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Revision as of 01:22, 29 June 2010

On June 28, 2010, a group of Fa/tg/uys began work on a Tau supplement for Dark Heresy. From fluff to crunch, every aspect is being considered. A release date for playable rules hasn't been determined yet, but it is still a distinct possibility.

Major Contributors: RelativelyNeutral40kFag, Pvt. Chuck Turner, Wolesz, and of course, Anonymous

Character Creation

Base Stats

Caste WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
Fire 15 25 20 20 20 20 20 25 20
Air 15 20 15 15 30 20 25 20 15
Water 15 15 15 20 20 25 20 20 30
Earth 15 20 20 25 15 25 20 20 20
Kroot 25 20 25 20 25 15 20 15 15
Vespid 20 20 20 20 25 20 20 15 20
Demiurg 20 20 20 25 10 25 20 20 20
Gue'vesa 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

All Tau characters begin with the skills Speak Language (Tau), Common Lore (Tau Empire), and Common Lore (Mon'Tau)

Choose Homeworld

Tau Empire
  • Traits: Serve with Pride (The Tau are born into their castes, and naturally fit for their purpose. This, however often makes them neglect the other aspects of life. Depending on their caste, the Tau PC can add up to 3 points to a specified characteristic, while subtracting the same amount from another. Fire: BS - Fel/Int ; Earth: Int - Ag ; Air: Ag - T ; Water: Fel - WS/Str)
  • An Army of Individuals Working Towards the Greater Good (A perfect machine can be built of imperfect parts, and the Tau caste system is a proof of that. Once per session, and at the cost of one Fate Point, a Tau player may use a Skill of a Tau teammate as a basic Skill, or as though they were trained in it if it's already considered basic)
  • Dark Millenium Naïveté (The Tau are a people who are constantly deceived, as much by the Ethereals for their sanity's sake, as by their common optimism and inability to see the galaxy in its true colours. They take a -5 to all test regarding the less pleasant aspects of the universe. The Jaded Talent can be purchased only at GM's discretion)

A player may, if they so choose, sacrifice the Serve With Pride trait, and apply one of the Home World templates found below.

(Note that for Gue'vesa, home worlds would be found in the Dark Heresy core book)

  • Traits: Elders (Other Tau look up to those of this Sept as naturally wise. They get a +5 bonus to Fel when dealing with other Tau)
  • Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Literacy
  • Traits: Hot Blooded (Tau from this Sept must pass a WP test in order to disengage from combat), Natural Born Fighters (Have +5 WS, +5 S, but -5 Fel and -5 WP)
  • Skills: Awareness
  • Traits: Xenos Contact (Tau for this Sept have had the most contact with other races, and therefore get a +10 to their fellowship when dealing with anyone who is not Tau)
  • Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Barter or Charm
  • Traits: Born to Fly (Tau from this sept can re roll any failed drive or pilot checks. The re rolled result stands.)
  • Skills: Drive (Vehicle of choice), or Pilot (Military Craft)
  • Traits: Disciplined (Sa'cea Tau are more likely to keep their cool in and out of combat, giving them +5 WP)
  • Skills: Command

New Mechanics


Roll Result
01-10 Mistrust: This character has seen problems and flaws in the philosophy behind the Greater Good and has grown to question the motives and actions of all around him. Reduce Fellowship by 1d10.
11-15 It's full of stars: The character has seen more than he had ever imagined or was taught would exist, and he does truly dreads the thought of seeing such sights again. The character's Perception is reduced by 1d10.
16-20 Close-Minded: The character has had the beliefs that once supported him destroyed by undeniable proof to the contrary, but he or she still attempts to maintain them through blind adherence to dogma. Reduce this character's Intelligence by 1d10.
21-22 Insubordination: This character has begun to chafe under the constant unjust attentions or actions of his Ethereal masters and will refuse or twist orders that he or she feels are wrong. These actions need not always be obvious but should cause serious repercusssions if discovered.
23-25 Hopeful: This character has seen past the current concept of the Greater Good... and on to what the Tau Empire could truly be! He or she advocates complete racial equality, exploration and incorporation of alien philosophy, or perhaps freedom to choose one's own path independent of caste. The character might not openly preach these beliefs, but he or she should likewise not shy away from professing them: They are obvious, after all!
26-30 Hesitance: The Tau has started wondering whether everything the Ethereals plan out is as foolproof as it seems, and delays action to mull it for himself. The Tau only rolls 1d5 on Initiative, and must make a Challenging Willpower test to perform risky actions without spending a dangerous (A few seconds to a few minutes) amount of time considering their potential negative outcome.
31-33 Questioning: The character has begun to question the right of the Ethereals to lead the Tau and their portrayal of the Greater Good. He generally keeps these thoughts to himself and close friends, but if his superiors found out then the consequences would be dire indeed!
34-45 Deviant Obsession: Something this character experienced during the last mission changed him or her forever. This is the same as the Obsession Disorder from the mental disorders table but the character is obsessed with some horrific or exotic outlier experienced previously, such as the Sorcery after fighting Tzeenchian cultists or Space Marines after experiencing the shock of their drop-pod assault.
46-50 Facade: The character, though in truth frightened and confused at the world around them, tries to act calm and optimistic, for the perceived good and comfort of others. How difficult it is for them to maintain the act becomes ever harder...
51-55 Caste Supremacy: After all the suffering he's been through, this character knows his caste does all the most important, dangerous work, and he wants you to acknowledge it, too. This character takes a -10 penalty to Fel tests dealing with characters or NPCs of a different caste.
56-60 Demanding: This character wants an explanation, right now. He wants to know the rationalization behind the terrors he has witnessed, wants them put into comforting terms he understands. Until he gets them, he believes he has every right to be angry or uncooperative with others.
61-63 The Horror!: This character is wracked by guilt over his actions or horrific memories of things that the Ethereals say do not exist. See Horrific Nightmares on the mental disorders table.
64-70 Reeducated: The character has expressed views differing from those considered "correct" and has been taught the error of his ways. This may be roleplayed or happen off screen between missions. The character's Willpower is reduced by 1d10.
71-75 Purist: This character has come to believe that only the Tau should be full members of the Greater Good and is disdainful of aliens, even those within the Empire. -10 penalty to Fellowship Tests when dealing with aliens and Non-Caste Tau.
76-80 Unsure: The character has experienced things far beyond what were taught to him in training and has no idea how to cope. Every time the character deviates from explicit orders he must Test Willpower or be at -10 to all Tests while undertaking the activity.
81-83 World Weary: The character is a broken shell of the person he or she once was, having seen to much, been decieved too often, and lost faith one too many times. The days seem bleak and pointless, food has no taste, and it is all he or she can do to get out of bed in the morning. Double all negative effects for Fatigue levels.
84-90 Racist: This character has come to see a particular race, caste, or ethnic group as inferior. He or she sees them as completely unworthy of inclusion within the Tau Empire and will never aid them without explicit orders or a vital cause, and even then will only do so begrudgingly.
91-93 Cleanse, Purge, Kill: This character has witnessed things of such deviation and horror that he has rejected the policy of inclusion inherent in the philosophy of the Greater Good. The character must Test Willpower to allow any sort of threat to remain alive or viable when possible to end it.
94-00 Xenophile: The character believes that perhaps the Tau are not as strong as he once thought and must attempt to learn everything possible when presented with technology, customs, or any form of exotic non-Tau knowledge.