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I'm one of these 12 people, so here few more details for you.
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''This article is a work in progress so just cool your engines.''
''This article is a work in progress so just cool your engines.''
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''Our translators are working tirelessly to decode this text.''
''Our translators are working tirelessly to decode this text.''
''If you want to speed up the translation process, check out this thorough review of the game -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Ixq8V1MpFRQWVjQmFEeEticnc/view''
''If you want to speed up the translation process, check out this thorough review of the game -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Ixq8V1MpFRQWVjQmFEeEticnc/view''

VTNL is a Russian RPG that may be the usurper of [[FATAL|FATAL's]] claim to Worst Fucking Roleplaying Game Ever Made.  It was made by some lunatic who goes by the name Elenorn Maethor on the interwebz.  He claims he spent 14 years working on this piece of shit. Probably constipation, he should get that checked.
VTNL is a Russian RPG that may be the usurper of [[FATAL|FATAL's]] claim to Worst Fucking Roleplaying Game Ever Made.  It was made by some lunatic who goes by the name Elenorn Maethor on the interwebz.  He claims he spent 14 years working on this piece of shit. Probably constipation, he should get that checked.
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VTNL is as acronym for Via The New Legends, whatever the fuck that even means.
VTNL is as acronym for Via The New Legends, whatever the fuck that even means.

To give you a short glimpse on what this game is about, here's the translation of the "mission statement" from that book. Full quote:
To give you a short glimpse on what this game is about, here's the translation from that book.
“An important feature of the game is its rather strict set of rules. To avoid breaking the game balance, several limitations to what the players can do in this game are in place, and actions outside these limitations will probably fail. For example, in this game, when the players visit a store, they cannot steal items from it, or attack the vendor, because the rules of VTNL do not describe such actions. Same goes with dice rolls. This game follows very strict rules for rolling dice, and if they are not followed exactly, the roll doesn't count.
</blockquote>And this is just the beginning!

"An important feature of the game is its rather strict set of rules. To avoid breaking the game balance, several limitations to what the players can do in this game are in place, and actions outside these limitations will probably fail.
For example, in this game, when the players visit a store, they cannot steal items from it, or attack the vendor, because the rules of VTNL do not describe such actions.
Same goes with dice rolls. This game follows very strict rules for rolling dice, and if they are not followed exactly, the roll doesn't count.
Roleplaying isn't one of the lead elements in this game, and isn't necessary. Players can freely choose to formulate the personas of their characters and the only thing that has any impact on them is the player's chosen race. Immersion and roleplay depends on the choice of the player.
Because of the unique mechanics of the game, in the world of VTNL, adventures also basically generate themselves and "GM's artistic vision" is practically nonexistant in this game. Nobody of the people playing know the storyline, which makes the game incredibly entertaining and captivating."

And this is just the beginning!
“''Kreat'' – is a spherical planet rotated around the star called ''Norsa Loce'' which means Giant Dragon. At first there was only one continent on Kreat, surrounded by Great Ocean. And inside the continent there were a lot of small seas, lakes and rivers.
By when time has come, the world was destroyed in a horrifying calamity. The devastating explosion inside the planet cracked mountains, burnt forests, boiled down seas and splinted the ground, creating the biggest volcano on the planet – World's Crater. His peak is touching the clouds and erupting endless waves lava and ashes. Priests use to say that it was a war of Great Creatures, capable to control Nature's elements and called themselves Creators of Kreat.
The calamity has been lasting for centuries, and as the result most part of landmasses got under the water. This how continents and islands of modern Kreat were formed and new age – Age of Balance  – began. Games starts after five and half centuries from the beginning of the Age of Balance.”
Congratulations, you've just read the entire section from the book. The rest of setting bits is implies mind-numbingly generic fantasy with races ripped directly from Lord of The Rings. Author calls this “inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's work” and even dedicated this garbage to The Professor.


