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This story, part of the community effort on the Emperor's Nightmare chapter, delves into the Warp, and the Nightmare Dreamers who do battle in the Immaterium.

Sergeant Alexis of the Emperor's Nightmare checked his weapons for the second time before looking to his squad. Brothers Layland, Cleon, Zotico, Platon, and Rhodes stood in place as Dreamer Evander looked over them all. He snuck one more glance into the amphitheatre below, where several dozen cultists chanted in their blasphemous tongue. His eyes treated the center ones as no threat but the armed guards were somewhat worrisome. While their armor was nothing to note, the fact that these men had gotten hold of Melta weapons was unsettling to say the least. It implied that these men had access to funds that should have been far beyond what they could have grabbed. As far as Alexis knew, there had been no weapons shipments of Heavy Weaponry, and the criminal scum on this planet stuck to simple las weapons.
But, he and his men were Astartes. They would not be dissuaded by men like these. His keen eyes sought entrances, exits, and structural weak points the squad could breach. He wished Zotico had brought his own Melta, before chiding himself. The Flamer would be of great use in burning up the shrine to the Warp Gods.
Out of habit, he stuck to hand signals and grinned as he noticed no hesitation from any of his men, even from Cleon, recently promoted from the Scout Ranks. As everyone rose to go to their positions, Alexis suddenly noticed that Dreamer Evander was still. He chanced a vox query to receive no reply. Evander was asleep. But how could that be? His month long collapse had only been a week ago. The Dreamer should have been ready to fight for a few more weeks… unless…
Alexis looked down once more at the cultists, now noticing an undercurrent of worry. His ears caught snatches of Low Gothic.
"-wrong. Is he not pleased?"
"A delay it --- nothing to worry about."
The Sergeant chuckled before telling his squad, "Our Dreamer has beaten us to the fight it seems."
They understood instantly. Layland and Rhodes dragged the Dreamer's prone form to a corner before falling back.
"Layland, protect our Brother," Alexis ordered.
Brother Layland did not argue, merely setting his bolter at the ready.
Alexis envied his Brother, jealous at how easily the man could fall asleep. What was so simple for many was a rarity amongst the Emperor's Nightmare Chapter. But then again, this was not a true rest. It would be another battle, in the realm of the Empyrean. "Well then, you know your places."
Dreamer Evander opened his eyes to find himself alone in a field of fog. He marveled, as he always did, at the sight of his bare arms, so skinny and scarred. This was who he had been before he'd crawled out of the damnable Hives to become an Astartes. But he had no time for this. Evander clenched his fist, and his thumb did not clasp bare flesh, but unyielding ceramite. His waist was heavy with the familiar weight of the Bolter and Chainsword.
Without pause, he made his way through the fog, confident of his destination. He sneered as the mist faded away and he saw his foes. A group of Horrors babbling to themselves in a tongue he did not dare to decipher. At least, Evander consoled himself, those fools in the Material World had not been considered worthy enough to greet a Lord of Change. Evander knew his limits, and he doubted he could have fought one on his own, even with the added strength here in this realm. Still, Tzeentch was the god his Chapter had devoted themselves to fighting ever since the Chapter Master had slain that Prince so many years past.
Tzeentch, the name revolted the Marine, but he fought it back. He knew no fear, and he would be damned if he would give in today.
"So, you are the miserable warp-spawn that would plague the galaxy today," he mocked as Evander drew close.
"I find myself unimpressed."
The gibbering things looked curiously at the Intruder. Lord Tzeentch had told them of a way out to fresh places, but this thing was in the way. The portal to the outside realm was right there. But this being, this thing…No, it was no mere toy, this was… this was… a Space Marine. The unfamiliar words excited the group as they realized just what they faced. Howling in joy, they charged, ignoring the road out just as Evander wished.

