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Image:C'Tan The Nightbringer.gif|The Nightbringer
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Image:The Void Dragon is displeased..jpg|If only Forgeworld would hurry up and give the Necrons a Titan sized C'tan

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Revision as of 15:16, 27 May 2012

The C'tan are ancient and powerful Star Gods given physical bodies by the ancient Necrontyr, they're supposedly the spirits of dead stars or something like that, they are about as powerful in the Materium as a very strong Greater Daemon is in the Warp, capable of 'nomming entire stars with ease. They dislike anything Warp-related because it is the one thing they can't directly control with their powers, and may have tampered with humanity to inject the Pariah gene and probably built the Cadian Pylons which created the Cadian gate by creating a bubble of normality that cuts into the Eye of Terror. Can not directly enter it either. In 4th edition they were responsible for massive amounts of just as planned.

And now they are shards.


The first encountered was The Nightbringer, who was found "sucking" the energies of the Necrontyr planet's sun, the same sun that gives off enough hard radiation to make proto-Necrontyr life short, nasty, short, brutish, and short.

The Necrontyr formed a necrodermis body and coaxed the star-sucker to inhabit it. This was C'tan later named The Nightbringer. When the Nightbringer awoke in the new body, it noticed the Necrontyr for the first time and discovered they were like Chinese take-out: really yummy and spicy, more so than bland stars, but you could eat a few thousand and still feel hungry an hour later. It took a while and much slaughter before the Necrontyr could convince the Nightbringer that they were more useful in servitude, and there were other yummy lifeforces to be eaten out there.

Other C'tan gods were discovered feeding on stars, but the most significant of the early ones discovered was named The Deceiver. Weaker than the others, The Deceiver is better at leveraging other entities to do what it wants. After inhabiting a necrodermis body, it adapted to the material world quickly and became very popular with the Necrontyr by means of cunning and guile. It was The Deceiver that convinced the Necrontyr they could escape their short lifespans and succeed in their battles against Old Ones by inhabiting necrodermis bodies themselves. The Deceiver neglected to mention that these new Necrons would be insensate, dull-witted and easily manipulated by the C'tan.

During the Necrons's war against the Old Ones, the C'tan also fought amongst themselves, destroying the necrodermis bodies they used to have an effect on the material world. By the time the Old Ones were rendered extinct, only four C'tan still existed in the milky way galaxy: The Nightbringer, The Deceiver, The Dragon and The Outsider.

Some have, for varying reasons, considered the C'tan to have been gratuitously shoehorned into the setting. However, just as many claim that with the 5th edition they were put in their place. Make of that as you will.

Known C'tan

The Nightbringer

Here to fuck your shit up. The first C'tan to inhabit realspace. Scared the crap out of a race/culture that was a threat to the race/culture that created all the other races in WH40K. Likes killing, killing and, well, killing. In short: batshit insane though in a different way than the Outsider. Ate most of the other C'tan along with the Outsider, though he was convinced into doing so by the Deceiver while the Outsider was convinced by Cegorach, and is therefore known among his brethren as a team killing fucktard. Pretty much a giant, mechanical, space Grim Reaper that shoots lightning. He once battled the Eldar war God: Khaela Mensha Khaine and lost, where he was subsequently imprisoned for millenia. Freed by Uriel Ventris and the Ultramarine 4th company, in other words; the Ultramarines have fucked over the entire galaxy on a scale not seen since the Eldar sexed Slaanesh into existence, and because Slaanesh is made of fail and weaksauce the Ultrasmurfs probably fucked up more as unlike Slaanesh, The Nightbringer actually gets shit done in the most fearful manner imaginable and never does anything that doesn't result in a body count in the tens of millions at the least. The (Intelligent) Necrons under his authority tend to be the silent kill everything that's living, type with all the subtlety of an Angry Marine, in fact they hate life that much that even bacteria and microbes must be purged from any active Tomb World they inhabit. His name has been revealed to be "Aza'Gorod", by the way.

And, on a sidenote, the edit squabbles between the necron-affiliated neckbeards and the Chaos-affiliated neckbeards over what basically amounted to a "who would win in a fight?" discussion about him and Khorne was hilarious for the unaffiliated to watch.

More squabbling:

For as we we all know, Khorne and the Nightbringer are bros 4 lyfe. And also that the Nightbringer was raped by Khaine who was in turn raped by Slaanesh who in turn is continuously beaten up by Khorne. So yeah. But even this is rendered moot, as the Chaos Gods cant leave the Realm of fucking shit up and the C'Tan cant enter the aforementioned realm of fucking shit up under the severe risk of metaphorical energy sunburn.

Khaine, did no raping, got lucky as fuck with a random thrust of his damn special sword,(might've been his spear, don't totally recall wtf he was using) thanks to an always interfering Laughing god/Deceiver(debatable). Nightbringer was using Khaine as a fucking play thing, and when finally got bored and decided to kill the fuck, Khaine all of a sudden remembers what the Laughing god said to him about the Nightbringer becoming vulnerable when he materializes. When said blow was struck anyhow, all it did was result in seriously pissing off the Nightbringer. Which, in fact, brought about the fear of death in all the races today and forever fucking with the Eldar. (excluding Orks, hardened, big ass fucks.)

