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==== Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed====
==== Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed====
===The Guardians of Fury===
===The Guardians of Fury===
The most dangerous infantry the angry marines have access to. Base they’re a unit (2-5 models) of cataphracti terminators (2+/4++, 4”, 2 attacks 3 wounds, half advance distances, ATSKNF and teleport strike) with the usual angry marine dressing (strength 5, 4+ ballistic skill, 2+ weapon skill and always angry). Things start getting interesting however with their weapons, first of which is a flamer (for horde clearance), second there’s power feet along with FUCK DOORS! FUCK TANKS! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!! for two extra attacks with power feet at the end of the first phase. By itself this would make them a bit underpowered, so each one of them
The most dangerous infantry the angry marines have access to. Base they’re a unit (2-5 models) of cataphracti terminators (2+/4++, 4”, 2 attacks 3 wounds, half advance distances, ATSKNF and teleport strike) with the usual angry marine dressing (strength 5, 4+ ballistic skill, 2+ weapon skill and always angry). Things start getting interesting however with their weapons, first of which is a flamer (for horde clearance), second there’s power feet along with FUCK DOORS! FUCK TANKS! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!! for two extra attacks with power feet at the end of the first phase. By itself this would make them a bit underpowered, so each one of them gets a chain glaive for their main melee weapon, a two profile weapon

===Reclusiarch Mofo===
===Reclusiarch Mofo===

Revision as of 13:27, 17 December 2019

Codex is Here. READ IT COCKSUCKER!!! Also, why are you here if you haven't read the codex already, the shit there is far cooler.

Why Play Angry Marines

Much like the hulking, green English football hooligans that everyone loves to play against, you can be a slightly less hulking, yellow football hooligan cock knocking anyone that stands in your way whilst screaming a never ending battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUU....!!!

Angry Marines, while not a GW endorsed army, can be just as fun to play as the Orks (If the Orks and Angry Marines put their very small amount of differences aside, the Angry Waaagh would probably dominate the galaxy!). And much like Orks, conversion work is highly recommended for Angry Marines, if not mandatory. Get out your greenstuff, glue, and plasticard and get ready to make some middlefingers for Commisar Fuklaw and Portable FUCK Launchers for the rest of your angry force. Happy converting.


  • You get to play the coolest home-brew faction in existence, what more reasons do you need?!!!
  • You have one of the best (if not the best) melee armies in the game, even your guns can be used in melee.
  • You get to stick a giant middle finger up at GW for the shit they've pulled over the years (although even some of their stupid shit is cool, mostly it’s just the pricing).
  • You get the largest variety of units in the game for a single faction. You get tanks, knights, titans, pseudo penitent engines, even goddamn honey badgers!
    • On top of that you get extra warlord traits, psychic powers, relics, detachments and codex supplements with even more good stuff.
  • If you're a long standing 40K player your probably have what you need to play the Angry Marines just lying around.
  • Everyone will love you for playing them, only customised orks while result in as much gamer glee.
    • Seriously, unless your a total dick about it turning up with your space marine orks will have everyone smiling, you will brighten up their day with your yellow and red glow.
  • You have the best (if somewhat dangerous) deepstriking methods which allow for a greater than 50% chance of making a successful charge even without rerolls, and one of your methods deep strikes a rhino onto the field at 6”, the fun you can have with flame throwers in such a situation is beautiful.


  • All your models are either going to be proxy or difficult to make, as there is a lot of "character" which has to go into the angry marines, the painting alone puts them above and beyond other factions in terms of detail/graffiti.
    • You’d better get good at painting the colour yellow, because ow boy no colour in the entirety of warhammer can go as badly wrong as yellow.
  • If your not careful other armies will eat you for breakfast, as there's lots of stuff out there which is specifically designed to anally abuse MEQ'S.
  • The codex is not yet finished or balanced, so you'll either have your arse handed to you or be labelled as "that guy".
  • You lack a lot of the new primaris units or very specialised units like cataphracti armour.
  • Most of your shooting is orks levels of accuracy unless you go to your elites or hq slots (but then again, that’s kind of the point).
    • This really hurts if you shill out for heavy and special weapons, as they cost only slightly less or the same as their vanilla counterparts.
  • You will never be able to officially play them as there is no chance GW will make them canon, never fucking mind releasing a proper codex for them. Your best hope is that your local game club or GW shop let’s you play them after checking that the rules aren’t broken.
    • Not really an issue as there are now angry knights and titans (and the knights apoplectic if you want knight characters) but you still don’t get stuff like spartan assault tanks.

