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When wounded, Radium dragons have a blindingly pure silver luster in the wound, but it rapidly becomes black and tarnished, like the rest of their bodies. Some desert faiths preach of this as proof that the Radiums burn with the fires of hell, and their hells are filled with invisible death, not the fire and smoke of other religions.
When wounded, Radium dragons have a blindingly pure silver luster in the wound, but it rapidly becomes black and tarnished, like the rest of their bodies. Some desert faiths preach of this as proof that the Radiums burn with the fires of hell, and their hells are filled with invisible death, not the fire and smoke of other religions.
Radium Dragons are a brilliant silvery white, their scales violently blackening in air; an apt metaphor for all aspects of their lives.
Radium Dragons are compulsive 'justice' seekers, inflicting retribution across the land in oft questionably violent manner. Merely striking a Radium Dragon exposes its true colors momentarily, albeit through a burst of lung-scorching radioactive dust.
Perhaps most telling of the Radium Dragon, however, is its telltale pale blue glow, rendering stealth impossible in darkness even despite its matte-black coat. This glow intensifies as it prepares to breathe as well, heralding the blue-white lance of ionizing gas the dragons themselves consider a sign of genetically holy mandates. Several acids, compounds and even water can harm them on contact, but as always the violent effects of such contact may be as hazardous to attackers.
Radium Dragons can prove social in the company of like-minded zealots. Makeshift 'knightly orders' of several mating pairs can devastate entire kingdoms with holy righteous fury, but may also break with sudden enraged violence, should individual views of a situation suddenly collide.

==Thorium 90==
==Thorium 90==

Revision as of 03:15, 30 June 2014

A short /tg/ thread asking about the nature of draconic colors lead to a discussion about metallic dragons, and all the various metals on the periodic table of elements. Glorious writing and drawing results.

Lithium 3

At the far extent of the Metallic dragon family, we observe the Lithium dragon family. The smallest of the true metallics, they are often mistaken for other animals, confused with natives of Mechanicus in particular.

Only about the size of a small child, and not particularly intelligent, the Lithium dragon is nevertheless dangerous, in no small part because of its profligate breeding habits and vast population. To other dragons, they are a nuisance, but to humans, they can be a menace if enraged. Fortunately, the Lithium dragon is the gentlest of the Alkali subfamily.

To smaller creatures like Kobolds and Halflings, their speed makes them deadly, though the Lithium's soft flesh is easy enough to pierce with a spear or sling stone.

They are native to deserts, high mountaintops, and anywhere where there is little moisture. Rain causes their flesh to bubble and sear, and is extremely painful. For this reason, water is the weapon of choice against them.

The Lithium's breath weapon is one of the most distinctive of the metallic species, colored a brilliantly deep red flame. This flame is used in their mating rituals, and males that can breathe the largest and most colorful flames are the most desirable. Unlike the Bismuths, Lithiums are quite territorial, and do not lightly permit outsiders to observe their rituals.

Beryl­lium 4

Beryllium dragons are quite rare, and are highly photosensitive. Small but tough, their skin begins to decompose in the sun, for the radiation of stars is deadly to them. They are highly resistant to the "radiant" metallics, as the energy simply seems to pass through them, unlike the Borons, which absorb and diffuse the radiant energy.

They have no breath weapons of their own, but when threatened, they shed copious amounts of toxic dust from underneath their scales, which cause growths to form in the victim's lungs, choking them to death.

Beryllium dragons are widely sought after as mates by Copper, Aluminum, Iron and Nickel dragons, because their crossbreeds exhibit highly improved scale strength and hardness. As such, the smaller Berylliums are often politically minded dragons, pitting their larger allies against those that would harm them, and forming familial houses dedicated to strategic intermarriage and bloodline management.

A Beryllium dragon can be identified not just by its small size, but by the greenish emerald nodules decorating the length of its spine. On the females, the emeralds are about the size of a man's thumb, but on the males, they can grow to nearly the size of a soda can in the largest and oldest specimens. Used to attract mates, shed scales are also presented as gifts to other dragons and even mortals on occasion.

Beryllium dragons signify marriage by inscribing their names into the male's largest emerald spike, which is then shed and carried with them as long as the relationship lasts.

