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Revision as of 08:37, 1 November 2015

A tabletop game produced by Zenit Miniatures set in Not-Japan, semi-historical although with optional fantasy elements. Not to be confused with the "totally not a samurai!" Fighter kit from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. If you liked Total War Shogun 2, this is the tabletop version.

Kensei is a setting which is very similar to our world, although the fictionalization allows them to have greater freedom with factions and have their version of Japan, called Hymukai (also called Himukai or the "Wa Empire" by other peoples, and the Dragon's Empire or Dragon's Islands a few times in the lore without explanation of why) which is off the coast of the Ashihara (not-Asia) continent, be anachronistic by having groups from various points in real Japan's history at the same time. Note that the free manual has some spelling errors and sometimes switches between their not-______ names and the real life name.
The history of Hymukai begins when Hikari (AKA not-Amaterasu) gave birth to a woman named Jingu who became the first Tenno (AKA not-Emperor/Empress). Jingu and her descendants are considered Kami, or protector gods, who ascend to Hikari's realm rather than die.
Hikari gave Jingu four gifts to use to strengthen her kingdom; a Katana to use to counter threats, an O-Yoroi (samurai armor) to endure misfortune and maintain identity, a Joyel (AKA a jewel) to bring wealth, and a Mirror for introspection and purity. A later Tenno named Ayanami united Hymukai under her rule.
The Tennos have always made a trip around Hymukai every year with these holy objects to banish malicious spirits and keep the land united. When not on this pilgrimage, Tennos resided in the palace city of Hejian-Jo (also called Heian-Jo).
The non-Tenno children of Ayanami were the first nobles, and in Hymukai tradition only relatives of the Tennos can be nobles at all. As each family grew, their ties began to become distanced as one family became multiple clans of multiple families and servants ruled by a noble called a Daimyo. Those high nobles who dwelled in Heian-Jo and the nearby regions served the Tenno directly, and had authority over all others. They became known as the Kuge, and were represented by the holy O-Yoroi.
The noble families who ruled the further, more rural lands obeyed the will of the Kuge and were the first defense against threats. They became the warrior class, the bulk of the samurai, and developed the Bushido code. Samurai could become members of Kuge households or marry into a Kuge family, but the non-Kuge noble clans became known as Buke. The Buke are represented by the holy Katana.
The priesthood of Hymukai enjoy autonomy from the feudal system. They are loyal to the Kami themselves, and the Tenno as a result. Priests and nuns are not required to be chaste in most cases, and usually a temple is run by a single family who accepts any of dedication into their clan. Each temple controls lands and peasants to be independent of Kuge or Buke. The religious clans are called Sohei, and are represented by the holy Mirror.
The final group is made up of powerful families who run the towns and city infrastructure of Hymukai, as well as all trade. Technically the servants of the Buke, these families are considered low class and often barely better than peasants if even that as the Buke see little worth respect in their way of life. These families are commonly called Otokodate. They follow their own code called Kikotsu which is based on Bushido. The Otokodate consider the holy Joyel to be their proof of position in society.
Ninja clans and pirates also exist in Hymukai, dwelling in hidden lands.
For supposedly three thousand years, the Tenno Sujin supposedly ruled Hymukai. Although they had warred in the past with their neighbors the Seven Realms of the Celestial Empire (not-China), Terai (not-India), and Nishi (not-Korea), Hymukai remained isolated from the outside world barring rare and cautious trade with Gaijin (non-native) Nanban (foreign merchants) from other lands. Then one year, while on pilgrimage, Sujin vanished with the four holy objects. The Kuge immediately began to debate who would be his successor, unconcerned with his actual fate and equally unconcerned with the relics as they meant little to many Kuge save mark of office. Debate lead to conflict, as important families were found dead to the last heir and documents of lineage missing or destroyed. Heian-Jo burned as the families fled to distant cities, built like reflections of the holy capital. The holy city now sits abandoned for the most part, and whispers say Oni (powerful conquering demons) inhabit it preparing to make war on man.
The Kuge called the service of the Buke loyal to them to destroy their rivals for the throne, and though some did answer the call others were occupied by their own war. As stability had broken down, some Buke clans had attacked other Buke to expand their own territory while others declared themselves independent of Kuge rule. Some saw it as a chance to join the ranks of the Kuge, and the most ambitious of them conspired to do away with Kuge and control a complacent Tenno puppet using a Shogun (a Daimyo who executes the will of the Tenno, a position currently held by the entire Kuge caste).
As the Buke and Kuge battled, higher and higher taxes were raised on the peasantry. Farmers were drawn into Ashigaru (militia, or man-at-arms forces) units without choice. They fled to the Sohei in droves, drawing the Sohei into the politics of the war. Temples nearby battlefields were raided for supplies, and the unimportant delay in recruiting a new Tenno to keep the forces of the Earth in balance offended the Sohei greatly. They began to preach an apocalyptic warning while lecturing on the fate of the soul. Some Kuge and many Buke removed themselves from the conflict either out of fear or shame, joining the Sohei and bringing with them wealth and a strong warrior base of Ashigaru and Samurai. Now the Sohei seek an end to the war, defending the common people and curbing the ambition of the two castes.
Meanwhile, the Otokodate have risen up against their arrogant samurai oppressors as the past humiliations have compiled with the other three castes expecting the merchants to bear the bulk of the sacrifice for the war efforts through donation or looting. Declaring themselves nobility and forming pacts and alliances, they have formed relations with the outside world to bring allies and weapons they can use to establish dominance. As time has gone on, the Otokodate have begun to resemble more and more the Buke, Kuge, and Sohei castes as they incorporate anything that works into their methods and plans.
