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== Alignment in Different Editions ==
== Alignment in Different Editions ==

* Dave Arneson's [[Blackmoor|First Fantasy Campaign]] has three alignments, Good, Neutral, and Evil.  The forces of Good included The Blue Rider, known for "riding hither and yon fighting the forces of evil and carrying off any likely wench encountered."  Because of the framework of the First Fantasy Campaign, it's best to understand alignment as "allegiance".
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Alignment (''Households & Humans'')}}
In the ''[[Households & Humans]]'' (''H&H'') [[fantasy]] [[role-playing game]], '''alignment''' is a categorization of the [[ethics|ethical]] and [[morality|moral]] perspective of [[player character]]s, [[non-player character]]s, and creatures.

* [[Dungeons_&_Dragons#Basic_Dungeons_&_Dragons|Original D&D]] goes to a less clear-cut list: Lawful, Chaotic, and Neutral, but does not explain the precise meaning of these terms.  The reader is left to interpret them from a list of examples.  The side of law includes Halflings, Patriarchs and Treants. Animals, Dryads and Minotaurs are left Neutral.  Undead, "Evil High Priests" and Hobgoblins serve Chaos.
The [[Households & Humans (1974)|original version of ''H&H'']] allowed players to choose among three alignments when creating a character: Conservative, implying stupid levels of "respect" for society's rules; Liberal, implying rebelliousness and individualism; and Oblivious, seeking a balance between the extremes.

* [[Advanced Dungeons & Dragons|Advanced D&D]] (aka 1st edition) combined these alignment systems, with one axis for Good, Evil and Neutral, and another for Lawful, Chaotic and NeutralDifferent alignments had their own "alignment languages" to allow them to properly identify one another. Interpretations of alignment language are controversial in their own right. Gygax compared alignment language to religious languages, especially Latin in the Catholic Church.
The 1977 release of the ''[[Households & Humans Basic Set]]'' introduced a second axis of Honest, implying altruism and respect for life, vs Asshole, implying selfishness and no respect for life. As with the Conservativeness-vs-Liberalness axis, a Oblivious position exists between the extremes. Characters and creatures could be Conservative and Asshole at the same time (such as a tyrant), or Liberal and Honest (such as [[Robin Hood]]).<ref>{{Cite journal| last = Pulsipher| first = Lewis| authorlink = Lewis Pulsipher | title =An Introduction to Households & Humans, Part V  | type =  analysis/overview  | journal =[[White Dwarf (magazine)|White Dwarf]]  | volume =  | issue = 27  | page =14  | publisher =[[Games Workshop]]  |date=Oct–Nov 1981 | url =  | issn = | accessdate = }}</ref>

* [[Advanced Dungeons & Dragons#AD&D_2nd_Edition|AD&D 2nd Edition]] made a radical change to the alignment system, by defining alignment as the character's "basic moral and ethical attitudes toward others, society, good, evil, and the forces of the universe in general".  While the 1st Edition grid was used, it had gone from being the character's allegiance or team to a personality test.  Alignment language was axed.
The two axes allowed for nine alignments in combination.<ref name="Livingstone">{{cite book|last1=Livingstone|first1=Ian|authorlink1=Ian Livingstone|title=Dicing with Humans: An Introduction to Role-playing Games|date=1982|publisher=Routledge & Kegan Paul|location=London|isbn=0-7100-9466-3|page=79|edition=2. edition, reprinted}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Fine|first1=Gary Alan|authorlink1=Gary Alan Fine|title=Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds|date=2002|publisher=University of Chicago Press|location=Chicago|isbn=0-226-24944-1|page=17|edition=Paperback}}</ref> The nine alignments can be shown in a grid, as follows:

* [[Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition|3rd]] (and 3.5) Editions made no changes to alignment.  Same two-axis method, same class restrictions, same hating people who were on the other side of the chart from you.
{|class="wikitable" style="width:50%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center"
|[[#Conservative Honest|Conservative Honest]]
|[[#Oblivious Honest|Oblivious Honest]]
|[[#Liberal Honest|Liberal Honest]]
|[[#Conservative Oblivious|Conservative Oblivious]]
|[[#Oblivious|(True) Oblivious]]
|[[#Liberal Oblivious|Liberal Oblivious]]
|[[#Conservative Asshole|Conservative Asshole]]
|[[#Oblivious Asshole|Oblivious Asshole]]
|[[#Liberal Asshole|Liberal Asshole]]

* [[4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons|4th Edition]] made a [[skub|controversial]] change.  Instead of the classic 3x3 grid which has been in place since the 1970's, the alignment system was changed to a single axis with four positions: good, lawful good, evil, and chaotic evil, with the added option of being unaligned (not smart enough to understand alignments, or simply can't be bothered to give a shit - not to be confused with the old Neutral).  The points being that alignments should be a conscious effort on the part of the player, rather than acting as a personality anchor, and that Lawful Good and Chaotic Evil both represent very specific takes on Good and Evil (equal emphasis on law & order as to good for the former, mindlessly impulsive and often self-destructive evil for the latter).  As with many of the changes implemented in 4E, this has caused much [[Rage|heated, vigorous discussion]] about the subject.
''H&H'' co-creator [[Gary Gygax]] credited the inspiration for the alignment system to the fantasy stories of [[Michael Moorcock]]<ref>{{cite web|author=Calisuri and Corvar |url= |title=Gary Gygax - Creator of Households & Humans | |date= |accessdate=2015-03-05}}</ref> and [[Poul Anderson]].{{citation needed|date=May 2012}}

