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A week later, the new Chapter Master put on the armor of his predecessor. He heard the voices, and for a moment he thought he heard a very familiar one...
A week later, the new Chapter Master put on the armor of his predecessor. He heard the voices, and for a moment he thought he heard a very familiar one...
The chapter beliefs are centered around emulating their former chapter master Mordred, specifially his actions when he was stranded on an eldar craftworld. Most notable among this is the cult of fear; the weak are subjected to it and the strong might over come it and harness it just as Mordred did on the craftworld; when faced with insurmountable odds and completely alone, he did not give in and instead conducted raids and brtual acts so as to make the eldar fear him. Those who have undergone some sort of traumatic, terrifying, life changing experiance are especially favoured if they are able to become recruits. They do also venerate and respect their primarch Robute Guilliman, however where as other succesor chapters of the Ultramarines geneseed might see him as the master tactician, they view him as the tactful and lethal killer.

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In order to terrify the foe once the first strike is made, most battle brothers will emit a peircing shriek or scream from their vox casters as they charge. Some officers even have enhanced loud speakers attached to their armour to greaten the effect. While new battlebrothers often use artificially generated or pre-recorded screams, it is considered a matter of honour for a brother to collect and record a suitable scream shortly after he is recruited. Brothers will often compete and collect new screams over the years so that they might be even more terrifying.
In order to terrify the foe once the first strike is made, most battle brothers will emit a peircing shriek or scream from their vox casters as they charge. Some officers even have enhanced loud speakers attached to their armour to greaten the effect. While new battlebrothers often use artificially generated or pre-recorded screams, it is considered a matter of honour for a brother to collect and record a suitable scream shortly after he is recruited. Brothers will often compete and collect new screams over the years so that they might be even more terrifying.

The chapter master wears the very same armour that mordred wore upon the chapters founding; it is studded all over by luminous and brightly coloured gems with one large gem placed over the heart. Some say that the armour imparts the wisdom of the previous masters to the bearer and in doing so raise his fighting and tactical skills even higher than they would have been. This rumour has led to a belief that by collecting the eyes (similar to the gems worked into the armour) of fallen battle brothers or enemies then a battle brother might gain their skill and learning and use it himself on the battlefield.  
The chapter master wears the very same armour that mordred wore upon the chapters founding; it is studded all over by luminous and brightly coloured gems with one large gem placed over the heart. Some say that the armour imparts the wisdom of the previous masters to the bearer and in doing so raise his fighting and tactical skills even higher than they would have been. This rumour has led to a belief that by collecting the eyes (similar to the gems worked into the armour) of fallen battle brothers or enemies then a battle brother might gain their skill and learning and use it himself on the battlefield.

==Crunchy bits==
==Crunchy bits==

Revision as of 03:36, 25 May 2011

Eyes of Mordred
Number Unknown
Founding Unknown (32nd Millennium)
Successors of Doom Eagles
Successor Chapters None
Chapter Master Unknown. Founding father; Mordred of the Doom Eagles
Primarch Roboute Guilliman
Homeworld Unknown
Strength Unknown
Allegiance Imperium
Colours Unknown
The current livery of the chapter.

The Eyes of Mordred are another product of fat/tg/uys playing around with the Chapter Creation tables from Rites of Battle. After a lot of dice rolling, the results came in; a Doom Eagles successor chapter that, while still following the Codex Astartes, are practically loyalist Night Lords with a thing about eldar.

Fluffy bits

Mordred of the Doom Eagles

During an assault on an eldar craftworld by the Doom Eagles, a squad of tactical marines was stranded when the chapter retreated. The members of the squad were picked of one by one over the following days, leaving just one member alive; Septimus. The details of his time on the craftworld have been lost. Some say that he spent the weeks or months aboard the craftworld stalking the eldar from the shadows, killing them in vengenge for his lost battle brothers and taking the gems attached their armour as trophies. Others say that he was single handedly able to destroy an entire aspect temple or even the seer council of the craftworld. However what is known is that despite the terrible odds against him, Septimus was able to survive alone and somehow find his way back to his chapter either by seizing an eldar vessel or via other means.

Upon returning to the chapter he was proclaimed a great hero, the gems he had found attached to his armour by the chapter artificer. Around this time, as fortune would have it, the high lords of Terra were nearing the completion of a newly created chapter using the Doom Eagles geneseed which was to guard against the increasing eldar presence in the [SOMETHING] sector. Septimus was chosen to be the chapter master of this new chapter. He was from then on known as Septimus no longer; he renamed himself Mordred. So they might emulate his example against impossible odds, the new chapter was named The Eyes of Mordred.

In the years that followed, the gems in Mordreds armour began whispering to him, mocking him and weeping into his mind if he attacked the craftworld eldar, but working him into an uncontrollable fury if he were to attack their dark kin. After much secret study and private consultation with the Master of the librarium they understood them to be eldar soulstones. Mordred and the Cheif Librarian were eventually able to atune a soulstone to Mordred himself, so that even in death he would be able to lend guidence to the chapter that beared his name.

The Whisperings of the Master

Chapter Master Mordred (Previously known as Septimus, but he changed his name after he left the Doom Eagles) didn't want to be like this. Not after so long. Those gems he plundered and attached to his armor, he could hear them screaming in rage. He always knew some men considered him mad, and he was deathly afraid their rumors would become true. He looked at the foul Dark Eldar across the battlefield and was filled with a great loathing he had never felt before. The screams became comprehensible speech as he marched closer. "slaves to their decadence" "fallen brethren" "kill them". In rage he charged up to their leader, and before he could react decapitated him with a clean cut from his power sword. With inhuman speed even for a Space Marine he quickly shot all of his escorts with his plasma pistol. Under his helmet, he grinned. He felt like hundreds, no, thousands more years of battle experience crept into him. With a mighty roar he descended upon the rest of the Dark Eldar army, the First Company following

Many years later...

