Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Path to Glory: Difference between revisions

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Beasts of Chaos done. That means all of Chaos is now up to date. Everchosen doesn't have a table.
Gloomspite Gitz done.
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These are unique rewards for your followers that you can gain during the campaign. One starting unit can instead be used to get a Follower Reward, but each unit of followers cannot start with more than one reward. All of these are positive, since there are only 6 of them. To generate one, you pick a unit then roll a d6, comparing it to the table. If you roll a reward that unit already has, re-roll until you get a different result.
These are unique rewards for your followers that you can gain during the campaign. One starting unit can instead be used to get a Follower Reward, but each unit of followers cannot start with more than one reward. All of these are positive, since there are only 6 of them. To generate one, you pick a unit then roll a d6, comparing it to the table. If you roll a reward that unit already has, re-roll until you get a different result.

=Warband Tables=
=Chaos Warband Tables=
There is no Grand Alliance table for Chaos.
==Beasts of Chaos==
==Beasts of Chaos==
Found in the Battletome (September 2018).
Found in the Battletome (September 2018).
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| '''Tzeentch''' || '''Spelleater''': Your champion can attempt to unbind one extra spell in each enemy hero phase. They can attempt to unbind spells if they are within 24" of the enemy wizard (This has no effect in AoS 2.0, so decide what you will do with your playgroup). || '''Change Master''': Each time, before making an attack with a weapon, your champion can choose to swap the To Hit and To Wound characteristics around before any dice are rolled. || '''Warpfire Torrent''': Once per battle, in your shooting phase, your champion can unleash a warpfire torrent upon one enemy unit within 9". When they do so, roll a dice; on a 1 it has a lucky escape, on a 2 or 3 that unit suffers a mortal wound, on a 4 of 5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds and on a 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds.
| '''Tzeentch''' || '''Spelleater''': Your champion can attempt to unbind one extra spell in each enemy hero phase. They can attempt to unbind spells if they are within 24" of the enemy wizard (This has no effect in AoS 2.0, so decide what you will do with your playgroup). || '''Change Master''': Each time, before making an attack with a weapon, your champion can choose to swap the To Hit and To Wound characteristics around before any dice are rolled. || '''Warpfire Torrent''': Once per battle, in your shooting phase, your champion can unleash a warpfire torrent upon one enemy unit within 9". When they do so, roll a dice; on a 1 it has a lucky escape, on a 2 or 3 that unit suffers a mortal wound, on a 4 of 5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds and on a 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds.
=Destruction Warband Tables=
==Gloomspite Gitz==
Found in the Battletome (January 2019).
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Champion || Followers
| Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider || 2 units
| Dankhold Troggboss || 2 units
| Fungoid Cave-Shaman || 4 units
| Madcap Shaman || 4 units
| Loonboss || 4 units
| Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig || 4 units
| Loonboss on Mangler Squigs || 2 units
| Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig || 4 units
| Webspinner Shaman || 4 units
| Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider || 4 units
| Zarbag* || 3 units
| ''You receive Zarbag's Gitz in addition to Zarbag. Zarbag is the warband's champion, and Zarbag's Gitz is a follower unit.''
====Retinue Followers====
Split by allegiance.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Moonclan || Squig || Spiderfang
| 1 || 10 Sneaky Snufflers || 5 Boingrot Bounderz || 5 Spider Riders
| 2-3 || 15 Shootas || 5 Squig Hoppers || 5 Spider Riders
| 4-6 || 15 Stabbas || 10 Cave Squigs & 2 Squig Herders || 5 Spider Riders
====Hero Followers====
Split by allegiance.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Moonclan || Spiderfang
| 1-2 || 1 Loonboss || 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
| 3 || 1 Madcap Shaman || 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
| 4 || 1 Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig || 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
| 5 || 1 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig || 1 Webspinner Shaman
| 6 || 1 Fungoid Cave-Shaman || 1 Webspinner Shaman
====Fanatics Followers====
These units cannot be given follower rewards.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Followers
| 1-3 || 5 Loonsmasha Fanatics
| 4-6 || 5 Spiresplatta Fanatics
====Gobbapalooza Followers====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Followers
| 1-6 || Pick three different models from the following list: Scaremonger, Brewgit, Spiker, Boggleye, Shroomancer.
====Big Stuff Followers====
Uses 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Followers
| 1-3 || 1 Mangler Squigs
| 4-6 || 1 Aleguzzler Giant
====Troggoth Followers====
Uses 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Followers
| 1-2 || 1 Dankhold Troggoth
| 3-4 || 3 Fellwater Troggoths
| 5-6 || 3 Rockgut Troggoths
====Arachnarok Followers====
Uses 3 rolls or 1 roll and 2 Glory Points.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Followers
| 1-2 || 1 Arachnarok Spider with Flinger
| 3-4 || 1 Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty
| 5-6 || 1 Skitterstrand Arachnarok
====Follower Rewards====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! D6 || Reward Name || Flavour Text || Rules
| 1 || '''Protection of the Bad Moon''' || ''These grots call on the Bad Moon to shield them from harm, and their manic prayers are answered!'' || Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that this unit is calling upon the Bad Moon for protection. If you do so, you can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this unit until your next hero phase.
| 2 || '''Special Fungus Brew''' || ''These followers have secured a supply of special fungus brew that drives them into a fighting frenzy!'' || Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that this unit will drink its special fungus brew. If you do so, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by this unit until your next hero phase.
| 3 || '''Sneaky Gitz''' || ''These diminutive but cunning warriors are experts at sneaking up on an unwary foe.'' || Instead of setting up this unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up sneaking up on the enemy as a reserve unit. If you do so, at the end of your first movement phase you must set up this unit on the battlefield more than 9" from any enemy units.
| 4 || '''Get 'Em Lads!''' || ''These warriors are full of the froth-jawed madness of the Gloomspite, and will do everything they can to drag down their foes.'' || Add 1" to the Range characteristic of melee weapons used by this unit.
| 5 || '''Vengeful Schemers''' || ''These hate-filled backstabbers come up with evil schemes to help them prevail against their foes.'' || At the start of the first battle round, pick a warscroll. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this unit that target an enemy unit that uses that warscroll.
| 6 || '''Bully Boyz''' || ''These grots have fought in and survived more than their fair share of fights, and have learned how to put their malice to best use shanking their enemies while staying clear of return blows.'' || Once per turn, you can re-roll 1 hit roll or 1 wound roll for an attack made by this unit, or 1 save roll for an attack that targets this unit.
====Champion Rewards====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! 2D6 || Reward Name || Flavour Text || Rules
| 2 || '''Badly Beaten''' || ''Your champion ended up in a fight that they couldn't win through cunning and trickery, and has been grievously wounded.'' || You lose 1 Glory Point. In addition, subtract 1 from your champion's Wounds characteristic for the remainder of the campaign.
| 3 || '''Razor-edged Blade''' || ''Your champion hones the edge of their favourite weapon so that it is wickedly sharp.'' || Pick 1 of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as having a razor-edge. Improve the Rend characteristic of that weapon by 1.
| 4 || '''Can't Catch Me!''' || ''Your champion is incredibly swift-footed and almost impossible to catch.'' || Add 2" to your champion's Move characteristic. Add a further 4" to the distance they can move when they retreat.
| 5 || '''Sinewy Toughness''' || ''Although scrawny, your champion is incredibly hard to kill.'' || Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of your champion.
| 6 || '''Cowardly Git''' || ''Your champion is deathly afraid of being hurt, and is not above using their followers to shield himself from harm.'' || Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to your champion while they are within 3" of a friendly unit. On a 4+, that wound or mortal wound is negated, but you must pick 1 friendly unit within 3" of your champion and that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
| 7 || '''Dirty Fighter''' || ''Your champion will use any trick they can think of to get the upper hand in a fight.'' || Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by your champion.
| 8 || '''Nimble''' || ''Your champion is so swift that foes find them hard to hit.'' || Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target your champion.
| 9 || '''Bad Moon Weapon''' || ''Your champion has a melee weapon crafted from a shard of loonstone, which glows with sickly yellow light.'' || Pick one of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as being made from a Bad Moon fragment. Add 1 to that weapon's Damage characteristic.
| 10 || '''Morkish Cunning''' || ''Your champion is very canny, and almost always comes up with a battleplan that will help defeat the foe.'' || If your champion is on the battlefield at the start of your hero phase, roll a dice. On a 4+, you receive 1 extra command point.
| 11 || '''Loonstruck''' || ''Your champion has spent too long under the light of the Bad Moon and is now constantly under its influence.'' || Your champion is always treated as being affected by the light of the Bad Moon.
| 12 || '''Savage Underhand Blow''' || ''Your champion has become practised at waiting for the perfect moment to deliver a brutal killing strike.'' || Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can say your champion is attempting a savage underhand blow instead of fighting in that combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 enemy model within 1" of your champion and roll a dice. On a 4 or 5, the target model's unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the target model is slain.
=Old - will be deleted as new stuff is added=
=Old - will be deleted as new stuff is added=
===Stormcast Eternals===
===Stormcast Eternals===
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* Slaughter Queen - 4 units
* Slaughter Queen - 4 units
* Hag Queen - 5 units
* Hag Queen - 5 units
* Megaboss on Maw-krusha - 5 units
* Megaboss - 7 units

