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It took a few moments for the boy to even realize that the women were talking, much less that the Sister Superior had moved behind him. “Look at him,” she whispered, leaning in to nip at his ear. “He can barely hold it in. Let your dear Sister help you…”
Using her hips to guide his, Romelia aided the choir boy in using the semi-auto function of his plasma pistol. It didn’t take long for it to overload again, sending jets of hot plasma inside the Farseer’s dark eldar. This caused the xenos to bite her lip, balling her fists as the gene-seed swirled inside her.
“Please…let me…I must… taste…”
Violette smiled, then removed the underwear blindfold before stealing a kiss. “Here, you can help us clean the boy up. I’m sure he won’t mind…”
As the Farseer’s binds were undone, Romelia pulled the boy back, his pistol coated in juices and dripping onto the floor. “Such a mess, and from one so young…you’re going to be my new favorite play-thing…” she moaned, licking his neck and furthering the cascade of sensations that had left him in a sea of bliss. Guiding him to take the eldar’s place on the table, she gently pushed him down and motioned for the xenos to get to work.
Kneeling down, the Farseer gingerly took up the juicy weapon. The smell alone was lowering her intelligence, to where she’d even mount a grox at this point…
Taking the Emperor out of her webway, Macha began sucking on the tip of the wraithbone. “Mmmmm, if only I knew what you mon’keighs actually tasted like.” By now, her bed-sheets were soaked with a combination of sweat, juices, and drool…

[[Category:Stories/Warhammer 40,000]]
[[Category:Stories/Warhammer 40,000]]

Revision as of 02:45, 23 August 2013

The following article is a /tg/ related story or fanfic. Should you continue, expect to find tl;dr and an occasional amount of awesome.
This article contains PROMOTIONS! Don't say we didn't warn you.

A fapfiction written by our ever-virgin Farseer, involving reverse NTR, ear play, /ss/, and Sisters of Battle. Basically, the most heretical thing possible.

Part One

Violette sighed as she discarded the last of her undergarments and stepped into the empty shower room. She preferred bathing when no one else was around, partly because it gave her the opportunity to properly cleave to the Golden Throne. First, though, she had to wash the grime from a proper day's work of Xenos slaying. Taking up one of the spots in the back, Violette turned the water on, steamingly hot water cascading from the nozzle over her lithe form. Just the sensation of it made her involuntarily release a moan of pleasure, but she was a patient woman. The time to worship his holiness was approaching, and she wanted to be properly cleansed for him.

After obtaining a small amount of bluish liquid from a bottle, Violette proceeded to lather her body. She became lost in the sensations, working every muscle and inch of her skin with massaging motions and the occasional moan. It wasn't until she felt pillowy mammaries press against her back that her revere was broken.

"My my..." whispered Sister Superior Romelia, "what have we here?" Not waiting for a reply, she licked Violetta's fleur and began nipping a trail down her neck.

"I...I..." stammered Violetta, trying her best to remain professional. "I was just...just..."

"Just what, dear? I know that this is usually when you..."

"DON'T!" shouted Violette, breaking free of Romelia as her hands brushed against her thighs. Covering herself, Violette stammered, "It's...It's not proper! The Codex Sororatas doesn't..."

Her diatribe was interrupted by Romelia's lips forcing themselves against hers, the warm water cascading over them both. "It's okay... let go..." whispered Romelia, drawing back as Violette blushed profusely.

"B...B...But we're both women!"

"That's okay. There are proper anointing rituals we can follow..."

The cool night air flowed against their naked forms as Romelia led Violette down into the dungeons. It was late enough that they encountered no one else along the way, much to Violette's relief. Still, as Romelia opened a door to one of the cells, Violette couldn't help but gasp.

Inside was an Eldar, bound and gagged to a table. She had been captured earlier in the battle today, and now was being properly purified by a D-Pattern Las Rifle that was continually being inserted intro her dark eldar. To make matters worse, microbeads were taped to her ears and nipples, vibrating as they warbled soft litanies in high gothic.

"W...What is this?" murmured Violette, once again covering herself.

"Oh that. We're preparing her for one of the Commissars. This will help us break her~"

"What do you..."

Before Violette could finish, she found Romelia's finger being placed on her mouth. "Don't worry, I think *she* enjoys watching anyways."

By the looks of it, drool trailing from the eldar's mouth and her eyes rolled back in her head, Violette wasn't sure if the xenos was even aware they were there. Such thoughts were banished from her mind when Romelia produced a bottle containing holy promethium.

"It's time to begin the ritual, lie down Sister..."

Feeling nervous and rather unsure of the entire situation, Violette did as she was told. After all, there was no shame in refusing an order from a Sister Superior, right? Still, as she reclined on the table opposite the Eldar, her back slightly elevated, she couldn’t help but feel vulnerable. The wicked grin on Romelia’s face wasn’t helping matters either.

“First,” began Romelia, as she uncorked the promethium, “we will infuse your flesh with the holiest of oils.”