Boron 5

Many of the larger metallic dragons are deadly not because of their strength or speed, but because they are surrounded by a strange force, akin to heat or a very bright, penetrating light. Simply being near them is enough to kill an unprotected man, and the nations of the Material Plane fear their blessedly rare incursions.

One species of metallic though, barely deserving of the name, is the Boron Dragon. Relatively small, and quite fragile, they are astoundingly swift creatures, with gigantic, gossamer wings disproportionate to their size. High altitude fliers, they can take to the air with nothing more than a slight breeze and a well angled wing. On the ground, they are nimble, seeming to defy gravity as they scamper around with a decidedly un-draconic glee.

These strange dragons were once more common than they are now, because the Material Plane denizens figured out that their bodies could absorb and block that deadly force of the greater Metallics. A great slaughter ensued, hunting the Borons nearly to extinction for their skin and wings, which could forge protective cloaks and armor for an entire human or orc tribe.

The Borons now live in extremely isolated areas, and are profoundly reclusive and distrustful. Gear made from their bodies is a relic now, and fetches astronomical prices.

Entire tribes die each year hunting the remaining beasts, but when a single corpse can buy a mighty town or army, the lust for greed eternally fuels the hunt.

Carbon 6

Carbon dragons are distantly related to the other metallic species, though not considered true "metallics". Jet black in appearance, with only brilliant diamond spikes on their backs, their claws, their teeth, and the tips of their wings and tail to throw light around, they are primarily nocturnal creatures.

The lenses of their eyes incorporate diamonds as well, collecting and refracting light into the eye more efficiently than human eyes, allowing them to see in the dark.

The Carbon dragons are a very common species, inhabiting a diverse range of climates. Ferocious on the attack, they're downright cowardly on the defensive because their scales are frail, almost crumbly. Inside, they are one of the few Elemental Dragons to have very humanlike muscles, but their blood is a dark, strange-smelling liquid. When set alight, it will burn for hours, and is a valued commodity in the northlands.

Carbon dragons are remarkably unintelligent, barely more than clever animals, and they adopt a pack mentality in most things, though they are renowned for using their shed scales to make cave images by scrawling black marks on the walls. The meaning of these marks is unclear, but is a favorite topic of discussion among scholars debating the Carbon's status as intelligent beings.

Perhaps as a sign of their distance from the true metallics, Carbons are preyed upon at nearly every opportunity by their larger cousins, who incorporate their essence into their own bodies.

Silicon 14

Silicon dragons are unusual creatures, having characteristics of both crystal and metal. They are tough and strong, but also lightweight, and have a strange, multifaceted exterior.

Their claws and scales are soft and easily fractured when new, looking almost like transparent glass, but as they age, Silicon dragons consume inordinate amounts of coal, plant matter, and anything else with plenty of carbon in it, including animal life. As they process this material, their scales harden, taking on an extremely hard, sharp outer edge that can cut like a razor and withstand incredible strain. Their claws likewise harden, darken, and can slash through armor with ease.

Underneath their scales are thick, glutinous pseudomuscles made of a rubbery material, which they can flex a little bit to let off heat from underneath, and raise the scales up so their outer edges face predators. In the wild, Silicon dragons flare these scales up both to look larger, and as a mating display. The dark outer edge and the metallic crystal main body make a striking show.

These dragons are very social, forming large groups for protection, and can breathe blasts of fine, glittering powder at their enemies, blinding and choking them.

They fly well, and stand about 14 feet high at the shoulder.

Silicon dragons love glass and glass sculpture, and share an interesting friendship with the Uranium dragons, making and coloring sculptures of inordinate beauty and grace.

Phosphorous 15

Phosphorous dragons are a genetically unstable species, with four common subcategories distinguished by the vibrant colors of their scales. White, Red, Violet, and Black Phosphorous dragons have all been observed in the wild.

White is fairly uncommon, and is characterized, much as Francium dragons are, by mental instability, a volatile temper, and a short lifespan of only a few decades to a century. The Whites breathe a powerful flame, and when struck by edged weapons, will shed a gout of sparks from their hide. In general, it is recommended to use only maces and other blunt weapons when hunting this breed.

Whites are easy to detect, because in the dark, they glow a faint bluish-green.

Reds are more stable than Whites, and their scales are very small and flexible, almost like a snake's. With age, the Reds become Blacks, almost inert and without fire. These are the elders of the species, and can live for millennia.

