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Revision as of 22:00, 24 May 2019
Creation of The Codex Astartes
The first writings that would eventually become the Codex Astartes were composed by Rouboute Gulliman during his last days on Maccragge. Alone in an empty planet, the Thirteenth son began writing down his thoughts about each individual legions, its greatest strengths and its greatest weaknesses. He also mused about the ramifications of "The Great Treachery" (The Lorgar Letdown), and its impact on the Imperium. It was here that he called for legions to be broken up into individual chapters, with the remaining Primarchs leading their sons by example rather than by force. This he argued, would not only ensure that further treacheries would not happen again, but allow the Astartes to redeem themselves to the greater Imperium.
The break up of the chapters, in Gulliman's mind, was needed to correct the rising indifference he noticed in both his and other legions. By shifting the Astartes as protectors of individual planets, they would begin to see the imperium for its citizens and culture rather than as an abstract notion. The Collected writings of the Codex were smuggled out of Maccragge by Nathaniel Garro, who along with other loyalists was betrayed by Mortarion and Kor Phaeron. Roboute Gulliman died in Kor Phaeron's ritual, in which Maccragge was consecrated to the dark gods and the corpses of the multitude of dead heros were possessed by the demons of the Ruinous powers. These beings eventually tortured and killed Roboute, but not before he helped Nathaniel Garro and the remaining Loyalist Death Gaurd and Word Bearers to escape. The Codex Astartes was compiled and authored by Jaghatai Khan (the nomad prince), who took on the notes and writings of his friend Roboute Gulliman (the institutionalist) as a way to preserve the relations between Ultramar and the Greater Imperium. The realm of Ultramar was still spiritually and physically scarred by the Scouring of Maccragge and the Primarch treachery. Between bearing the brunt of the LL, and the misinformation campaigns of Alpharius (claiming that The Imperium ordered Gulliman killed and maccragge destroyed), Ultramar was suspicious of returning to the Greater Imperium at large. Khan, feeling guilty about the death of his friend, and how his Legion was spared most of the losses that befell his brothers, saw this as a way to make amends. Because the book was co-written, Rouboute's concerns about legions going traitor are tempered by Khan's nomadic experience with settler decadence and horde fragmentation. The result is a pseudo-united "Paralegionary" Force. The Khan willingly cedes control of two thirds of his Legion to be broken up into chapters, and the now Rogue Ultramarines agree to do the same. These Chapters are scattered throughout the galaxy. They can come at the request of The Primarchs (or other Imperial or Ultramar governors), but they ultimately answer to no one but The Emperor. Certain Primarchs (Magnus, Fulgrim, Corax, Vulcan) could have these Free Chapters help shore up the dwindling defenses of their territories. It also gives the Emperor a little bit more direct control over regions, (cant be too careful...). Eventually Primarchs like Rogal could grudgingly see the wisdom in this and donate chapters to fortify around the eye of terror. One of Khan's Stormseer successor chapters eventually becomes "The Grey Knights," etc. Perhaps too other Primarchs allow for some of their sons to form chapters according to the Khan-Gulliman Codex. The Blood Ravens could be an example of one such. Additionally, since both RG and JK have the most stable Geneseed (besides Rogal), and other legions would be disproportionately affected by the "Lorgar Letdown," the splitting of these two chapters would be seen less as a break up, and more of a "flowering" since the Khan would expect their successor chapters to act like Nomadic Bands that split off to form their own vibrant tribe. While Gulliman and Khan are technically no longer incharge of any of their now emancipated sons, they still have significant authority over The Codex itself, and any changes and revisions made.
Composition of The Codex Astartes
The Codex Astartes in total is a mighty lengthy Collection of Tomes. The Entire "Codex" takes up several bookshelves. Very few chapters have entire collections of the work and even fewer have read it in its entirety. So much so that their is an entire organization in Ultramar called the "Legatus Codices" (Codex Lawyers) who specialize in advising chapters on applying the codex as well as mediating chapter disputes.
The actual name for the Codex Astartes is: Illisimus Corpus Codices et Lectitiae et Tactici et Regulae pro Legio Imperii Paci Velloque or "The Great Body of Codes, Laws, Tactics, and Regulations for The Imperium's Legions during Peace and War."
Most chapters carry an abridged version of the codex, containing the relevant sections and indexes and regulae for their chapter's mission statement. Individual Astartes often have an even further abridged version, which mostly contains the sections relating to the individual behavior of a Space Marine. Each Abridged version of the Codex becomes its own book, as each abriged codex usually consists of pages worth of commentary and notes by the leaders of the chapter.
Codex Sections
The Corpus is divided into 4 parts.
- Codex Velladucti
- "The Book of War-waging"
- The Book of Tactics and Generalship. This section consists mostly of the Work of Roboute Gulliman, but also features notable sections from Horus. Magnus, Fulgrim, and Khan also have made some contributions.
- Contains guidelines for proper military tactics, effective strategies, guidelines on management of supplylines, and other things that would be useful guidelines for a chapter or company to use the codex astartes.
- Includes advice and strategic guidelines for Joint Chapter and Joint Legion missions, as well as guidelines on Utilizing Imperial Gaurd divisions in joint missions.
- It also includes analysis of major battles of the Great Crusade, with commentaries by the Primarchs who led them.
- Codex Chronopacis
- "The Book of Peace-Time"
- Provides Guidelines for managing the chapter when a Space Marine Chapter and legion is not at war.
- It offers advise on training schedules, fortress maintenance, managing Astarte morale and discipline, and other chapter management.
- Codex Chronopacis is probably one of the Few Sections in which Vulkan makes hefty contributions on advising Astartes-Civilian relations, and the ways in which the space marine legion can contribute to the well-being of their subjects.
- Codex Astartes
- "The Book of The Soldier"
- Perhaps the most famous book, and the one that nearly every Space Marine has read.
- So much so, that This particular Section has become a Metonym for the entire Corpus, despite being the smallest section.
- The Codex Astartes contains rules and guidelines for the behavior of the Adeptus Astartes on a personal level.