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* Spirit Torment - 3 units (also comes with a 2-men Chaingasts unit as a freebie)
* Spirit Torment - 3 units (also comes with a 2-men Chaingasts unit as a freebie)
* Knight of Shrouds (with or without Ethereal Steed), Guardian of Souls or Lord Executioner - 4 units
* Knight of Shrouds (with or without Ethereal Steed), Guardian of Souls or Lord Executioner - 4 units
===Gloomspite Gitz===
* Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider, Dankhold Troggboss or Loonboss on Mangler Squigs - 2 units
* Zarbag - 3 units (technically 4, but Zarbag's Gitz istantly fills one of the slots)
* Loonboss, Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig, Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider, Webspinner Shaman, Madcap Shaman or Fungoid Cave-Shaman - 4 units

===Stormcast Eternals===
===Stormcast Eternals===
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*'''3-4.''' 1 Slaugher Queen
*'''3-4.''' 1 Slaugher Queen
*'''5-6.''' 1 Bloodwrack Medusa
*'''5-6.''' 1 Bloodwrack Medusa
*'''1-2.''' 5 Brutes
*'''3-4.''' 3 Gore-gruntas
*'''5-6.''' 10 Ardboys
*'''1-3.''' Warchanter
*'''4-6.''' Weirdnob Shaman

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*'''5-6.''' Tomb Banshee
*'''5-6.''' Tomb Banshee

===Gloomspite Gitz===
*'''1.''' 10 Sneaky Snufflers, 5 Boingrot Bounderz or 5 Spider Riders
*'''2-3.''' 15 Shootas, 5 Squig Hoppers or 5 Spider Riders
*'''4-6.''' 15 Stabbas, 10 Squigs+2 Herders or 5 Spider Riders
Fanatics can't take rewards.
*'''1-3.''' 5 Loonsmasha Fanatics
*'''4-6.''' 5 Sporesplatta Fanatics
Rolling on this table costs you either 2 rolls or a single roll plus a Glory Point.
*'''1-2.''' 1 Dankhold Troggoth
*'''3-4.''' 3 Fellwater Troggoths
*'''5-6.''' 3 Rockgut Troggoths
====Big Gitz====
Rolling on this table costs you either 2 rolls or a single roll plus a Glory Point.
*'''1-3.''' Mangler Squigs
*'''4-6.''' Aleguzzler Gargant
Rolling on this table costs you either 3 rolls or a single roll plus 2 Glory Points.
*'''1-2.''' Arachnarok Spider with Flinger
*'''3-4.''' Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty
*'''5-6.''' Skitterstrand Arachnarok
Don't roll. Pick 3 of the Gobbapalooza guys of your choice.
*'''1-2.''' Loonboss or Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
*'''3.''' Madcap Shaman or Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
*'''4.''' Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig or Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
*'''5.''' Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig or Webspinner Shaman
*'''6.''' Fungoid Cave-Shaman or Webspinner Shaman
==Champion Rewards==
===Stormcast Eternals===
===Stormcast Eternals===
*'''2.''' Next time your General dies in battle, you lose D3 GPs and he loses every reward he got (to represent that a new Lord-Celestant took his place)
*'''2.''' Next time your General dies in battle, you lose D3 GPs and he loses every reward he got (to represent that a new Lord-Celestant took his place)
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*'''11.''' General can re-roll failed Fanatical Faith rolls.
*'''11.''' General can re-roll failed Fanatical Faith rolls.
*'''12.''' While the general is alive, count the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what abilities the units in your warband receive from the Daughters of Khaine Blood Rites battle trait. Stacks with other, similar effects.
*'''12.''' While the general is alive, count the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what abilities the units in your warband receive from the Daughters of Khaine Blood Rites battle trait. Stacks with other, similar effects.
*'''2.''' When the General is killed, he stays on the field until next hero phase and only then he dies.
*'''3.''' General can reroll 1 to save.
*'''4.''' Once per battle, all your models get +1 to hit rolls for a turn.
*'''5.''' General gets +1 to wound rolls against models with less than 5 wounds.
*'''6.''' One of the General's melee weapons (not the mount ones) deals an extra wound.
*'''7.''' General gets an extra wound.
*'''8.''' General gets +1 to wound rolls in the turn he charged.
*'''9.''' General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 8" also get it in Battleshock phase.
*'''10.''' General can reroll when using his Waaagh! command ability.
*'''11.''' General gets +1 to hit and wound rolls against monsters.
*'''12.''' Once per battle, the General heals every wound he suffered and gets +1 to hit rolls, and enemies get -1 to their hit rolls when they attack him.

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*'''11.''' In each hero phase you can pick a unit within 8" from the General, roll 2D6 and if the result is higher than that unit's Bravery it suffers d3 mortal wounds.
*'''11.''' In each hero phase you can pick a unit within 8" from the General, roll 2D6 and if the result is higher than that unit's Bravery it suffers d3 mortal wounds.
*'''12.''' General heals a wound every time he damages an opponent.
*'''12.''' General heals a wound every time he damages an opponent.
===Gloomspite Gitz===
*'''2.''' You lose a Glory Point and the General gets a permanent -1 Wounds.
*'''3.''' One of the General's weapons gets -1 Rend.
*'''4.''' General gets +2" Movement and +4" to retreating.
*'''5.''' General gets +1 Wounds.
*'''6.''' Friendly units within 3" from the General can do a Look Out, Sir! on a 4+ when he is going to be wounded.
*'''7.''' General gets +1 to hit rolls.
*'''8.''' -1 to hit rolls against your General.
*'''9.''' One of the General's weapons gets +1 Damage.
*'''10.''' At the beginning of each Hero Phase you can get an extra command point on a 4+ roll as long as the General is alive.
*'''11.''' General is always under the effect of the Bad Moon.
*'''12.''' Once per battle, instead of doing the General's regular melee attacks, you can instead pick the closest model in the enemy unit he's fighting against and roll a dice. On a 4+ he suffers D3 mortal wounds, on a 6 it dies.

==Retinue Rewards==
==Retinue Rewards==
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*'''5.''' When determining what abilities this unit receives from the Blood Rites battle trait, it counts the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is. Stacks with other, similar effects.
*'''5.''' When determining what abilities this unit receives from the Blood Rites battle trait, it counts the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is. Stacks with other, similar effects.
*'''6.''' The unit can re-roll charge rolls.
*'''6.''' The unit can re-roll charge rolls.
*'''1.''' Unit leader gets 2 extra wounds.
*'''2.''' Once per battle, the unit can charge in hero phase. Deal D3 mortal wounds to the charged unit.
*'''3.''' The unit gets +1 to hit rolls as long as there is a Warchanter within 10" (if the Warchanter uses his own ability on the unit, this ability disappears as long as the Warchanter ability is applied)
*'''4.''' Unit can move D6" in hero phase (but can't do this and run in the same turn)
*'''5.''' Once per battle, the enemy unit in melee gets -1 to hit rolls.
*'''6.''' The unit rerolls a single hit/wound/save roll in each turn.

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*'''5.''' Unit rerolls every 1 to save.
*'''5.''' Unit rerolls every 1 to save.
*'''6.''' Unit gets -1 Rend to each weapon.
*'''6.''' Unit gets -1 Rend to each weapon.
===Gloomspite Gitz===
====Retinue, Gobbapalooza and Heroes====
*'''1.''' Once per battle, the unit can reroll save rolls for an entire turn.
*'''2.''' Once per battle, every model in the unit gets +1 attack to each melee weapon.
*'''3.''' The unit can start in the reserves and pop out at the end of your first movement phase.
*'''4.''' Every missile weapon in the unit gets +1" Range.
*'''5.''' At the beginning of the game pick an enemy warscroll. The unit gets +1 to hit against all the units using that warscroll.
*'''6.''' Once per turn, the unit can reroll a single hit, wound or save roll.
====Troggoth, Arachnarok and Big Gitz====
*'''1.''' The unit can reroll wound rolls in the turn it charged.
*'''2.''' The unit gets +1 to hit in melee.
*'''3.''' Unit gets +1 Wounds.
*'''4.''' Enemy units within 3" from the unit get -1 Bravery.
*'''5.''' Every unmodified 6 to hit made by the unit becomes 2 hits.
*'''6.''' Once per turn, the unit can reroll a single hit, wound or save roll.
[[Category:Age of Sigmar/Tactics]]
[[Category:Age of Sigmar/Tactics]]
[[Category:Age of Sigmar]]
[[Category:Age of Sigmar]]

Revision as of 21:46, 25 October 2019

This is the page for Age of Sigmar's narrative campaign called Path to Glory.

What is Path to Glory?

First born with the original Warhammer Daemons books (Slaves to Darkness and The Lost and The Damned), Path to Glory is a campaign system that makes players start with a relatively small force of a single hero and a few units, which game after game gets stronger by either adding new units or giving additional abilities to the ones that are already there. After a player gets enough victories and/or expands their warband enough, they will just need one more victory to triumph over everyone else.

Originally created to be played only with Chaos armies, the Age of Sigmar edition allows almost any army to participate.

As of AoS 2.0, each battletome includes information on what champions and followers you are allowed to bring.

Why should I play this?

Because it's the best way to develop an army of Your Dudes with friends.

