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The first king of the first dynasty of the kingdom of Nehekhara, badass, and he with the most magnificent beard outside Dwarfs.
The first king of the first dynasty of the kingdom of Nehekhara, badass, and he with the most magnificent beard outside Dwarfs.
Though he was a tyrannical ruler, Settra was Nehekhara's best king because he also rewarded accomplishments and actually praised the proles when they did well mastered the teachings (because he knew, just like Machiavelli's teaching that many people misquote; 'it's best for a ruler to be both feared AND loved, if they can only have one be feared, and that they must always avoid being hated'.  All the other Kings [and Queen] only focused on the 'loved' or 'feared') 

[[Image:Badass Settra.png|400px|thumb|right|Doctor Doom bends to one knee when a depiction of Settra is in his presence.]]
[[Image:Badass Settra.png|400px|thumb|right|Doctor Doom bends to one knee when a depiction of Settra is in his presence.]]

Though he was a tyrannical ruler, Settra was Nehekhara's best king because he also rewarded accomplishments and actually praised the proles when they did well mastered the teachings (because he knew, just like Machiavelli's teaching that many people misquote; 'it's best for a ruler to be both feared AND loved, if they can only have one be feared, and that they must always avoid being hated'.  All the other Kings [and Queen] only focused on the 'loved' or 'feared') 

Revision as of 05:32, 2 September 2014

The first king of the first dynasty of the kingdom of Nehekhara, badass, and he with the most magnificent beard outside Dwarfs.

Doctor Doom bends to one knee when a depiction of Settra is in his presence.

Though he was a tyrannical ruler, Settra was Nehekhara's best king because he also rewarded accomplishments and actually praised the proles when they did well mastered the teachings (because he knew, just like Machiavelli's teaching that many people misquote; 'it's best for a ruler to be both feared AND loved, if they can only have one be feared, and that they must always avoid being hated'. All the other Kings [and Queen] only focused on the 'loved' or 'feared')


A powerful man, but vain and egotistical as well. In older fluff, Settra actually renamed the entirety of Nehekhara after his capital city of Khemri, but he's Settra so he can do whatever he wants. His solution to the fact that all men die; find a way to overcome death (even if you think he's a wuss for trying to avoid death, he put his mind to it and he was never a pussy about it).

He was ruthless towards anyone who challenged or even questioned his rule, from bandits to leaders of other kingdoms who thought they were "equal", having them dealt with loudly and publicly. Unlike most Nehekharan royals however, he was also clever and rewarding to those amongst his subjects who pleased him. The combination of brutal efficiency and effective rule brought about an unequaled golden age for Nehekhara that trumped everything humans (and came close to the height of elves, showing their racism as their statements of humans being crude seem to avoid mentioning Nehekhara) that had ever been before or after.

He is also a textbook example of the Knight Templar trope (well-intentioned extremist, doing terrible things to get his point across, bonus points for being religious too). The man sacrificed his own children without a second thought to the gods to prove his devotion to them (whether this makes him a dedicated ruler or an evil zealot is a matter of debate).

In all fluff, Settra wound up with more titles than an Ogre Tyrant and had servants who's entire job was reciting them (punishment for those who fucked up) all day, every day. It took his heralds nearly two hours to say them all. Unlike many people with a ton of titles, he earned them. They include:

  • Khemrikhara
  • Mighty Lion Of The Infinite Desert
  • Emperor Of The Shifting Sands
  • He Who Holds The Sceptre
  • Great Hawk Of The Heavens

The Legend


Of all the kings of Nehekhara, none could match the splendor, cruelty and arrogance of Settra, first King of Khemri.

Death (and all the bullshit that happened when he wasn't around to keep the peace)


On the Tabletop

Settra has had a model since Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts were Warhammer: Undead, which looked like something out of an Abbott and Costello film, but that's okay because the 80's. He got a new model when Tomb Kings became their own army, which is lucky because it's absolutely MAGNIFICENT. From his pose to the details on the chariot, he epitomizes the look of the army and if you are trying to proxy something else as him you should be prepared for other Tomb Kings players to remove your head and use your still-living skull as artillery to fire at Games Workshop headquarters after updates. He's fairly expensive point-wise, but unlike most named Lords is actually worth considering outside large-scale games (to the point that, along with Khalida, he is actually the only other truly competitively viable choice when named characters are allowed). He can be fielded without his chariot (a super pimped out one called the Chariot of the Gods), but he becomes less effective as he's somewhat fragile without the bonuses from it.

Besides that however, the best fluff and crunch army for him is a full chariot charge anyways with him at the front. Screaming Skull Catapults are also advised, as they are Settra's main method of dealing with uppity boneheads Tomb Kings who think they don't have to salute when he passes or jump when he commands.
