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Randolf: First and only Chapter Master. Entombed within a dreadnought but his mind has been stolen by Tzeentchian sorcery.
Randolphus: First and only Chapter Master. Entombed within a dreadnought but his mind has been stolen by Tzeentchian sorcery.

The Wake: 11 senior chapter members that command the chapter until such time as Randolf's mind can be returned to him. It is comprised of the two Lord Adjutants, the Chief Apothecary, Master of Sanctity, Chief Librarian, Master of the Forge and five of the Night Owls Venerable Dreadnoughts.
The Wake: 11 senior chapter members that command the chapter until such time as Randolf's mind can be returned to him. It is comprised of the two Lord Adjutants, the Chief Apothecary, Master of Sanctity, Chief Librarian, Master of the Forge and five of the Night Owls Venerable Dreadnoughts.
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==Crunchy bits==
==Crunchy bits==
Chapter Demeanour: "See, But Don't be Seen."
;Chapter History : 39th Millenium Founding
Stat Bonuses: +5 Per +5 Int
;Chapter Progenitor : Raven Guard
Restriction: Cannot be Devastator
;Chapter Purpose : Standing
;Chapter Demeanour : "See, But Don't be Seen."
;Stat Bonuses : +5 Perception, +5 Intelligence
;Gene-Seed Purity : Mostly Pure
;Organization : Slight deviation from Codex, mostly organizational. Company strength is slightly more than 100 to ensure combat readiness even when 30-50% percent of a given company are Resting at a given time.
;Combat Doctrine : Shock and Awe. Bombardment by battlebarge followed by large-scale drop-pod and Thunderhawk deployment
;Restriction : Cannot be Devastator. Ranged fire support outside of specially equipped Tactical squads entirely given over to Dreadnoughts and vehicles.
;Special Equipment : Totem (see Trappings)
;Chapter Belief : Honor the Ancestors
;Chapter Founding Father : Chapter Master Randolphus, a Raven Guard captain who slew the Tzeentchian Daemon Prince Khaliman
;Chapter Strength : Nominal
;Chapter Homeworld : Hive, Wasteland
;Chapter Rule : by Stewardship
;Chapter Friendship: Scholastica Psykana
;Chapter Enemy: A particular Daemon. The very same Prince of Tzeentch slain by then-Captain Randolphus, whereupon his mind was lost
;Chapter Battlecry : NO REST, NO REMORSE, NO RETREAT!

Advance Table:
===Advance Table: Behold our Wrath===

Intimidate 100 xp
*Intimidate 100 xp
Intimidate +10 100 xp
**Intimidate +10 100 xp
Intimidate +20 100 xp
***Intimidate +20 100 xp
Interrogation 100 xp
*Interrogation 100 xp
Interrogation +10 100 xp
**Interrogation +10 100 xp
Interrogatin +20 100 xp
***Interrogatin +20 100 xp
Iron Jaw 300 xp
*Iron Jaw 300 xp
Duty Unto Death 700 xp
*Duty Unto Death 700 xp
Crushing Blow 500 xp
*Crushing Blow 500 xp
Double Team 100 xp
*Double Team 100 xp

Solo Ability:
===Solo & Squad Mode Abilities===
Quick reaction is the hallmark of this chapter. While in Solo Mode, the Battle Brother is considered to have the Lightning reflexes Talent. At Rank 3, the battle brother receives a +10 to all Dodge tests. At Rank 5, the battle brother is considered to have the Rapid reaction Talent. At rank 7, once per game session the battle brother may automatically pass any one agility based test. (for opposed they rolled 01)

Squad Attack Pattern:
;Secrets of Fluidity (Chapter Solo Ability)
Oath of Vengeance: Action: Free Cost: 1 Sustained: No
:In lesser men, the long periods of insomnia and sleep deprivation would induce madness within a few days. But for a Nightmare, the time between Rests can be several weeks long, and the abnormal activity of the Catalepsean Node provides him with quick reactions beyond the norm.
When any member of the Kill-team suffers Damage the Character receives a +4 bonus to damage rolls against the attacker. At rank 5 this ability may be sustained.
:While in Solo Mode, the Battle Brother is considered to have the Lightning Reflexes Talent.
:At Rank 3, the battle brother receives a +10 to all Dodge tests.
:At Rank 5, the battle brother is considered to have the Rapid Reaction Talent.
:At Rank 7, once per game session the battle brother may automatically pass any one Agility based test. (For purposes of opposed rolls they are considered to have rolled a 01.)