And also about the C'tan vs Chaos gods, "who would win match" very debatable and probably never going to happen. We can all thank the great and ever wise Matt Ward (stupid fucking, faggoty ass bitch, who fucks up everything!)Whose bright fucking idea was it to hire that dumb fuck of an excuse for a writer anyway? For all we know he write that the titanic match is about to go down when all of a sudden the god-emperor gets up of his golden throne and mind fucks them all to hell and kills them. (and for all we know this could fucking happen with this guy and his bright ass ideas)

The Deceiver

Mass dickery on a galactic scale that only Tzeentch could rival. Got the bright idea of convincing the Necrontyr to turn themselves into the zombie-mummy-skeleton-robots known as Necrons. Rumored to have implanted the Pariah Gene into humans to help combat the forces of the Warp. Spends his days taking part in "Just as planned" contests with Tzeentch, The Empra and Cegorach the Laughing God, which noone really wins in the end as everything they do results in a paradox. The Eldar refer to the Deceiver as "The Jackal God", because they apparently had jackals in outer space millions of years ago, and just happened to identify them with the exact same trickster label we did (Or maybe it's a "meaning" translation); The Necrontyrs, however, called him Mephet'Ran, or "the messenger", making him the necrontyr equivalent of Hermes or Thot, hence his golden six-pack (or Nyarlathotep, hence his rampant douche baggery). The (Intelligent) Necrons under his command tend to be sneaky and manipulative bastards with many of the Necron Lords under his command occupying many important positions in the Imperium of man and are the type of Necrons most likely to stop and chat with you, second most common type. One of them infiltrated the inquisition itself and set himself up as Inquisitor Raleigh of the Ordos Xenos in Xenology as part of a plot to learn humanity's greatest weakness, which turned out to be knowledge since humans are insatiably curious fucks which isn't actually that far from the truth. May be the reason why Failbaddon got Drach'nyen, which as stated above would make topknot too powerful to be killed and replaced by his fellow chaos space marines and ensure that only Abaddon's massive incompetence would ever be nominally at the head of the traitor legions.

Little known fact is that The Man With No Name was the Deceiver. Seriously.

The Void Dragon

Can exert control over any machine. Regarded as the one C'tan with the most power over the physical world when at full power. The most powerful C'tan. If not the bringer of the tide so to speak. It was said that the Emperor battled the void dragon and successfully managed to put it to sleep under Mars, he didn't intend to kill the Dragon, as so humans would be able to gain mastery over machines, Just as planned. It is rumored that the Void Dragon is the Omnissiah or Machine God who's currently fervently worshiped by the Adeptus Mechanicus as he's supposedly the entity that makes the ramshackle excuse for technology the Imperium has to work properly. There's also an Eldar legend of their forge god Vaul failing to destroy The Dragon but managing to get it to hibernate in a place called "the Vaul Moon." Was once shot at by multiple blackstone fortresses simultaneously, mind you, two blackstone fortresses can make a psychic laser powerful enough to blow up a planet death star style; all this managed to do was make him sleepy. Vaul also attacked the Dragon with an army at his back, and was consequently never heard from again. This is probably the only reason why the Emperor was able to defeat the Dragon because it was just tired from getting shot at by blackstone fortresses and destroying Vaul and his army. In short, powerful as FUCK. He himself is a huge technophile and is to Machines as the Nightbringer is to death. The (Intelligent) Necrons under his command are probably massive technophiles with a raging hard-on for machines....then again they're already machines so this is probably granted, but they're probably bigger technophiles than their fellows and emphasize their mechanicalness over their undeadness.

For some reason, it can talk to human children. Sometimes involuntarily gives them power to heal and manipulate machinery like him.

The Outsider

Ate at the same C'tan-cannibalism saladbar as The Nightbringer but did so due to the Dickery of Cegorach the Laughing god instead of the dickery of the Deceiver, but feels bad about it; blames Eldar gods for his bad eating habits. Decided to say "screw you guys, I'm taking my ball and leaving," and currently lives in a Dyson sphere outside the galaxy. A hive fleet of tyranids decided to go AROUND this place, not just ignore it like tyranids do with Necron tomb-worlds. Were the tyranids scared? Dunno, it's safer to lick a bandsaw than stop to ask a tyranid. Other beings prefer to blow their own brains out rather then look at the Outsider when he's in town. Grimdark. The (intelligent) Necrons under his command are probably batshit insane.

Wait, what?

The Burning One

Or Nyadra'Zatha. This guy came up with the idea of using the Dolmen Gates to enter the Webway; It gave the necrons the opportunity to go troll the Old Ones on their own field and allowed him to go wreck shit there, because he was a pyromaniac asshole. He was implemented into the fluff to give a bit more background to the "Lord of Fire" ability, but mostly to let neckbeards speculate and rage about him being/not being Khaine. No matter how unlikely it is, you should, however, use an Avatar miniature to represent your C'tan shard with LoF and troll the fuck out of your eldar opponent as his Fire Dragon exarch sees his own weapon blow up his face.

The Endless Swarm

Except that he's known as Iash'Uddra, nothing more is known about him. Contrary to some fa/tg/uys belief, he is not a reference to Tau Quest, but rather to the old fan theory according to which the tyranids were led by a C'tan. Again, GW is actively trying to make us argue and fanwank.

The Flayer

Aka Llandu'Gor, he is the responsible for the apparition of Flayed Ones. The necrons sharded him too hard, but he managed to infect thousands of necrons with his hunger as a final dick move, turning them into warped ghouls with a gore fetish and teleportation powers. Which basically means that he has millions of necrons under his influence, and that this number is continuously growing, because the Flayer Curse is contagious.


If someone actually fields these miniatures on the table, you're getting screwed. Unless you manage to bring up an equivalent, in which case, get some Meatbread and enjoy yourself!