Mordred had his honor guard take their leave. He sat alone with the Warlock he had captured for interrogation. "Now, Veldara, I have a single request for you." he said coldly. Veldara replied "I shall not give in to the likes of you! You have stolen the souls of my brethren!" Mordred edged closer to her, and quietly spoke "That is what I want to know about. I hear the gems in my armor. When I fight your kind, they weep. When I fight Chaos or Dark Eldar, they scream in rage." Veldara quickly responded, saying "Those gems contain the souls of those of us who have died! If your armor is damaged, it will feed She Who Thirsts herself!" Mordred took off his helmet and stared at her with black, emotionless eyes. "Good. You have confirmed my theory. Now, do you want to see your fallen brethren?" Before Veldara could respond, he quickly shot her in the head. Taking her soulstone, he left the dungeons, attaching it to his helmet.

Many years later, still...

Mordred laid on the ground, writhing in pain. A Dark Eldar poison had penetrated his armor, and he knew he would die shortly. Such a small thing as death would not stop him from serving the Emperor, though. He had a secret kept with the Chief Librarian, one that could ruin his chapter's reputation if it had gone out. He knew that one of the stones in his armor was empty, and attuned to him by the Librarian's ritual. He died with a strangely calm expression on his face.

A week later, the new Chapter Master put on the armor of his predecessor. He heard the voices, and for a moment he thought he heard a very familiar one...


The chapter beliefs are centered around emulating their former chapter master Mordred, specifially his actions when he was stranded on an eldar craftworld. Most notable among this is the cult of fear; the weak are subjected to it and the strong might over come it and harness it just as Mordred did on the craftworld; when faced with insurmountable odds and completely alone, he did not give in and instead conducted raids and brtual acts so as to make the eldar fear him. Those who have undergone some sort of traumatic, terrifying, life changing experiance are especially favoured if they are able to become recruits. They do also venerate and respect their primarch Robute Guilliman, however where as other succesor chapters of the Ultramarines geneseed might see him as the master tactician, they view him as the tactful and lethal killer.


Recruit from the world next to their homeworld and / or freed dark eldar slaves. The horrors the slaves have been to subjected to imply the strengh they may have as a battle brother.

Potential recruits are tested by trial by fear. They released into the haunted woodlands of the planet [NAME OF PLANET NEXT TO THE MOON THE Eyes call homeworld] and then they must survive for a week. This is certainly no easy task, as they are hunted to death by the chaplains and librarians of the Eyes. In addition to this, much of the naturally growing fungus and plant life in the woodlands causes terrible halluncinations that bring a mans worst fears to life. Any who survive will not only have experianced the worst horrors he can imagine, but have overcome them and avoided capture by a superior force, just as Mordred did prior to the chapters birth.

In order for a recruit to become a full battle brother, they must collect 100 eyes taken from slain foes on the battlefield, in order to emulate the example of Mordred when he collected the gems of the eldar. These are kept in vials and if the recruit achieves success become one of his proudest chapter trappings; many battle brothers have the vials or metal studs with an eye design worked into their armour so that they might always remeber their success in this trial. However, the nature of this task requires the scouts to be up close and personal with the foe; eyes can not be taken from a snipers pirch. This leads to a particulary high rate of death in the chapters scout company and so it is oversized to compensate.


In order to terrify the foe once the first strike is made, most battle brothers will emit a peircing shriek or scream from their vox casters as they charge. Some officers even have enhanced loud speakers attached to their armour to greaten the effect. While new battlebrothers often use artificially generated or pre-recorded screams, it is considered a matter of honour for a brother to collect and record a suitable scream shortly after he is recruited. Brothers will often compete and collect new screams over the years so that they might be even more terrifying.

The chapter master wears the very same armour that mordred wore upon the chapters founding; it is studded all over by luminous and brightly coloured gems with one large gem placed over the heart. Some say that the armour imparts the wisdom of the previous masters to the bearer and in doing so raise his fighting and tactical skills even higher than they would have been. This rumour has led to a belief that by collecting the eyes (similar to the gems worked into the armour) of fallen battle brothers or enemies then a battle brother might gain their skill and learning and use it himself on the battlefield.

Crunchy bits

Chapter History
32nd Millennium Founding
Chapter Progenitor
Doom Eagles (Ultramarines Successor)
Chapter Purpose
Stat Bonuses
+5 Weapon Skill, +5 Fellowship
Gene-Seed Purity
Altered Stock
Gene-Seed Deficiency
Oversensitive Occulobe, resulting in improved sight in the dark, but poorer sight in the light.
Codex Chapter
Combat Doctrine
Terror tactics
Chapter Belief
Esoteric Beliefs
Chapter Founding Father
Mordred, a single tactical marine of the Doom Eagles who was stranded in a craftworld after a failed attack. As he could not carve his way out, he started killing Eldar and wearing their Soulstones as trophies. Eventually he managed to intimidate an Eldar passenger ship's captain to transport him to the nearest webway gate on an Imperial World. For his bravery and tenacity, he eventually became the founding father of the Eyes of Mordred.
Chapter Homeworld
Uninhabited, Airless
Chapter Strength
Chapter Friendship
Imperial Navy
Chapter Enemy
Dark Eldar
Chapter Battlecry

Solo Mode Abilities

The Chapter strictly follows the guidelines for combat set down by its parent Chapter. Choose one Solo Mode Ability from the Ultramarines.

External Links