- Behavior towards superiors, subordinates, Astartes of different chapters, as well as with Military and civilians are all covered here.
- The Codex Astartes also provides guidelines on warding oneself against the forces of chaos and identifying signs of corruption.
- This section was written primarily by Magnus the Red. However Leman Russ has some rather impassioned contributions as well.
- Appendix Astartes
- Contains rules and guidelines for the creation of new Space Marine Chapters
- The Different Indexes and Regulae are located here.
- Codex Regulae (Apochryphal)
- The "Standard Code" or "The Code of The Legions"
- An additional Section composed by Horus
- Dismissively called "Codex Nebulae" (The Wishy-Washy or Irrelevant Code), by Astartes Chapters and most Jura Codice.
- Codex Regulae offers advice on the management of legions.
- However, because most Legions are still led by their Primarch (who usually have their own ideas), the Codex is for the most part ignored.
- Very few Legions or Chapters include this in their codexes.
The "Codex Astartes" as usually carried by individual space marines usually consists of:
- Major selections from "The Codex Astartes"
- Heavily curated selections from Codex Chronopacis regarding individual behavior and dispute management
- Selections usually selected based on the Position of the Astartes as well as the Chapter Master's preference.
- Heavily curated selections from Codex Velladucti
- Usually selected based on the leadership of the chapter based on tactical preferences.
- The Relevent Index and Regulae pertaining to the chapter.
Rules for Post First Founding Chapters
The Codex provides the provisions under which a group of Astartes can apply for "Chaptership." Should an aspiring chapter-master wish to create an independent chapter, he must meet the following provisions:
- Permission from your Primarch (or Legionary Commander)
- Sponsorship from at least 10 other Chapter Masters,
- Endorsement of good character by no less than three of your fellow legionaries of equal or greater status,
- An endorsement of gene-seed health by the Ordo Biologius.
- Have strength of no less than 150 Astartes, but no greater than 500
- Among these 150, no less than 10 Librarians and 10 Apothecaries
- Other requirements based on the Index upon which your chapter is founded under (those founded under Regula Magnus for instance, have additional regulations placed on Psykers)
If all 6 of these provisions are met, then the Rules and Chapter can be approved by a Majority of The High Lords of Terra and the Approval of 3 Ultramar Princes (Emperor can Veto) If any of these provisions are lacking, then either the Emperor's approval or a Unanimous Vote of The High Lords is required.
Index Astartes and Regula Astartes
While Gulliman and Khan wrote the entire book together, they also provided their own sections or "indexes" that they wrote independently. An applying chapter must apply to be under one of these rules, and will be subject to the regulations of the chapter they are headed under. Sections are Numbered in order of their creation
- Section 1 - Index Aurellian or "The Rule of Gulliman"
- Index Aurellian requires provisions relating to planetary administration. Those under the Rule of Gulliman are expected to live up to Gulliman's vision of Statesmen Astartes and have mastery of the diplomatic and administrative arts as well as military matters. Index Gulliman also has additional requirements regarding Chapter Composition and Fortress Monasteries.
- Section 2 - Index Chorgoris or "The Rule of Khan"
- Index Chorgoris provides guidelines on nomadic or spaceborne chapters. It is less interested in composition and focuses more on clear lines of succession, Chivalric rules regarding behavior between fellow astartes and non-astartes, and managing Intra-chapter disputes. The Rule of Khan is considered to be less stringent on the Chapter as a whole, but places more of the rules and liability on individual Astartes.
Eventually Other Primarchs (with the permission of Khan/Ultramarines Chaptermaster) added their own Indexes (Shown in order of their creation)
- Section 3 - Index Penitentiae
- Index Penetentiae was created for heretical or disloyal legions to prove their loyalty to the Imperium. Unlike the other sections, which offer significant flexibility in terms of the legions organization and mission, the Index Penitentiae provides the legion's structure, which must by strictly adhered to. Those under the Index Penitentiae must submit to regular investigations by the Imperial Inquisition. Penitent legions are also not permitted near forgeworlds, hive worlds or The Solar Segmentum unless invited. Those under Index Penitentiae are not permitted to expand their numbers until such time that they are considered worthy. Some may be forced to remain under The Rule of The Penitent until their legion is extinguished. Many of the first to use this index were the many Traitor Legion Loyalist Chapters in the Aftermath of The great treachery.
- Section 4 - Index Phoenician
- or "The Rule of Fulgrim"
- Fulgrim's Rule places additional requirements on Artificers and Apothecaries. Astartes under the Rule of Fulgrim are also expected to be masters of Personal Combat. Those under Fulgrim's rule are expected to be both expert fighters and expert craftsmen. Curiously there are no Emperor's Children Successor chapters under the "Fulgrim's Rule." Due to the weakness of The Emperor's Children, they could never afford to donate. Instead the followers of The Rule of Fulgrim are almost exclusively Iron Hands Successor Chapters. Index Phoenician was written by Fulgrim at the personal request of Ferrus Manus, who had several companies request their Genefather's permission to form Chapters.
- Section 5 - Index Praetorian
- or "The Rule of Dorn"
- The Rule of Dorn has a few stipulations for personal behavior or for chapter management. The ultimate focus of Index Praetorian is Seigecraft and Engineering. A chapter under Index Praetorian is rigorously disciplined in the arts of engineering, warfare, architecture, and defensive tactics.
Additionally, there are certain "sub indexes" or Regulae, which while not significant enough in their divergence to be considered its own chapter, provides additional rules for further specialization of space marine chapters.
- Section 2(a) Regula Mortis (Rule of Garro)
- Special section of rules for loyalist sons of traitor legions. Mostly follows Index Chorgoris, but with guidelines pertaining to managing a Chapter composed of multiple Genefathers, as well as additional rules for safegaurding against corruption.
- Section 1(a) Regula Viatorris (Rule of The Webway)
- A work of headache inducing compromise, and endless negotiations between Jaghatai Khan, Magnus, and The Representatives of Craft World Biel-Tan. Astartes founded under this codex were the first Space Marines to be permitted to operate in the Webway, and as such shoulder their crippling regulations with pride and distinction. In addition to stringent regulations regarding chapter organization, organizational hierarchy, and restricted activities, chapters in the Rule of The Webway must also accept the sponsorship of an individual craftworld, and are required to answer to them regarding activities in the web way.
