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The occupation determines all the skills a character has. normally a normal person rolls 1d6 for skill rolls, but your badass so all the skills associated with the occupation gets 2d6.
The occupation determines all the skills a character has. normally a normal person rolls 1d6 for skill rolls, but your badass so all the skills associated with the occupation gets 2d6.

-Heroes start the game with 3 awesome points(these can be used for Anything.)
-Heros start the game with 3 awesome points(these can be used for Anything.)
-Draw 5 or 7 cards, up to the Director, the GM who's also in charge of the Villain, Lieutenant and Mooks.
--Draw 5 or 7 cards, up to the director.

-If a Hero's hand is gone, he is out of the scene and loses 1 Awesome Point, if they are out of Awesome Points and lose their hand, they die. (cards are like HP.)
-If a Heros hand is gone he is out of the scene and lose 1 awesome point, if they are out of awesome points and lose their hand they die. (cards=hp)
-The deck the Hero's draw from is one deck in the middle of the table, it has good and bad Ass Pulls.
-The deck the Hero's draw from is one deck in the middle of the table, it has good and bad asspulls.

-Cards can be played face up on the table to use the effects, or "burned" a one time use.
-cards can be played face up on the table to use the effects, or "burned" a one time use.

Mooks- Hp=1 Damage=1
Mooks- Hp=1 Damage=1
Left Hand- Hp=10 Damage=2
Left Hand- Hp=10 Damage=2
Big Bad- Hp=varies Damage=Varies
Big Bad- Hp=varies Damage=Varies

Damage dealt to heroes is taken from either their hand or the cards on the field. Again when all are gone ya be dead.
Left hands, and Big Bads count as Villains for cards that effect Villains.
Damage delt to heros is taken from either their hand or the cards on the field. Again when all are gone ya be dead.

A hero can "refresh" for 2 awesome points to pull a new hand and can if they want they can rejoin the scene.
A hero can "refresh" for 2 awesome points to pull a new hand and can if they want they can rejoin the scene.

The game is very narrative based story telling. The director sets the stage, and throws the endless minions at the heroes.
The game is very narrative based story telling. The director sets the stage, and throws the endless minions at the heros.
Awesome points
So awesome points are fucking awesome ! You can do damn near anything you want. For 1 point draw an extra card, for 2, draw a new hand "refresh."
You get awesome points a lot of different ways, bribing the directer, cheezy one liners, creative problem solving some cards themselves etc.
There is no limit to how many awesome points a Hero can get
-Collateral damage-
The director can put out a few cards face down as scenery for added defense as well as making the scene more dynamic, so bar stools/ pool tables/ cars etc.
When a hero would take damage the scenery takes it first.
The Heroes can flip them at any time, if they do and its an ongoing effect all the heroes gain the benefit. If the card is a Burn it is discarded, and if its a villain card it activates.
--The Plot thickens--
So what happens when the scene ends? Well you discard your hand and draw a new one, granted if you have cards out on the table leave them and draw to the max counting them.
Now your asking what happens when the deck runs out... well there is a fun question. When the deck runs out, it doesn't matter when, shit goes wrong and ends the scene. So a bomb going off, the enemy getting away, its something BAD and sticks with the characters for a while, so possibly negatives for the next scene, or the max hand size is reduced for a time, etc. This cank ill but its not necessary.
After this shuffle the deck and restart the timer. For more intense situations feel free to TAKE cards from the deck.
The villain cards themselves would be played as soon as they are drawn and the Hero would draw a new one. If the Big bad is not out it would be used on a Left hand, if there are only mooks then it dos not go off unless specified on the card
-The Card Types-
Play Cards-
These are cards that can be played face up that have ongoing effects like a bonus to rolls or equipment, etc.
Burn Cards-
Burn cards are one time use cards that give a specific effect and will be said on the card, for instance “Cool guys don't look at explosion's,” will will let a Hero survive any explosion but the card is burned. When a card is burned it is discarded after the use, and the Hero draws a replacement.
Villain Cards-
In the deck there are bad cards called Villain cards that will hinder the Heroes in one way or another. These cards will have Villain on them. The effects are based on who is in a scene and will work on  a Villain. A Villain is either a Left Hand or the Big Bad, mooks do NOT count as Villains. If the Big Bad  and a Left Hand are in a scene the card is used on the Big Bad first. If there is no Villains in a scene the card is discarded, unless the card says otherwise.
When a Villain card is drawn it is played immediately and the Hero draws another card.
Director Cards
These cards are quick reference for the director, they consist of basic weapon cards, mooks, Left hands, and The Big Bad. These cards are here to make the directors job a little easier and helps keep track. These normally stay with the Director and are taken out of the deck.
Ammo: 15
Damage: 1
If a hero spends 3 ammo they add 1 to damage. If they spend 5 they can fire at another enemy.
Assault Rifle-
Ammo: 30
Damage: 1
If a hero spends 3 ammo they add 1 to damage. If they spend 5 they can fire at another enemy.
Ammo: 5
Damage: Roll 2d6 for the amount of enemies hit. Roll once to attack the group, and all that fail they take 1 damage.
Rocket Launcher-
Ammo: 1
Damage: Roll 2d6, kill that many mooks, if used on a villain they take 5 damage.
Hp: 1
Damage: 1
Skill rolls: 1d6
Most mooks have pistol which just gives them range and doesn't add damage

