. In Islam, he is instead called Allah.
Before the world was born, according to Milton - there was this "war of heaven" (not this one) where Lucifer, the most perfect of the god's creation, the best of the archangels rebelled against God with some other angels, but was defeated and cast down to hell where - according to Dante (not this one) - there are nine levels of Hell (not these ones) and Lucifer is trapped in the lowest leyer, stuck inside a frozen lake of his own tears. Lucifer also has three faces, whose face is similar to the sinner he chewed on: Judas (betrayed jesus), Brutus, and Cassius (betrayed Caesar).
After that, God creates the world. It is said that he created the world in 7 days, hence the seven-day work week we all know and love: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (although those names themselves are drawn from various pagan, Roman, and Norse traditions -- Sun, Moon, Tyr, Woden/Odin, Thor, Frigga/Freya, and Saturn -- because flexibility is important when it comes to winning converts). He then created many animals, plants and the first two humans: Adam and Eve. He observed them in the Garden of Eden (aka his research facility) watching them having fun and telling them that they could do anything they wanted, except from eat the fruit of one particular tree in the garden. But that promise was broken when the girl, Eve was tempted by a winged serpent -who according to Milton, was actually Lucifer in disguise - to eat the fruit. Adam and Eve having eaten the fruit, gained knowledge and dignity which made them embarrassed by their lack of clothing. God found out and exiled from the garden them to the mortal world. The serpent is also punished with his wings taken from him, turning him into the snek we all knew and feared.
In the mortal world, Adam and Eve worked hard to survive and later conceived two sons: Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer while Abel was a shepherd. When they both offer their produce to God, God only favored Abel's. (According to some, it was because Cain hid his best offering from god. By this point if you are a true Vampire: The Masquerade fan, you would know what's coming next, but without the vampire shit.) Cain killed Abel, and his punishment for murder is to never farm ever again; wherever he spilled his brother's blood, the earth became cursed so that it can never grow anything. Basically denying Cain's favorite job and career. However, punishments differ in other mythologies and it's a clusterfuck. Adam and Eve later had the third son Seth, which is the true ancestor of mankind and Cain is then exiled to the land of the Nod where he built the City of Enoch (because he can't farm) and conceived many other descendents. There's also the claim that Eve was not the first wife, but Lilith, a woman who was created from the same dirt as Adam. Felt too hot shit for Adam, so she ran away with an archangel called Samael (the Fallen name for Lucifer in some stories) though in other stories she ran away a demon prince called Asmodeus (not this one actually, probably yes this one) and begat a whole race of demons called the Lilim or Lilitu. In Vampire: The Masquerade however, she taught Cain cool dark magic and shit.
As for the rest, it's easier to find the nearest Bible and/or Koran and read it for yourself. Just don't call it mythology where anyone can hear you unless you enjoy being hated by everyone.
Most notable heroes with lots of media adaptions:
- Jesus: Please tell us you're joking. If for some reason you're actually serious and have a few hours to spare, find the nearest church and ask whoever's in charge to tell you about him. He will be happy to give you the full story.
- Abraham: The common tie between the three Abrahamic religions, his covenant with God makes him and his descendants the first of the Jews.
- Samson: Legendary hero whose power was tied to never cutting his hair
- David: Once killed a mighty warrior with a slingshot. He became the king of Israel afterwards.
- Moses: See the Exodus for details.
- Noah: See below for his boating adventure.
- God is rarely depicted as a particularly active hero, but may work in mysterious ways.
Most notable villains with lots of media adaptions:
- Satan/Lucifer/The Devil (may or may not be the same character): With the many different interpretations, it's hard to tell which is which, but the general gist is that one angel disagreed with how God was doing business and staged a great rebellion. God cast him and his kin out of heaven and forced them to live in a realm where they are never able to feel his presence, and now he takes his hatred of God out on humanity. If you want to trigger people, just ask how this can even be allowed to happen when God's supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient.
- Judas Iscariot: One of Jesus' apostles who sold him out to the Romans, leading to the crucifixion. He hung himself shortly afterwards in a fit of despair.
- Cain: Adam and Eve's son after being cast out of paradise. Murdered his brother Abel for petty reasons and is considered the root of evil in man.