Each faction is made up of the clans within one of four social positions. Each has reason to make war against themselves, and each has different tactics, army options, and philosophy so don't assume that simply because you choose to play one that you are forced into a cookie-cutter. No examples are given of paintjob or build beyond example models and contents of the army bundles, so a Kuge force of nobles sympathetic to a peasants rebellion or Sohei communists are both as viable.

The upper nobility of Hymukai. Only the highest among the Kuge Daimyos ever actually saw the Tenno, with them ensuring his will was carried out.
All Kuge families are directly related to the Tenno line, and each sees themselves as the most legitimate ruler as family lines are extremely blurred as to who exactly the heir should actually be. None are actually interested in reclaiming the four holy treasures, as whoever brings them back would simply be the one doing the dirty work of the actual heir. Kuge have ample reason to dislike the other factions; internally, every Kuge clan is a rival to the throne, the Buke are made up of traitors who broke their oaths, the Sohei are peasants and sometimes heretics, and the Otokodate are Otokodate which is enough of a reason to hate them.
As the Kuge believe their honor is by default unquestionable since they possess divine blood in their veins they are quick to resort to underhanded tactics, giving orders to their still-loyal Buke commanders alongside Shinobi assassins to the great disdain of the former party. While all factions employ spies and hitmen, the Kuge are willing to field hordes of Ninjas to poison and trap the enemy. Kuge also use women in their armies, allowing anyone capable of using a weapon and showing their loyalty to march on their behalf. Kuge are also willing to field men with firearms from foreign lands, an abhorrent thing to the rest of society, but they are unwilling to allow the monotheistic preachers to remain in their lands as the faith of the One God does not allow them to claim their divine right to rule. For similar reasons, the Kuge mostly stick with the Shinto faith as it gives them the maximum authority.

The warrior castes of Hymukai. Although the Buke clans are also related to the Tenno line, they are bound by oaths and the distance of their territory from the capital not to attempt to claim the position. Instead many clans want to replace the Kuge class entirely with one giant Buke class (which is what happened in real life Japan). Buke are the most strict caste in terms of rank and behavior. Social position is well noted, duties are codified, and dishonor not tolerated by self or others.
In terms of the current war, Buke are split between those interested in increasing their own power and those disillusioned with the "supreme divine right" of the Kuge. While Kuge scheme and assassinate over who will rule, the Buke interest and method is more simple; envy your neighbor, march your army and take what is rightfully yours by virtue of your strength. The Sohei, those who should respect their betters, must be taught their place while the Otokodate are barely human as far as the Buke are concerned.
Buke absolutely refuse to use firearms, as foreigners and their sinful weapons have no place in Hymukai. Archers are more respected, but ultimately the only true art lies in martial combat. They are willing to use spies and some minor assassins although not to the extent of the other clans.

Mostly made up of the priesthood and armed peasant rebellions that they support. Sohei are united in theory alone, as each temple is entirely independent of any other authority. In the past, temples have lost priceless relics and destroyed each other in small contained wars over the details in the life of important figures, or in which temple gets to host the local festivals that season.
Among the Sohei, gender is a meaningless distinction in terms of duty and both nun and priest fulfill the same roles. The Sohei nuns are aware of the bias of other castes however, and in war will switch between their conservative style at a distance and feminine ways before engagement (such as letting loose their hair) to demoralize foes who may not find slaying a holy woman to be healthy to their sense of honor.
In general, the Sohei are at war with any other faction at war. The Kuge bicker like children while the holy relics lay forgotten, the Buke have refused their sacred duties to the royal line, and the Otokodate have committed grave acts of heresy by allowing in foreigners, converting to other faiths, and thinking they can simply become part of the nobility without having any of the goddess Hikari's blood in their veins. All three sides put all the pressure on the poor to support their endeavors, allowing the children of farmers to starve in order to sell that food to buy weapons to arm the sons of men they left trampled in the mud over an acre of land that ultimately only belongs to the Tenno, whoever it may be. When armed samurai covered in blood come to the temple and demand the offerings to the spirits of the harvest to feed themselves because they are strong enough to take it, the response will not be pleasant.
The calls of the Sohei have come to all Hymukai, and many have abandoned their stake in the conflict to swear themselves over to the Sohei. Men desert their armies and civilians take up discarded weapons to protect the few places of peace there are left in the world.
While the Sohei are completely unwilling to convert to other faiths and have no means of trading with the outside world, any firearms that do come to the Sohei are not turned away. Foreigners find mercy and kindness when driven to the Sohei by the aggressive Buke or fair-weather friend Otokodate.

The merchant class as well as the middle-management. Otokodate are made up of any with enough power to rise up, as well as the ambition or outrage to make it worth betraying their superiors. All of their clans are newly formed, and very few if any are of actual nobility as Hymukai perceive it.
Otokodate are very diverse and fall into a range of roles; some Daimyo of Otokodate clans believe themselves to be the new Buke, surrounding themselves with Ronin (masterless, usually mercenary, warriors from a samurai background) and wearing expensive and ornate suits of O-Yoroi while intimidating those around them and looking for any excuse to show their power. Some are more humble like the Sohei and subscribe to the code of the Kykotsu which presents a more humane approach towards honor than Bushido, representing the craftsmen and undesirables of society as they attempt to forge a new caste that is free of the use and abuse they have suffered in the past. Still others are prideful and arrogant like the Kuge, believing control of the cash box and the act of finding the holy relics of the Tenno to be all they require to claim rulership of the land.
