Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Death/Flesh-Eater Courts: Difference between revisions
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*'''[ Crypt Ghast Courtier]:''' A teeny tiny Ghoul champion upstart. That's what he is. He has a bunch of weak attacks and is still somewhat fragile for a Hero, with 4 Wounds and a 5+ save, similar to a Grot. His real use is in <s>summoning</s> resurrects on average 5 Ghouls per Hero Phase (yes, that means you can heal Ghoul units back to the point where their size-bonus activates) and he makes them stronger if he personally kills an enemy. Only use this as a last resort, though, as his reviving is superb and he's too fragile to risk in melee. | *'''[ Crypt Ghast Courtier]:''' A teeny tiny Ghoul champion upstart. That's what he is. He has a bunch of weak attacks and is still somewhat fragile for a Hero, with 4 Wounds and a 5+ save, similar to a Grot. His real use is in <s>summoning</s> resurrects on average 5 Ghouls per Hero Phase (yes, that means you can heal Ghoul units back to the point where their size-bonus activates) and he makes them stronger if he personally kills an enemy. Only use this as a last resort, though, as his reviving is superb and he's too fragile to risk in melee. | ||
*'''[ Crypt Haunter Courtier]:''' A slightly stronger Crypt Horror champion who can summon more of his flunkies. That last part alone is already cool, as Crypt Horrors are very powerful, but the fact that the Courtier is strong in melee and regenerates should not be forgotten. If he is your general, Crypt Horror Becomes '''battleline'''; With AOS2 making it so everyone can use Command Abilities, you won't feel that you're losing something when you make him your general. The Gutbusters Gorger model will make for a perfect Crypt Haunter Courtier if you don't want to go the conversion/special paintjob route. | *'''[ Crypt Haunter Courtier]:''' A slightly stronger Crypt Horror champion who can summon more of his flunkies. That last part alone is already cool, as Crypt Horrors are very powerful, but the fact that the Courtier is strong in melee and regenerates should not be forgotten. If he is your general, Crypt Horror Becomes '''battleline'''; With AOS2 making it so everyone can use Command Abilities, you won't feel that you're losing something when you make him your general. The Gutbusters Gorger model will make for a perfect Crypt Haunter Courtier if you don't want to go the conversion/special paintjob route. Equip him with a high-rend weapon from Malign Sorceries and keep near an '''ABHORRANT''' for rerolls to hit and he'll destroy almost anything he comes up against. | ||
*'''[ Crypt Infernal Courtier]:''' Blessed with everything a Crypt Flayer needs to be good. 5 attacks with 2 damage already make him as good as a small squad of normal Crypt Flayers and instead of a milquetoast Bravery-scream, he breathes fire. This guy is an absolute powerhouse AND he can Resurrect Crypt Flayers. If he is your general, Crypt Flayer Becomes '''battleline'''. | *'''[ Crypt Infernal Courtier]:''' Blessed with everything a Crypt Flayer needs to be good. 5 attacks with 2 damage already make him as good as a small squad of normal Crypt Flayers and instead of a milquetoast Bravery-scream, he breathes fire. This guy is an absolute powerhouse AND he can Resurrect Crypt Flayers. If he is your general, Crypt Flayer Becomes '''battleline'''. |
Revision as of 15:04, 2 March 2019
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Why Play Flesh-Eaters Courts
So you want to play an army of Nemesor Zahndrekh turned up to 100 with a sprinkling of cannibalism? Look no further. AND IT'S BEEN UPDATED FOR AOS 2.0!!!
Imagine this. A glorious army of marching men-at-arms, disciplined, stoic and determined as they storm forward in organized ranks, watched by the steely eyes of their heroic commanders.
By their side, mighty knights clad in full battle plate, resplendent in their shining armor, stomp across the ground with massive bejeweled two-handed weapons in hand, led by the strongest and boldest of their Champions.
Above, warriors with angelic wings soar through the sky, intoning prayers and hymns of praise to their gods and their sovereign, filling all with pride to be in the court. Even holy beasts such as gryphons and majestic dragons take flight, their great bellows an inspiration to the humble men below.
At the heads of the army, stands the King. Wearing fine armor and plate, he strides forward with confidence and utmost conviction, ready to put those who threaten his people to the sword.
Of course, that's what they think. And it's probably why you're here.
In reality, it's a terrifying horde of stinking, pallid creatures. Swarms of ghouls compete with each other to be first into the fray, scrabbling at their enemies desperately, dragging and tearing apart their enemies. Huge cannibals charge into the fight, shattering the battle line with their charge. Horrid, flying monsters impale unfortunates, while giant undead dragons and terrorgheists cut bloody swathes through formations of troops.
At the head of it all, stand the proud ghoul kings and archregents. Inhumanly fast and durable, such bestial vampires rip apart scores of foes with horrifying ease, while their so-called holy prayers and spells take the form of dark death magic laced with the traces of their delusion.
Worst still, when the nobility signals the feast to begin, the mordants are frenzied as they pile right through the enemy formations, surrounding them utterly. Even when the far-more disciplined but beleaguered fighters slay hordes of the slavering beasts, the howls of demented courtiers call even more to battle. What that should have been a battle or simple skirmish devolves into a desperate fight for survival.
Where the Kings see powerful stallions that crush the foe with shining hooves, their victims see crazed, frothing and decaying horses that kill mindlessly without pause.
And where the Kings see phalanxes of disciplined yet massive warriors clad in shining armor, the victim sees a wall of corpses clutching the ruins of their once-great civilizations.
This is the appeal of the Flesh-Eater Courts. And this is their curse.
You will always be the aggressor. Surrounding the enemy and completely outnumbering them. Every single time your opponent must fight to survive, battling endless tides of mordants that all suffer the same delusions, the same madness that empowers them with an insane conviction.
Welcome to the court. And welcome to the feast.
The Death Battletome: Flesh-Eater Courts second edition has all the Warscrolls, Battations, Allegiance Abilities and Matched play points.
- This should be supplemented with the Flesh-Eaters Courts Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
- Alternatively up to date warscolls can be found in the WH AoS app.
As with all factions you'll want:
- The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
- Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
- In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
- Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
- All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.
General Thoughts
So, how do the Flesh-Eater Courts look? This battletome, while seemingly lazily done, has actually gifted the sons of Ushoran a TON of ways to play. The Skaven kinda got the short end of the stick, being nerfed and having multiple ways of exploding, plus VERY restricted battleline. But us? Our battleline is incredibly flexible, and the Grand Courts do an incredible job of changing our playstyles. As such, this book is a ton of fun, plus the lore's amazing.
Some general tips that should be noted for new Flesh-Eater players: This army is hilariously easy to build up thanks to the Start Collecting! Flesh-Eater Courts box, which gives everything you need, and if you have a Skaven friend, Carrion Empire is another incredible deal. If you can, try getting the Nightfeast Hunters Skirmish box as well.
The lore of this army is fucking awesome. It's easily one of the most unique. So experiment! Try all kinds of things with your lore. Go insane, it's in theme.
Models wise, the army is still great. But when painting the inevitable horde of ghouls, try taking breaks now and then between your batches of ghouls by painting your heroes or monsters or horrors. It really helps break the monotony of painting ghouls. And don't be afraid to convert! Your guys are completely crazy, so go nuts with conversions! The Varghulf model is incredibly old but still good, but if you wish, there are tons of cool models that fit on 60mm bases that work great as a conversion! Don't forget, your courtiers must be made from the same boxes as your normal mooks, so plan out in advance how you're gonna build your boxes. For example, in my case: I had 3 boxes of Crypt Horrors/Flayers, and I used the parts inside to build 3 Crypt Horrors, 3 Flayers and 2 Haunter Courtiers and 1 Infernal Courtier. For Ghast Courtiers, try finding conversions, because you do NOT want to take that single model out of your ghoul blob and be left with 19 odd ghouls. Currently the official base size for Ghast Courtiers is 32mm, so keep that in mind.