'''Awesome Points'''

So, Awesome Points are fucking awesome ! You can do damn near anything you want. For 1 point, you can draw an extra card. For 2, draw a new hand, or "refresh."
Left Hand-

You can get Awesome Points in a lot of different ways, like bribing the Director, cheesy oneliners, creative problem solving, some cards themselves etc.
Hp: 10
There is no limit to how many Awesome Points a Hero can get.
Damage: 2
Skill rolls: 2d6
A Villain can have different weapons for different effects.
Pistol: Lets him attack at range for 2 damage.
Shotgun: Roll 1d6 and make attack rolls to that many Heroes, on a hit do 1 damage.
Rocket: ONE USE. Instantly hits all Heroes for 2 damage.  

'''The Plot thickens'''

So, what happens when the scene ends? Well, you discard your hand and draw a new one. If you have cards out on the table, leave them and draw to the max counting them.
Big Bad-

Now, you're asking what happens when the deck runs out... well that's a fun question. When the deck runs out, it doesn't matter when, shit goes wrong and ends the scene. So a bomb going off, the enemy getting away, it's something BAD and sticks with the characters for a while, so possibly negatives for the next scene, or the max hand size is reduced for a time, etc. This can kill but its not necessary.  
Hp: 10 to 15
Damage: 2
Skill rolls: 2d6+1
A Villain can have different weapons for different effects.  
Pistol: Lets him attack at range for 2 damage.
Shotgun: Roll 1d6 and make attack rolls to that many Heroes, on a hit do 1 damage.
Rocket: ONE USE. Instantly hits all Heroes for 2 damage.  

After this shuffle the deck and restart the timer. For more intense situations feel free to TAKE cards from the deck.


Revision as of 00:39, 20 June 2014

Rated M For Manly is one of /tg/'s more recent incarnations of Getting Shit Done. It all began when a namefag known as Red Star asked for pointers on 'Ass Pull' Mechanics, for a game like those over-the-top 70s action movies. Many an Anon replied, and eventually Rated M For Manly, a RPG card game of hilarious asspulls was born. In the first thread, OP took 150 of the Ass Pull Cards and wrote up some rules, which can be viewed in the thread. Those 150 cards exclude the Villain cards, the actual total is probably about 230. In one thread. Truly, /tg/ Gets Shit Done.


Once some Anons find the time and effort to post them here, it'll be a huge list. For now, it's just a couple though.

                     UPDATE:By Catchphrase: 

Okay so here is a list of most of the unedited cards, mostly to have the list but it will be edited soon. Also an update to the rules as well...

Added the different card types

Added "Collateral damage"

Added "Director cards"

1>One In The Chamber

Whenever run out of ammo and get in a situation where you cant reload you can say that you actually had the magazine plus 1. Get one free shot to defend yourself.

2>Critical Jam The hero is one his knees about to get a bullet to the skull...but wait! The villeins gun jams right at that exact moment and the hero takes the opportunity to attack! After activating this you get a turn to attack or run away before the enemy can respond.

3>MacGuyver Can turn any two Objects into a Weapon or Quest Item

4>2 Days Left Until Retirement Basically a get out of death free card. Only instead of free, someone else takes the bullet for you.

5>Yippie-Kay-Yay Say a pithy one liner and do an action. The other guys playing judge how good the line was. get a bonus for how bad/fair/great the line was

6>Commando Your sheer awesomeness makes everyone miss you despite being a huge Austrian man. This prevents all damage for a set amount of playing time

7>Im going to kill you last! Pick an enemy in the scene and if hes the last one standing you get a bonus to attack and damage.

8>Made of Explodium When you declare this ability, the next manufactured object you shoot will explode in a spectacular fireball, guaranteed, regardless of whether this makes any sense at all. Explosion damage and radius depend on the size of the exploding object.

9>ITS A BOMB! If you play this card after discovering an explosive device you get a bonus to dodge roll out of the way.

10>Die Hard After Sustaining an apparently lethal wound you can continue to perform normally until the end of the scene where you collapse of exhaustion. You will need first aid before you bleedout after you collapse

11>Stick Around Saying a cheesy line related to how you're killing someone gives you a bonus to killing refreshes your awesomeness points (whatever that is in your game).

12>Herculean Strength Whether your character is a hulking European Giant or an Average Joe at the wrong place at the wrong time your character can perform a feat of strength well above their actual strength stat.

13>It aint the fall that gets ya. You can use almost anything (including a human body) to negate any falling damage you may occur.