Squad Defense Pattern:
;Oath of Vengeance (Chapter Squad Attack Pattern)
Courage Under Fire: Action: Free Cost: 0 Sustained: No
:'''Action:''' Free '''Cost:''' 1 '''Sustained:''' No
The battle brother inspires those under his command to press on in the face of danger. When this ability is used the battle brother and any within support range of him may immediately recover from being pinned. At rank 4, those under the effect of this ability may also make a Half-move as a free action.
:When any member of the Kill-team suffers Damage the Character receives a +4 bonus to damage rolls against the attacker.
:At rank 5 this ability may be sustained.

Chapter Trappings:
;Courage Under Fire (Chapter Squad Defensive Pattern)
:'''Action:''' Free '''Cost:''' 0 '''Sustained:''' No
:The battle brother inspires those under his command to press on in the face of danger. When this ability is used the battle brother and any within support range of him may immediately recover from being pinned.
:At rank 4, those under the effect of this ability may also make a Half-move as a free action.

Totemic Charm:
===Chapter Trappings===
Blindfold of the Ebon Sight: The marine may don his blindfold (helmet must be removed) and place himself in a meditative state, doing so will allow him to reduce his battle fatigue by 1 point every 30 mins. While in this state marine suffers a -20 to perception tests
Book of Reveries: Once per gaming session the marine my make a hard difficulty (-10 or -20 i think) int role to gain any insight into overcoming his current foe. Each degree of success grants additional info although any such knowledge will be in the form of dreams and portents
;Totemic Charm:
:;Blindfold of the Ebon Sight
::The marine may don his blindfold (helmet must be removed) and place himself in a meditative state, doing so will allow him to reduce his battle fatigue by 1 point every 30 mins. While in this state marine suffers a -20 to perception tests.
:;Book of Reveries
::Once per gaming session the marine my make a hard difficulty (-10 or -20 i think) int role to gain any insight into overcoming his current foe. Each degree of success grants additional info although any such knowledge will be in the form of dreams and portents.


Revision as of 12:49, 7 February 2011

Stubbing this for later clean-up.

The Emperor's Nightmare Chapter is what happens when a fa/tg/uy with the Chapter Creation tables from Rites of Battle calls for people to roll the dice. Hilarity ensues, but the outcome is awesome as fuck. Basically, insomniac narcoleptic Raven Guard successors that battle chaos awake and asleep.

Color scheme not yet decided, but leaning towards quartered purple and gold. (Some prefer stark colors, others dark metallic versions. Time will tell.)

Fluffy bits

Founded in the 39th Millennium, on the Hive World of <REDACTED> as a successor Chapter to the vaunted Raven Guard. They have taken to parent chapter's talent for stealth in the duty to the Emperor. Oddly enough, their gene seed bears a strange Catalepsean Node mutation that causes long bouts of sleeplessness alternating with long coma-like rests. This mutation would almost be unremarkable except for the chapter's close connection to the Scholastica Psykana. It is said that the Marines continue to fight on even in their long rests battling the machinations of the Warp alongside the Psykana. Some Marines even awaken to claim to have fought side by side with the Emperor himself. These claims have attracted the attention of certain members of the Inquisition, and not always for the better...

Their Chapter Master, a former Raven Guard captain who got his own chapter after single-handedly slaying a Tzeentchian daemon prince, is dreadnoughted at the Fortress Monastery of Betten-Burgen and cannot be roused from his slumber. The Wake, a council of senior marines (not necessarily captains, as it cannot be guaranteed that they will be awake at any given time) governs the chapter's day to day activities. The August Dreamwalkers In Iron aka Venerable Dreadnoughts are said to be fighting chaos in their dreams, aided by chapter librarians as well as Scholastica psykers and diviner serfs.


Randolphus: First and only Chapter Master. Entombed within a dreadnought but his mind has been stolen by Tzeentchian sorcery.

The Wake: 11 senior chapter members that command the chapter until such time as Randolf's mind can be returned to him. It is comprised of the two Lord Adjutants, the Chief Apothecary, Master of Sanctity, Chief Librarian, Master of the Forge and five of the Night Owls Venerable Dreadnoughts.

Battlegroup Primus: Shock and Awe specialists. 4 codex battle companies. One company captain is elected to be a Lord Adjutant

Battlegroup Secundus: Stealth and black-ops specialists. 4 codex battle companies. One company captain is elected to be a Lord Adjutant.

Scout company.

