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====Edge of the Empire====
====Edge of the Empire====
Bounty Hunter
'''Bounty Hunter'''
*'''Assassin''' - Part [[Ninja]], part Sniper, all deadly. Gets aiming bonuses for added damage, and dodge & stealth bonuses for avoiding it. Also gets "Lethal Blows" for absolutely horrific critical hit modifiers.
*'''Assassin''' - Part [[Ninja]], part Sniper, all deadly. Gets aiming bonuses for added damage, and dodge & stealth bonuses for avoiding it. Also gets "Lethal Blows" for absolutely horrific critical hit modifiers.
*'''Gadgeteer''' - Be like Boba Fett and get custom armour and gear. [[DM]]s should be wary about players who want to play this, as they are going to [[Powergamer|Munchkin]] the FUCK out of the character.
*'''Gadgeteer''' - Be like Boba Fett and get custom armour and gear. [[DM]]s should be wary about players who want to play this, as they are going to [[Powergamer|Munchkin]] the FUCK out of the character.
*'''Survivalist''' - Tracking, sneaking and good at covering terrain, everything a good bounty hunter needs. Which of course makes for a good scout/pointman if your party doesn't include one already.
*'''Survivalist''' - Tracking, sneaking and good at covering terrain, everything a good bounty hunter needs. Which of course makes for a good scout/pointman if your party doesn't include one already.

*'''Doctor''': Pretty good as both a medic and a purveyor of "feel good juice" for buffs.  Also make pretty damn good martial artists if they start taking the right skills in the tree, particularly for races that get automatic buffs to their unarmed damage like trandoshans and wookiees.
*'''Doctor''': Pretty good as both a medic and a purveyor of "feel good juice" for buffs.  Also make pretty damn good martial artists if they start taking the right skills in the tree, particularly for races that get automatic buffs to their unarmed damage like trandoshans and wookiees.
*'''Politico''' - The [[Bard|"Face" and buffer]] of the group, gets a hilarious ability to [[Troll|hurl scathing abuse]] at an opponent, causing strain, which has the potential to [[What|knock them unconscious]]. Can also do the inverse and restore strain on allies.
*'''Politico''' - The [[Bard|"Face" and buffer]] of the group, gets a hilarious ability to [[Troll|hurl scathing abuse]] at an opponent, causing strain, which has the potential to [[What|knock them unconscious]]. Can also do the inverse and restore strain on allies.
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*'''Performer''' (FaHo) - the actual [[Bard|Bardic music]] class, this is ALL about the active abilities and gets practically no passive bonuses at all.
*'''Performer''' (FaHo) - the actual [[Bard|Bardic music]] class, this is ALL about the active abilities and gets practically no passive bonuses at all.

*'''Fringer''' - Gets a whole bunch of astrogation bonuses that are unlikely to come into play, but makes for an acceptable group pilot if no-one else can do the job. They also get a few defensive bonuses that are generally handy no matter what other specialisations they take.
*'''Fringer''' - Gets a whole bunch of astrogation bonuses that are unlikely to come into play, but makes for an acceptable group pilot if no-one else can do the job. They also get a few defensive bonuses that are generally handy no matter what other specialisations they take.
*'''Scout''' - The stealth dude the  team puts on point since he'll see everything and not be seen in turn, and gets to backstab in a similar way to [[Rogue]]s. Also gets the utility belt ability, where he can pull a common rarity item out of his ass for free by spending destiny points.
*'''Scout''' - The stealth dude the  team puts on point since he'll see everything and not be seen in turn, and gets to backstab in a similar way to [[Rogue]]s. Also gets the utility belt ability, where he can pull a common rarity item out of his ass for free by spending destiny points.
*'''Trader''' - Earn [[15,000,000 Gold a Day]] by breaking your DMs economy and locating black market items he doesn't want you to have. Try to cross-class as Quartermaster for added [[Profit]] and your DM will kick you in the balls.
*'''Trader''' - Earn [[15,000,000 Gold a Day]] by breaking your DMs economy and locating black market items he doesn't want you to have. Try to cross-class as Quartermaster for added [[Profit]] and your DM will kick you in the balls.
*'''Archaologist''' (Enter the Unknown) - Indiana Jones IN SPACE, you can play Harrison Ford's OTHER alter ego, despite not having the brawl skill immediately, is surprisingly good at... Brawling
*'''Archaologist''' (Enter the Unknown) - Indiana Jones IN SPACE, you can play Harrison Ford's OTHER alter ego, despite not having the brawl skill immediately, is surprisingly good at... Brawling
*'''Big Game Hunter''' (EtU) - like playing a archery [[Ranger]], gets a few stealth / terrain talents and can cause MASSIVE damage at long range
*'''Big Game Hunter''' (EtU) - like playing an archery [[Ranger]], gets a few stealth / terrain talents and can cause MASSIVE damage at long range
*'''Driver''' (EtU) - A "Pilot" but for atmospheric vehicles rather than X-Wings, is virtually analogous to to that specialisation and many of the bonuses carry over, so it can be a worthwhile choice.
*'''Driver''' (EtU) - A "Pilot" but for atmospheric vehicles rather than X-Wings, is virtually analogous to to that specialisation and many of the bonuses carry over, so it can be a worthwhile choice.