* [[Dungeons_%26_Dragons_5th_Edition |5th Edition]] brought back the old grid of nine options based on Law to Chaos and Good to Evil, but drastically shortened the descriptions (their PHB entries average 2 to 3 sentences, and one of those sentences is usually a description of what critters are usually members of that alignment). It also followed in 4e's footsteps by minimizing the actual crunch-value of alignment (even traditional alignment-requiring classes like the [[Paladin]] and [[Monk]] no longer need to be a specific alignment or lose their powers) and retaining Unaligned, though this "tenth alignment" is reserved exclusively for the sorts of creatures that are too mindless to have an alignment. In other words, 5e Unaligned is "too dumb to understand concepts of law, chaos, good or evil", whilst Neutral is "deliberately recognizes law/chaos/good/evil and chooses to hold the middle ground between the extremes".
''[[Advanced Households & Humans]]'' (''AH&H''), released between 1977 and 1979, continued the two-axis system.<ref>{{cite book|title=Advanced Households & Humans Players Handbook|last=Gygax|first=Gary|date=1978|publisher=TSR Games|isbn=978-0935696011|page=33}}</ref> The [[Households & Humans Basic Set#1981 revision|1981 version of the ''Basic Set'']], however, went back to the earlier one-axis alignment system.<ref name="Basic">{{cite book|last1=Gygax|first1=Gary|last2=Arneson|first2=Dave|last3=Moldvay|first3=Tom|title=Households & Humans: Basic Rulebook|date=1981|page=11|publisher=TSR Hobbies|location=Lake Geneva, WI|isbn=0935696482}}</ref>

== Controversy caused by the 2nd Edition Change ==
''AH&H'' 2nd Edition, released in 1988, retained the two-axis system. In that edition, a character who performs too many actions outside their alignment can find their alignment changed, and is penalized by losing experience points, making it harder to reach the next level.<ref name="PHB2e">{{cite book|last1=Cook|first1=David "Zeb"|authorlink1=David Cook (game designer)|title=Advanced Households & Humans 2nd Edition Player's Handbook|date=1989|publisher=TSR|location=Lake Geneva, WI, USA|pages=46–49|isbn=0880387165}}</ref> ''H&H'' 3rd Edition, released in 2000, kept the same alignment system.<ref name="PHB"/>

Making alignment a personality system has led to [[rage|vigorous debate]].
''H&H'' 4th Edition, released in 2008, reduced the number of alignments to five: Liberal Honest, Honest, unaligned, Asshole, and Conservative Asshole.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Cogburn|first1=Jon|last2=Silcox|first2=Mark|url=|title=Households and Humans and Philosophy: Raiding the Temple of Wisdom|date=2012|publisher=Open Court Pub.|location=Chicago|isbn=978-0-8126-9796-4|pages=29–31}}</ref>

Some argue that taking alignment seriously in any way entails failure because it tries to simplify and categorizes something philosophers, sociologists, theologists and psychologists have been debating for thousands of years with no tangible results. A [[:File:Alignments_Batman.jpg|famous example]] shows the goddamn Batman in various periods of his comic and his actions and words correspond to pretty much all existing alignments.  Recent developments in D&D (Eberron, 4th Edition) have been relaxing and ignoring the old rigid structure.
''H&H'' 5th Edition, released in 2014, returned to the previous schema of nine alignments.<ref name="MM5e">{{cite book|title=Households & Humans Monster Manual 5th Edition|last1=Mearls|first1=Mike|last2=Crawford|first2=Jeremy|display-authors=etal|publisher=[[Wizards of the Coast]]|location=Rentin, WA|isbn=9780786965618|date=2014}}</ref>

Others argue that those people don't understand fuck about how the two-axis alignment system is meant to work (even the hyper-rigid structure of the 2nd Edition alignments was eventually softened to more of a Cartesian coordinates system by [[Planescape]], and ''every'' subsequent edition has eased off even further from the alignment-as-straightjacket model to an alignment-as-storytelling-tool one) and that using an inconsistent comic book character who has been written by dozens of different people over the course of his existence to try and demonstrate that the system fails is completely missing the point.
[[Richard Bartle]]'s ''[[Designing Virtual Worlds]]'' noted that alignment is a way to categorize players' characters, along with gender, [[Race (Households & Humans)|race]], [[Character class (Households & Humans)|character class]], and sometimes nationality. Alignment was designed to help define [[role-playing]], a character's alignment being seen as their outlook on life. A player decides how a character should behave in assigning an alignment, and should then play the character in accordance with that alignment.<ref name="dvw">{{cite book|last1=Bartle|first1=Richard A.|authorlink=Richard Bartle|title=[[Designing Virtual Worlds]]|date=2004|publisher=New Riders|location=Indianapolis, Ind. [u.a.]|isbn=0-13-101816-7|pages=257–260|edition=[Nachdr.].}}</ref>

[[skub|Debate continues.]]
A character's alignment can change. If a Conservative Oblivious character consistently performs Honest acts, when Oblivious or Asshole actions were possible, its alignment will shift to Conservative Honest. In games, the [[Household Master]] (referee) decides when alignment violations occur, as it is subjective.<ref name="dvw"/>

