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[[Image:FIM.jpg|right|300px|thumb|I think this is triggering my epilepssdffshaghahtaj]]
[[Image:MLP01.jpg|right|thumb|The original 1980s series was widely regarded as shit, the new one is generally a diferent matter]]
The '''My Little Pony''' franchise consists of a series of toys and cartoons created and owned by [[Hasbro]] (yes, [[4E|that Hasbro]]). As anyone with even a passing familiarity with the subject will know, the target demographic is [[loli|small girls]], and Hasbro generally regards the animated component as an advertisement for the line of toys (just like with [[Transformers]]). The franchise has been around since the eighties and retained popularity with the little girls for whom it is made, but the most recent revision begun in 2010 has seen an explosion of popularity on the internet, amassing a cult following of adult (or semi-adult) men (and a few women) as a result of the ''My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'' cartoon. These fans, present on the net in comically large numbers, call themselves "bronies", and like every enthusiastic fanbase on the internet, they sow [[rage|shitstorms]] everywhere they go.

Oh yes indeed. A My Little Pony article. Because let's face it, everyone has to have one. Otherwise the Bronies will come for us. At night. It's not /tg/ related in the slightest, but just deal with it.
==How Did This Happen?==
[[Image:MLP01.jpg|right|thumb|This is the true face of the 80s.]]
The MLP franchise has a long history, beginning all the way back at the dawn of time (also known as the 1980s). Hasbro created a line of toys and an animated cartoon to go with it as advertising, and the story had begun. The original series was remarkably terrible dross, alternating between being boring, patronising, and reinforcing negative gender stereotypes. The franchise saw a couple of updates and revisions over the years between then and now; the originals are now referred to as Generation 1, or G1, and it also went through a G2 and G3 (and a sort of sub-edition referred to as G3.5) before the completely new and substantially different <s>[[4E|4th Edition]]</s> Generation 4 appeared in modern times, causing epic shitstorms - is anyone else getting deja vu?

My ''Little Pony'' (MLP for short) is a toy and cartoon series created by [[Hasbro]] with a long and tortured history. Originally noted for being a particularly shitty series back in the 1980s during the [[Dark Age of Cartoons]], it was notable for having characters with no actually definable points, little in the way of conflict, and very little in the way of character development. Like ''Transformers'', the show came into existence to support a line of toys. Unlike its counterpart, however, ''My Little Pony'' show was horrible, even by 1980s standards, and it died - [[Just as planned|as expected]], and we were richer for having lost it.
Everything pre-G4 is generally regarded as pretty terrible without much in the way of argument between anyone (except perhaps five-year-old girls, and they bite if you insult their ponies). To produce G4, however, Hasbro brought in Lauren Faust, known for her previous work on shows like the ''Powerpuff Girls'' and ''Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends'', and also known for having a major bone to pick with stereotypical girl's entertainment. She saw the posting as a golden opportunity to make a girl's show that wasn't completely terrible and set to work with gusto, assembling her team and churning out a show - subtitled "Friendship is Magic" - that went to air on Hasbro's own TV channel, The Hub, aiming to teach young girls lessons about friendship and being a decent person without perpetuating horrible stereotypes about fashion and other such "girly" pursuits, which I'm sure we can all agree is pretty cool.

..or so we ''thought''.
The problems began when [[:/co/]] discovered the show. Up until a few episodes in, MLP:FiM had gone unnoticed and ignored by most people outside its target demographic. When someone linked a blog lamenting the "death of creator-driven animation" (targeting the new show specifically) on /co/, however, the denizens investigated. To their surprise, some of them - despite being so far outside the target demographic they couldn't hit it with an [[Vindicare|Exitus rifle]] - actually liked it. This began an explosion of pony popularity on 4chan, as /co/ soon became consumed by the subject and it rapidly spread to almost every other board. A traditional civil war erupted between fans and everyone else, who regarded the flood of pony posts as invading waves of [[cancer]]. Eventually the ponies became so prolific and the situation so bad that they were near-globally banned from 4chan.
Then, nearly 2 decades hence, it saw something of a revival - and of a most unusual sort. Done by a completely new team and with a (mostly) new cast, a new show, ''My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'' emerged, and managed to leave everyone who watched it in a state of stunned silence - it was actually enjoyable by some beyond its demographic. Granted, that demographic was Anonymous, but hey, at least it had evovled.

