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1d4chan>Victimless Crime |
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<b>Job:</b> None. She's a kid. | <b>Job:</b> None. She's a kid. | ||
== <b>/co/</b> == | |||
Gender/Physical Description: Male. Normally wears a green lantern hoodie and jeans. When he assumes his superhero persona he dons a trench coat, fedora, and mask. | |||
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Generally easy going and friendly. Very theatrical, even being known to break into song and dance on occasion. | |||
Helpful almost to a fault. Has a strong sense of justice which has led him into a double-life as a masked crime fighter. | |||
Special Power: /co/ has no obvious powers but he possess a vast array of crime fighting gadgets (kept in his trench coat) | |||
He also possesses an amazing level of insight that allows him to plan and adapt to nearly any situation. | |||
Relationships: Gets along well with almost everyone. Best friends with /tg/. In love with /ck/. | |||
Job: (co-)Owner of FLGS. |
Revision as of 03:40, 4 April 2009
Gender/Physical Description: Female. Attractive, but not overly so. Somewhat short. She has long, loosely curled, black hair which usually covers her left eye which is either completely red or black with a red pupil. She wears a black tank-top with a skull on it, black jeans, and sneakers.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /x/ is a shy, quiet girl. She's intelligent, creative, and paranoid, sometimes to the point of insanity. Sometimes it seems she knows more about the way the world works than she lets on, maybe even more than most people. She loves to read, and her favorite books include the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series and House of Leaves.
Special Power: /x/ "dabbles" a bit in witchcraft. She has a lot of magical potential, but she's too afraid of it to use it.
Relationships: Of course, we all know that she and /tg/ become an item and that she is extremely afraid of /b/. As for the rest of the characters, she gets along with them and is pretty comfortable around them, but she wouldn't really call them friends.
Job:She is either a supernatural/horror author with a cult following, or she writes a series of books in which she gathers "true" hauntings and other supernatural events.
Gender/Physical Description: Male.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /r9k/ is a nihilistic, depressed loner who whines about how he hates life and how life hates him back. Is misogynistic due to repeated rejection, and spends his time philosophizing about politics, religion, and other weighty subjects. Brutal at dissecting the character flaws of others in public. Secretly wants to have sex with his sister. He also thinks he is a robot, and is trying to hide this from the other boards, though he has been known to slip up. He replaces /b/ as the landlord after the Cancer King, and he opens up the 3 rooms /b/ was hoarding to himself.
Special Power: Becomes an android.
Relationships: None. Ronery. /r9k/ is a loner and despises the rest of 4chan as inferior imbeciles. Reserves contempt for all other boards, but especially /b/.
Job: No job, is studying computer science at university.
Gender/Physical Description: Male. Somewhat skinny, average height, brown hair that reaches his shoulders.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /tg/ is an obsessive fan of many tabletop games, the foremost being Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40,000. His behavior is influenced by this in some ways- for example, Has a tendency to narrate his own actions when things get hectic (i.e. rushes into a room by forcing the door open, yelling "I KICK IN THE DOOR!")
Special Power: /tg/ uses mastercrafted dice and the strength of his imagination to create weapons and damage spells whose power only he can wield.
A d12 is converted into the GOD SLEDGE of HAMMER KIND, and other die are turned into weapons that correspond with their damage rate.
Magical attacks consume the dice necessary to cast them, making fireball spam a last resort if anything.
Relationships: /tg/ mainly hangs out with /co/ and /x/. He's also hung out with /v/, /ck/, /k/, and several other boards from time to time.
Job: /tg/ works at the LGS owned by /co/.
Gender/Physical Description: Male. Not in best physical condition, as he rarely leaves the basement and sleeps even less. However, his inactivity is balanced by his tendency to forget to eat, so he is closer to underweight than overweight.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /g/ loves technology, much in the same way that most people love oxygen. He is obscenely good with computers, which he uses to fuel his thirst for the latest technological info, as well as earn his money via freelance hacking. It is suspected that he has vast sums of money stored away. He is arrogant and reckless, rarely considering the consequences before he does something, at least when it comes to computers.
