Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Warscrolls Compendium/High Elves: Difference between revisions

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'''Lothern Sea Helm on Skycutter'''
'''Lothern Sea Helm on Skycutter'''
A melee Skycutter. As crazy fast as the normal version, but without any shooting, and better defense (4+ instead of 5+ in the Shooting phase, and you reroll all failed saves, just great). You can choose to make it more killy in melee with a Seaspear Trident, or more support-y with a Sea Drake Pendant, always choose the latter. With the Pendant you add 1 to wound rolls from Highborn units at 8", and also add 1 (as written, it seems to stack) to wound rolls for Lothern Sea Guard and Lothern Skycutters at 16". Remember how chariots (flying or not) and particularly Skycutters, first put themselves in a good position, then charge at the right combat at the right time? Well, these guys do that, but also make better the units at that combat. Or you can just get them close to your units to make them more killy, using your great mobility, whithout ever putting yourself at risk. If I have to say that this is very good, then you haven´t paid any attention. Finally, make the Sea Helm your General, and your flying units can run and charge the same turn. Which will probably make them reach any combat they want any time they want, letting you make a very good and fun "flyng circus" army, something like a turbo-boosted chariot army. Just makes you want to try, doesn't it?   
A melee Skycutter. As crazy fast as the normal version, but without any shooting, and better defense (4+ instead of 5+ in the Shooting phase, and you reroll all failed saves, just great). You can choose to make it more killy in melee with a Seaspear Trident, or more support-y with a Sea Drake Pendant, always choose the latter. With the Pendant you add 1 to wound rolls from Highborn units at 8", and also add 1 (as written, it seems to stack) to wound rolls for Lothern Sea Guard and Lothern Skycutters at 16". Remember how chariots (flying or not) and particularly Skycutters, first put themselves in a good position, then charge at the right combat at the right time? Well, these guys do that, but also make better the units at that combat. Or you can just get them close to your units to make them more killy, using your great mobility, whithout ever putting yourself at risk. If I have to say that this is very good, then you haven´t paid any attention. Finally, make the Sea Helm your General, and your flying units can run and charge the same turn. Which will probably make them reach any combat they want any time they want, letting you make a very good and fun "flyng circus" army, something like a turbo-boosted chariot army. Just makes you want to try, doesn't it?   
'''Great Eagles'''
Very fragile, but very very fast, and makes 6 attacks on the charge. At end of the combat phase, if it survives, it can retreat with a three-dice move, so it can charge every turn. That last ability makes them good assasins in units of 3 or more: attack some isolated model and with some luck kill it, retreat, then next turn assassinate another thing. They're more useful if you have more fast things your oppponent has to shoot, otherwise the Eagles will probably be shooted dead before they even get close.
'''High Elf Prince on Griffon'''
Fast and poweful, as you would expect. Piles in 6", and while doing that he can "jump" over enemy models, and also isn't forced to move towards the closest enemy. That means he's good at assassinating Heros your opponent foolishly tought safe, or reach meaty enemy units that tried to protect themselves by going to combat behind another unit. Or just consider it 6" extra to your charge range, if you end up at least 1/2 " of any enemy unit, great anyways. His command ability lets you re-roll charges for units (they don't have to be Highborn, just great) within 16" of your Prince Valiant. It's one of those not-so-straightforward abilities you have to be a good general to make the most of, but you're a good general, aren't you?

'''High Elf Prince on Dragon'''
'''High Elf Prince on Dragon'''
Your best monster and cavalry unit. One of the best command abilities in the game. Highly offensive and potentially durable with the Enchanted Shield. Bringing a lance and shield for the bonus to charging and rerollable saves is nice, but keep in mind that the Dragon Blade does more damage on average and the War Horn is an incredible offensive tool, giving all Highborn models an extra attack in your combat phase.
Your best monster and cavalry unit. One of the best command abilities in the game. Highly offensive and potentially durable with the Enchanted Shield. Bringing a lance and shield for the bonus to charging and rerollable saves is nice, but keep in mind that the Dragon Blade does more damage on average and the War Horn is an incredible offensive tool, giving all Highborn models an extra attack in your combat phase.
'''Dragon Mage'''
A less killy Prince on Dragon (but still terrifying), with worse save, and without command ability, but he's a one spell/one unbind wizard. The special thing about him is his spell: range 18", 7+ casting roll, deals one mortal wound, another two on a 4+, if you don't fail another three on 4+, and keep repeating until it fails/kills the target. A more powerful version of Arcane Bolt, not so great if used by himself, because he's a mediocre Wizard, but put Teclis within 16" of him so he learns the spell, and together (use also the breath weapon of the dragon) you can decimate entire units from the distance, not bad. If you want a big Monster with a little support tackled on, look no further.
'''High Elf Archmage on Dragon'''
See the entry about the Dragon Mage (what's with Age of Sigmar and inconsistent naming, why is this not simply a "Dragon Archmage"?), but without his unique spell, and he's a one spell/two unbinds Wizard. You can give him a Sword to gain more attacks, or a Book to cast one more spell per turn, I say go with the Book, it's more useful in the long run. Either way you also add +1 to casting rolls, one more reason to take the Book. His unique spell, Drain Magic, for 4+ stops any effects caused by a spell on any unit within 18", and if that unit is a Daemon, also deals D3 mortal wounds to it. This is good defensively, but better offensively, because you can remove the +1 save to a unit from Mystic Shield, all for the low value of 4+ (but really 3+, remember the +1 to casting rolls, so you almost auto-cast this), and with Arcane Bolt it can also ruin any Chaos Daemon/Seraphon day, good utility. Take this and Teclis to out-magic anything but Tzeentch armies, and Seraphon with lots of Slann and Lord Kroak (well, and Nagash, but nothing out-anythings Nagash). 