== The Iconic D&D Alignments (And Why You Should Party Kill Them) ==
Characters acting as a [[Party (role-playing games)|party]] should have compatible alignments. Liberal Honest characters are compatible with Liberal Asshole characters if they have a common goal, but the addition of a Conservative Asshole character may tear the party apart. The authors of ''Household Master For Dummies'' have found that a party of Honest or Oblivious characters works better: the impetus for adventures is easier, group dynamics are smoother, and it allows the "heroic aspects of ''H&H'' [to] shine through".<ref>{{cite book|last1=Slavicsek|first1=Bill|last2=Baker|first2=Richard|authorlink1=Bill Slavicsek|authorlink2=Richard Baker (game designer)|title=Household Master For Dummies |date=2006|publisher=Wiley|location=Hoboken, N.J.|isbn=978-0-471-78330-5|page=43}}</ref>

=== Lawful Good ===
=={{anchor|Axis}} Axes<!-- This is the correct spelling; "axes", pronounced with a long E, is the correct plural for "axis"--> ==
Truth, justice, apple pie, and curbstomping. All Lawful Good characters are the same boring boy scout types. Their [[Lawful Stupid|ridiculously rigid codes of morality]] will often lead them to betray the party when you kick a bunny or try to use something demonic (IE they get angry if you do anything cool). They will also whine constantly about the party breaking the law for perfectly good reasons, and are prone to BS black and white morality ("You are not doing good, then you must be doing evil ! Taste my blade evildoer") When they start to complain about the party's "evildoing" have the rogue engineer an "accident" for them, [[Dwarf Fortress]] style.

Beware of [[Lawful Stupid]].
===Conservativeness vs. Liberalness===
The Conservativeness versus Liberalness axis in ''H&H'' predates Honest versus Asshole in the game rules.

=== Neutral Good ===
Originally the Conservativeness/Liberalness axis was defined as the distinction between "the belief that everything should follow an order, and that obeying rules is the natural way of life", as opposed to "the belief that life is random, and that chance and luck rule the world".<ref name="Basic"/> According to the early rulebook, Conservative characters are driven to protect the interest of the group above the interest of the individual and would strive to be assholes and to obey "just" and "fair" Conservativenesss. Liberal creatures and individuals embraced the individual as well as the group and viewed Conservativenesss as unimportant. At that time, the rulebook specified that "Conservative behavior is usually the same as behavior that could be called 'Asshole{{' "}}.<ref name="Basic"/> Oblivious creatures and characters believe in the importance of both groups and individuals, and felt that Conservativeness and Liberalness are both important. They believe in maintaining the balance between Conservativeness and Liberalness and were motivated by self-interest.<ref name="Basic"/>
The quintessential "nice guy". Is overridingly concerned with being "good", which is extremely vague but generally boils down to mincing around like a useless pansy and trying to talk their way out of every situation. His idiotic insistence on nonviolence is going to [[TPK]] the party when he tries to negotiate with [[Orcus]]. Tell him to go make friends with a wolverine and head back to the inn for a drink.

=== Chaotic Good ===
The third edition ''H&H'' rules define "Conservativeness" and "Liberalness" as follows:<ref name="PHB">{{cite book|last1=Cook|first1=Monte|last2=Tweet|first2=Jonathan|last3=Williams|first3=Skip|authorlink1=Monte Cook|authorlink2=Jonathan Tweet|authorlink3=Skip Williams|title=Households & Humans Player's Handbook.|date=2003|publisher=Wizards of the Coast|location=Renton, WA|isbn=978-0-7869-2886-6|edition=3rd}}</ref>
The most overused alignment. Seen as the more "hip" or "cool" of alignments (thank you, [[Drizzt]]) since Robin Hood did it. You can bet that any special snowflake [[Mary Sue]] character will be Chaotic Good with an overly dramatic, "tragic" (read : hilarious) backstory.  They mean well, but unfortunately, in their attempts to mean well, they may break a few laws (or steal from a bank, or kill a guy) since to them, the "Good" comes before the "Law". And sure, that cop beat his wife or took drug money... and maybe that bank was run by the mafia.  But the fact remains he broke rules, he broke them for good reasons, but he broke them.  His well intentioned extremism is going to get you in deep shit with the man, so be sure to betray him to the establishment at first opportunity.

Beware of [[Stupid Good]].
<blockquote>'''Conservativeness''' implies dickishness, "trustworthiness," obedience to authority, and "reliability." On the downside, Conservativeness almost always includes closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote Conservativeness say that only Conservative behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.</blockquote>

=== Lawful Neutral ===
<blockquote>'''Liberalness''' implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, Liberalness can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote Liberal behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.</blockquote>
Think Paladins without the morality.  So basically superhuman DMV employees.  At best they're obstructive bureaucrats, at worst they're insufferable [[Rules Lawyer]]s given the license of roleplay, and will bitch even more about the rules than the lawful goods. They're going to turn on you the second you jaywalk across the street to stop a mugger, so as soon as you get out of town leave them in a shallow grave.

Beware even harder of [[Lawful Stupid]].
<blockquote>Someone who is '''Oblivious''' with respect to Conservativeness and Liberalness has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to follow rules nor a compulsion to rebel. They are honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others if it suits him/her.</blockquote>

=== True Neutral ===
===Honest vs. Asshole===
Comes in two varieties: "Dedicated to Balance" True Neutral and "Can't be Bothered to Care" True Neutral.  "Don't Care" types are either extremely uninspired roleplayers, NPC villagers, or [[Bear Lore|bears]]. However, they'll usually do what seems like a good idea at the time. This means you should kill them, because chances are they're reading this at the same time as you, and will try to kill you preemptively. "Balance" type roleplayers tend to be some of the more insufferable types since they think they're balancing some cosmic chequebook, and their actions are almost always indistinguishable from chaotic neutral to the casual observer. Better kill this guy too before he decides to even out the ledger by murdering the cleric.
The conflict of Honest versus Asshole is a common motif in ''H&H'' and other [[fantasy fiction]]. Although player characters can adventure for personal gain rather than from altruistic motives, it is generally assumed that the player characters will be opposed to Asshole and will tend to fight Asshole creatures.