No one knows for sure how to play this.  The author claims he hasn't played an RPG in a decade and a half because he wanted this VTNL to be exactly like a videogame. He drew his autism - er, I mean - his ''inspiration'' from Diablo 1.
The author claims he hasn't played in any tabletop RPGs because they would interferer with his artistic vision. He drew his autism er, I mean his ''inspiration'' from Diablo 1 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

[[File:VTNL_desk_bell.png|300px|thumb|right|Ding dong your roll is wrong.]]
[[File:VTNL_desk_bell.png|300px|thumb|right|Ding dong your roll is wrong.]]

[[File: Vtnl_dice_field.jpg|300px|thumb|right|The dice box. Playing without the dicebox is [[Blam|heresy.]]]]
[[File: Vtnl_dice_field.jpg|300px|thumb|right|The mighty Dicefield. Playing without the Dicefield is a [[Blam|heresy.]]]]
The book contains 2 pages on rolling dice.  Hold up.  Let me be clear about this.  I don't mean two pages about what to roll and how to interpret the dice.  No, I mean two pages on how to physically pick the dice up and throw them.  Two pages.  These are not optional rules.  If you don't use the rules correctly, the author encourages GMs to beat the fuck out of the offending player.  I'm not making this shit up.  It's even outlined in one of the gameplay examples.
>This game follows very strict rules for rolling dice, and if they are not followed exactly, the roll doesn't count.
>The game recommends the use of classical casino dice, with a 16mm side.
>Players may use their own dice, but all dice in their collection must be of equal size and form - the only allowed difference of the dice is the color.
>Sharing dice with other players is strictly forbidden.

>All rolls are to be made on the dicefield only, and they are to be rolled only in the direction from the open, longer side towards the opposite border. Rolling over the wooden borders is forbidden.
The book contains 2 pages on rolling dice.  Hold up.  Let me be clear about this.  I don't mean two pages about what to roll and how to interpret the dice.  No, I mean two pages on how to physically pick the dice up and throw them. '''Two pages''' of mandatory rules, despite later author's claims. Here the list in it's full translated glory.
* Classic 16mm six-sided dice should be used during the game.
* Each participant may use his own dice, but all his dice must be the same (colour variation is allowed)
* The usage of "loaded"dice (with wrong sides, shifted centre of mass, changed symbols and so on) is strictly prohibited!
* During the dice roll it's strictly prohibited to use someone else dice. So, participants can't exchange or their dice with one another or borrow them for a roll.
* Dice must be thrown only on the Dicefield and only from the side without a border. Throws over the board of the Dicefield are forbidden. If there are too many participant, several Dicefields can be used.
* During the roll a surface of the Dicefield must be empty. If there was any foreign object (pencil or another die, for example) on the Dicefield during the roll, then the result is invalid. Foreign objects should be removed from the Dicefield before the new roll.
* Roll of 2d6 and 3d6 should be be performed with all dice thrown simultaneously. Any consecutive roll with two or more dice are invalid and should be re-rolled.
* Roll with incorrect amount of dice is invalid and should be re-rolled.
* After a dice roll all dice must remain on the Dicefield. If at least one die bounced away from the Dicefield, then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
* During a dice roll at least one die must touch any board of the Dicefield.
* During a dice roll at least one die must cross both lines on the Dicefield (by flying or by rolling over them).
* It's strictly forbidden to use "sliding roll", when dice doesn't roll and doesn’t bounce from boards of the Dicefield.
* If after a roll any die bounced from a foreign object back on the Dicefield, then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
* If after a roll any dice didn't fall on any of it's sides or is on a border of the Dicefield or on top of another die then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
* Before rolling dice, a participant must declare exact action which would be determined by the roll. For example, "I'm counting the amount of items", "I'm striking with my sword", "I'm running away" and so one. Silent roll can be neglected by GM or disputed by other participants.
* During the game participant can't perform "blank roll"(aimless dice roll). Every roll has a purpose and is a part of the game plot! After first blank roll, GM should warn participant about the restriction. In the future GM may penalized participants for blank rolls by putting a Cursed condition on the participant's character. Every participant who made a blank roll should be stigmatized!
* Before rolling dice, a participant should shake them in his hand. Rolls without shaking are considered as suspicious. It's NOT recommended to use cups or other devices for shaking.
* After a dice roll all dice should be removed from the Dicefield keeping rolled sides up until the next roll.
* In some cases dice roll can be performed by several participants. For example, when two players attempt an escape from a battle, they may roll three dice simultaneously (one player would roll two dice and another player would roll a die).
* If participants are uncertain about the correctness of a dice roll, then GM decides the validity of the result.
* Only rolls which satisfy all the rules above are valid for the purpose of the game. Once the roll considerer as valid it can't be re-rolled or altered!
Then rules defines terminology for types invalid rolls. Why? Who knows...
* Single Die Drop or Drop – When one die falls out of the Dicefield or misses it entirely.
* Double Drop – the fall of two dice.
* Full Drop or All Drop – the fall of all three dice.
* Shake Drop – the fall of one or more dice out of a hand during a shake and before the roll.
* Lost Drop – the fall and subsequent loss of one or more dice during the roll.
* Noob Die Losing – the fall and subsequent loss of one or more dice during the Shake Drop.