14>GET TO DA CHOPPA Give everyone a huge bonus to their movement speed when trying to escape... except for the black guy, whose name you are required to shout out in anger as your getaway car/train/helicopter leaves.

15>This'll be important later The player can make up a single fact about their character, maybe he always carries a swiss army knife in his boot or maybe he's got a friend in the department from the good old days. The character can drop as many of these facts as he wants during game time, but he can only cash the card in on one fact.

16>Inverse law of ninjas The player gets compounding bonuses to attack and defense based on the number of enemies.

17>Real men use fists A player may throw down his weapon and challenge an enemy to 1v1 combat. All other enemies must stand and watch until it is over.

18>He went that way! When the player is being chased, as long as he can lose line of sight the enemies, he can hide anywhere (around a corner, in a trash can, holding onto rafters on the ceiling), and the purusing enemies will continue past him.

19>Gonna need a Montage As long as the player is not under any immediate time constraint, once per session they can start a montage, resulting them in being proficient at whatever task is required for the upcoming mission.

20>Epic handshake Upon first meeting one of the other players in game, you can play this card to give both of you a bonus awesome point.

21>Go on, pull the trigger, if you're man enough When cornered by an enemy, dare them to kill you. Another player immediately appears behind the enemy in time to save you.

22>Signature Weapon If you take this at the start of the game your character already has a history with 1 weapon. You can pick whatever weapon you want whether it be his trusty Police Issued Handgun or a favorite from his personal armory. This weapon will always give him a +1 to his attack roles.

23>I expect you to die! Your hero is trapped in a torture device or is about to be elaborately executed. Using this card will let you instantly escape.

24>Thrown forward by the explosion Destroy one vehicle or building and escape simultaneously.

25>Computers are magic The player is a Hacker. He can access any computer from any other computer within a building, as well as the building's locks, ventilation and AC, lighting, and any other electronic devices.

26>Bullet Ballet Time slows down as your character experiences an adrenaline rush and can target everyone in the room before the enemy retaliates. Activating this card gives you 1 free attack with a ranged weapon against everybody in the room (provided you have the ammo for it)

27>Duffel bag full of C4 You find a duffel bag full of C4, along with a detonator.

28>Let's show these bastards what we're made of! You give an inspirational speech. You gain two awesome points, and every player listening to you gains one awesome point.

29>How hard could it be? You can pilot any vehicle, be it a plane, helicopter, or alien vessel. You must end the scene by crashing.

30> Load Up Find a cashe of weapons, and carry double the normal weapons/ammo/gear for a time. Unless specified, when you run out of bullets, you drop the extra gun. (Think Commando or any Arnie film)

31> The oldest trick Guarenteed Bluff. "The saftey's on", "You think this is a hologram?" "He's right behind you."

32> Some days, you can get rid of a bomb. Timed explosives (From Grenade to Nuke) get one more turn before they explode.

33>You feel lucky punk? Through intimidating word play and threats you gain a bonus to interrogation.

34>Safety First You're wearing a bullet-proof vest. Regardless of what you were wearing before, it had one underneath it.

35>Inverse law of Hollywood Momentum By firing any firearm, you can accelerate yourself at scene-required speeds backwards, or cause an enemy to do the same away from you.

36>Master of Stealth Checks Your camo works. Period. The world will adjust to make it work if necessary.

37>Phoning it in. An important person owes you a huge favour for saving their daughter's life for some reason or another. Calling them will get you what you need.

38>Sometimes I Forget to Reload Until you stop firing continuously, you have unlimited ammo. Stopping for even 1 full second will void this benefit.

39>Time Dilation Add 1 minute to any countdown. This can include anything from bombs, to someone counting down from 5, they will take a full minute before hitting the next number.

40>Script Mess-up That last thing that happened to you? Didn't happen to you. That was a generic who just happened to look a lot like you

41>When you gotta go, you gotta go Once per session, a player may declare that a key enemy/NPC must take a bathroom break. (For example, the security guard for the building the party is about to break into, the henchman that's watching over a captured PC, giving them time to break free, etc)

42>I aint got time to bleed Character can ignore any penalties he has gained from damaged. Anything from a sprained ankle to losing an arm.

43>Watch where you're shooting Evade a ranged attack. It hits a target of your choice instead.

44> Do you have a cold? Perfect voice imitation for any goon. Will fail if you can be seen.

45> Oh Shit. (a' la Data from Star Trek.) Party can survive one event that would result in party wipe. Other members must lose one of their cards as well.

46> Won-stoppable Guaranteed Will check success. Guaranteed Constitution check success, but effects will kick in soon after.

47> I'm not paid enough for this! Mooks (assuming they are not allied out of fanatical reasons) flee.

48> Mama!! If over half a group of mooks have been killed (or one mook has been overkilled so much it could have killed over half the group if the damage was distributed) remaining mooks begin to flee and panic.