Hired Gun
'''Hired Gun'''
*'''Bodyguard''' - Supposedly the "protector" archetype but I can't remember the last time I saw the secret service use rifles, bazookas and gun-turrets, [[Derp|but okay]]. They get barrage bonuses on heavy weapons & gunnery at long range but most of the specialisation IS about defensive boosts, and they can provide active benefits to party members. So it works.
*'''Bodyguard''' - Supposedly the "protector" archetype but I can't remember the last time I saw the secret service use rifles, bazookas and gun-turrets, [[Derp|but okay]]. They get barrage bonuses on heavy weapons & gunnery at long range but most of the specialisation IS about defensive boosts, and they can provide active benefits to party members. So it works.
*'''Marauder''' - [[Barbarian]] hit things, Barbarian do much damage...
*'''Marauder''' - [[Barbarian]] hit things, Barbarian do much damage...
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*'''Heavy''' (DaCo) - Make big guns seem like kiddie toys and start [[Awesome|hip-shooting normally mounted weaponry]] and doing massive damage while you spray lasers all over the place.
*'''Heavy''' (DaCo) - Make big guns seem like kiddie toys and start [[Awesome|hip-shooting normally mounted weaponry]] and doing massive damage while you spray lasers all over the place.

*'''Pilot''' - Learn to fly a space craft, and gain bonuses while you do it.  
*'''Pilot''' - Learn to fly a space craft, while many classes get the pilot ''skill'', a specialised pilot gets talents and bonuses that make him generally better at it than anyone else. ''(until you see Rebel Aces)''
*'''Scoundrel''' - Telling lies and acting quickly, also gets the black market connections that the Trader gets but doesn't screw with the economy so much since he's not selling them back at a profit.
*'''Scoundrel''' - Telling lies and acting quickly, also gets the black market connections that the Trader gets but doesn't screw with the economy so much since he's not selling them back at a profit.
*'''Thief''' - "Yoink" I've picked your lock, now I'm stealthing off into the night then blending into a crowd. Like playing the [[/v/|Thief video game]], but in science fiction!
*'''Thief''' - "Yoink" I've picked your lock, pinched your stuff, now I'm stealthing off into the night then blending into a crowd. Like playing the [[/v/|Thief video game]], but in science fiction!
*'''Charmer''' (Fly Casual)
*'''Charmer''' (Fly Casual)
*'''Gambler''' (FlyCa)
*'''Gambler''' (FlyCa)
*'''Gunslinger''' (FlyCa)
*'''Gunslinger''' (FlyCa)