How to play

  1. Find at least one other person who wants to do it.
  2. Use the stuff below to generate your army.
  3. Give names to units and heroes for maximum Your Dudes.
  4. If you already own every model you need for your warband, good for you. Otherwise, you have to spend some cash.
  5. Play with your friends.

The campaign is build around Glory Points, which you receive after each battle. A loss or draw gives you 1 GP, a minor victory gives D3, and a major victory also gives D3 but lets you re-roll a 1.

After each battle you also roll a D3 to get a bonus: on a 1 you get a new unit in your army, on a 2 you can roll for a champion reward and on a 3 you get a roll for a retinue reward.

By default, when a player gets 10 Glory Points (victory by Blood), or when their army has 5 more units than the starting force (victory by Might), they just need to win one more game to become the campaign winner.


First, you have to choose a faction and a Champion for your army. If you choose a Chaos army, you have to choose which god you want to follow. The kind of General you choose also determines how many units are in your retinue at the beginning of the campaign (bigger the General is, fewer units you get).


These are the other units of your warband. You can choose them manually or roll a D6 to get random stuff. Note that some tables are split based on your army's allegience, so choose that before rolling. You can start with a number of followers based on your champion. Some followers require extra 'rolls' or GP to add to your army. For example, a unit of 1 Plagueclaw requires 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 GP. So if you wish to start with one, it would use 2 of your starting unit 'slots' and if you want to add it later you will have to spend GP.

Champion Rewards

These are unique rewards for your champion that you can gain instead of followers. One starting unit can instead be used to get a Champion Reward, but the champion cannot start with more than one of them. There are 11 possible rewards, but do note that not all 'rewards' are positive. Rolling 2 on 2d6 is a bad thing. To generate one, you roll 2d6 and gain the reward listed in the table. If you roll a reward your champion already has, re-roll until you get a different result.

Follower Rewards

These are unique rewards for your followers that you can gain during the campaign. One starting unit can instead be used to get a Follower Reward, but each unit of followers cannot start with more than one reward. All of these are positive, since there are only 6 of them. To generate one, you pick a unit then roll a d6, comparing it to the table. If you roll a reward that unit already has, re-roll until you get a different result.

Chaos Warband Tables

Beasts of Chaos

Found in the Battletome (September 2018).


Champion Followers
Tzaangor Shaman 3 units
Dragon Ogor Shaggoth 3 units
Doombull 4 units
Great Bay-Shaman 5 units
Beastlord 5 units

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Brayherds Monstrous Beastherds
1 20 Ungors 1 Razorgor
2 5 Centigors 10 Chaos Warhounds
3 10 Ungor Raiders 10 Chaos Warhounds
4 10 Gors 2 Chaos Spawn
5 10 Gors 1 Cockatrice
6 1 Tuskgor Chariot 1 Jabberslythe

Hero Followers

D6 Follower
1-3 1 Beastlord
4-6 1 Great Bray-Shaman

Elite Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance and requires 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Brayherds Warherds Monstrous Beastherds
1-2 20 Gors 3 Bullgors 3 Dragon Ogors
3 10 Bestigors 3 Bullgors 3 Dragon Ogors
4 10 Tzaangors 3 Bullgors 3 Dragon Ogors
5 3 Tzaangor Enlightened 1 Cygor 1 Chaos Gargant
6 3 Tzaangor Skyfires 1 Ghorgon 1 Chimera

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
1 Favoured of the Dark Gods These warriors have caught the interest of the Ruinous Powers. Once per battle, in any phase, you can re-roll failed save rolls for attacks that target this unit until the end of that phase.
2 Hungry for Battle These warriors thirst for slaughter. Add 2 to this unit's Move characteristic.
3 Renders of Flesh These warriors have a dark reputation for butchery and violence. Once per battle, in the combat phase, you can re-roll failed hit rolls for attacks made by this unit until the end of that phase.
4 Bestial Resilience The endurance of these beasts is legendary. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target this unit.
5 Enraged These warriors rampage across the battlefield. When you make a charge move with this unit, add 2 to the charge roll.
6 Rip, Gore, Tear Feared by their foes, these warriors unleash savage fury upon the battlefield. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can declare this unit will rip, gore and tear its foes apart. If you do so, until the end of the phase, each unmodified hit roll of 6 for attacks made by this unit inflicts 2 hits on that target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for each hit.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
2 Shamed and Beaten Your champion has been grievously wounded during a challenge to their position as alphabeast. You lose 1 Glory Point. In addition, subtract 1 from your champion's Wounds characteristic for the remainder of the campaign.
3 Ghastly Mutation Your champion has been cursed with a transmutative flux. Though it sometimes results in debilitating spasms, its mutations make the warrior a formidable foe. Roll a dice at the start of your hero phase. On a 1, your champion cannot move, attack, cast spells or use any abilities until your next hero phase. On a 4+ you can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by your champion until your next hero phase.
4 Battle Roar The savage bellows issued from your champion dispel all fear from those beasts that follow him. Add 2 to the Bravery characteristic of friendly units in the battleshock phase while they are wholly within 12" of your champion.
5 Frothing Hatred Your champion bears scars from, and a grudge against, a particular enemy. Note down the name of the warband you fought the last battle against. Add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made by your champion that target units from that warband for the rest of the campaign.
6 Gorge on Flesh The flesh of their enemies fills your champion with strength as they devour the warm carcasses At the end of the combat phase, if any attacks made by your champion that phase resulted in an enemy model being slain, you can heal 1 wound allocated to your champion.
7 Dark Despoiler This champion seeks to prove themselves superior to the most renowned of enemy warriors. You can re-roll failed hit rolls for attacks made by your champion that target an enemy HERO.
8 Goaded Fury Your champion's hatred for the enemy prevents them from giving any quarter. Once per battle, at the end of the combat phase, you can pick your champion to pile in and attack with its melee weapons again.
9 Baneful Weapon Pulsing with sickly green light, your champion's blade has been afflicted with a strange, malevolent malady. Pick one of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as being diseased. Add 1 to that weapon's Damage characteristic.
10 Rampager The wild destruction wrought by your champion inspires fear in the enemy. Add 1 to the Glory Points you earn when you win a battle.
11 Heedless of Injury Attacks that would kill a lesser warrior are shrugged off by your champion. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to your champion. On a 5+ the wound is negated.
12 Savage Blow Your champion has become practised at waiting for the perfect moment to deliver a brutal killing strike. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can say your champion is attempting a savage blow instead of attacking normally. If you do so, pick an enemy model within 1" of your champion and roll a dice. On a 4 or 5, the target model suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the target model is slain.

Blades of Khorne

Found in the Battletome (March 2019).


Blades have two types of Champions, based on allegiance.

Bloodbound Champion Followers
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut 5 units
Mighty Lord of Khorne 5 units
Exalted Deathbringer 5 units
Daemons Champion Followers
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 3 units
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury 3 units
Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster 3 units
Herald of Khorne on Blood Thorne 5 units
Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne 5 units
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khrone 5 units

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Bloodbound Daemons
1 1 Khorgorath 10 Bloodletters
2 20 Bloodreavers 10 Bloodletters
3 5 Skullreapers 5 Flesh Hounds
4 3 Mighty Skullcrushers 5 Flesh Hounds
5 5 Wrathmongers 3 Bloodcrushers
6 10 Blood Warriors 1 Skull Cannon

Hero Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Bloodbound Daemons
1 1 Bloodstoker 1 Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
2 1 Skullgrinder 1 Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
3 1 Aspiring Deathbringer 1 Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
4 1 Exalted Deathbringer 1 Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne
5 1 Slaughterpriest 1 Skullmaster, Herald of Khrone
6 1 Bloodsecrator 1 Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
1 Sworn Disciples Filled with bloody fervour, these fighters drive their blades deep. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, this unit can prove its devotion to your champion. If it does so, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of the phase.
2 Eager for Battle Like starved dogs this warband leap in for the kill. You can re-roll charge rolls for this unit.
3 Surging Ferocity Bloodlust quickens these fighters' advance. Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, this unit can make a normal move.
4 Battle Fury When their rage reaches its peak, these warriors are all but unstoppable. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, add 1 to hit rolls made for attacks by this unit until the end of the phase.
5 Too Angry to Die Flesh wounds serve only to stoke these fighters' ire. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this unit. On a 6 that wound or mortal wound is negated.
6 Twice-blessed Followers Khorne smiles upon his worthiest skull-takers. Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll any duplicates or further rolls of 6.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
2 What the Gods Give... This champion has offended mighty Khorne, and is punished accordingly. You lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0). In addition, remove all Champion Rewards this champion has previously gained from your warband roster.
3 Insane Fury Blinded by rage, this champion risks everything for bloodshed. At the start of your hero phase, roll a dice. On a 1, this champion cannot move, attack, or use any abilities until your next hero phase. On a 4+ you can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by this champion until the start of your next hero phase.
4 Molten Blood Jets of fiery blood leap vengefully from this champion's wounds. Roll a dice each time a wound inflicted by a melee weapon is allocated to this champion and not negated. On a 6 the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
5 Mighty Blow The preternatural bite of this blade can sunder even the toughest armour. Pick 1 of this champion's melee weapons. Improve the Rend characteristic of that weapon by 1.
6 Patronage of Khorne (Lesser Reward) Every boon of the Blood God is a prize worth killing for. Generate a Lesser Reward of Khorne for this champion (see below).
7 Patronage of Khorne (Greater Reward) Khorne asks for blood, and those who deliver it are richly rewarded. Generate a Greater Reward of Khorne for this champion (see below).
8 Patronage of Khorne (Exalted Reward) This champion is a true exemplar of their master's murderous creed. Generate an Exalted Reward of Khorne for this champion (see below).
9 Blademaster Few can match this champion's skill at arms. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target this champion.
10 Daemonic Armour Grotesque faces leer from this champion's armour, mocking their foe's failed attacks. You can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this champion.
11 Ferocious Resolve With grim determination, this champion fights on where lesser fighters would fall. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this champion. On a 6 that wound or mortal wound is negated.
12 Twice-blessed Champion This champion is a born killer, made mightier still by Khorne's gifts. Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll any duplicates, rolls of 2 or further rolls of 12.