49> Surrounded by idiots Mooks suffer penalties to perception, wisdom, charisma and intelligence.

50>Are you okay? Friendly pat of the back and sign of care puts you back in action, whenever this ability used, target hero loses all of his injuries, can only be used on player character.

51>Who needs doors? Use an automatic or explosive weapon to make a hole large enough to pass through in any hard surface. Whatever is on the other side of the surface remains unharmed if you want.

52>If it bleeds we can kill it After wounding a monstrous creature whether its an alien from out of space or zombie demons from hell the character can reassure himself and his allies that the monster can be stopped. Activating this card means you ignore fear effects from a specific type of creature. This is only against this type of creature. For example your team may know that they can kill the alien that is hunting them but what about the Zombie Demons From Hell? Also special abilities that cause fear effects also cant be ignored.

53>Aim for the head! A character can analyze the weakness of a specific type of enemy...regardless whether they would know that or not.

54>Boring conversation, anyway End a conversation by pulling out your gun and blasting somebody - you automatically hit.

55>I have an adapter! Your technology is now compatible with their technology.

56>I love it when a plan comes together! Your character is a master tactician that can come up with a plan no matter how ludicrous and make it work. When every member of the party does an action that pertains to this plan they get a bonus to whatever action they are doing.

57>Im a cop! A character can cut through any red tape they encounter with a flash of his badge. Whether its gaining access to a secure area or commandeering a vehicle.

58>I am supposed to do this by myself? Can be used against main antagonists, his sidekicks, right hands, officers in charge and barely anyone, who resembles chain of command, puts target into anger state, forcing it to kill random amount of friendly mooks due to frustration, target will also skip or reject any other actions.

59> Gypsy's analogue, nuclear! Negate an opponent's special attack or ability.

60> Welcome to Earf! You may punch an enemy and render them unconscious for 6 hours, no saves are allowed for armor, stats, or even biology.

61> I don't have fire!!! The player has any item needed to solve a plot vital puzzle or problem.

62>No-one could survive that. Reveal this card while your character is dead. Your character isn't dead and makes a dramatic return, automatically succeeding at his first check.

63>Bulletproof cardboard box Any object a player hides behind provides perfect cover, even if the object should not be able to stop a bullet, or even be large enough to cover the entire player's body.

64>pistol whip Hitting someone with a pistol (or throwing a pistol at someone) is always enough to completely incapacitate someone

65>Tuck and roll Your character takes no damage when leaping from moving vehicles, regardless of the speed

66> Fucking Windows 98! Enemy has computer problems of some kind (usually from an allied hacker, or their own hacker being surprised at how advanced a system is). Can extend to machinery, but it must have a digital component.

67> YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT I DID!! If an enemy is whipped into a rage, you can get them to blurt out the truth about anything, as long as you ask them while they are in this enraged state. Roll to see if they continue their rant/justification, or if they clam up and calm down after this.

68> Are you crazy, the fall will kill us. Survive a lethal fall, as long as you willingly jump. Body of deep water, open top garbage truck, tent roof, etc.

69> Boiling Point Enrage non-mook enemy with badgering/taunting/etc.

70> You're not the hero Non-mook enemy can mimic the effect of a card from anyone's hand but (1) you can play a card and it will counter perfectly (or 2) it will backfire. Must disard the card that was mimic'd

71> The Ladykillers Non-mooks will argue, and (under the right conditions) one will kill the other or kill each other in the process.

72>It's a Unix system... I know this! Regardless of what it is, your character has thorough prior knowledge of how to use it.

73>Shaken, not stirred Wherever you are, you will always take a seat next to one of the Big Bad's left hands.

74>The perfect disguise Obtaining a uniform of the enemies will allow the player to walk right into the enemy base, assuming he just acts inconspicuous

75>What could go wrong? The player gets bonuses to any skill rolls associated with a plan they create. The bonuses are larger if the plan is more complex, convoluted, and requires multiple time-sensitive pieces to happen simultaneously.

76> I saw it in a ______ once. IRL player must describe a scene from a movie/game/book/whatever. If the action described was done with enough depth and explained well (as decided by the rest of group) their character may perform the action described.

77>Reshoot/Rewrite A character can decide to do over an entire scene if something doesnt go their way. This does not mean they can replace the scene merely get a chance to try a different tactic or perhaps get better rolls.

78>I'll be back Declare this when you are mortally wounded or otherwise about to die. You show up in the next scene with half health.

79>Good thing I wore my vest today. Instantly negate all the damage you took last turn by dramatically taking your shirt off to reveal a bulletproof vest underneath. You must discard the vest immediately afterwards.

80>He couldn't possibly be alive! The PC evades capture by launching themselves from a ridiculous height / hiding in a collapsing building / heading toward an explosion / etc. Any pursuant NPCs will immediately break off the chase, since there's no way the PC could have survived the event.

