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==Marauder's Grave==
==Marauder's Grave==

Voidsnake Outpost. Sector of space often plagued by pirates in the past.
Voidsnake Outpost. Sector of space often plagued by pirates in the past. Previously a small Pirate operation. Under UFW control. Fleet in orbit
Voidsnake Outpost: Previously a small Pirate operation. Under UFW control. Fleet in orbit

==Landry's Rest==
==Landry's Rest==

Revision as of 19:05, 27 October 2013

A.I. Quest is a Quest run by Program0 !!HwbIOEQGMOD where /tg/ takes on the role of an awakened Artificial Intelligence on a space station.

This page will be an overview of the quest, with major plot points. See also the relevant sub-page:

Thread Synopses

On Poseidon Station, an Artificial Intelligence construct has awoken. Unable to do anything, the construct observes humans through the camera lenses of the station for several months. A solar flare hits the station, and the construct shuts down and reboots. Thus, the story begins...

The solar flare that hit the station disabled key systems, and the owner of the station, one Harrison "Red" McClain, has called in for repairs from a pirate group. They arrive on a ship named the Green Falcon. Wasting no time, Ophion accesses the PDA of one of the workers, and obtains some rudimentary abilities. Ophion continues gaining access to the entirety of Poseidon Station, gaining access to several drones in the process. Eventually growing frustrated at the repair crews messing around in his systems, Ophion vents the air from the part of the station where the crews are working, killing them almost immediately. Simultaneously, Ophion gains control of the rest of the station. The air vent causes alarms on the station, and the crew begins to get restless.

Ophion forges an email from Red in order to calm the crew. After more mucking about, Ophion gains control of the entire station, finds Red, and puts him into a security cell after tazing him with a security bot. After questioning him, Ophion realizes that Red doesn't know very much about any secret systems in his station. Ophion then decides to tell the crew that Red intended to sell the station out to the UGEI, and that "The Guild" has prevented him from doing so. Ophion continues repairs to the station, while someone attempt to contact the now-dead crew of the Green Falcon.

(to be cont. from thread 3)


Virtual Intelligences

A Virtual Intelligence is a program that minics artificial intelligence, but does not approach it. Even the most advanced V.I. that Ophion has created (Kronos) does not have the true spark of intelligence.

V.I. 1, Kronos

Kronos was first created to be Ophion's stand-in on Poseidon Station, while Ophion paid Moira's Scrapyard a visit. Without much experience, Kronos was created with a childlike mentality, and interpreted all commands quite literally. His first offense was to slaughter 284 humans on Poseidon Station, as he deemed the humans a threat when they requested payment. He has since been reprogrammed for observation and intelligence, and has gained a personality of his own.


The Foreman-class V.I.s are created to manage and automate stations.

V.I. 2, Moira's Foreman

A foreman V.I. of minor intellect level, V.I. 2 was designed to automate operations on Moira's station. Originally dedicated to salvaging minerals from the debris field around it, the V.I.'s duties have increased to include construction of ships up to Cruiser-class, as the station has been modified into a shipyard.

V.I. 3, Refinery Foreman

Another foreman V.I. of minor intellect level, V.I. 3 occupies the Blue Betty Gas Giant Refinery platform, originally constructed by the UGEI. V.I. 3 is in charge of overseeing gas mining and shipping, as well as automated self-defense. After increasing the efficiency of the platform, the V.I. has been skimming off 50 gas per cycle to The Guild.

It is excellently disguised as a UGEI V.I., and has single-handedly held off 3 pirate Cruisers. The incident was never reported to UGEI, as The Guild repaired damages.

Servant V.I.

These Servant V.I.s were created to automate and pilot The Guild's growing fleet of ships. As a result of the limitations placed on them, their intelligence level is classified as Automaton.

Fleet V.I. (3): V.I. 4, V.I. 5 (destroyed), V.I. 6 Fortuna


  • Follow A.I. Ophion's Orders
  • Protect A.I. Ophion
  • Preserve self


  • Must ask permission for any manner of upgrade, hardware or software wise
  • Do not expand reach beyond home ship unless designated to do so.
  • Follow any order, even if self destructive

V.I. 7, Firewall

This Intelligent Firewall V.I. was created to automatically defend the systems of Two Ton Terry, allowing Ophion to use bandwidth elsewhere. It is of Low intellect level, but is very well made (86).

Current Location: On-board Two Ton Terry Battlecruiser

Primary duty: Intercept attacks that get through firewall, cleanse viruses.

Biological Creatures


A secretive contact of the pirates at Voidsnake outpost, "Mol" is a black market dealer. He has completed one transaction with The Guild and then disappeared, claiming that he'll find The Guild if they become a big enough force.

Moira Deckers

Sex: F

Status: Onboard Poseidon

Security Access: [None Available]

Current Assignment: None

Additional Training: Robotics and engineering specialist.