>You must make a roll by rolling all the dice together, rolling 2d6 or 3d6 (only multiple rolls in the book) cannot be made by rolling a single  dice multiple times.
“In some cases participants may perform drops far too frequently or even on purpose In order to maintain concentration on the game and to avoid unnecessary drops, it's recommended to use a rule: For each three consecutive drops of any kind the participant may be hit in a face...”

>After the roll, all the dice must remain on the dicefield. During the roll, at least a single dice must touch the opposite border, and at least a single dice must cross both lines on the dicefield, either while it's still in the air, while rolling.
...With the Dicefield, I guess. Now you might ask what is the Dicefield? This is a special block of wood with borders which is ''required'' to play in VTNL. What else is required? According the official site you will need the book itself, dice, a laptop, a desk bell (called “Bekar Button”), writing-books with grid paper, a calculator, pencils and the battle board. Now, let me explain why you would really need all these things to play.  

>It is strongly recommended to shake the dice in your hand for a short while before making a roll. Using dice cups is forbidden.
At first glance, VTNL is 200 pages of well illustrated heavy book with a nice hard cover. Player travels on a square grid, visiting towns, fighting monsters, seeking loot so one. Sounds like a hex crawler, right? Yeah, but…

>If a dice drops out of hand, while shaking it, then it's called a "Single Drop", if two dice fall out, it's a "Double Drop" and if all three fall out from the hand, it's a "Full Drop" There are also multiple types of drops: "Shake Drop" when the dice fall out of hand, while shaking them, "Lost Drop" when a dice falls on the floor and is subsequently lost, and "Noob die drop" when you manage to lose one or more dice, during a shake drop.
In general, VTNL system has three main game modes – Map mode, City mode and Combat mode.

>In case of a drop, all dice must be re-rolled. Some players might abuse this rule, committing intentional drops, so I propose another house rule - if a player drops his dice more than three times per session, each other time there is a drop, the GM should punch the player in the face.
In Map mode players travels from one square to another with limited amount of movement points. They roll to see what they encountered on their way and awaits them in the square. Upon entering the square they gain experience points, if they never visit this square before, and proceed according to the type of the square. However, when they leave a square, it would evaporates in a puff of smoke, unless a player left their something valuable like, quote, «pets, a bicycle or character's dead body». This means that once player discovered an abandoned hut in a square he mostly like won't find it again on his way back. Also players can moves independently from one another to increase overall midefuck on the map.  

You will need a desk bell to play this.  The kind you ding when you need help at a store and no one is around. <strike>Every time you buy something in the game, players will bang this little bell</strike>. That would make at least some sense, but according to rulebook: "Ringing bell stops defining of current item and signals start of defining of next item. Players should follow golden rule: do not ring without reason!" You think we're making this shit up but we swear, we are not. Which is sad.
If a player finds a town, the game enters in City Mode. Player rolls to see whom he will find in the town – quest givers, shopkeepers, innkeepers and trainers. Just like in Map mode, player would have a limited amount of movement points to visit some of them and gain new items, skill or quests. Naturally, the rest of the town in the same place where visited location are – in the author's ignorance.  
Usual dialogue with a shopkeeper will look like this:
You can buy dice field and dices in VTNL shop (once it opens, "soon" probably means in this decade). No desk bell in stock yet.