Angry Marine Rules

The rule that makes angry marines angry marines, the chainsaw core of their being, which is plus 1 attack won the charge or heroic intervention, and hits of a 6+ in the same circumstances become 2 hits instead of 1. By itself it turns a 1 attack marine into a 2.16 attack marine, and that’s without melee weapons (dual or otherwise) psychic powers or relics. The best part of this is the exploding attacks, are you have many ways of adding 1 to hit and increasing your base attack amount. Be aware though that this is only when charging etc, you get no benefit for being charged or for any rounds of combat after the first.
  • And They Shall Know No Fear:
Reroll morale tests, a bit meh this edition because of how morale works but it may save you from time to time.
  • Desert Fangs Tactics:
Plus 1 attack and strength for the unit when it charges, the equivalent to ALWAYS ANGRY!!! for those units which are classed as desert fangs instead of angry marines. Makes your silencers hit harder on the charge.
  • Dual Melee Weapons:
Plus 1 attack for a model if it is equipped with two of the same melee weapon. This does not come up often in other legions but the angry marines have greater access to dual everything, helping to add to your already impressive attack levels.
Angry marines do not get the Bolter Discipline. Instead they may fire bolt weapons at enemy units within 1” of friendly units, or within 1” of themselves, but at a minus1 to hit unless they didn’t move, are bikers, characters, dreadnoughts or terminators. Given angry marines want to get into combat as fast as possible being able to use their weapons against units already in melee makes the most of the weapons they bring along, although with a minus 1 to hit your only hitting on 6’s without buffs. Units aren’t with pistols also get to use the pistol butt weapon profile, which gives them an extra attack in melee but at a minus 1 to hit. With the angry marines strength of 5 an extra attack, even at minus 1 to hit, can go a long way.
  • Jump Pack Assault:
Standard 9” deep strike for units with jump packs, which you have access to quite a few of.
Shock Assault but by another name. You know it. You love it. Anything that gives your marines more attacks to trigger ALWAYS ANGRY!!! is good.
  • Storm Shield:
The classic 3++ save. A difficult one for the angry marines as an arm given up for a storm shield is an arm not carrying a melee weapon to give you a bonus attack.
  • Teleport Strike:
Standard 9” deep strike for units in terminator armour, something which you have little access to due to the angry marines preference for speed and melee.
Objective Secured, Angry Marine style. The only difference is that troops with this that charged count as two models instead of one in that turn, incentivising you to make last minute charge attempts to shift an opponent off an objective at the end of the game.
  • Turbo-Boost:
Your standard 6” advance for bikes. To be avoided unless your trying to get into cover as advancing means you can’t charge.


Warlord Traits

Re-roll all failed wounds for your warlord. Simple. Effective, and allows you to make the most of the high number of high strength attacks your warlord can make. As a bonus, this also works with your ranged weapons, but is best avoided on characters who can already re-roll part of their wound rolls.
For when you don’t need your warlord to contest an objective, in exchange for your warlord not being able to take objectives they add 1 to their attacks characteristics and to their ranged weapons type.
6+D6” charge range instead of 2D6”, giving you an average charge range of 9.5” and a minimum range of 7”. Increases your reliability after deep striking and can be very easily buffed further.
May take a ranged weapon for free and adds 1 to their ranged hit rolls and ignores the penalties for advancing and firing all weapons. A bit meh when you consider that you could give your warlord dual melee weapons instead and throw them into melee.
Plus 2 attacks and movement of your warlords below half wounds. This will rarely activate as most of your characters will die before this activates unless they’re someone really tough, but it can also be utterly terrifying when that character your opponent thought was on their last legs is now in melee chopping them to pieces.
  • Master of Furious Flight
Plus 6” extra movement and gains the benefit of cover after advancing, but only if they can fly. One of the few purely mobility based traits, but it does allow your warlord to engage whatever target they choose.
  • Psychic Nutcase
Plus 2 to all psychic tests and knows and casts an extra power, but suffers perils on double 1’s, 2’s and 6’s. A high risk high reward trait, you will be suffering perils from doubles and rolling more than 12 very often, but you’ll also be casting some of the angry marines excellent powers far more often.

Psychic Powers

  • FUCK HEAT!!!
For WC 6 a unit with plasma weapons rerolls all failed hit rolls until your next psychic phase, even on overwatch. Angry marine plasma weapons are more powerful than normal, but are far more unstable, so the ability to avoid those fatal 1’s helps.
  • FFFFFFFF...!!!
WC 6 on an infantry unit, and they gain 1 attack, 2 if they’re outnumbered in melee, 3 if they’re outnumbered 2:1 in melee. You know that ork horde you just charged? Evaporated. Those hormogaunts? Annihilated. Best used on your tough units with melee weapons which normally suffer from a low attack count like the adamantium 2 by 4.

Specialist Detachments



  • Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa



Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant

Angry Captains

Angry Captain

Angry Captain in Terminator Armour

Angry Captain on Bike

Angry Chaplains

Angry Chaplain

Angry Chaplain on Bike

Black Brother Captain

Masters of Mindfuckery

Master of Mindfuckery

Master of Mindfuckery on Bike

Angry Apothecary

Angry Commissar

Special Characters

Angry Captain Satchel

Captain Bat Shit Insane

Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham (Angry Marines First and Only Primaris Captain)

Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin

Commissar Fuklaw

Cunt Pounder, the Angry Marines first Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought

Dick Haggard

Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Master of the Armoury

Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface

Sergeant Sky Shitter

Temperus Maximus

Chapter Master Temperus Maximus

Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed

The Guardians of Fury

The most dangerous infantry the angry marines have access to. Base they’re a unit (2-5 models) of cataphracti terminators (2+/4++, 4”, 2 attacks 3 wounds, half advance distances, ATSKNF and teleport strike) with the usual angry marine dressing (strength 5, 4+ ballistic skill, 2+ weapon skill and always angry). Things start getting interesting however with their weapons, first of which is a flamer (for horde clearance), second there’s power feet along with FUCK DOORS! FUCK TANKS! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!! for two extra attacks with power feet at the end of the first phase. By itself this would make them a bit underpowered, so each one of them gets a chain glaive for their main melee weapon, a two profile weapon

Reclusiarch Mofo