Violet Phosphorous dragons are only found in close proximity to Lead dragons, and seem to absorb some of the Lead's stability and resilience. This subspecies is genetically distinct from the other Phosphorous dragons, rare and poorly studied.

Sulfur 16

Sulfur dragons live up to their reputation as firey creatures, often found in and around volcanic vents and fumaroles. Extremely difficult to spot in their native environment, when found elsewhere they have an extremely distinctive yellow hue.

They smell extremely pungent, and are unwelcome in towns or around vegetation, which they kill just by being around. Scrapings of their shed scales provides extremely useful antifungal and anti insect powders though, and provide the beasts with valuable trade goods. Ground into the soil, their scales also promote plant growth, and are in demand by farmers everywhere.

When angered, they squeeze water from an internal bladder, mixing it with their essence and forming a profoundly deadly acid, which can strip a man's flesh in minutes. As such, they are extremely hazardous in a fight, for armor means nothing to their liquid fury.

When crossbred with Iron dragons, a hybrid is formed that looks very like a Gold dragon, though it is a sterile, fairly unintelligent creature, much weaker than either parent. However, as might be expected from parents of Iron and Sulfur, when the Pyrite child strikes a claw against its chest, sprays of hot sparks can be formed. Sometimes, when Sulfur dragon scales are ground up and mixed with secret compounds, an explosion occurs from a Pyrite's spark.

Indeed, the Pyrites, despite their lack of intelligence by draconic standards, are the world's first users of guns and gunpowder, using tools to make up for what mother nature didn't give them, and they get along with mortal races far better than most.

Scandium 21

Scandium Dragon

Scandium dragons are very rare. They are silvery-white, sometimes tending to yellowish or pinkish. They are very lazy and don't do much of anything at all unless accompanied by aluminum dragons, with whom, for reasons that are not fully understood, they make highly productive partnerships.

Titanium 22

Titanium dragons are one of the physically strongest species of dragons in existence - they are nearly as resistant to chemical-based damage as platinum dragons, their scales are extremely strong, and despite weighing significantly less than the typical iron or steel dragon, they possess just as much strength as most, if not all members of the former, as well as many instances of the latter. They are also quite resistant to heat and electricity compared to other types of dragon, though their strength wanes when exposed to very high temperatures for extended periods of time; notably, their scales, normally a silvery grey-white colour, tend to be shed more frequently in hotter environments, and after shedding, fade to white and erode to a powder that is highly sought as a pigment.

Their greatest strength, however, is perhaps located in the versatility that their offspring show, specifically their hybrids, whose natural traits and inclinations can range from military knowledge to medical application, and in a few rare cases, some that even possess all the traits needed for them to be capable of flights into the planet's upper atmosphere and beyond, up to and including metabolisms that eliminate the need for oxygen. Due to this, alongside a general inclination towards non-similar dragon breeds, titanium dragons will almost always live and mate with dragons from other breeds if they have a choice, typically preferring iron, aluminium, vanadium, or molybdenum partners, though concerted efforts from other species and the relatively high rate at which titanium dragons can produce offspring ensures that their pure forms remain one of the most common species of metal dragon in existence.

Chromium 24

Chromium dragons are an incredible species of metallics, their scales shining with a luster and reflectivity far beyond any of their cousin species. They are unusually friendly to mortal races, and commonly come to towns to trade goods and services.

One of the most notable quirks of the subspecies is their use of gizzard stones, as many birds do, in order to aid digestion. Over the course of decades, these rocks roll around in their hot, acidic insides, and absorb the essence of the dragon. When they are eventually regurgitated or excreted, the stones that emerge are beautiful jewels, usually rubies and emeralds. It is said that over the millennia, almost all such gems found by miners in fact have their origins in a Chromium's gut.

The Chromiums attach no value to these stones, but have learned over the years that other species desire them, and use them as trade goods.

In the wild, the lightweight Chromiums usually fly away from their assailants, but their large, flexible wings can also reflect and concentrate light by forming a parabolic shape, blinding and burning their enemies. For this reason, Chromiums tend to live in well-lit areas, often atop mountain peaks.