- Pharaoh from the tale of Moses
- Sometimes God and/or various angels are depicted negatively, as either being passive in the face of evil or complicit (or being giant monsters out to destroy the world). Naturally, those kinds of interpretations are highly frowned upon for the obvious reason that people still worship God and do not appreciate Him being depicted as evil.
Artifacts that tend to show up in media adaptions:
- The Holy Grail
- The Spear of Destiny, various other objects associated with the Crucifixion: In certain media, the Spear of Destiny (which pierced his side during crucifixion) as well as the nails which pinned him to the cross are considered gifted with magical powers because they have the blood of God on them.
- the Ark of the Covenant
- The Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil
- The Fruit of Life.
Noah's Ark
Humankind had become incredibly corrupt and sinful, so God decided to have the sea level to suddenly rise to the kind you see in disaster movie like The Day After Tomorrow. He instructed the sole righteous man on Earth named Noah to build an ark big enough to contain every animals and in the world as well as his family, or just each animal species with their own female and male pairing so that they could reproduce. God even instruct Noah to build the ark with the size he demands: 300 cubits in length, 50 cubits in width and 30 cubits in height (450 × 75 × 45 ft or 137 × 22.9 × 13.7 m), it's almost as if god intended this. The ark is also made out of some probably extinct wood called "Gopher" (that's just how the Hebrew word is pronounced, gofer -- it's not related to the furry critter), probably the best kind since the ark has to withstand waves after waves of tsunami for a long time and a tragically, all of them are probably used up just for the ship. After the flood came and everyone is on the ark, they basically float for 40 days until the water goes down.
Moses and the Exodus of the Hebrew
Another myth took place in Egypt. There once lived the Israelite (later the Jewish) people, the chosen people of God. They had come to reside in Egypt were living in peacefully harmony until one day some asshole Pharaoh came and starts to oppress the shit out of them. The Pharaoh hated how the Hebrews breeds like rats so they had every one of their male children to drown in the river of Nile. Moses, our hero of the story survived as an infant and was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter (oh the irony). Moses eventually grow up and learn of God Yahweh and is commanded to free his people and guide them on an exodus to the promised land. Pharaoh and his army tried to stop them but god basically said fuck you and send twelve powerful plagues to fucked them over. The plague is so effective that Egypt became a frigging wasteland, but no undead unfortunately. Later, Moses guide his people to close the red sea where he do the iconic sea splitting to make a crossing passage. The Pharaoh and his goons tried to take chase but was once again pwned by the sudden sea crushing them both side when they were on the sea. After traveling with his fellow Hebrews, Moses decided to talk to the god on the mountain for sometime and came back with the Ten Commandments, ten rules willed by god and if these rules were crossed, the severity of the punishment will be depend on which rule was broke (Ex. commit heresy like worshiping other gods will be awarded with genocide of the entire cities of man, woman, chidren and animals). Unfortunately, some of his unfaithful followers were slacking off and was worshiping some chaos-looking-brother-fucking-golden-bull-idol and was ordered by Moses to have them execute. Moses and his follower arrived to their promised land after a delay of 40 years due to the Israelites' incessant disbelief in God, which is, unsurprisingly, Israel! The Israelites then spend a long chunk of their history trying to kill off the native Caananites, all while being repeatedly punished for continually abandoning God's worship in favor of false idols.
Things drawn from Abrahamic Myth / Demonology
The "bibles" (Jewish, Christian and Islamic holy books) and associated apocrypha are undoubtedly HUGE sources of inspiration for game developers, particularly Dungeons and Dragons where monsters are ported over, virtually unchanged and names of significant figures are also often used.
- The idea that Hell has Nine layers - Baator - though where Dante's layers have distinct punishments, Baator's layers are the realms of powerful lords.