In terms of playstyle, I have no idea why but a LOT of FEC players have this weird Blisterskin Flayer or Gristlegore Monster Mash fetish. Keep in mind, Flayers are NOT reliable whatsoever. Same with your monsters. This will be touched upon again later.
The most important part of the playstyle that should be remembered is this: Your units are overpriced like all hell for good reason. A unit of Horrors is the same cost as a Fellwater Troggoth unit that has outright better stats. Why? Because you can bring your Horrors back, they can't. You can summon entirely NEW units as well. So focus on that. Your units generally suck, and rely on synergies to bring out the best in them. There was a lot of crying about the new Feeding Frenzy being overpowered, but it's really useful at making flesh-eaters viable. SO remember: One of your greatest strengths is your numbers and sheer attrition power. There are few armies in the game that can throw so many bodies on the board, or regenerate so much, which is why you should try to focus on that.
Most importantly, have fun with the Courts of Ushoran! This is an incredibly cool army that also loves conversions, so let your imagination go wild!
Allegiance Traits
- Deathless Courtiers: Each time one of your units wholly within 12 inches of your general or friendly FEC hero takes a wound or mortal wound, they get an extra 6+ save. Classic Death allegiance ability. Not amazing, but it’s quite reliable and helps make up for your poor average save. Works with both courtiers and Abhorrants, so try to ensure that all of your MORDANTS are within range of any COURTIERS or ABHORRANTS to get the most out of this.
- Feeding Frenzy: It’s been HUGELY improved. It’s now a command ability that you can use immediately after any FLESH-EATER COURTS unit has piled in and made its attacks, wholly within 12" of any FLESH-EATER COURTS HERO, increased to 18" if the general uses the command ability. That unit gets to pile in and attack AGAIN! RIP AND TEAR! Normally your units are relatively weak, but with this you can seriously pump out good damage. However, this means that you need to spend your command points carefully. There’s also some serious utility with this ability, as piling in again means you get to effectively move 6 inches in the combat phase, allowing you to either attack vulnerable heroes, or pull your opponent’s shooting units into the fight. You can also use this to swarm objectives better with Crypt Ghouls, letting you claim them, especially since you will usually have a LOT of them. But be extremely careful that you don’t pull in your opponent’s stronger melee units.
- Court of Delusions: With this, you get to choose an ability for your entire army before choosing your command trait. Can drastically alter how you play your army, so choose...carefully.
- Crusading Army: You can add 1 to run and charge rolls for Flesh Eater Courts units. Very very nasty, and can add up to a lot of extra made charges over the course of a game. Somewhat weaker than before, no free re-rolls unlike last time. However, still extremely solid, great alternative to the grand Courts (Will be discussed below)
- The Royal Hunt: Your entire army can reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 but only when attacking monsters. Decent. Extremely dependent on your opponent’s army. The main problem being that many of your units have innate access to re-rolls, such as crypt Horrors or ghouls, while Zombie Dragon Ghoul Kings could potentially cover re-rolling wound rolls. However, it’s definitely good with your big monsters and Crypt Flayers, who have less access to re-rolls.
- The Feast Day: You can use the Feeding Frenzy command ability without spending a command point once per turn. Incredible. You will always get mileage out of this one. Generally tied with Crusading army for best all-round delusion (once again excluding Grand Courts, but more on that below). It used to be so bad, but it’s now a great choice if you wish to save command points for other things, such as summoning more mordants or the generic ones.
- A Matter of Honour: Your units can reroll hit rolls of 1 when targeting heroes. If it's the enemy general you can reroll wound rolls of 1 too. Much more universal than Royal Hunt, so worth a look. Good choice, especially since it applies to your whole army. It’s generally a nice bonus, but might depend on what your opponent brings.
- The Grand Tournament: Heroes other than your general can reroll hit rolls of 1. It is specific and obviously only useful if you've got a bunch of heroes, but if that's the army you're running then it can hurt a lot. If you are running an Archregent, Foot AGK or Courtier General and at least one (two+ preferred) mounted AGKs, this could be worth it. Consider your heroes. The mounted AGKs will benefit a lot from this. Your foot AGKs are solid fighters, but remember that your Haunter Courtier is unlikely benefit much from this. Same with the Varghulf Courtier, both of whom usually have innate re-rolls. Overall, an honestly strong choice if you bring a lot of mounted AGKs. Not as much utility as The Feast Day or Crusading Army, but re-rolling those dreadful ones with your mounted Terrorgheist’s Fanged Maw is amazing.
- Defenders of the Realm: Reroll saves of 1 for all units with at least half of their models in your territory. Since you don't have much in the way of long-range attacks, you're probably going to need to be aggressive, so this won't be useful. Running this with King's Ghouls and two 40 Ghoul blocks could make for a more defensive army. Even if you have to be defensive, this isn’t that strong. Your units have weak saves across the board. HOWEVER, if you are really dead set on this, then consider what units will benefit most from it. Ghouls are unlikely to benefit much, but your monsters and ABHORRANTS will, with their solid 4+ saves. Once again, a somewhat situational delusion, but definitely has its uses.
The best delusions would probably be Crusading Army, The Feast Day, The Grand Tournament, in no particular order. It's just that these Delusions give the strongest overall bonuses that are useful in almost any situation.
Grand Courts
Now instead of a delusion, you get to choose one of the the Grand Courts! Kind of like Beasts of Chaos Greatfrays or Stormcast Stormhosts. You get a specific delusion, a command trait, an artifact and your own command ability. So unlike the Delusions, you get a command ability to make up for the fact that you MUST take the command trait and artifact. All of them are pretty solid, and it means that you have a gigantic amount of customization for your army. These ones hugely change up your army’s playstyle.
Morgaunt Grand Court
- Ability: Blood Loyalty
Solid. Your MORGAUNT COURTIERS wholly within 12" of a MORGAUNT SERFS (your crypt ghouls) unit, re-roll hit rolls of 1. Haunter and Varghulf Courtiers have relatively easy access to re-rolls, unlike Ghast and Infernals, who will definitely benefit a lot. However, the best part of this ability is this: Your MORGAUNT SERFS wholly within 12" of your COURTIERs activate Boundless Ferocity at 10 or more models. Boundless Ferocity is the new fancy name for Battalion Strength, meaning that your ghouls get an extra attack (usually 3 attacks total), at 10+ models. This is incredibly useful, as it means that 20-ghoul blobs are viable, and summoning a ghoul unit may actually do something. Of course, be careful of the range. As well as the fact that ABHORRANTs cannot activate it, only COURTIER units can.
- Command Ability: Heaving Masses
Your opponent is going to destroy lots of ghouls. What do you do then? You bring even MOAR ghouls. You can use this command ability when any MORGAUNT SERFS unit is destroyed, and you roll a dice, on a 4+, you get to set up the exact same unit wholly within 6" of any edge of the battlefield, and 9" from enemies. This is actually really useful. The biggest weakness is that you're spending a command point for a 50% chance of bringing back a unit, which is risky, though better than those Hammers of Sigmar gits. The most obvious use is in gaining insane amounts of attrition pressure. BUuuut, you also should remember: You can choose ANY edge. There are a lot of ways to use this. If you have multiple units of 10-20 ghouls, you can try your luck with this to let those ghouls attack from unexpected angles, tying up shooty units, and possibly killing squishies, especially if you summon a COURTIER using an Archregent or zombie dragon ghoul king. Still great to use on big groups though. See the smaller groups as an ambush party of sorts. They have the flexibility and small footprint to go after your opponenent's backline, while having the damage (Keep Blood Loyalty in mind) to seriously dent stuff. Remember though, you can only use this when a unit is destroyed, so if the roll fails, those guys are permanently gone, so don't be a smartass trying to bring units back from the dead.