Despite his reclusive nature, his obsession makes him a perfect fit for the 4chan house, and he knows he is accepted there. He will not only perform various favors in return for blank CD's and cases of energy drinks, but maintains the internet connection for the entire building as well.
Special Power: Complete control of technology/machine empathy, to the point that he can force /m/s incomplete robot battlesuit to work simply through his will.
Relationships: Close friends with /m/, as well as /v/. However, he values /k/ for his practicality. Never leaving the basement, it is unknown whether he knows about /b/s treatment of /x/, the only other occupant of that floor.
Job: /g/ is a freelance hacker, and it is heavily implied that he has worked with some shady people. He makes quite a bit of money doing this, though he occasionally pays the rent by upgrading the building.
Gender/Physical Description: Male, mid-thirties to early forties. Tall and lean, with brown hair and sideburns that go almost all the way down his jawline. He wears a trucker hat, sunglasses, hunting vest, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and hiking boots.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: He loves his guns, which is probably an understatement, and is an expert marksman with almost everything.
Is very protective of the 4chan house and those that live there, once even going so far as to mine the front lawn. For obvious reasons, he was forced to remove them. He is always ready for a fight and is difficult to catch off-guard.
Special Power: No matter where he is, /k/ always has a weapon hidden nearby. He also has very deep contacts in both the US military and the black market.
Relationships: /an/'s hunting buddy and possible romantic interest. Friends with /trv/, but /trv/ is rarely there. Argues constantly with /v/ and /m/, especially about the impracticality of many of the weapons and vehicles that /v/ idolizes in his games and /m/ tries to build. Will sometimes participate in various wargames with /tg/ but is very critical of their accuracy or lack thereof. He gets along well with most of his fellow tenants, and he sees himself as their protector.
Job: Retired. Previously: Unknown position in the U.S. army, followed by a brief stint as a professional bodyguard.
Gender/Physical Description: Large, Black Male (say, 6'4", 250 lbs), extremely muscular and athletic, tends to wear an old sports jersey (perhaps #18).
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Extremely belligerent and spiteful, often reacting with threats of violence to even the most minor of offense. Obviously a steroids user, most likely from his days playing "in the pro leagues" (however, asking what sport he played, or why he no longer plays it, will cause /sp/ to react violently). Generally, the pompous jerk of the apartment, but still easier to stand than /b/. Likes watching and/or playing several sports, but also critiques them to no end.
Special Power: /sp/ uses ROID RAGE! It's super effective!
Relationships: Doesn't relate well with the other boards, although a rivalry with /fit/ is present. As well, there is room for /sp/ to carry a gun (but not know how to use it), leading to a relationship with /k/ as well.
Job: A former professional athlete, but now is simply a sports beat writer for the local newspaper/online blog.
Gender/Physical Description: Hermaphrodite. /d/ is a shapeshifter, but she has two basic forms that she uses most of the time. Her "normal" form is that of a tall, busty, mature woman with long black hair and a carefully hidden penis, based off of Lust from FMA. She likes to tie her hair back, wear glasses, and dress conservatively during the day when she's not at work, in order to avoid any extra attention. /d/ also has a second "succubus" form that comes out at night. She uses a toned down version of this form while she runs her sex shop. Her succubus form has green hair, horns, fangs, a third eye, and a tail. She can only manipulate her genitalia while her third eye is open. She often alters herself further from the succubus form by growing tentacles from her back, limbs, or hair, and/or turning parts of her to slime, the color green a constant throughout.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /d/ is generally friendly, respectful, and tolerant, especially in concern with other people's hobbies. During the day when she's not at work, she likes to hang out with /tg/, /co, and /a/. She even develops a relationship with /x/ after the invasion, though the others might fail to draw the connection between the two.
She shows genuine interest in the other characters' hobbies, but sex is always in the back of her mind, leading to some occasional awkward moments.
She enjoys toying with/tempting the other boards on occasion (especially the h-boards), but she is very careful to respect their boundaries most of the time.
After nightfall, when most of the boards are asleep, she transforms into her succubus form. This form represents the physical embodiment of her desires. /d/ will try to seduce one of the other boards, changing her form and bargaining with them in order to overcome their reluctance to accept her. While she doesn't need to find a mate every night, going too long without leads to sexual starvation and her demon side becomes more ravenous. Eventually she loses control of herself and takes her victim by force, her mind completely absent from the experience as she is overtaken by her latent demonic side. Otherwise her mate wakes up safely the next day, little bruised but their ego. Luckily, being a succubus, there are others outside of the house to satisfy her.
