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| HI there you probably know me and probably don't wnt to. Do you remember the good old days? I mean when Warhammer used to be associated with Death Metal albums with England flags on them? First of all a digression. All the magic and what have you in Warhammer is based on early-80s real life secret society beliefes and a knowledge of extra-dimensional physics that a bunch of game-makers really shouldn't have had. Now that leads me on to the fact at least some of it is real. So the way I behave now would be an unfrogivable blasphemy. But I do not mean it so I can do it. this is how they put it in the Bible to warn people about it. So as one,what gets people going about Chaos is it's 'courrupting' power, where you mutate and lose your soul (oh yes, real life extra-dimensional beings get are nothing like that. Science has calculated their existence and, while like me thy may engage in blasphemies they don't mean, it is not evil they draw their power from, so using it is a blasphemy that isn't meant). The real corruption in society is that. Scruffiness. roughness. And Warhammer epitomises that. I love the stuff for it. I want it banned for it. I mean you go from 'Harry the Hammer' to a stunning 3rd person shooter from a major label. what about Inquisitor (another franchise of theirs, it was shocking). Even playing Space Marine it feels physically like the Imperium is getting better. There's girls getting into Warhammer now. And I'd rather have Emo space marines than some rough guy that lives in a scary village or underneath York somewhere. Special Brew. I suppose you represent Warhammer becoming modern and cool. As another BIDM 'scum like (you) and I'm on (your) side, there's got to be some other way'. That's why this is my Pleasure right here. But my blood? my sacrifice? try walking in British school as a complete Christian Pacafist? I used the Space Marines and I admit a bit of Khorneate ranting to inpsire myself. But I never conciously admitted the Khorne. To me siding with Chaos would be real hersey(Which was wrong of course and I subconcouisly admitted it (conciously a few times.) Whay not when a tabletop game seemed to be rubbishing my relion?
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| That's why Abbadon remains failbaddon. Because the gamers would not let him win. It would be like have a concentration camp in one plot and letting those running it win.Like letting the devil have your soul. Real life spritual struggle. I know that was wrong because of real life mysticism and extra-dimensionals and what not. Another blasphemy I didn't mean.
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| That and I'm glad all the scary, NLP stuff's gone now. That's one of my aspects. Scourge of below-the-belt stuff in fiction. I have met Commander Dante. well I haven't but still. Now you may have realised who I am. Now do me a favour. Stop swearing it's neither big nor clever, kids as young as four might come on here. Go on deviantArt, go on their forums, meet a nice gal that likes cosplay, then both of you jack it all in, start reading WIRE and Dazed and Confused and get a nice job each. Or never mind the girl just read some holy books and try and give something to humanity instead of this rant. Though that if what I'm doing. ooer. Blasphemies that aren't meant. Sigvald is a fictional character.
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