Regardless of their disposition and goals, the Otokodate have access to the strengths of the other clans. Their warriors wield far stronger firearms than the other castes have access to, are far more willing to employ large groups of assassins, and will even use corruption to bribe members of their foe's armies. They have their own samurai as well, and will even arm peasantry and train them in ways usually limited to those of noble blood or wealth which gives the Otokodate a far more diverse fighting force. Otokodate have even been willing to allow foreign settlements, even convert to the strange faiths, just to earn more advantage in their trade negotiations.
The Otokodate find enemies primarily in the Buke class, with whom they have the biggest grudge. Kuge are simply a more distant version of the Buke, and are little different in dealings. The Sohei and Otokodate have little real reason to come into conflict, since both represent an oppressed lower class although the spiritual weakness of the Otokodate doesn't earn them any favor in the priesthoods eyes, while the expectation that wealth and status be thrown away to serve distant spirits who may not even exist is laughable to the Otokodate.
Religion and Magic
If playing a game with magic, religion becomes very important. If not, it is only part of the narrative; the ruins of the capital city are infested by bandits and not Oni for example. Plagues and starvation take small communities, not angry forest spirits and demons.
- Shinto, The Ways Of The Gods
Shinto is the original faith of Hymukai. According to Shinto, all things have an intelligent spirit. There is a spirit of each rock in your garden, each turnip that grows in it, each insect that lands on it. There is a complex pantheon of responsibility and strength for each object as well. The spirit of your garden is in charge of the spirit of the biggest turnip in it, the spirit of gardens in general controls them both as well as the spirit of all turnips, all four must answer to the spirit of the region you live in, and the spirit of agriculture controls them all with respects towards the spirits of the earth and sun.
The strongest spirits dwell in a parallel realm called Shinkai, and are called Kami. Ancestors are also important in Shinto, as they are the connection between the living and the world of spirits. Without any friendly deceased, the world of the living cannot interact with the Shinkai and as such it is important to stay on good terms with a dead person who may have become friends with a spirit you may want to interact with by honoring their memory and invoking it whenever possible.
Shinto priests and Shamans can communicate with all kinds of spirits and Kami with proper rituals, the right words, the correct offerings, the precise movements, the required clothing and adornments, and the right location all at specific times. The true name of spirits, which gives a connection to their power, is secret and known only by priests honorable enough not to abuse the privilege. By entering into trances, they commune with intermediary ancestors who can pass messages onto spirits. Shamans fall into three groups; Miko are nuns, Geki are monks, and Shinshoku o Kanushi (both genders) are Shamans powerful enough to call directly on Kami themselves and receive their words in return.
Every clan who worship Shinto regardless of their social standing or caste maintains a shrine to an ancestor who has become a Kami, and regardless of relationship with the living family it is VERY bad luck to offend their patron. You can wipe out every man, woman, and child in their lineage without too much trouble from the spirit world, but if you mess up their family graveyard or shrine then you are FUCKED in ways comparable to interacting with the Fey in western fantasy settings.
Small shrines to local spirits of things like roads, rivers, a local animal species, and so on can be found almost anywhere, sometimes forgotten and sometimes well-used stops that double as shelters for weary travelers. Many small villages revolve around shrines, having little else to offer besides services pilgrims are willing to pay for.
Even Hymukai who convert to other faiths rarely abandon their Shinto beliefs. The faith is fairly adaptable, and although priests of the One God may frown on praying to the first to bear their surname or the spirit of a river that feeds their irrigation, those traditions will remain.
- Batsudo, The Way Of The Buda
Batsudo (not-Buddhism) was established in Terai by a man named Sakyamuni (AKA not-Siddhartha Gautama) who abandoned the wealth and pleasures offered by the Shankya dynasty of Licham in order to understand the suffering of the poor and unlucky. He achieved Nirvana/Enlightenment, then sought out a way to pass the teachings onto others in Licham and Angma. Batsudo Sutra (texts and teachings) claim that through sacrifice and contemplation one can enter a Buda state, a level of understanding and freedom from earthly troubles while still alive. Only in this state is one Arhat, or of worthiness and true nobility.
Only when the teachings reached the Celestial Empire and Baejke (not-Thailand) did they come to Hymukai through merchants. One of the Tennos saw value in the faith and decreed that Batsudo monks would formally enter the Sohei caste with newly built temples. The Shinto were initially displeased, although as the common folk would visit both kinds of temples and adhere to both faiths the two blended over time. Like its mate faith, Batsudo often merges with any new faiths that come to Hymukai as both have come to represent culture as much as religion.
Generally, Batsudo is unpopular with the Otokodate as its scorn of wealth holds little appeal to them. By contrast, Buke who lose devotion to their warrior lifestyles, sometimes due to age or war-weariness, find the abandonment of need for wealth and power to be spiritually fulfilling.
Batsudo teaches the world is currently in a 10,000 year long state of Dharmic decline which makes it difficult to achieve Enlightenment.
tl;dr using WIS as your dumpstat makes you lose at life
- Onmyodo
The native faith of the Celestial Kingdom, written as the Daodejing (Book of the Path and the Power) by the philosopher Laozi. Onmyodo (AKA not-Taoism) is based on the idea that everything is made of an energy called Tao (or Dao) which comes in two forms, the positive and negative Onmyo as the Hymukai call it, or the Yin and Yang as the Celestial Kingdom knows it. It centers around the idea freedom and power are attained by balance of the two forces. A man named Zuang Zi (AKA not-Zhuangzi) expanded on the idea in his own texts called The Interior Chapters which advised on how to balance the forces, including using alchemy (in real life, this is the basis for Chinese herbal remedies and acupuncture).
All science, all magic, all matter, all energy, everything comes down to positive and negative energy reacting and seeking balance before and after said reaction.