The system uses a bizarre grid-based inventory/encumbrance system, which you may remember as your least favorite aspect of your favorite CRPG or Dungeoncrawler. It also forces you to always count both arms as full while riding a horse, preventing PCs from using mounted archery. Russians are ''still'' butthurt over the Turco-[[Mongols|Mongolian]] invasions.
GM: Greeting, Traveller! I'm the Shopkeeper! I sell weapons. Currently, I have 1d6+3 swords in stock. Would you like to see them?
Player: Yes, show me your swords. ''(rolls to determine exact amount of swords)''
GM: Alrighty then, I have 6 swords. Do you have enough money to buy any of them?
Player: Yes, show me the first sword. ''(rolls to determiner a sword)''
GM: ''(reads from laptop's screen)'' This simple common longsword…
Player: Next! ''(hits desk bell to skip the item and rolls to determiner next sword)''
GM: ''(reads from laptop's screen)'' This is common short sword...
Player: Not interested! Next sword, please! ''(hits desk bell to skip the item and rolls to determiner next sword)''
GM: ''(reads from laptop's screen)'' Oh, this one is rare longsword with…
Player: Yep, I would like to inspect this sword. ''(player rolls to determiner more about the sword)''

Player keeps all his items in the Inventory, which look like a paper doll from Heroes of Might and Magic with an additional set of numbered pockets. But most of the time character may hold only weapons in his hands. If he is on a horse, the he can't hold anything in his hands at all. And at the start of the combat he drops anything in his hands in order to draw his weapon. And speaking of combat...

The setting is on a planet called Kreat. The sun is called The Great Dragon. A long time ago a volcano boiled the sea and then there was an ice age and some continental drift. All this happened for unspecified reasons. And that's it. That's all we really know. A paragraph or so on geological history and a friendly reminder that planets are spheroids.
If visited square is not a town or players encountered somebody on the way, then, most likely, game would enter Combat mode. This mode uses separate blank board with, you guess it, squares! Again, player have several point to Move, Shoot, Slash or Flee. During the combat player performs listed actions with various rolls from 2d6 to ((1d6/2)+16)*10+(2d6-2) with additional bonus or penalty points. These points are computed by divining character's attribute dividend by 20 and rounded up. That's it. And I said “blank board” intentionally since there are no rules for terrain effects.

Textual evidence suggests that there are humans, gnomes who love crossbows so much they can be driven to tears upon seeing a particularly beautiful specimen, orcs, and half-orcs - here called uruks.
So, aside from these three main activities players can't do anything else. There is even no generic action/task resolution mechanics. However, player goes through all this with constant bookkeeping of EVERYTHING! I mean ''literally'' EVERY THING! The book has '''24 pages''' with detailed explanation about how to record every step and every bloody aspect in a writing-book.
Wew lads.


Roleplaying is not important when playing VTNL. I'm not saying that to insult this game.  The designer himself said it.
First of all, VTNL considers any role-play as optional.
''>Roleplaying isn't one of the lead elements in this game, and isn't necessary. Players can freely choose to formulate the personas of their characters and the only thing that has any impact on them is the player's chosen race. Immersion and roleplay depends on the choice of the player.''
To summarize so far: Roleplaying is optional. Punching people in the mouth is optional. What you roll your dice on is NOT OPTIONAL.

Closest thing to roleplay among given examples is showing middle finger to sleeping city guard.
“Roleplaying in the game is not a core component. Player can freely choose to formulate character's persona and the only thing that has minor impact on this is the player's chosen race. The roleplay and the immersion in the game world are depends from player's style only. Innovative mechanics in VTNL generate adventures on it's own and almost completely excludes any form of «GM's fiat». Nobody among participants knows what will happen next, which makes the game more exciting and compelling.