'''Frostfire Phoenix'''
'''Frostfire Phoenix'''
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-"Witness of destiny". As if the other abilities were not enough to keep this bird flying. You can only get this ability if you also field him with Caradryan or Anointed. This is pretty stupid because why the hell wouldn't you do this since there is not point cost in AOS? Anyway, enjoy your 4+sv each time a wound/mortal wound is inflicted.
-"Witness of destiny". As if the other abilities were not enough to keep this bird flying. You can only get this ability if you also field him with Caradryan or Anointed. This is pretty stupid because why the hell wouldn't you do this since there is not point cost in AOS? Anyway, enjoy your 4+sv each time a wound/mortal wound is inflicted.

As mentioned before, you can make an Anointed or Caradryan ride this beast. Both offer the witness of destiny ability but there is not point of choosing the Anointed since Caradryan gives the phoenix ANOTHER great ability in case he is taken down from the skies: "Mark of Assuryan" which inflicts D3 mortal wounds when killed. Also lets the miniature wield the Great Phoenix Helberd (2"/4A/3TH/3TW/-1R/1D) and the Phoenix blade that has the same profile but D3 damage.  
As mentioned before, you can make an Anointed or Caradryan ride this beast. Both offer the witness of destiny ability (and the Highborn keyword) but there is not point of choosing the Anointed since Caradryan gives the phoenix ANOTHER great ability in case he is taken down from the skies: "Mark of Assuryan" which inflicts D3 mortal wounds when killed. Also lets the miniature wield the Great Phoenix Helberd (2"/4A/3TH/3TW/-1R/1D) and the Phoenix blade that has the same profile but D3 damage.  

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: If Caradryan is your general, he has the standard command ability many Aelfs heroes possess: re-roll failed wounds of 1 of Highborns within 8" in the combat phase, but if the unit is Phoenix Guard, they re-roll all faild TW rolls. So... yeah. This unit is stupidly awesome.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: If Caradryan is your general, he has the standard command ability many Aelfs heroes possess: re-roll failed wounds of 1 of Highborns within 8" in the combat phase, but if the unit is Phoenix Guard, they re-roll all faild TW rolls. So... yeah. This unit is stupidly awesome.
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While the Frostfire phoenix is an old durable bastard that can protect other units, its younger counterpart sacrifices this and a bit survival for a more aggressive approach, and if is what you are looking for, the Flamespyre won't dissapoint while turning enemies to ashes and coming back after dying.
While the Frostfire phoenix is an old durable bastard that can protect other units, its younger counterpart sacrifices this and a bit survival for a more aggressive approach, and if is what you are looking for, the Flamespyre won't dissapoint while turning enemies to ashes and coming back after dying.

First thing to note is that shares the Attuned to Magic and Witnees of destiny (if mounted by an Anointed) abilities to increase its survival. The Anointed also adds a Phoenix Halberd but the Phoenix real treat is not only during combat but also while it moves, since its "Wall of fire" ability inflicts mortal wounds only by flying over other units!!! (only one unit at the time). If this bird has no damage, we are talking about a napalm spray of D6MW moving 16" each turn but decreasing as the phoenix gets more wounds. If you are lucky, when he dies you roll a dice and in a 4+, the bird comes back with all its wounds, 9" from the unit that killed it.
First thing to note is that shares the Attuned to Magic and Witnees of destiny (if mounted by an Anointed) abilities to increase its survival. The Anointed also adds a Phoenix Halberd (and the Highborn keyword) but the Phoenix real treat is not only during combat but also while it moves, since its "Wall of fire" ability inflicts mortal wounds only by flying over other units!!! (only one unit at the time). If this bird has no damage, we are talking about a napalm spray of D6MW moving 16" each turn but decreasing as the phoenix gets more wounds. If you are lucky, when he dies you roll a dice and in a 4+, the bird comes back with all its wounds, 9" from the unit that killed it.