*'''Mechanic''' - Fixes stuff, so is good with vehicular focussed parties. Can also cause machinery to spontanously combust due to "Bad Motivator", which is hilarious. Can also make items out of sticky tape, PVA glue and coloured paper which can solve immediate problems. '''FUN'''
*'''Mechanic''' - Fixes stuff, so is good with vehicular focussed parties. Can also cause machinery to spontanously combust due to "Bad Motivator", which is hilarious. Can also make items out of sticky tape, PVA glue and coloured paper which can solve immediate problems. '''FUN'''
*'''Outlaw Tech''' - Remember how the scout could pull items out of his ass? well so can this guy, but earlier on. Plus he can modify, scavenge, improve and repair things. Making him a desirable party member when people want to upgrade their gear. Anyone who cross-classes Gadgeteer with Outlaw Tech is a filthy [[Powergamer|munchkin]] and can't really deny it.
*'''Outlaw Tech''' - Remember how the scout could pull items out of his ass? well so can this guy, but earlier on. Plus he can modify, scavenge, improve and repair things. Making him a desirable party member when people want to upgrade their gear. Anyone who cross-classes Gadgeteer with Outlaw Tech is a filthy [[Powergamer|munchkin]] and can't really deny it.
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====Age of Rebellion====
====Age of Rebellion====
*'''Driver''' - Identical to the Explorer specialisation, even if your focus is not atmospheric, can be worth taking for the stacking passive bonuses it grants.
*'''Driver''' - Identical to the Explorer specialisation, even if your focus is not atmospheric, can be worth taking for the stacking passive bonuses it grants.
*'''Gunner''' - Good even if you can't pilot for shit, since larger vessels have turret mounts that few people get any bonuses using, different from the Heavy since it's less about mobility and more about aiming bonuses. But the talents also work broadly too, turning you into a [[Tank]]. If you are also a decent pilot... Then [[Rape|well....]]
*'''Gunner''' - Good even if you can't pilot for shit, since larger vessels have turret mounts that few people get any bonuses using, different from the Heavy since it's less about mobility and more about aiming bonuses. But the talents also work broadly too, turning you into a [[Tank]]. If you are also a decent pilot... Then [[Rape|well....]]
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*'''Hotshot''' (StTa) - Like the Pilot, except more about crazy active abilities like maneuvering enemies into each other or pulling the switcharoo during dogfights.
*'''Hotshot''' (StTa) - Like the Pilot, except more about crazy active abilities like maneuvering enemies into each other or pulling the switcharoo during dogfights.

*'''Commodore''' - Combo Mechanic and Fringer with command and defence abilities thrown in. Literally there are four straight-line paths to the bottom which means you aren't forced to mix up your abilities. It's generally straightforward if your character wants a two or more of those paths and couldn't get them without multi-classing more than once.
*'''Commodore''' - Combo Mechanic and Fringer with command and defence abilities thrown in. Literally there are four straight-line paths to the bottom which means you aren't forced to mix up your abilities. It's generally straightforward if your character wants a two or more of those paths and couldn't get them without multi-classing more than once.
*'''Squad Leader''' - A defensive pilot. If he was on his own he'd be fairly inoffensive though he does get the Quick Strike ability for getting first hits in. His group skills mostly work on the ground as well as in vehicles, so he's not entirely useless. But this should be chosen as a later specialisation, rather than starting the game as a squad leader.
*'''Squad Leader''' - A defensive pilot. If he was on his own he'd be fairly inoffensive though he does get the Quick Strike ability for getting first hits in. His group skills mostly work on the ground as well as in vehicles, so he's not entirely useless. But this should be chosen as a later specialisation, rather than starting the game as a squad leader.
*'''Tactician''' - Sort of a combination of Bodyguard and Mercenary Soldier, without the fighting talents of either but gets improved mobility skills ''(so would have made a better "Bodyguard" than the Bodyguard specialisation)''. Good if the party includes several fighting characters and could use someone to buff them up.
*'''Tactician''' - Sort of a combination of Bodyguard and Mercenary Soldier, without the fighting talents of either but gets improved mobility skills ''(so would have made a better "Bodyguard" than the Bodyguard specialisation)''. Good if the party includes several fighting characters and could use someone to buff them up.