Patronage of Khorne

If you roll a Patronage of Khorne result on the champion rewards table, generate a reward from the appropriate column below.

D3 Lesser Reward Greater Reward Exalted Reward
1 Collar of Khorne: Spells gutter like weak candles when these brazen artefacts are near. This champion can attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase as if it were a WIZARD. Whirlwind of Death: This champion fights with such frenzied aggression that a killing blow can land at any moment. If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with one of this champion's melee weapons is 6, double the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. Wrathful Aura: The unholy rage emanating from this champion overrides all sense of self-preservation. Do not take battleshock tests for friendly units while they are wholly within 12" of this champion.
2 Killer Instinct: Few of this warrior's ferocious blows miss their mark. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this champion. Berserk Charge: The fires of wrath rage most fiercely when combat first begins. You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by this champion if they have made a charge move in the same turn. Gift of Immortal Strength: The crushing power of this champion's attacks is terrifying to behold. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of this champion's melee weapons.
3 Murderous Skill: Bones splinter beneath the force of this champion's strikes. You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by this champion. Fuelled by Blood: Bathed in gore, this champion bellows with newfound strength. At the end of the combat phase, if any enemy models were slain by this champion's attacks in that combat phase, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to this champion. Boon of Blood: Khorne furthers the killing sprees of those he deems worthy. Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you receive 1 Blood Tithe point.

Disciples of Tzeentch

Found in the Path to Glory book (July 2017) which supercedes their battletome.


Champion Followers
Lord of Change 2 units
Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot 3 units
Ogroid Thaumaturge 3 units
Fatemaster 4 units
Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch 4 units
Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars 4 units
Herald of Tzeentch 4 units
Herald of Tzeentch on Disc 4 units
Magister 4 units
Tzaangor Shaman 4 units

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Arcanite Followers Daemon Followers
1 10 Kairic Acolytes 20 Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch
2 10 Kairic Acolytes 20 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch
3-4 10 Kairic Acolytes 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
5 5 Tzaangors 3 Screamers of Tzeentch
6 5 Tzaangors 1 Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch

Hero Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Arcanite Followers Daemon Followers
1 1 Tzaangor Shaman 1 Herald of Tzeentch
2 1 Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch 1 Herald of Tzeentch
3 1 Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars 1 Herald of Tzeentch
4 1 Magister 1 Herald of Tzeentch on Disc
5 1 Fatemaster 1 Herald of Tzeentch on Disc
6 1 Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch 1 Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot

Elite Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance and requires 2 rolls, or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Arcanite Followers Daemon Followers
1-2 10 Tzaangors 3 Flamers of Tzeentch
3-4 3 Tzaangor Enlightened 3 Flamers of Tzeentch
5-6 3 Tzaangor Skyfires 1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Rules
1 Sworn Disciples Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can declare that this unit will prove their devotion to your champion. You can re-roll any failed wound rolls for the unit for the rest of the turn.
2 Acolytes of Darkness Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can enact a dark ritual which shrouds them in shadow. The unit receives the benefit of being in cover until the start of your next turn.
3 Apostles of the Secret Fire Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can conjure forth a nova of searing warpflame. Roll a dice for each enemy model that is within 9" of this unit; on a roll of 6, the unit of the model being rolled for suffers 1 mortal wound.
4 Adepts of the Hidden Path Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can step through a tear in reality. Remove it from the battlefield and then set it up again anywhere more than 6" from enemy models. This counts as its move in the following movement phase.
5 Devotees of the Dark Rite Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can roll a dice for each model in the unit that has been slain. On a result of 5 or 6, return the model to the unit.
6 Twice-blessed Followers Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll any duplicates or further rolls of 6.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Rules
2 What the Gods Give... Your champion has offended Tzeentch and is punished accordingly. Lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0), and remove your champion and all rewards they have gained from this table from your warband roster. If your warband has another HERO, that model now takes charge and becomes your new champion (if you do not have any HEROES, immediately generate one from the hero followers table to become your new champion). Write down your new champion's name on your warband roster ready for the next battle. Of course, if your former champion was a MORTAL or ARCANITE, they may still have their uses - you may immediately add a Chaos Spawn to your warband as a follower.
3 Unstable Mutation Roll a dice for your champion in each of your hero phases. On a roll of 1, they suffer a mutating spasm and fall writhing to the ground. They cannot move, attack, cast spells or use any abilities until your next hero phase. On a roll of 4 or more, they are filled with the power of Chaos. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your champion until your next hero phase.
4 Acidic Blood Roll a dice after any wounds are inflicted upon your champion. On a roll of 2 or more, one enemy model within 1" of your champion suffers 1 mortal wound. If several enemy models are within range, randomly determine which one suffers the mortal wound.
5 Ensorcelled Weapon Pick one weapon used by your champion (it cannot be a weapon used by a mount if they have one). The Rend characteristic of that weapon is improved by 1 (for example, a Rend characteristic of -1 becomes -2 instead).
6 Trickster Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls directed at your champion in the shooting phase.
7 Patronage of Tzeentch (Lesser Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the lesser rewards of Tzeentch table below.
8 Patronage of Tzeentch (Greater Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the greater rewards of Tzeentch table below.
9 Patronage of Tzeentch (Exalted Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the exalted rewards of Tzeentch table below.
10 Daemonic Armour You can re-roll failed save rolls for your champion.
11 Gift of Foresight Roll a dice each time your champion suffers an unsaved wound or mortal wound; on a roll of 6, the wound is ignored.
12 Twice-blessed Champion Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll any duplicates, rolls of 2 and further rolls of 12.

Patronage of Tzeench

If you roll a Patronage of Tzeentch result on the champion rewards table, generate a reward from the appropriate column below.

D3 Lesser Reward Greater Reward Exalted Reward
1 Moment of Destiny: After set-up, but before rolling to see which player has the first turn in the first battle round, roll one dice and place it to one side. You can expend this dice at any point during the battle as if it were a Destiny Dice (see Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch). However, this Destiny Dice can only be used to fix one of your champion's rolls. Arcane Knowledge: Add 1 to any casting and unbinding rolls you make for your champion. If your champion is not a WIZARD, treat this result as Magebane (below) instead. Fate-cheater: Roll a dice after your first failed save roll for your champion, or when they suffer their first mortal wound; on a roll of 2 or more the wound is ignored.
2 Prescience: You can re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 for your champion Magebane: You can re-roll all failed hit rolls for attacks made by your champion that target enemy WIZARDS. Wreathed in Warpfire: Add 1 to the Damage characteristics of all of your champion's melee weapons.
3 Arcane Vessel: Your champion immediately heals 1 wound each time they, or a friendly model within 3" of them, successfully cast a spell (whether it is unbound or not). In addition, your champion heals 1 wound if they are affected by any spell (whether cast by friend or foe). The wound is healed after any effects of the spell have been resolved. Warpcraft: In your hero phase, you can remove your champion from the battlefield and then set them up again anywhere more than 6" from enemy models. This counts as their move in the following movement phase. Secrets of Sorcery: Your champion can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in each of your hero phases, and attempt to unbind 1 extra spell in each enemy hero phase. If your champion is not a WIZARD, they become a WIZARD instead! They can attempt to cast 1 spell in each of your own hero phases, and attempt to unbind 1 spell in each enemy hero phase. They know the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells.

Hedonites of Slaneesh

Found in the Battletome (May 2019).