Special Power: Transformation. /d/ is capable of transforming into any biological form that she can imagine, but she must stay at least partially human in order to maintain control.
She cannot access her powers fully during the day, only capable of making minor cosmetic changes (e.g. hair, horns and "leather" for work) without the power of the eye.
Controlling her powers becomes more difficult when she is trying to control too much mass at one time, or she becomes extremely aroused.
Relationships: /d/ is on friendly (though cautious) terms with /tg/, /co/, /a/, and the hentai boards because of shared interests, among other things. She has a unique relationship with /x/ as well, coming from their interaction during the /b/ invasion, and the fact that /d/ actually believes /x/ about some of her paranormal experiences.
Job: /d/ runs a sex shop with /h/. Her personality opens up a bit while she's at work, and she becomes more outgoing and relaxed when she's in her element. She gets a thrill from turning people on to new things, and is a helpful (if somewhat aggressive) salesperson. Since starting work at the shop, she has built a small stockpile of personal items from her deliveries.
Gender/Physical Description: Female. Shoulder length chestnut hair, usually tied up or away from her face in some way. Light freckles, hazel eyes. Muscular build. Usually wears practical clothing, (overalls, jeans, etc).
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Tomboyish, but occasionally wears girly clothing, (old fashioned, sundresses, etc), and in a gimmick-y way ends up turning heads of the other boards. Loves and respects all animals, but despises the extremes- whether that be an animal abuser or PETA. Has many, many pets, almost all which are named Biscuit - including a Velociraptor and some horrible abomination that looks like a cross between carp and elephant. Very respectful of nature in general, and enjoys gardening, hunting, and fishing. She likes teaching others about the world of animals and nature and how to understand and share the world with animals. Inquisitive about what makes animals behave the way they do, and what makes them so special. Although she’s polite and well mannered, she’s not afraid to speak her mind. She has a pet spider (species undetermined) who lives in her hair - everyone is afraid to touch her because of that, except /k/.
Special Power: None(?) Maybe animal empathy.
Relationships: Married to /k/, who is also her childhood friend. They wed before he joined the military, and she grew closer to animals and nature while he was away from her out of loneliness. Gets along well with /ck/, and she usually provides ingredients for /ck/’s cooking. Is a big sister figure, and often plays with /c/ and teaches the young girl about animals - usually the cute, fluffy kinds.
Job: Veterinarian
Maybes: Greenhouse attachment? Small garden? Potted plants on roof?
Gender/Physical Description: Female. Possibly based on Kasumi Tendo?
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Energetic, even a tad jumpy. Motherly and nurturing except when it comes to picky eaters (vegetarians and vegans especially). Is addicted to coffee, and adds different spices and herbs to suit her mood or needs.
Special Power: Able to pull cooking equipment out seemingly thin air, (under skirt, hat,), and can use said equipment for fighting if needed (meat tenderizer, cheese grater, etc). Able to cook food with healing abilities
Relationships: In love with /co/. Gets along well with /k/ and /an/ as they help supply her with fresh herbs/vegetables/meat. Does not get along well with /fit/ due to his eating habits.
Job: Owner and head cook at TGINF.
Gender/Physical Description: Male, appearance as per board-tan, or a redhead who is slightly small for his age. Tends to wear loose-fitting clothes and has pockets for every wireless controller + handheld game systems in existence. For some reason he sounds like a twelve-year-old despite being older, which coupled with his small size makes people assume he is much younger than he actually is.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: Enjoys showing off others, brags about his stats on the leaderboards and his Gamerscore. Loves FPSs, will JRPG occasionally. Tends to get on people's nerves, but is well-tolerated. Clumsy in real-world sports, blames it on "his controller". Refers to visuals as "graphics", to sounds as "audio".