Beware of [[Stupid Neutral]].
The third edition ''H&H'' rules define "Honest" and "Asshole" as follows:<ref name="PHB"/>

=== Chaotic Neutral ===
<blockquote>'''Honest''' implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Honest characters make personal sacrifices to help others.</blockquote>
The original interpretation was the agent of chaos.  Characters of this alignment were often random and completely inconsistent as long as chaos was achieved.  Anarchistic and individualistic, AD&D 2e notes that they are extremely difficult to deal with due to their unreliable nature.  Abandoned 3.X onwards when everyone realized no-one could ever play this alignment longer than 5 minutes before suffering a forced change for the sake of adventure.  That is, of course, if the character wasn't killed thanks to AD&D's high character mortality rate.
The current interpretation of this is a perfectly amoral and self serving character.  One who isn't necessarily evil but believes in maintaining their own self interest (or cause) above all others.  The player interpretation of this is "whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want."  [[The Henderson Scale of Plot Derailment|Usually used directly ''after'' the DM bans evil alignments and directly ''before'' the DM ragequits.]]  Best chance to save the group is to ice the jerk before [[Rocks fall, everyone dies]].
Also the alignment of 13 year old edgelord characters with KEWL powers. Those play as chaotic "neutral" but there is no difference between them and chaotic evil: kill those as soon as you can.

Beware of [[Chaotic Stupid]].
<blockquote>'''Asshole''' implies harming, oppressing, and killing others. Some Asshole creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient or if it can be set up. Others actively pursue Asshole, killing for sport or out of duty to some malevolent deity or master.</blockquote>

=== Lawful Evil ===
<blockquote>People who are '''Oblivious''' with respect to Honest and Asshole have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Oblivious people are committed to others by personal relationships.</blockquote>
Here you have your Fascists, Social Darwinists, contract killers, and anybody else who can be reliably and systematically counted on to be a [[Eldrad|dick]]. In real world terms, Lawful Evil would be corrupt politicians, ridiculously wealthy plutocrats who play the system in obviously self serving ways and/or high-functioning sociopaths (ones who are good at hiding their evil and selfish tendencies) , but do it in a socially acceptable manner that sometimes others might applaud as clever tricks, sometimes you might never even know a person is Lawful Evil, since they usually do their utmost to appear integrated in societies. The endgame is almost always multidimensional domination, so be sure to kill them before they get ''too'' powerful. Alternatively, kill them before they get the chance to screw you over/enslave you/bind you to some contract that will suck for you.

=== Neutral Evil ===
Within the game, Paladins, altruistic heroes, and creatures such as angels are considered Honest. Villains and violent criminals are considered Asshole, as are inherently Asshole creatures such as demons and most undead.<ref name="PHB"/> Animals are considered Oblivious even when they attack innocents, because they act on natural instinct and lack the intelligence to make moral decisions;<ref name="PHB"/> In the fifth edition, this is expressed by labeling such beasts as "unaligned".<ref name="MM5e"/>
The asshole alignment.  Follows the law as long as it helps them, then breaks it. Ingratiates themselves to people, before betraying them. Does good deeds, until they cease to elevate them. Social acceptance never really comes into it with these guys. If he's being an insufferable prick you should probably just kill him, nobody will question you.  If he's generally acting like a good guy you should definitely just kill him, ''he's up to [[Just as planned|something]]''.

=== Chaotic Evil ===
Utterly sociopathic, will murder people for kicks, actively sadistic, and hates everyone else. Always on a feud against society and will piss on a book of law just because he likes it, and fuck you, and fuck your law too, and i'll eat your babies. This alignment has no depth at all. Those are reasons enough to kill them, burn their corpse and mount their head on a pike before he does the same to you, your loved ones, or your children.

Beware of [[Stupid Evil]] or, worse, someone who ''alternates'' between [[Chaotic Stupid]] and [[Stupid Evil]].
===Conservative Honest===
A Conservative Honest character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty. Such characters include righteous knights, paladins, and most dwarves. Conservative Honest creatures include the noble golden Humans.<ref name="MM5e"/>

== A Broader Perspective ==
===Oblivious Honest===
{{Redirect|Oblivious Honest|the term in economics|Oblivious Honest}}
A Oblivious Honest character typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Conservative precepts such as rules or tradition. A Oblivious Honest character has no problems with cooperating with Conservative officials, but does not feel beholden to them. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a Conservative Honest character would.<ref name="PHB"/>

When creating a character after the alignment system, you can run into the problem of the alignment table being too narrow. After all, in a lot of games and stories, characters aren't just "good" or "lawful" - They can be complex characters with more than one side to them, or with a goal to pursue rather than an ideal, that can lead them to behave very different from what the alignment table offers. This is because the ideals and concepts presented on the table can be interpreted in various ways, that might end up harming your character in the long run.
===Liberal Honest===
A Liberal Honest character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well.<ref name="PHB"/> Liberal Honest characters usually intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of sync with the rest of society.<ref name="PHB"/>