Veteran company "The Night Owls" Approx. 100 strong. Both battlegroups have their own regular veterans of sorts, but fully half of the Night Owls are intombed within dreadnoughts (all the chapter's dreadnoughts are technically members of the Night Owls company, though they are often perminantly seconded elsewhere). These fifty warriors rule over themselves and no one else within the chapter dares to insist they elect an official leader. The other fifty members of the veteran company (along with some of the dreadnoughts) are those with psychic potential who are capable of the dream fighting for which the chapter is known. Many of the night owls are prone to coma like fugues that last for many weeks and only two dozen of their esteemed dreadnoughts are awake at any one time.

Not included are those who are completely unable to sleep and have been driven insane. These warriors are not uncommon but once they become unable to sleep at all they are considered dead and are stricken from the chapter's roster and a scout is promoted in their place. These tragic souls are taken from all companies and organized into their own special squads.

Crunchy bits

Chapter History
39th Millenium Founding
Chapter Progenitor
Raven Guard
Chapter Purpose
Chapter Demeanour
"See, But Don't be Seen."
Stat Bonuses
+5 Perception, +5 Intelligence
Gene-Seed Purity
Mostly Pure
Slight deviation from Codex, mostly organizational. Company strength is slightly more than 100 to ensure combat readiness even when 30-50% percent of a given company are Resting at a given time.
Combat Doctrine
Shock and Awe. Bombardment by battlebarge followed by large-scale drop-pod and Thunderhawk deployment
Cannot be Devastator. Ranged fire support outside of specially equipped Tactical squads entirely given over to Dreadnoughts and vehicles.
Special Equipment
Totem (see Trappings)
Chapter Belief
Honor the Ancestors
Chapter Founding Father
Chapter Master Randolphus, a Raven Guard captain who slew the Tzeentchian Daemon Prince Khaliman
Chapter Strength
Chapter Homeworld
Hive, Wasteland
Chapter Rule
by Stewardship
Chapter Friendship
Scholastica Psykana
Chapter Enemy
A particular Daemon. The very same Prince of Tzeentch slain by then-Captain Randolphus, whereupon his mind was lost
Chapter Battlecry

Advance Table: Behold our Wrath

  • Intimidate 100 xp
    • Intimidate +10 100 xp
      • Intimidate +20 100 xp
  • Interrogation 100 xp
    • Interrogation +10 100 xp
      • Interrogatin +20 100 xp
  • Iron Jaw 300 xp
  • Duty Unto Death 700 xp
  • Crushing Blow 500 xp
  • Double Team 100 xp

Solo & Squad Mode Abilities

Secrets of Fluidity (Chapter Solo Ability)
In lesser men, the long periods of insomnia and sleep deprivation would induce madness within a few days. But for a Nightmare, the time between Rests can be several weeks long, and the abnormal activity of the Catalepsean Node provides him with quick reactions beyond the norm.
While in Solo Mode, the Battle Brother is considered to have the Lightning Reflexes Talent.
At Rank 3, the battle brother receives a +10 to all Dodge tests.
At Rank 5, the battle brother is considered to have the Rapid Reaction Talent.
At Rank 7, once per game session the battle brother may automatically pass any one Agility based test. (For purposes of opposed rolls they are considered to have rolled a 01.)
Oath of Vengeance (Chapter Squad Attack Pattern)
Action: Free Cost: 1 Sustained: No
When any member of the Kill-team suffers Damage the Character receives a +4 bonus to damage rolls against the attacker.
At rank 5 this ability may be sustained.
Courage Under Fire (Chapter Squad Defensive Pattern)
Action: Free Cost: 0 Sustained: No
The battle brother inspires those under his command to press on in the face of danger. When this ability is used the battle brother and any within support range of him may immediately recover from being pinned.
At rank 4, those under the effect of this ability may also make a Half-move as a free action.

Chapter Trappings

Totemic Charm
Blindfold of the Ebon Sight
The marine may don his blindfold (helmet must be removed) and place himself in a meditative state, doing so will allow him to reduce his battle fatigue by 1 point every 30 mins. While in this state marine suffers a -20 to perception tests.
Book of Reveries
Once per gaming session the marine my make a hard difficulty (-10 or -20 i think) int role to gain any insight into overcoming his current foe. Each degree of success grants additional info although any such knowledge will be in the form of dreams and portents.


For tabletop, it has been pointed out that Blood Angels are a good codex, what with the Death Company standing in for the Nightmare's raging, wide awake assault troops, the Librarian Dreads as counts-as for the August Dreamwalkers In Iron, and fast vehicles that mirror the twitch reflexes of Nightmare marines in their Waking cycle.

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