Whatever version you pick depends on the role you want it to perform. The Frostfire is more of a team player who can protect and boost other units (that neat command ability), while Flamespyre has none of this but can take entire units and hard to kill enemies by its own.
Whatever version you pick depends on the role you want it to perform. The Frostfire is more of a team player who can protect and boost other units (that neat command ability), while Flamespyre has none of this but can take entire units and hard to kill enemies by its own.

Revision as of 15:44, 26 March 2016

Your High Elves for the Age of Sigmar rules, so you can be an arrogant, snotty bastard on the battlefield while still championing good Order.

If you like the idea of being an elegant but powerful elder race with light shining out of your every orifice (or spending years in Slaanesh's gut before being spit out like Boba Fett) this is the army for you. Or if red, white, and blue with fire is appealing.

Highborn Summary

Elites everywhere, high stats, powerful characters with a lot of special rules that buff your troops, and some of the best ranged attacks in a game where ranged attacks are king. What's not to love? Furthermore, when changes to fluff come chances are good that this faction after Sigmarines and Chaos will be getting the bulk of the lore. Dwarfs got the love and it seems more Chaos is comming after. Do not despair though.

Those who have piled into the Asur army over the years due to crunch overpowering may find themselves raging not due to nerfs, but due to every other faction getting buffed to equality. You can scream Communism and cry into a Banner of the World Dragon until you find the strength to muster on or go emo and paint your Highborn into Exile Aelfs.

Another sticking point is the army identities are gone. Aelfs live and work with round-ears and Grudge-monkeys without even a degree of raised nose, praise Sigmar and only bear the symbols of the Elf pantheon as remembrance rather than worship, and Ulthuan is space dust, probably part of Sigmaron now. Once again, old players must stick it out to stay current.

Highborn Warscrolls

Forenote: The following section will be arranged with similar units and formations being grouped together for easier reading.

This is by no means a complete guide, and focuses only on Highborn. Also due to the relatively recent release of Age of Sigmar and lack of Fantasy players remaining, most of this is based on theory. Take everything with a pinch of salt.

Named Characters

Tyrion Extremely powerful character. His sword now makes a strong ranged attack every turn with six Attacks rather than once per game, he ignores anything but strong (-2 or better) Rend and has that himself, makes all Highborn (basically the entire Highborn army) use his very high Bravery, and gets a fuckton of decent Attacks. Oh, and if killed you roll a dice and on anything but a 1 he comes back to life.

While taking 10 Nagash is still better when powergaming, Tyrion is much cheaper to buy.

As cavalry, Tyrion can be easily delivered where you need him to be.

Teclis Still a god-tier caster. Teclis can cast three spells, dispel three spells, knows any spell any Highborn Wizard within 16 inches of him knows in addition to Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, and his own unique spell Tempest with a cast value of 5 that deals a mortal Wound to a unit and halves all mouvements till your next hero phase. Still not enough? He adds 2 to his Casting and Unbinding rolls, and if he can roll 3 higher than the spell requirement he gets double range on it.

Take him.

Interestingly, his staff hits harder than his super special sword. Futhermore, his crippled nature did not translate to Age of Sigmar at all with decent stats and just slightly higher killing power than you'd expect a Wizard to have.

Eltharion on Stormwing He can Fly, and between his two weapons (the lance dealing a fuckton of damage on the charge) and Stormwing's special Wicked Talons and Razor-Sharp Beak the model is a killing machine pure and simple. He gets a 3+ Save against blows that only deal 1 damage, is a 1 Spell 1 Unbind Wizard who knows Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield, and he can give one Highborn Unit per turn rerolls on Wound rolls.

Barring the ranged attack and Bravery boost, Eltharion is superior to even Tyrion.

Alarielle the Radiant Despite now being the leader of the Woodelves (Wanderers), she's still a Highborn special character option. Her ability makes highborns to ignore battleshock test if they are 16" within her and heals herself 1 wound in each of your hero phases. She can attempt to cast 2 different spells, one being her unique spell called Boon of life, a 6 casting value, 20" range spell that heals D6 wounds in a unit on a single model (!!). But wait, there's more!: Until your next hero phase, if the unit healed by this spell suffers a wound or mortal wound, roll a D6 and in a 6, the wound is healed instead.

All of this makes her a hell of a support option and the best healer of the game so far. The drawbacks are obvious: she is extremely fragile with only a 5+ save (Mystic shield could improve this but still). And now that independent characters can not join other units, you have to buy her a personal bodyguard or be very careful of how you have to deploy and move her. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about sending her into CC since her only weapon is a 2"/TH4+/TW3+/D3damage that improves into a D6 damage if you fight CHAOS units. So unless you played awful and she is the only mini you have, or you decide that the queen must put an end to your already beaten opponent, she will stay for a loooong time healing your other powerful characters (field her with Tyrion for a fluffy and hard to take down duo!) and being an annoying/high priority piece your opponent must take down.

Caradryan The captain of the Phoenix Guard. A guy who was all about sex and drugs until a religious encounter traumatized him, so he decided to become a mystical warrior-monk. Deals D3 mortal wounds to whoever kills him Tomb King-style, is pretty good at combat and has the brutal save-after-the-save of his Phoenix Guard. With his command ability Highborn units within 8" of him reroll failed wound rolls of 1, just lame compared with other command abilities, but Phoenix Guard units instead reroll all failed wound rolls. Because of that and his attacks, all of which have Rend, you can solve Phoenix Guard's only downside, their lack of Rend. To capitalize on that, you can "add" him to the unit, by doing this: remove one model from the first row of your Phoenix Guard, then put Caradryan there. When you advance, first move him, then the Phoenix Guard (they have the same 6" Move), always reforming the macro-unit (you can be as close as you want to friendly units). Now Caradryan will face only a handful of attacks each combat (because he can't be surrounded), while adding his four rending attacks to the combat, and making the Guard reroll wounds if he's the General. If you do that you are stuck with a weak command ability, true, but in exchange you obtain a unit that will vaporize anything it touches, while being almost indestructible. And that, properly supported, can be the basis of a very effective army. Finally, remember that you can mount him on a Frostheart Phoenix to gain more power and mobility.

Prince Imrik, Dragonlord Disapponting. He's exactly like a Prince on Dragon with Dragon Lance, only with one more attack, and the same Dragon. You lose the option to take the Enchanted Shield and the other abilities of the Prince, you make all Monsters within 10" subtract 1 from all hit, run and charge rolls for a turn, and you make Dragon reroll hits for their "jaws" attacks with his Command Ability. Unless you want to be specially killy against Monsters, or have a lot of Dragons in your army (but if your opponent accepted playing against an army like that, then he'll probably use something equally cheesy), the regular Dragon Prince is much better.

Korhil Above average offense, 5 wounds and 4+ save that becomes 2+ in the Shooting phase. Makes even better White Lions if he's close, and has an anti-Monster command ability. But perhaps the best thing about him is that he's the bodyguard mini for Highborn, letting you transfer wounds/mortal wounds to him from a nearby (3") Highborn Hero. So, use him to make very frightening White Lions, or to add 5 wounds to your General or some specially useful Hero (Teclis comes to mind). If you "add" him to a unit of White Lions (see the section about Caradryan for details on how to do this), then he'll only take a bunch of attacks in combat, and probably will survive any shooting with his 2+ save. But only do this if your enemy doesn't have a lot of Wizards or war machines, because mortal wounds will still get him.

Prince Althran The prince from Island of Blood. Decent at combat, and specially well defended, with re-rolling 4+ save and a save-after-the-save "ward" with 1/6 chance of activating. His commnad ability, "Glory of the elves", lets you reroll hit rolls of 1 for Highborn units 8" of him. All in all, mediocre. No reason to take him in a faction full of powerfull and versatile choices like Highborn.

Alith Anar, the Shadow King Powerful shooting, while being difficult to kill with shooting attacks himself. And his command ability, you guessed it, he buffs shooting (+1 to hit with dakka to Highborn units within 16"). You can move him up to 12" after setup, perfect for getting him into cover. Also makes Shadow Warriors unfairly good, and has a very unique time-manipulating ability: once per game, you can move, shoot or attack twice with him, many times this will save your ass. If you still don't get it: he's the master of ranged combat, making possible a very powerful dakka Highborn army, but he's so flexible you don't have to center all your strategy around him. Great character.