Iron 26

Iron dragons may not have the grace of their rivals, but they are some of the most numerous in this day and age and they simply exude a feeling of strength and durability. They are among the handful of dragons that can control magnetic fields, and use this ability to create tools that rival those of Copper Dragons in quality and intricacy. Rust is an ever constant threat, so many iron dragons tamper with their own bodies, trying to reforge their own scales into something less resistant to corrosion: the Steel Dragons have perfected a version of this technique and keep this hard earned secret well guarded.

Iron dragons are one of the most common breeds of metallic dragon. Massive, heavy, and confident, they roam the worlds as they wish. Impervious to most weapons, they often take work as mercenaries, miners, and metalworkers, as the mood takes them. This breed has an oddly humble streak, viewing themselves as a more "base" metal than others, and is willing to work closely with mortal races, often living among them.

The Iron dragons are profligate crossbreeders, strengthening their familial status through strong children, and they are fiercely protective of their young. Their eggs are massive spheres of hard, grey metal, and are laid in clutches of several dozen.

The Iron dragons fly, but only poorly, and have no breath weapons of their own. They have been learning the ways of gunpowder and firearms from their Pyrite children, and they have been seen laying unfertilized eggs for use as ammunition in heavy cannons carried in both hands. In this way, even those eggs that never become children serve the family.

Iron dragons are vulnerable to corrosion, and never stay in areas where Sulfur dragons are present.

Copper 29

Copper Dragons would be considered more attractive, older ones wearing their green patina with pride. A side affect of this attractiveness is the sheer volume of bastardized offspring that Copper dragons produce, most notably the clans of Brass and Bronze dragons. Copper dragons have powerful electric breath, and offspring with Zinc dragons have electricity visibly crackling across their skin.

Arsenic 33

Arsenic dragons are lightweight, greyish creatures, often found in the company of Lead dragons. For most of history, they spent their time wandering the world, driven from place to place by an endless stream of mysterious deaths that seemed to follow them around. Long eons have passed, and there is as yet only the vaguest of explanations for the phenomenon, but the breed has a reputation for being cursed, and have taken to acting as oracles and seers, given their association with death.

They're not particularly strong dragons, nor do they have any breath weapons, but those around them almost inevitably succumb and die, unless they are metallic or more exotic races. The land withers and dies, and remains uninhabitable for generations where they pass.

Lead dragons are almost the only ones who will tolerate them, and the halfbreeds are terrifying creatures indeed. Stronger, smarter and faster, these are the scholars and generals of their kinds. So long as they are left alone, the Arsenic dragons are mostly harmless, but if attacked, the repercussions can linger for millennia.

Yttrium 39

Yttrium dragons are born in very special locations in the far border zones of the Elemental Plane of Earth. They are highly rare, and are part of a broad family of similar draconic subspecies, genetically divergent from most of dragonkind. They intermingle freely with many other creatures, and in general, these halfbreeds offer no real significant properties of note, beyond enhanced hybrid vigor with many other elemental dragons.

But, rare even among these rare breeds, is a subtype, the Ybacuo tribe. This tribe lives in a conflux of local energies within the Plane of Earth, which has attracted other metallic dragons for centuries like a lodestone. The inevitable crossbreeding, blending bloodlines from a dozen different species, has given rise to a group of dragons ignorant of their true power until recently.

A surge of energy from the Plane of Ice cast the region into an unnaturally cold winter for several years, and the Ybacuo dragons discovered that the energies of the leylines flowed into them with tremendous force as their bodies cooled.

So long as they remained chilled, they could fly with trivial effort, summon whirlwinds of magnetic force, and most intriguingly, store titanic quantities of magical energy with no difficulty. Drinking deeply from the leylines, the Ybacuo could shatter mountains with no more effort than picking up a quill pen.

Once the winter subsided, the energies dissipated, and now the Ybacuo are considering immigrating to colder climates, to study what their true power might be. Other elemental dragons are conspiring against them, though, for fear of what their super-magical powers might allow them to do.

Iodine 53

Iodine dragons are large, reclusive creatures. Fairly rare, they are generally found near the sea. They are large creatures, and rather docile, living in large family groups.

The Iodine dragon is dark and metallic gray, but their breath is a deep, rich purple, and smells foul. This breath is much heavier than air, and rolls along the ground burning vegetation and animal species alike. When angered, they can vent a copious quantity of this gas, and are considered extremely dangerous.