Yin is passive. It is feminine, reacts strongly to the moon, darkness, the cold, is liquid, is introspective, and within living things is a big part of blood. Yang is active, masculine, reacts to the sun, is extroverted, is warm and more fire than matter, and in living things is concentrated in Ki, which can be summed up as the spiritual equivalent to blood.
Nothing can exist made up of only one of the two forces, and out of harmony or in a turbulent state nothing good can come of anything.
Yin and Yang form the five elements, the seasons, colors, emotions, everything. Endless winter is as bad as only feeling happiness without sadness, as a man without a sensitive side, every blue house needs some red somewhere, and so on.
Onmyodo followers are wizards and scientists, the former mixing this belief with others to control Kami or the forces that affect humans. The magic users are called Onmyouiji. The scientists are alchemists.
tl;dr being True Neutral and drinking mercury can make you a wizard
- Shugendo
Shugendo is the mix of all the faiths of Hymukai into one belief. The followers are called Shugendo as well, or Shugenja, or Yamabushi No-Gyoia (those who sleep below the mountain) for their usual locations. They are hermits who dedicate themselves wholly to the spiritual, revealing themselves slowly to those individuals outside their training sites that they believe are likely to join them at the cost of all worldly ties and belongings. The teachings of Shugendo are called the Shugen.
After years of suffering and sacrifice, even the abandonment of the very emotions tied to their pursuit of moral purity (due to desire in any form not being morally pure) along with education in everything from astronomy to psychology to medicine and herbalism, they surpass humanity and overcome all sin or debt from this life or their past lives by feeling the punishments due with humility. At this point, they are a being who is virtually a Kami contained in a mortal shell. The highest ranked Shugendo commune with Kami directly, are in the state of Buda and can actually influence the greater universe, and while meditating alone their soul departs their body to live as an animal in the forest while they sit in unmoving contemplation that can last for days, weeks, or more.
The Shugendo primarily work for the betterment of mankind in various ways as they see fit.
tl;dr epic level Cleric/Druid Lawful Good murderhobos
Forms of Magic
- Kototama: The Power of Words
Kototama is the ability to cause magical effects using the spoken word or sounds. Those trained in this art are called Kototage. Kotomuke is the working of the magic, and the specific spells are Jumon. All religions use Kototama, and even martial artists use them to a degree. Kototama can be used to control minor spirits called Shikigami.
- Kuj-In: Seals of the Nine Syllables
Kuj-In combines the essence of Kototama as mantra hymns with hand gestures called Mudra. Kuj-In is primarily used by Shinto, Buda, and Ninjas. Kuj-In invoke the protector forces of the world in odd numbers, or evil if used in even. If the gestures are made in the air they affect the user, if the hand gesture is used on other things (like with ink and paper to draw a spell scroll) they can affect others. The act of performing the gesture is called Kuji-Kiri. Using the right hand is called Takotai and the resulting energy receives, using the left is called Kongokai and emits energy. The gestures are made quickly or slowly based on what Kototama is used.
The actual effect of Kuj-In is explained by creating a hole or vacuum in the spirit world which causes a shift in Yin and/or Yang.
- O-Fuda: Kanji Magic
O-Fuda is similar to Kuj-In in that it is a written magic, although no particular gesture or vocalization is needed. O-Fuda involves invoking a Kami by writing their name on something. If used in construction, the Kami then may protect the occupants of the building as they see fit. The other use of O-Fuda is making a charm bag called a Omamori which blesses the bearer and can be used to exorcize spirits by placing it in the mouth of the victim or inside the object which is possessed.
- Onmyodo: The Way of Yin and Yang
The central ideas of Taoism, applied by Onmyouiji. It consists of all magical practices and all disciplines of science mixed in the pursuit of balance and the intentional alteration of reality. Onmyouiji rarely share their discoveries with written text, preferring apprenticeships to pass on their craft.
Becoming pure, only a step below divinity, and mastery of energy are the two main pursuits of Onmyodo. The main reward to skilled Onmyouiji is entering the state of Kenki, which allows them to perceive and interact with both the mortal world and the Shinkai at the same time. They can then banish or summon beings between the two at will, being something more than even an ancestor Kami. Shikigami are inherently loyal to those in Kenki, and Daimyo are always seeking their services to protect them from spirits and advise them. Most Onmyouiji are aligned with the spirits of order, although rare ones exist who sought to become one with the darker sides of the spirit world and curse their foes.
The bulk of creation exists in three regions connected by celestial bridges and gates.
- The Celestial Plane: Ama
The ideal world, perfect in every way and full of waterfalls with hundreds of regions with each suited in different ways to provide for every desire regardless of what the desires of that being are, each created when a being becomes a Kami and ascends to it. Those who are the Kami's chosen servants, the Tennin (male)/Tennyo (female), inhabit their celestial lord's land.
There is a physical bridge somewhere in the material plane, called Niji, that leads the living to it although it is guarded by celestial entities.
- The Intermediate Plane: Kuni
The mortal world, with Hymukai at its heart. Its...pretty good, but its imperfections compared to the Ama cause a small portion of the misery that befalls mankind. It exists in the same space as the Shinkai, which is the spiritual half of the world (the Yang to Earth's Yin) with places in both serving as gateways by virtue of the two forces evenly mixing there as opposed to sitting side by side (imagine an oil sitting on top of a thicker liquid, with those places being where the two have mixed into a solution). Those mixed places are often difficult to reach and amazing to behold, although many lesser spirits inhabit them which tend not to be as friendly as one would want. For those who have seen Spirited Away, those places would be the abandoned theme park.