*'''Ambassador''' - they took the chatty part of the Politico specialisation and removed all of the foul language and gave them actual defences instead. They still can't stand up in a fight but they've got strain for days and are resistant to fear.
*'''Ambassador''' - they took the chatty part of the Politico specialisation and removed all of the foul language and gave them actual defences instead. They still can't stand up in a fight but they've got strain for days and are resistant to fear.
*'''Agitator''' - The [[Angry Marines|angry]] portion of the Politico, made more focussed. They're much more thuggish (like the Enforcer) but unfortunately unless they cross-career into something tough, its all bark rather than bite. That said, the ultimate ability causes a literal riot.
*'''Agitator''' - The [[Angry Marines|angry]] portion of the Politico, made more focussed. They're much more thuggish (like the Enforcer) but unfortunately unless they cross-career into something tough, its all bark rather than bite. That said, the ultimate ability causes a literal riot.
*'''Quartermaster''' - FREE MONEY! Seriously they can learn an ability that gets them free money every session. Mucks up the economy just like the Trader specialisation, but with less access to black market stuff, instead they learn how to use bribes as a game mechanic.
*'''Quartermaster''' - FREE MONEY! Seriously they can learn an ability that gets them free money every session. Mucks up the economy just like the Trader specialisation, but with less access to black market stuff, instead they learn how to use bribes as a game mechanic.

*'''Mechanic''' - Same as in the Technician Career, you fix stuff.
*'''Mechanic''' - Same as in the Technician Career, you fix stuff.
*'''Saboteur''' - Its about the bombs, though the first half of the progression is actually more about defensive abilities and you don't get the blast bonuses until later.
*'''Saboteur''' - Its about the bombs, though the first half of the progression is actually more about defensive abilities and you don't get the blast bonuses until later.
*'''Scientist''' - Like the Scholar, but less about being well rounded and more about application. You get the same knowledge and academic respect talents, but instead of all the mental fortitude ''(since that went to the Ambassador)'' you get to play with your gear  making it better like an Outlaw Tech, plus utility belt for lulz.
*'''Scientist''' - Like the Scholar, but less about being well rounded and more about application. You get the same knowledge and academic respect talents, but instead of all the mental fortitude ''(since that went to the Ambassador)'' you get to play with your gear  making it better like an Outlaw Tech, plus utility belt for lulz.

*'''Commando'''- Combat Pro, though unlike the Merc Soldier is less about team command and <u>more</u> about being good in a fight. Though isn't really focused on a particular thing. There is armour, resilience, melee and ranged buffs going for them. If you're a fighting character and can't decide where you want to be, then Commando is for you.
*'''Commando'''- Combat Pro, though unlike the Merc Soldier is less about team command and <u>more</u> about being good in a fight. Though isn't really focused on a particular thing. There is armour, resilience, melee and ranged buffs going for them. If you're a fighting character and can't decide where you want to be, going Commando is for you.
*'''Medic''' - Do you need healing NOW? The military medic is more based around patching people up immediately using consumable stim-packs that become less effective with repeated applications. The Doctor might be the better overall healer but you get to cross-class as Commando & Sharpshooter, so SUCK IT UP SOLDIER!
*'''Medic''' - Do you need healing NOW? The military medic is based around patching people up immediately using consumable stim-packs that become less effective with repeated applications. The Doctor might be the better overall healer but you get to cross-class as Commando & Sharpshooter, so SUCK IT UP SOLDIER!
*'''Sharpshooter''' - Like the Assassin, but with less stealth and MORE killing, when this guy is maxed out and armed with a sniper rifle, very few careers can do it better. Combo with Assassin & Big Game Hunter and [[Rape|no-one will survive]].
*'''Sharpshooter''' - Like the Assassin, but with less stealth and MORE killing, when this guy is maxed out and armed with a sniper rifle, very few careers can do it better. Combo with Assassin & Big Game Hunter and [[Rape|no-one will survive]].

*'''Infiltrator''' - In a word: [[Ninja]]. Strangely less about actual "infiltration" (though does get stealth bonuses later on) and more about dodging, flipping and overwhelming opponent's in melee   
*'''Infiltrator''' - In a word: [[Ninja]]. Strangely less about actual "infiltration" (though does get stealth bonuses later on) and more about dodging, flipping and overwhelming opponent's in melee   
*'''Scout''' - just like the Explorer, works well here for stealth reasons and being able to go solo.
*'''Scout''' - just like the Explorer, works well here for stealth reasons and being able to go solo.