The charm and appeal of the various characters has caused a certain sort of nerd to develop an affection for the show, seemingly in the face of any and all logic. Even /tg/ has not been immune to this, with the show inspiring works of concentrated hilarity and win such as [[Don't Rest Your Hooves]], [[Ponyfinder]], and joking setups with the cast of the new series playing [[Dungeons and Dragons|D&D]] and [[Warhammer 40,000]]. It seems like almost no community can resist the combination of [[Dawww|d'aaaaw]] and humor.
In the meantime, however, as with all things popular on 4chan, the fandom had escaped into the wild and began picking up steam amongst the wider internet. [ Brony-targeted] [ websites] began to appear, garnering huge audiences; the terrifyingly creative fanbase started producing musical remixes, fanart, pornography, and horrible, horrible fanfiction faster than a [[Peasant Railgun]] in full swing, getting their obsession all over the internet and attracting attention and media coverage both positive and negative. The bronies have suffered a large backlash as a result of getting their ponies all over the place, however, and anti-fans are likewise commonplace pretty much anywhere you go and find MLP mentioned.

==Wait, Seriously?==
==Why, God?==
The popularity of the show is inexplicable to some, but fans usually chalk it down to good production, interesting characterisation, and funny humour, both character-driven and some traditional slapstick; the series also throws out a lot of pop culture jokes, with recent episodes featuring references to the old "Chocolate Rain" [[meme]], ''The Big Lebowski'', and even a shot-for-shot parody of the ending of [[Star Wars|Star Wars: A New Hope]]. Less often do they mention the disturbingly large amounts of pornography ([[furry]] or otherwise) the fanbase has produced, although some of them do like to talk a lot about the creativity of the brony fandom (presumably while hoping nobody catches on to what they mean). Much of the show's popularity can probably also be attributed to the ease of access - since Hasbro basically regards the show as advertising for toys, they couldn't care less about high-definition TVrips appearing on Youtube within hours of airing, so the entire series is freely available to view without even having to torrent it - and the engagement of the creators with their unexpected fans, frequently responding to comments on DeviantArt and even appearing in person at fan-organised conventions.

[[File:Pony rape.png|300px|thumb|"FUCK OFF!"]]
Everyone else, on the other hand, can't get their heads around how grown men could go apeshit for a cartoon about colourful ponies designed for little girls, and this dissonance in some causes a lot of rage and accusations of paedophilia or homosexuality. As with every fanbase, the bronies have their fair share of overly-vocal enthusiasts who are sadly lacking in intelligence, and their response to attacks on their passion can be comical and cringe-inducing, so a lot of common [[troll]]s are mixed in with genuine haters.
The pony-show has inspired many, both on [[/tg/]] and off of it because many fa/tg/uys are little girls on the inside.

Posting anything MLP-related will invariably produce [[Skub|biblical-level shitstorms]] on /tg/, as both sides try to prove how they love/hate the ponies. It's one of the few rare things outside of [[Matt Ward|he who must never be mentioned]] to inspire this kind of [[rage]] and righteous indignation on /tg/.  
==On [[:/tg/]]==
[[File:Pony rape.png|300px|thumb]]
Fa/tg/uys have a historical record of wishing to be the little girl, but the days when /tg/ stood for /totally gay/ have long since passed and are merely a happy memory now, so our beloved board responded to the pony plague in much the same way that all the others did: vitriolic hatred. After the global banning of pony discussion, the most prolific of pony posters generally evacuated to safer havens than 4chan and, though the ponies are still common enough on /co/, they're infrequently brought up on the other boards anymore, /tg/ included. The general reaction to any mention of ponies on /tg/ varies between apathy and rage depending on how well you roll, but creative individuals have still taken to combining their love of a TV show for little girls and their love of pretending to be a female elf in their parents' basement and produced a plethora of pony-flavoured [[RPG]]s, including titles like [[Don't Rest Your Hooves]], [[Ponyfinder]], and other things that can be found on the internet. If you go looking you can even find fanfiction about the main cast playing [[D&D]], which is like product-placement inception when you remember it's all owned by Hasbro now.