- The Underworld: Yomi
The souls of the dead cross the Sanzu river, a hidden underground river between the Kuni and Yomi. On the other side they are judged for their spiritual debt and actions across all their lives. Those who have lived normally and are in the misdemeanor range of karma are sent back to the Kuni to be born again. Those who have lived amazingly pure lives, free from any sin or debt, ascend to Ama and become Kami. Some beings who preexisting Kami vouch for are also allowed to enter the Ama, usually as a Tennin/Tennyo. The spirit known as Datsue-Ba undresses the soul while his companion Keneo throws the clothes to a branch next to the river. Souls who are nervous can actually gauge how badly they have done by how Keneo does this. Souls then cross the river to meet a spirit named Emma-O who is master of the cycle of reincarnation and the judge of Kuni lives.
Those found wanting are sent to Nakara, a kind of spiritual prison full of hunger where they will suffer until their debt is within a range they could feasibly pay off back in the Kuni, and they are sent back to Earth afterwards to do just that.
The exceptionally wicked, who's sins are unforgivable, are turned into a Shura spirit and either sent to Nakara as a warden or Jigoku, a place where all Demons are imprisoned.
Not all beings must cross the Sanzu and face judgement. Beings who attain divinity in life like Onmyouiji or Yamabushi No-Gyoia simply travel to Ami on their own power. Beings who suffered far more than their spiritual debt required are unable to leave the Kuni and usually become spirits who only know torment and live to pass that suffering onto others. Those tortured souls are called Shiryo, Onryo, and Goryo.
Reincarnation and the Wheel of Dharma
The Wheel of Dharma is the cycle of reincarnation that occurs between the Yomi and Kuni, with Emma-O being the master of the process. There are six possible paths that Emma-O may send a soul. Samsara is the name of the actual process of rebirth after judgement.
- Jigoku-Do is the worst possible punishment, where a soul is sent to Jigoku where they languish in every possible kind of misery and never know any form of relief or rest. Here they stay and suffer unless some unbelievably merciful Kami decides to take up their case and work to reform them.
- Gaki-Do is the path where a soul is sent to Nakara. Here, ten kings judge them and mete out different forms of suffering to equal the luxuries they over-indulged in during life. Once the soul is punished adequately they are given a drink which makes the soul forget its suffering and pleasures, effectively striking both off the record.
Both Jigoku-Do and Gaki-do involve the soul transforming into a Shura, which is a demonic form. Souls who rebel and refuse to show the humility they deserve often rise up in defiance of the celestial order and become all but certain to bask in their evil ways while suffering eternally.
- Shikusho-Do is the state where a soul is transformed into an animal. As animals have less potential for devilish behavior, this forms a kind of rehabilitation process between Gaki-Do and the states of the Kuni world.
- Ashura-Do is the path of demigods. Beings who reject the system travel this path. The wicked ones become Shura, and hide in the frozen northlands of the Kuni called Meru where they are ruled by kings called Shurendra. Those who remain good but simply desire to cease the pursuit of godliness become powerful spirits within the Kuni, and instead become the patron spirits of various things. In the previously mentioned metaphor involving the spirits of gardens, rocks, and turnips, those who choose the Ashura-Do are the bulk of those spirits.
- Nin-Do is the path of human life. This stage, the lives of you and everyone you know, is not so much a punishment as it is a test to whether they are fit to ascend higher. If you imagine the Ashura-Do as being in the blue-collar workforce, then Nin-Do is college. You can snort crack and bang hookers until you wind up homeless in the back alley then in prison, or you can work hard and study until you pull six digits and spend every other week on the golf course. Or just take a liberal arts course and wind up flipping burgers with the other Ashura-Do. Your choice.
- Ten-Do is the final state, where you have achieved success and made something of yourself by becoming a Kami or Tennin/Tennyo. But that's not the end of the story, as you can overindulge or make bad decisions, and while not a mortal you CAN still die like one. If you die, Emma-O will judge you again and you may not do as well as you did before. Kami who drinkandfightanddrinkandfightanddrinkandfight then drink and fight some more before slipping and breaking their neck may end up reborn as an ant to work off their debt.
Supernatural Beings
- Kami
Kami are beings at the height of existence. They are extremely powerful, and most dwell in the Ama although some remain in the Shinkai or Yomi to go about their work. Most other cultures would call them gods and demigods, although as Kami are technically beings living and dying in a way similar to mortals they are somewhat below that rank.
- Tennin/Tennyo
Tennin and Tennyo are similar to Kami, although they did not get into Ama by virtue of their...well, virtue. Rather they were vouched for by a Kami, although within the politics of the Ama they are on equal footing to their Kami fellows. Usually they act as the servants to a Kami. Tennin and Tennyo split their time between leisure pursuits, such as art and music, and martial pursuits as they are the primary soldiers in the wars between the wicked spirits and the Kami.
- Yokai
Yokai are Kami who have fallen into corruption, either through overindulgence or wicked acts brought about by pride. Some are just Kami who are forgotten by humans which causes them to lose hope or a sense of purpose in their existence. As they continue to lose their purity they are forced to leave Ama and inhabit the Kuni. Not all Yokai are evil however, and many simply take up an immortal life as a mortal. They can take on any form, and if you meet a talking animal or something with very strange proportions it may be a Yokai. Those Yokai who continue their wicked behavior become extremely powerful beings, and would be the villain of your average "hero VS monster" story.
- Shura
Shura are either the descendants of Iraki, the aunt of Hikari, or are souls currently assigned to punishment. They are demonic beings with wicked, twisted forms based on their behavior and sins (or the descendants of Iraki who are just born that way). Many serve out their time suffering to ascend the Wheel of Dharma, while others (usually warmongers and the power hungry) rebel and form into groups to attack mortals or the Kami.