- Section 1(b) Regula Collegii (Ecclesiarchic Rule)
- Unique to the Aurelian cult, these are approved rules mandated for Astartes chapters under the direct control of the Aurelian Cult and Royum Ultramar (not to be confused with Ultramarine successors within the Imperium that follow the Aurelian Cult). The Chapters under this regula are very strict in terms of armaments, organizational structure, and restrictions. Most notably Regula Collegii chapters are restricted from major changes or adaptations in technology, resulting in most Ecclesiarchic chapters to continue to use their meticulously maintained Mark 2 Armor.
- Section 1(c) Regula Prosperae (Rule of Magnus)
- Heavily Modified variation of Index Aurelian, the Regula Magni adds additional qualifications for Librarians, and tactics for Librarian heavy combat.
- Section 2(a) Regula Tempestus The Rule of Warp
- Created to help in the creation of chapters who operate near the Eye of Terror, and as such have more encounters with Warp Storms and Demonic incursions.
- Section 4(a) Regula Tyrranis (The Rule of Tyrannids)
- For Tyranid-busting chapters, augments Index Phoenecian with its emphasis on personal adaptability, with Dorn's experience and resilience enshrined in Index Praetorean. Exceptional at adapting to an ever adapting foe.
- Section 1(d) Regula Angeli (Rule of The Angel)
- Created by Sanguinius following successful development of Treatments for the Red Thirst. This section finally permitted The Blood Angels to form free Chapters.
- Section 5(a) Regula Extrodinarii (Rule of the Emergency) (Redacted)
- The now Infamous Regula Extrodinarii took an Index already light on Personal behavior and moral dictums and made it even more loose. The index was created by the High Lords of Terra in an effort to create more Legions to defend the Ultima Segmentum from the T'au. The result were the dregs from each legion escaping their Primarch's discipline to become free companies in the lightly governed frontier.
Section 2(b) Regula Skythiae (Rule of The Nomad)
- The Mellennium long ambition of the Khan realized through the benignly negligent sponsorship of Commoragh. Created in M38, the Rule of The Nomad offers significantly more flexibility than the bureaucratically asphyxiated Regula Viatorres Astartes. In exchange for limitations on operations inthe webway, they have greater flexibility travelling through the webway, making these Astartes chapters the ultimate force for rapid response and deployment throughout the Imperium with little Eldar interference.
Chapter Foundings
First Founding
The First Founding was made entirely of White Scars and Ultramarines. The Creation of the Free Chapters was seen as the first step towards reconciliation between Ultramar and The Greater Imperium.
First Founding Chapters:
- Novamarines
- Genesis Chapter
- Macragge's Honnor
- Rampagers
- Mantis Warriors
- Marines Errant
- Storm Lords
- Sons of Gulliman
- Inceptors
- Black Counsels
Second Founding (ie The Penitential Founding)
While Jaghatai and Gulliman had created the Codex Astartes with the Loyalist fragments in mind, it was a very controversial position and Jaghatai didn't want to jeopardize his carefully hammered out reintegration of Ultramar with Traitor Chapters. Instead, Jaghatai used his own legion "The White Scars" as a sort of Parole Office for Wayward Astartes, helping to mitigate concerns about their reintegration by sending them out to demonstrate their loyalty to the Imperium under his Supervision. When Jaghatai felt the time was right, he used Nathaniel Garro, well-liked on Ultramar being the last Astarte to see Roboute Gulliman alive and the protector of The Primarch's last writings as the Posterboy for his "Second Founding." Garro was granted permission to found his own Chapter made up of Former Death Gaurd loyalists, and permission to recruit new astartes and carry one the Death Gaurd Geneseed. With the success of Garro's "Dusk Raiders" Soon other chapters were able to form their own loyalist chapters under "The Rule of Garro." Unlike in Vanillahammer, these chapters are aware of their gene-father's treachery and have built themselves around continuing their Emperor-made purpose. Second Founding Chapters:
- "Oathkeepers"
- Fmr Death Gaurd, formed from Nathaniel Garro
- "The Charcodons"
- Fmr Night Lords
- "Silver Skulls"
- Fmr Iron Warriors
- "Consumed"
- Fmr World Eaters
- Space Wolves
- Fmr Space Wolves (Vanilla Wolf Brothers), the few who survived the madness. Their founding was unique in that their request to form a Chapter was rejected by non-other than Leman Russ himself. Leman, who was so disgusted with himself and his Legion, did not want any part of his legion to carry forward. They went to the High Lords of Terra and the Emperor himself pleading for the chance to serve the Emperor once again, and permission for the Name "Space Wolves" to die an honorable death. Additionally, they went to Magnus to beg for him to intercede on their behalf, in exchange for service. Magnus was impressed by their gall, and agreed to help them overrule Russ's refusal. The war cry of the new Space Wolves is "Remember Prospero." They go through the galaxy hunting their former brothers, but try to stand clear of their furious father.
Fourth Founding or "The Phoenecian Founding"
The Fourth Founding consisted of a donation of Iron Hands. The Iron Hands were swelling with new ranks and many of the tensions between Ferrus Manus and his Augmentation-obsessed sons was bubbling to the surface. Both were affecting the efficiency of the Legions. Seeing the behavior and capabilities of other legions like The Thousand Sons, Emperors Children, Ultramarines, and Salamanders; Ferrus Manus was concerned that his obsession with brute strength and refinement of flesh was stifling the creativity and capabilities of his Astartes. In the interest of seeing his Sons thrive and adapt, Ferrus Manus commissioned his friend Fulgrim to design a set of rules to allow his successor chapters to reach their full potential. In many ways the Successor chapters of the Fourth (and future Iron Hands) Founding are unique in their dual heritage, taking on traits of both Primarchs
Fifth Founding or "The Corvidae Founding"
The Fifth founding came about as a result of a the First Black Crusade, when several legions (the Iron Hands in particular) learned the hard way how painfully ill-equipped they were for war against demonic forces. While orders like The Grey Knights did exist, they were small, and the Inquisition's "Ordo Malleus" was distrusted by most, if not all Space Marine Legions. Thus it was Magnus The Red's Turn to Donate, and as Such Composed The Regula Prosperae, providing for new Psyker-heavy Chapters, and ways to guard them against Chaos. Note that very few Thousand Sons formed successor chapters due to issues with the Primarch's geneseed. Until the development of Primaris the Regula Founding was mostly composed of other chapters (White Scars in particular).