Biting her lip, she poured a very generous amount of the flamer fuel over her breasts before setting the canister aside. Before Violette could do more than emit a soft eep, Romelia clambered onto of her, pressing their bodies together.

“Just focus on how this feels…ignore everything else…”

Across from them, the Eldar had just come down from her latest high. Though the mon’keigh’s device had started out as a mere annoyance, it had slowly worked against her until nearly every moment was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Without her spirit stone, she could feel the laughter of she-who-thirsts growing stronger as her juices seeped out of her. To make matters worse, two female mon’keighs had entered, and were now writhing and moaning about in front of her. But there was little time to focus on that, as her ears began buzzing in just the right way…

“N…N…No! Don’t!”

“Your mouth says no, but your body says yes…”

By now, both of their bodies were coated in the oil, their slick skin moving over one another as they grinded against one another’s thighs. In between gasps and moans, they ravaged each other’s mouths in a manner that would confuse even the darkest of eldar. It was then that a knock came at the door, a crackling male voice calling, “Ma’am? I brought that flamer you wanted!”

Viollete couldn’t believe her eyes when one of the choir boys entered the dungeon, a well-maintained flamer in hand. “Ma’am? Where…?” The boy fell silent, eyes bulging as he came to realize the state of the room he had just walked into. This was not something they trained you for in Sunday School. Left with his mouth half open, and his face turning a bright red, it wasn’t until Romelia slipped off of Violetta and came to his side that he was able to speak again.

“I…uhh…here you go, M…Ma’am,” he stammered, offering up the weapon and trying his best not to stare at her naked form. Grinning, she took it gently from him, patting him on the head as she did, “That’s a good boy. You can run along now.” He didn’t have to be told twice. But, as he turned to leave, he felt the Sister Superior grabbing him and hugging his back, “Though…you’ll miss all the fun~”

Violette watched with amusement as the boy was led over to the xenos. There, he was made to replace the lasrifle with the flamer, all under the watchful eye of Romelia. “Uh…Ma’am,” he squeaked, trying to ignore the fact his own plasma pistol was now begging to be handled, “I…I think it’s too big…”

“Nonsense! These xenos are quite flexible!” delighted Romelia, slapping the boy’s back and sending him reeling into the Eldar’s crotch. “Ah, eager are we?”

“N…No!” he uttered, hastily scrambling to stand upright while failing to forget the smell of the eldar’s juices. This was DEFINITELY not covered in choir practice. Again, he made to leave, only to be stopped by Violette placing her hands on his shoulders, “Oh no, you’ll want to see this…”

On cue, Romelia turned the machine back on, the flamer pressing against the eldar’s void. Screaming through her gag, the farseer couldn’t help but writhe in agony as the weapon finally entered her. It was too big, not even her dark kin could take something like this! Yet, as it began the steady march in and out, the agony turned into a mind-numbing pleasure. Maybe the Mon’keighs actually knew how to make a pleasure device after all.

By now, the poor choir boy had all but lost his sanity. Below, his plasma pistol squeezed out a load involuntarily due to the stimulation of seeing the eldar strain against her bonds, crying out in ecstasy. The naked sisters about him probably didn’t help matters either, but this was still too much for the boy. He began crying in embarrassment, only to have his face cupped by Romelia.

“It’s okay, my child. Let your loving Sister take care of that for you…”

While Romelia dealt with disrobing the boy, Violetta retrieved the canister of promethium from the floor where it had been discarded. Returning, she found the Sister Superior examining his undergarments.

“Hmmm…” Romelia mused, eyeing the wet spot that coated the front of the choir boy’s crotch. “That’s rather respectable, for one so young. I wonder how it tastes though…”

Before the boy could protest, she removed his boxers, revealing a rather small plasma pistol doing its best to recharge. “Awww, poor thing, you must be dying. Don’t they let you all get out?”

“No…” he sniffed, wiping his face before trying to cover himself. “They told us its heresy to go against our vows of chastity.” His face contorted as if to cry once more, and Violette joined her fellow Sister in comforting him.

“Shhh. There there. So long as your soul remains pure, the Emperor will never stop loving you. And that’s all that matters,” she said, placing her right hand on his shoulder and squeezing it tenderly. “Now, how would you like your Sisters to make you feel wonderful? I promise it won’t hurt!”

The boy looked between Violetta, her plasma cannons, the Eldar, then the cannons again. Meekly, he replied, “O…Okay.” “Wonderful!” replied Romelia, beaming as she led the boy over to the table. Helping him up onto it, she had him swing so as to have his legs dangling off the side. With herself on the left, and Violetta on the right, the two began to perform the rite of passionate percussive maintenance on his poor pistol. Their tongues ignored all willpower saves, and soon the boy found himself groaning in delight.

Elsewhere in the room, the farseer had just gone through her fourth visit to the warp, with the fifth not far behind. How long did they plan on doing this to her? Until she was one of those twisted servants of she-who-thirsts? Though, as the next high approached, she found herself not caring if this was the case. So long as she was able to feel these sensations again and again, she’d even worship the mon’keigh’s corpse emperor.