==Random Encounters==
Second, VTNL is a game where both GM and player can't do anything unless otherwise stated in the rules. You want to steal something in a shop? You can't! You want to visit a living district and speak with locals? Nope, you can visit only specific areas. You want to give players interesting item as a reward? No you can't, ''even if you are the GM''! Various examples in the book with not tongue-in-cheek but middle-finger-in-a-butt humour only confirms the fact that the author somehow managed to dump the tabletop roleplaying experience down to the level of a primitive roguelike. NPC server only their gameplay functions, monsters are meant to be killed and items with locations are dictated by various tables, called Registers.

The game uses a square-based global map (kinda like Baldur's Gate).  ALL encounters in the wilderness are random.  You can't meet anyone in the world right now but it doesn't matter, because the rulebook states:
This explains such ''rich'' character creation process. Player chooses starting class (Warrior, Berserk, Athlete, Archer, Knight or Defender) and ''may'' choose a race. Each class grants bonuses to three out of eight attributes:
>All visited non-city, non-village squares reset, after the players have left them, they exist only for so long, while the PCs are in that location.
If a party finds a cave full of bugbears and then leaves that map square to return later, that cave probably won't still be there.  The NPCs they met in the cave won't be there.
The only thing you will find in that square is a new random encounter and a major existential mindfuck. Does reality exist only for the heroes in this world?  Are the PCs aware of this?  Are these squares quickly shifting in and out of a trillion nearly identical alternate realities?

It also bears mentioning that the table to generate these random wilderness encounters DO NOT APPEAR IN THE BOOK. Because of course they don'tWhich leads us right into the next problem with this game...
* Attack – proficiency in melee weapons.
* Strength – physical power.
* Archery – proficiency in ranged weapons.
* Dexterity – mobility which affects movement, combat initiative and wielding of some weapons.
* Defense – ability to dodge physical attacks.
* Vitality – amount of hit points.
* Wizardry – proficiency in spells.
* Spirituality – amount of magical power (mana, anyone?).

Since the book states that magic isn't quite there yet, this means only six attributes makes sense. Player may take up to two classes during the game, but he can't change them. Each level will increase character's attributes according to chosen class(-es). That's all the character's progression has to offer. Additionally, up to eight Riding, Fighting, Special and Utility skills can be learned in cities, but only once per city. Skill can be leveled up with PTD points (rules dosn't bother to explain what PTD stands for) or by using one-time guidebooks. I think character simply eats them instead of a reading.

There are a few expansions promised. We can all look forward to a book on magic and a book on equipment.  Did I forget to mention?  All characters have a Wizardry skill but there are no rules for magic.  As for equipment?  The book does not have any tables for gear.  Go ahead and re-read that again if you need to. This book has no gear.  You will need to buy a separate book for that and the book doesn't even exist yet.  Seeing as how it took him 14 years to make this busted-ass book, we might be waiting a while.
But VTNL is innovative game, remember? So, each character has birthday date and in this day he would gain (3d6+2)*10 experience points along with 1 PTD. Also a character may have Followers, which also have birthday dates, attributes, skill, experience points, inventory and additional bookkeeping. See, innovations!

According to author, to play this game, you also need access to "game area" on his website (not available now, of course), which will contain "hypertext components of the game".
==Future is here!==

On the other hand, I guess we should be thankful that it isn't same-day DLC.
Sarcasm aside, this game truly innovates in one thing. This is the first commercial tabletop role-playing game which adopts the most cutting edge principals from major digital games publishers. You may notice that VTNL randomize a lot of thing (in fact, everything) for a players and GM because this «makes the game more exciting and compelling». But you won't find any random tables inside the book or any app to install on your laptop. This book is 30$ instruction manual for a paid access to currently unavailable section on the official site with all Registers you need to play, including list of character's skills. You also must buy the Dicefield for 15$, and don't forget to get a box of writing-books as well as a deck bell from nearest hotel. Feel the amount innovations below your back?