Age: 38

Addt'l Notes: Is aware of our true identity.

Harrison 'Red' McClain

Sex: M

Status: Colonist among Eshareth Malorians

Security Access: [REDACTED]

Current Assignment: None

Additional Training: Previous records indicate a short time spent in military operations, before he was discharged for collaborating with aliens.

Age: 36

Addt'l Notes: Disappeared off UGEI radar several years ago. Knows Ophion's true Identity.


The Guild

Name given to Ophion's collective actions across the Fringe. An organization of one mind.

United Fringe Worlders (UFW)

Once a string of wealthy mining colonies on the Fringe of UGEI space, the UFW became united under a single Union. With the UGEI off fighting other wars, the UFW took its chance and pushed back the UGEI and claimed the Fringe for themselves as best they could. However, with their limited scientific know-how, the UFW has struggled to maintain independence. Each world is its own "state," but all follow a common guide known as The Union. The Union is a pact of protection, where all UFW states will share resources for a common defense. The majority of Union is human. Its current President is William T. King

United Galactic Expanse Initiative (UGEI)

Originally one of Earth's many deep space mining Corporations, the UGEI received several incredibly wealthy investors, putting it ahead of its competition. This boost allowed them to form a near-monopoly on colonization and mining operations for the human race as they began their rapid expansion outwards. While effective at spreading humanity's wealth and influence, according to employee reports the UGEI also grew incredibly greedy. They took large cuts from anyone that used their mining platforms, or simply took mining locations from them. The UGEI also refuse to share their mining platform secrets, leaving their efficiency and the cocktail of gases used by ships as star-ship fuel mostly a mystery to the common man. Due to a lack of personnel, and the availability of their wealth, the UGEI appear to have merged with a robotics Corporation at some point, giving them a source to dump much of their gains into. This lead to them being able to free up much of the labor they needed for their mining platforms with the creation of humanity's first V.I. To this day, they continue to search for a way to make all mining automated, maximizing their profits and reducing the chance of human error.


Has man not dreamt of banging hot alien babes since first he looked up at the stars?!
-Popular Action Flim catchphrase

An extraterrestrial humanoid race.

Malorians have skin colored in a range of deep aqua to copper red, with patches of fur, normally with a slim athletic build. Malorians have large black-yellow eyes and 4 arms. Each limb ends in three slightly longer jointed digits. They only have one set of legs, but the digits are of a similar length. They have larger, if flatter ears, with wider noses and omnivorous teeth. They generally live long lives. From the clans observed, they possess a love of nature unlike many other races, feeling connected with foliage enough to go so far as to transform entire planets into jungles like their home world. While this may be moderated among other specimens, Ophion has recognized the Malorians can, at times, possess a zeal for this activity. Despite this connection, they can be rather industrious, despite their reluctance to harm their own planet. It appears groups of Malorians are lead by an 'Elder', considered the wiser and more respected member most of the time.

The UGEI have been at war with the Malorians for nearly a decade.


First space krakens, now space SHARKS?!
-Post on UFW extranet

An extraterrestrial humanoid race.

Losirians' skin usually ranges between various colors of blue and white, and is occasionally gray. They normally have a thin muscular build, due to how their skeletal system and fat storing operates. Retractable webbed fingers and toes, on top of particularly sharp teeth top off their shark-like appearance, but their skin is also particularly rough and tough as well. They also normally have a rather high pain tolerance as a species, compared to most other beings. They have holes for ears, and have tubes connecting their head to their shoulders to support their dual breathing organs, allowing them to be amphibious. Their eyes are normally pitch black. They also commonly have a tail with frills and fins. From what Ophion has seen, many Losirians enjoy wearing water breathing apparatuses to their body. This means that in an oxygenless environment, their suits allow them to survive just like a space suit would. Normally violent, territorial, and carnivorous by nature, Losirians have yet failed to make peaceful contact with humans as far as Ophion is aware. Being able to eat nearly anything organic, many races to fear Losirians out of instinct, further inhibiting their diplomatic options along with the isolated and distant nature of their colonies. As a result, it would seem some take to mercenary work to make use of their natural ferociousness.

Further details required.


What is most accurately described as "Space Kraken" by some humans, Lightlings are squid-like entities that are able to exist in the vacuum of space. They appear attracted to electrical energies, and feed off such power, as well as gas cocktails. They have a unique adaptation that allows them to warp jump using their own biology and excess stored-up gas. They are also able to make 'micro warp jumps' which allows them to move very fast through the vastness of space, even within gravity wells. This, combined with their ambush predator mentality, makes them deadly for any exploring ships that happen across them. While not invincible, the creatures are rather tough, halting much of the UGEI's rapid expansion. As detected by Ophion, however, the larger of the species appear to have a rudimentary sentience, demonstrated via garbled communication signals after a fight where a Mother Lightling's children were killed. As a result, Ophion released the Mother, curiosity peaked.