- Yurei
Yurei come in two varieties; the souls of the wicked who are tormented by their unnatural sins, and the souls of the suffering who cannot leave the world as they are too burdened by its miseries. They are spirits, usually bound to a specific location or group of people, who cause the same type of suffering they endured or committed to others and although they will actively pursue those responsible for their state they don't stop there and will continue to attack any beings. Most ghost stories involve Yurei spirits. For reference on Yurei, see The Ring, The Grudge, and play Fatal Frame.
- Gaki
Gaki are souls who suffered from extreme need in life, and their name literally means "hungry spirits". Their form is twisted to their need, with emaciated skeletal frames with large, bloated bellies full of acid and gasses and large eyes always searching for more. They have no scruples, and will even eat their still-living relatives as their first meals before setting out for more. Like Yurei they are bound to the Kuni by their suffering, although for a select few this is a punishment bestowed to them by spirits for being wasteful in life.
Basic Units
The common soldiery, found in all factions. Most come from the class of citizens called Heinin which represent the common workers of cities and the peasantry. Those fielded on foot are called Ashigaru, meaning soldiers with agile legs. Smart lords don't just send their Ashigaru to die at whim leaving nobody to work their fields, but then again in theory you can afford a few untilled farms if you can take the farms of your neighbors.
- Yari Ashigaru
Yari Ashigaru are Heinin soldiers who wield spears or naginata (a spear with a longer and curved blade), given simple armor to cover themselves with and the banner of their lord to march with. They are equipped with a Hata-jirushi, a suit of light armor.
- Heishi
Heishi are the step below Ashigaru, not trusted yet to be disciplined in the face of the enemy and as a result not as well geared (although some are simply because their lord is too cheap or underarmed to provide it). They are only given a Hara-ate for armor, which covers their abdomen. They are given naginata to fight with.
They do not yet have models.
- Yumi Ashigaru
Ashigaru armed with bows.
- Katana Samurai
Samurai armed with swords and Hata-jirushi. Not exactly rare as far as Samurai go, although they cost more for a lord to field than Ashigaru. On the plus side, a massacre against you means you still have a backup plan!
- Yumi Samurai
Samurai armed with bows.
- Kiba Musha
Samurai on horseback armed with Katanas. Many generals ride with them, plunging into the flanks of enemy formations unexpectedly to route them and end the battle.
- Yari Kiba Musha
Samurai on horseback armed with spears and naginata, the most skilled horsemen among the mounted Samurai forces. They rely on hit and run attacks during the battle.
- Ishitsubute Ashigaru
Also called Mizumata, they are Ashigaru armed only with slings. They are rarely fielded, and usually serve to disrupt enemies moving into melee range while avoiding any actual confrontation.
- No Bushi
No Bushi are archers who rely on skirmish tactics, harassing enemy positions and softening up foes before engagement. They come from all social backgrounds and are put into units based on skill alone.
They do not yet have models.
- Kuro
Peasants not provided any gear, armed only in cloth and farming equipment. They have no discipline or tactics other than to swarm enemies.
- Onna Komuso
Onna Komuso are highly-trained Batsudo warrior nuns who protect peasants and the roads from bandits while on pilgrimage from shrine to shrine.
They do not yet have models.
Kuge Units
Kuge Specials
- Onna Bushi
Onna Bushi are warrior women trained using the Naginata, raised from birth as the servants to the Kuge who possess a degree of loyalty not seen anywhere else in the Buke caste. Their dedication is without compare, sacrificing their lives just to increase chances of victory for their clan. Either out of desire to impress or amazement of their dedication, troops around them are inspired to fight at their best.
- Teppotai
Teppotai are Ashigaru equipped with Teppos, also known as arquebus or flintlock rifles. Kuge allow the One God faith to be spread among the peasantry in exchange for the weaponry, allowing their still-loyal peasants to kill the highly trained Buke traitors with ease. After marching to their position, they erect walls of stakes to protect them from cavalry and to duck behind to protect them from arrows while reloading.
- Kuge Great Guard
Great Guard are the elite among the Buke caste, zealots dedicated to the divinity of the Kuge lines who each hope to become a Tennin. Their ferocity and dedication is such that their foes flee before them rather than face them and their mighty blows in combat. Each Great Guard is personally selected from candidates, leading to families who can claim that each patriarch of their line served the Daimyo of the clan. In peace they guard the halls of castles.
They do not yet have models.
- Onna Kiba Musha
Onna Kiba Musha are Onna Bushi, mounted on horseback. The graceful elegance and classical nature of their tradition makes them a favorite of Kuge lords to show off their superiority to the other castes. Those destined to be Kiba Musha are taken from their family and trained for their entire lives, and are more dedicated and disciplined than any horsemen the Buke can boast.
They do not yet have models.
Elite Kuge
- Ninja
For generations the Kuge clans have been patrons of secret ninja clans who's loyalty is (usually) absolute, and through a sense of mutual advancement the Kuge the can field units of assassins while other castes can only secure the services of a single agent at high cost. They execute their tasks and targets without a hint of remorse or hesitation. Before battles they will hide, waiting for their target to draw close before they leap out and spread confusion using smoke and fire whereupon they slay their foe and quickly vanish once more to pursue other quarry.
- Yabusame
Yabusame are mounted archers, the most skilled and elite there are among their art. Annually the Kuge held festivals where the archers of the Buke would compete, and those who showed the most promise were recruited into the Yabusame ranks. This conflict marks the first time they have been fielded in war. They utilize hit and run raiding tactics to diminish the foe.
They do not have models.
Buke Units
Buke Specials
- No-Dachi Samurai
Samurai armed with Nodachi, also known as Dai Katanas. The strongest among the Buke families are trained with these weapons, charging into battle in a frenzy.