- Command Trait: Savage Chivalry
You can re-roll hit-rolls of 1 for your general if they are within 12" of a MORGAUNT SERFS unit. Look carefully at "WITHIN". Your Mounted ghoul kings just need a tiny part of their base to be within 12" and they get the re-rolls. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a very useful buff. But remember carefully who benefits most from this. Varghulf and Haunter Courtiers benefit little, so your best bet would be ABHORRANTs, but don't forget that this CANNOT affect a royal terrorgheist or zombie dragon mount. That said, it's not a jaw-droppingly good command trait, but you honestly can't go wrong with this. Reliable if a little boring.
- Artifact: Decrepit Crown
This special artifact which allows your units to ignore battleshock while WHOLLY within 12 inches of the wielder, 18 if the general Carries it. Most would dismiss this as weak since Death units have bravery 10 (which is awesome), but you’re playing crypt GHOULS. These guys die like flies, and while they won’t run like a Skaven, you will still lose a LOT to battleshock. This also saves your CPs from being used on Inspiring Presence. Your monsters don't care about battleshock, but Crypt Ghouls most certainly do. And while Crypt Horrors and Flayers don't usually care about battleshock, the fact that this still buffs them shouldn't be forgotten. Terrible battleshock rolls, heavy casualties, losing those Crypt Horrors/Flayers is PAINFUL. So this is honestly a great artifact.
Overall, a great Grand Court. Remember, this focuses a LOT on your Serfs/Crypt Ghouls, who are excellent at killing lightly-armored foes. For sample lists, you could try multiple units of 10-20 ghouls as screens and fodder to die for your bigger blocks of 30-40, and use Heaving Masses for them to either threaten objectives or threaten the enemy backline. Also, try bringing rending units, such as Flayers or monsters. In this kind of list, having a Courtier or two would be extremely useful, such as using an Archregent or Zombie Dragon Ghoul King's summon ability. Generally best to summon either Ghasts or Varghulfs, since they can replenish those units, AND use the Feeding Frenzy Command ability on said units.
Hollowmourne Grand Court
- Ability: Shattering Charge
Your COURTIER and KNIGHTS units get to re-roll wound rolls of 1 in turns that they charge. This is scary good at increasing your damage, and you can squeeze out all the mileage from this with Feeding Frenzy. All your COURTIERS benefit, but monsters like your Varghulf and Haunter Courtiers will go nuts with this. Your KNIGHTS, Horrors and Flayers both benefit hugely from this, especially because they pump out so many attacks. It's also worth mentioning that while your zombie dragon ghoul kings can cast his unique spell to get full re-rolls, it's not guaranteed to go off, and sometimes it may get unbound. While this shit? This shit means shit's going down son, guaranteed so long as you get that charge. Speaking of which...
- Command Ability: Ravenous Crusaders
You can pick any HOLLOWMOURNE unit wholly within 9" of a HERO or 18" of your general, and they get add 1 to run and charge rolls, and can even run and charge. This significantly increases your threat range, and gives you the flexibility to attempt long bomb charges. It also works with your units that you summoned, since they now just need an 8 to make a successful charge. However, this command ability requires you to THINK. Don't spam it or you will most definitely run out of command points. You don't always wish to throw your horror deathstar as fast as possible at your opponent. It's easy for your units to accidentally run OUT of your synergy and buff ranges, leaving them as easy pickings. So be very careful with this.
- Command Trait: Grave Robber
Once again, doesn't affect mounts. So no cheesing with your royal mounts. Your general adds 1 to attacks and damage while within 3" of enemy HEROES with an artifact of power. Even though it doesn't affect your mount, Abhorrant Ghoul Kings and Archregents actually benefit a LOT from this. They have a lot of attacks, so that added damage will hurt. However, it's difficult to get close to enemies with artifacts of power. So it might be really good on Varghulf Courtiers or mounted Kings, units that can fly and pick their fights. It's also worth remembering that your general doesn't need to attack the hero with an artifact, you can actually tear apart that unit your opponent was screening his hero with.
- Artifact: Corpsefane Gauntlet
When the model with this artifact charges, you can inflict D3 mortal wounds on a 2+ against ONE enemy unit within 1". It's a very small effect, since the bearer may not make that many charges. HOWEVER, there are some uses to this. Infantry units have the wounds to laugh it off, so pick your charges wisely. Monsters with damage tables would utterly hate taking D3 wounds, as it can knock them down a peg even before your guy swings. Heroes usually have about 5 wounds, and as such this can seriously hurt them. Squishy glass cannon units with lots of damage may also hate this, especially 1 wound units like Bestigors, Grimghast Reapers, Bladegheist Revennants, Bloodletters, heck, even Loonsmasha Fanatics.
In conclusion, quite a killy Grand Court. My personal favorite because I'm in love with Horrors. Ravenous Crusaders should be used wisely and as a sneaky trick, since you can use it to surprise your opponent with extended threat ranges. It's also very good for summoned units to fish for those 9" charges. These armies would probably like using a mounted ghoul king or varghulf courtier general to make use of Grave Robber, while the Corpsefane Gauntlet does great on anything, though aggressive heroes that will most certainly get stuck in will like this. Interestingly, Varghulf courtier or mounted king generals could get a lot of mileage by having having the Gauntlet, since they have the mobility to pick their targets and get to artifact-carrying heroes, while having the stats to massively benefit from the Grave Robber buffs. Don't forget, your Horrors become battleline if you choose this Grand Court.
Blisterskin Grand Court
- Ability: Blistering Speed
All your BLISTERSKIN units gain 2 inches. This is honestly incredible. You will ALWAYS get a use out of this. There's little to be said, other than the fact that you will normally outrange your opponent in terms of threat range. This allows you to cross the board faster, and forces your opponent to play conservatively, as they have to watch for you, because with this, you have the ability to pick your fights with this kind of insane mobility.
- Command Ability: Lords of the Burning Skies
Used in the movement phase, you get to choose BLISTERSKIN unit with the FLY keyword. You can remove it from the battlefield and set it up again 9 inches away from any enemy models. They can't move after that. Nice. Unfortunately, being limited to flying units does restrict it quite a bit. Try not to use this for alpha strikes, as you have little ways to buff up an alpha strike to do it reliably or even kill the stuff you charge. Instead, the mere threat of it is a boon. Your opponent has to set up to prepare for any potential attacks from unexpected angles. Use it also for objective grabbing or you can set up your monsters/flayers a good distance away from the enemy such that they can't charge your units easily, while yours can (Your guys have a LOT of movement, so use it). It allows you to threaten your opponent and spread them thin. Don't forget, you can still shoot. Flayers get to shoot, and they can deal decent damage en masse, while Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons have outright terrifying ranged attacks, especially the Terrorgheist. (Cast that fly spell on some ghouls and now they can teleport).
- Command Trait: Hellish Orator
While this general is ON the battlefield, roll a dice, on a 4+ you get a command point, in addition to your normal.
