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*'''Vandus Hammerhand:''' The first named hero among the Eternals, a Lord-Celestant who rides a Dracoth (thunder-spitting Lizard). Apparently, he once fought off against a Khornate Lord known as Ghorgos Khul as a mortal and almost died before being forged, and instead became a giant gold-plated badass instead of just a human one. He's considered the hero of the Starter Set and is responsible for finding Ghal Maraz.
*'''Vandus Hammerhand:''' The first named hero among the Eternals, a Lord-Celestant who rides a Dracoth (thunder-spitting Lizard). Apparently, he once fought off against a Khornate Lord known as Ghorgos Khul as a mortal and almost died before being forged, and instead became a giant gold-plated badass instead of just a human one. He's considered the hero of the Starter Set and is responsible for finding Ghal Maraz.

[[Categories: Age of Sigmar]]
[[Category: Age of Sigmar]]

Revision as of 16:13, 8 October 2015

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Stormcast Eternals are the primary type of soldiers used by Sigmar in order to fight Chaos during the Age of Sigmar, and thus are the posterboys of the new line. Fans of Warhammer consider them something akin to space marines given their similarities in fluff and model design, often using the term "Sigmarines" to refer to them.

What are the Stormcast Eternals?

They are made from mortal warriors taken away by the God-King Sigmar and augmented with mystic energies and given fancy new weapons and armour made of Sigmarite. The universal trait to all the Eternals is that they opposed Chaos whenever it appeared, though certain chambers work on details like faith or vengeance. Curiously enough, Eternals can be both male and female and not necessarily human, although the only named characters presented so far were originally male humans. Considering that the process of making a Stormcast is more mystical than any genetic modifications and that the person in question will not remember who they are in the end, it is very likely that any non-chaos mortal could become one. The only real specific that is considered is that the undead tend to become Lord-Relictors, who are able to see the spirits and thus are able to anchor his kin to Azyr.

Notable Stormcasts

  • Celestant-Prime: The alpha, the first Eternal ever forged by Sigmar. It's unknown just who he might be, but it's said he was a mighty king from the past (making people immediately guess either Settra or Karl Franz). Considering how much power he put into it, Sigmar decided to put him in a chamber because he spent too much as it is. However, one he recovered Ghal Maraz, he was able to finish the process and get a giant golden angel to join the ranks.
  • Vandus Hammerhand: The first named hero among the Eternals, a Lord-Celestant who rides a Dracoth (thunder-spitting Lizard). Apparently, he once fought off against a Khornate Lord known as Ghorgos Khul as a mortal and almost died before being forged, and instead became a giant gold-plated badass instead of just a human one. He's considered the hero of the Starter Set and is responsible for finding Ghal Maraz.