Cavalry and Monsters

Ellyrian Reavers Highly mobile offensive unit capable of moving 2d6" in the shooting phase. Can move 14 inches, shoot 3 attacks per model, then move 2d6 inches, then charge 2d6 inches, then make 3 attacks per model. Suffers from having no rend and shitty saves. Best used harassing units, staying out of close combat and laying down a lot of arrows until it is time to Leeroy Jenkins. Take advantage of there being no rules against pre-measuring and retreat out of range after shooting every turn. Synergy with nothing - a good unit to plug into an Order army lacking mobility.

Silver Helms Your typical mid weight cavalry there 4+ hit and wound rolls can quite easlily be brought down to 3+ when charging in large groups. These guys also benefit from an improved saving re roll when up against ranged attacks meaning that against archers and artillary the number 3 is the only one you really dont want. Throw a mystic shield on them and they should be able to get into the thick of the fighting with minimal casualties.Not an overly powerful unit but a large group of these guys is certainly a solid choice.

Dragon Princes of Caledor These guys have a similar statline to bretonnian knights of the realm however they can move faster, are slightly braver and most importantly make two attacks withe their lances instead of one making them devestating on the charge. The horses are also slightly better in combat that most elven varieties.Buff them up a little and send them straight through a unit of light infantry.Also remember to take their battleshock last as if any of your other highborn units run then these guys are immune to battleshock.

Tiranoc Chariots Very fragile, only 5 Wounds and 5+ save. Runs always 6", but then you can't shot its two bows, so only do this to position yourself in the first turn, or in dire situations. Also they have double pile in (6"), so you can put them in all kind of weird formations and all of them will still reach the enemy, useful if you know how to take advantage of it. They reroll wound dices the turn they charge, but still they won't do much damage. In summary, very mobile and adaptable, but weak-ass. Use them to block enemy units line of sight/charge, shoot things then charge something already engaged, or kill weak things (wizards or lone supporting models). Not a bad unit, but very much outclassed by Skycutters.

White Lion Chariots The next time someone says Elves are not manly, ask them when was the last time they ride a chariot pulled by GIANT LIONS. Even tough these are chariots, bucause of their below average move of 9" and power it's better to think of them as heavy cavalry. Pretty good defense (6 wounds, 4+ save rerolling 1s in the Shooting phase), very strong attacks on the charge (some of them with Rend -1), which are slightly better when Korhil is close. As with all chariots, great to charge already engaged units and force big Battleshock losses, but also powerful enough to fight alone, or destroy enemy cavalry units. Not very nimble but still have 9" Move, so a great unit overall.

Lothern Skycutters Dude, these things are fast. Sonic the Hedgehog-fast. 16" flying Move, double-dice run, after which they can still shoot. Decent toughness (8 wounds, 5+ save, reroll 1s, and also 2s in the Shoothing phase), not much in the way of melee attacks, but still decent ones. Can take either 3 bows or one Bolt thrower, which is too hit-or-miss with only 1 attack, unless you take more than one model in the unit. Did I mention these things are fast? Awesome at board control: they can get anywhere with their enormous mobility, be a thorn in the side of your opponent while shooting his more vulnerable things (or charge them, nothing is safe from these guys), then charge and add their attacks to that crucial battle just at the right time. Do yourself a favor and take them to beautifully support the rest of your army.

Lothern Sea Helm on Skycutter A melee Skycutter. As crazy fast as the normal version, but without any shooting, and better defense (4+ instead of 5+ in the Shooting phase, and you reroll all failed saves, just great). You can choose to make it more killy in melee with a Seaspear Trident, or more support-y with a Sea Drake Pendant, always choose the latter. With the Pendant you add 1 to wound rolls from Highborn units at 8", and also add 1 (as written, it seems to stack) to wound rolls for Lothern Sea Guard and Lothern Skycutters at 16". Remember how chariots (flying or not) and particularly Skycutters, first put themselves in a good position, then charge at the right combat at the right time? Well, these guys do that, but also make better the units at that combat. Or you can just get them close to your units to make them more killy, using your great mobility, whithout ever putting yourself at risk. If I have to say that this is very good, then you haven´t paid any attention. Finally, make the Sea Helm your General, and your flying units can run and charge the same turn. Which will probably make them reach any combat they want any time they want, letting you make a very good and fun "flyng circus" army, something like a turbo-boosted chariot army. Just makes you want to try, doesn't it?

Great Eagles Very fragile, but very very fast, and makes 6 attacks on the charge. At end of the combat phase, if it survives, it can retreat with a three-dice move, so it can charge every turn. That last ability makes them good assasins in units of 3 or more: attack some isolated model and with some luck kill it, retreat, then next turn assassinate another thing. They're more useful if you have more fast things your oppponent has to shoot, otherwise the Eagles will probably be shooted dead before they even get close.