- Yari Samurai
Samurai armed with spears, far more skilled than any Ashigaru could hope to be. They form the bulk of any Buke army and will fiercely dedicate any officer among them.
- Ji Samurai
Low rank samurai. Outside of war, they must toil in the fields along side their peasants to survive, which is seen as a great personal dishonor in Buke society as only warriors are worthy of any respect. Without as much wages or time to train, they arm themselves in armor and weapons as best they can and usually carry a spear and a katana, with some having the unusual practice of teaching dogs how to behave in war and using them as a supplementary force, harassing foes and alerting their masters of advancing enemies.
They do not yet have models.
- O-Ban
O-Ban are heavy cavalry, with their armor decorated in images of demons to look like Oni. They simply trample lesser foes to engage those worthy of their attention, impaling them with spears called Jumonji Yari tipped with a forked blade.
They do not yet have models.
Elite Buke
- Kengo
A highly skilled warrior dedicated to the art of Kenjutsu, the pursuit of mastery in swordsmanship. These small bands of warriors travel from village to village in time of peace to challenge anyone of any martial skill to duels, and in warfare seek out the strongest enemy in the field.
- Yumi Kiba Musha
Samurai mounted on horseback who are trained in both archery and swordsmanship, switching between bow and katana as needed. They are armed with special arrows that make a much louder noise for intimidation, and have pronged tips to cause worse wounds.
They do not yet have models.
Sohei Units
Sohei Specials
- Naginata Sohei
From Dragon's Lands temples, these Sohei cover their faces in cloth and train extensively in Naginata weapons to defend peasants against the Samurai, which the believe are decadent brutes. They use Kototama chants to unnerve their foes and increase their own bravery.
- Ama Kihei
Dragon's Lands temple Nuns armed with Naginata on horseback. They sing Kototama songs telling of death and the horrors it holds while in combat, terrifying their enemies.
They do not yet have models.
- Mitsu Dogu Sohei
Martial artist monks, armed with Mitsu Dogu (also called torimono sandōgu, or torimono hogu in real life) which are poles with metal spikes and various shaped tips used usually by guards or law enforcement to arrest rather than kill. Samurai have no knowledge of nor respect for these weapons, giving the monks an advantage and allowing them to quickly disarm and disable their enemies.
They do not yet have models.
- Yumi Sohei
Dragon's Lands temple monks armed with bows, trained in the same ways and for the same amount of their life as Samurai. They cover their faces in cloth, and are armed in special arrows designed to ignite or hit with greater force than mere wooden arrows.
They do not yet have models.
Elite Sohei
- Ikame Bo
Massive and powerful monks trained using Kanabo-tetsubo, or giant clubs with spikes believed to have been invented by Oni. These monks can equal the strength of many men, and crush the bones of their enemies while praying for their souls using Batsudo chants.
- Teppo Sohei
The monks of the Dogen temples rescued Nanban who were shipwrecked, among them one of the greatest weaponsmiths in the world, a man named Francisco. For one year while he recuperated, he taught the Dogen monks how to create western weapons including firearms, and after he returned to his homeland they spread the knowledge across the entire Sohei caste. Armed with the same Teppo used by Teppotai, although made in Hymukai rather than purchased, these monks bear katanas and wooden shields into battle along with their firearms.
Otokodate Units
Otokodate Specials
- Katana Ashigaru
Peasants armed with the weapons and trained in the ways of nobles. Formerly just city dwellers in various occupations, they seek to join the Buke as equals and emulate them in all respects they know. While they possess the tenacity and drive to strike without fear of death in war, they do not have the refinement of the art that comes from a lifetime of practice among their peers.
- Teppo Ronin
Ji Samurai and non-combat servants who's lords were killed during the war. Without option, they flocked to the Otokodate and were armed with Teppo purchased from Nanban traders. Although they believe they have lost their honor, they carry on in want of livelihood. They march to battle armed with wooden shields and their old Katanas.
They do not yet have models.
- Ozutsu
Also called Ozutzu, they are a creation of the Hymukai studying the rifle Teppos purchased by Otokodate, these handheld weapons pack much more force and are considered hand cannons. Only stronger soldiers can be armed with these.
- Machi Yakko
Trained warriors who were never part of the Samurai. They keep the peace in the lands controlled by the Otokodate by patrolling roads and guarding cities against the Buke. They are armed with Jumonji Yari, a spear with a special tip consisting of a very large pronged blade. Above all, they will protect their lord and his interests.
They do not yet have models.
Otokodate Elite
- Kyokaku
A new class of warrior, wholly devoted to Kykotsu. They seek to combat the Samurai oppressors and their flawed Bushido code, and dwell in peasant communities as local heroes where they slay bandits and looting Samurai.
They do not yet have models.
- Assassins
Rather than hiring the subtle Ninja, Otokodate prefer disgraced Samurai who move in small groups and carry many weapons that their targets are unfamiliar with fighting against. These honorless warriors will travel the countryside inconspicuously and carry out any task given them, usually the elimination of their target while ignoring the interference of his bodyguards.
Artwork of a Kensi Assassin.
Bushi Heroes
- Daimyo
Daimyo are the leaders of their clans, and any battle they are involved in are major events. They bear O-Yorai, the best kind of armor available and can be found mounted and carrying many different kinds of weapons.
Otokodate do not yet have a Daimyo model.
- Shirei-kan
Second in command of the clan, chosen by the Daimyo as a relative or one of the greatest warriors. Usually they are the Taisho, or General, of an army.
- Busho Hatamoto
Warriors among the Daimyo's army who hold the highest ranks, and are granted the most land. Their job is to command and inspire. They are the lowest rank who can afford an O-Yorai.
