Magical Realm CYOA/Attoria: Difference between revisions

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[125] Artifact!
[125] Trapped!
[150] Benevolent!
[150] Artifact!
[145] Gateways 3
[175] Benevolent!
[141] Portals
[166] Area Increase 5
[138] Protection 1
[161] Gateways 3
[124] Population Increase 7
[157] Portals
[123] Attitude Adjustment
[154] Protection 1
[121] Pretty Population
[140] Population Increase 7
[117] Extrahuman Population
[139] Attitude Adjustment
[115] Culture & Customs
[135] Extrahuman Population
[109] Magical Upgrade 3
[133] Culture & Customs
[107] Aesthetics
[131] Aesthetics
[106] Public Education
[130] Public Education
[104] University
[128] University
[101] Industrial
[125] Industrial
[96] Technomagic
[120] Technomagic
[95] Sanitation
[119] Sanitation
[94] Healthy
[118] Healthy
[92] Infrastructure
[116] Infrastructure
[91] Music Affinity
[115] Music Affinity
[90] Literature Affinity
[114] Literature Affinity
[89] Intellectual Affinity
[113] Intellectual Affinity
[88] Gaming Affinity
[112] Gaming Affinity
[87] Religious Affinity
[111] Religious Affinity
[86] Festival Affinity
[110] Festival Affinity
[85] Mechanical Affinity
[109] Mechanical Affinity
[83] Cosmic Adjustment
[107] Cosmic Adjustment
[82] Fertile
[106] Fertile
[80] Rich
[104] Rich
[77] Exceptional Materials
[101] Exceptional Materials
[74] Landscape Adjustment
[98] Landscape Adjustment
[69] Dungeons 3
[93] Dungeons 3
[66] Afterlife
[90] Afterlife
[63] Fate
[87] Fate
[59] Pantheon
[83] Pantheon
[55] Theme
[79] Theme
[54] Lifestyle Upgrade 1
[78] Lifestyle Upgrade 1
[52] Automatons 1
[76] Automatons 1
[51] Influence 1
[75] Influence 1
[48] Equipment
[72] Equipment
[46] Immortality
[70] Immortality
[43] Spirit Walk
[67] Spirit Walk
[42] Tongues
[66] Tongues
[40] Memory
[64] Memory
[38] Peak Condition
[62] Peak Condition
[37] Teleportation
[60] Alchemy
[36] Levitation
[58] Healing
[34] Alchemy
[56] Machina Mind
[32] Healing
[54] Elementalism 2
[30] Machina Mind
[51] Time Manipulation
[28] Elementalism 2
[48] Scrying
[25] Time Manipulation
[47] Teleportation
[22] Scrying
[46] Levitation
[19] Familiar
[43] Familiar
[9] Guidance 2
[33] Guidance 2
[0] Area Increase 5
[31] Pretty Population
[23] Magical Upgrade 4
[18] Shape Shift 2

==Gateway System==
==Gateway System==

Revision as of 02:42, 26 March 2015

Realm Wizard River
Alliances None
Trading None
Wars None
Capital The Great Hub



Summary: [125] Trapped! [150] Artifact! [175] Benevolent! [166] Area Increase 5 [161] Gateways 3 [157] Portals [154] Protection 1 [140] Population Increase 7 [139] Attitude Adjustment [135] Extrahuman Population [133] Culture & Customs [131] Aesthetics [130] Public Education [128] University [125] Industrial [120] Technomagic [119] Sanitation [118] Healthy [116] Infrastructure [115] Music Affinity [114] Literature Affinity [113] Intellectual Affinity [112] Gaming Affinity [111] Religious Affinity [110] Festival Affinity [109] Mechanical Affinity [107] Cosmic Adjustment [106] Fertile [104] Rich [101] Exceptional Materials [98] Landscape Adjustment [93] Dungeons 3 [90] Afterlife [87] Fate [83] Pantheon [79] Theme [78] Lifestyle Upgrade 1 [76] Automatons 1 [75] Influence 1 [72] Equipment [70] Immortality [67] Spirit Walk [66] Tongues [64] Memory [62] Peak Condition [60] Alchemy [58] Healing [56] Machina Mind [54] Elementalism 2 [51] Time Manipulation [48] Scrying [47] Teleportation [46] Levitation [43] Familiar [33] Guidance 2 [31] Pretty Population [23] Magical Upgrade 4 [18] Shape Shift 2

Gateway System


Exceptional Materials