Special Power: /v/ gains his power through consuming various types of energy drinks. Each different type enables him to access the power of a different cheat code, but every one of them gradually increases his rage/energy. This is a double-edged sword however, since eventually these powers wear off when he comes down from his sugar/caffeine high and he will crash much harder if he's used several drinks at once. No one of the energy drinks enables a "god mode" but he can achieve an equivalent effect with the right mix.
Relationships: Secretly loves /a/ but is too stubborn to admit it, may or may not realize /a/ is a guy. Gets along with his co-workers. Doesn't realize how much he annoys people, and doesn't understand why /k/ hates him so much since they both like guns.
Job: Works at the FLGS with /co/, /tg/, and /a/.
Gender/Physical Description: Male, some what androgynous looking. Cross dresses so frequently that everyone believes that he is infact female. Only /co/ and /d/ know that he's male.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /a/ is very tsundere towards most other characters due to personal jealousy of some type, or an unwillingness to admit his feelings, but he also happens to embody several anime stereotypes. /a/ tends to read loli doujinshi and manga openly in public, enjoys reading untranslated manga despite a very basic understanding of Japanese (if any). Is constantly obsessing over power levels, and gets jealous if anyone is stronger than them. Can be some what mischievous or conniving.
Special Power: Has a transformation ability. He transforms into a magical "girl", following all of the genre stereotypes (amulet as source of power, risque henshin sequence, speeches and attack calls during battle). He remains male but when transformed wears a short fluffy skirt with matching top, all of which is filled with pink lace ribbons and bows. His power is generally combat magic utilizing all sorts of beam spam, quick nearly instantaneous flash steps and when needed he can even use his magic wand as a melee weapon.
Relationships: Tsundere to everyone, especially /v/. The only person he isn't mean to at all is /c/, who sees him as a big sister. /a/ is protective of /c/, can be very moody, but he's also paranoid about people finding out the secret of his gender or his magical "girl" powers. Doesn't actually admit to liking men, and prefers to spend a night in his room with a couple of loli doujins, but is inexplicably attracted to /v/. Jealous of /x/'s extremely high magic potential, and is always attempting to prove that he is the stronger magic user when in his magical girl form. Is friendly with /co/ as long as it isn't about anime or manga. He gets along with /m/ while they watch anime together, but is secretly jealous of his effortless ability to be "pretty".
Job: Manages the anime & manga section of /co/'s shop.
Gender/Physical Appearance: Male. Total bishonen, reminiscent of Akio Ohtori.
/m/'s marvelous body is adored by the female members of the 4chan house, and /a/ is secretly jealous of him for being so pretty. His hairless chest is always left bare for all to see, with the one exception of when he is piloting his mech. He frequently wears overalls while he's tinkering with his mech, or attempting to modify any of the household appliances. He doesn't put any extra effort into being pretty, it just tends to follow naturally whether he wants it to or not.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /m/ spends most of his time preparing for some epic battle, constantly tinkering and training, upgrading his mech and the various appliances around the house.
/m/ welcomes a challenge, and lives for a chance to prove that he is the hero that he knows himself to be. /m/ is oblivious to the advances of the various female characters swooning over him, often comically so.
He also goes out of his way to be "manly", which has an opposite effect on the males of 4chan house, since most write him off as a homo.
He does enjoy watching mecha anime series to relax. This is the one time /a/ can hang out with him and not freak out over how damn pretty he is.
Special Power: Quite simply, /m/ keeps a scopedog in the garage. That's all the power he needs.
Unfortunately, he's never been able to get it fully functional on his own. Eventually he succeeds with /g/'s help near the beginning of the /b/ invasion.
Relationships: /m/ gets along well with /g/, since they both enjoy tinkering/upgrading things, and can work together on /m/'s mech. /e/ is constantly hounding him for attention, which he is completely oblivious to. He enjoys his regular anime sessions with /a/ and /toy/, though it seems that /a/ can't tolerate him the rest of the time for some reason. He plays with /toy/ on occasion, and helps her construct models from various mecha series.
Job: Possibly mechanic, currently undetermined.