High Elf Prince on Griffon Fast and poweful, as you would expect. Piles in 6", and while doing that he can "jump" over enemy models, and also isn't forced to move towards the closest enemy. That means he's good at assassinating Heros your opponent foolishly tought safe, or reach meaty enemy units that tried to protect themselves by going to combat behind another unit. Or just consider it 6" extra to your charge range, if you end up at least 1/2 " of any enemy unit, great anyways. His command ability lets you re-roll charges for units (they don't have to be Highborn, just great) within 16" of your Prince Valiant. It's one of those not-so-straightforward abilities you have to be a good general to make the most of, but you're a good general, aren't you?

High Elf Prince on Dragon Your best monster and cavalry unit. One of the best command abilities in the game. Highly offensive and potentially durable with the Enchanted Shield. Bringing a lance and shield for the bonus to charging and rerollable saves is nice, but keep in mind that the Dragon Blade does more damage on average and the War Horn is an incredible offensive tool, giving all Highborn models an extra attack in your combat phase.

Dragon Mage A less killy Prince on Dragon (but still terrifying), with worse save, and without command ability, but he's a one spell/one unbind wizard. The special thing about him is his spell: range 18", 7+ casting roll, deals one mortal wound, another two on a 4+, if you don't fail another three on 4+, and keep repeating until it fails/kills the target. A more powerful version of Arcane Bolt, not so great if used by himself, because he's a mediocre Wizard, but put Teclis within 16" of him so he learns the spell, and together (use also the breath weapon of the dragon) you can decimate entire units from the distance, not bad. If you want a big Monster with a little support tackled on, look no further.

High Elf Archmage on Dragon See the entry about the Dragon Mage (what's with Age of Sigmar and inconsistent naming, why is this not simply a "Dragon Archmage"?), but without his unique spell, and he's a one spell/two unbinds Wizard. You can give him a Sword to gain more attacks, or a Book to cast one more spell per turn, I say go with the Book, it's more useful in the long run. Either way you also add +1 to casting rolls, one more reason to take the Book. His unique spell, Drain Magic, for 4+ stops any effects caused by a spell on any unit within 18", and if that unit is a Daemon, also deals D3 mortal wounds to it. This is good defensively, but better offensively, because you can remove the +1 save to a unit from Mystic Shield, all for the low value of 4+ (but really 3+, remember the +1 to casting rolls, so you almost auto-cast this), and with Arcane Bolt it can also ruin any Chaos Daemon/Seraphon day, good utility. Take this and Teclis to out-magic anything but Tzeentch armies, and Seraphon with lots of Slann and Lord Kroak (well, and Nagash, but nothing out-anythings Nagash).

Frostfire Phoenix A hard to kill SOB who is 2W/1SV less than the dragon but that is compensated because of his awesome abilities that makes him an annoying bird that refuses to die:

-"Blizzard aura". Enemies chill and substracts 1 from wound rolls to any unit that dares to attack within 9" of your phoenix. This is a huge help to other fragile units who get the bonus just by being close to your bird. It also means you always get the bonus when charged against enemies!! (the range goes down if it gets wounded though).

-"Attuned to magic" extends his survival by adding 1sv in a 2+roll until your next hero phase each time a spell is successfully casted (wether unbound or not) within 12". OH MY. Keep your wizards close and you can potentially get many bonuses since it doesn't specify it only works once each turn.

-"Witness of destiny". As if the other abilities were not enough to keep this bird flying. You can only get this ability if you also field him with Caradryan or Anointed. This is pretty stupid because why the hell wouldn't you do this since there is not point cost in AOS? Anyway, enjoy your 4+sv each time a wound/mortal wound is inflicted.

As mentioned before, you can make an Anointed or Caradryan ride this beast. Both offer the witness of destiny ability (and the Highborn keyword) but there is not point of choosing the Anointed since Caradryan gives the phoenix ANOTHER great ability in case he is taken down from the skies: "Mark of Assuryan" which inflicts D3 mortal wounds when killed. Also lets the miniature wield the Great Phoenix Helberd (2"/4A/3TH/3TW/-1R/1D) and the Phoenix blade that has the same profile but D3 damage.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: If Caradryan is your general, he has the standard command ability many Aelfs heroes possess: re-roll failed wounds of 1 of Highborns within 8" in the combat phase, but if the unit is Phoenix Guard, they re-roll all faild TW rolls. So... yeah. This unit is stupidly awesome.

