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*Pistol Whip - Heroes with this skill count pistols, rifles, and SMGs as a single hand weapon while in close combat.


Revision as of 23:59, 29 August 2012


  • Fight: Melee fighting accuracy
  • Shoot: Ranged weapon accuracy
  • Move: Movement range
  • Armor: Damage reduction
  • Tactics: Reaction and reliability

Starting Gangs

Starting gangs receive 3 henchmen with 1s in every stat but Move, in which they have a 15. They also receive two heroes, one of which is the leader. Gang members that have line of sight to the leader can use the leader's Tactics stat for their own checks. Both heroes start with the same stats as henchmen, but has two stat point upgrades to divide between them.

Starting gangs receive 10 points for buying equipment.

Purchasing Equipment

  • Fist - 1 hand, 0 points
  • Hand Weapon - 1 hand, 1 point
  • Power Weapon - 1 hand, 2 points
  • Pistol - 1 hand, 2 points
  • SMG - 2 hands, 3 points
  • Rifle - 2 hands, 3 points
  • Light Armor - 0 hands, 3 points, Armor +1
  • Heavy Armor - 0 hands, 6 points, Armor +2


Roll a d6, add the relevant stat, and compare to the Difficulty. If the total roll is equal or higher, the Check succeeds.


Determine who goes first randomly. Players take turns activating dudes, who may move, then shoot. If a dude attempt to move over an obstacle or climb a wall, he must pass a Tactics check of difficulty equal to the obstacle's height divided by 5. Resolve shooting by making a Shoot check using the weapon's accuracy table, using the hit table on a success.

If a targeted dude's base is partially obscured from the shooter's point of view, the target has cover. This usually effects hit tables.

If a dude moves into base contact with an enemy dude, the enemy dude counts as being activated and may not take further actions this turn.

Once all dudes have been activated, resolve all melee combats between dudes in base contact. Each dude rolls a fight check. If his total is higher than an opponent in base contact, he may roll on the hit table of his weapon to determine damage to that enemy. Multiple weapons may result in multiple hits.

Hit table results are reduced by the target's Armor.

Start over and repeat as necessary. The game ends when all scenario objectives are accomplished, or when all but one team has declared a retreat.


After the game, both gangs loot, trade, reinforce, and acquire equipment.

The winning gang receives 5 points, plus 1 point for every member who was not killed or incapacitated, as well as two reinforcement henchmen. The losing gang receives 1 point for every turn cycle of the game to a maximum of 4 points, plus 1 point for every member who was not killed or incapacitated, as well as one reinforcement henchman. Points can be used to buy equipment.

The gang itself receives 1 experience point per game, which raises all henchmen's Fight, Shoot, Tactics, or Armor (choose randomly) by 1. Once a gang reaches 3 experience points, it stops gaining stats.

Hero characters receive 1 experience point per enemy they personally incapacitated or killed. For each experience point, roll a d6. A roll of 1 raises the character's Fight stat by 1, a roll of a 2 raises Shoot, 3 raises Tactics, 4 raises Armor, and 5 or 6 give the character a skill.


When heroes gain experience and roll a skill, they may select from the lists that their gang has increased its stats in.


  • Pistol Whip - Heroes with this skill count pistols, rifles, and SMGs as a single hand weapon while in close combat.


  • Dual Wielder - Heroes with this skill add 1 to their attack rolls when firing two pistols at the same target.
  • Full Auto - Heroes with this skill may attack all models in a line drawn from themselves with an SMG. Range applies.



  • Stealth - A hero with this skill may, as an activation, leave the board. Place two tokens where the hero was located. If at any point an enemy model has line of sight to either token, remove it from the board. When there is only one token remaining, replace it with the hero. The tokens may move as if they were the hero, making tactics checks as necessary. This skill can be taken multiple times to increase the number of tokens by one.

Weapon Stats


  • 3-: No effect
  • 4-5: Stunned
  • 6+: Incapacitated

Hand Weapon

  • 2-: No effect
  • 3-4: Stunned
  • 5+: Incapacitated

Power Weapon

  • 2-: No effect
  • 3: Stunned
  • 4-5: Incapacitated
  • 6+: Dead

Pistol - Accuracy

  • 10- cm - 6
  • 10-20 cm - 5
  • 20-30 cm - 4
  • 30-40 cm - 5
  • 40-50 cm - 6

Pistol - Hit

  • 1-: No effect
  • 2-5: Suppressed
  • 6+: Incapacitated

SMG - Accuracy

  • 10- cm - 6
  • 10-20 cm - 5
  • 20-30 cm - 4
  • 30-40 cm - 5
  • 40-50 cm - 6
  • Special - The SMG rolls 3 times on this table, resulting in a maximum of 3 hits.

SMG - Hit

  • 1-: No effect
  • 2-5: Suppressed
  • 6+: Incapacitated


  • 10- cm - 6
  • 10-20 cm - 5
  • 20-50 cm - 4
  • 50-60 cm - 5
  • 60+ cm - 6

Riifle - Hit

  • 1-: No effect
  • 2-4: Suppressed
  • 5+: Incapacitated

Status Effects

Stunned - Stunned dudes can take no actions, and are automatically incapacitated if hit with an attack. Activating a stunned dude ends this status effect.

Incapacitated - Incapacitated dudes are removed from the game.

Dead - Dead dudes are removed from the game and the gang's roster.

Suppressed - Suppressed dudes who are in cover in relation to the shooter count as activated, unless they succeed at a Difficulty 4 Tactics Check. Suppressed dudes outside of cover from the shooter are incapacitated unless they can succeed at a Difficulty 4 Tactics Check, activate, and move to a location where they have cover from the shooter.