Revision as of 11:19, 4 March 2015

Fantasy Flight Games had their own attempt at producing a Star Wars roleplaying game, it's actually pretty good.

A very unique form of roleplaying game though, in that it relies less on raw statistical power and more on speciality dice (sold by FFG obviously).

Currently there are three separate campaign settings:

  • Edge of the Empire
  • Age of Rebellion
  • Force and Destiny

However, unlike the Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying games produced by Fantasy Flight, they all use the exactly the same format and rulesets and are completely compatible with one another with only minor differences in the reason for why they adventure, though all of the mechanics can be used simultaneously.


The three settings are set around the same time as Episode IV, approximately the same time that the Rebels blow up the Death Star. So it's the time of Storm Troopers, X-Wings and Yoda.

Depending on the rulebook that the characters are drawn from, the players are hooked into the universe using a variety of mechanical effects.

EotE uses an Obligation mechanic, which is a percentile number of how much debt they are in to someone or something else. It doesn't have to be "debt" per-say, it could be a frail old grandmother that needs looked after, or simply having children. Either way the character has someone they need to look after or appease. The higher their percentile, the more chance of an off-screen event occuring, which will severely effect the mindset of the character, reducing their effectiveness in gameplay. They players can use Obligation as a resource though, and accumulate more obligation to gain assets of value, like starships or rare items. Too much obligation and they start becoming a liability, so its in the players interest to get rid of it when they get the opportunity.

AoR uses Duty, which is like inverse Obligation, they "want" to accumulate duty as it represents their status with their chosen organisation (the Rebellion by default), at low levels they don't get much, but as they accumulate more, they can trade it in for starships and items.

F&D uses Morality which generally only works for force users, being an asshole will accumulate conflict points, which will reduce their morality in the long run, meaning that they can start using the dark side, which is mathematically advantageous since the custom dice that force users has 7 dark sides (out of 12). Light users by contrast gain a higher strain threshold, and can therefore continue fighting/acting for longer.


Anyone that has played any of the 40k roleplaying systems by FFG will get a familiar feeling when playing Edge of the Empire, it takes the "degrees of success" mechanic from the 40k rules, and strips away pretty much everything else.

Instead of simply taking a skill or combat check and comparing numbers, players roll a dice pool which just has a random number of success or advantage symbols on the dice itself. Comparing that to a similar dice pool rolled by the DM representing the difficulty of the test.

This actually has two major advantages over most other rulesets straight off the bat.

  • 1) Less reliance on statistics means there are less pauses at the table while people count up what their rolls actually mean. Basically few rolls require counting higher than ten.
  • 2) Cheating becomes much less of a problem as players cannot simply roll dice and declare that they have passed or failed a test, since they actually have to compare their successes to the DMs number of failures. Meaning the authority always remains with a DM.

Of course this means owning a set of Star Wars dice, though you can use traditional dice, and just use a conversion table found in the rulebook... though that defeats the point.

Dice pools are generated quite easily, when you take a test, each skill has a stat associated with it. Compare your ranks in the skill with the stat, and take the higher of the two numbers as your basic number of dice, and the lower of the two number determines how many of those dice are "upgraded" from D8s to D12s.

If you get situational bonuses due to talents or environmental effects, the DM can add or take away D6s to the pool.


The Fantasy Flight version is a strange hybrid of free-form vs structure when it comes to character creation.

PCs choose a career and a specialisation to spend their experience in. However, if they choose to, they can buy upgrades from other specialisations by paying into those specialisations. They may also buy into other entire careers if they feel inclined too, though that is essentially cross classing and therefore comes at an increased XP cost.

Again, unlike the disparate 40k settings, they all work in unison with one another, so a Smuggler pilot could easily cross-class as a Consular Healer if the DM allowed it, since it would not affect the way the game is played, nor would it change the overall power level of the character with respect to the rest of the Party

Edge of the Empire

Bounty Hunter

  • Assassin - Part Ninja, part Sniper, all deadly. Gets aiming bonuses for added damage, and dodge & stealth bonuses for avoiding it. Also gets "Lethal Blows" for absolutely horrific critical hit modifiers.
  • Gadgeteer - Be like Boba Fett and get custom armour and gear. DMs should be wary about players who want to play this, as they are going to Munchkin the FUCK out of the character.
  • Survivalist - Tracking, sneaking and good at covering terrain, everything a good bounty hunter needs. Which of course makes for a good scout/pointman if your party doesn't include one already.


