Star Wars: Legion/Tactics/Clones: Difference between revisions

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*Most of your cool stuff is too big for this game.
*Most of your cool stuff is probably too big for this game(I mean have you seen an Star Wars Armada Super Star destroyer? Fantasy Flight is not adverse to big models, but I would not hold your breath waiting for an AT-TE).

*Your army is expensive. Very expensive. You will usually be out-activated if you build an army with anything but bare-minimum core troops and support
*Your army is expensive. Very expensive. You will usually be out-activated if you build an army with anything but bare-minimum core troops and support

Revision as of 21:31, 3 April 2020

This page is in need of cleanup. Srsly. It's a fucking mess.


Why Play The Grand Army of the Republic

You like storm troopers but also hate painting white. Being able to customize your troopers based on your favourite colors is a nice bonus.


  • Jedi
  • You get to play the "Space Marines" of Star Wars
  • If Obi-Wan is in your army, which is very likely, you get to say "Hello There."
  • Your units hit hard and are exclusively rocking red dice for saves.
  • You (will as of writing) have access to lots of tokens. Dodge, Surge, and Aim tokens will be able to push your units above what they are capable of on their own.
  • Token Sharing. A unique ability that makes Clones behave more like a massive single unit, as opposed to several separate troopers going about their business. Single Clones left alive from a unit can become token factories for the rest of your army.
  • Wombo-Combo potential is strong with this army. Obi-wan and Rex together can be a mean combo.


  • Most of your cool stuff is probably too big for this game(I mean have you seen an Star Wars Armada Super Star destroyer? Fantasy Flight is not adverse to big models, but I would not hold your breath waiting for an AT-TE).
  • Your army is expensive. Very expensive. You will usually be out-activated if you build an army with anything but bare-minimum core troops and support
  • Dependance on Surge Tokens to get the best out of your units.
  • Your army is very susceptible to bad dice. Every casualty hurts, and a string of back luck can result in a cascade effect amongst your army.
  • Painting white armor can be difficult. There are tutorials online how to do it well, just be prepared to lose a few clones to practice runs.

Faction Special Rules

  • Clone Trooper: Clone Trooper units within range 1 and line of sight of another clone unit can share green tokens (eg dodge, aim, standby, etc) with each other. So if a Clone trooper unit has a dodge token, and a nearby clone unit gets shot, the shot unit can use that dodge token as if they had it themselves. Gives a little extra tactical flexibility to your squads.
  • Fire Support: while not technically a Faction Rule, most Clone Trooper units have it, even if only temporarily as in the case of Captain Rex. When a unit makes a ranged attack, one friendly unit with the Fire Support rule and a face up order token may add its eligible weapons (that is, within range and line of sight) to the attack pool; afterward, the Fire Supporting unit must then flip its order token. It helps when concentrating fire on an enemy unit that you really want dead, like Royal Guard, enemy characters, etc. Additionally, it gets around any potential problems due to Suppression and Panic- the Fire Supporting unit never checks to see if it's Suppressed or Panicked; however, it does effectively lose one of its actions, and doesn't get a chance to Rally (although it still loses a Suppression token in the End Phase as normal).



1-2 Selections.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The man so great, just saying his name is a meme.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards


Clone Captain Rex

Has the same points as a fully kitted out Phase I Trooper unit, but easily worth the cost.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



Padme Amidala

Politics meets violence.

Padme's more of a non-combatant like Krennic or Leia- except she's an Operative so she doesn't give the morale boost and can't use generic command cards. She's 90 pts base, and comes with 6 wounds and 3 courage, throwing white dice with surge on defense. For offense she throws 3 black in melee (apparently she knows martial arts) and she comes with a pistol that also throws 3 black, at range 1-2 and with Pierce 1. She does have normal offensive surge as well, so she's not awful at fighting.

As for special rules, she has Quick Thinking (gain an Aim and a Dodge at the cost of an action) and Nimble (gain a dodge token after using one or more dodge tokens). She also has Sharpshooter 2, allowing her to completely ignore enemy cover. To make her to better fit in with her Clone friends, she has the new Exemplar rule, which allows friendly units (note that it's units, so even a TX-130 could benefit...) within range 1-2 and LOS to use her green tokens. Lastly, she has Authoritative, which appears to allow her to pass off an order issued to her to a friendly unit within range 1-2, much like the Comms Relay upgrade.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards



The plucky little droid who is the only character in the movies who knows pretty much everything that happened from start to finish. For 35 points you get a droid trooper (calm down, clones... he's a good one- but it does mean he won't suffer Suppressed and doesn't get the +1 cover from suppression, etc) with 4 wounds and 2 courage. He has surge on offense and defense, throwing white defense dice, and zapping people in melee or at range 1 for 3 white with Suppressive. He also has the Grounded rule, meaning he is unable to climb or clamber. But you don't take him for his combat abilities...