81>Ivan The Bad guy always has that one mook thats tougher then the rest. Whether hes a giant that can crush skulls with his bare hands or the guy with the biggest gun. Activating this ability will let you upgrade a mook with either a stat bonus or a powerful piece of equipment.

82>The Double In the event of a PC foiling the Villain's plot or outright killing the Villain, reveal that it was merely a body double.

83>Friends in high places. The villein either has connections or is a part of some government agency. He can use his contacts to attack or stall the hero.

84>You dont know anything! When the players attempt to interrogate a mook for information he can only speak in cryptic and vague phrases that suggests there is more to the bad guys plan then it seems. When activating this it means that the character will not divulge any significant information during an interrogation before they die. Whether its from a hidden Cyanide pill or through the wounds they sustained during a fight.

85>Get me EVERYONE! The Villain summons everything he has. From the lowest thug with a gun to the best Hitmen money can buy. He throws everything hes got against the hero in one scene.

86>Ocular Patdown With sharp senses and a gut feeling the Hero (or villain) can detect any hidden objects that another character may be trying to smuggle.

87>Not so fast! The Villain produces a family member of a PC as a hostage, giving them significant bonuses to defense.

88>Kryptonite The Villain produces the perfect gadget or weapon to use against a PC, giving them significant bonuses to attack.

89>It's just you and me! The Villain may challenge a PC to single combat. The Villain is impervious to damage for the first two rounds of combat, in order to build suspense.

90>Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions Any sized explosion can be evaded can by turning around and walking away dramatically in slo-mo. Explosion's effect is doubled.

91>Friendly Banter The heros all argue in a stressful situation much to the confusion of the bad guys holding guns. You can break the arguing at any time to get the first round in combat and getting an attack bonus.

92>Back to back! The heros all stand close in a formation to ward off attacks at all sides. The heros must all stand still in the middle of the room but gain a bonuse to attack and defense and automatically spot any stealth checks that appear in their field of view.

93>death's throes (hero) A mook or lieutenant dying rolls a normal attack against a target (that he can attack) of your choice.

94>coming back for you (hero) Transfer half of a downed hero's drama counters to yourself. Proceed even if that makes you go down.

95>Gimmick A lieutenants rolls gain a bonus but only when it pertains to their gimmick. An ex Military Sniper gets a bonus with Rifles. A Kung Fu Triad gets a bonus with unarmed Melee.

96>Death Wish The hero has some sort of deathwish. Whether hes an adrenaline Junkie or is legitimately suicidal he does not fear any physical repercussions for his actions. He gains a bonus to overcoming fear rolls but is more likely to engage in risky behavior.

97>This is a bad idea The Director can warn a hero of the danger of a particular task before they start it.

98>Let me patch you up Play immediately, a hero of your choice regains full hp.

99>I'll hold 'em off Sacrifice your character. Kill any number of enemies. Main villains and certain henchmen may be exempt.

100>Who were those guys? A players past catches up with them as the director may add up to 20 additional mooks and 3 henchmen with the mafia subtype to a scene.

The villain and any associated henchmen may flee the scene without fear of pursuit.

101>keep'em coming Play after taking out a mook. You can attack a different target instantly. Keep doing that until you miss or run out of mooks you can attack.

102>never tell me the odds Play when you're about to roll for something that you have a disadvantage in or penalty to. For this specific roll, your stats are inverted (if you have a -3 penalty, you get +3 instead and so on).

103>That was a load-bearing boss! Play when a villain or lieutenant dies. Start a countdown for a self-destruct sequence. Change the objective to "escape the scene".

104>No Trable After you fail a social event and get attacked first activating this card will give you a defense bonus.

105>Nothing Left To Lose When a character reaches the point where they can honestly say that they have "nothing left to lose," acting out increasingly desperate plans with wild abandon is rewarding with higher rates or success.

106> I dont know who you are Investigation card, if your char investigating anything, this card will provide you with unconscious henchmen nearby

107>Call In The Cavalry The character has the "cavalry" on call for when a few more bodies and a lot more firepower is needed. This can be an attack chopper, a squadron of police cruisers or even an actual cavalry unit.

108>Its time to improvise. Your character is either a master martial artist or an experienced brawler and is adept at handling clumsy unbalenced objects as weapons. Things such as chairs,broken bottles and pool cues become frighteningly lethal. During Melee combat the player can use anything as a weapon without a penalty for using an improvised weapon.

109>Plothole Your character can either make an incredible leap in logic to arrive at a conclusion or ignore anything detrimental that happened to him.

>Just the beginning! Play upon a villains apparent death. Choose from the following. >Villain dies, but his masterplan goes into effect >Villain dies, but reveals the existence second villain - (master or protege are both valid) >Villain survives and escapes, though badly wounded. ("I'll get you for this Power Rangers!) 110>Clutch Shot The chips are down and all seems lost. The hero concentrates and breaths. Time seems to slow down as he zeros on the target. Does he make the shot? Your character calls a shot and gains a bonus to hit and if it hits gains a critical success.

