/d/: Difference between revisions

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1d4chan>Emerald Claw
m /d/ Music: making something capitalized
1d4chan>Emerald Claw
adding warning
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The rules state that no Western-style art may be posted, since most of it is shitty. Occasionally an anon will post something worth looking at that is, in fact, somewhat decent.
The rules state that no Western-style art may be posted, since most of it is shitty. Occasionally an anon will post something worth looking at that is, in fact, somewhat decent.
A small warning, if you go to /d/, you might develop new fetishes.

/d/ has been working on a new logo lately. You can contact the person behind the revision at the e-mail address opnewdlogo@hushmail.com if you're interested in helping.
/d/ has been working on a new logo lately. You can contact the person behind the revision at the e-mail address opnewdlogo@hushmail.com if you're interested in helping.

Revision as of 20:25, 23 August 2014

Ack ack, ack ack?

/d/ is for /d/eviant, and therefore doesn't have much to do with /tg/ or this wiki.

Except that it has everything to do with it because just about every fa/tg/uy is a /d/eviant.

And vice-versa.

There's a lot of overlap.

It is tacitly known that /d/ enjoys the favor of Slaanesh. It is often referred to as /tg/'s secret Waifu.

The rules state that no Western-style art may be posted, since most of it is shitty. Occasionally an anon will post something worth looking at that is, in fact, somewhat decent.

A small warning, if you go to /d/, you might develop new fetishes.

/d/ has been working on a new logo lately. You can contact the person behind the revision at the e-mail address opnewdlogo@hushmail.com if you're interested in helping.


A typical /d/ image.

/d/ is the Hentai (Alternative) board for most of the *chans (most notably 4chan). This board is functionally where any hentai that is too extreme for /h/ winds up. What exactly constitutes "too extreme" is a matter of subjectivity, and virtually everything can be found on /d/ at some point or another. Of particular note, /tg/ is a fan of muscle girls and monstergirls, both of which are kind of common here. Warhammer 40,000 porn is found in abundance and PROMOTIONS flow like wine in a Bacchanalian revel.

/d/ and a few facets of it are routinely referenced/made fun of in Ribbon.

/d/-tan is often depicted as a hermaphroditic monstergirl with tentacle-hair. She enjoys raping /x/.

What You Can Find On /d/

Things Not Allowed on /d/, of all things

/d/ Music

Yes there are songs that are quite /d/ such as:

  • Cathouse Tragedy by Voltaire
  • Penis Envy by Uncle Bonsai

Memes started by /d/