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We got Gith and Zerthimon pages now, and this was never a particularly good article, so, I took a chance and gave it a rework.
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[[Image:Githzerai 4e.jpg|400px|thumb|right|And they're the good guys, who could guess?]]
[[Image:Githzerai 4e.jpg|400px|thumb|right|And they're the good guys, who could guess?]]
Once upon a time (in the future) the [[Illithid|mindflayers]] were being titanic douchebags. Is anyone surprised? You? Well, go screw yourself, that's just how they roll.

Anyway, this particular time, they were using mindcontrolled humanoid slaves to work the wheels of their titanic, universe-spanning empire. These slaves were either the first race ever to come into being, or heavily mutated humans, depending on which version of the fluff you read.
The '''Githzerai''' are a race of extraplanar humanoids native to either [[Limbo]] or to the [[Elemental Chaos]], depending on whether you use the [[Great Wheel]] or [[World Axis]] cosmologies. As their name suggests, they are relatives of the [[Githyanki]], separated due to a particularly bitter civil war fought eons ago about whether to follow the path of [[Gith]] or of [[Zerthimon]]. They first appeared alongside their githyanki cousins in the Fiend Folio for [[Advanced Dungeons & Dragons]] 1st edition. Updated to second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Appendix: Outer Planes, they then made the jump to player status in [[Planescape]]. In fact, they have the honor of being one of the three original Planescape PC races, alongside the [[Bariaur]]s and the [[Tiefling]]s.  

Well, after centuries of being used as free labor/breeding stock, one of them, [[Zerthimon]], was working like the perpetually miserable mindcontrolled slave that he was in the massive fields of brainless dead where the mindflayers dumped corpses that had been used for breeding, to make fertilizer. While working, he happened upon one corpse that had been killed by the sword sticking out of its head rather than something out of ''Alien''. He pulled it out, and he eventually worked out that it had killed the guy.
==So, Who Are They?==
The Githzerai are a contradictory sort of race. Whilst they cherish personal freedom, they are also a very [[monk]]ish race, believing that the path to freedom can be found through spiritual enlightenment and understanding of one's self. This behavior is particularly prominent in the Zerths, who as the pseudo-priests of [[Zerthimon]] follow his Unbroken Circle, which emphasizes the '''knowing''' of oneself. They are quiet, taciturn even, not fond of speaking unless they have to and only as much as they need to. Most believe in patient contemplation and understanding of every aspect of what they are about to do before they make a decision; others follow the path of instinct, trusting in their knowledge of their body and their inner harmony to intuitively guide them along the correct path, making snap decisions.

This was nothing less than a religious experience for their entire race, which sounds stupid until one considers that every one of them had been in slavery for so long that the very idea of non-illithid-related death was foreign and unimaginable. The idea that steel is stronger than flesh became the Scripture of Steel, and the path to freedom.
Githzerai don't do anything without a reason. They're naturally pragmatic and extremely stoic; they don't behave foolishly. In honesty, they tend to be kind of paranoid; though certainly healthier than their githyanki kinsfolk, their history as slaves to mind-controlling, brain-sucking monsters has left its scars upon their psyches. They're slow to trust, but loyal if you can prove yourself. They value independence, and have a strong atheistic streak, outside of their reverence for Zerthimon as a secular messiah; they don't believe the gods are inherently evil or tyrannous, unlike githyanki, but they prefer to rely on their own strength and are unwilling to trust to the benevolence of deities.

He used it as a farming tool for a while, reinventing the very concepts of toolmaking and weaponry in the process. His master, Arlathii Twice-Deceased, seeing Zerthimon's driven attitude, promptly accused him of several crimes he did not commit in an effort to find out if Zerthimon was a little less mindcontrolled than his brethren.
Oh, and it probably goes without saying, but they fucking well '''hate''' mind-flayers. Perhaps the closest thing to rowdies in typical githzerai culture the rrakkmas, warbands of githzerai who go roaming across the planes looking for brain-suckers to kill, although they're happy to psy-stab and bludgeon to death with their bare hands any other enemies of the githzerai that they encounter in the process.