- Names of significant demon/devil characters: Asmodeus - demon of Lust, Baalzebul (or other variants like Baalzebul, Beelzebub) - demon of gluttony, or Mammon - demon of avarice
- Different orders of Angels, or angel analogues such as Genies
A set of heretical beliefs mixing Abrahamic theology with Greek philosophy, Gnosticism believes in the existence of two gods; the true omnipotent God and the Demiurge, the false god who created the Earth. Seeing as the world was created by a flawed creator, it is inherently flawed itself, so your goal ought to be to transcend the physical plane and escape this prison. Typically the Demiurge was identified with the god of the Old Testament, while the true god was seen as the one preached by Jesus, in an attempt to explain the apparent dissonance between their depictions. Where Satan fits into the picture depends on the exact sect, some portraying him as a force of liberty that seeks to free mankind from the tyranny of the Demiurge while others see him as seeking to further mankind's imprisonment by distracting them from spiritual matters with his temptations. Often associated with the western occult tradition of Hermeticism, also a mixture of Abrahamic and Greek traditions, though not all Hermetics are necessary Gnostics.
While Gnosticism is hardly the most well-known religion due to the early Christian Church's efforts in wiping it out, it has influenced several fantasy settings, like Kult, The Elder Scrolls and both of the World of Darkness Mage games.
Egyptian Mythology
Most well known for its collection of gods with the heads of animals. Unlike Greek or Norse mythology, has very little emphasis on mortal or demimortal heroes.
Egyptian mythology is wildly inconsistent due to spanning numerous cultures over thousands of years: for instance, the world is alternately said to have been created by Ra, Atem, Ptah, Thoth, or a collection of eight gods known as the Ogdoad. Whoever was the supreme god mainly depended on what city you're in and what time period it was, but the most well-known one was the sun god Ra. A common theme was the maintaining of a divine order known as Ma'at. Maintaining Ma'at on Earth was seen as the prime responsibility of the Pharoah, a priest-king who was seen as the bridge between mortals and gods. Another major theme is the concept of the death and rebirth of mortals and gods alike, leading to the famous Egyptian practises of mummification and the construction of elaborate tombs.
Most notable heroes with lots of media adaptions: Ra, Osiris, Horus (no, not that Horus), Anubis.
Most notable villains in media adaptions: Set.
Japanese Mythology
Japanese laymen don't really bother separating their religions, taking up whatever is convenient or trendy at a particular phase in their life, and thus the major religions (Shinto, Buddhism), some more minor ones, and various folk heroes exist simultaneously. Rarely touched by non-Japanese works that aren't the pantheon for Japan analogs.
According to the Kojiki, the world (or just Japan) was created by 2 gods: Izanami (the wife) and Izanagi (the husband). There were 5 other gods with difficult to pronounced name like Kotoamatsukami (別天津神, "Separate Heavenly Deities") before them but they entrust these two for the world's creation because they are gender-less and thus unable to procreate next generation. Izanami and Izanagi belongs to the Kamiyonanayo ("Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods") and they shape the earth with this totally awesome spear called Ame-no-nuboko (天沼矛, "heavenly jewelled spear") and create islands, lands using salts. They then settled down onto the land they've created and mated. Unfortunately, the first two children: Hiruko and Awashima they've conceived were mutants, badly formed that the parent decided to send them on a lone boat trip before their 3rd birthday (Hiruko survived, worked hard and became a god known as Ebisu). Turns out after confronting their elder about the misfortune, it was Izanami's fault for not acting properly during the mating ritual, causing birth defect and such. After some proper mating, their descendants were born, that would eventually be modern day Japanese islands(or they children's name were given a land to lived on and those land were named after them). Izanami then died giving birth to Kagu-tsuchi, a human torch wannabe that burned his mother upon his birth. Izanagi was angered and behead his child into eight piece, which would became 8 volcanoes and his blood on Izanagi's sword became the sea god Watatsumi and rain god Kuraokami. This also marks the end of the creation.
Izanagi was in grief that he traveled to Yomi ("land of the dead") to see his dead wife. Unfortunaly, Izanami already belong to Yomi after eating its food. Izanagi's stubbornness to not left Izanami in the dark land, he waited there because Izanami agree to go back if she had some rest, but the worried Izanagi decided to see what's going on with his dead wife by lighting a torch using his magical head comb only to find his wife was already a maggot ridden ghoul like monster. Izanagi scared shitless that he ran away while Izanami called Shikome (ugly underworld woman) to chase him. After a long looney tune chase that involves Izanagi's use of his magical hair dress and his urine to stop his pursuer, he eventually return to the living realm with Izanami cursing that she will kill 1000 person everyday with Izanagi responded that he will give birth 1500 person if so.