Fifth Founding Chapters
- The Corvidae
- One of the few donated by Magnus the Red as one of The First of the new Mystic Chapters
- The Exorcists
- The Pleasure-Seekers
- Chapter and Ironic name provided by Fulgrim, this Chapter excels in fighting against the Servants of Slaanesh
- The Emperor's Path
- White Scars Successor, specializes in fighting against Tzeentch
- The Emperor's Peace
- Focuses on The Servant's of Khorne,
- The Wolf Hounds
- Another Anti-Khorne Chapter, trained by Leman Russ
- The Apothacaries
- Iron Hands Successors, specialize in killing Demons of Nurgle.
- Espandor's Faithful
- General Anti-Demon Ultramarine Successors
- Memory of Maccragge
- Ultramarine Successor, expert Nurgle Killers.
Sixth Founding or "The Dornian Founding"
Called The Dornian Founding by those not in Proximity to Rogal Dorn, was made up of the deserters of The Imperial Fists Legion. Dorn's Legion, angry that Dorn had abandoned crusading for obsession with fortifications requested that part of the legion break off and serve Horus's plans. Dorn consented on the condition that he would allow them to break off if they agreed to follow The (maligned by Fists) Codex Astartes. Unfortunately they Called his bluff. Sixth Founding Chapters
- The Emperor's Champions
- Founded by None other than Rogal's Former Champion, Sigismund, This chapter is unique among the other Imperial Fist Chapters in that it is one of the Few that does not use "Index Praetor," Instead preferring the Rules set out by The Khan enshrined in Index Chorgoris.
- The Crimson Fists
- The Celestial Lions
- The Imperial Fists
- Fists Exemplar
- Excoriators
- Iron Knights
- Astral Knights
- Soul Drinkers
- In this universe a Dorn Successor chapter that follows the Rule of Magnus
Explanation of Various Terms
- Index
- An Index is a section of the "Appendix Astartes" which specifies the particular rules of a chapter. Different indexes were founded with drastically different mindsets and expectations. Index Chogoris for instance, was created for Chapters that are nomadic, and do not have a Fortress monastery, while Index Phoenecian was created with an Emphasis on Individualism over the chapter.
- Regula
- A Regula is a subset chapter that allows for further specialization of the Chapter.
- Cult
- Unlike the Legions who usually emphasize the Imperial Truth, Many Codex space marines (especially those descendent of Gulliman) are part of a sanctioned religion. More often than not this is the Aurelian and Promethean cults, but there are some notable exceptions such as The Lotus Hearts and The Blue Eagles.
- Spiritual Liege
- Members of the Aurelian Cults must answer to a Spiritual Liege, these Spiritual Lieges are responsible for inspecting the practices of the Chapter, and ensure they do not fall into heresy. Additionally each holy seat tends to have different philosophical and ecclesiastical traditions that are expected to be carried out by SM chapters under their spiritual vassalage. Those who are part of a minor holy seat technically fall under the jurisdiction of Nova Maccragge
(XIIIth Seat).
Notable Holy Seats | |
"Characteristics of The Different Sees" | |
Espandor | Head Seat, most ancient orders, and administrative seats fall serve Espandor. "Assist" other Chapters |
Bergenvan | Tend to work heavily with Ancillae, missionary work and mobility common. |
Calth | Calth focuses heavily on detecting and fighting against the forces of Chaos. Many Demon-slaying chapters answer to Calth. |
Macragge Extremis (SUEU) | SUEU chapters tend to the Militarum, chapters from this holy seat tend to assist and tend to the needs of the various Human Guards found throughout the Imperium. |
Nova Thulium | Nova Thulium, both the wealthiest and widely respected chapters in the Imperium, are responsible for gathering the records and bodies of faithful departed. Less combat focused than other seats. |
Magna Terra | Some more prestigious older chapters exist, however Magna Terran chapters have a history of Bootlicking the High Lords, as well as being compromised by Other forces |
Masali | Both one of the most conservative and narrow minded chapters, but also most friendly with the Tarrasque peoples. It is not common to find Masali chapters outside of Ultramar. |
Prandium | Prandium chapters tend to be more philosophically minded that other chapters. |
Konor | Almost exclusively adherants to The Aurelian Mechanicus. Heavy emphasis on Techmarines and Technology. Chapters tend to behave similarly to The Iron Hands. |
Laphis | Laphis chapters have a reputation for being unorthodox with bizarre practices. Most diversity of chapter characteristics. |
Allius/Nova Macragge | The Opposite of Laphis, despite the variety of origins for these chapters, the Nova Macragge seats tend to be more conservative. All minor seats technically fall under the jurisdiction of Nova Macragge. |
- Patron Saint
Common Patron Saints | |
Gulliman the Conqueror | A standard for Militarist chapters. |
Tarasha of Espandor | Patron of Navigators and Fleet-Based Chapters. |
The Black Euten | Those who serve under the Banner of The Black Euten tend to be obsessed with the Golden Sorrow. Consequently, they also tend to be more focused on justice, rectifying wrongs, and punishing the wicked. |
St Aeonid | Once was popular among Demon-Slaying chapters, however by the 41st mellenium Aeonid is such a ubiquitous patron saint its almost generic. |
St Marcien the Red Angel | The Great World Eater and one of the Holy Companions. A very common Patron Saint. |
Lord of Macragge | Aspire to be great administrators and statesmen. |
Factoria Magna | Factoria Magna, patron of Techmarines. |
St Konor | Followers of St Konor, Gulliman's foster-father are two fold, either they are aspiring statesmen and educators, or they are part of the Aurelian Mechanicus. |
Spectra Pietas | Unique to Prandium, the "Will of The Primarch and Emperor," chapters see themselves as arbitors of the Emperor's will. |
Cordinelumbae | Made popular by the Lotus hearts in the 36th Millennium, followers of Tarash of the Lotus Heart are often in the Ultima Segmentum and usually face against the T'au. |
St Antoni | The Chapter Master of The Ultramarines and first Spiritual Liege. Those with St Antoni as their patron tend to be from Espandor. |
St Kaspian | Kaspian Hech, once of The Word Bearers was one of The Holy Companions and patron of missionaries. A common saint for Nova Thulium chapters. |
St Alicia | See themselves as Bastions of Orthodoxy, and with very little tolerance for heresy. |
St Zso | Zso Shaahal Former Night Lord and one of the Holy Companions, patron of Psykers. |
St Olanius | Despite his problematic religious background, Those with St Olanius as their Patron either aspire to his bravery or service to the Imperial Guard. |
St Marcien The Red Angel | Incredibly popular Saint, Marcien Garvey was one of the Holy Companions. Often chosen in admiration of his endurance against adversity and pain. |
- The Cult often picks a saint as both a focus of devotion and emulation. The choice of patron saint is often a reflection of the Chapter's aspiration.