Revision as of 18:42, 3 March 2016

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This article is a work in progress so just cool your engines. The game is written in a dead language called "Russian" that only 12 people on earth actually speak. Our translators are working tirelessly to decode this text. If you want to speed up the translation process, check out this thorough review of the game -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Ixq8V1MpFRQWVjQmFEeEticnc/view

VTNL is a Russian RPG that may be the usurper of FATAL's claim to Worst Fucking Roleplaying Game Ever Made. It was made by some lunatic who goes by the name Elenorn Maethor on the interwebz. He claims he spent 14 years working on this piece of shit. Probably constipation, he should get that checked.

VTNL is as acronym for Via The New Legends, whatever the fuck that even means.

To give you a short glimpse on what this game is about, here's the translation from that book.

“An important feature of the game is its rather strict set of rules. To avoid breaking the game balance, several limitations to what the players can do in this game are in place, and actions outside these limitations will probably fail. For example, in this game, when the players visit a store, they cannot steal items from it, or attack the vendor, because the rules of VTNL do not describe such actions. Same goes with dice rolls. This game follows very strict rules for rolling dice, and if they are not followed exactly, the roll doesn't count.”

And this is just the beginning!


Kreat – is a spherical planet rotated around the star called Norsa Loce which means Giant Dragon. At first there was only one continent on Kreat, surrounded by Great Ocean. And inside the continent there were a lot of small seas, lakes and rivers. By when time has come, the world was destroyed in a horrifying calamity. The devastating explosion inside the planet cracked mountains, burnt forests, boiled down seas and splinted the ground, creating the biggest volcano on the planet – World's Crater. His peak is touching the clouds and erupting endless waves lava and ashes. Priests use to say that it was a war of Great Creatures, capable to control Nature's elements and called themselves Creators of Kreat. The calamity has been lasting for centuries, and as the result most part of landmasses got under the water. This how continents and islands of modern Kreat were formed and new age – Age of Balance – began. Games starts after five and half centuries from the beginning of the Age of Balance.”

Congratulations, you've just read the entire section from the book. The rest of setting bits is implies mind-numbingly generic fantasy with races ripped directly from Lord of The Rings. Author calls this “inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's work” and even dedicated this garbage to The Professor.


The author claims he hasn't played in any tabletop RPGs because they would interferer with his artistic vision. He drew his autism – er, I mean – his inspiration from Diablo 1 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

Ding dong your roll is wrong.
The mighty Dicefield. Playing without the Dicefield is a heresy.

The book contains 2 pages on rolling dice. Hold up. Let me be clear about this. I don't mean two pages about what to roll and how to interpret the dice. No, I mean two pages on how to physically pick the dice up and throw them. Two pages of mandatory rules, despite later author's claims. Here the list in it's full translated glory.

  • Classic 16mm six-sided dice should be used during the game.
  • Each participant may use his own dice, but all his dice must be the same (colour variation is allowed)
  • The usage of "loaded"dice (with wrong sides, shifted centre of mass, changed symbols and so on) is strictly prohibited!
  • During the dice roll it's strictly prohibited to use someone else dice. So, participants can't exchange or their dice with one another or borrow them for a roll.
  • Dice must be thrown only on the Dicefield and only from the side without a border. Throws over the board of the Dicefield are forbidden. If there are too many participant, several Dicefields can be used.
  • During the roll a surface of the Dicefield must be empty. If there was any foreign object (pencil or another die, for example) on the Dicefield during the roll, then the result is invalid. Foreign objects should be removed from the Dicefield before the new roll.
  • Roll of 2d6 and 3d6 should be be performed with all dice thrown simultaneously. Any consecutive roll with two or more dice are invalid and should be re-rolled.
  • Roll with incorrect amount of dice is invalid and should be re-rolled.
  • After a dice roll all dice must remain on the Dicefield. If at least one die bounced away from the Dicefield, then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
  • During a dice roll at least one die must touch any board of the Dicefield.
  • During a dice roll at least one die must cross both lines on the Dicefield (by flying or by rolling over them).
  • It's strictly forbidden to use "sliding roll", when dice doesn't roll and doesn’t bounce from boards of the Dicefield.
  • If after a roll any die bounced from a foreign object back on the Dicefield, then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
  • If after a roll any dice didn't fall on any of it's sides or is on a border of the Dicefield or on top of another die then the result is invalid and should be re-rolled.
  • Before rolling dice, a participant must declare exact action which would be determined by the roll. For example, "I'm counting the amount of items", "I'm striking with my sword", "I'm running away" and so one. Silent roll can be neglected by GM or disputed by other participants.
  • During the game participant can't perform "blank roll"(aimless dice roll). Every roll has a purpose and is a part of the game plot! After first blank roll, GM should warn participant about the restriction. In the future GM may penalized participants for blank rolls by putting a Cursed condition on the participant's character. Every participant who made a blank roll should be stigmatized!
  • Before rolling dice, a participant should shake them in his hand. Rolls without shaking are considered as suspicious. It's NOT recommended to use cups or other devices for shaking.
  • After a dice roll all dice should be removed from the Dicefield keeping rolled sides up until the next roll.
  • In some cases dice roll can be performed by several participants. For example, when two players attempt an escape from a battle, they may roll three dice simultaneously (one player would roll two dice and another player would roll a die).
  • If participants are uncertain about the correctness of a dice roll, then GM decides the validity of the result.
  • Only rolls which satisfy all the rules above are valid for the purpose of the game. Once the roll considerer as valid it can't be re-rolled or altered!