- Artifact: Eye of Hysh
Gristlegore Grand Court
- Ability: Peerless Ferocity
- Command Ability: Call to War
- Command Trait: Savage Strike
- Artifact: Ghurish Mawshard
Command Traits
There are now 2 tables: Royalty and Nobility.
- Bringer of Death: Your general can reroll wound rolls of 1. Pretty solid for a close combat monster general.
- Frenzied Flesh-eater: Reroll failed hits and wounds if there are any wounded models within 3".
Given that this doesn't affect mounts (which sucks), you could possibly have your royal terrorgheist or dragon mount attack first, and if they inflict any wounds, it would activate this buff for your Ghoul King rider on top. Very reliable, and usually better than Bringer of Death.Sorry, this doesn't work as wounds only get allocated one all of the unit's attacks have been resolved. Reliability will depend greatly on how many multi-wound models your opponent is fielding. - Savage Beyond Reason: Unmodified hit rolls of 6 explode into 2 automatic hits. Competes with Frenzied Flesh-Eater. This is also very good, since your abhorrants have so many attacks that they can do a LOT of damage with this. However, less reliable than Frenzied Flesh-Eater, since those 6s may not always happen.
- Majestic Horror: If you have a summoning Command Ability, use it for free. It will save you one command point. Which can actually mean a lot. It means that your Archregents/Ghoul Kings don't need to hang around the throne, or can work great with your mounted kings. It's not as game breaking as before, but you can hardly go wrong with a free command point.
- Dark Wizardry: Add 1 to the General's Casting, Dispelling and Unbinding rolls if they're a Wizard. This is nuts. It's an incredible command trait, especially for your Archregents, who can cast 2 spells AND unbind 2 spells a phase. This is probably the strongest and most reliable trait for a foot ABHORRANT hero, who usually prefer to support than fight. Your mounted kings work best with the more combat-oriented traits above, and even then, they may prefer this due to the fact that your kings aren't that scary in combat.
- Completely Delusional: Once per battle, if your general is still alive, you can change your current delusion to a new one. You cannot choose a Grand Court though. Actually quite good, as your delusions are actually solid. It does give you huge flexibility, for example, start with Crusading Army to NYOOOOOOM up the board, then change to Feast Day when getting stuck in. Or use Defenders of the Realm if you're expecting an alpha strike, then swap to Feast Day to boost your combat power. The possibilities are actually limitless.
Definitely a great table. Your close combat generals would appreciate almost any of the combat traits, Majestic Horror is a great utility trait that will always get work done no matter what, Dark Wizardry is just crazy good, while Completely Delusional is an incredibly strong trait that requires finesse to use but is greatly rewarding when used well. Archregents will love Dark Wizardry, that is a given.
Nobility: COURTIER HEROES only
- Bringer of Death: Your general can reroll wound rolls of 1. Pretty solid for a close combat general. Haunter and Infernal Courtiers will like it, and Varghulfs will love this.
- Frenzied Flesh-eater: Reroll failed hits and wounds if there are any wounded models within 3". See above.
- Savage Beyond Reason: Unmodified hit rolls of 6 explode into 2 automatic hits. This is great. Your Haunter Courtier has multi damage weapons that will love exploding dice, and your Varghulf Courtier will go nuts with this, thanks to his insanely high damage output, while your Infernal Courtier will certainly appreciate this.
- Hulking Brute: Add 1 to your general's wounds. Not bad. But generally quite unimpressive compared to the other options.
- Cruel Taskmaster: You can re-roll the dice when using the Muster ability. Less potent for a Ghast Courtier, since ghouls are regenerated on a 2+. However, this is a godsend for Haunter or Infernal Courtiers, since a rerollable 5+ is technically equivalent to a 4+. Keep in mind that any dice can be rerolled, including successful rolls, so that Varghulf Courtier who brought back a bunch of ghouls can actually reroll the dice and fish for 5s and 6s. A very good trait. Actually, if you reroll, you must reroll ALL the dice. So more of a safety net if you roll terribly than a constantly reliable trait.
- Dark Acolyte: You're a WIZARD, Harry! A flesh-eating and completely insane one, too. You also get to cast 1 spell, unbind 1, and know the Black Hunger spell. This is another insanely strong trait. Being a FLESH-EATER COURTS WIZARD means that you can cast Endless Spells, and you also know one spell from the Lore of Madness (More on that later). This is extremely good,
and your Varghulf Courtier who successfully casts this and affect himself with the "Feed on Dark Magic" ability.Sorry, Feed on Dark Magic only triggers if an ABHORRANT casts a spell.
Overall, a great set of command traits. This whole table generally does best with a Varghulf Courtier general, but the others can work. Combat generals should probably grab Savage Beyond Reason, while anything else should usually get Dark Acolyte. Cruel Taskmaster is crazy good, but depends heavily on what you need. Usually another wizard is better than rerolling your muster ability.
There are 2 sets of artifacts now, one for Abhorrants and one for Courtiers.
Royal Treasury: ABHORRANT HEROES only
- Signet of the First Court: Unmodified wound rolls of 6 by the general get damage increased by 1 for that attack. Most Abhorrants have a lot of attacks, so they can definitely get some serious mileage out of this. Somewhat overshadowed by the support artifacts, but great if you want a damage focused abhorrant.
- Splintervane Broach: Enemy Wizards within 12 subtract 1 from their casting rolls. Very nasty if you can get within range, but a lot of Wizards will just move out of range of it, so unreliable. Having said that, with the arrival of Malign Sorcery and increased focus on magic, this is definitely a more viable option than in AOS 1.0. If you are playing a one off against a magic heavy opponent or have a magic heavy local meta, it definitely bears consideration.
- Blood River Chalice: Once per game heal D6 wounds on your character. Best on a mounted ghoul kings who just shifted down a wound level to bounce him back up. It's a great artifact. Wasted on foot kings, who only have 6 wounds, or Archregents, who already heal 3 wounds instantly. This should always be given to mounted kings, who can heal D6 from this, then D3 from their Royal Blood ability, which can mean a TON of wounds recovered. Excellent artifact, you can get a ton of mileage out of this. In practice, many opponents will try to one shot the bearer so he can't use it. If you can predict when he's gonna do it, try casting Unholy Vitality (Your TG riding king's unique spell). Even if your opponent manages to kill him, he would have wasted so much damage on your character trying to kill him.
- The Grim Garland: Enemy units within in 6 subtract 2 from their Bravery. In practice, this means 1 enemy unit, but this is still incredible. An autopick for any Flayer or Terrorgheist heavy list. Your shooting attacks will deal huge amounts of damage, and that's not even taking into account the horrendous battle shock that you have to take, normally forcing the wasting of a LOT of command points for Inspiring Presence.
- The Dermal Robe: Add 1 to casting, dispelling, unbinding rolls for bearer. Once again, just plain insane. You can either stack it with Dark Wizardry for a godlike caster who can compete with Arkhan and even Nagash, or you can give it to someone else to spread your spells around. Generally best with Archregents once again, who are complete gods of magic for the flesh-eaters. This is an insanely good artifact, that you seriously cannot go wrong with.
- Heart of the Gargant Feast: Once per game rerolls to wound for your character. Solid, but limited, probably better to take something that helps more than one unit. What he said. The artifact is relatively meh, but if you truly wish to use it, use it with a strong mounted king, and buff him with stuff like Feeding Frenzy, the Archregent's Ferocious Hunger, Zombie Dragon King's Malefic Hunger, you get the idea, especially if you REALLY want something just that dead, since the aforementioned spells actually buff your mount too.