  • Doctor: Pretty good as both a medic and a purveyor of "feel good juice" for buffs. Also make pretty damn good martial artists if they start taking the right skills in the tree, particularly for races that get automatic buffs to their unarmed damage like trandoshans and wookiees.
  • Politico - The "Face" and buffer of the group, gets a hilarious ability to hurl scathing abuse at an opponent, causing strain, which has the potential to knock them unconscious. Can also do the inverse and restore strain on allies.
  • Scholar - all the lore at your fingertips, basically about researching things you didn't know, but as a student of the mind you get have surprising mental discipline, you can reduce strain damage and can get some non-career skills of your choice.
  • Entrepeneur (Far Horizons)
  • Marshall (FaHo)
  • Performer (FaHo) - the actual Bardic music class, this is ALL about the active abilities and gets practically no passive bonuses at all.


  • Fringer - Gets a whole bunch of astrogation bonuses that are unlikely to come into play, but makes for an acceptable group pilot if no-one else can do the job. They also get a few defensive bonuses that are generally handy no matter what other specialisations they take.
  • Scout - The stealth dude the team puts on point since he'll see everything and not be seen in turn, and gets to backstab in a similar way to Rogues. Also gets the utility belt ability, where he can pull a common rarity item out of his ass for free by spending destiny points.
  • Trader - Earn 15,000,000 Gold a Day by breaking your DMs economy and locating black market items he doesn't want you to have. Try to cross-class as Quartermaster for added Profit and your DM will kick you in the balls.
  • Archaologist (Enter the Unknown) - Indiana Jones IN SPACE, you can play Harrison Ford's OTHER alter ego, despite not having the brawl skill immediately, is surprisingly good at... Brawling
  • Big Game Hunter (EtU) - like playing an archery Ranger, gets a few stealth / terrain talents and can cause MASSIVE damage at long range
  • Driver (EtU) - A "Pilot" but for atmospheric vehicles rather than X-Wings, is virtually analogous to to that specialisation and many of the bonuses carry over, so it can be a worthwhile choice.

Hired Gun

  • Bodyguard - Supposedly the "protector" archetype but I can't remember the last time I saw the secret service use rifles, bazookas and gun-turrets, but okay. They get barrage bonuses on heavy weapons & gunnery at long range but most of the specialisation IS about defensive boosts, and they can provide active benefits to party members. So it works.
  • Marauder - Barbarian hit things, Barbarian do much damage...
  • Mercenary Soldier - The professional, and does it pretty well. Boost team members due to leadership skill, and gets half-decent fighting bonuses, making this a good option.
  • Enforcer (Dangerous Covenants) - Get your Thug on and hit things with baseball bats. Good for intimidation value and getting around in the underworld.
  • Demolitionist (DaCo) - KABOOM BABY! All about blast weapons, making blasts better and how they are shaped (so you can exclude friendly targets), you can also rig mundane stuff to explode once per session.
  • Heavy (DaCo) - Make big guns seem like kiddie toys and start hip-shooting normally mounted weaponry and doing massive damage while you spray lasers all over the place.


  • Pilot - Learn to fly a space craft, while many classes get the pilot skill, a specialised pilot gets talents and bonuses that make him generally better at it than anyone else. (until you see Rebel Aces)
  • Scoundrel - Telling lies and acting quickly, also gets the black market connections that the Trader gets but doesn't screw with the economy so much since he's not selling them back at a profit.
  • Thief - "Yoink" I've picked your lock, pinched your stuff, now I'm stealthing off into the night then blending into a crowd. Like playing the Thief video game, but in science fiction!
  • Charmer (Fly Casual)
  • Gambler (FlyCa)
  • Gunslinger (FlyCa)