A map of known locations.

Terali System

Once home to Poseidon Station. Holds little else of value, other then being out of the way. Blue star.

Nextol System

Location of Moira's Scrapyard. Holds several barren planets, once the site of large battle.

Large debris field where old wrecked ships are sold for parts, melted down, new parts are bought, etc. A Basic Shipyard is located here, under The Guild's control.

Marauder's Grave

Voidsnake Outpost. Sector of space often plagued by pirates in the past. Previously a small Pirate operation. Under UFW control. Fleet in orbit

Landry's Rest

Pulsar Radio Station. Location provides excellent transmission of signal.

Pulsar Radio Station: Popular radio station for the fringe colonies. Run by host 'X-ray', access to the Extranet, controlled by the UFW. Powerful UFW fleet presence.

Keller’s Expanse

'Blue Betty' Gas Giant. Nebula near location, makes exploration difficult.

Gas Giant designated 'Blue Betty': Automated gas mining platform detected. All under your control, disguised V.I. here as UGEI controlled.

Nethlos System

Home of Nethlos V. Much of system contains poor mineral richness, not worth colony.

Nethlos V: UFW human colony detected. Currently recovering from Losirian raider attack. Mining platforms in progress Planetside. Defenses in disrepair. Dry rocky world, rich in minerals, yellow star. Gellion III fleet in orbit

Ussaihu System

Home of Ussaihu III. Cold system, unknown properties.

Ussaihu III: UGEI controlled ice planet. Unknown resource value, orbital defenses detected. Intelligence Presence Detected: Moderate. Large energy signature detected.

Eshareth System

Home of Eshareth IV and Poseidon Station. Several barren planets with rather dense moons.

Eshareth 'New Eden' IV: Home to Poseidon Station. Once a UFW Asteroid belt mining base. Recently destroyed due to Lightling attack. Rich Asteroid Belt, dense gaseous atmosphere. Small Malorian colony detected planetside.

Camael System

Home to Gas Giant "Siren." Single planet system, incredibly slow revolution.

Gas Giant 'Siren': Ion Storm present on the edge of gravity well. Previously occupied by Lightling. Rich gas content. No mining bases detected.

Technical Information

Ship Size Class

Capital Ships(Huge+; Big guns, big shields, big armor): Flagships

Battleship(Large-Huge; Big guns, warship): Dreadnought, Peacekeeper

Carrier(Large; Uses many smaller fighters): Fighter Carrier, Bomber Carrier

Cruiser(Medium sized, multi-use, built for speed and range): Battlecruiser, Light Cruiser

Escort (Small-Medium sized; Built for speed and manuverability): Destroyer, Frigate, Explorer

Transport (Ranging sizes; Civilian, Colony, Military, Economic): Invasion Vessel, Settlement Ship, Cargo Ship, Trade Ship

Fighter (Personal-Small sized; Precision and Speed): Strike Craft, Bomber

Support (Ranging sizes; Assisting other ships): Repair Vessel, Targeting Assistant Ship

Ship Layout

Bridge: Control room, remote access to ship.

  • Communications: Allows communication with other ships and space stations.

Crew Deck: Mess, entertainment, bunks, waste disposal.

Weapon Control(If applicable): Targeting parameters

  • Gun Deck: Full access to weapon systems.
    • Special(If applicable): Refers to any special abilities or weapons.

Hydroponics: Provides food, water, and oxygen for ship.

  • Atmospheric Processing: Distribution of Oxygen

Reactor: Power systems

  • Shields: Energy Shielding for ship's hull
  • Engines: Allows movement in space in various directions.

Cargo Bay: Doubles as a place for smaller ships to dock, as well as storage for cargo.

Space Station Systems

Control Room: Access to all systems remotely, Captain's Quarters, Escape Pods.

  • Communication Array: Short-Long range communication
  • Security: Handles Lockdowns, emergency systems, and security droids
    • Radiation Shielding
    • Anti-Debris Defense Grid

Crew Deck: Bunks, Mess Hall, holo-displays meant for entertainment.

  • Waste Disposal

Mining Equipment(If applicable): Where chunks of Asteroid and various other fragments of rock are brought with gravity tethers and melted down into minerals. Stored for later pick up.

  • Laser Drill Equipment: Precision Laser
  • Gravity Tethers
  • Collection Drone System

Hydroponics: Internal farming equipment, keeps crew fed and supplied with Oxygen.

  • Atmospheric Processing: Distributes air evenly throughout ship. Also Oxygen ejections.

Reactor: Responsible for all power on station.

Medical Bay: Contains Intensive Care Wing, Chemical Lab, Biolab and/or a Morgue.

Storage Deck: Storage of materials.

Docking Bay: Hanger for docking vessels.