The Spiritual Lieges
As faith in The Apotheosis of Roboute and Tarasha moved from Maccragge coping mechanism to organized religion of the Ultramar Diaspora, the High Lords were concerned about the sheer-fanatical devotion the Genesons of the The Primarch Roboute Gulliman had for their Primarch's ideals, as well as their clout within the Newly Forged "Aurelian Cult." As a gesture to the high lords of terra, fearing this transform into a second Lorgar, the Ultramarine's offered a compromise.
- The Religious Leader Chapters of The Aurelian Cult would not be beholden to the Lord Gulliman, but instead to The Ministorum Fidei.
- The High Lords drafted a Regula of Codex Astartes for Religious Leaders. This Regula placed heavy restrictions on the Military Activities and Equipment of Ecclesiastic Chapters.
- The Ecclesiastic Chapters were Not Permitted to ever step foot in Holy Terra.
- The Ecclesiastic Chapters were not permitted to exceed 1000 armored men.
- The Armed Astartes were confined to their holy seat.
Thus began the "Ecclesiarchs" the Spiritual Liege Chapters of the Holy Seats. These Chapters are restricted from the most advanced weapons, genetic modifications, and equipment used by other Astartes Chapters, and must instead rely on Equipment from the Crusade. Additionally these restrictions led to the rise of chapters greater dependence on the Ancillae and Fratre, Astartes that are not permitted armor or weapons.
Examples of Space Marine Chapters
The Consumed
The Consumed | ||
Founding | M36 | |
Successors of | World Eaters | |
Chapter Master | Kharn The Betrayer | |
Homeworld | None (Penitent) | |
Strength | Dwindling | |
Specialty | Murdering Demons | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man (nominally) | |
Colours | White body with Blue pauldrons and Blue power pack. |
Basic information | |
"Blood from The Bloodfather, Skulls from The Waspthrone" | |
Founder | Kharn The Betrayer |
Cult | Death Cult |
Spiritual Liege | none |
Patron Saint | Kharn the Betrayer |
Index | Aurelian |
Regula | Garro |
Specialties | Close quarters combat, Suicide missions |
The Successors of Kharn continue their single-minded crusade against the eye of the warp, and the Primarch who betrayed them.
Organisation and Tactics
The Consumed are the one of the only World Eaters Successor chapter that still uses the Butcher's Nails, seeing it as an expression for the true monsters that their chapter is, and as something to overcome rather than dispose of. The Consumed follow most of the traditions set by angron during the Great Crusade including the Chaining of Weapons to themselves.
Their behavior when in battle versus when off of the battlefield is night and day. Kharn emphasizes self control and discipline, seeing the butchers nails in a similar vein to his marines as Rogal Dorn's Painglove. The Marines as consequence throw themselves at the front lines of battle, since they do not fear any pain that could be inflicted on them.
Relics & Wargear
Red Angels
Red Angels | ||
Founding | M34 | |
Successors of | World Eaters | |
Chapter Master | Titus Verserati | |
Homeworld | Ophelia | |
Strength | Full Strength | |
Specialty | CQC, Coordinating Auxillaries | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Red and Black |
Basic information | |
St Marcien give us Strength | |
Founder | "Bohemond of Ophelia" |
Cult | Aurelian (Antiquitae) |
Spiritual Liege | Terra |
Patron Saint | St Marcien |
Index | Aurelian |
Regula | Penetintia |
A general all-purposes legion, its location on Ophelia means it is often engaged in politics. One of its more Famous (or infamous) products are Justinian Vendee, Lord Gulliman during the Tau Expansion.
Organization and Tactics
Relics and Equipment
Pleasure Seekers
Pleasure Seekers | ||
Founding | M34 | |
Successors of | Emperor's Children | |
Chapter Master | Thomas Dabenebrg | |
Homeworld | None (migratory) | |
Strength | Full Strength | |
Specialty | Slaaneshi Demons | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Purple and Gold |
Basic information | |
We are seeking pleasure, woe when we find him | |
Founder | "Johaan VanWeltkrieg" |
Cult | Imperial Truth |
Patron Saint | None |
Index | Phoenecian |
Regula | Tempestus |
Created by Fulgrim following the first Black Crusade, the Pleasure Seekers are the foremost experts and detecting and uprooting slaaneshi cultists.