Yes, it's a show for little girls, but the majority of the fanbase just don't care. Yes, things in it make no sense, such as the fact that they have somehow constructed a village without actually possessing hands or opposable thumbs. Yes, it's childish and silly, but so that's /tg/ for you, when haven't we been childish and silly?
Overlapping fanbases have resulted in large amounts of crossover fiction and fanart - including the somewhat bizarre meeting of MLP and [[Warhammer 40,000]], amongst others - and they are guaranteed to incense at least a few people every time they rear their mutated heads. Including you, once you reach this page's gallery section. Look out, here it comes!

==Characters and Such==
They aren't any /tg/ inspired ponies worth talking about. Give it time.
''Blah blah blah'' original ponies: 1982, legs without feet like psuedopods, as many characters as the Chinese sweatshops could pump out.  24-minute Saturday-morning <s>cartoons</s> commercials.  Second wave: 1997, poseable heads, Mary-Sue alicorns, sales were good in Europe but tanked in USA, so let's hear it for Boxcar Willie syndrome.  Third wave: the start of writing actual fluff instead of shitting on a typewriter, and making ponies for <s>manchildren</s> <s>womanchildren</s> adult collectors.
Wave three-point-five, or "core 7", 2008, is what /co/ would recognize as MLP.  The water-caste Tau working for Hasbro figured the cartoons were getting more dollars in than the normal 30-second commercials, so they cut the pony models down to just seven: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Star Song, Sweetie Belle, Toola Roola, Cheerilee, and Scootaloo.  The toy molds were changed to make the toys more weeaboo: smaller bodies, larger heads, freakishly wide eyes.
Wave four is 2010, with the "Friendship is Magic" cartoon on teevee channel The Hub.  This is where the MLP starts to infect /co/, /b/, /tg/, and even /v/ like a four-legged syphilis. All the reaction image shit you see tends to come from MLP:FiM.  The new "core 7" are:
'''Twilight Sparkle''', the [[Mary Sue|nerdy main character]]. She's a unicorn wizard whose special talent is magic, who writes a letter to Princess Celestia every week to explain her findings on friendship. If she somehow fails to do this, she somehow turns into a goddamn [ pedophile]. She has a smartass baby dragon as a familiar, which I think we can all agree is pretty cool. Overall she's an OCD bookish shut-in with a Richard Dawkins-esque approach to everything superstitious despite being a MAGIC FUCKING UNICORN! Voiced by the same woman who played Raven in Teen Titans and [ a whole lot of other stuff].
'''Rainbow Dash''', an [ awesome] pegasus who claims to be one of the best flyers in all of Equestria. She is also a lesbian, according to the internet (She's tomboyish, raspy-voiced and rainbow-colored. Do the math). She employs violence as a [ first, second, and final solution], and only the watchful eye of [[Hasbro]] has stopped her from [[TPK]]'ing the party every episode.
'''Fluttershy''' is also a pegasus, but unlike Rainbow Dash she has a timid and shy personality and likes to take care of little critters. That said, she is the pony version of the Hulk. She will [ wreck your shit] and/or mind control you with [ The Stare] should you insist on pissing her off. Seems to have a severe mother complex that may or may not be linked to this. The "[[Weeaboo|KAWAII DESU!!]]" pony of the group who's the most likely to cause severe butthurt amongst fans when insulted.
'''Pinkie Pie''', an earth pony (which have no skills like flying or da magicz) who is the super happy party pony of the group, and has a tendency for being [ random and irrational]. She's the comic relief and is also more prone to mental breakdowns than the rest of the cast, that causes her to regress into her alter ego Pinkamena Diane Pie who [ will fucking cut you]. As well as being a borderline homicidal mane-iac (hurr hurr) with a penchant for hiding inside church bells and scaring the living shit out of her friends, she can also <s>warp the fabric of reality</s> heavily exploit "cartoon physics" to accommodate her zany antics. This leads to cases of unexplained flight, teleportation, 4th-wall-breaking and a pseudo-Spidey Sense that only seems to work when convenient for the plot.
'''Applejack''', another earth pony. She's either a Southern stereotype or a Western stereotype, depending on who you ask. She co-owns an orchard with her brother and is <s>generally level-headed</s> dangerously obsessed with [[profit]]. ''Lieks tah tawk liek dis awl da tiem'' and even wears a wide-brim hat and carries a lasso wherever she goes. Enjoys "rustlin'", "rodeos", and any other stereotypical activity likely to offend someone from the state of Texas. ''Yeehaw, lil' doggy, leht's have ahrselves a barbecue!''