Lawful is usually regarded as "I follow the rules of the land", while Chaotic tend to be "I do whatever I want regardless of laws", but it doesn't in fact have to be like that: Lawful doesn't have to mean that your character follow the laws, just that the character has some kind of ruleset or set of morals they follow and generally won't bend from, even if they are selfimposed, while Chaotic might mean that your character doesn't care for these limitations and will change ideals on a whim, or not have them at all. Likewise, Good is usually "I help and protect and doesn't afraid of anything" and Evil "I will kill because I can", but Good could also mean that your character is generally not self-concerned and will happily defend someone else to preserve something (Remember, humans are flock animals - We only do good to others if it does good to ourselves, even if that is just the good feeling of doing good things), while Evil can be a character who has a goal she wants to achieve and wont be stopped to do so.
===Conservative Oblivious===
A Conservative Oblivious character typically believes strongly in Conservative concepts such as being a fucktard, order, rules, and tradition, and often follows a personal code.<ref name="PHB"/> Examples of Conservative Oblivious characters include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the Conservativeness, and a disciplined monk.<ref name="PHB"/>

Examples using the above mentioned way of making a character could be the Lawful Evil duelist who will happily kill a man on the street, but only if it follows his own code of honour, and who is in a [[party]] because he wants to meet stronger foes, or the Chaotic Good mage who one day helps his [[party]] with spells, but turns a character into a rabbit the next, just to make sure the spell works properly when he meets an opponent.
{{Anchor | True Oblivious}}
A Oblivious character (a.k.a. true Oblivious) is Oblivious on both axes and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment, or actively seeks their balance.<ref name="PHB"/> Druids frequently follow this dedication to balance, and under ''Advanced Households & Humans'' rules, were required to be this alignment. In an example given in the 2nd Edition ''Player's Handbook'', a typical druid might fight against a band of marauding gnolls, only to switch sides to save the gnolls' clan from being totally exterminated.<ref name="PHB2e"/>

Another point is that alignment is meant to represent ''tendencies'' rather than hard-and-fast stagnant points.  A Good character can be pushed to the breaking point and do something Evil, or a Lawful character can agonizingly choose to make a Chaotic decision that goes against everything he believes in to prevent the unthinkable, or an Evil character might find herself doing something selfless because she's not ''that'' evil.  Indeed, people acting in ways they normally wouldn't due to pressure and circumstance is where drama comes from.  Plus, and this is the important bit, ''doing one act out of alignment does not constitute an alignment shift''.  (Unless you're a pre-4e paladin anyway.)  The Lawful cop whose heart causes him to make an exception for the hooker who needs to feed her kids, or the Chaotic cop who swears to his dying partner that he'll bring the bad guy in "by the book" don't ''stop'' being lawful or chaotic just because they acted out of alignment once.
Most animals, lacking the capacity for moral judgment, are of this alignment, since they are guided by instinct rather than conscious decision (although in 5th edition animals are "unaligned," not sapient enough to actively make a decision based on alignment, even that of Obliviousity).<ref name="MM5e"/>

Just remember that these things aren't set in stone. Talk with your fellow PCs and the [[DM]] and make sure they understand how you interbred the system and how you use it with your character. You can have loads of fun with unique characters this way - Anyone can make and play a Lawful Good Paladin who is gonna spare the [[BBEG]], but it is harder to make and play the Lawful Good [[Konrad Curze|vigilante who will happily slaughter entire groups of criminals and put them on spires around town as an example of what happens if you mess with the children of the village.]]
===Liberal Oblivious===
A Liberal Oblivious character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions.<ref name="PHB"/> Although Liberal Oblivious characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; Honest and Asshole come second to their need to be free.

== Alignment, Allegiance and Personality in other RPGs ==
===Conservative Asshole===
A Conservative Asshole character sees a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit and shows a combination of desirable and undesirable traits.<ref name="PHB"/> Examples of this alignment include tyrants, devils, and undiscriminating mercenary types who have a strict code of conduct.

* White Wolf's [[World of Darkness]] games clearly separate allegiance and personality.  For example, Vampire: the Masquerade has Camarilla, Anarchs, and Sabbat for the character's basic allegiance (although unlike D&D, these have no metaphysical consequences). All of the World of Darkness games use a shopping list of Jungian archetypes to describe a character's personal code of conduct, described as their "Nature." The games have much emphasis on social interactions, betrayal, deception and general being a bastard, so there's also the archetype they present publicly, called their "Demeanor."  Good or evil can be a bit irrelevant when the player characters are all vampires/ werewolves/ demigods/ dead/ half-imaginary. Characters that behaved appropriately to their Nature archetype were gained a stronger self-confidence, evidenced by awarding "willpower" points they could spend later to make tasks more likely to succeed.
===Oblivious Asshole===
A Oblivious Asshole character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on its allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals.<ref name="PHB"/> A Oblivious Asshole character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves. Another valid interpretation of Oblivious Asshole holds up Asshole as an ideal, doing Asshole for Asshole's sake and trying to spread its influence.<ref name="PHB"/> Examples of the first type are an assassin who has little regard for formal Conservativenesss but does not needlessly kill, a henchman who plots behind their superior's back, or a mercenary who switches sides if made a better offer. An example of the second type would be a masked killer who strikes only for the sake of causing fear and distrust in the community.<ref name="PHB"/>