Organization and Tactics
Relics and Equipment
Blue Eagles
Blue Eagles | ||
Founding | M33 | |
Successors of | White Scars | |
Chapter Master | Kaxhramon Bek | |
Homeworld | None (migratory) | |
Strength | Flucuating | |
Specialty | Naval Combat | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Blue and Orange |
Basic information | |
We are the Blue Eagles, Death to your gods! | |
Founder | "Qaghan of Obscura" |
Cult | Obsequiani (Antiquitae) |
School | Qashmpa |
Patron Saint | None |
Index | Chorgoris |
Regula | Tempestus |
Specialties | Naval Combat, boarding, chaos |
The Blue Eagles patrol the Segmentum Obscura, near the Eye of Terror. They are usually the first to respond to incursions in the warp, and are consequently often the hardest hit.
Organisation and Tactics
As a Regula Tempestus chapter, the Blue Eagles have additional Blanks, who are often affixed to each company. They Recruit from a specific region of the planet Qifa in the Qodiry system. It is here where their particular school of obsequiani comes from, which emphasizes discipline and self control from a very young age.
The Chapter has a disproportionate amount of both Dreadnaughts, Veterans and Scouts, often having a shortage of Middle Experience Troopers. This is because the Assaults lack both the experience of Veterans and the protection granted to scouts. Should a Marine advance to veteran however, he will likely live for a very long time.
Relics & Wargear
Examples of the Regula Collegi Chapters
The Ultramarines
The Queen's Children
Maccragge's Honnor
Sons of Gulliman
The Knights of St Aeonid
The Will of Gulliman
Sons of Tarasha
Servants of The Mother
Guardians of the Sepluchre
Genesis Chapter
The Aurelian's Light
Cathar Marines
Heralds of Roboute
The Hands of The Aurelian
The Sons of The Lotus

Sons of The Lotus | ||
![]() |
Founding | M38 | |
Successors of | Lotus Hearts (Ultramarines) | |
Chapter Master | Cao VanTac | |
Homeworld | Assam Bay (Ultima Segmentum) | |
Strength | Restricted | |
Specialty | Administrates Cordinelumbae Cult | |
Allegiance | Aurelian Cult | |
Colours | Turqoise & Gold |
The Assam System of the Ultima Segmentum practiced a unique syncretism of the Octavian Antiquitae Cult and the Aurelian Cult, believing Tarasha was a reincarnation of "The Queen of The Lotus Heart" foretold of in ancient Octavian Belief and Assamese Traditions. They would not have been allowed to found a Chapter under normal circumstances, but were granted special circumstances thanks to the Urgency of The T'au Expansion. As such, the Lotus Hearts were able to Act as both a Spiritual Liege and as a Regular Warrior Chapter by exploiting the loopholes created by Justinian Vendee.
Their success attacted enemies and in M38, Conflicts betwent the the Seat of Ultramar Extremis, Monarchia, and Terra came into conflict with the "Seat of Assam Bay," who were angered the Seat acted Independently while in their supposed jurisdictions, as well as the Tribune of The Cultis Antiquitae, who was angered that a syncretized faith recieved an Astartes chapter. They put enough of a fight that The Imperium's Ministorum Fideii were forced to give an Ultimatum to the Lotus Hearts:
- disband
- submit to one of the Holy Seats (and consequently accept their dogmatic revisions)
- become a Regula Collegi chapter (consequently surrender their capacity as a fighting force).
The Lotus Hearts Pursued an additional option with the Help of Some rival seats. The Chaplain of the Lotus Hearts 2nd Company, Cao VanTac, would become Chapter Master of the Lotus Hearts which would Reform into a Collegium Compliant Chapter Located on Chamuay. The Lotus Hearts would then Secede from the Lotus Hearts, and the Old Lotus Hearts would be renamed "The Sons of The Lotus" which would be a Collegium compliant chapter. This chapter would then be Elevated to Holy Seat With the support of Alius(Then Talassar), Espandor, Prandium (whose WuNi lobbied on behalf of The Lotus Hearts), and Massali.
The Sons of The Lotus Chapter thus became the Holy Seat of Assam Bay, while the Lotus Hearts were resettled to Chamuay. The Ministorum Fidei and Lord Gulliman not interested in sacrificing one of the most popular and successful chapters in the Tau Conflicts to a Tribunii or Terra power play, accepted the compromise.
Examples of "Tau Founding" Chapters
The Infamous "T'au Founding" occurred in the 35th and 37th Millenium, out of panic for the T'aus rapid expansion. The High Lords, concerned about inadequate protection for the Ultima Segmentum, and with the Legions occupied in a Black Crusade, tried to create as many chapters as possible to protect against the Tau. And while this led to many successful chapters such as the Lotus Hearts, the lack of discipline and ruthlessness of these chapters resulted in only emboldening the Tau, as well as leading to the largest number of Traitor Astartes since the Great Treachery.
Sledgehammers | ||
Founding | M36 | |
Successors of | Imperial Fists | |
Chapter Master | Colis Solsburry | |
Homeworld | None (migratory) | |
Strength | Full Strength | |
Specialty | Fortification Seige | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Yellow and Black |
Basic information | |
Your death will be our testimony | |
Founder | "Gabriel Rutherford" |
Cult | Imperial Truth |
Patron Saint | None |
Index | Praetorian |
Regula | None |
A transfer to the Ultima Segmentum from Dorn's Tempestus Citadel, the Sledgehammers brought their Ruthless experience breaking sieges meant to hold Tyrannids and Orks to T'au Space. Very few T'au citadels-and T'au planets-were prepared for their capabilities. Their fortress worlds are covered in oceans of T'au Bones.
Organization and Tactics
The Sledgehammers were former members of the Hands of Dorn. Their specialty was "Fortification Research" or, in laymans terms seige expertise. They would work to beseige any designed fortification Dorn and his engineers designed. During the Tau expansion, Lord Gulliman Justinian Vendee reached out to Rogal Dorn for the creation of a successor chapter to defend against T'au space. Dorn provided him with his most expendable troops.
The Sledgehammers are one of the few chapters that do not adhere to a Cult.
Relics and Equipment
Swarm of Locusts
Basic information | |
If you will not surrender, then Die intact | |
Founder | "Zaharov" |
Cult | Omnissiah |
Index | Phoenecian |
Regula | None |
Perhaps the most infamous of the Tau Founding chapters, the Swarm of Locusts have served Tau propaganda for mellinia thanks to psychologically scarring tactics. In particular their use of their own form of Skitarii, and converting of Tau killed and wounded in battle into further Skitarii
Organization and Tactics

The Swarm of Locusts have a disproportionate amount of Techmarines, but otherwise operate mostly under standard Chapter divisions.