'''Rarity''' is a fashion designer and owns her own store in Ponyville. She is simultaneously generous and too greedy for her own good - in the same episode she might give out her products like she doesn't know what capitalism is, but then proceed to endanger her life and the lives of others for the sake of some shiny [ loot]. In other words, typical PC. Is hilariously bitchy at times and prone to melodrama. Likes to think of herself as a ''classy lady'' despite running a semi-known boutique in a no-name village located outside Canterlot, AKA actual civilization.
'''Princess Celestia''', the god-empress of Equestria who raises the sun and, after banishing her sister to the moon for a 1000 years, the moon itself. She is also known for being Twilight's mentor and a massive troll often referred to by the fandom - well, the portion that isn't 7 years old - as Trollestia. Has a tendency to issue pointless, stress-inducing tasks to her "faithful student" Twilight and is responsible for several of the unicorn's many mental breakdowns. She doesn't seem to make a secret of it either. Often shows up in person when shit gets real... only to have her post-graduate protegé deal with all the dirty work. Has defeated a Chaos God, which is one more than certain other divine monarchs.
Several episodes also focus on three fillies who have coined themselves as "the cutie mark crusaders" (CMC's for short), and their exploits in trying to earn their "cutie marks" - an image on a ponie's flank that describes what they're destined to do for the rest of their life. So, for example, the balloons on Pinkie Pie's flank show that she's a pro at throwing parties. concerning the older fanbase, however, the CMC's have gained a bit of infamy due to the fact that they take screen time away from their pony waifus, and are stupid enough to ignore their rather obvious mark-inducing talents. ''They tend to forget that these characters are most likely 5 to 10 years old and, being children, incredibly naive''. For every person who hates them, there are 2 more people that like them -  the oppposite could also be true. It's all very "your mileage may vary". The CMC's are as follows:
'''Applebloom''' is an earth pony and Applejack's little sister. Speaks with the same drawl as her sister, and is the member of the CMC's most obsessed with earning her cutiemark. Is rather good at DIY renovations. Apparently knows kung fu.  (more coming soon)
'''Sweetiebell''' is a unicorn pony, and Rarity's little sister. Nowhere near as uptight and prissy as her older sibling, she tends to radiate levels of [[dawww]] and she's got a brilliant singing voice to boot. Has issues with being in the spotlight, so she is perhaps the only CMC with a good reason for having not realized what her talent is yet. A little slow compared to the other CMC's, which of course means the fanbase has decided she is mentally retarded. Though, to their merit, [[what|she did manage to liquify toast and burn juice]]. Gave 10,000 viewers diabetes in an episode that focused on herself and Rarity. Probably the least rage-inducing of the three.
'''Scootaloo''' is pegasus pony, and was first thought to be Rainbowdash's little sister. While she isn't, [[TPK|this does not stop her from being the]] Rainbowdash of the CMC's. she treats said pony as an idol, but unlike her she hasn't got the whole "flying" thing going yet. She excels in feats that require agility, such as... extreme scooting. Not a fan of sappy things such as group hugs, stories of friendship, songs that DON'T border on 80's hair metal and, well, tree sap. probably the most annoying of the CMC's.
'''  [[/tg/]]'s entire expeditionary force risked going into diabetic shock just from doing this research for you bastards.
It should be noted that Celestia is voiced by none other than Nicole Oliver, who voiced Farseer [[Macha]], Farseer [[Caerys]], and star of [[Love Can Bloom]], Farseer [[Taldeer]]. Another character, Chief Thunderhooves, is voiced by the awesome [[Scott McNeil]] ('''A.K.A.''' [[Davian Thule|Davian Cool]], [[Sindri Myr]], Neroth, [[Firaeveus Carron|Firaeveus "MEHTAWL BAWKSES!" Carron]] and [[Indrick Boreale|Indrick "Spess Mehrens" Boreale]]). And John de Lancie (best known as "Q" from Star Trek) was hired for Season 2 to play the part of... well, "Q" from Star Trek. [[Tzeentch|Discord]], a villain that appears for the two-part opener of the second season, is the most awesome [ troll] ever to [ grace] a television program. Suffice to say, [ hilarity has resulted].
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Image:MyLittleMages_MagicIsFriendship.jpg|and Celestia as the DMPC
Image:MyLittleMages_MagicIsFriendship.jpg|and Celestia as the DMPC
Image:My rare hesperax by hattonslayden-d35k7or.jpg|This as Hesperax ? Dark Eldar would find that sick... yet strangely erotic.
Image:My rare hesperax by hattonslayden-d35k7or.jpg|This as Hesperax ? Dark Eldar would find that sick... yet strangely erotic.
File:Marines vs Ponies.jpg|FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOU!
Image:Marines vs Ponies.jpg|FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOU!
Image:Pony Cultist.png|C-C-C-COMBO CANCER