111>Suppressing Fire! The character attacks all enemys within a 180 degree radius. However you gain a penalty to attack and give up your next turn but all enemies whether they are hit or not have to take cover for an entire turn as well. Use this to lock enemies in place for your allies to run away or push forward.

112>Hard Boiled You have been there and done that and your not surprised by anything anymore. Gain a bonus to fear roles.

113>Make an Example If the PCs defeat the Villain's lieutenant, the Villain may choose to execute them. The Lieutenant is then replaced by a more badass Lieutenant.

114>You Can Still Set Things Right! During the climax, the PC may make an attempt to sway the Villain's Lieutenant. Playing this card gives a bonus to negotiations. If negotiations are successful, the Lieutenant turns on the Villain, and is subsequently destroyed at the end of the scene.

115>Go on Without Me! No matter how dire, if a PC activates this power the scene is considered a victory. The PC is killed after using this card, so save it for dramatically appropriate moments of manly tears.

116>This isn't Even My Final Form! If the Villain's HP is reduced to zero, he may play this card. His HP is refilled and he takes on a more menacing form.

117>That Way, You Fools! If the PCs successfully evade capture, the Villain may spawn a team of minions near the party

118>Her Last Words At a critical juncture, the Villain quotes the words of the PC's dead wife. For two turns the PC takes significant penalties on attack and defense rolls. On the third turn following this card's activation, the PC is filled with righteous fury, and gets a bonus to attack.

119>Vehicle Jump

Instant success on any vehicle jump, including distance and landing, no matter the conditions

120>I'm too old for this Shit After being stunned/fatigued/wounded, a shake of the head while uttering this line makes you ready to get back into action. Alternatively, you gain a penalty for any running/foot chases, but gain a bonus to drive (to ram the target with your car) or ranged attack (Not feeling like sweating today)

121>Please Keep Your Hands Inside The Vehicle The fight moves to an exposed space on a quickly moving vehicle, such as a truck, train, tank, boat, roller coaster, helicopter wing, et cetera. Any attack that damages a mook has a chance to instantly remove them from the scene.

122>Ivonna Bangu (Villain) Villain calls in the typical foreign seductress to target a player. Player must make several charisma checks to try and work his way out of the situation or face assassination.

123>Not bad for an old man! At the cost of sacrificing a turn to focus you can fire a called shot with an automatic success.

124>I didn't hear no bell After a PC receives fatal damage, if this card is played, he stands back up on 1 HP and delivers a surprise attack to the person who downed him

125>Get in! If a PC plays this card, an unlikely assistant shows up, out of nowhere, in a vehicle, to haul the PC's out of there

126>Dont touch the suit. If your clothes get destroyed in a fight add the armor rating you lost to your attack.

127>mad dash Don't take damage running through a line of fire if you make it to cover, an objective, escape point, downed comrade, etc. at the end of your movement turn.

128>there wasn't no tape over his mouth! Any object is retroactively a bomb.

129>Evil Monologue When you play this action, the main villain oft he group you are fighhting takes no action during his turn and makes an evil monologue instead.

130>Stay Put You play this card on a friendly female NPC before going in combat and give her a gun. In an appropriate time in combat, she will appear and make an attack.

131>Trenchcoat Arsenal You can fit up to 15 weapons of any size inside one trenchoat or similar piece of clothing. The weapons are completely unnoticable until the moment you open the trenchcoat and display them to your enemies before you kill them.

132>Corruption the villain can turn any one faction against the players, or bring in a new hostile faction. This faction will independently accost the players until the faction leader is dealt with, or villain destroyed.

133>Ceiling Stealth You succeed any stealth roll by climbing up tot he ceiling and hiding above the guards, as long as you are inside a building.

134>One Last Bullet You take out your gun's magazine to reveal that you have only one bullet left. You make one attack roll that is a guaranteed hit and discard the weapon.

135>That's not a knife if a mook is attempting an intimidate check on a player using a weapon, and the player has a larger weapon than the mook, the player can instantly intimidate the mook.

136>On a roll Kills grant stacking bonuses to all stats. Bonuses are removed once the player goes a turn without making a kill or taking damage.

137>Percussive maintenance Player uses an attack or strength score instead of an intelligence or repair score to fix something. Pretty much hitting something to fix it.

138>Trust me, I'm a Professional! Player gets bonuses to everything that's a really bad idea.

139>What bus driver? (or MO-VIE! MO-VIE! MO-VIE!) A mook or commander/lieutenant is immediately struck and incapacitated by a vehicle crashing through a wall.

140>Really? a fucking _____? bonus to inappropriately applied, outdated out of place or overkill weapons.

141>Bitches Leave. Intimidates mooks into leaving without a fight. Only works in presence of non-mook.

142>Your move, creep. Holds a enemy dead to rights, if they do anything other than talk a highly successful attack is carried out. If enemy is just a mook, they are killed outright.