Zerthimon, rather than doing the brave but stupid thing a la [[Warhammer 40K|a certain other grimdark futuristic setting]], did the smart thing and endured torture, pain, and the humiliation of thanking his captor for the punishment, all in the name of a future rebellion. In which Arlathii Twice-Deceased was promptly killed for the third and final time as the first casualty.
Githzerai traditionally place a lot of importance on both [[psionics]] and [[magic]], although that's partially because of the confused relationship between the two in D&D. They are ''the'' [[monk]] race in D&D, but they also have a pronounced tradition of arcane magic use, and their Zerths traditionally are [[gish|fighter/mages]] who also double as the closest thing

Decades passed as Zerthimon trained rebels to resist and utilize psionic powers and forge weapons, preparing for an uprising. He came into contact with Gith, a trained soldier who used her psychic powers to overcome her [[-4 Str]]. He was also probably in love with her, as he gave her all sorts of magic swords, if you know what I mean.
==Early Installment Weirdness==
That said, despite their hyper-lawful associations ''now'' - in contrast to the githyanki, who are essentially mixture of the three [[Just as planned|most]] [[RIP AND TEAR|annoying]] [[Munchkin|prick]] archetypes - the githzerai weren't always this way. Whilst some lore trappings have remained the same, originally, githzerai were a highly ''Chaotic'' race, to the point that one of their original PC limitations was "you cannot be a Lawful alignment".

And I think you know what I mean.
Why? Well, at their core, the githzerai are essentially the "good but still morally ambiguous counterpart" to the githyanki. So, when they were first created, their whole schtick was tightly wound up in the concept of them being anarchist survivalists who hid in the chaos of Limbo because it matched their desire to be free and never-restrained. So, what changed? We can sum it up in two words: ''[[Planescape: Torment]]''.

I mean his penis.
See, the reason githzerai are the famous and (semi-)popular PC race that they are is because of the party member Dak'kon the Pariah from that game.  And while he was originally-intended to be an aberration, a lawful member of a mostly-anarchic race, he's also the most famous and iconic githzerai character in the history of the game.  Players who want to play a githzerai, want to play a githzerai who's like Dak'kon.  Frankly, it also gives their race some cool themes and motifs, especially when some of their old shit [[Zaerith Menyar-Ag-Gith|was just lame copies of the githyanki's shit]]. Seriously, we went from "less edgy githyanki" to "spiritualists who live in the realm of chaos to test their powers of mental and spiritual control to the limit" - that's a huge improvement.

Anyway, their combined rebellions ripped up the mindflayers' shit something fierce, and before they knew it, they were sitting victorious on the Blasted Plains. Then, shit got real. Gith wanted to embark on an endless campaign, exterminating all mindflayers across all planes of existence and conquering every other race in all universes to serve as ''their'' slaves, slaking her [[RIP AND TEAR|endless lust for war]], preventing anyone from ever being their masters again, and allowing her to do a decent impression of the [[Empra]] and/or [[World of Warcraft|Grommash Hellscream]].
So, over time, the designers have found it easier to recast the entire race in his image. Chew on ''that'', [[Drizzt]].

Zerthimon then spoke the words that split their race into his followers and hers, the Pronouncement of Two Skies:
Another bit of weirdness, not related to the alignment, is that githzerai used to be hugely different in looks. Apparently, the initial idea was that the githyanki were so divergent from their human-like ancestors because of their prolonged habitation of the Astral, so whilst they were somewhat skeletal-faced jaundiced elf-like beings with reptilian aspects, the githzerai were portrayed as... humans. Oh, skinny humans with long faces, but still fundamentally humans. Take the clothing into account, and you probably wouldn't look twice at an AD&D githzerai if you saw him on the street. From 3e onwards, they were portrayed as looking a lot more like the githyanki, ultimately becoming all but visually indistinguishable from each other.