Notable Characters:
- Izanami and Izanagi: See above.
- Amaterasu: Goddess of the sun. Japanese royal family once claimed descent from her, but stopped doing so after World War II. How the majority to entirety of Japan's people as a whole weren't as well, since far younger people are ancestors of the majority of far larger and less isolationist populations, was never explained.
- Susano-o: Amaterasu's brother and god of storms. Kicked out of heaven for being a dick. While walking the earth he proceeds to kill the Orochi, among other (anti-)heroics, and bribes his way back into heaven with the fat loot he finds.
- The Orochi: Giant nine-headed snake monster that likes to eat (?) female sacrifices. Susano-O gets it drunk and kills it, then he finds the Kusanagi on its corpse.
- The Buddhas: While normal Buddhists don't "worship" the Buddha, more Shinto leaning Japanese often do. See Buddhism whenever someone is assed to add it for how it's supposed to go. Gautama Buddha is the one people talk about when they say "The Buddha", but the completely separate Budai/Laughing Buddha is the main one ignorant westerners know the visual of.
- Various Buddhist demons: Mostly assholes that tried to stop people from achieving enlightenment. Some are actually former assholes who were redeemed by enlightened people and now act as protectors.
- The Four Heavenly Kings: Bishamonten, Jikokuten, Zouchouten and Koumokuten, the guardians of the North, East, South and West respectively. Their title is co-opted by everything (no seriously, everything) with four members in Japanese culture, though westerners may not notice it because the title gets translated a shit ton of ways depending on the context.
- Yokai: Various mythical monsters. The most famous are the Kitsune, Kamaitachi, Tengu and (though not always counted as one) Oni.
Historical People Shrouded in Myth
- Emperor Jimmu: THE GOD EMPEROR OF JAPAN as well as the first Emperor. The descendants of Goddess Amaterasu and the leader of Yamato clan. Most of his records were old and depict him as a warrior hero god character accompanied by a three legged crow and wielding a long bow. He died at the age of 126 and has little to no worshipers in modern day other than having at least a shrine and grave.
- Abe no Seimei: A court magician who lived between 921 and 1005. Fiction tends to make him an actual wizard.
- Himiko: Queen of Japan around 200 AD. Chinese records make it clear she existed but very little is known about her.
- Masakado: Samurai who led a brief rebellion till 940. He's considered the god of Tokyo. His shrine/grave occupies some of the most expensive real-estate in the world, as it is thought that neglecting his shrine will cause his angry spirit to bring disaster upon Tokyo.
- Takiyasha Hime: His daughter. Fiction makes her a sorcerer with a toad Familiar. Possibly entirely fictional.
- Tomoe Gozen: A female Samurai that actually fought in battle.
- Oda Nobunaga: Self proclaimed "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven" (That's historical fact recorded by a Jesuit missionary who knew him personally). Defacto unifier of Japan, while the dominos he set up were falling, he was murdered by his retainer Akechi Mitsuhide for unknown reasons. His successors conquered the country after he did the hard parts, forming what would become the Tokugawa Shogunate. Since he was ruthless and called himself a demon, it's no mystery why fiction depicts him as a literal one.
- Hattori Hanzo: A general during the late Sengoku era. He's better known for allegedly being a Ninja.
- Ishikawa Goemon: Bandit during the late Sengoku era, executed along with his infant son by being boiled alive after a failed assassination attempt on Nobunaga's successor. Reputed to be a Robin Hood-like figure and also allegedly a Ninja.
Artifacts that tend to show up in media adaptions:
- The Imperial regalia (Kusanagi, Magatama and the Yata no Kagami): A sword, mirror, and rosary that are considered the badges of office for the emperor.
- Masamune and Muramasa: Two legendary swords forged by legendary smiths. If the average katana's considered a superior weapon, these are like the mightiest and most powerful +10 magical weapon with all sorts of bullshit effects according to most ardent weeaboos.