  • Mechanic - Fixes stuff, so is good with vehicular focussed parties. Can also cause machinery to spontanously combust due to "Bad Motivator", which is hilarious. Can also make items out of sticky tape, PVA glue and coloured paper which can solve immediate problems. FUN
  • Outlaw Tech - Remember how the scout could pull items out of his ass? well so can this guy, but earlier on. Plus he can modify, scavenge, improve and repair things. Making him a desirable party member when people want to upgrade their gear. Anyone who cross-classes Gadgeteer with Outlaw Tech is a filthy munchkin and can't really deny it.
  • Slicer - There is something called "Defensive Slicing", just in case your DM wants to hack your computers with a skill check rather than telling you he's hacked your system. But this class is not just about tackling computers and is also handy with lock-picks. Not really a specialisation to completely max out unless I'm missing something.

Age of Rebellion


  • Driver - Identical to the Explorer specialisation, even if your focus is not atmospheric, can be worth taking for the stacking passive bonuses it grants.
  • Gunner - Good even if you can't pilot for shit, since larger vessels have turret mounts that few people get any bonuses using, different from the Heavy since it's less about mobility and more about aiming bonuses. But the talents also work broadly too, turning you into a Tank. If you are also a decent pilot... Then well....
  • Pilot - Exactly the same specialisation the Smuggler gets, but a better fit for a character who wants to be a dedicated pilot, since the in-career specialisations combo extremely well together.
  • Beast Rider (Stay on Target) - More for riding than driving/piloting. Your mileage may vary since mounted characters might be rare in your campaign.
  • Rigger (StTa) - Holy Shit! Like the Gadgeteer, except for a vehicle, if your group has a shared starship and the setting involves a lot of space combat, someone should be MADE to play this class.
  • Hotshot (StTa) - Like the Pilot, except more about crazy active abilities like maneuvering enemies into each other or pulling the switcharoo during dogfights.


  • Commodore - Combo Mechanic and Fringer with command and defence abilities thrown in. Literally there are four straight-line paths to the bottom which means you aren't forced to mix up your abilities. It's generally straightforward if your character wants a two or more of those paths and couldn't get them without multi-classing more than once.
  • Squad Leader - A defensive pilot. If he was on his own he'd be fairly inoffensive though he does get the Quick Strike ability for getting first hits in. His group skills mostly work on the ground as well as in vehicles, so he's not entirely useless. But this should be chosen as a later specialisation, rather than starting the game as a squad leader.
  • Tactician - Sort of a combination of Bodyguard and Mercenary Soldier, without the fighting talents of either but gets improved mobility skills (so would have made a better "Bodyguard" than the Bodyguard specialisation). Good if the party includes several fighting characters and could use someone to buff them up.


  • Ambassador - they took the chatty part of the Politico specialisation and removed all of the foul language and gave them actual defences instead. They still can't stand up in a fight but they've got strain for days and are resistant to fear.
  • Agitator - The angry portion of the Politico, made more focussed. They're much more thuggish (like the Enforcer) but unfortunately unless they cross-career into something tough, its all bark rather than bite. That said, the ultimate ability causes a literal riot.
  • Quartermaster - FREE MONEY! Seriously they can learn an ability that gets them free money every session. Mucks up the economy just like the Trader specialisation, but with less access to black market stuff, instead they learn how to use bribes as a game mechanic.


  • Mechanic - Same as in the Technician Career, you fix stuff.
  • Saboteur - Its about the bombs, though the first half of the progression is actually more about defensive abilities and you don't get the blast bonuses until later.
  • Scientist - Like the Scholar, but less about being well rounded and more about application. You get the same knowledge and academic respect talents, but instead of all the mental fortitude (since that went to the Ambassador) you get to play with your gear making it better like an Outlaw Tech, plus utility belt for lulz.


  • Commando- Combat Pro, though unlike the Merc Soldier is less about team command and more about being good in a fight. Though isn't really focused on a particular thing. There is armour, resilience, melee and ranged buffs going for them. If you're a fighting character and can't decide where you want to be, going Commando is for you.
  • Medic - Do you need healing NOW? The military medic is based around patching people up immediately using consumable stim-packs that become less effective with repeated applications. The Doctor might be the better overall healer but you get to cross-class as Commando & Sharpshooter, so SUCK IT UP SOLDIER!
  • Sharpshooter - Like the Assassin, but with less stealth and MORE killing, when this guy is maxed out and armed with a sniper rifle, very few careers can do it better. Combo with Assassin & Big Game Hunter and no-one will survive.