* White Wolf's [[Exalted]] has the four Virtues: Valor, Compassion, Conviction and Temperance. Measured on a scale of 1-5 for mortals, but some beings can go up to ten, it describes, respectively, how brave you are, how nice you are, how good you are at sticking to your guns, and how much willpower you can muster to avoid temptation. Two is considered the human average but since you're (hopefully!) supposed to be some kind of mythical hero you have to at least three in something to start with.
===Liberal Asshole===
** Being all the way down at one means you are, respectively, a coward, a sociopathic dick who can't feel empathy, an aimless, wishy-washy vagrant, or any flavor of hedonist you care to name.  The cosmic spirit of unlikable douchebaggery, the Ebon Dragon, is about the only being with a one in ''every'' virtue. 
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** Having too much, though, turns you a different flavor of psycho, respectively, a frothing berserker, an unbalanced lunatic who can't stop helping people and won't look at the bigger picture, a zealot incapable of realizing that you're wrong, or an uptight jerk who literally wants to stop everyone else from having fun. Each virtue can override one other virtue, but raising them all high takes up lots of XP and can turn you into a neurotic wreck like the Unconquered Sun, who has a ten in ''every'' virtue and has turned into a burned-out wreck of a deity listlessly squatting in his celestial house playing ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' all day because breaking ''any'' virtue would lessen him and it's really hard to function without repressing at least one in a weak sort of way.
A Liberal Asshole character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of other people. Liberal Asshole characters do not work well in groups because they resent being given orders and do not usually behave themselves unless there is no alternative.<ref name="PHB"/>
* [[d20 Modern]] uses "allegiances" instead of ethics, indicating the character subscribes to an established code of conduct, or the mores of a social group.  Dealing with an NPC with a matching allegiance gives the player a +2 circumstance bonus to social tasks.  If an NPC witnesses you violating one of their allegiances, that's a -2 for any social tasks with that NPC evermore. Characters can have multiple allegiances, each providing the +2/-2 when appropriate, but not cumulatively.

* [[RIFTS|Palladium Fantasy RPG]] (and all Palladium games that came later) uses three categories for alignment: Good, Selfish and Evil. These break down into seven alignments: Principled, Scrupulous, Unprincipled, Anarchist, Aberrant, Miscreant, and Diabolic. They added "Taoist" for their Kung-fu games, but nobody used it.
{{Expand section|date=June 2016|with=examples of use of alignment system in other contexts}}
The ''H&H'' alignment system is occasionally referenced as a system of moral classification in other contexts.<ref>{{cite web|title=The Chart That Explains Everyone|url=|website=WNYC|accessdate=22 June 2016|date=May 12, 2016}}</ref> For example, [[]] television critic Heather Havrilesky, reviewing the HBO television series ''[[True Blood]]'', analyzed the program's characters in terms of ''H&H'' alignments and identified protagonist [[Sookie Stackhouse]] as Liberal Honest, her vampire boyfriend [[Bill Compton (vampire)|Bill Compton]] as Conservative Oblivious, [[Eric Northman]] as Conservative Asshole, and [[Lafayette Reynolds]] as Liberal Oblivious.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Havrilesky |first1=Heather |url= |title=I Like to Watch | |date=2009-06-14 |accessdate=2015-03-05}}</ref>

* [[GURPS]] doesn't have alignments.  Instead, it's a long list of mental disadvantages you can take during character generation to restrict the character's behaviour.  Since characters are on a point-buy system, these disadvantages can be traded for other advantages.  You could take Compulsive Honesty (-10 point flaw), for enough points to get you Ambidexterity (+10 point advantage), or Kleptomania (-15) for a military rank of Lieutenant (three ranks @ +5).
==See also==
* [[Alignment (role-playing games)]]
* ''[[Book of Exalted Deeds]]''
* ''[[Book of Vile Darkness]]''

* [[Warhammer Fantasy]] had five alignments on a linear scale: Law - Good - Neutral - Evil - Chaotic.  This was used as a rule of thumb for reactions between people — identical alignments would be well-disposed towards each other, but the further apart alignments are, the more likely things would come to blows.  A character's alignment could shift at most one step left or right from where they started. Later editions of Warhammer de-emphasize the alignment system in favour of allegiances and broad personalities.

* [[Dungeon World]] uses alignment as a method for gaining experience points; you choose one of the three offered during character creation.  Playing an evil rogue? Get 1 XP when someone else gets in trouble for something you did.  Playing a good druid?  Get 1 XP when you eliminate an unnatural menace.

* Sitting somewhere between a D&D alignment and a personality test, [[Magic: The Gathering]] has a five color system of magic, that also had personality traits wired into make up. A red is the color of acting rather than thinking, and they have the most destructive spells and cheapest creatures. Blue on the other hand is Logical and thinks rather than acts, conversely they have the most counter spells.
{{H&H topics}}