:'''"Fuck that shit."'''
Is this also Dak'kon's legacy? Well... yes and no. Dak'kon was given a more "Fu Manchu Elf" sort of appearance for his personal model, but was still pretty Caucasian-skinned. ''Torment'' did recycle the githyanki sprites for githzerai sprites, though, so it might have influenced WoTC... or it just might have been the new management deciding it made more sense that the two races with common ancestry should actually look alike.
Half of them sided with him, half with Gith, and they promptly fought out a second battle between the two right then and there. It ended when Gith killed him with the sword he had made for her, though no one really knows who won or what ''else'' happened during or after the battle, except that Gith named Zerthimon's followers githzerai, after their master, and hers the [[githyanki]], after her.
The githzerai fled to [[Planescape|Limbo]], where they keep huge chunks of it stable by sheer force of will. Nowadays, they usually act as either [[monk]]s or Zerths, a sort of githzerai-specific [[fighter]]-[[wizard|mage]].
Gith, heartbroken, left her people in the Astral Plane and wandered the planes for a bit, "seeking for allies," before striking an alliance with Tiamat's red dragon head, if you know what I mean.
And I think you know......
Did I already do that joke? Shit. Anyway, she's supposedly still there, her second-in-command, Vlaakith, (who brokered the deal, and may or may not simply have fed her master to the dragon and conspired to lie to her people), is now in charge of her endless war of conquest, and most githyanki can summon a red dragon if they're in a pinch.
Gith also apparently lost her original sword, which ended up being used by, in order, an idealistic rebel priest of Myrkul who challenged the will of the Gods to free his lover (and failing), a warlock who tried to kill the personification of the dark side of magic (and failing), and a poor hapless swamp villager....who ended up doing better than both previous wielders and achieving what they both set out to do. Takes all sorts.
So. Githzerai = hyperlawful monk or fighter-mage psionic types that breed PCs more often than their cousins. Githyanki = Ur-Quan from Star Control, or for those who don't play [[/v/|vidya gaems]], a mixture of the three [[Just as planned|most]] [[RIP AND TEAR|annoying]] [[Munchkin|prick]] archetypes.

Whilst githzerai have never achieved the same popularity as the [[tiefling]]s (lucky bastards), they've at least done better for themselves than the [[bariaur]], having managed to appear in every edition between AD&D and 5th, an their fans are hopeful that they'll make it into 5th once WoTC finally decides to do something planar or psionic in nature.
Whilst githzerai have never achieved the same popularity as the [[tiefling]]s (lucky bastards), they've at least done better for themselves than the [[bariaur]], having managed to appear in every edition between AD&D and 5th, an their fans are hopeful that they'll make it into 5th once WoTC finally decides to do something planar or psionic in nature. They've also done a ''lot'' better than the [[githyanki]] have.

===Advanced Dungeons & Dragons===
===Advanced Dungeons & Dragons===
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The 4e PHB 3 also gave githzerai a racial paragon path in the form of the Rrathmal, based on the traditional leaders of the githzerai rrakkmas, or elite trouble-shooting bands dedicated to hunting illithids and other enemies of the githzerai people.
The 4e PHB 3 also gave githzerai a racial paragon path in the form of the Rrathmal, based on the traditional leaders of the githzerai rrakkmas, or elite trouble-shooting bands dedicated to hunting illithids and other enemies of the githzerai people.

[[File:Githzerai_1e.png|200px|thumb|left|Can you believe this is how they used to look?]]

You may have noticed that we described them as "hyperlawful" up in the rambling main part, then that their alignment is restricted to ''non''-lawful in one of the statblocks. There is a very simple explanation for this: ''[[Planescape: Torment]]''. 
[[File:Githzerai_2e.png|200px|thumb|left|Nope, color doesn't make it any less stupid.]]

See, the reason githzerai are the famous and (semi-)popular PC race that they are is because of the party member Dak'kon the Pariah from that game.  And while he was originally-intended to be an aberration, a lawful member of a mostly-anarchic race, he's also the most famous and iconic githzerai character in the history of the game.  Players who want to play a githzerai, want to play a githzerai who's like Dak'kon.  Frankly, it also gives their race some cool themes and motifs, especially when some of their old shit [[Zaerith Menyar-Ag-Gith| was just lame copies of the githyanki's shit]].
[[File:Githzerai_3e.png|200px|thumb|left|Now we're talking.]]

So, over time, the designers have found it easier to recast the entire race in his image. Chew on ''that'', Driz'zt.
[[File:Githzerai_5e.png|200px|thumb|left|The pinnacle of Githzerai design.]]


Revision as of 17:59, 21 August 2017

And they're the good guys, who could guess?