  • Infiltrator - In a word: Ninja. Strangely less about actual "infiltration" (though does get stealth bonuses later on) and more about dodging, flipping and overwhelming opponent's in melee
  • Scout - just like the Explorer, works well here for stealth reasons and being able to go solo.
  • Slicer - the same as the Technician, but considering the multi-class combos the Spy gets it gives it a more malicious edge, though they might want to skip this and go out-of-career for their next specialisation since it doesn't really fit the melee/stealth character build.

Force & Destiny


  • Healer -
  • Niman Disciple
  • Sage


  • Peacekeeper
  • Soresu Defender
  • Protector


  • Advisor
  • Makashi Duelist
  • Seer


  • Ataru Striker
  • Hunter
  • Pathfinder


  • Artisan
  • Shadow
  • Shien Expert


  • Shi-cho Knight
  • Aggressor
  • Starfighter Ace


Specialisations that can be taken by any character as if they were part of the character's own career path, so therefore does not suffer the additional experience penalty for choosing them.

  • Force Sensitive Exile -
  • Force Sensivite Emergent -
  • Rebel Recruit -


Like any good FFG system, it is heavily equipment based, meaning that any character with a decent set of gear can overcome nearly every problem, so differences between character levels means significantly less than it does in other systems. (like 3rd & 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons)

The game also does away with most of the minutia that bog down other systems; so no tracking extremely minor consumables, food & drink, denominations of currency, and the exact weight of each item of gear. Instead it has a system of "encumbrance" which is basically an abstract number of how heavy or bulky an item actually is, and a character has a small threshold before becoming encumbered, meaning that most PCs will not simply attempt to loot everything in sight

Weapon upgrades are also dealt with fairly, each weapon / armour / starship has a pre-determined number of hard points where things can be added to and each modification has a hardpoint value, though certain mods can be upgraded in and of themselves. So very few items can be pimped out to the max and become stupidly overpowered.

Lightsabers are in, and work exactly how they are expected to, so no underpowering them for the sake of game balance.

  • They have a crit rating of 1, so if a player hits and rolls just one advantage on his dice, body parts get chopped off. Lightsabers also ignore all armour up to and including starship bulkheads.
  • Thankfully the setting excludes Jedi characters, so no-one actually knows how to use them properly, meaning any character stupid enough to wield one will be rolling a number of D8s based on strength or agility without any skill points to upgrade them and therefore would have problems reliably hitting anything with a decent defense score.

The Force

Despite Jedi not being the focus of the setting, the Force is present if players want to use it. Thankfully it's not as OP as sometimes portrayed in other rules systems.

Access to force powers is granted by force sensitivity talent, which is only associated with the Force Sensitive Exile specialisation. Which is not connected to any career, meaning it costs the higher value to buy into.

Once the specialisation and therefore the talent is bought, upgrades can be taken for the class itself, but can also be bought for powers, which are relatively simple: Move / Sense / Influence. Which are initially very weak but can be upgraded much like any other career specialisation.

Even then though, force powers require a special dice to activate which has white and black spots on it, representing light or dark points respectively. (players are inherently "light-based"). The number of dice you get is represented by your force sensitivity factor and you invest these successes into your power upgrades to perform more impressive feats, like moving larger objects or mind-tricking more opponents. However the force sensitivity factor goes as high as 2 in the current ruleset, meaning that your powers are unlikely to be impressive as you cannot activate as many upgrades to a power as you can roll light-side successes.


  • Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
  • Suns of Fortune - basically a gazetteer for the Corellian sector, including a few cool items of gear, cool starships and some playable races.
  • Enter the Unknown - additional rules / careers / starships for Explorers. Also includes Chiss & Toydarians as playable races.
  • Dangerous Covenants - additional rules / careers / weapons for Hired Guns.
  • Beyond the Rim - First adventure supplement, covering a treasure hunt for a lost clone wars starship.