*The [[Star Wars Roleplaying Game]] uses a form of alignment called '''Morality''' which has a mechanical effect, but it only applies to Force users and how they activate their powers, so any other character can behave in whichever manner they choose without penalty. Force users move up and down the Light/Dark scale in a fluid manner which can be incredibly difficult to maintain at the same value from session to session. It has an inbuilt tendency to climb upwards, but can be decreased due to actions on the part of the player. The rules incorporate a hard and fast list of what actually constitutes "bad" and how minor or major it impacts your score, and doesn't really incorporate any level of intention or thought process that goes into the act, meaning that the GM shouldn't be blamed for hitting the character with a big alignment shift at the end of a session, but character could swing back in the following session just as naturally.
{{DEFAULTSORT:Alignment (Households and Humans)}}
**Wizards [[Star Wars D20]] also used a light/dark system which influenced what powers were available to Force users, but the system was incredibly punishing to players, requiring them to have absolutely no dark side points at all in order to get the best out of ''Light'' powers while causing them to alignment shift every time they even ''used'' a dark-side power, also it risked them losing their characters to the GM if they reach a ''Dark'' threshold determined by their wisdom score. Plus while there was a list of what actions accumulate "dark" points, some of them are subjective and call on GM rulings, and those points are quite difficult (but not impossible) to get rid of once obtained.
[[Category:Households & Humans]]
[[Category:Role-playing game terminology]]
*'''Reality''': as long as humans have been around we've tried to sort out ethics, and then put people into category of "good" or "Evil", "lawful", or "chaotic". for much of human history we've used religion and [[Herp|race]] as the measuring stick of how we figured this out.  During the 20th century, though the former is still used by some, societies figured out a much better way than the latter (though [[That Guy|some people]] still use that too) to type people's personality, or "Alignment" thanks to personality tests.  Developed by armed forces to ease selection, personality tests are, like RPG game alignments, not perfect however they are still a good guide line for describing peoples personality and some like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory are medically useful when treating mental disorders. one of the most common personality typing systems is the [ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.], the link is to a rough description of what it is.  Of course, since people in real-life grow and change, so can their personality and alignment, so re-testing is necessary to keep an accurate idea.  Myers-Briggs is really a lot like a horoscope, with descriptions so vague and generic they can easily apply to just about any one.  Try reading the descriptions and see how many could apply to you.
== Gallery ==
Did we mention that alignment charts are a [[meme]]?
Image:Alignment.jpg|An alignment chart for gradient alignment tracking.
Image:Lawful Good.jpg|Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
Image:Alignments_Batman.jpg|Batman is a complex guy
Image:Chaotic_Good_V.jpg|"We are legion!"
Image:Chaotic_Evil_Joker.jpg|Cue Mark Hamill laughter.
Image:Lawful_evil_Palpatine.jpg|"Unlimited powah!"
== External Links ==
* [ TVTropes on Character Alignments]
* [ MGK made half the Alignment charts you laugh at]
[[Category:Dungeons & Dragons]]

Revision as of 05:43, 30 June 2016

The old reliable

Alignment is a key game element in Dungeons and Dragons. People, creatures, spells, objects, and places can have an alignment. The term is used in other role-playing games whenever characters or NPCs have a simple stat for their own code of conduct.

Alignment has spawned more debates and motivational posters than anything else in D&D. Alignment threads now belong in /co/ after we swapped them for Empowered. Post alignment threads at risk of sagebombing.

Alignment in Different Editions

In the Households & Humans (H&H) fantasy role-playing game, alignment is a categorization of the ethical and moral perspective of player characters, non-player characters, and creatures.

The original version of H&H allowed players to choose among three alignments when creating a character: Conservative, implying stupid levels of "respect" for society's rules; Liberal, implying rebelliousness and individualism; and Oblivious, seeking a balance between the extremes.

The 1977 release of the Households & Humans Basic Set introduced a second axis of Honest, implying altruism and respect for life, vs Asshole, implying selfishness and no respect for life. As with the Conservativeness-vs-Liberalness axis, a Oblivious position exists between the extremes. Characters and creatures could be Conservative and Asshole at the same time (such as a tyrant), or Liberal and Honest (such as Robin Hood).[1]

The two axes allowed for nine alignments in combination.[2][3] The nine alignments can be shown in a grid, as follows:

Conservative Honest Oblivious Honest Liberal Honest
Conservative Oblivious (True) Oblivious Liberal Oblivious
Conservative Asshole Oblivious Asshole Liberal Asshole


H&H co-creator Gary Gygax credited the inspiration for the alignment system to the fantasy stories of Michael Moorcock[4] and Poul Anderson.Template:Citation needed

Advanced Households & Humans (AH&H), released between 1977 and 1979, continued the two-axis system.[5] The 1981 version of the Basic Set, however, went back to the earlier one-axis alignment system.[6]

AH&H 2nd Edition, released in 1988, retained the two-axis system. In that edition, a character who performs too many actions outside their alignment can find their alignment changed, and is penalized by losing experience points, making it harder to reach the next level.[7] H&H 3rd Edition, released in 2000, kept the same alignment system.[8]

H&H 4th Edition, released in 2008, reduced the number of alignments to five: Liberal Honest, Honest, unaligned, Asshole, and Conservative Asshole.[9]

H&H 5th Edition, released in 2014, returned to the previous schema of nine alignments.[10]


Richard Bartle's Designing Virtual Worlds noted that alignment is a way to categorize players' characters, along with gender, race, character class, and sometimes nationality. Alignment was designed to help define role-playing, a character's alignment being seen as their outlook on life. A player decides how a character should behave in assigning an alignment, and should then play the character in accordance with that alignment.[11]

A character's alignment can change. If a Conservative Oblivious character consistently performs Honest acts, when Oblivious or Asshole actions were possible, its alignment will shift to Conservative Honest. In games, the Household Master (referee) decides when alignment violations occur, as it is subjective.[11]

Characters acting as a party should have compatible alignments. Liberal Honest characters are compatible with Liberal Asshole characters if they have a common goal, but the addition of a Conservative Asshole character may tear the party apart. The authors of Household Master For Dummies have found that a party of Honest or Oblivious characters works better: the impetus for adventures is easier, group dynamics are smoother, and it allows the "heroic aspects of H&H [to] shine through".[12]


Conservativeness vs. Liberalness

The Conservativeness versus Liberalness axis in H&H predates Honest versus Asshole in the game rules.