Those protected from corrosion and inhalation, however, will find the Iodine to be suprisingly soft and easy prey. The Iodines are slow and clumsy dragons, only barely capable of flight, with unusually soft scales. It is fortunate that their corpses aren't used for anything in particular, or the species would surely face extinction in short order.

Some Iodines have found service as healers, having discovered that small amounts of their breath can kill infections and bacteria. If you can tolerate the smell and the burning sensation, an Iodine can give you a new lease on life.

Osmium 76

Osmium Dragon

Osmium dragons are the heaviest of the naturally occurring dragons (that is, those that are not the result of powerful atomic magic). They are also the rarest sort of dragon that is not universally radioactive. Theirs shiny, bluish white or gray scales are extremely hard, but can be rather brittle. Their touch is highly poisonous to most creatures and their meat even moreso. Even more than their cousins, platinum and iridium dragons, osmium dragons are curiously prone to writing. They seem driven to collect and record information, though the specific interests of individual osmium dragons vary widely. They resistant to heat, even by the standards of dragons.

Iridium 77

Iridium dragons are very rare, and very poorly understood. Evidence suggests that they may be among the oldest of the metallic species, having come into being far away from the Elemental Plane of Earth or the Material Plane. Some great catastrophe is known to have occurred in the Material Plane's history, and the stones record a layer of Iridium and other draconic scales powdered and scattered across the plane. Whatever this was, it was so total that the species never recovered, and we may never know if it was invasion, the work of gods, or simple accident that killed so many.

Now, the species survives only in small enclaves, and they are widely reviled among the metallic dragon subspecies for reasons that are as mysterious as their origins. Their scales shine with a dull metallic hue, and their weight leaves deep impressions in the ground as they walk. They do not fly, but tunneling through rock is almost as easy as a man swimming in water, owing to their tremendous density.

Volcanoes are often their homes, for protection and because they themselves are immune to virtually all mundane sources of heat. They are almost immune to all forms of corrosion, and impact, making them intensely difficult to kill.

It is suspected among draconic circles that the Iridiums are embarking on grand projects, far in the wilderness where no one can see. Whether they're trying to return to their origins or finish the job they might have started long ago, we can only speculate.

Gold 79

Gold Dragons are noble creatures indeed, their fiery gleam recorded in countless stories across time. Heavy, solid beasts, they can fly though rather poorly, and prefer to spend their time on the ground when possible.

They're great swimmers, and no matter how long they spend in the water, their scales never tarnish in the slightest, as do some other metallics.

Though valuable and hunted, unlike the Borons, a Gold is perfectly capable of smashing human-sized enemies asunder, though they come off decidedly the weaker in clashes with Iron, Tungsten, Titanium, and other such draconics, as their scales bend under the pressure those dragons can produce.

The true strength of the Gold is its ability to produce and channel enormous blasts of electrical energy, enough to sear flesh from bone and turn bone to charcoal, though they still cannot match their Silver cousins' utterly titanic electrical capacity.

The Golds fear Mercury dragons above all else, whose cloying touch will slough their flesh off their bones like so much pudding.

When crossbred with Silver or Copper dragons, the halfbreeds are not much stronger than either parent, and sometimes weaker, but they attain an incredible array of subtle variations in hue, with rose, whitish, greenish-yellow and reddish hues all observed. These dragons are commonly considered among the most beautiful of all Metallic dragonkind, across the various species, and often become something rather like cultural idols.

Mercury 80

Mercury dragons are deadly creatures indeed, for they have no scales, and move almost as fluidly as creatures of flesh and blood. Heavy and dense, their swinging arms, legs, and tail can do immense damage, and they are expert contortionists, capable of slipping through cracks no larger than a dog or a small child, despite being more than 30 feet from head to tail on average, and standing ten feet high at the shoulder when fully grown.

When threatened, they sweat profusely, exuding rivulets of thick, silvery metal. This substance is highly toxic, and kills almost on contact as it slides into the skin. They can also spit globs of metal more than 50 feet with great accuracy, shooting it from a wide tongue curled into a kind of straw.

Mercury dragons do not fly, but instead prefer to inhabit pools of water. Lakes inhabited by mercury dragons for a long time fill up with their secretions, becoming lakes of flowing silver. in their element, the dragons are invisible, and many an adventurer has been fooled into thinking they've found a silver treasure, only to be pulled in by an outstretched claw.