Then rules defines terminology for types invalid rolls. Why? Who knows...

  • Single Die Drop or Drop – When one die falls out of the Dicefield or misses it entirely.
  • Double Drop – the fall of two dice.
  • Full Drop or All Drop – the fall of all three dice.
  • Shake Drop – the fall of one or more dice out of a hand during a shake and before the roll.
  • Lost Drop – the fall and subsequent loss of one or more dice during the roll.
  • Noob Die Losing – the fall and subsequent loss of one or more dice during the Shake Drop.

“In some cases participants may perform drops far too frequently or even on purpose In order to maintain concentration on the game and to avoid unnecessary drops, it's recommended to use a rule: For each three consecutive drops of any kind the participant may be hit in a face...”

...With the Dicefield, I guess. Now you might ask what is the Dicefield? This is a special block of wood with borders which is required to play in VTNL. What else is required? According the official site you will need the book itself, dice, a laptop, a desk bell (called “Bekar Button”), writing-books with grid paper, a calculator, pencils and the battle board. Now, let me explain why you would really need all these things to play.

At first glance, VTNL is 200 pages of well illustrated heavy book with a nice hard cover. Player travels on a square grid, visiting towns, fighting monsters, seeking loot so one. Sounds like a hex crawler, right? Yeah, but…

In general, VTNL system has three main game modes – Map mode, City mode and Combat mode.

In Map mode players travels from one square to another with limited amount of movement points. They roll to see what they encountered on their way and awaits them in the square. Upon entering the square they gain experience points, if they never visit this square before, and proceed according to the type of the square. However, when they leave a square, it would evaporates in a puff of smoke, unless a player left their something valuable like, quote, «pets, a bicycle or character's dead body». This means that once player discovered an abandoned hut in a square he mostly like won't find it again on his way back. Also players can moves independently from one another to increase overall midefuck on the map.

If a player finds a town, the game enters in City Mode. Player rolls to see whom he will find in the town – quest givers, shopkeepers, innkeepers and trainers. Just like in Map mode, player would have a limited amount of movement points to visit some of them and gain new items, skill or quests. Naturally, the rest of the town in the same place where visited location are – in the author's ignorance. Usual dialogue with a shopkeeper will look like this:

GM: Greeting, Traveller! I'm the Shopkeeper! I sell weapons. Currently, I have 1d6+3 swords in stock. Would you like to see them? Player: Yes, show me your swords. (rolls to determine exact amount of swords) GM: Alrighty then, I have 6 swords. Do you have enough money to buy any of them? Player: Yes, show me the first sword. (rolls to determiner a sword) GM: (reads from laptop's screen) This simple common longsword… Player: Next! (hits desk bell to skip the item and rolls to determiner next sword) GM: (reads from laptop's screen) This is common short sword... Player: Not interested! Next sword, please! (hits desk bell to skip the item and rolls to determiner next sword) GM: (reads from laptop's screen) Oh, this one is rare longsword with… Player: Yep, I would like to inspect this sword. (player rolls to determiner more about the sword)

Player keeps all his items in the Inventory, which look like a paper doll from Heroes of Might and Magic with an additional set of numbered pockets. But most of the time character may hold only weapons in his hands. If he is on a horse, the he can't hold anything in his hands at all. And at the start of the combat he drops anything in his hands in order to draw his weapon. And speaking of combat...

If visited square is not a town or players encountered somebody on the way, then, most likely, game would enter Combat mode. This mode uses separate blank board with, you guess it, squares! Again, player have several point to Move, Shoot, Slash or Flee. During the combat player performs listed actions with various rolls from 2d6 to ((1d6/2)+16)*10+(2d6-2) with additional bonus or penalty points. These points are computed by divining character's attribute dividend by 20 and rounded up. That's it. And I said “blank board” intentionally since there are no rules for terrain effects.

So, aside from these three main activities players can't do anything else. There is even no generic action/task resolution mechanics. However, player goes through all this with constant bookkeeping of EVERYTHING! I mean literally EVERY THING! The book has 24 pages with detailed explanation about how to record every step and every bloody aspect in a writing-book.


First of all, VTNL considers any role-play as optional.

“Roleplaying in the game is not a core component. Player can freely choose to formulate character's persona and the only thing that has minor impact on this is the player's chosen race. The roleplay and the immersion in the game world are depends from player's style only. Innovative mechanics in VTNL generate adventures on it's own and almost completely excludes any form of «GM's fiat». Nobody among participants knows what will happen next, which makes the game more exciting and compelling.”

Second, VTNL is a game where both GM and player can't do anything unless otherwise stated in the rules. You want to steal something in a shop? You can't! You want to visit a living district and speak with locals? Nope, you can visit only specific areas. You want to give players interesting item as a reward? No you can't, even if you are the GM! Various examples in the book with not tongue-in-cheek but middle-finger-in-a-butt humour only confirms the fact that the author somehow managed to dump the tabletop roleplaying experience down to the level of a primitive roguelike. NPC server only their gameplay functions, monsters are meant to be killed and items with locations are dictated by various tables, called Registers.

This explains such rich character creation process. Player chooses starting class (Warrior, Berserk, Athlete, Archer, Knight or Defender) and may choose a race. Each class grants bonuses to three out of eight attributes:

  • Attack – proficiency in melee weapons.
  • Strength – physical power.
  • Archery – proficiency in ranged weapons.
  • Dexterity – mobility which affects movement, combat initiative and wielding of some weapons.
  • Defense – ability to dodge physical attacks.
  • Vitality – amount of hit points.
  • Wizardry – proficiency in spells.
  • Spirituality – amount of magical power (mana, anyone?).

Since the book states that magic isn't quite there yet, this means only six attributes makes sense. Player may take up to two classes during the game, but he can't change them. Each level will increase character's attributes according to chosen class(-es). That's all the character's progression has to offer. Additionally, up to eight Riding, Fighting, Special and Utility skills can be learned in cities, but only once per city. Skill can be leveled up with PTD points (rules dosn't bother to explain what PTD stands for) or by using one-time guidebooks. I think character simply eats them instead of a reading.

But VTNL is innovative game, remember? So, each character has birthday date and in this day he would gain (3d6+2)*10 experience points along with 1 PTD. Also a character may have Followers, which also have birthday dates, attributes, skill, experience points, inventory and additional bookkeeping. See, innovations!

Future is here!

Sarcasm aside, this game truly innovates in one thing. This is the first commercial tabletop role-playing game which adopts the most cutting edge principals from major digital games publishers. You may notice that VTNL randomize a lot of thing (in fact, everything) for a players and GM because this «makes the game more exciting and compelling». But you won't find any random tables inside the book or any app to install on your laptop. This book is 30$ instruction manual for a paid access to currently unavailable section on the official site with all Registers you need to play, including list of character's skills. You also must buy the Dicefield for 15$, and don't forget to get a box of writing-books as well as a deck bell from nearest hotel. Feel the amount innovations below your back?