Try as he might, the choir boy was unable to pass his toughness check after enduring the Sisters' assault. Arching his back, his overcharged plasma pistol unleashed righteous fury all over Violette's and Romelia's face.

" much..." moaned Violette, beaming as she and Romelia began licking the gene-seed off one another.

"And the taste...simply divine..." added Romelia, winking at the boy as he watched with amazement. Once they were finished, they helped him off the bed and lead him over to the Farseer.

"Now then," began the Sister Superior, "we're going to let you do something very special. You get to train the Commissar's new toy for him, won't that be fun?"

The boy hesitated, but his brain had failed its corruption check for the day. Stopping the machine, he pushed the flamer aside and took his position at the eldar's webway...

"Okay, no. That's where I draw the line," yelled Taldeer, tossing Macha's fanfiction into the air as she stormed from the room. "I only read this smut because I owed you a favor, but I can't stand your fetishes anymore. You need professional help, Macha."

Macha was left stunned, her story floating to the ground around her. Was it her fault that writing was her only sexual outlet? Well...not ONLY outlet, she thought, grinning as she removed the wraithbone from between her mattress. Focusing on it with her mind, it began to vibrate. "At least I have you, my dearest Emperor..."

Part Two

“Go on…” purred Romelia, motioning for Violette to take the her place on the Farseer’s other side. The two Sisters removed the microbeads tormenting the eldar’s ears, only to begin a new barrage of swift attacks on them.

At the removal of the flamer, the Farseer enjoyed a brief respite before the new barrage of sensations from her ears began driving her towards another skip across the warp. They were one of the few parts of her body which had an over-abundance of nerve-endings, meaning each tactile lick and nip was amplified all the more. Eyes fluttering, the Farseer’s gaze drifted downwards as she felt small hands grip her thighs. There, the smaller mon’keigh was posed, plasma pistol all but scraping against her spirit stone. Part of her wanted to scream and rage against the incoming violation, but the countless hours of mixed delight and pain had made a Dark Pact with her soul.

“He’s hesitating…” whispered Violette, in between brief sucks at the eldar’s vulnerable ears. “Maybe he needs to hear how badly this witch wants him.”

“Mmmmm… perhaps you're right,” moaned Romelia, taking up one of the xenos’ cannons and swirling it about. “Do you think she’ll behave, though?”

Both Sisters stopped their all out attacks to stare into the Farseer’s eyes. Unable to speak due to the gag, all the eldar could do was nod pleadingly with her eyes.

“Ohh…Emperor…” squeaked Macha, the wraithbone making a wet noise as it traveled through her webway. “I wish Taldeer had kept reading. She’s an expert on the mon’keigh’s breeding activities…”

As soon as the gag was removed, the Farseer took a deep breath. The dull pain in her jaw was nothing compared to the feeling of the cool air filling her lungs, causing her to emit a sensual sigh. Before she could do more, though, the mon’keighs soiled undergarments were draped over her eyes, the crotch section resting against her nose. The smell alone was enough to make her drool again, much to the Sisters’ delight.

“See, my child? She can’t even contain herself after getting a wiff of you,” teased Romelia, once again beginning her combined overwatch with Violette.

All of this was enough to finally break down the last bastion of willpower in the boy’s mind. Gritting his teeth, he pushed his plasma pistol deep into the void. Though the Sisters’ tongues had ignored all armor, this new warp weapon was capable of causing an overload in mere moments. Lost in the eddies of the warp churning against him, the boy’s eyes went blank as a small bit of saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

“Oooohh, look Sister Superior. I think he likes it!”

“Mmmhm, so does the xenos. Don’t you, witch?”


It took a few moments for the boy to even realize that the women were talking, much less that the Sister Superior had moved behind him. “Look at him,” she whispered, leaning in to nip at his ear. “He can barely hold it in. Let your dear Sister help you…”

Using her hips to guide his, Romelia aided the choir boy in using the semi-auto function of his plasma pistol. It didn’t take long for it to overload again, sending jets of hot plasma inside the Farseer’s dark eldar. This caused the xenos to bite her lip, balling her fists as the gene-seed swirled inside her.

“Please…let me…I must… taste…”

Violette smiled, then removed the underwear blindfold before stealing a kiss. “Here, you can help us clean the boy up. I’m sure he won’t mind…”

As the Farseer’s binds were undone, Romelia pulled the boy back, his pistol coated in juices and dripping onto the floor. “Such a mess, and from one so young…you’re going to be my new favorite play-thing…” she moaned, licking his neck and furthering the cascade of sensations that had left him in a sea of bliss. Guiding him to take the eldar’s place on the table, she gently pushed him down and motioned for the xenos to get to work.

Kneeling down, the Farseer gingerly took up the juicy weapon. The smell alone was lowering her intelligence, to where she’d even mount a grox at this point…

Taking the Emperor out of her webway, Macha began sucking on the tip of the wraithbone. “Mmmmm, if only I knew what you mon’keighs actually tasted like.” By now, her bed-sheets were soaked with a combination of sweat, juices, and drool…