The Swarm have two additional sub classification Techmarines. The first is called a "Administrator" who is telepathically connected to the Servitor swarm. The second is the "Retriever" who gathers and reassembles new forces from fallen foes.
The Swarm also has an additional apothecary given the unassuming name of "Offensive Apothecary." This Apothecary is well versed in Xenobiology, and is equipped with the necessary poisons, toxins, and medical equipment to quickly subdue and convert opponents.
The Swarm excel in Human wave tactics, using the technologically enhanced soldiers to overwhelm their enemy while the Astartes attack from the rear. The Skill of the Administrator enables him to director his swarm in intricate patterns, and command hundreds to act in unison.
Each company will have at least 4 Administrators, who in turn will control anything from tens to hundreds of individual servitors. The favored pattern of the Swarm is to have half of the swarms focus on overwhelming the enemy's defenses, while the other focuses on retrieval. The Retrieval teams will then act to capture as many living soldiers as possible, preferably with their bodies and equipment intact. Should their equipment be unusable or ineffective, the retrievers will have primitive weapons prepared for the newly formed skitarri.
Following their fall from the Imperium, the Skill of the Offensive Apothecary grew only more obscene, to the point where they could force captured entities to develop weaponized mutations that would compensate for their lack of equipment.
Relics and Equipment
Plasma Cutters
Plasma Cutters | ||
Founding | M36 | |
Successors of | Blood Angels | |
Chapter Master | Tobias Baffory | |
Homeworld | None (migratory) | |
Strength | Dwindling | |
Specialty | Close quarters combat, Pacification | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man (now Khorne) | |
Colours | White and Cyan (they like to see the blood spatters) |
Basic information | |
We will not waste a drop | |
Founder | "Thronos Salo" |
Cult | Imperial Truth |
Index | Phoenecian |
Regula | None |
Part of the infamous "Tau Founding" of M36. The Plasma Cutters were a blood angels chapter that defied Sanguinius in their revelry of the Red Thirst. They eventually fell to Khorne and raid the Ultima Segmentum seeking both human and Xenos blood to satiate their desires. They have developed a particular taste for Tau blood and many Tau planets have stories of the Red Demons who come to raid their citties, massacring all in their wake.
Organization and Tactics
The Plasma Cutters fused their Legion's history with Jumppacks with their love of Close quarters combat to devastating efficiency. They have modified their jump packs to allow for multiple jumps and will regularly hop around a the battle field. A favored tactic is to Jump into the midst of enemy seize some of the soldiers, and jump again, feasting on the blood of the soldiers while flying before landing to repeat the process.
Prior to the fall, the Plasma cutters viewed the red thirst as sacred. Believing that the Red Thirst was an Emperor-given gift and not a defect. When they are not in battle, they gather up the prisoners they have seized and force them into cattle pens. For a ceremony they would then have the prisoners sent naked save for a small knife in a arena built into their Flagship. Randomly Selected Astartes would then enter the arena as well with a similar knife. The battle would then commence until one marine was left standing, who would relish in the blood of all he killed there. In the event that one of the prisoners survives then he is made into a "Companion." These companions are treated very well for slaves so long as they serve and fight alongside the Chapter Master. Only he is permitted to consume their blood.
Relics and Equipment
Fortunate Sons
Basic information | |
Uncle Bobby will find his own! | |
Founder | Pete TS Dirksen |
Cult | Impavidae (fmr Promethean Cult) |
Holy Seat | Laphis |
Patron Saint | The Aurelian (Uncle Bobby) |
Index | Phoenecian |
Regula | none |
Specialties | Orks, Tyrranids, Tau (debatably) |
Chapter Influence and Behavior
The Fortunate Sons are every single Call of Duty protagonist, Vietnam War "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning" movie warrior, Jarhead, Urah! American Military-wank, and joke about Marines eating Crayons rolled into a single suit of power armor. Their connection to Vulkan has given them a love of Protheium bombing opponents. Unlike a chapter like The Swarm of Locusts, who are callous and sinister, the Fortunate Sons are loud, arrogant, and obnoxious but sincere, jovial, and well-meaning. They are also incredibly reckless, and the carelessness in which they carry about their wars has resulted in a civilian death count equaling if not exceeding The Swarm.
Organization and Tactics
The Fortunate Sons have carried the Salamander's love of Fire and Fire weaponry with them into exile. Despite Vulkan's insistence that they have carried none of his ideals. The Fortunate Sons are some of the best companions IG and SG could have. The Fortunate sons believe deeply in the bonds forged in war, and as such treat all of their squadmates and comrades as battle-brothers, and will just as willingly give their lives for a Ratling Private, Ultramar Trilileur, or Kroot soldier as they would their own brothers. Even those few T'au who are part of the Imperium in the Wuni Enclaves have enjoyed the comradeship and protection of the fortunate sons. So long as the planet itself is never fully occupied, and they aren't anywhere near the blast radius, they have found a friend in the Fortunate Sons.
Captain Pete "Tyrannid Stomper" Dirkson was the Seargent of the 134th Company of The Salamanders Legion in M36. While he and his company were part of "Catachan's First," (or Catachan's Last as the Salamanders now call them) part of three companies that were recruited exclusively from the Planet Catachan, a death world under Vulkan's jurisdiction whose tenacity and survivability impressed him. Catachan's First quickly gained renown for their impressive victories against Orks and Tyrannid incursions. Their fortunes quickly turned when they applied their successful strategies of indiscriminate application of fire against a Tau vassal world, incinerating the T'au, their Guevassa subjects, the flora, and the atmosphere.