Champion Followers
Keeper of Secrets 1 unit
Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot 3 units
The Contorted Epitome 3 units
Lord of Chaos with Mark of SLAANESH 4 units
Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh 4 units
Bladebringer, Herald on Hellflayer or Bladebringer, Herald on Seeker Chariot 4 units
Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh 4 units
Lord of Chaos on Daemonic Mount with Mark of SLAANESH 4 units

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Mortal Followers Daemon Followers
1-3 5 Hellstriders with Claw-spears 10 Daemonettes
4 5 Hellstriders with Hellscourges 5 Seekers
4 5 Hellstriders with Hellscourges 1 Seeker Chariot
4 5 Hellstriders with Hellscourges 1 Hellflayer

Hero Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Mortal Followers Daemon Followers
1-4 1 Chaos Lord of Slaanesh 1 Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh
5-6 1 Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount 1 Bladebringer, Herald on Hellflayer or 1 Bladebringer, Herald on Seeker Chariot

Elite Retinue Followers

Requires 2 rolls, or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Follower
1-4 3 Fiends
5-6 1 Exalted Chariot

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
1 Sworn Disciples These loyal retainers will follow their leader to death and beyond. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this unit while it is wholly within 12" of your champion.
2 Rapturous Oblivion The fierce joy of battle has so overwhelmed these warriors that they have forgotten the meaning of fear. Do not take battleshock tests for this unit.
3 Unnatural Swiftness Heightened senses allow these warriors to strike before all but the fastest opponent. Once per battle, in the combat phase, this unit can fight at the start of the combat phase, before the players pick any other units to fight with in that combat phase.
4 Violent Excess Bloodshed causes these hedonists to commit acts of heinous violence. If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by this unit is 6, add 1 to the damage inflicted by the attack.
5 Fuelled by Pain A wound that would fell another creature only drives these warriors to fight all the harder. You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks that target this unit.
6 Twice-blessed Followers These hedonists have the favour of Slaanesh Roll twice on this table and apply both results to this unit. Re-roll any duplicates or further rolls of 6.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
2 What the Gods Give... This champion has offended the Dark Prince and is punished accordingly. You lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0). In addition, remove all Champion Rewards this champion has previously gained from your warband roster.
3 Self-obsessed This champion is justifiably proud of their own incredible prowess. In your hero phase, roll a dice for this champion. On a 1, you lose D3 command points (to a minimum of 0). On a 2-5, you receive 1 command point. On a 6, you receive D3 command points.
4 Lightning Riposte This champion replies to an attack with a lightning fast counter-attack. If the unmodified save roll for an attack that targets this champion is 6, the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved.
5 Ensorcelled Weapon Slaanesh gifts this champion with a magical weapon. Pick 1 of this champion's melee weapons when you receive this reward. Improve the Rend characteristic of that weapon by 1.
6 Aura of Acquiescence Few can resist the charms of this refined warrior. You can re-roll the dice roll that determines if an enemy HERO within 3" of the bearer is affected by the Locus of Diversion battle trait.
7 Graceful Feint The champion side-steps round an opponent, leaving them flat-footed and confused. This champion can retreat and still charge later in the same turn.
8 Cruel Tormentor This champion glories in making their rivals writhe and flinch in pain. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by this champion that target a HERO.
9 Exalted Champion of Slaanesh This champion's exploits have earned them high status among Slaanesh's champions. In your hero phase, roll a dice for this champion. On a 1, you lose D3 depravity points (to a minimum of 0). On a 2-5, you receive 1 depravity point. On a 6, you receieve D3 depravity points.
10 Insensate to Pain This champion relishes pain, and even a terrible wound will not slow them. You can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this champion.
11 Daemonic Armour This champion's armour is infused with the protective energies stolen from a daemon of Slaanesh. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this champion. On a 5+, that wound or mortal wound is negated.
12 Twice-blessed Champion This champion has pleased the Dark Prince and is rewarded accordingly. Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll and duplicates, rolls of 2 and further rolls of 12.

Maggotkin of Nurgle

Found in the Battletome (January 2018).


Champion Followers
Great Unclean One 2 units
Harbinger of Decay 4 units
Lord of Afflictions 3 units
Lord of Blights/Lord of Plagues 4 units
Sorcerer 4 units
Herald of Nurgle (any type) 4 units

Retinue Followers

D6 Followers
1 3 Nurgling bases
2-5 10 Plaguebearers
6 1 Beast of Nurgle

Hero Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Rotbringers Daemons
1-2 1 Sorcerer 1 Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle
3 1 Harbinger of Decay 1 Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle
4 1 Lord of Blights 1 Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle
5 1 Lord of Plagues 1 Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle
6 1 Lord of Afflictions 1 Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle

Elite Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance and requires 2 rolls, or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Rotbringers Daemons
1-4 5 Putrid Blightkings 3 Plague Drones
5-6 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords 3 Plague Drones

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Rules
1 Driven by Devotion Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can declare that this unit will prove their devotion to your champion. You can re-roll failed hit rolls for the unit for the rest of the turn.
2 Unnatural Regeneration In each of your hero phases, you cna heal one wound that has been allocated to a model in this unit.
3 Boon of Virulence Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can bestow Nurgle's foetid blessings upon this unit's weapons. You can re-roll any failed wound rolls for the unit in the combat phase of that turn.
4 Revolting Resilience Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can choose for this unit to ignore all but the most grievous of injuries. Improve this unit's Save characteristic by 1 until the start of your next turn.
5 Gift of Life Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can roll a dice for each model in this unit that has been slain. On a result of 5 or 6, return the model to the unit.
6 Twice-blessed Followers Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll duplicates and further rolls of 6.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Rules
2 What the Gods Give... You champion has offended their patron and is punished by being condemned to spawndom. Lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0), and remove your champion and all rewards they have gained from this table from your warband roster. If your warband has another HERO, that model now takes charge and becomes your new champion (if you do not have any HEROES, immediately generate one from the hero followers table to become your new champion). Write down your new champion's name on your warband roster ready for the next battle. Of course, your former champion may still have their uses - if your champion was a MORTAL you may immediately add a Chaos Spawn to your warband as a follower.
3 Cycle of Life Roll a dice for your champion in each of your hero phases. On a 1 the champion immediately suffers 1 mortal wound. On a 4+ you can heal D3 wounds that have been allocated to the champion.
4 Poisonous Blood Roll a dice after any wounds are inflicted on your champion. On a 2+ one enemy unit within 1" of your champion suffers 1 mortal wound. If several enemy units are within range, randomly determine which one suffers the mortal wound.
5 Ensorcelled Weapon Pick one of your champion's weapons (it cannot be a weapon used by a mount if they have one). The Rend characteristic of the weapon is improved by 1 (for example, Rend -1 becomes Rend -2).
6 Oppressive Stench Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target your champion in the combat phase.
7 Patronage of Nurgle (Lesser Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the lesser reward of Nurgle table below.
8 Patronage of Nurgle (Greater Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the greater reward of Nurgle table below.
9 Patronage of Nurgle (Exalted Reward) Your champion gains a reward generated from the exalted reward of Nurgle table below.
10 Daemonic Armour You can re-roll failed save rolls for your champion.
11 Blubbery Resilience Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to your champion. On a 6+ the wound is negated.
12 Twice-blessed Champion Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll duplicates and further rolls of 2 or 12.

Patronage of Nurgle

If you roll a Patronage of Nurgle result on the champion rewards table, generate a reward from the appropriate column that matches the extent of Nurgle's Favour.

D3 Lesser Reward Greater Reward Exalted Reward
1 Putrid Vomit: Once per game, in your shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 3" of your champion. Roll a dice for each model in the unit you picked that is within 3" of your champion. For each roll of 5 or 6 the unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Reaping Strikes: Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for your champion in the combat phase, they can immediately make one additional attack with the same weapon. Any bonus attacks made in this manner can themselves generate additional attacks. Infectious Joviality: Your units do not need to take battleshock tests if they are within 7" of your champion.
2 Repellent Smell: Subtract 2 from any charge rolls made for units attempting to charge your champion. Bulky Onslaught: You can re-roll failed wound rolls for your champion in a turn in which they charged. Fly Swarm: Once per battle, at the start of a combat phase, pick any enemy unit within 7" of your champion. Subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for models in that unit until the end of the phase.
3 Inimical Touch: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for your champion. Baleful Virulence: Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of one of your champion's melee weapons. Boon of Regeneration: Once per battle, in your hero phase, your champion can call upon Nurgle's favour. You can heal D3 wounds that have been allocated to your champion.


Found in the Battletome (February 2019).


Champion Followers
Verminlord (any type) 2 units
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell 3 units
Plague Priest on Plague Furnace 3 units
Arch-Warlock 4 units
Clawlord 4 units
Deathmaster 4 units
Grey Seer 4 units
Master Moulder 4 units
Plague Priest 4 units
Warlock Bombardier 4 units
Warlock Engineer 4 units

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Clans Eshin Clans Moulder Clans Pestilens Clans Skryre Clans Verminus
1-3 10 Night Runners 20 Giant Rats or 4 Rat Swarms 15 Plague Monks 10 Skryre Acolytes 20 Clanrats
4-6 10 Gutter Runners 3 Pack Master or 2 Rat Ogors 10 Plague Censer Bearers 2 Warplock Jezzails 10 Stormvermin

Hero Followers

D6 Follower
1 1 Clawlord
2 1 Deathmaster
3 1 Grey Seer
4 1 Master Moulder
5 1 Plague Priest
6 1 Warlock Bombardier

Skryre Weapons Followers

D6 Follower
1 1 Doom-Flayer
2 1 Doomwheel
3-4 1 Ratling Gun
5 1 Warpfire Thrower
6 1 Warp-Grinder

Special Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance and requires 2 rolls, or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Clans Moulder Clans Pestilens Clans Skryre
1-3 1 Hell Pit Abomination 1 Plagueclaw 1 Warp Lightning Cannon
4-6 1 Hell Pit Abomination 1 Plagueclaw 2 Stormfiends

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
1 Children of the Horned Rat Skaven often call upon the Horned Rat to save their lives - sometimes he even listens. Once per battle, at the start of any phase, you can declare that this unit is calling on the Horned Rat for protection. If you do so, you can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this unit until the end of that phase.
2 Seething Horde These followers are almost countless in number. In your hero phase, you can return 1 slain model to this unit. If this unit has a Wounds characteristic of 1, you can return D3 slain models instead of 1. Set up the returning models one at a time within 1" of a model from this unit (this can be a model you returned to the unit earlier in the same phase). Returning models can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if one or more models from this unit are already within 3" of that enemy unit.
3 Hidden Menace These warriors hide in the cracks in reality, springing forth to ambush their foes. Instead of setting up this unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is hidden as a reserve unit. If you do so, at the end of your first movement phase, you must set up this unit on the battlefield more than 9" from any enemy units.
4 Warpstone Fallout These crazed followers of the Horned Rat have consumed prodigious amounts of warpstone. In your hero phase, you can roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of this unit. On a 6 that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
5 Savage Retreat These warriors are at their most dangerous when they flee for their lives. If this unit fails a battleshock test, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this unit and roll a dice. On a 4+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound for each model from this unit that flees.
6 Scrabbling Tide This clawpack pours towards the foe, clambering over their comrades in order to attack. All of this unit's melee weapons are treated as having a range of 3".