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* [[Ponyfinder]] - the Pathfinder splatbook for MLP races and classes
* [[Ponyfinder]] - the Pathfinder splatbook for MLP races and classes
* [[Don't Rest Your Hooves]] - the horror of Saturday-morning cartoons
* [[Don't Rest Your Hooves]] - the horror of Saturday-morning cartoons
* [ TVTropes' FiM article] - for a more in-depth discussion of the show itself (timesink warning)
* [ Equestria Daily] - the internet's most popular MLP-related blog. How is this even a thing
* [ Ponibooru] - Oh god, 81,000 images and growing
* [ Ponibooru] - Oh god, 81,000 images and growing
* [ ClopClop] - (nsfw) there is no god.  We are damned.
* [ ClopClop] - (nsfw) there is no god.  We are damned.

Revision as of 12:37, 19 November 2011

I think this is triggering my epilepssdffshaghahtaj

The My Little Pony franchise consists of a series of toys and cartoons created and owned by Hasbro (yes, that Hasbro). As anyone with even a passing familiarity with the subject will know, the target demographic is small girls, and Hasbro generally regards the animated component as an advertisement for the line of toys (just like with Transformers). The franchise has been around since the eighties and retained popularity with the little girls for whom it is made, but the most recent revision begun in 2010 has seen an explosion of popularity on the internet, amassing a cult following of adult (or semi-adult) men (and a few women) as a result of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon. These fans, present on the net in comically large numbers, call themselves "bronies", and like every enthusiastic fanbase on the internet, they sow shitstorms everywhere they go.

How Did This Happen?

This is the true face of the 80s.

The MLP franchise has a long history, beginning all the way back at the dawn of time (also known as the 1980s). Hasbro created a line of toys and an animated cartoon to go with it as advertising, and the story had begun. The original series was remarkably terrible dross, alternating between being boring, patronising, and reinforcing negative gender stereotypes. The franchise saw a couple of updates and revisions over the years between then and now; the originals are now referred to as Generation 1, or G1, and it also went through a G2 and G3 (and a sort of sub-edition referred to as G3.5) before the completely new and substantially different 4th Edition Generation 4 appeared in modern times, causing epic shitstorms - is anyone else getting deja vu?

Everything pre-G4 is generally regarded as pretty terrible without much in the way of argument between anyone (except perhaps five-year-old girls, and they bite if you insult their ponies). To produce G4, however, Hasbro brought in Lauren Faust, known for her previous work on shows like the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and also known for having a major bone to pick with stereotypical girl's entertainment. She saw the posting as a golden opportunity to make a girl's show that wasn't completely terrible and set to work with gusto, assembling her team and churning out a show - subtitled "Friendship is Magic" - that went to air on Hasbro's own TV channel, The Hub, aiming to teach young girls lessons about friendship and being a decent person without perpetuating horrible stereotypes about fashion and other such "girly" pursuits, which I'm sure we can all agree is pretty cool.