Flamespyre Phoenix While the Frostfire phoenix is an old durable bastard that can protect other units, its younger counterpart sacrifices this and a bit survival for a more aggressive approach, and if is what you are looking for, the Flamespyre won't dissapoint while turning enemies to ashes and coming back after dying.

First thing to note is that shares the Attuned to Magic and Witnees of destiny (if mounted by an Anointed) abilities to increase its survival. The Anointed also adds a Phoenix Halberd (and the Highborn keyword) but the Phoenix real treat is not only during combat but also while it moves, since its "Wall of fire" ability inflicts mortal wounds only by flying over other units!!! (only one unit at the time). If this bird has no damage, we are talking about a napalm spray of D6MW moving 16" each turn but decreasing as the phoenix gets more wounds. If you are lucky, when he dies you roll a dice and in a 4+, the bird comes back with all its wounds, 9" from the unit that killed it.

Whatever version you pick depends on the role you want it to perform. The Frostfire is more of a team player who can protect and boost other units (that neat command ability), while Flamespyre has none of this but can take entire units and hard to kill enemies by its own.


Spearmen decidedly average. have a slight resistance to ranged attacks and can be bumped up a little when being taken in 20+ units. Other than that though they are simple rank and file units that can easily be outclassed. If you have the option your better off with Lothern seaguard.

Archers Proberbly the weakest of all the elven archer units but still not bad when compared to other races. These guys also have the one off Storm of Arrows ability (NOT to be confused with the similar but far more powerful bretonnian Arrowstorm ability) which doubles the ammount of attacks the unit gets. The strategy is simple. field in a large unit and keep them well out of harms way. Also buffing them with heros such as a Lothern Sea helm can go a long way to improving this units offensive power.

Repeater Bolt Thrower Useful in every army. 36" range is nothing to scoff at, and one of the few ranged options with rend. At full crew, shots either 2 3+/3+/-2/d3 shots, or 12 4+/3+/-1/1 shots, so it lets you kill both Monsters/Heroes or massed units, very flexible.

Shadow Warriors Better than Archers. Best 1 wound unit in the game if they are near Alith Anar. Add a Sea Helm in the mix to create hilarious amounts of accuracy that practically guarantees wounds at 18"

Sisters of Avelorn Shadow Warriors need to check their privilege because these are just as good. So triggered. Neat ability: Once per turn, if an enemy unit ends its charge move within ½" of this unit, the Sisters of Avelorn can immediately shoot their Bows of Avelorn against the charging unit. Serious pain.

Lothern Sea Guard Definitely better than Spearmen. Remember there are no rules against shooting bows while in close combat, meaning they make 2 attacks on your turn. Cannot get the same range as Archers, but still capable of laying down support from 16". If you don't need the extra range and shooting power the Archers give, take these guys. If you need your Spearmen to shoot, take these guys. If you need a unit that is generally not bad at anything, take these guys. If you are looking for a unit that is great at something, look elsewhere.

Lothern Sea Helm Only useful for his pennant and command ability. The pennant gives +1 to wound rolls for all Highborn units within 8". The command ability keeps a unit from moving or charging, but you can re-roll any hit rolls, wound rolls, and save rolls until your next hero phase, which makes it incredibly useful for the glass cannons that are inevitably surrounding you.

Troll strategy on skycutter: Pair up with Neferata to make your best unit fly and use the command ability to let him run and charge in the same turn.

High Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth Man, High Elves are still too good. The Swordmasters were glass cannons before, but now they have a 4+ save REROLLABLE in the Shooting phase, all while still bringing the pain with 2 3+/3+/-1/1 attacks with rerollable 1's to hit. Simple but brutally effective, just tell them the general direction of something you want dead.

White Lions of Chrace Pretty good monster hunters, which is fitting seeing as how every one of these warriors has to straight up murder one of the regiment's namesakes and wear it as a fucking magical cloak. Also pretty durable, for an elf unit. Their magical cloaks let them re-roll 1s when being shot at in the shooting phase. And 'Unflinching Courage' allows you to roll a D6 every time a White Lion flees after an unsuccessful battleshock test. On a 4+, he grows a pair and rejoins the fight. And if Korhil is nearby, the unit can reroll failed hit rolls of 1. If Korhil uses his command ability on these guys, a unit of 10 of them attacking a monster unit is throwing out 21 attacks, re-rolling hits (which hit on 3), wounding on 2+ and a -1 rend. Scary.