143>TV Dinner Air Ducts. You can hide in em', or crawl in em to reach an important location. They'll take you right to them.

144>Ho-Ho-Ho... Next weapon PC finds is significantly more powerful than whatever is currently equipped.

145>It's all in the Reflexes. All manner of throw-able weapons thrown at PCs can be thrown back for double their damage.

146>Anyone else want to negotiate? Rapidly kills off a non-mook with the hope that mooks surrender.

147>Consider that the divorce... Grants huge attack bonus against a female villain with firearms.

148>Don't push it... PC intimidates an enemy into a fearful stupor with a knife, allowing for an extended period of escape.

149>Shit just got real. Upon major actions of villains, PCs replenish HP and ammo in preparation for the "real deal".

150>Smooth Accent English characters Gains a bonus to social rolls.

151>German Engineering Character gains a bonus to any crafting roll that either creates or repairs technology.

152>I Do Believe You Are Running Out Of Ammunition A villain may revoke the "endless ammo" privileges of the heroes by pointing out that their sloppy shooting. The Heroes are now left with one last full reload apiece to finish out the scene.

153>I've Got Friends In High Places Your character has very influential friends, and may call in favors while out of combat from high-ranking politicians, powerful military leaders and big businessmen.

154>I've Got Friends In Low Places Your character is well acquainted with the local criminal element, and may call in favors while out of combat from drug lords, guerilla fighters and all manner of con men.

155>Crossroads Crash Cutoff While tailing the badguys in a chase scenario, turn off onto a slightly different route so as to either put your car in front of theirs at the next crossroads, or ram them in a T-Bone collision that incapacitates the vehicle and disorients the occupants.

156>Offensive Driver Training You have the skills and the sense of flair needed to make vehicular homicide look good.

157>Drive-By Sharpshooter Your skills as a marksman are actually improved by riding in or even driving a vehicle.

158>King of the Road You are the King of the Road, Lord of the Asphalt and Master of All Things Automotive. You cannot be beaten in any scenario resembling a car chase, road race or getaway.

159>The Taste Test You can correctly identify any substance by dabbing your finger in it, taking a sniff and touching that finger to your tongue. So long as you remember to spit afterward, you will suffer no harmful effects from what you've just taste-tested.

160>Highway Jumper You can use this card to jump from any vehicle to any other vehicle in the scene during a chase.

161>Getaway Driver A friend or ally shows up with a car to take you to safety.

162>You Forgot One Thing player may immediately reveal one thing that totally happened seversl hours before the scene; from rigging the place to blow to sabotaging the entrance gate. It takes immediate effect.

163>Are You Really So Foolish, To Come Here Alone? May only be used if the player entered the Villain's Stronghold alone. Causes the remaining players to enter the stronghold with an army of cops, causing all Mooks and Lieutenants to surrender. The Villain may or may not have an escape plan.

164>Turns Out He Isn't Dead If you get enough damage to be killed in a scene, you can use this card to fall off a bridge or cliff and land safely. You can't act in this scene anymore but you will come back in play later.

165>You wanna stay alive,stay with me. If using this while escorting an NPC and your defense rolls are higher you may use that for the NPC you are escorting for their defense roll.

166>A battle of wits All enemies and PCs in the vicinity stop all combat/hostilies. They all sit down in good faith and battle it out using their wits to the death. The battle of wits must end in one side's death.

167>Taking you with me Play when killed. Instantly kill a large number of mooks or a villain.

168>I've got bad news and god news. when this card is played, the player must declare the bad news or the god news, not both. Director take the other.

169>I've got bad news and bad news. The director declares a bad news, then the players deckares the bad news, both can be canceled each other

170> Where ya callin' from, the bottom of the pool? the director can bring back the lieutenant

171> there are too many bullets in this gun. the lieutenant can kill a support character

172>I've got bad news and god news. when this card is played, the player must declare the bad news or the god news, not both. Director take the other.

173>I've got bad news and bad news. The director declares a bad news, then the players deckares the bad news, both can be canceled each other

174> Where ya callin' from, the bottom of the pool? the director can bring back the lieutenant

175> there are too many bullets in this gun. the lieutenant can kill a support character

176>555-0-whatever PC can call anyone from a pay phone. He will answer after the third ring. No exceptions.

177>A Weapon to Surpass Metal Gear Whatever it is you just blew up, there's a bigger one. But don't worry, its ankle joints are just as weak.

178>WHO'S PHONE IS THAT? The henchman can instantly find out the identity of the hero or his closest family.

179>Return to sender You have the speed and skill needed to catch an throw grenade and send it hurtling back to your enemies before it explodes. Gain one awesome point for a well executed return.

180>Good'old friend Affect one PC. the Villain or Lieutenant can escape and the PC can't make any actions against him


So to start off a Hero needs a Badass name and occupation. The occupation determines all the skills a character has. normally a normal person rolls 1d6 for skill rolls, but your badass so all the skills associated with the occupation gets 2d6.