R2-D2 is an astromech droid, and as such, has the Repair 2: Capacity 2 ability. This is huge. If you take a TX-130 tank (or two), you probably want to be fielding R2 because each time he uses the ability (a card action that he can use twice- that's what the "Capacity 2" part means), he can remove any combination of two damage, wound, or ion tokens from one tank. He could also repair damage that he's taken himself, since the Repair rule doesn't specify it has to be another unit.

He's also got Inconspicuous and Secret Mission. These are the other big reasons why you take R2. Inconspicuous disallows enemy units from attacking R2 if he has at least one suppression token and there's another valid target available; and he can choose not to remove a token during the Rally step (but he will still remove one at the end of the Activation Phase like normal). Bear in mind, however, that if there is no other valid target for the enemy unit, they can ignore Inconspicuous and attack R2. So you also need to make sure that he stays out of charge/melee range of enemy units. Anyway, this should help him get into position for Secret Mission- which allows him, as a free action once per game, to claim a free victory token if he's in the enemy deployment zone. And if he's still "alive" at the end of the game, his side gains that token when determining who won. R2 is really slow (movement 1, but one of his commands can boost it temporarily), but Inconspicuous should help him double move each turn until he gets into the enemy deployment zone.

Lastly, he can be accompanied by his robo-sexual life-mate C-3PO. See his entry just below for details on him.

Upgrade Cards

Command Cards




3-6 Selections.

Phase 1 Clone Troopers

Upgrade Cards


Phase 2 Clone Troopers

8 more points a squad nets you one more Courage, Reliable (automatically get one free Surge Token at the start of each Activation Phase), and a Training slot over your basic Phase I Clone Troopers.

Upgrade Cards


Special Forces

Up to 3 Selections

ARC Troopers

(Currently on Pre-order)

Take one of the most badass non-Jedi/Sith warriors in the galaxy, clone him a million times, give those clones the best weapons and gear around, and then form the best of them into a hyper-elite unit with even better gear, and what do you get? Advanced Recon Commandos, or ARC troopers. Captain Rex was one of the first ARC troopers, so they've got a lot in common.

They have Impervious (grants extra defense dice if they're hit by something with Pierce) and Scout 2 (free movement-2 move after deploying). They'll also have Sharpshooter 1 (reduce enemy cover by 1) and Tactical 1 (gain a free aim token after moving). Each has one wound, and the unit has courage 2. They throw red dice without surge on defense. For offense, they each throw one black and one white in melee, they carry pistols that do one black and one white at range 1-2. Their main weapon is a DC-15A which appears to throw one black at range 1-3 just like a normal clone soldier.

Upgrade Cards



Up to 3 Selections.

BARC Speeder

Upgrade Cards



(Currently on Pre-Order)

Pretty much the same as the Rebel one, but slightly better because it's manned by an elite ARF clone rather than a random rebel dude. So it costs 10 points more than the Rebel version, but gains defensive surge, Scout 1, and the rider carries a better gun (a grenade launcher firing 1 black and 2 white with Critical 1 and Impact 1 at range 1-3). Has built in offensive normal surge rather than the critical surge of the Rebel AT-RT, however, and still throws three red with Impact 1 in melee.

Upgrade Cards



Up to 2 Selections.

TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank

Finally some firepower for the Clones!

For the same basic cost of an AT-ST you get a solid hover tank with the same gun (2 black, 2 red, 2 white with range 1-4, Impact 2, Critical 1 and Fixed: Front). The tank can be upgraded to have two more weapons upgrades (see below for more details), and comes with Arsenal 2 so you can always fire two of them. The tank comes with the Armor rule to ignore all non-critical hits, 9 wounds and a 6 damage threshold, while throwing red dice without surge on defense. It's pretty tough, being one of two tanks in the game throwing red defensive dice (the other is the droids' AAT). It also has the new Outmaneuver rule, which allows it to use dodge tokens against critical hits. Although it's described as being "particularly nimble for an armored vehicle", it moves at the same speed-2 that most other tanks move- it hovers though, so it does have a little advantage when it comes to clearing terrain, plus it can make a "strafe" move (which is a special move that lets it slide to the left or right at speed decreased by 1).

It does have some downsides though. It has Weak Point on its sides and rear, meaning if an enemy manages to shoot it in those arcs, they gain Impact +1. Also, like the Clones it's supporting, it can be pricey, especially if you go big on the bells and whistles.

Upgrade Cards


Unit Upgrade Boxes

Fantasy Flight Games has seen fit to release new boxes with additional and supplementary upgrades in them. Most of them can be applied to any Trooper unit with the proper slots. Yours are Pending.

Tactics & Building

Buy everything you don't have options yet.