Catachan's First likely would have seen their end by Vulkan's Hammer if it hadn't be for the Captain-General of The Adeptus Astartes. The Fortunate Sons were part of what future Imperial historians called The "Tau Founding" alongside of chapters such as The "Lotus Hearts," The "Sledgehammers," The "Plasma Cutters," The "Swarm of Locusts," and "The Crimson Skulls," in which panic over the T'au's Rapid Expansion overrode the High Lords of Terra's normal judgement. The now infamous Captain-General Justinian "The Butcher" Vendee, offered Dirksen and his company a successor chapter. Vulkan, enraged, almost resigned as Segmentarch. After his brothers were able to calm Vulkan, he cut the Fortunate Sons from the Promethean cult, and refuses to coordinate with them. They are guests of Royum Ultramar, where they are given free reign so long as they are fighting on Ultramari worlds.
The Fortunate Sons are part of the wide collection of Promethean/Syncretic cults called "The Cult of The Dauntless Few" or "Impavidae Cult." Unlike the other Gullimanders who are usually Ultramarines pretending to act like Salamanders, the Fortunate Sons are Salamanders pretending to be Ultramarines.
Despite being cut off from the Promethean cult, the Fortunate Sons felt a close tie to their estranged Genefather. They were able to find a supportive Spiritual Liege in the infamous "Rubber Stamp" Holy Seat of Laphis when joining the Aurelian Cult. They are still not very religious and their specific order is effectively Vulkan's promethean cult with a thin Ultramarine overcoat.
The Fortunate Sons refer to The Aurelian as "Uncle Bobby," Uncle being an honorific for Thamhyusden, an ancient diety that was worshiped by Catachan's Ancestors. Likewise The Queen Mother is referred to as "Miz Blue Mam," and The Emperor of Mankind is "Mister Bossman," and is sometimes given the honorrific of their ancient diety Thamhyusden (Lord of Earth). Vulkan is still referred to as "Papa Vulkan," despite him wanting nothing to do with his wayward children.
Relics and Wargear
The Fortunate Sons have kept most of their relics from their days as Salamanders, including a large and impressive variety of meltas, firebombs, and heavy flamers.
Lotus Hearts
Basic information | |
Mercy in Life, Courage in Battle, Honnor in Death | |
Founder | Truong Hongdao |
Cult | Cordinlumbae |
Spiritual Liege | Assam Bay |
Patron Saint | The Queen Mother |
Index | Aurelian |
Regula | Prosperae |
Specialties | Combined Arms, Psykers, |
The Lotus Hearts are Space Marine chapter located in the Ultima Segmentum. They are the first chapter of the Cordinelumbae Cult, a sect of the Aurelian cult that merges worship of The Aurelian with traditions of the Ancient Octavian religion.
Chapter Personality
The Lotus Hearts are mishmash of Medeival Vietnamese, Champa, and Khmer Culture. Their version of the Aurelian cult draws heavily from Mahayana buddhism.
Organisation and Tactics
The Lotus Hearts are codex compliant under the use of Regula Prosperae, and as such they are heavily trained in the use of Librarius Marines. The Lotus Hearts prefer to fight in closely knit companies with an emphasis on mobilitym and close quarters. Due to this heavy psyker usage, The Lotus Hearts have no Devastator Squadrons, instead resorting to their Librarius. The Lotus Hearts can maneuver around the battlefield quickly to the detriment of the Tau, who often find their Ranged squadrons massacred by Lotus Heart Ambushes. When facing against the Tau, the Lotus Hearts prefer when possible to nudge the Battlefield into one favoring close or mid range combat.
In the eyes of the Lotus Hearts this quick but brutal form of war is the most merciful, as a rapidly crippled army is often a demoralized one, leading to more captures than deaths. The Tau have so far, been able to be reasoned with, and the Imperium has regained many elite units through prisoner exchanges. There have been exceptions to [[#The_Pagoda_of Mercy | this].
- Champions
- Experts in hand to hand, and melee combat
- Special Forces
- A generic categorization for Librarius, Apothecaries, Techmarines, and Heavy Weapons (when needed)
- Eutenite
- Those who have received The Great Sorrow, but have not chosen to join the Black Eutenites. They are the closest the Lotus have to a Devastator squad
- Drop Squadrons
- Mixed companies who specialize in rapid deployment and assault.
The Lotus Hearts are a Space Marine Chapter founded in response to the rapid expansion of The T'au Imperium. Fearing the loss of the Frontier, the High Lords of Terra desperately commissioned the Lotus Hearts along with several other chapters to aid Vulkan in securing the more far flung regions of the Imperium. So desperate, that they overruled both the Spiritual Liege of Terra and The Tribune of The Faithful's objections to granting a schismatic cult de facto admission. Admittedly, the Cordinelubmaens had never been found heretical, and the Cult had the crucial support of several other seats such as Konnor and San Leor, but it doesn't change the fact that the High Lords of Terra effectively put their thumb on the scales of Aurelian affairs.
The Founder, Truong Huongdi, was at the time a Librarius for the Knights of St Aeonid Chapter.
Relics & Wargear

The Pagoda of Mercy
For the most part, the Lotus Hearts are willing to negotiate with the T'au. The famous exception to this was during the 2nd Sphere of Expansion. Following The Battle of Targatus III, the defeated and embittered Tau General parlayed with The Lotus Hearts for half of his army back. Hoping to avenge his humilating defeat at the hands of the Lotus, he ordered his prisoners to be subject to brutal genetic experiments and tortured. Upon seeing the state of the Prisoners, HuongDao hearts turned against the parlayed forces turned against the parlaying army and massacred every single tau and guevasa except one, The General. The General was then brought as a prisoner and was forced to watch as the Lotus hearts single-handedly massacred the Neighboring tau planet of Ao'chido. The Tau Captain was then present for the grand opening of as well as observing the construction of the majestic "Pagoda to Mercy," a 10 story shrine to the Queen of Mercy ornately decorated with the bones of the millions of Tau and Auxillaries. The T'au Leader was promptly transformed into a Servitor. Now known as Bihoan or "the attendant" he attends to the Pagoda, constantly repeating his crimes against The Queen of Mercy and the Names of the Prisoners. Whenever possible, the Lotus prefer to negotiate with the T'au here.