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==Status Effects==
==Status Effects==
Prone - Prone characters receive minus 3 to all attacks and defenses, cannot move until spending 7AP (or a full round, if character has a Move of less than or equal to 7) to stand<br/>
Prone - Prone characters receive minus 3 to all attacks and defenses, cannot move until spending 7AP (or a full round, if character has a Move of less than or equal to 7) to stand<br/>
Grabbed - Grabbed characters cannot make attacks against other characters other than break grab, which they must do at -4. They also receive -4 to all defenses and cannot move. Grabs stack and must be broken separately, either by using the break grab move or by forcing the grabbing character to move out of range.<br/>
Grabbed - Grabbed characters receive -4 to all attacks, -4 to all defenses, and cannot move. Grabs stack and must be broken separately, either by forcing the grabbing character to move out of range or grabbing the attacker.<br/>
Trapped - Trapped characters receive -4 to all attacks, -4 to all defenses, and cannot move<br/>
Trapped - Trapped characters receive -4 to all attacks, -4 to all defenses, and cannot move. Characters are no longer trapped once the trapping character moves/is moved away.<br/>
Dazed - Dazed characters have no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available other than rest<br/>
Dazed - Dazed characters have no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available other than rest.<br/>
Defeated - Defeated characters get no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available<br/>
Defeated - Defeated characters get no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available.<br/>


Revision as of 11:00, 8 November 2009

Catfight: Tactics is a a game of tactics and catfights. It is super experimental and probably horribly broken at this point, but getting less so by the second.

Character Creation

To create a character for Catfight: Tactics, fill out the following template.

Character Template Name
Point Total - 3 to 36
skill - 1 to 12
physique - 1 to 12
move - 1 to 12
HP - 3 x physique
Morale - 10

Skill, physique, and move are chosen using a point buy system. Each point of every stat costs 1 point. Opposing teams in Catfight: Tactics should be worth the same number of points.

Skill and physique control attacks, defenses, and on occasion damage. Move controls the number of hexes a character can move in, and on occasion can be used to deal extra damage. Move also controls the order characters go in - higher first, ties are broken by coin flip. Characters with equal move speeds can choose to move simultaneously if they are on the same team.


Chun Li
Point Total - 27
Skill - 9
Physique - 12
Move - 6
HP - 36
Morale - 10

Resolving Attacks

All attacks have a range of one hex. When attacking, the attacker rolls 2d6 + attacking stat. The defender rolls 2d6 + defending stat - 4 per adjacent enemy other than the defender. If they tie, repeat.

If the attacker moves towards the defender in a straight line during the turn of the attack, add the number of hexes moved in a straight line to damage for strikes, and squares pushed for pushes.

Status Effects

Prone - Prone characters receive minus 3 to all attacks and defenses, cannot move until spending 7AP (or a full round, if character has a Move of less than or equal to 7) to stand
Grabbed - Grabbed characters receive -4 to all attacks, -4 to all defenses, and cannot move. Grabs stack and must be broken separately, either by forcing the grabbing character to move out of range or grabbing the attacker.
Trapped - Trapped characters receive -4 to all attacks, -4 to all defenses, and cannot move. Characters are no longer trapped once the trapping character moves/is moved away.
Dazed - Dazed characters have no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available other than rest.
Defeated - Defeated characters get no defense, cannot move, are automatically prone, and have no actions available.


All actions cost the remainder of your APs, minimum of 1. For this reason, it is possible for characters to move either their full move either their full move speeds, or their move speed - 1 and an action. Being prone can prevent slower characters from being able to take actions at all.

Normal Attacks

Normal attacks can be performed at any time, except when forbidden by a status effect.

Strike - Skill vs skill, target takes attacker skill damage to HP on a hit.

Push - Physique vs physique, target is pushed directly away from the attacker in a straight line. Target moves a number of hexes equal to the degree of success, maxing out at the attacker's physique. On a collision with an obstacle, target takes HP damage equal to number of hexes of movement remaining. On collision with another character, HP damage equal to number of hexes remaining is split between the two characters (with odd numbers of damage, the remainder goes to the pushed character).

Trap - Defender must be between attacker and a terrain obstacle, physique vs skill, target is trapped

Trip - Skill vs skill, target is knocked prone

Grab - Skill vs skill, target is grabbed. If a grabbed character successfully uses this attack on the character grabbing it, the attacker reverses, escaping the grab and grabbing the defender.

Grab Attacks

These attacks can be performed by an attacker who is grabbing the target. Some of them are similar to existing normal attacks.

Throw (ends grab) - Physique vs physique, target is pushed in a straight line in a direction of the attacker's choice. Target moves a number of hexes equal to the degree of success, maxing out at the attacker's physique. On a collision with an obstacle, target takes HP damage equal to number of hexes of movement remaining. On collision with another character, HP damage equal to number of hexes remaining is split between the two characters (with odd numbers of damage, the remainder goes to the thrown character).

Taunt - Auto success, attacker gains 5 morale and target loses 5

Strike - Skill vs skill, target takes attacker skill damage on a hit

Slam (ends grab) - Physique vs physique, target takes 2 x attacker physique HP damage on a hit and is knocked prone

Drag - Physique vs physique, on a hit attacker may move, bringing the target, with the target at a cost of 2 AP per hex

Reaction Attacks

Characters who end their turn with 6AP or more unspent (which requires they not attack on their turn) may perform one of the following moves on their attacker if missed by an attack. One reaction attack is allowed per character per turn cycle.

Strike - Auto success, target takes attacker skill damage on a hit

Trip - Auto success, target is knocked prone

Grab - Auto success, target is grabbed

Other Actions

Rest - Auto success, gain 1 HP without exceeding maximum

Taunt - Auto success, taunter gains 2 morale


Characters can move a number of hexes equal to their move speed on a turn if they don't attack, or a number of hexes equal to their move speed - 1 if they do.

Characters who, on one turn - move adjacent to an enemy character, then move away from that character - incur an opportunity attack from this character. This attack can be anything that that character may currently do to the provoking character, so attacks that do not require grabbing or control are all possible. This is a little bit complicated, so here are some examples.

example A example B

Example A provokes an attack of opportunity, while example B does not.

Movement from a push or throw may trigger an attack of opportunity, but the attacking of opportunity counts as that unit's attack for the round.


Characters are dazed when their HP falls to 0 or below. Dazed status ends when the dazed character's HP is 1 or greater. Characters are defeated upon taking morale damage while dazed, or taking HP damage while at morale of 0 or below.

A team wins when all enemies are defeated, or all enemies are dazed and all allies have morale above 20.

Maptool Server

The Official Really Good MapTool Server of Catfight: Tactics is named "broads wrasslin" and "yougay" is it's password. It's usually left on, so join, yell at me, do a playtest, yell at me more.