Noble Heirlooms: COURTIER HEROES only
- Keening Bone: One the bearer's melee weapons has its range changed to 3 inches. Formerly seen as a joke, but it's a very interesting artifact. 3 inches is massive, and as such, when piling in your hero, this can be used as a very nasty surprise. This actually makes for a great hero killer, especially after piling in. Feeding Frenzy can be used to get even more threat range, allowing you to hit squishy support heroes standing behind, or attack powerful melee characters from a safe range - behind his own troops.
- Medal of Madness: Once per battle ROUND, not battle, keep in mind, the bearer can use a command ability on their warscroll without command points being spent, and are treated as a general for the purposes of the command ability. This will need an FAQ due to the iffy wording, since all your COURTIERS have no command abilities on their warscrolls at all. As such, try not to use this until an FAQ comes round. However, potentially very powerful. Free command abilities should never be scoffed at, and if this guy can use generic command abilities such as Forward to Victory or Inspiring Presence, that can be a LOT of utility. It's unlikely these guys can use Abhorrant abilities, but if they can, that's yet another free unit of dudes. Confirmed in the FAQ, this now allows the Courtier to use one of the three generic command abilities for free once per battle round.
- The Flayed Pennant: Re-roll failed charge rolls for FLESH-EATER COURTS units wholly within 12 inches of bearer. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Yet, not all hope is lost. Still makes for super cool conversions, such as a Chaos warrior's banner, or heck even a Bloodletter's Bloodsoaked Banner. This is arguably stronger than before. It's effect is permanent, and once again, a Varghulf carrying this could zoom around, buffing everyone you need to buff. Free re-rolls means more CPs saved, and thus more Feeding Frenzies, or more summons or more Grand Court command abilities. Just make sure you position your Courtier to be where most of your charges will be made.
- Carrion Wand: Bearer can cast Arcane Bolt like a WIZARD. If he's already a WIZARD, basically if he has the Dark Acolyte command trait, add 1 to casting rolls for Arcane Bolt. Not amazing, but it's interesting, since you can use Arcane Bolts to snipe enemy characters. It's decent, though not that useful.
- The Fleshform Raiment: Subtract 1 from bravery of enemy units within 3 inches of bearer. A straight downgrade from the Grim Garland. In every single case, you should take Grim Garland over this. Abhorrants have access to larger bases, and the debuff is far more painful. However, if you still want this artifact, then you should probably take both this AND the Grim Garland. If you want the bravery bomb, then you pretty much HAVE TO COMMIT. Still not the most recommended choice.
- The Bilious Decanter: Wow. Once per battle, add 2 to the attacks of the bearer's melee weapons. It goes without saying, but Varghulfs benefit massively from this. They have the most accurate attacks, a ton of damage, good rend, and this just boosts it to ridiculous levels. Use Feeding Frenzy to get the most out of this baby. And it's still incredible on Haunter or Infernal Courtiers, who will definitely love the extra damage.
Mount Traits
Similar to artifacts, you can pick one to give to your mounted ghoul kings. And for each battalion you have, you can pick another. Completely independent from artifacts, which is awesome. Designer's Commentary also confirms that these traits may be duplicated, unlike Artefacts of Power.
TERRORGHEIST TRAITS: HERO mounted on Royal Terrorgheist only
- Deathly Fast: This model can run and still shoot in same turn. It's decent, it means an extra D6 inches to your Death Shriek, but you can't charge, which is the main problem. Plus the D6 is unreliable. Overall, not a very good trait.
- Razor-Clawed: Actually not bad. But relatively weak on a Terrorgheist, since most of his damage comes from his bite, which already does mortal wounds and has a TWO REND. A bit situational, since not many things have such a good save to warrant a -3 rend modifier.
- Horribly Infested: When the monster dies, inflict 3 mortal wounds instead of D3 with the Infested ability. This is actually really good. A mounted king built for damage can swoop in the middle of the enemy, devastate them, explode and deal a ton of wounds. A very solid trait for Terrorgheists.
- Horribly Resilient: Heal 3 wounds instead of D3 for Royal Blood. Wow. This is yet another solid trait, as it can bring you up on the damage table easily. Another really good trait.
- Gruesome Bite: Re-roll hit rolls with the Terrorgheist's Fanged Maw. This is almost always the best trait to pick. A 4+ rerollable is better than a 3+, significantly improving your accuracy. Plus, you can fish for more mortal wound hits, which is utterly terrifying. A must-pick to skyrocket your damage potential.
- Devastating Scream: Add 1 to the roll for Death Shriek. Not very strong, since it's only one extra wound. Overshadowed by the other traits here.
Kings on Terrorgheists should usually prioritize Gruesome Bite, while Horribly Resilient and Horribly Infested are other great choices. The others are usually not that powerful, or are too situational.
ZOMBIE DRAGON TRAITS: HERO mounted on Royal Zombie Dragon only
- Deathly Fast: This model can run and still shoot in same turn. It's decent, it means an extra D6 inches to your Pestilential Breath, but you can't charge, which is the main problem. Plus the D6 is unreliable. Overall, not a very good trait.
- Razor-Clawed: Actually a good choice for your zombie dragon. Most of his damage comes from that brutal claws, and 2 rend on those is terrifying. He doesn't do mortal wounds like a Terrorgheist, so extra rend is honestly much more useful for him.
- Baneful Breath: Re-roll wound rolls for Pestilential Breath attacks. A very solid trait. Your accuracy is incredible, and you'll hit almost every single time. The biggest weakness of this is the unreliability of the damage D6. It's a decent choice.
- Horribly Resilient: Heal 3 wounds instead of D3 for Royal Blood. Wow. This is yet another solid trait, as it can bring you up on the damage table easily. Another really good trait.
- Necrotic Fangs: Re-roll damage rolls for your Snapping Maw. Not bad. But given the bad hit-rolls of this weapon, it can be skipped since the hardest part is hitting in the first place.
- Death From The Skies: STEEL REEHN. Your Dragon can appear anywhere on the board at the end of the first movement phase. Actually a super good trait. Not for first-turn charges. But because your King can basically be where he is needed most. Maybe your Horrors are already getting stuck in, and need your king for the hit re-roll aura and the Malefic hunger buff? Or those Ghoul Patrol Crypt Ghouls are trying to charge and might need a Forward to Victory? There's a ton of possibilities with this trait, which gives you massive flexibility.
Death From The Skies should be given first priority, while Razor-Clawed and Horribly Resilient are possible but worthy choices.
Notable Artifacts of the Realms
Lore of Madness
FLESH-EATER COURTS WIZARDS only. Each WIZARD gets one spell from this list. They can actually have multiple copies of the same spell, they just can't attempt it more than once in the same hero phase. Also, Courtiers with Dark Acolyte get spells from here, since they are wizards in a Flesh-Eater Courts army.
- Bonestorm
- Spectral Host
- Monstrous Vigor
- Miasmal Shroud
- Deranged Transformation
- Blood Feast
Endless Spells
Cadaverous Barricade: Casting value 5 endless spell that doesn't move, non-DEATH units within 3 inches of this model that start a move suffer a halved distance when making moves. This includes charges, runs, retreats, whatever. It's only 30points for a wall of bullshit that will make your opponent tear his hair out. Unfortunately, it doesn't affect Death units. However, bear in mind that this thing also gives cover to units being shot by ranged weapons, so long as the shot unit is within 1 inch of this spell, and if the attacker is closer to the wall than they are to the unit they're shooting. Remember. How much shooting do you actually have? Flayers, Terrorgheists, who do mortal wounds, zombie dragons, whose rend of -3 does not give a shit. So that pretty much never helps your opponent. Plus it has a longggg range of 24 inches. There are several ways to abuse this thing. Firstly, if your opponent is unfortunate enough to not be dead, a Cadaverous Barricade in the middle of his army will ruin his plans. Plus, you can also dump it in the middle of combats to deny pile in space for your opponent's scariest monsters and fighters, or block off units trying to claim objectives. I'm not too sure about this, but I think you can still walk through this thing, but it's still a great annoyance for a disturbingly low price. As far as I'm aware, Endless Spells are counted as friendly models, so you can only move through this if you can fly (or have some similar ability). Make them walk around the flimsy metal fence!