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
2 Punished for Incompetence The Horned Rat does not suffer fools or ineffectual underlings gladly. You lose 1 Glory Point. In addition, your champion cannot gain any further rewards for the rest of the campaign.
3 Scabrous This mangy creature is so scrofulous and diseased that few dare approach too closely. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target your champion.
4 Flurry of Blows When cornered, this crazed follower of the Horned Rat attacks with redoubled fury. Once per battle, when your champion attacks, you can say that your champion is making a flurry of blows. If you do so, double the Attacks characteristic of any melee weapons used by your champion until the end of the phase.
5 Malevolent Spite and hatred drive this warlord to ever greater heights of violence. You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by your champion.
6 Verminous Valour This vicious rat inspires their followers to commit terrible acts of self-sacrifice. Before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to your champion, you can roll a dice. Subtract 1 from the roll if your champion is a MONSTER or WAR MACHINE. On a 4+, instead of allocating the wound or mortal wound to your champion, you can allocate it to a unit from the same warband within 3" of your champion.
7 Survivor One way or another, this resourceful champion always finds a way to get out of danger. You can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target your champion.
8 Savage Overlord This warlord punishes their minions' trangsgressions with savage brutality. Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of units from your warband while they are wholly within 18" of your champion.
9 Warpstone Weapon Weapons crafted from warpstone are prized for their extreme lethality. Pick 1 of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as being made of warpstone. Add 1 to that weapon's Damage characteristic.
10 Nefarious This cunning schemer is able to turn even a minor victory into a masterful example of their own prowess. Add 1 to the Glory Points you earn if you win a battle and your champion was in your warband.
11 Protection of the Horned Rat An eerie sense of watchfulness surrounds this champion, and an unholy aura of warding protects him from harm. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this champion. On a 5+ that wound or mortal wound is negated.
12 Rewarded for Excellence The Horned Rat sends forth one of his minions to aid the champion in a vital battle. Once during the campaign, you can include 1 VERMINLORD in your warband, in addition to any other models you can take.

Slaves to Darkness

Found in the Path to Glory book (July 2017).


Your Champion must worship one of the Chaos Gods - KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, or SLAANESH. Write this down on your warband roster.

Champion Followers
Chaos Lord on Manticore 2 units
Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore 3 units
Daemon Prince 3 units
Chaos Sorcerer Lord 3 units
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount 4 units
Lord of Chaos 4 units

Retinue Followers

D6 Followers
1 2 Chaos Spawn
2 20 Chaos Marauders
3 5 Chaos Marauder Horsemen
4 5 Chaos Warriors
5 1 Chaos Chariot
6 1 Chaos Gorebeast Chariot

Hero Followers

D6 Follower
1-2 1 Exalted Hero of Chaos
3-4 1 Darkoath Chieftain
5 1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord
6 1 Lord of Chaos

Elite Retinue Followers

Requires 2 rolls, or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Follower
1 10 Chaos Warriors
2 1 Chaos Warshrine
3-4 5 Chaos Chosen
5-6 5 Chaos Knights

Everchosen Retinue Followers

Requires 3 rolls, or 1 roll and 2 Glory Point.

D6 Followers
1-6 3 Varanguard

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Rules
1 Sworn Disciples Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can declare that this unit will prove their devotion to your champion. You can re-roll any failed wound rolls for the unit for the rest of the turn.
2 Acolytes of Darkness Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can enact a dark ritual which shrouds them in shadow. The unit receives the benefits of being in cover until the start of your next turn.
3 Avatars of Fury Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can attack as if it were the shooting or combat phase. This does not stop it from attacking again later in the same turn.
4 Adepts of the Hidden Path Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can step through a tear in reality. Remove it from the battlefield and then set it up again anywhere more than 6" from any enemy models. This counts as its move for the following movement phase.
5 Devotees of the Dark Rite Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can roll a dice for each model in the unit that has been slain. On a result of a 5 or 6, return the model to the unit.
6 Twice-blessed Followers Roll twice on this table and apply both results. Re-roll any duplicates or further rolls of 6.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Rules
2 What the Gods Give... Your champion has offended their patron and is punished by being condemned to spawndom. Lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0), and remove your champion and all rewards they have gained from this table from your warband roster. If your warband has another HERO, that model now takes charge and becomes your new champion (if you do not have any HEROES, immediately generate one from the hero followers table to become your new champion). Write down your new champion's name on your warband roster ready for the next battle. Of course, your former champion may still have their uses - if your champion was MORTAL you may immediately add a Chaos Spawn to your warband as a follower.
3 Uncontrollable Mutation Roll a dice for your champion in each of your hero phases. On a roll of 1, they suffer a mutating spasm and fall writhing to the ground. They cannot move, attack, cast spells or use any abilities until your next hero phase. On a roll of 4 or more, they are filled with the power of Chaos. You can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your champion until your next hero phase.
4 Hellfire Blood Roll a dice after any wounds are inflicted upon your champion. On a roll of 2 or more, one enemy model within 1" of your champion suffers 1 mortal wound. If several enemy models are within range, randomly determine which one suffers the mortal wound.
5 Soulscream Subtract 1 from the Bravery of enemy units within 3" of your champion in the battleshock phase.
6 Dark Patronage (Lesser Reward) Your champion gains the Lesser Reward from the appropriate dark patronage table below.
7 Dark Patronage (Greater Reward) Your champion gains the Greater Reward from the appropriate dark patronage table below. If your champion already has that reward, count this as a result of 6 (Lesser Reward) instead.
8 Dark Patronage (Exalted Reward) Your champion gains the Exalted Reward from the appropriate dark patronage table below. If your champion already has that reward, count this as a result of 7 (Greater Reward) instead.
9 Voice of the Gods Add 1 to the Bravery of your champion. In addition, add 1 to the Bravery of any units from your warband that are within 8" of your champion in the battleshock phase.
10 Daemonic Armour You can re-roll failed save rolls for your champion.
11 Ascendancy Roll a dice before a wound or mortal wound is inflicted upon your champion. On a roll of 6, the wound is negated and is not applied to your champion.
12 Daemonhood Awaits Your champion undergoes a dark apotheosis, having been judged worthy of daemonhood. If your champion is MORTAL it is replaced on your warband roster with a Daemon Prince but retains any rewards they have gained from this table. If your champion is not MORTAL or you do not have a Daemon Prince model or your champion is already a Daemon Prince, re-roll this result.

Dark Patronage

If you roll a Dark Patronage result on the Chaos champion rewards table, look up the appropriate reward on the table below that matches your patron.

Patron Lesser Greater Exalted
Khorne Brazen Will: Your champion can attempt to unbind one extra spell in each enemy hero phase. Add 1 to the result of that unbinding roll if they do so. Red Rampage: Add 1 to all hit rolls for your champion if they are within 3" of more enemy models than friendly models when the attacks are made. Slaughterer's Rage: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of any melee weapons used by your champion.
Nurgle Fleshy Folds: Roll a dice for your champion in each of their hero phases. On a roll of 5 or 6, they heal 1 wound. Corpulent Mass: Add 1 to your champion's Wounds characteristic. Cloud of Flies: Subtract 1 from the hit rolls of enemy models that are within 7" of your champion.
Slaanesh Sensory Abundance: You can re-roll one failed hit roll for your champion in each shooting phase and combat phase. Unnatural Swiftness: Add 3" to all run and charge rolls for your champion. In addition, they can be selected to pile in when they are within 6" of an enemy unit, instead of 3", and pile in up to 6". Bedazzling Assault: At the start of the combat phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 6" of your champion. On a roll of 4 or more, add 1 to any hit rolls made for any attacks against that unit in the combat phase.
Tzeentch Spelleater: Your champion can attempt to unbind one extra spell in each enemy hero phase. They can attempt to unbind spells if they are within 24" of the enemy wizard (This has no effect in AoS 2.0, so decide what you will do with your playgroup). Change Master: Each time, before making an attack with a weapon, your champion can choose to swap the To Hit and To Wound characteristics around before any dice are rolled. Warpfire Torrent: Once per battle, in your shooting phase, your champion can unleash a warpfire torrent upon one enemy unit within 9". When they do so, roll a dice; on a 1 it has a lucky escape, on a 2 or 3 that unit suffers a mortal wound, on a 4 of 5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds and on a 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds.

Destruction Warband Tables

Gloomspite Gitz

Found in the Battletome (January 2019).