Sergeant Alexis was quiet as the grave as a massive knife, crafted for Astartes hands punched through the throat of a sentry before twisting it outwards and his free hand engulfed the head of the other before he squeezed. He ignored the pulp now staining his hands. He'd gone too fast and would have to wait a few seconds to be on schedule but-
The Bolter fire rang out even through the walls of the building. No doubt one of his men had run into deep trouble to rely on their bolters despite his orders. He sheathed his knife before readying his own bolter.
Well, no matter. Everyone here was meant to die anyway. As the first of the guards rushed in, he pulled his trigger and watched as they began to fall, their fragile bodies splattering the walls.
Evander looked coolly as the maddened beasts rushed him, too excited to even consider their warpfire. With flawless precision, he bisected one and pivoted before stabbing another. He was a perfect example of grace and motion. There were no wasted movements as he killed, only the flash and roar of his chainblade. After killing a few, the now cautious beasts backed up the dead Horrors split into two, leaving behind grotesque forms that began to devour each other.
"Is this all that Chaos has to offer? Behind your silver tongues, there is only weakness that will never shine?" Evander mocked, not caring if the daemons understood. "Come then, I will show you the might of Man. The Sons of Corax will carve understanding into you!"
And the beasts came in an endless tide, now taken by rage and attracting more every second. The portal was forgotten, there was only the lone Marine. Just as he wanted it.
Dreamer Evander raised his blessed Dreamcatcher, finally activating the light within. The beasts flinched before its shining power as Evander screamed "For the Dreams of Man! Taste the Emperor's fury!"
Evander charged once more into the horde as his Dreamcatcher spewed eldritch flames.
Brother Layland protected the Dreamer's physical form as best he could, though the Cultists seemed to come without end. His ammunition was plentiful, but there was the slightest chance that a lucky shot might pierce the Dreamer's form. Unacceptable. Not caring what damage he might take, he waded directly into the storm of las bolts, and laughed as they bounced off like spring rain. He was underground so he had to be careful, but the slightest attack… here.
A trio of bolt rounds shredded a plasteel beam, bringing down several tons of dirt to drown the vermin. Satisfied by the carnage, Layland made his way to the Dreamer again, now ready to wake him at any time.
The commotion Dreamer Evander had caused now attracted heavy attention. He could make out a lone Lord of Change flying down as the Horrors retreated in respect.
"Little man, little Marine, why have you come alone?"
"This world is not yours creature, and I will be damned before I let your kind set a single foot on it," Evander sneered.
"All will belong to Chaos fool, it has been planned and forseen by our great God, unlike your pitiful Corpse-Emperor."
"So you say Daemon, but I am still here," Evander replied before firing his bolter. It was useless of course, as great as he might have been, he knew his limits. Though he might have eked out a triumph in the Materium, where the beast might have been weakened, here in the heart of its power, he had no chance.
But that was alright, the lot of the Astartes was to go down fighting, and he would do his Chapter proud.
The Lord of Change shifted before grabbing hold of Evander in one hand.
"You die here and now. Nothing will save you."
Straining in the grip of the Daemon, Evander's hand grasped his chainsword. Smiling, he pulled down and the whirring teeth tore into his armor and the Daemon's fingers. Taking off three digits, Evander fell laughing as the Lord of Change screamed, ignoring his own smoking armor. If this was where he died, he would die a pure Astartes. He could ask no more.
But wait… was he? Evander's head grew light and recognized the signs. He was waking up.
"Next time Daemon, I promise you, I will see you laid low at my hands."
The Lord of Change darted forth once more, desperate to kill him, but Evander vanished just before his weapon could spear his impudent form.

Brother Layland stared as Dreamer Evander shook his head groggily.
"That was worrisome Dreamer, I was thinking the stimulants had not taken hold," he admitted.
"The Emperor protects Brother Layland. They worked just in time. We have been successful?"
"No losses on our side, and the filth below have been cleansed," he said proudly.
Evander grasped his unmarred side where he had been injured in the Empyrean, saying "To home then."
As the two rose to meet the rest of their squad, Evander thought back to the battle. Next time, he told himself, he would fulfill his promise. He would see that Daemon dead at his hands.