Chalice of Ushoran:An endless spell that doesn't move, count the number of models slain within 12" (Not wholly within, and not units), at the end of each TURN, roll a number of dice equal to that count. For each 4+, heal 1 wound or return a model with a wounds characteristic of 1 to any FLESH-EATER COURTS unit or model. This is the example of the perfect endless spell. It ties perfectly into our playstyle. Put in the middle of a huge scrum, and watch as this, combined with mustering, just brings back most of your army. It's also offensively cheap at 40 points, making it easy to slot into any list. Your opponent will do his utmost to dispel this, so you're probably only be able to use it in your turn, but that means one less casting attempt for your opponent. Don't be afraid to dispel it yourself, though, if the fighting moves somewhere else, and you might need to relocate the Chalice. Remember, you can use it to heal multi-wound models like Horrors and Flayers, but you can't return a model unless all the models in that unit are at full wounds, and at least 1 model has been slain from that unit. In that case, you can return a horror/flayer with 1 wound remaining. If you still got heals left over, you can actually heal that guy back to full if you so wished. Nope, spell specifies that only models with a wounds characteristic of 1 may be returned. But for the sake of Nagash, bring ghouls if you want the most out of this. Ghouls drop like flies, use it to heal either your ghoul units, or your stronger hammers, such as monsters, Horrors or Flayers, or your Courtiers. Don't always depend on whether your opponent's going to bring a horde to feed your damn chalice, just feed it yourself.
Corpsemare Stampede:a Predatory spell that rolls 5 dice against each unit it moves over. For each roll that beats (not equals) the unit's wound characteristic, inflict 1 mortal wound, if 6 was rolled, deal d3 Mortal wounds instead. Very strong. Hordes will cry against this, and it even moves 14 inches and flies. While the enemy can certainly send it right back at you, if you have it go over his whole battleline, then he'll have to run it through his lines AGAIN to whack you with it, forcing him to move it away, which could endanger his backline if they're too close. Casting value of 7, making it annoying to dispel without buffs. Overall, great choice. Plus, even if it does trample your guys, your guys have the sustain to tank it, the enemy doesn't. And it's not even expensive.
The common keywords of these warscrolls are DEATH and FLESH-EATER COURTS. Apart from the Ghoul King (in all his variants), the Terrorgheist and the Zombie Dragon all the units also have the MORDANT keyword.
These are your typical leader Heroes. Each of them comes with a Command Ability and each is a wizard. Though none of them can use summoning magic as such, each Abhorrant variant can summon new units. Ghouls for the footslogger, Crypt Horrors/Flayers for the one on Terrorgheist, Courtiers for the one on Zombie Dragon and any of your choice for the Archregent. Thanks to the non-existence of summoning magic in this army, these Commands are the only way to set up entirely new units. Compare Commands and unique spells to find out which ones you want to have in your army.
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist: This count also as Behemoth. Oh heck yes. The Ghoul King adds a lot to the already powerful Terrorgheist, such as magic and a Command Ability. This guy can grant a 5+ save-after-the-save to a Flesh-Eater unit and can summon new units of Crypt Flayers or Crypt Horrors. Other than that, it's a Wizard, it has a Command and it has three powerful melee profiles in addition to a dangerous not-a-breath-attack. Remember, his command ability has some serious utility. Flayers have a ranged attack, which while bad at long range, will do some damage. Horrors are not bad, and can divert your opponent's attention and effort from your mainline, even worse if they get a charge off.
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon: This count also as Behemoth. Exactly what it says on the tin. Just like the variety on the Terrorgheist, this one here has some seriously powerful buffs. First of all, as a Command, he can summon new Courtiers OF ANY TYPE (who can then proceed to summon more foot soldiers). Then, his unique spell makes a 10" bubble centered on the Ghoul King which grants rerolls To Wound to ALL Flesh-Eater models. On top of that, the Zombie Dragon heals D3 Wounds each Hero Phase. Both mounted Ghoul Kings are excellent choices, but eat points REALLY fast. This King's command ability is excellent. To put it simply; ALWAYS summon a Varghulf Courtier. He's a high damage fighter, who replenishes ALL your guys, is fast, and still gets a Look Out Sir! This summon should be used wisely, and can be used for multiple ways. Maybe an ambushing unit of ghouls needs a hero's Forward To Victory, or a Blisterskin Flayers unit wants a Feeding Frenzy buff but are too far. This can go a long way.
- Abhorrant Ghoul King: Not that murderous when compared to a Vampire Lord in terms of killing power, but absolutely amazing when compared to the average Wizard. Their unique spell grants a Flesh-eater unit one more attack with each melee weapon, which makes Crypt Ghouls and Horrors better and Varghulfs terrifying, but if you cast this on a Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, he'll pluck whole units apart by himself. Another thing that needs to be addressed is that a Ghoul King is a fucking cockroach. 6 Wounds at a 4+ save and a regeneration of D3 Wounds a turn means the enemy either dedicates entire war machine salvos to kill this guy or he'll be good as new two turns later. Sure he can't go toe-to-toe with an Ironjaws Megaboss (who can?), but he'll survive stuff that could easily overkill most other buffers and wizards. His command ability seems weak, but can be very strong in Morgaunt. 10 Ghoul units get an extra attack if close enough to a Courtier, significantly increasing their damage output. Furthermore, these units can claim objectives and just be incredibly annoying. Plus it's free if used closeby the Charnel Throne.
- Abhorrant Archregent: Essentially a souped-up footslogger Ghoul King. Has an extra wound and attacks, but his major advantage over the vanilla one is his magic, with the ability to cast an extra spell and a variant of the Ghoul King's spell that grants d3 attacks. Also heals a flat three wounds per turn. He also combines the summoning abilities of all the different Abhorrent Ghoul Kings. He can either summon a unit of 20 Ghouls, 3 KNIGHTS or a Courtier. This adds a degree of flexibility mid-game. If you take one, place him close to the (free) charnel throne to use his summon ability without paying a CP. Remember, he is NOT a dedicated fighting hero, but he can do some work. Try not to risk him in melee. His support value is just too good. He's basically a direct upgrade over a foot Ghoul King. And don't forget, he can regenerate 3 wounds. The Ghoul King's a cockroach? Fuck that noise. This guy will never die unless your opponent truly commits to murdering him off the board. Remember, his command ability is crazy versatile. Use it wisely, according to the situation at hand.
Courtiers are more support Heroes and beatsticks, not proper leader types and thus come without any Command Abilities or magic. What they do is still very important though, as they can add models to units you already have on the table As of AOS2 this has been changed to Resurrecting Slain Models. Keep in mind though that they cannot set up new units, only the Ghoul Kings can do that. This is not to say your Courtiers are less important though as they can, for example, add Ghouls to a unit until it gets its Battalion Strength back. As they don't have the Monster Keyword despite appearances, so they all benefit from Look Out Sir.