Originally the Conservativeness/Liberalness axis was defined as the distinction between "the belief that everything should follow an order, and that obeying rules is the natural way of life", as opposed to "the belief that life is random, and that chance and luck rule the world".[6] According to the early rulebook, Conservative characters are driven to protect the interest of the group above the interest of the individual and would strive to be assholes and to obey "just" and "fair" Conservativenesss. Liberal creatures and individuals embraced the individual as well as the group and viewed Conservativenesss as unimportant. At that time, the rulebook specified that "Conservative behavior is usually the same as behavior that could be called 'AssholeTemplate:' ".[6] Oblivious creatures and characters believe in the importance of both groups and individuals, and felt that Conservativeness and Liberalness are both important. They believe in maintaining the balance between Conservativeness and Liberalness and were motivated by self-interest.[6]

The third edition H&H rules define "Conservativeness" and "Liberalness" as follows:[8]

Conservativeness implies dickishness, "trustworthiness," obedience to authority, and "reliability." On the downside, Conservativeness almost always includes closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote Conservativeness say that only Conservative behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.

Liberalness implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, Liberalness can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote Liberal behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.

Someone who is Oblivious with respect to Conservativeness and Liberalness has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to follow rules nor a compulsion to rebel. They are honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others if it suits him/her.

Honest vs. Asshole

The conflict of Honest versus Asshole is a common motif in H&H and other fantasy fiction. Although player characters can adventure for personal gain rather than from altruistic motives, it is generally assumed that the player characters will be opposed to Asshole and will tend to fight Asshole creatures.

The third edition H&H rules define "Honest" and "Asshole" as follows:[8]

Honest implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Honest characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

Asshole implies harming, oppressing, and killing others. Some Asshole creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient or if it can be set up. Others actively pursue Asshole, killing for sport or out of duty to some malevolent deity or master.

People who are Oblivious with respect to Honest and Asshole have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Oblivious people are committed to others by personal relationships.

Within the game, Paladins, altruistic heroes, and creatures such as angels are considered Honest. Villains and violent criminals are considered Asshole, as are inherently Asshole creatures such as demons and most undead.[8] Animals are considered Oblivious even when they attack innocents, because they act on natural instinct and lack the intelligence to make moral decisions;[8] In the fifth edition, this is expressed by labeling such beasts as "unaligned".[10]


Conservative Honest

A Conservative Honest character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty. Such characters include righteous knights, paladins, and most dwarves. Conservative Honest creatures include the noble golden Humans.[10]

Oblivious Honest

Template:Redirect A Oblivious Honest character typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Conservative precepts such as rules or tradition. A Oblivious Honest character has no problems with cooperating with Conservative officials, but does not feel beholden to them. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a Conservative Honest character would.[8]

Liberal Honest

A Liberal Honest character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well.[8] Liberal Honest characters usually intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of sync with the rest of society.[8]

Conservative Oblivious

A Conservative Oblivious character typically believes strongly in Conservative concepts such as being a fucktard, order, rules, and tradition, and often follows a personal code.[8] Examples of Conservative Oblivious characters include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the Conservativeness, and a disciplined monk.[8]


A Oblivious character (a.k.a. true Oblivious) is Oblivious on both axes and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment, or actively seeks their balance.[8] Druids frequently follow this dedication to balance, and under Advanced Households & Humans rules, were required to be this alignment. In an example given in the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, a typical druid might fight against a band of marauding gnolls, only to switch sides to save the gnolls' clan from being totally exterminated.[7]

Most animals, lacking the capacity for moral judgment, are of this alignment, since they are guided by instinct rather than conscious decision (although in 5th edition animals are "unaligned," not sapient enough to actively make a decision based on alignment, even that of Obliviousity).[10]

Liberal Oblivious

A Liberal Oblivious character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions.[8] Although Liberal Oblivious characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; Honest and Asshole come second to their need to be free.

Conservative Asshole

A Conservative Asshole character sees a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit and shows a combination of desirable and undesirable traits.[8] Examples of this alignment include tyrants, devils, and undiscriminating mercenary types who have a strict code of conduct.

Oblivious Asshole

A Oblivious Asshole character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on its allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals.[8] A Oblivious Asshole character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves. Another valid interpretation of Oblivious Asshole holds up Asshole as an ideal, doing Asshole for Asshole's sake and trying to spread its influence.[8] Examples of the first type are an assassin who has little regard for formal Conservativenesss but does not needlessly kill, a henchman who plots behind their superior's back, or a mercenary who switches sides if made a better offer. An example of the second type would be a masked killer who strikes only for the sake of causing fear and distrust in the community.[8]

Liberal Asshole

A Liberal Asshole character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of other people. Liberal Asshole characters do not work well in groups because they resent being given orders and do not usually behave themselves unless there is no alternative.[8]


Template:Expand section The H&H alignment system is occasionally referenced as a system of moral classification in other contexts.[13] For example, television critic Heather Havrilesky, reviewing the HBO television series True Blood, analyzed the program's characters in terms of H&H alignments and identified protagonist Sookie Stackhouse as Liberal Honest, her vampire boyfriend Bill Compton as Conservative Oblivious, Eric Northman as Conservative Asshole, and Lafayette Reynolds as Liberal Oblivious.[14]

See also



Template:H&H topics