Champion Followers
Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider 2 units
Dankhold Troggboss 2 units
Fungoid Cave-Shaman 4 units
Madcap Shaman 4 units
Loonboss 4 units
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig 4 units
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs 2 units
Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig 4 units
Webspinner Shaman 4 units
Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider 4 units
Zarbag* 3 units
You receive Zarbag's Gitz in addition to Zarbag. Zarbag is the warband's champion, and Zarbag's Gitz is a follower unit.

Retinue Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Moonclan Squig Spiderfang
1 10 Sneaky Snufflers 5 Boingrot Bounderz 5 Spider Riders
2-3 15 Shootas 5 Squig Hoppers 5 Spider Riders
4-6 15 Stabbas 10 Cave Squigs & 2 Squig Herders 5 Spider Riders

Hero Followers

Split by allegiance.

D6 Moonclan Spiderfang
1-2 1 Loonboss 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
3 1 Madcap Shaman 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
4 1 Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
5 1 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig 1 Webspinner Shaman
6 1 Fungoid Cave-Shaman 1 Webspinner Shaman

Fanatics Followers

These units cannot be given follower rewards.

D6 Followers
1-3 5 Loonsmasha Fanatics
4-6 5 Spiresplatta Fanatics

Gobbapalooza Followers

D6 Followers
1-6 Pick three different models from the following list: Scaremonger, Brewgit, Spiker, Boggleye, Shroomancer.

Big Stuff Followers

Uses 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Followers
1-3 1 Mangler Squigs
4-6 1 Aleguzzler Giant

Troggoth Followers

Uses 2 rolls or 1 roll and 1 Glory Point.

D6 Followers
1-2 1 Dankhold Troggoth
3-4 3 Fellwater Troggoths
5-6 3 Rockgut Troggoths

Arachnarok Followers

Uses 3 rolls or 1 roll and 2 Glory Points.

D6 Followers
1-2 1 Arachnarok Spider with Flinger
3-4 1 Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty
5-6 1 Skitterstrand Arachnarok

Follower Rewards

D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
1 Protection of the Bad Moon These grots call on the Bad Moon to shield them from harm, and their manic prayers are answered! Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that this unit is calling upon the Bad Moon for protection. If you do so, you can re-roll save rolls for attacks that target this unit until your next hero phase.
2 Special Fungus Brew These followers have secured a supply of special fungus brew that drives them into a fighting frenzy! Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that this unit will drink its special fungus brew. If you do so, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by this unit until your next hero phase.
3 Sneaky Gitz These diminutive but cunning warriors are experts at sneaking up on an unwary foe. Instead of setting up this unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up sneaking up on the enemy as a reserve unit. If you do so, at the end of your first movement phase you must set up this unit on the battlefield more than 9" from any enemy units.
4 Get 'Em Lads! These warriors are full of the froth-jawed madness of the Gloomspite, and will do everything they can to drag down their foes. Add 1" to the Range characteristic of melee weapons used by this unit.
5 Vengeful Schemers These hate-filled backstabbers come up with evil schemes to help them prevail against their foes. At the start of the first battle round, pick a warscroll. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this unit that target an enemy unit that uses that warscroll.
6 Bully Boyz These grots have fought in and survived more than their fair share of fights, and have learned how to put their malice to best use shanking their enemies while staying clear of return blows. Once per turn, you can re-roll 1 hit roll or 1 wound roll for an attack made by this unit, or 1 save roll for an attack that targets this unit.

Champion Rewards

2D6 Reward Name Flavour Text Rules
2 Badly Beaten Your champion ended up in a fight that they couldn't win through cunning and trickery, and has been grievously wounded. You lose 1 Glory Point. In addition, subtract 1 from your champion's Wounds characteristic for the remainder of the campaign.
3 Razor-edged Blade Your champion hones the edge of their favourite weapon so that it is wickedly sharp. Pick 1 of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as having a razor-edge. Improve the Rend characteristic of that weapon by 1.
4 Can't Catch Me! Your champion is incredibly swift-footed and almost impossible to catch. Add 2" to your champion's Move characteristic. Add a further 4" to the distance they can move when they retreat.
5 Sinewy Toughness Although scrawny, your champion is incredibly hard to kill. Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of your champion.
6 Cowardly Git Your champion is deathly afraid of being hurt, and is not above using their followers to shield himself from harm. Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to your champion while they are within 3" of a friendly unit. On a 4+, that wound or mortal wound is negated, but you must pick 1 friendly unit within 3" of your champion and that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
7 Dirty Fighter Your champion will use any trick they can think of to get the upper hand in a fight. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by your champion.
8 Nimble Your champion is so swift that foes find them hard to hit. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target your champion.
9 Bad Moon Weapon Your champion has a melee weapon crafted from a shard of loonstone, which glows with sickly yellow light. Pick one of your champion's melee weapons and note it down on your warband roster as being made from a Bad Moon fragment. Add 1 to that weapon's Damage characteristic.
10 Morkish Cunning Your champion is very canny, and almost always comes up with a battleplan that will help defeat the foe. If your champion is on the battlefield at the start of your hero phase, roll a dice. On a 4+, you receive 1 extra command point.
11 Loonstruck Your champion has spent too long under the light of the Bad Moon and is now constantly under its influence. Your champion is always treated as being affected by the light of the Bad Moon.
12 Savage Underhand Blow Your champion has become practised at waiting for the perfect moment to deliver a brutal killing strike. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can say your champion is attempting a savage underhand blow instead of fighting in that combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 enemy model within 1" of your champion and roll a dice. On a 4 or 5, the target model's unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the target model is slain.

Old - will be deleted as new stuff is added

Stormcast Eternals

  • Lord-Celestant on Stardrake - 2 units
  • Lord-Celestant on Dracoth - 3 units
  • Lord-Celestant - 4 units


  • Auric Runefather on Magmadroth - 5 units
  • Auric Runeson on Magmadroth - 6 units
  • Auric Runefather - 7 units
  • Auric Runeson - 8 units

Daughters of Khaine

  • Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood - 2 units
  • Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood - 2 units
  • Bloodwrack Shrine - 3 units
  • Bloodwrack Medusa - 4 units
  • Slaughter Queen - 4 units
  • Hag Queen - 5 units


  • Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu - 4 units
  • Branchwych or Branchwaith - 6 units



  • Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist or Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon - 4 units
  • Abhorrant Ghoul King - 6 units


  • Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - 4 units
  • Coven Throne - 5 units
  • Vampire Lord - 6 units


  • Necromancer - 6 units


  • Wight King - 6 units


  • Spirit Torment - 3 units (also comes with a 2-men Chaingasts unit as a freebie)
  • Knight of Shrouds (with or without Ethereal Steed), Guardian of Souls or Lord Executioner - 4 units

Stormcast Eternals


  • 1. 5 Retributors or 10 Liberators
  • 2. 3 Prosecutors or 10 Liberators
  • 3-4. 10 Liberators
  • 5. 5 Judicators or 10 Liberators
  • 6. 5 Protectors or 10 Liberators


  • 1. 5 Gryph-hounds
  • 2. 2 Concussors
  • 3. 2 Tempestors
  • 4. 2 Fulminators
  • 5. 2 Desolators
  • 6. Drakesworn Templar


  • 1. Lord-Relictor
  • 2. Lord-Castellant
  • 3. Knight-Heraldor
  • 4. Knight-Vexillor
  • 5. Knight-Azyros
  • 6. Knight-Venator



  • 1-2. 10 Vulkite Berzerkers
  • 3-4. 5 Auric Hearthguard
  • 5-6. 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers


  • 1-2. Grimwrath Berzerker
  • 3. Auric Runesmiter
  • 4. Auric Runemaster
  • 5. Battlesmith
  • 6. Auric Runeson

Daughters of Khaine


  • 1. 10 Witch Aelves
  • 2. 10 Sisters of Slaughter
  • 3. 5 Khinerai Heartrenders
  • 4. 5 Khinerai Lifetakers
  • 5. 5 Blood Sisters
  • 6. 5 Blood Stalkers

Elite Retinue

A roll on this table costs you either two regular rolls or a single roll plus a Glory Point.

  • 1-2. 5 Doomfire Warlocks
  • 3. 1 Avatar of Khaine
  • 4. 1 Bloodwrack Shrine
  • 5. 1 Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  • 6. 1 Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood


  • 1-2. 1 Hag Queen
  • 3-4. 1 Slaugher Queen
  • 5-6. 1 Bloodwrack Medusa


You also get a free Sylvaneth Wyldwood to place on the field along with whatever you take.


  • 1-3. 5 Dryads
  • 4. 5 Tree-Revenants
  • 5. 5 Spite-Revenants
  • 6. 3 Kurnoth Hunters


  • 1-2. Branchwych
  • 3-4. Branchwraith
  • 5-6. Treelord



  • 1-2. 10 Crypt Ghouls
  • 3-4. 3 Crypt Horrors
  • 5-6. 3 Crypt Flayers


  • 1-3. Varghulf Courtier
  • 4. Crypt Ghast Courtier
  • 5. Crypt Haunter Courtier
  • 6. Crypt Infernal Courtier


You can't have two monsters of the same kind (including the general's mount), so if you want to roll randomly you must reroll any double.

