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==== Brother Jacobin ====
==== Brother Jacobin ====

==== Markus Mordecai (cultist enforcer) ====
A former Adeptus Arbite that joined forces with the Spores of Madness and now serve as an enforcer for a group of cultist

=== [Insert Fleet Name Here] ===
=== [Insert Fleet Name Here] ===

Revision as of 19:40, 8 February 2016

Spores of Madness
Black skull on a white field over three black goblets(Yet to be drawn)
Battle Cry Plauge and Plunder me Hearties!
Number Unknown
Founding 40th Millennium Founding
Successors of White Scars
Successor Chapters None
Primarch Jaghatai Khan
Homeworld Fleet based
Strength About a Companies worth of marines(100?)
Specialty Drop pod Assaults/Boarding action
Allegiance Chaos: Nurgle
Colours Skull white, Scab red and Snot green detail
Fucking demon space pirates. It's like everything, but better.

Another example of fa/tg/uys messing with creation tables, the Spores of Madness are a Chaos Warband that enjoys space sea shanties, plauge grog, and spreading the gifts of Papa Nurgle.


The Spores of Madness are an interesting bunch of loonies to say the least. By now, their original chapter name has been forgotten or simply removed from the Administratum records, and if you asked one of them to tell you they'd probably spit and tell you it's "Bad luck, mate", before promptly disemboweling and/or infecting you with some awful combination of Warp Scurvy and Space AIDS.

Created in the 40th millennium from the gene seed of the White Scars, the Spores of Madness loyalist streak didn't last long. But a scant few decades after their founding, a horrible flaw (yet unspecified) was discovered in their gene seed, a mutation so vile that the Inquisition was immediately dispatched to purge the unclean chapter. The force did its job... well, most of it, at least. They managed to destroy 90% of the chapter (including their Chapter Master). By the end of it, only the first company was left, holed up in their fortress monastery. When the Inquisitors came a'calling, the Spores answered. Rather than remaining in their fortress, the first company boarded their ships, and took the fight to their new enemies. Opening with quite a few daring boarding actions, not only did they escape, but stole several of the attacking ships while they were at it.

It is unknown how or when this first company came under the influence of good old Nurgle or how they came to their current hunting grounds in the Ghoul stars, all that is known is that these fanatics care about looting and thieving nearly as much as Papa Nurgle.

Notable characters

Captain Boil Beard

Ol' Ironsides

Imagine if you took Bjorn the Fell-handed, made him stop pretending to be senile (as in actually senile), turned the crazy up to 11, and stuck him in a boat with a bunch of rotting space pirates. Welcome to Ol' Ironsides. This mad bastard consistently forgets things, blasts sea shanties through speakers that would make the Noise Marines weep, and does something he likes to call a "rot keg," in which he screams at the lesser hands on the ship to fill his sarcophagus with plague grog.

When they don't he just continues screaming, ranting about how he should feed them to the drop pods. He usually does.

Arkus Name-Taker

If you're one of those guys in the 40k universe that deals in the market of men, you're probably one of Arkus Name-Taker's customers.

Sorcerer captain of the blockade runner Bonnie Whore's Kisses, Arkus Name-Taker is one of the most prolific slavers in the galaxy. Most notable was his enslavement of the entirety of the noble children of Delcitus Maxim and their replacement with nurglings, an action that led to the formation of the Delcitus Crusade Fleet and the blood vendetta of it's commander, Commodore Tabeatha Haddaway Ngatha.

A preening, egotistical man, Captain Name-Taker surrounds himself with a cadre of slaves who endlessly polish, paint, and replace his armor as it succumbs to Nurgle's designs. Preferring his ship to be crewed with psykers, Name-Taker's mancatcher squads have been known to fill their slave cages by compelling the weak of mind to walk into their servitude.

He's probably the cleanest follower of Nurgle. Ever.


Tektus The Dense

Tektus the Dense is a feared but still respected leader over his six man bike squad "The Vile Riders". Besides being efficient on the battlefield they are also tasked with either stealing something quickly, or delivering dangerous cargo for the Captain.

Contrary to popular belief, Tektus is not called "the Dense" because he's stupid. Actually, compared to the other Spores of Madness, he's pretty damn brilliant. However, his body is absolutely wracked with tumors that have burst his armor asunder and added a half a foot to his flesh. On top of that, the collective mass of fucked up cells makes him weigh a half ton unarmored. It's like Deadpool, but more vomit inducing.

Ol' Ironsides got pissed at him once and tried to take him down.

It didn't work.

The Belle Dame

When the Spores of Madness sacked the stellar wind-swept planet of Robartes and its great subterranean cities, they discovered a lone tower standing in the inhospitable desert of the surface. Standing more than a kilometer in height, the thin, gleaming spire appeared in no records. The Spores of Madness found only a solitary woman chained in the room at the top of the spire, unguarded. Appearing heavily pregnant, the Spores of Madness took the seven chains binding her as a good omen and brought her back to their ship unmolested.

Ostensibly an anemic, listless human woman of indeterminate age with a full term pregnancy, the Belle Dame's humanity is undermined by not only her great height, standing taller than all but a handful of Space Marines, but also her absolute refusal to eat. Most curious is the fact that her abdomen, swollen with child, is nearly transparent, with ribs and organs visible. Her womb appears as a swirling mass of contrasting liquids, with many of the Spores believing that the future can be divined from interpreting the patterns formed by the currents and eddies. A few of the Spores claim to have seen the child she is carrying, when pressed the details given are vague but all describe it as giving them an unsettling sense of familiarity.

Captain Boil Beard keeps her close, in her own private chamber on the Pieces of Eight

Lesser Characters

Bloaterbud (Chaos spawn)

Brother Jacobin

Markus Mordecai (cultist enforcer)

A former Adeptus Arbite that joined forces with the Spores of Madness and now serve as an enforcer for a group of cultist

[Insert Fleet Name Here]

Pieces of Eight

Ark Defilement

"Excuse me, Magos, I was overlooking the schematics you sent me and I'm confused. This is some sort of artillery cannon with an articulated barrel, correct?"


"Won't this explode violently when fired?


"If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"Because the coxswain of the Ark Defilement got his right leg blown off and wanted a cannon for its replacement."

"But to mount this thing would require removing his other leg, pelvis, and most of his lower abdomen and the recoil from firing the cannon would wrench it free from any anchoring."


"Did you tell him that would happen?"


"Sir, with all due respect..."

"I had dreams once. Simple, easy dreams of respect, authority, and beautiful women retaining at least 43% of their flesh. And now, now I get to make artillery cannons into legs for drunken oafs. Every day I wake up, point a plasma torch at my brain case, and flip a coin. It will be my lucky day one of these days, but until then, I need a 155mm cannon, a cutting torch, and a door hinge."

The Ark Defilement is a barren, stolen factory ship. Kind of. Its halls are wandered by the crew and a few Magi. The rest of the population of the factory ship consists of a horrible amalgamation of Nurgle hive mind and tech priests fused to the goddamn walls. The bastards were taken and stuck into the horrid fleshy mass, and now all they do is work and craft for the Spores of Madness.

Bonnie Whore's Kisses

The Tumor

Oozing Wound

The Oozing wound is a ship that is in orbit around a green sun, no one knows what happend to the crew and those that try to explore it doesn't return. For many imperials in the nearby region it is considered bad luck to use the star when travelling in the Warp

Enemies of the warband

(Add the people that want to see us dead)