- Varghulf Courtier: Oddly not a monster. The Varghulf flies has a bunch of strong attacks with more if it's in melee with ten or more models and if properly supported can be pretty much unkillable. If not, it'll die in turn 2. What this means is that you have a model that is very strong, heals D3 Wounds at the end of each combat phase where it slew any enemies and can reroll To Hit if an ABHORRANT casts a spell within 18" of him. Oh, and he can summon additional Ghouls, Horrors, and Flayers for your eviscerating pleasure.
- Crypt Ghast Courtier: A teeny tiny Ghoul champion upstart. That's what he is. He has a bunch of weak attacks and is still somewhat fragile for a Hero, with 4 Wounds and a 5+ save, similar to a Grot. His real use is in
summoningresurrects on average 5 Ghouls per Hero Phase (yes, that means you can heal Ghoul units back to the point where their size-bonus activates) and he makes them stronger if he personally kills an enemy. Only use this as a last resort, though, as his reviving is superb and he's too fragile to risk in melee.
- Crypt Haunter Courtier: A slightly stronger Crypt Horror champion who can summon more of his flunkies. That last part alone is already cool, as Crypt Horrors are very powerful, but the fact that the Courtier is strong in melee and regenerates should not be forgotten. If he is your general, Crypt Horror Becomes battleline; With AOS2 making it so everyone can use Command Abilities, you won't feel that you're losing something when you make him your general. The Gutbusters Gorger model will make for a perfect Crypt Haunter Courtier if you don't want to go the conversion/special paintjob route. Equip him with a high-rend weapon from Malign Sorceries and keep near an ABHORRANT for rerolls to hit and he'll destroy almost anything he comes up against.
- Crypt Infernal Courtier: Blessed with everything a Crypt Flayer needs to be good. 5 attacks with 2 damage already make him as good as a small squad of normal Crypt Flayers and instead of a milquetoast Bravery-scream, he breathes fire. This guy is an absolute powerhouse AND he can Resurrect Crypt Flayers. If he is your general, Crypt Flayer Becomes battleline.
Unlike their unit entries in Grand Alliance: Death, the Flesh-Eater Courts cannot use summoning magic as their warscrolls kept the summoning spells on them or have the Summonable Keyword. Not to fear though, you can still pile heaps of new models onto the table with this army.
- Crypt Ghouls: Battleline Your basic infantry and not too shabby, all things considered, especially since just about everything in this army either makes these little guys better or allows you to toss more of them onto the board. They get two attacks each with a third if the unit's big enough and they have a 6+ save, which may sound bad but is actually pretty good because that means unlike, say, Zombies, Ghouls can actually make use of cover and Mystic Shield. If you want to capitalize on Ghouls, just remember to bring some Crypt Ghast Courtiers to keep your units nice and big and remember that all in all, the save-after-the-save buff of the Terrorgheist-Ghoul King is probably better than a simple Mystic Shield at keeping your Ghouls on the board longer.
- Crypt Horrors: Battleline if a Crypt Haunter Courtier is your General. Simply put, Crypt Horrors are Ogre equivalents. 4 Wounds, 5+ save. 3 attacks with no Rend and 2 Damage each. You know, the usual. These here also regenerate and get rerolls To Hit if a Ghoul King is nearby, thereby eliminating their only real weakness. Take this first. Flayers are also useful, but more gimmicky skirmishers compared to the powerful sledgehammers the Crypt Horrors are.
- Crypt Flayers: Battleline if a Crypt Infernal Courtier is your General. Their melee profile is the same as that of Horrors with one more attack, but with only damage 1 and rend and the chance to inflict mortal wounds. Then you see that they have a scream attack that inflicts mortal wounds equal to the bravery they beat on a 2d6(-2 on the roll if not within 3" of the target). Then you finally realize they're not meant to be powerhouses. They're harassers and tarpits, just like Razorgors for the Beastmen and are very useful when summoned via Command Ability, because they are fast enough to close the distance quickly. Oh, and you need these because the Crypt Infernal Courtier, aka the second-best Courtier, summons them.
Unlike the versions in Grand Alliance: Death, the warscrolls for this army actually have the Flesh-Eater Courts keywords and are thus susceptible to the awesome buffs you dish out. Never forget that, as it gives you an enormous edge.
- Terrorgheist: It's powerful, with its Shriek being downright terrifying.
3D6 minus Bravery mortal wounds, eh? That'll halve a Liberator unit on average.Unfortunately, someone at GW noticed just how powerful this was and now it's 6+D6 minus Bravery Mortal Wounds. And while this has dramatically cut down on the maximum damage, it has also made it much more reliable. They also decided to make the Terrorgheist's regeneration dependent on having a Ghoul King of any kind close by, but in exchange they gave it a better 4+ save and even stronger attacks than before. It also explodes into a bunch of mortal wounds when it dies, which can make your opponent hesitate to finish it off, at which point it will regenerate and eat his sorry ass. In short, a Terrorgheist has the works: High flying Move, lots of wounds with a good save, very high damage, a dangerous shriek and if run alongside a mounted Ghoul King, great regen.
- Zombie Dragon: Don't. Scroll way up. Play this thing with the Ghoul King on top. Seriously, the Ghoul King adds so much to this thing it isn't funny. As in, another melee profile, powerful regeneration, magic and a Command Ability.
- Charnel Throne: Gives +1 bravery to Flesh-Eater units within 1" and -1 bravery to anybody else. If an Abhorrant Ghoul King or Archregent is within 1 inch of it (Recommended to sit on the throne itself for badass points) they get to use their summoning command ability for free. This doesn't apply to the mounted Ghoul King command abilities, so no cheesing. While it seems shit at first glance, there's actually gold hidden in that pile of shit. Using command abilities for free is incredible, because those saved Command Points WILL add up to a TON of points, which means a LOT of Feeding Frenzies and other command abilities over the whole game. The other effects rarely come up due to how aggressively the Flesh-Eater Courts play, but could be useful. And remember, that Charnel Throne? That big, ostentatious and grand chair? It's denying space to that tree-humping Sylvaneth bastard, so you can go ahead and kiss your throne and thank it for watching your ass.
Royal Family
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
An Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist or an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon and between 2 and 6 Abhorrant Ghoul Kings (Min: 830; Max: 1430)
Your basic leader Battalion buffs Courtier summoning abilities and gets your general (so long as the said general is from this battalion) an additional Command Ability which sets up a new foot-slogging Ghoul King. If you have a bunch of the old Strigoi Ghoul King models lying around, by all means, play it.
Attendants at Court
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Crypt Haunter Courtier and two units of Crypt Horrors (Min: 460; Max: 1100)
A very nice formation. For one, their reroll To Hit abilities, which normally hinge on a Ghoul King being close by, are always active in this Battalion. The other bonus is almost more interesting, as it allows a Ghoul King to use two Command Abilities(Changed to an additional Command Point in AOS2) so long as he's close to the Attendants and also your general. Yes, you may use your summoning Command twice per turn(each King now only can use its summon ability once so bring multiple kings.). And all of that for stuff you want to field anyway!
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Crypt Infernal Courtier and 3 units of Crypt Flayers (Min: 620; Max: 1580)
Slightly bigger Battalion but worth it, as it allows one unit to pile in and attack in your Hero Phase as well as in the Combat Phases. Turns their decent attacks into terrifying attacks.
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Crypt Haunter Courtier, two units of Crypt Horrors and a unit of Crypt Ghouls (Min: 690; Max: 1910)
This one grants two abilities, one of them milquetoast and one devastating. The milquetoast one grants the Courtier +1 To Wound against monsters. The devastating one lets you roll a D6 for every enemy model within 3" of any model from this formation in each of your Hero Phases. On a 6, their unit takes a Mortal Wound. This is, again, in addition to any other damage they will do during the game.