Mercury dragons are extremely dangerous to many other metallics, corroding them and dissolving their flesh on contact. Other metallics become brittle at a Mercury's touch, crumbling to dust in moments. As such, Mercury dragons are considered apex predators among metallic dragonkind, and most will keep a wide distance away from them. Fire will defeat a Mercury dragon though, melting them away extremely rapidly, and the breath of a Sulfur dragon can also harm them, with time.

It is fortunate that the species is rare, otherwise they might represent a real threat to all metallics, and the mortal realms as well.

Lead 82

Lead dragons are enormous, placid creatures, one of the very bulkiest of the metallic dragons, and aside from very unusual specimens from other species, by far the heaviest. Though other species can be denser, none can match the Leads for sheer mass. For all their size and power, they are fairly disinterested in the mortal world around them, preferring to wander the world in small groups.

They make a surprising number of friendships with other metallic dragons, though, and are commonly seen interacting with Arsenic and Phosphorous dragons, to name a few.

Leads fight mostly by crushing and bludgeoning, but are rather vulnerable to being stabbed by tougher metals. They exude a poisonous aura, causing rapid brain damage in their foes, and they can concentrate this into a blast of deadly powder that seeps into the skin, killing quickly.

Their role in the ecosystem seems to be to prey on the "radiant" species of metallic dragonkind, and they can be seen feasting merrily on Uranium, Thorium, Neptunium and Plutonium dragons with relish. The energy those species produce sloughs off the Leads like water. Though the species bear many similarities, the end for a Uranium dragon is very often being overthrown and consumed by a Lead.

For this reason, those mortal kingdoms at risk of attack by "radiants" often court the Leads to assist them, but the Leads are almost as dangerous in their own indirect fashion, and extremely hard to coerce.

Bismuth 83

Bismuth Dragon

Bismuth dragons are a strange breed indeed. In their early life, they are dull metallic gray, looking little different from most other metallic dragons.

As they mature, though, a strange and wondrous change occurs in their scales. Both genders develop large growths all over their upper bodies, with the male's being much larger. These extended scales are jagged and rough, with no two looking alike, and no two dragons having the same growth patterns. Similarities exist between families, but for this species, their scales are their fingerprints, and they take inordinate pride in them.

Growing to about the size of a man's head, the scales have all the colors of the rainbow, and reflect brilliantly in the sun. Mating displays are wondrous to behold, a riot of color and flashing lights. Though intended for their mates, the Bismuths are unapologetic attention whores, and love it when tourists come to observe their shimmering rituals.

When ground up, shed scales can be used in makeup and pigments, creating a beautiful pearlescent color, and it is highly in demand across the worlds.

They are also much less toxic than most of the heavier metallic dragons, and as such are far safer to interact with, which encourages their tourism trade.

Francium 87

Francium dragons are a tragic case of genetic instability. Once in a great while, Uranium and Thorium dragon mothers lay a silvery egg possessed of incredible heat, enough to melt the other eggs in the clutch and sometimes, even injure the mother itself. The female dragon cools the egg inside the body, but the birthing process often causes fatalities.

These eggs are sequestered well away from the rest of the family, for their tremendous heat precludes the need for incubation, and they hatch phenomenally quickly, within a matter of days, compared to the usual months.

The young dragon emerges, and within hours is walking, talking, flying, and growing. By the young dragon's fifth day of life, it is fully mature, a silvery creature blazing with radiant, flameless heat. For the safety of its family, Francium dragons are immediately exiled upon reaching maturity, with no small degree of sorrow.

Their emotional and mental stability is questionable at the best of times, and Francium dragons keenly feel their own mortality ticking forward minute by minute. Oftentimes, they lash out at anything and everything near them, enraged at their minute lifespan.

Even the most heat resistant dragons, Osmiums and Tungstens, fear the Francium dragon, whose sustained torrent of energy will eventually penetrate their carapace.

Whatever the chaos their lives may cause, a Francium's rampage is cut short quickly, limiting the damage to a local scale. Whereas their mothers may live for tens of thousands of years, these mutant children burn away within a single year at most.

A rare handful do manage to achieve some measure of stability, and have produced musical art, for no other form of art could survive their heat, of great beauty and poignancy.

Only two known instances of Francium dragons meeting in the wild have ever been recorded, and no details of the incidents have survived. The breed's reproductive potential is unknown.