-Heros start the game with 3 awesome points(these can be used for Anything.) --Draw 5 or 7 cards, up to the director.

-If a Heros hand is gone he is out of the scene and lose 1 awesome point, if they are out of awesome points and lose their hand they die. (cards=hp) -The deck the Hero's draw from is one deck in the middle of the table, it has good and bad asspulls.

-cards can be played face up on the table to use the effects, or "burned" a one time use.

-Enemies- Mooks- Hp=1 Damage=1 Left Hand- Hp=10 Damage=2 Big Bad- Hp=varies Damage=Varies

Left hands, and Big Bads count as Villains for cards that effect Villains.

Damage delt to heros is taken from either their hand or the cards on the field. Again when all are gone ya be dead.

A hero can "refresh" for 2 awesome points to pull a new hand and can if they want they can rejoin the scene.

The game is very narrative based story telling. The director sets the stage, and throws the endless minions at the heros.

Awesome points

So awesome points are fucking awesome ! You can do damn near anything you want. For 1 point draw an extra card, for 2, draw a new hand "refresh."

You get awesome points a lot of different ways, bribing the directer, cheezy one liners, creative problem solving some cards themselves etc. There is no limit to how many awesome points a Hero can get

-Collateral damage-

The director can put out a few cards face down as scenery for added defense as well as making the scene more dynamic, so bar stools/ pool tables/ cars etc. When a hero would take damage the scenery takes it first. The Heroes can flip them at any time, if they do and its an ongoing effect all the heroes gain the benefit. If the card is a Burn it is discarded, and if its a villain card it activates.

--The Plot thickens--

So what happens when the scene ends? Well you discard your hand and draw a new one, granted if you have cards out on the table leave them and draw to the max counting them.

Now your asking what happens when the deck runs out... well there is a fun question. When the deck runs out, it doesn't matter when, shit goes wrong and ends the scene. So a bomb going off, the enemy getting away, its something BAD and sticks with the characters for a while, so possibly negatives for the next scene, or the max hand size is reduced for a time, etc. This cank ill but its not necessary.

After this shuffle the deck and restart the timer. For more intense situations feel free to TAKE cards from the deck.

The villain cards themselves would be played as soon as they are drawn and the Hero would draw a new one. If the Big bad is not out it would be used on a Left hand, if there are only mooks then it dos not go off unless specified on the card

-The Card Types-

Play Cards- These are cards that can be played face up that have ongoing effects like a bonus to rolls or equipment, etc.

Burn Cards- Burn cards are one time use cards that give a specific effect and will be said on the card, for instance “Cool guys don't look at explosion's,” will will let a Hero survive any explosion but the card is burned. When a card is burned it is discarded after the use, and the Hero draws a replacement.

Villain Cards- In the deck there are bad cards called Villain cards that will hinder the Heroes in one way or another. These cards will have Villain on them. The effects are based on who is in a scene and will work on a Villain. A Villain is either a Left Hand or the Big Bad, mooks do NOT count as Villains. If the Big Bad and a Left Hand are in a scene the card is used on the Big Bad first. If there is no Villains in a scene the card is discarded, unless the card says otherwise.

When a Villain card is drawn it is played immediately and the Hero draws another card.

Director Cards

These cards are quick reference for the director, they consist of basic weapon cards, mooks, Left hands, and The Big Bad. These cards are here to make the directors job a little easier and helps keep track. These normally stay with the Director and are taken out of the deck.


Ammo: 15 Damage: 1 If a hero spends 3 ammo they add 1 to damage. If they spend 5 they can fire at another enemy.

Assault Rifle-

Ammo: 30 Damage: 1 If a hero spends 3 ammo they add 1 to damage. If they spend 5 they can fire at another enemy.


Ammo: 5 Damage: Roll 2d6 for the amount of enemies hit. Roll once to attack the group, and all that fail they take 1 damage.

Rocket Launcher-

Ammo: 1 Damage: Roll 2d6, kill that many mooks, if used on a villain they take 5 damage.


Hp: 1 Damage: 1 Skill rolls: 1d6 Most mooks have pistol which just gives them range and doesn't add damage

Left Hand-

Hp: 10 Damage: 2 Skill rolls: 2d6 A Villain can have different weapons for different effects. Pistol: Lets him attack at range for 2 damage. Shotgun: Roll 1d6 and make attack rolls to that many Heroes, on a hit do 1 damage. Rocket: ONE USE. Instantly hits all Heroes for 2 damage.

Big Bad-

Hp: 10 to 15 Damage: 2 Skill rolls: 2d6+1 A Villain can have different weapons for different effects. Pistol: Lets him attack at range for 2 damage. Shotgun: Roll 1d6 and make attack rolls to that many Heroes, on a hit do 1 damage. Rocket: ONE USE. Instantly hits all Heroes for 2 damage.

Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/32762540/