Ghoul Patrol
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Crypt Ghast Courtier and 3 units of Crypt Ghouls (Min: 380; Max: 1280)
Lets the entire formation basically outflank. In your first movement phase, you can set them up 6" to any table edge. No longer gives extra Ghouls
King's Ghouls
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Crypt Ghast Courtier, a unit of Crypt Horrors and 2 units of Crypt Ghouls (Min: 500; Max: 1360)
Very meh by comparison to the rest. One rule grants them all immunity to Battleshock (though they all had Bravery 10 anyway) and the other lets them pile in 6" (but not attack) in your Hero Phase.
Royal Mordants
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
A Varghulf Courtier, a unit of Crypt Horrors, a unit of Crypt Flayers and a unit of Crypt Ghouls (Min: 580; Max: 1520)
Not too great either, as it only allows the units to reform in the Hero Phase if they're close to the Varghulf.
Royal Menagerie
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
3 or more Terrorgheists or Zombie Dragons in any combination (Min: 900; Max: no max)
Terrifying. Not only is this Battalion just monsters, but the bonuses are mean as well. If they are close to a Ghoul King general, they get to move 6" in your Hero Phase and they each heal a Wound in each friendly Hero Phase (in addition to any they would otherwise have healed). Brings your monsters into the opponent's face much quicker and helps them survive.
Cannot fielded at 1,000 points due to 2 BEHEMOTH limit.
Flesh-eater Court
Found in the Flesh-eaters Courts Battletome.
1 of each of the following battalions: Royal Family, Attendants at Court, Deadwatch, Abattoir, Ghoul Patrol, King's Ghouls, Royal Mordants and Royal Menagerie (Min: 5730; Max: )
For the filthy rich. This allows the entire super-Battalion to move in the Hero Phase as well as in the Movement Phase (yes, they can run twice. Yes, this includes the units you JUST summoned). If your general is part of this Battalion, he also knows all the unique Command abilities in this Battalion and can use THREE per turn( just changed to 3 additional command points in AOS2).
King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host
Found in the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host box.
An Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, a Varghulf Courtier, a unit of Crypt Horrors, a unit of Crypt Flayers and a unit of Crypt Ghouls (Min: ; Max: )
The same reform ability the Royal Mordants get and more interestingly the entire Battalion has a chance of piling in and attacking in your Hero Phase.
Flesh-Eater Courts Royal Hunt
Found in Flesh-Eater Courts Starter Kit '1 Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, 1 Unit of Crypt Horrors, 1 Unit of Crypt Ghouls' (Min: ; Max: ) +1 to attacks by any model of the hunt in 10" of King - No obvious Battalion cost at this stage
Army Building
Just buy two Start Collecting! boxes to start. That's it, you will get 20 Ghouls, a practically obligatory big monster, three Crypt-ids and a Courtier of your choice, there you have an 900 points army, excluding the additional big monster, which you could use to make a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon and a Ghoul King on foot (this last guy will fill your 100 points army perfectly) and two spared Crypt models. Here you have enough saving to buy yet another SC! box, mainly for the extra Ghouls and Crypt guys. From there, you can freely go crazy.
The new nightfeast hunter box is a good deal as well! 20 Ghouls and 3 Crypt for $65 US. Though at this point, the Start Collecting! Box is only a little more, and you'll get the Terrorgheist, but only ten ghouls.
If you chose the Terrorgheist, a good next step would be three boxes Crypt Horrors. Build one as a Crypt Haunter Courtier and the other eight as Crypt Horrors. This supplies you with an Abattoir Battalion, some Crypt Ghasts and a big monster-riding general.
If you chose the Zombie Dragon, you may want to add some Crypt Flayers instead. Have your general summon a new Crypt Infernal Courtier every turn and have them summon Crypt Flayers until all your models are in play.
If you chose to build the foot-slogger, get another such kit asap, build both monsters as Terrorgheists and put the second Ghoul King on the second bat, since normal Terrorgheists profit massively from having a Ghoul King on monster along for the ride.
"Royal" Air Force
For competitive play (2000pts) try this list, I've played several battles (vs order and chaos armies) and still have to find this armies adversary.
- Battlescroll: Deadwatch 6 Crypt Flayers 6 Crypt Flayers 9 Crypt Flayers 1 Crypt Infernal Coutier - Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist - Varghulf Coutier
This army is fast, all of them fly, regenerates units (flayers) and is full of possible mortal wounds dealing which are quit the deal.
Normal set up would be the 9 flayers in the middle with the 6 flayers each covering its flanks.
the Infernal (who has to be the general in order to make flayers battleline) and the varghulf hug each other and if possible cover behind the 9 flayers for adding losses. The Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrgheist can be used for support on a flank though keep him close to the frontline for his delicious spell for 5++ save against all kinds of (mortal)wounds. Now with the Deathless minions rules you get for having the Death Allegiance from the Generals Handbook (actually, because you have to have the Flesh-Eater Courts allegiance in order for Flayers to be Battleline, you can't use any of the Death allegiance abilities, you can only pick one allegiance)(see General's Handbook FAQ)(See Also, the thing in the actual Flesh-Eater Courts allegiance concerning Mortal Wounds), you'll have a 6++ (5++ if you choose or roll that one command trait for your general) save against wounds and mortal wounds. Enjoy your 9 flayers with 5+, 5++, 6++/5++ with casualty replenishment for each 5+ on 12 dice all the while they deal wounds and mortal wounds both in close combat and your hero phases! I've seen them tear down Alarielle due to volumes of attacks and those delicious mortal wounds. Watch out for negative modifiers against your flayers (they'll lose the mortal wounds on 6s when they have a -1 to hit) and protect your Infernal and Varghulf!
Beware though, Deadwatch has been massively nerfed, since now only 1 unit of Flayers can attack per hero phase. Don't let it stop you from playing this, but it's definitely weaker than it used to be.
Allied Armies
- The logical choice for allies would, of course, be other Death units. You can only ally Deadwalkers, Deathlords and Deathmages.
- Corpse Carts and Mortis Engines provide solid allies that boost your casting, which is crazy good for Flesh-Eaters who rely a LOT on magic. Mortis Engines are probably best, since they are tough, boost casting, can deal lots of mortal wounds and can heal your guys. Corpse Carts are a little squishy and don't do much other than buff Deadwalkers units, which you have little use for.
- Dire Wolves are decent, being relatively fast. HOWEVER, they synergize not even a little bit with your guys, so try not to use them. Zombies are pretty meh, as they require you to commit a lot of resources into making them work, while your ghouls work so much better with your army.
- You've got access to the Mortarchs too. Out of all of them, Arkhan is probably best. Mannfred is expensive as hell, and has little utility since he's mostly a magic and combat beatstick, which isn't what your army really needs. Neferata is decent, but then you'd be pissing off Ushoran, although her Twilight's Allure command ability and her unique spell is solid support. Arkhan is best because he's not too expensive, and can cast your Flesh-Eater spells, if he's close enough to your wizards, while having a boosted unbind/casting roll. Sure, he's not gonna do much damage in combat like Mannfred, but who needs to when you have Curse of Years?
- Morghast Archai and Harbingers are decent, but once again, they have little synergy with your army. They're not bad for anti-armor though, especially those sweet 2 rend halberds, which can help cover your lack of armor piercing.
- Don't use a Necromancer. Just don't. None of his keywords work with yours. The Mortis Engine, however, is just plain great.
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