The Githzerai are a race of extraplanar humanoids native to either Limbo or to the Elemental Chaos, depending on whether you use the Great Wheel or World Axis cosmologies. As their name suggests, they are relatives of the Githyanki, separated due to a particularly bitter civil war fought eons ago about whether to follow the path of Gith or of Zerthimon. They first appeared alongside their githyanki cousins in the Fiend Folio for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition. Updated to second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Appendix: Outer Planes, they then made the jump to player status in Planescape. In fact, they have the honor of being one of the three original Planescape PC races, alongside the Bariaurs and the Tieflings.

So, Who Are They?

The Githzerai are a contradictory sort of race. Whilst they cherish personal freedom, they are also a very monkish race, believing that the path to freedom can be found through spiritual enlightenment and understanding of one's self. This behavior is particularly prominent in the Zerths, who as the pseudo-priests of Zerthimon follow his Unbroken Circle, which emphasizes the knowing of oneself. They are quiet, taciturn even, not fond of speaking unless they have to and only as much as they need to. Most believe in patient contemplation and understanding of every aspect of what they are about to do before they make a decision; others follow the path of instinct, trusting in their knowledge of their body and their inner harmony to intuitively guide them along the correct path, making snap decisions.

Githzerai don't do anything without a reason. They're naturally pragmatic and extremely stoic; they don't behave foolishly. In honesty, they tend to be kind of paranoid; though certainly healthier than their githyanki kinsfolk, their history as slaves to mind-controlling, brain-sucking monsters has left its scars upon their psyches. They're slow to trust, but loyal if you can prove yourself. They value independence, and have a strong atheistic streak, outside of their reverence for Zerthimon as a secular messiah; they don't believe the gods are inherently evil or tyrannous, unlike githyanki, but they prefer to rely on their own strength and are unwilling to trust to the benevolence of deities.

Oh, and it probably goes without saying, but they fucking well hate mind-flayers. Perhaps the closest thing to rowdies in typical githzerai culture the rrakkmas, warbands of githzerai who go roaming across the planes looking for brain-suckers to kill, although they're happy to psy-stab and bludgeon to death with their bare hands any other enemies of the githzerai that they encounter in the process.

Githzerai traditionally place a lot of importance on both psionics and magic, although that's partially because of the confused relationship between the two in D&D. They are the monk race in D&D, but they also have a pronounced tradition of arcane magic use, and their Zerths traditionally are fighter/mages who also double as the closest thing

Early Installment Weirdness

That said, despite their hyper-lawful associations now - in contrast to the githyanki, who are essentially mixture of the three most annoying prick archetypes - the githzerai weren't always this way. Whilst some lore trappings have remained the same, originally, githzerai were a highly Chaotic race, to the point that one of their original PC limitations was "you cannot be a Lawful alignment".

Why? Well, at their core, the githzerai are essentially the "good but still morally ambiguous counterpart" to the githyanki. So, when they were first created, their whole schtick was tightly wound up in the concept of them being anarchist survivalists who hid in the chaos of Limbo because it matched their desire to be free and never-restrained. So, what changed? We can sum it up in two words: Planescape: Torment.

See, the reason githzerai are the famous and (semi-)popular PC race that they are is because of the party member Dak'kon the Pariah from that game. And while he was originally-intended to be an aberration, a lawful member of a mostly-anarchic race, he's also the most famous and iconic githzerai character in the history of the game. Players who want to play a githzerai, want to play a githzerai who's like Dak'kon. Frankly, it also gives their race some cool themes and motifs, especially when some of their old shit was just lame copies of the githyanki's shit. Seriously, we went from "less edgy githyanki" to "spiritualists who live in the realm of chaos to test their powers of mental and spiritual control to the limit" - that's a huge improvement.

So, over time, the designers have found it easier to recast the entire race in his image. Chew on that, Drizzt.

Another bit of weirdness, not related to the alignment, is that githzerai used to be hugely different in looks. Apparently, the initial idea was that the githyanki were so divergent from their human-like ancestors because of their prolonged habitation of the Astral, so whilst they were somewhat skeletal-faced jaundiced elf-like beings with reptilian aspects, the githzerai were portrayed as... humans. Oh, skinny humans with long faces, but still fundamentally humans. Take the clothing into account, and you probably wouldn't look twice at an AD&D githzerai if you saw him on the street. From 3e onwards, they were portrayed as looking a lot more like the githyanki, ultimately becoming all but visually indistinguishable from each other.