Radium 88

Radium dragons, though closely related to Francium dragons, are their most hated enemies. Nothing makes a Francium more jealous than a dragon almost as energetic as they, but who will live a thousand years instead a thousand days.

Radiums are aptly named, and were the first dragon identified to have the "radiant" energy that many breeds are known for. They harness this power in beams of invisible heat, burning and killing their foes.

Radiums are predators born, living alone or in mated pairs and roaming the world with tremendous speed. They fly well, they fight well, and they leave nothing where they pass, one of the most aggressive metallics in existence. The Radiums have one great weakness though, their bodies cannot tolerate water, which burns, and even detonates on contact with them. For this reason, their range is limited to desolate areas, and they cannot do much more than short raids into moister climates.

Nomads cling to oases for this reason just as much as to use water for themselves, for a Radium dragon could be upon them at any moment.

When wounded, Radium dragons have a blindingly pure silver luster in the wound, but it rapidly becomes black and tarnished, like the rest of their bodies. Some desert faiths preach of this as proof that the Radiums burn with the fires of hell, and their hells are filled with invisible death, not the fire and smoke of other religions.

Radium Dragons are a brilliant silvery white, their scales violently blackening in air; an apt metaphor for all aspects of their lives.

Radium Dragons are compulsive 'justice' seekers, inflicting retribution across the land in oft questionably violent manner. Merely striking a Radium Dragon exposes its true colors momentarily, albeit through a burst of lung-scorching radioactive dust.

Perhaps most telling of the Radium Dragon, however, is its telltale pale blue glow, rendering stealth impossible in darkness even despite its matte-black coat. This glow intensifies as it prepares to breathe as well, heralding the blue-white lance of ionizing gas the dragons themselves consider a sign of genetically holy mandates. Several acids, compounds and even water can harm them on contact, but as always the violent effects of such contact may be as hazardous to attackers.

Radium Dragons can prove social in the company of like-minded zealots. Makeshift 'knightly orders' of several mating pairs can devastate entire kingdoms with holy righteous fury, but may also break with sudden enraged violence, should individual views of a situation suddenly collide.

Thorium 90

Thorium dragons are massive, heavy creatures, with the dull silvery appearance common to most members of the metallic dragon subspecies.

As with many of the heavier varieties, they are surrounded by an invisible, heatless force, capable of poisoning and killing those mortals who dare to come too close.

With such protection, almost all the "radiant" metallics are peaceful creatures, having never had a need to defend themselves, owing to their size and energy. The Thoriums are particularly congenial and friendly, though still no less deadly.

Their breath is a strange, invisible gas, which carries the heatless death property of their bodies. It is much heavier than air, and though its range is limited, it pools, eddies, and is extremely hard to remove. Historical records indicate that a wealthy Drow noble made the terrible mistake of capturing a young Thorium dragon for his coliseum, and when the furious parents showed up to rescue their child, within a hour the underground cavern was devoid of life.

Even now, the city remains, filled with invisible death and lacking breathable air, a perfectly preserved monument to the folly of chaining forces beyond one's control.

Uranium 92 & Plutonium 93

Uranium and Plutonium dragons are very closely related subspecies, sharing a common genetic pool and often crossbreeding. They are profligate artists, crafting beautiful red, green, and yellow glass sculptures by mixing glass with their ground up scales. Colorful ceramics are also extremely popular.

The two species can live almost anywhere, heated by an internal warmth that never ends. Red dragons can breathe hotter fire, but a Uranium dragon's heat is something altogether different. The two species are too heavy to fly, their wings having become vestigial cooling devices.

Though normally peaceful, Uraniums and Plutoniums can harness their internal fire in a very different way than most of the other "radiant" metallics. When angered, they can release a blast of heat and light of truly immense proportions, enough to shatter a city's walls or incinerate an army, and they can sustain this force for hours if need be.

Most civilized nations treat them with some wariness, and in general, the Uranium and Plutonium species keep to themselves. Some few youngsters have been tempted by the promise of wealth and power though, and serve as unstoppable engines of war with which to conquer neighboring countries. It is unclear what this imbalance of power may lead to, but kings and emperors are emptying their treasuries to secure these dragons' services.

What being used as siege engines may do to the dragons and their mental state in the long term is an open question.