Arthurian Mythology
The story of a boy who becomes king of England and his knights. Arthurian lore is unusual among mythology in that historians actually know the names and history of the authors who created most of it. This doesn't make it any more consistent, in-fact even authors directly continuing existing stories couldn't be assed to keep basic things consistent.
Of some minor note, the story of King Arthur may have some sorta kinda basis in reality. If he existed, he was apparently a general, not king, who successfully fought in at least one battle to contain the invading Anglo-Saxons during the era after the collapse of the western Roman Empire. Given many, many washings through the story retelling and expanding machine after being combined with the mythos associated with the Holy Grail, we wind up with the King Arthur mythology.
Notable Characters:
- Arthur
(no shit are you fucking stupid oh my god jesus christ come on its IN THE FUCKIN-) - The Knights of the Round Table
- Lancelot: The closest of Arthur's companions and the greatest knight of the age, but also infamous for his long affair with Guinevere. Some scholars believe he was not part the original group of knights and actually just a completely separate fictional knight that met Arthur in a crossover and never left.
- Galahad: Lancelot's son. Absolutely pure of heart, and is this able to complete the quest for the Holy Grail. After finding it, he ascends into Heaven along with the Grail.
- Kay: Arthur's Gish step-brother. One of the earliest written knights, but nobody remembers him. Kay was a guy's name once upon a time.
- Merlin: Arthur's wizard and mentor, as well as the template for almost every other wizard in fantasy fiction since the genre was a thing. Works vary wildly on how benevolent he is and how he got his powers. Originally named Myrddin, but that sounded too close to "shit" for audiences that knew French, which was a lot of people at the time, so it was changed.
- Morgan le Fay: Merlin's opposite number. Sometimes Arthur's half-sister because fuck consistency. Depending on the story, she is either an ally or an enemy of Arthur.
- Guinevere: Arthur's wife. Falls for Lancelot shortly after they meet, and somehow their affair goes unnoticed until exposed by Morgan le Fay and Mordred.
- Lady of the Lake: A fey chick who gives Arthur Excalibur after the sword in the stone breaks. Since most adaptations make the sword in the stone and Excalibur one in the same her role varies wildly. Sometimes said to be Lancelot's adoptive mother.
- Mordred: Most commonly depicted as Arthur's bastard son with his half-sister (who may or may not be Morgan le Fay depending on the story), but like a lot of things in Arthur Mythos his background is inconsistent as hell. All that's certain is he doesn't like Arthur and wants to take over.
- The Green Knight: Shows up to the castle one day and challenges each knight to chop his head off with an axe, on the condition he gets to do the same thing to them next year. Nobody is willing to accept the challenge... except Gawain. Gawain beheads the Green Knight only for him to pick the head right back up and walk away, reminding Gawain of their deal. Gawain survives thanks to the the Green Girdle and learns the whole thing really was a test of the knights' courage by Morgan. If this sounds uncharacteristically consistent to you, it's because he only appeared in one story, albeit a well regarded one.
- The Black Knight: There's a few different ones, or it could just be another case of zero consistency. (It should be noted that knights with black armor were actual semi-historical figures; blackening up your armor made it vastly easier to maintain for a solo knight without a squire, so a Knight without a liege sometimes did so while either seeking new employment, or just plain wandering; alternately, the knight painted up his armor and shield to conceal his identity. Either way, you have a knight without a master, a worrying prospect to the feudal mind.)
- Very few adaptions use the Anglo-Saxons, the people who the earliest chronicles claim he fought against.
Notable Artefacts: Arthurian myth has some of the highest artifact density out there. Among the most famous are:
- The Holy Grail: Has some connections to the life of Jesus, see above. Short version is that it grants immortality.
- The Sword in The Stone and/or Excalibur: The legendary sword which acts as Arthur's badge of office. In some versions of the myth they are the same sword, others not; some versions even name the other sword "Caliburn"--which is just a translation of the French "Excalibur" to Latin)
- The Green Girdle: Obtained by Sir Gawain in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. A girdle of green silk and none who wear it can be killed.
- The Round Table itself: Most works just make the round table a mundane table, but a few give it magical powers of some kind. The symbolic importance is that all knights are considered equal to each other as it lacks any ends for a head to claim.