Is this also Dak'kon's legacy? Well... yes and no. Dak'kon was given a more "Fu Manchu Elf" sort of appearance for his personal model, but was still pretty Caucasian-skinned. Torment did recycle the githyanki sprites for githzerai sprites, though, so it might have influenced WoTC... or it just might have been the new management deciding it made more sense that the two races with common ancestry should actually look alike.


Whilst githzerai have never achieved the same popularity as the tieflings (lucky bastards), they've at least done better for themselves than the bariaur, having managed to appear in every edition between AD&D and 5th, an their fans are hopeful that they'll make it into 5th once WoTC finally decides to do something planar or psionic in nature. They've also done a lot better than the githyanki have.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Githzerai first appeared in the Planescape boxed set, specifically on page 12 of "A Player's Guide to the Planes", the player's section of the boxed set. They were reprinted in The Planewalker's Handbook, and also made an appearance in Player's Options: Skills & Powers.

+1 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Wisdom (PO:S&P instead presents them as having no racial ability adjustments)
Infravision 60 feet
Alignment Restriction: Cannot be Lawful
Class & Level Limits: Fighter (9), Wizard (12), Thief (15), Fighter/Mage (9/12)
Magic Resistance: Githzerai Fighters and Thieves have Magic Resistance 5% per level (maximum 95%); this power cannot be suppressed, and the first time a githzerai attempts to use an item, make a Magic Resistance check; if succeeded, then that item's magic will never function for that githzerai as a result. Githyanki wizards do not have magic resistance, and fighter/wizards must choose whether or not they have it.

3rd Edition

Githzerai first appeared in 3.0's Manual of the Planes, alongside their githyanki cousins - however, they were presented with no more specific a character statblock than any generic 3.0 humanoid monster. They received a full racial writeup in 3.5's Expanded Psionics Handbook (having first appeared in 3.0's Psionics Handbook, but nobody talks about that) and were made into a racial class in Complete Psionic.

For their EPH writeup, Githzerai were presented as having the following stats:

+6 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
Base Land Speed 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Naturally Psionic: Increase Psionic Power Points Pool by +2 Psi Points.
Psi-Like Abilities: A githzerai can use the psi-like abilities of Inertial Armor, Psionic Daze, Catfall and Concussion, all 3/day. At 11th level, they can also use Psionic Plane Shift 1/day. Manifester level is equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st) and save DCs are Charisma based.
Power Resistance: Hit Dice +5
Favored Class: Monk
Level Adjustment: +2

4th Edition

4th edition actually gave Githzerai not one, but two statblocks; the first, an immediate stop-gap, appeared alongside the githyanki in the Monster Manual 1, where it looked like this:

Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Vision: Normal
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics
Danger Sense: +2 to Initiative checks.
Racial Power - Iron Mind: Usable 1/encounter, when you would be hit by an attack, you can increase all of your defenses by +2 until the end of your next turn as an Immediate Interrupt.

Then, when the Player's Handbook 3 came along and psionics were formally introduced to D&D 4e, githzerai took pride of place as the traditional and iconic psionic race. Surprisingly, this second version of their statblock was all but identical to their original version, but with some tweaks that made the 'zerai even stronger than they had been.

Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity or Intelligence, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Vision: Normal
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics
Danger Sense: +2 to Initiative checks.
Shifting Fortune: When you use your Second Wind, you can shift 3 squares as a free action.
Racial Power - Iron Mind: Usable 1/encounter, when you would be hit by an attack, you can increase all of your defenses by +2 until the end of your next turn as an Immediate Interrupt.

The 4e PHB 3 also gave githzerai a racial paragon path in the form of the Rrathmal, based on the traditional leaders of the githzerai rrakkmas, or elite trouble-shooting bands dedicated to hunting illithids and other enemies of the githzerai people.


File:Githzerai 1e.png
Can you believe this is how they used to look?
Nope, color doesn't make it any less stupid.
File:Githzerai 3e.png
Now we're talking.
File:Githzerai 5e.png
The pinnacle of Githzerai design.