- Samurai Daisho
Also called Mono-Gashira, Samurai Daisho are Samurai in command of one or more units due to their veteran status and honorable conduct.
- Ashigaru Daisho
Also called Bugyo, they are Heinin who have impressed their lord and been put in command of one or more non-Samurai units.
Special Characters
- Kensei
The titular characters available, Kensei are samurai who have attained a reputation across all of Hymukai. Swordsmen at the highest level of skill, masters of the tea ceremony (a MASSIVELY important custom that simply involves preparing and sharing nutritious and delicious tea, symbolizing mastery in all aspects of life from grave to wisdom as well as spiritual fulfillment), artists, poets, writers, sages, and merciful in conflict due to the fact they only fight to preserve their own honor rather than increase it. Kensei are the ideal of Hymukai society with anyone attaining the title being known across the land, and many respect a hostile Kensei more than the Daimyo they serve. Kensei can be found in all walks of life, as likely to be sweeping steps at a Sohei shrine as in the role of an adviser to a Buke warlord, as likely wandering an Otokodate trade road as being a regular in the court of the Kuge. To be able to boast a Kensei in your army both increases your honor and claim to respect as well as gives you access to an INCREDIBLY skilled warrior who can deflect or cut flying arrows with their sword and slice a man clean in half with only their katana.
tl;dr gentleman high-level murderhobos
The special Indiegogo-only female Kensei model.
- Geisha
Geisha are women trained in ways of satisfying the various desires of men. Many function as prostitutes, while others are paid dancers, musicians, poets, and even take on roles such as administering medicine required regularly or in the preparation and presentation of tea. Many lords bring Geishas with them to relieve their minds from the stress of command and battle, to increase the morale of their forces, or to confide their worries and concerns to. Not all can be trusted however, as many function as spies and assassins for their enemies. Still others are absolutely loyal, willing to fight and die for their masters.
- Spy
What did they expect? Spies are used both offensively and defensively, either infiltrating the armies or cities of their masters to conduct counter-intelligence or to pose as those unlikely to arouse suspicion like a traveler or monk and blend into enemy camps among drunk and loud-mouthed warriors. Many are kept close by their lords, as a Spy usually the only defense between them and an assassin.
- Kabukimono
Kabukimono are lordless Samurai, known as Lunatics and Deviants as well. They contrast between an extremely refined lifestyle by wearing elaborate hairstyles and clothing, and a poor lifestyle by ceasing to shave, being constantly intoxicated, and having absolutely no tact or humility. They challenge everyone they can to martial duels, robbing those who refuse and those who lose. Often these men gather gangs to themselves and represent the bulk of the disorder and misconduct in a village or city.
They do not yet have models.
- Kagemusha
Body doubles for important individuals, either to prevent assassination or to go about their duties while the actual individual is preoccupied with more pressing ones.
Kagemusha are represented by the model they are imitating, and thus can by anything fitting.
- Kyudo Hanshi Judan
The same as a Kensei, although their art and mastery in combat is with the bow rather than the sword.
They do not yet have models.
- Shinobi/Kunoichi
Master Ninja, trained to assassinate enemies. Shinobi are male, Kunoichi are female. All factions will hire their services, although only Kuge will hire them in bulk and field them against regular troops. They may lie in wait on the battlefield for their target, or infiltrate the enemy's own army. Some will cause disarray in the enemy's ranks by shouting that their commander is dead before the assassin actually does kill him in order to cause panic.
Spiritual Characters
Onmyouiji come in six different kinds (although only four are currently in the game), with the four factions having specific options available. Each type is served by a different kind of Shikigami, and each also has access to one of two spellbooks. The ritual for binding Shikigami differs from discipline to discipline, with some simply being sent by the powers the Onmyouiji serves and others are tricked and lead to trust the wizard, then are beheaded and resurrected as a slave.
- Celestial Onmyouiji
Worshipers of the power of Ama. They are served by Yataragatsu, the three-legged crow servants of Hikari herself who guide Tenno to her realm and grants the Onmyouiji the ability to see what it sees. Their other is the Kitsune or Kitsume, a fox who's intelligence and magical powers grow as they age and their tail splits into more and can take the form of a human to bolster the forces of a friendly army.
- Earthly Onmyouji
These Onmyouiji are connected to the power of the Kuni, connected to the Kami and Yokai within it. Their first Shikigami is the Kamaitachi, a weasel bearing a sickle for a tail which can whip around the battlefield slicing off heads and limbs without detection. The second is a Kodama, a calm tree spirit who protect the forest and those friendly to it.
- Infernal Onmyouiji
Also called Hell Onmyouiji, who call on the power of Jigoku and Nekara as well as the 80000 Yokai who envy and hate the Kami. Their first servant is an Inugami which is a mortal dog they buried up to their head, starved, then beheaded when it attempted to reach a bowl of food out of it's reach. Inugami are complete slaves to their masters, and have become flaming beasts of spite. Their second is a Tsuchigumo, an evil spider which was a ghost who has been twisted by envy and who weaves webs that protect its master from attack.
- Death Onmyouiji
Onmyouiji dedicated to Emma-O and the Yurei. Their first servant is Nezumi, a black rat who knows black magic from gaining the knowledge contained in books they have eaten and can curse their foes with great misfortune straight out of a horror story (literally). Their second is Nekomata, a cat who can control magic and the dead; they love their owners and are absolutely loyal, but have a mean streak and can eat the dead to take human form when not raising the corpses as servants.
Infernal Creatures
Celestial Creatures
Earthly Creatures
Creatures of Death
A composer named Jonay Armas is writing a soundtrack for use while painting or playing Kensei.