Phoenix Guard Elves that have been revealed how and when will they die, so if today is not the day they don't have a reason to flee, and if today is the day they don't have a reason to flee. That makes them so serious they don't talk, EVER. This right here is, wound-per-wound, one of the most powerful (if not the most) infantry of the game: 4+ save, 7 Bravery, and ridiculously good halberds, with the range of a spear (2"), the wounding power of a hammer (3+), the number of attacks of paired hand weapons (2), and all at 3+ to hit, because the Phoenix Guard is also frickin' skillful. But the thing that makes them broken is their save-after-the-save of 4+ against wounds/mortal wounds. So, against things without Rend, they will suffer 1/4 of the wounds the enemy manages to inflict upon them. And this secondary save is a "ward", meaning Rend doesn't do a thing to it, so even against the most powerful Monsters or Heroes, they'll only take half damage. Also any enemy unit within 3" of them suffers one more loss as a result of a Battleshock test, while the Guard doesn't even take the test if an Annointed of Asuryan is within 8". To sum it all, they hit like a truck, they're gods on the defense, they win any attrition fights, and they laugh at shooting/artillery/magic. They only have one "weakness": they lack any Rend, so it will take them a litte more than usual to defeat heavily armored opponents (but they'll do it). To counter that, "add" Caradryan to the unit and make him you General, see the details in his section. But even without him, they'll excel at whatever task you use them for: holding the line, spearheading the offense, killing Monster/Heroes, protecting vulnerable areas, they do it all. The ultimate all-rounders.

Removed Options

The following choices can no longer be fielded, and share a profile with an existing model.

  • Anointed of Asuryan can no longer ride Flamespyre or Frostheart Phoenixes to become two profiles, instead the character counts as an upgrade to the mount giving them certain perks but retaining the base stats of the Phoenix. If the Phoenix dies, both die.
  • Nobles no longer exist. There are only Princes.
  • Archmages no longer exist. There are only Mages.
  • Nothing can mount on Eagles anymore. Eagle models with riders count as Wood Elf models, or unmounted.
  • Ashtari no longer exists. Caradryan can only be fielded on foot or used as an upgrade to a generic Frostheart Phoenix.
  • Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers are now Repeater Bolt Throwers (identical to the one on the Skycutter).
  • Eltharion can no longer be unmounted. Stormclaw is default.
  • Korhil can no longer crew a Lion Chariot.
  • Chrace has been dropped from the name of Lion Chariots. They are now White Lion Chariots.
  • Nothing can mount on Tiranoc Chariots anymore except the stock crew.


Glittering Host A simple Core and character list using one Prince, two Units of Spearmen, two Units of Archers, and one Unit of Silver Helms. Gives them Valour of Ages which is a Battleshock reroll if the Prince is alive and near, and Martial Prowess which allows another unit from the Glittering Host to make attacks on the same target with the first after it finishes (with no specified range, allowing the Silver Helms to rush into a fight and the Spearmen halfway across the map to somehow get licks in) .

Dragon Host Field any three Highborn Dragons, excluding Imrik, and they gain Dragonfire Conflagration which allows all three to torch the same enemy in a combined breath which deals fuckloads of damage and can obliterate almost anything if you get lucky on your rolls. Ancient Dignity lets you reroll any Hit Roll of 1. Dragon Host is a very powerful force, and if you can afford the models is very much worth considering.

Althran Stormrider's Host The Island Of Blood High Elf force, consisting of Althran (Prince on Gryphon), Caladris (Mage), one Unit of Ellyrion Reavers, one Unit of Swordmasters of Hoeth, and one Unit of Lothern Seaguard. Bonds of Friendship gives Althran and Caladris rerolls on Hit, Wound, and Save rolls. Heroic Valour gives all the models in the group 1 extra point to Bravery while Althran is still alive. All of the component forces are very good options, the buffs to the Mage and Prince are very good, and its very easy to get the models making it a good thing to have in any given Highborn army.

Army Building

Bad news: the Island of Blood is not avaliable anymore on GW website. Goods news: internet exists, so you only have to search on ebay, amazon and many others who still offer this excellent box that gives you a Prince on gryphon, a High elf Mage, 5 Ellyrian riders, 10 Swordmasters of Hoeth and 10 Lothern Seaguard. You can sell the skaven to other player or even find a seller who offers only the Aelfs minis. Don't forget to download the also very good Warscroll in order to get special rules for these units.

Now, and because many players felt disheartened after what they did with WH:FB, you cand find excelent bargains of webstore exclusive characters, monsters and even complete armies by half of their value. In short: building yourself a Highborns army is easier and cheaper than ever (until they get some of GW love and get new minis).

Wacky Rules

  • Ancient Dignity

Pretend you're a stuck-up asshole who doesn't show emotion outwardly for a group of three Dragons to gain rerolls on Hit rolls of 1.

See Also