The problems began when /co/ discovered the show. Up until a few episodes in, MLP:FiM had gone unnoticed and ignored by most people outside its target demographic. When someone linked a blog lamenting the "death of creator-driven animation" (targeting the new show specifically) on /co/, however, the denizens investigated. To their surprise, some of them - despite being so far outside the target demographic they couldn't hit it with an Exitus rifle - actually liked it. This began an explosion of pony popularity on 4chan, as /co/ soon became consumed by the subject and it rapidly spread to almost every other board. A traditional civil war erupted between fans and everyone else, who regarded the flood of pony posts as invading waves of cancer. Eventually the ponies became so prolific and the situation so bad that they were near-globally banned from 4chan.

In the meantime, however, as with all things popular on 4chan, the fandom had escaped into the wild and began picking up steam amongst the wider internet. Brony-targeted websites began to appear, garnering huge audiences; the terrifyingly creative fanbase started producing musical remixes, fanart, pornography, and horrible, horrible fanfiction faster than a Peasant Railgun in full swing, getting their obsession all over the internet and attracting attention and media coverage both positive and negative. The bronies have suffered a large backlash as a result of getting their ponies all over the place, however, and anti-fans are likewise commonplace pretty much anywhere you go and find MLP mentioned.

Why, God?

The popularity of the show is inexplicable to some, but fans usually chalk it down to good production, interesting characterisation, and funny humour, both character-driven and some traditional slapstick; the series also throws out a lot of pop culture jokes, with recent episodes featuring references to the old "Chocolate Rain" meme, The Big Lebowski, and even a shot-for-shot parody of the ending of Star Wars: A New Hope. Less often do they mention the disturbingly large amounts of pornography (furry or otherwise) the fanbase has produced, although some of them do like to talk a lot about the creativity of the brony fandom (presumably while hoping nobody catches on to what they mean). Much of the show's popularity can probably also be attributed to the ease of access - since Hasbro basically regards the show as advertising for toys, they couldn't care less about high-definition TVrips appearing on Youtube within hours of airing, so the entire series is freely available to view without even having to torrent it - and the engagement of the creators with their unexpected fans, frequently responding to comments on DeviantArt and even appearing in person at fan-organised conventions.

Everyone else, on the other hand, can't get their heads around how grown men could go apeshit for a cartoon about colourful ponies designed for little girls, and this dissonance in some causes a lot of rage and accusations of paedophilia or homosexuality. As with every fanbase, the bronies have their fair share of overly-vocal enthusiasts who are sadly lacking in intelligence, and their response to attacks on their passion can be comical and cringe-inducing, so a lot of common trolls are mixed in with genuine haters.

On /tg/

Fa/tg/uys have a historical record of wishing to be the little girl, but the days when /tg/ stood for /totally gay/ have long since passed and are merely a happy memory now, so our beloved board responded to the pony plague in much the same way that all the others did: vitriolic hatred. After the global banning of pony discussion, the most prolific of pony posters generally evacuated to safer havens than 4chan and, though the ponies are still common enough on /co/, they're infrequently brought up on the other boards anymore, /tg/ included. The general reaction to any mention of ponies on /tg/ varies between apathy and rage depending on how well you roll, but creative individuals have still taken to combining their love of a TV show for little girls and their love of pretending to be a female elf in their parents' basement and produced a plethora of pony-flavoured RPGs, including titles like Don't Rest Your Hooves, Ponyfinder, and other things that can be found on the internet. If you go looking you can even find fanfiction about the main cast playing D&D, which is like product-placement inception when you remember it's all owned by Hasbro now.

Overlapping fanbases have resulted in large amounts of crossover fiction and fanart - including the somewhat bizarre meeting of MLP and Warhammer 40,000, amongst others - and they are guaranteed to incense at least a few people every time they rear their mutated heads. Including you, once you reach this page's gallery section. Look out, here it comes!


See Also