Gender/Physical Description: Male. His actual features are of much debate, as no one can seem to agree what he really looks like. This may be because of the distracting attire he wears, usually consisting of a variety of hats, khaki shorts and some truly horrendous Hawaiian shirts. More likely, this is because the pictures in the postcards he sends back never contain a clear shot of his face. Somehow it manages to get blocked out of every picture, or lost during photo development.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: It's hard to say what /trv/'s true personality is, as he is always traveling rather than chatting. In the postcards he frequently sends home, he seems to be a jovial, if sometimes rash, individual. His kindness, however, can not be disputed, as he personally rescued /toy/ from the street, and /c/ from an orphanage during his travels. They use his room in his stead, and it seems that /trv/ expects /g/ to look after them while he is gone.
Special Power: None, however out of the huge number of postcards he sends back, a fair number of them contain what seem to be fragments of conversation which only make sense at a later date. It is not unusual for a randomly picked up postcard to contribute to the current conversation, if not appearing to be an actual response to something just spoken aloud.
Relationships: /trv/ has more or less adopted both /c/ and /toy/, sending them postcards and gifts often. He also sends gifts to a number of the other inhabitants of the 4chan house, usually accompanied by a note saying only "Saw this and thought of you." He seems to have a past connection to /g/, but the nature of this is unknown.
Job: Unknown. While /trv/ often reports doing odd jobs in his travels, it is implied that he does them more for the thrill then the money.
Gender/Physical Description: Female. /toy/ is young, and as such her body is still in the lanky phase of early adolescence. She has short, brown hair that is often smothered by her iconic red baseball cap, and tends to wear oversize shirts that are obvious hand-me-downs from other members of the 4chan house, giving her an eclectic selection of clothes.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /toy/ loves her toys, probably too much. It is a well known fact that /toy/ was rescued from the streets of England by /trv/, and lives in his room in his stead with /c/, but not how she came to be on the street in the first place. Because of this time on the street, she tends to horde her possessions, especially her toys and a growing stash of food. Despite her past, she is generally cheerful, and filled with common youthful vigor.
Special Power: None, but she does tend to talk to her toys. She sometimes claims that they talk back, but no one else can hear them. This is usually ignored as childish fantasy, but there are times...
Relationships: /toy/ lives in /trv/s unused room with /c/, and for obvious reasons treats /trv/ as a father figure, even though he is almost never home. She instead spends her time wandering around the 4chan house and playing, although she is truly fascinated by the "big toy" /m/ is building in the garage. She also seems to like the mini's in /tg/s room, as well at the stories of heroes and adventure that /co/ tells.
For obvious reasons, /ck/ looks after /toy/ in a motherly way. For less obvious reasons, /g/ seems to think that /trv/ wants him to keep an eye on her.
Job: None. She's a kid.
Gender/Physical Description: Female. While /c/ claims to be 9 and a half, her lack of any records makes determining her exact age difficult, although she is clearly a child. Her long hair is frequently in ribbons, and it would be very uncharacteristic of her to wear something that wasn't in pastel colors.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /c/ loves...well...everything. She cheerfully listens to everyone, although she does have a normal child's attention span. She is frequently at play and wandering the 4chan house when she is not in the room she and /toy/ share.
For unknown reasons, she uses a variety of Japanese words mixed with her English, usually those involving referencing other people. For example, she refers to /a/ as her "nee-chan", and truly does seem to treat /a/ as an older sister.
Special Power: Being adorable doesn't require a power.
Relationships: Officially adopted by /trv/ after the unfortunate demise of her parents. However, in /trv/s absence /ck/ looks after her as a surrogate mother figure. She rooms with /toy/, and considers /a/ to be her older sister. She is otherwise on good terms with almost everyone in the 4chan house
Job: None. She's a kid.
Gender/Physical Description: Male. Normally wears a green lantern hoodie and jeans. When he assumes his superhero persona he dons a trench coat, fedora, and mask.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Generally easy going and friendly. Very theatrical, even being known to break into song and dance on occasion.
Helpful almost to a fault. Has a strong sense of justice which has led him into a double-life as a masked crime fighter.
Special Power: /co/ has no obvious powers but he possess a vast array of crime fighting gadgets (kept in his trench coat)
He also possesses an amazing level of insight that allows him to plan and adapt to nearly any situation.
Relationships: Gets along well with almost everyone. Best friends with /tg/. In love with /ck/.
Job: (co-)Owner of FLGS.