  • 1-3. Terrorgheist
  • 4-6. Zombie Dragon


  • 1-2. 3 Vargheists
  • 3-4. 5 Blood Knights
  • 5. 3 Fell Bats
  • 6. Bat Swarm


  • 1-3. 10 Zombies
  • 4-5. 5 Dire Wolves
  • 6. Corpse Cart or Mortis Engine


  • 1-2. 5 Black Knights
  • 3-4. 10 Skeleton Warriors
  • 5-6. 5 Grave Guards


  • 1-2. 10 Chainrasps
  • 3-4. 3 Spirit Hosts
  • 5. 5 Glaivewraith Stalkers
  • 6. 4 Myrmourn Banshees


A roll on this table costs you either two regular rolls or a single roll plus a Glory Point.

  • 1-2. 10 Grimghast Reapers
  • 3-4. 5 Hexwraiths
  • 5. 10 Dreadscythe Harridans
  • 6. 10 Bladegheist Revenants

NIGHTHAUNT - Black Coach

You can just pay 3 rolls or a roll plus 2 Glory Points to get a Black Couch with no actual rolls needed.


  • 1-2. Cairn Wraith
  • 3-4. Dreadblade Harrow
  • 5-6. Tomb Banshee

Stormcast Eternals

  • 2. Next time your General dies in battle, you lose D3 GPs and he loses every reward he got (to represent that a new Lord-Celestant took his place)
  • 3. At the beginning of every hero phase you roll a dice: on a 4+ your General rerolls every 1 to hit and wound, but on a 1 he rerolls every 6 to hit and wound.
  • 4. Once per battle, all your models get +1 to hit rolls for a turn.
  • 5. One of your General's attacks in each combat phase deals an extra wound (D3 against monsters and Chaos units)
  • 6. One of the General's weapons (not the mount ones) gets +1 to hit rolls.
  • 7. General gets an extra wound.
  • 8. General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 8" also get it in Battleshock phase.
  • 9. General can reroll saves.
  • 10. General gets +2 to run and charge.
  • 11. General gets a 6+ Save-after-the-Save roll (works against mortal wounds too)
  • 12. If your General dies in battle, at the beginning of each hero phase you roll a dice: on a 5+ he is reborn.


  • 2. As long as the General is alive, you get +1 to the roll that determinates who goes first on each round.
  • 3. Take note of the guy you just fought against. Your General gets +1 to hit and wound rolls against his army.
  • 4. Once per battle, all your models get +1 to hit rolls for a turn.
  • 5. General gets +1 to hit and wound rolls against models with 7+ wounds.
  • 6. One of the General's weapons (not the mount ones) gets -1 Rend.
  • 7. General gets an extra wound.
  • 8. General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 8" also get it in Battleshock phase.
  • 9. In each hero phase you can choose either the general or an allied unit within 10": the unit can't move but gets +1 save.
  • 10. General gets +1 to wound rolls in the turn he charged.
  • 11. General can heal D6 wound once per battle.
  • 12. Once per battle, instead of dealing his normal attacks the General can deal D3 mortal wounds on a single model on a 4+ roll (or straight kill it if you roll a 6)

Daughters of Khaine

  • 2. If the general is ever slain, you lose D3 Glory Points (to a minimum of 0), and must remove all rewards your general has gained from this table so far from your warband roster. If your warband has another HERO, she now becomes your general (if you do not have any HEROES, immediately generate a new one to become your new general).
  • 3. Roll a dice for the general in each of your hero phases. On a 1, until your next hero phase, re-roll hit and wound rolls of 6 for your champion. On a 4+, until your next hero phase, re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your general.
  • 4. Once per battle, in your hero phase, your general can loose a war cry. If they do so, add 1 to hit rolls for your general and all units from their warband for the rest of the turn.
  • 5. When your general is chosen to fight in the combat phase, instead of making any attacks, she can attempt a decapitating strike after piling in. If they do so, select a single model within 1" and roll a dice. If the roll exceeds that model's Wounds characteristic, it is slain.
  • 6. One of the General's weapons (not the mount ones) gets +1 to hit rolls.
  • 7. General gets an extra wound.
  • 8. General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 8" also get it in Battleshock phase.
  • 9. If your champion is a WIZARD, add 1 to casting rolls made for them. If your champion is a PRIEST, add 1 to the dice roll when they pray to see whether the prayer is successful or not.
  • 10. Add 1 to run or charge rolls for your champion. Add 3 instead if there are any enemy HEROES within 12" of your champion.
  • 11. General can re-roll failed Fanatical Faith rolls.
  • 12. While the general is alive, count the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what abilities the units in your warband receive from the Daughters of Khaine Blood Rites battle trait. Stacks with other, similar effects.


  • 2. You lose a GP and can't roll on this table again for the remainder of the campaign.
  • 3. At the beginning of every hero phase you roll a dice: on a 5+ the General must move towards the nearest enemy unit, but can run and charge in the same turn and rerolls every 1 to hit and wound.
  • 4. Once per battle, all your models can run and charge in the same turn.
  • 5. Once per battle, you can choose a Sylvaneth Wyldwood and deal D3 mortal wounds to every enemy unit within 3" from that. If the General is a Treelord Ancient, he can cast Awakening the Wood in the same turn, but not on the same Wyldwood.
  • 6. One of your General's attacks in each combat phase deals an extra wound (D3 against Chaos units, D6 if they're Nurgle units)
  • 7. General gets +2 to run and charge.
  • 8. General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 8" also get it in Battleshock phase.
  • 9. General can reroll saves.
  • 10. General gets an extra wound.
  • 11. Once per battle, you can deal D3 mortal wounds to an enemy unit within 6" from the General.
  • 12. If the General dies, at the beginning of each hero phase you roll a dice. On a 4+ he is reborn (must be spawned within 1" from a Sylvaneth Wyldwood)


  • 1. When the General (or anyone within 10" from him) summons new models via spells or abilities, you get an additional summoned model.
  • 2. One of the General's melee weapons (not the mount ones) deals mortal wounds instead of regular wounds when you roll a 6 to wound.
  • 3-4. General gets an extra wound.
  • 5. General gets +1 Bravery, and allies within 9" also get it in Battleshock phase.
  • 6. Units within 6" from the General that are not DEATH get -1 Bravery.


  • 2. You lose a Glory Point and get no more rewards for your General.
  • 3. General gets +3" Movement.
  • 4. General gets an extra wound.
  • 5. -1 to hit rolls against your General.
  • 6. -1 Bravery to enemy units within 6" from the General.
  • 7. General gets +1 to wound rolls.
  • 8. -1 to casting and charge rolls to enemy units within 12" from the General.
  • 9. When the General rolls a 6 to hit, it deals mortal wounds equal to the amount of wounds the weapon normally does.
  • 10. -1 to wound rolls against your General.
  • 11. In each hero phase you can pick a unit within 8" from the General, roll 2D6 and if the result is higher than that unit's Bravery it suffers d3 mortal wounds.
  • 12. General heals a wound every time he damages an opponent.

Retinue Rewards

Stormcast Eternals

  • 1. Once per battle, the unit can warp within 6" from any enemy unit instead of moving regularly.
  • 2. Unit will never do any Battleshock test.
  • 3. Once per battle, the unit gets an automatic 12" charge instead of rolling.
  • 4. Once per battle, the unit can't run or charge but rerolls saves.
  • 5. Once per battle, you can choose an enemy unit within 3", roll a dice for each of your models in the 3" range from the enemy unit, and deal a mortal wound on a 4+.
  • 6. The unit rerolls a single hit/wound/save roll in each turn.


  • 1. Unit can pileup and attack twice as long as the General is within 6".
  • 2. Once per battle, every melee weapon in the unit gets an extra attack.
  • 3. Choose an enemy unit at the beginning of each battle, the unit gets +1 to hit rolls against that unit.
  • 4. Once per battle, the unit can't run or charge but rerolls saves.
  • 5. Unit will never do any Battleshock test.
  • 6. The unit rerolls a single hit/wound/save roll in each turn.

Daughters of Khaine

  • 1. Re-roll hit rolls of 6 against this unit.
  • 2. This unit never has to take battleshock tests.
  • 3. Always runs 6" if unit chooses to run.
  • 4. Re-roll save rolls of 1 for this unit.
  • 5. When determining what abilities this unit receives from the Blood Rites battle trait, it counts the battle round number as being 1 higher than it actually is. Stacks with other, similar effects.
  • 6. The unit can re-roll charge rolls.


  • 1. Unit can reroll every 1 to hit and wound if they attacked at least once before.
  • 2. Unit can reroll every 1 to hit.
  • 3. Unit can reroll every 1 to wound.
  • 4. Unit gets +2" to move.
  • 5. Unit can reroll every 1 to save.
  • 6. The unit rerolls a single hit/wound/save roll in each turn.


  • 1-2. Once per battle, the unit can run and charge in the same turn.
  • 3-4. Unit can be kept in reserves and deepstrike later.
  • 5-6. Instead of taking Battleshock tests, the unit regenerates D3 models/wounds in each Battleshock phase.


  • 1. -1 Bravery to enemy units within 12" from the unit.
  • 2. Unit rerolls every 1 to hit.
  • 3. Unit rerolls every 1 to wound.
  • 4. Unit gets +2" Movement.
  • 5. Unit rerolls every 1 to save.
  • 6. Unit gets -1 Rend to each weapon.