/tg/ History: Difference between revisions

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*'''Notable Works Set In This Period:'''
*'''Notable Works Set In This Period:'''
==We Accidentally the Economy (1929 – 1939)==
==We Accidentally the Economy (1929 – 1939)==
The world economy gets fucked up.
==Shit Sandwich II: All You Can Eat Buffet (1939–1945)==
==Shit Sandwich II: All You Can Eat Buffet (1939–1945)==
*'''What Happened:'''
*'''What Happened:'''

Revision as of 15:53, 5 April 2015

This is a very short survey of recent history (and hopefully all history eventually) designed to help GMs design settings, find source materials, and plan campaigns. Please note that like all attempts to impose an artificial sense of order on the complexity of history, this list will sometimes be simplistic and arbitrary. Use with care.

Names are mostly placeholders until somebody adds something funnier. (strike when done). Sub-sections could be made as well for specific countries (eg. "/tg/ History/China).

The Age of Gubbinz (1880 - 1914)

  • What Happened: Humanity gets it's hands on some shiny bits. Industrialization reaches it's apex and joins hands with it's BFFs capitalism and imperialism to curb stomp the individual on a level never before experienced in human history. This is the gilded age of rail magnates, oil men, and gentleman adventurers in far off corners of the empire. In later years the counter currents of progressivism and anti-colonialism, along with fraying international relations, will cause it all to violently implode.
  • Themes to Use: The memory of this period is, unsurprisingly, split between the grandeur and horror it produced. It is commonly portrayed in fiction as a glimmering facade, a thin sheen of flash and guile covering up a deeply dysfunctional and increasingly unsettled world. Stories featuring working class heroes gel particularly well with this world of mechanization and oppression. For a more romanticized take you can also focus on good elements. The common man could, however uncommon it may have been, rise to unimaginable heights. The world is connected in constant contact for the first time ever, and yet there are still frontiers to be conquered and all manner of strange and exotic things to be discovered.
  • Notable Works Set In This Period: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, Kim by Rudyard Kipling, Flashman and the Tiger by George MacDonald Fraser.

The World Eats a Shit Sandwich (1914–1918)

  • What Happened: World war one happened. It fucking sucked.
  • Themes to Use:
  • Notable Works Set In This Period: All quiet on the western front

That Sucked, Let's Party (1918–1929)

  • What Happened:
  • Themes to Use:
  • Notable Works Set In This Period:

We Accidentally the Economy (1929 – 1939)

The world economy gets fucked up.

Shit Sandwich II: All You Can Eat Buffet (1939–1945)

  • What Happened:
  • Themes to Use:
  • Notable Works Set In This Period:

Half a Century of Atomic Dong Waving (1945-1989)

  • What Happened:
  • Themes to Use:
  • Notable Works Set In This Period:

The (Suspiciously Familiar) End of History (1989–Present)

  • What Happened:
  • Themes In Fiction:
  • Notable Works Set In This Period: